I’m just a bill idea Is it the state’s job? Find original law

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KEEP LOOKING CHANGE WORDS PERSERVERANCE STAY WITH IT YOU CAN NOT MOVE FORWARD WITHOUT THE ORIGINAL LAW "AN ACT TO: " A clear statement of the bill in broad general terms must be included. There can be no provision in the bill that is not mentioned in this section. Must include the statue.


TO: Amend Section § 221.05 of Penal Law to legalize the recreational use and distribution of marijuana under some restrictions STATE OF NEW YORK


INTRODUCED BY: Isaac Garcia, Jonathon Kelly, Jonathon Surine, Ellen Wixted


TO: Amend Section § 221.05 of Penal Law to legalize the recreational use and distribution of marijuana under some restrictions.

The People of the State of New York, represented in the Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: c. Purpose General idea of the bill- a short statement of 1-2 sentences describing the purpose of the bill •why the bill? d. Summary of Provisions This is the original law with YOUR modifications YOU CAN NOT MOVE FORWARD WITHOUT THE ORIGINAL LAW Summary of Provisions This is the original law with YOUR modifications This is the actual bill. The body is made up of two or more sections. Each is labeled with an Arabic numeral Section 1 Definitions only if needed to define some terms used in your bill Or this section contains only the amending section of a current bill. Section 2 (or Section 1 if you have no definitions) Use definitions only when a word is used in a sense other than its dictionary meaning, place definitions at the beginning of the bill. Using the Original law

• Strikeout what is to be • We hold these truths to be deleted self evident that all men • Underline additions humankind is created equal.


Justification Approximately 1 (maybe 2 paragraphs that describe the bills concept offering an argument in favor of the proposed solution.

WHY DO YOU THINK YOUR IDEA WILL WORK? . Fiscal Implications Simply state the financial impact this bill will have on NY State residents . Effective Date This just states when the bill will actually go into effect if passed.

• Given the murky legislative process, six months after passage, two years after passage are Bill folder

YMCA of Wappingers Falls

Millard Fillmore Alexander Hamilton Franklin D. Roosevelt

School/club/YMCA name of all the sponsors Bill folder

Typed Memorandum of Support on top Your beautiful bill on top

the original NYS statute on the bottom signed resource credential on bottom

15 memorandum copies in folder http://rochesterymca.org/programs/y outh-government/forms-handbook

NEW YORK STATE YMCA YOUTH & GOVERNMENT TYPED MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT Include one copy stapled to Bill folder jacket and 14 copies in bill folder Bill Number #: ______

Introduced By: ______1. Title of Bill: 2. Purpose of Bill: 3. Summary of Provisions: 4. Date Law will go into effect: 5. Statement of Support: 6. Arguments against Bill: 7. Known positions of other Organizations: 8. Budget implications: 9. Environmental Implications:(The aggregate of social and cultural conditions that influcence the life of an individual or community) • NEW YORK STATE YMCA YOUTH & GOVERNMENT • • RESOURCE CREDENTIAL • • Attached to the inside right jacket of the Bill Folder • • This is to certify that ______(name of bill sponsors) • of the ______YMCA/School came to me for my professional opinion and help, and I have assisted the Bill Sponsors in the following manner: ______• ______• Upon reviewing the attached Bill, I find it to be in compliance with the standards of the New York State Legislature and the Constitution of New York State and the of America. • • Signed: ______Date:______

Title:______Bill ranking

• Bill Folder Properties (BASED OFF OF A SCALE FROM 0 -3