Absegami High School – 7:00 p.m.

December 10, 2018


Adequate notice has been given of this meeting as required by Law. Notice has been forwarded for publication in the District official newspapers, posted in the Absegami, Cedar Creek and Oakcrest High Schools, and forwarded to all of the Clerks of the municipalities within this school district.

There are two opportunities to address the members of the Board. The Board values and welcomes comments and opinions from residents as long as remarks are not personal or discourteous. The public comment portion of the meeting allows the Board to listen to community members and to hear their opinions on school policy and operations.

The first public portion is reserved for persons wishing to speak about agenda items only. The second opportunity, following the action items, is when residents may address the Board on any school-related issue. Each speaker is asked to limit their comments to three minutes and you are not permitted to yield your time to another. The public comment portion of the meeting, during both sessions, will not exceed 30 minutes. Upon being recognized, persons wishing to speak should stand and identify themselves by name and town.

1. Call to Order

2. Flag Salute

3. Invocation – Moment of Silence

4. Roll Call

Carol Houck, President Margaret Guenther, Vice President Michael Baldwin Peggy Capone Kristina Carr Anne Erickson Lois Garrison Greg Kehrli Brian Sartorio

John Keenan Thomas Grossi Louis Greco, Esq. Superintendent Business Administrator/Board Secretary Solicitor

5. Recommend approval of minutes of the following meetings:

Moved: ______Seconded: ______

November 12, 2018 – Regular November 12, 2018 – Executive

6. Special Presentation: English teacher Catie Miller and Absegami students will discuss their experiences on BRAVE DAY 2018.

7. Committee Reports: Personnel Committee

8. Board Member Reports Board Agenda 2 December 10, 2018

9. Open to Public (Comments on Agenda Items Only)

10. Information Items

I-1 Job Responsibility – Meetings approved by Superintendent. (Attachment I-1)

I-2 Field Trips – Approved by Superintendent. (Attachment I-2)

I-3 Attendance Report – (Attachment I-3)

I-4 Fire and/or Emergency Drills held in the month of October as listed below:

Absegami High School Security– November 14, 2018- 1:15 p.m. to 1:21 p.m.-Lockdown Fire- November 1, 2018- 9:34 a.m. to 9:39 a.m.

Cedar Creek High School Security- November 14, 2018- 7:55 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.-Lockdown Fire- November 12, 2018- 1:45 p.m. to 1:50 p.m.

Oakcrest High School Security– November 27, 2018- 8:17 a.m. to 8:29 a.m.-Active Shooter Fire- November 20, 2018- 1:43 p.m. to 1:50 p.m.

11. Business Agenda ACTION ITEMS

RESOLVED: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and Business Administrator, the Board of Education approves/accepts item(s) B-1 through B-16.

Moved: Seconded:

B-1 Approve the report of The Secretary A148 for the period ending October 31, 2018. This report is in agreement with the Treasurer’s records A149. This approval is required within sixty (60) days for Board action.

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.12(d)(e), we certify that as of October 31, 2018, the Board Secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) did not reflect an over expenditure in any of the major accounts or funds, and based on the appropriation balances reflected on this report and the advice of district officials we have no reason to doubt that the district has sufficient funds available to meet its financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. Exhibit B-1

B-2 Approve 2018-2019 school year budget transfers in accordance with NJAC 6:20-2:13 and Chapter 196 Laws of 1967 for October 2018. Exhibit B-2

B-3 Approve November 2018 Budget Bills, as per computer print-out, in the amount of $7,775,986.29. Exhibit B-3

B-4 Approve November 2018 Purchase Orders, as per computer print-out, in the amount of $5,902,473.58. Exhibit B-4

Board Agenda 3 December 10, 2018

B-5 Approve tuition contract to pay Cherry Hill Public School District for GEHRHSD student # 81195, eligible under ESSA Education Stability, attending school at Cherry Hill High School West, for 42 days, 9/5/18 – 11/7/18. GEHRHSD is the district of residence. Prorated tuition cost is $78.00 per day, totaling $3,726.00

B-6 Rescind tuition contract for payment to Cinnaminson Township Public Schools for homeless student, former GEH #82751, no longer eligible under McKinney-Vento Act, enrolled at Cinnaminson High School. Rescinded Contract Tuition totaling $ 8,912.24 for projected enrollment 9/6/18 through 2/12/19.

B-7 Approve tuition contract for payment to Cinnaminson Township Public Schools for homeless student, former GEH #82751 eligible under McKinney-Vento Act, enrolled at Cinnaminson High School from 9/6/18 – 11/28/18. Revised Contract Tuition, prorated at $88.24 per day for 54 days, totaling $ 4,764.96.

B-8 Approve tuition contract to bill Brigantine Public School District for OHS student #81974, eligible under McKinney-Vento Act, attending school in GEHRHSD from 11/14/18 through 6/30/19. Pro-rated tentative per diem tuition rate $88.89 for 132 days, totaling $11,733.48.

B-9 Recommend approval for the following administrators to attend the LinkIt! Principal and Teacher Data Leadership Academy. Data workshop on using data effectively to improve teaching, leading and learning held at Camden County College, Blackwood, NJ on December 11, 2018. Course fees will be paid through Title IV. No cost to the Board of Education. ESEA Project Director: Brenda Callaghan

Jennifer Rushton Brenda Callaghan Nicole Gazia Megan Potter Kelly Slingerland

B-10 Accept Emergency Impact Aid for Students Displaced from Hurricanes during FY18 in the amount of $42,500. Funds will be allocated to fund prorated salaries and related benefits for teachers of displaced students for the 2017-2018 school year. Project Director: Brenda Callaghan

ELL Specific Funding: $6,750 for Salary and Benefits applied for Lauren Bianca (CCHS) $11,250 for Salary and Benefits applied for Julie Wright (OHS)

General Education Specific Funding: $8,500 for Salary and Benefits applied for Richard Adkisson (OHS) $8,500 for Salary and Benefits applied for Megan Galli (AHS)

Special Education Specific Funding: $2.500 for Salary and Benefits applied for Rodney James (CCHS) $5,000 for Salary and Benefits applied for Debbie Lee (OHS)

Board Agenda 4 December 10, 2018

B-11 Approve application for Title 1 Redirection Grant: Social Emotional Learning Grant. Grant award amounts to be determined. Grant Project Directors: Brenda Callaghan and Jennifer Rushton.

B-12 Approve application Title 1 Redirection Grant: STEM Curriculum Grant. Grant award amounts to be determined. Grant Project Directors: Brenda Callaghan and Jennifer Rushton. B-13 Approve the following amended staff salaries plus benefits to be funded by ESEA, Title I Part A. The salaries reflect changes to salary under Amendment 1, submitted for approval 11/16/18. ESEA Project Director: Brenda Callaghan.

Total Salary Title I Salary to BENEFITS to and Benefits Teachers Sections Course School Grant Grant to Grant FTE

Becher, Kimberly 1 Academic Foundations AHS $4,902.90 $1,519.90 $6,422.80 0.1

Brown, James 1 Academic Foundations AHS $8,932.50 $ 2,769.08 $11,701.58 0.1

Caruso, Stephanie* 2* College & Career Readiness AHS $14,482.51 $4,489.58 $18,972.09 0.16

Callahan, Judy 1 College & Career Readiness AHS $8,932.50 $2,769.08 $11,701.58 0.1

Glick, Michelle 2 College & Career Readiness AHS $15,204.00 $4,713.24 $19,917.24 0.2

Rockelman, Ernest 2 Rhetoric/Freshman Seminar AHS $13,993.00 $4,337.83 $18,330.83 0.2

Rynkiewicz, Gregory 1 Rhetoric/Freshman Seminar AHS $9,182.50 $2,846.58 $12,029.08 0.1

Vasile, Kimberly 3 College & Career Readiness AHS $22,806.00 $7,069.86 $29,875.86 0.3

Wischner, Kelly 3 CET/Freshman Seminar AHS $26,797.50 $8,307.23 $35,104.73 0.3

Battaglia, Anthony 3 Rhetoric/Freshman Seminar CCHS $22,806.00 $7,069.86 $29,875.86 0.3

Calderone, Carolyn 3 College & Career Readiness CCHS $16,055.40 $4,977.17 $21,032.57 0.3

DePalma, Jennifer* 4* College & Career Readiness CCHS $19,837.36 $6,149.58 $25,986.94 0.33

Mroz, Doug 2 CET/Freshman Seminar CCHS $10,630.40 $3,295.42 $13,925.82 0.2

Sartorio, Jessica 2 Academic Foundations CCHS $10,130.40 $3,140.42 $13,270.82 0.2

Csaszar, Margaret A 2 CET/Freshman Seminar OHS $10,182.20 $3,156.48 $13,338.68 0.2

Daley, Patricia 3 Academic Foundations OHS $26,422.50 $8,190.98 $34,613.48 0.3

Hamilton, Beth* 4* College & Career Readiness OHS $37,433.30 $11,604.32 $49,037.62 0.39

McDonnell, Leah 2 College & Career Readiness OHS $13,840.40 $4,290.52 $18,130.92 0.2

Pintilie, Leah 5 Rhetoric/Freshman Seminar OHS $39,885.00 $12,364.35 $52,249.35 0.5

*includes a partially funded section Total $332,456.37 $103,061.47 $435,517.84 4.48

Board Agenda 5 December 10, 2018

B-14 Approve application for Department of Education Discretionary Grant: Advanced Computer Science Grant. Grant award amount is $100,000.00. Grant Project Directors: Brenda Callaghan and Jennifer Rushton.

B-15 Approve tuition contract for payment to Egg Harbor Township School District for former GEH student # 78286, eligible under McKinney-Vento Act. Tuition for 9/6/18 to 9/14/18 at a per diem rate of $81.42 for 6 days totaling $ 488.52.

B-16 Approve the agreement with Education Consortium for Telecommunications Savings E-rate Consulting Services through the 2019-2020 School Year. Exhibit B-16 12. Transportation Agenda ACTION ITEMS

RESOLVED: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, Business Administrator, and Transportation Supervisor, the Board of Education approves/accepts Transportation item(s): T-1 through T-27

Moved: Seconded:

T-1 Approve the summary of bids for student transportation services for the 2018/2019 school year (Bid 18-16). Delaware City Bus Company will be awarded contract CM18R (Routes BR11, GCIT & RR-C) for a total cost of $82,206.95 for Buena Regional, Folsom and Pleasantville School Districts. Integrity Transportation will be awarded contract CM18S (Route GSA1) for a total cost of $26,220.00 for Galloway Township School District. James Transportation will be awarded contract CM18T (Routes AR-B, GEHR17B, SM-A & WES) for a total cost of $86,280.00 for Greater Egg Harbor Regional, Galloway Township, Hamilton Township, Atlantic City and Folsom School Districts. Kerry Bus Service will be awarded contract CM18U (Route YL-PS) for a total cost of $32,745.00 for Egg Harbor Township School District. On Time Transport will be awarded contract CM18V (Route KLC) for a total cost of $48,750.00 for Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District. Sheppard Bus Service will be awarded contract CM18W (Routes HPSGE-1 & HPSGE-2) for a total cost of $73,396.00 for Hamilton Township School District. No other vendors submitted bids. Exhibit T-1

T-2 Approve the bid award for student transportation services for the 2018/2019 school year (Bid 18- 16). Delaware City Bus Company will be awarded contract CM18R (Routes BR11, GCIT & RR-C) for a total cost of $82,206.95 for Buena Regional, Folsom and Pleasantville School Districts. Integrity Transportation will be awarded contract CM18S (Route GSA1) for a total cost of $26,220.00 for Galloway Township School District. James Transportation will be awarded contract CM18T (Routes AR-B, GEHR17B, SM-A & WES) for a total cost of $86,280.00 for Greater Egg Harbor Regional, Galloway Township, Hamilton Township, Atlantic City and Folsom School Districts. Kerry Bus Service will be awarded contract CM18U (Route YL-PS) for a total cost of $32,745.00 for Egg Harbor Township School District. On Time Transport will be awarded contract CM18V (Route KLC) for a total cost of $48,750.00 for Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District. Sheppard Bus Service will be awarded contract CM18W (Routes HPSGE-1 & HPSGE-2) for a total cost of $73,396.00 for Hamilton Township School District. No other vendors submitted bids. Exhibit T-2 Board Agenda 6 December 10, 2018

T-3 Approve the summary of bids for student transportation services – school related activities for Folsom School District for the 2018/2019 school year, Bid 18-14. Student Transportation of America (STA) will be awarded contract CM18X (Field trips) for a total cost of $25,000.00. James Transportation also submitted a bid. Exhibit T-3

T-4 Approve the bid award for student transportation services – school related activities for Folsom School District for the 2018/2019 school year, Bid 18-14. Student Transportation of America (STA) will be awarded contract CM18X (Field trips) for a total cost of $25,000.00. James Transportation also submitted a bid. Exhibit T-4

T-5 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Somers Point School District and Integrity Transportation. Transportation is needed for forty- one Somers Point School District students to Jordan Road School and Dawes Avenue School. The route (SPT) will run September 1, 2018 through December 10, 2018 at a cost of $310.00 per diem (includes aide) for a total cost of $18,910.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Somers Point School District.

T-6 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District and James Transportation. Transportation is needed for one Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District student to . The route (OHS-B) will run October 9, 2018 through January 22, 2019 at a cost of $294.00 per diem for a total cost of $18,816.00.

T-7 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Hamilton Township School District and Sheppard Bus Service. Transportation is needed for eleven Hamilton Township School District students to Davis Holland (preschool). The route (DHPS1) will run October 15, 2018 through January 31, 2019 at a cost of $280.00 per diem for a total cost of $18,760.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Hamilton Township School District.

T-8 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Hamilton Township School District and Sheppard Bus Service. Transportation is needed for eight Hamilton Township School District students to Davis Holland (preschool). The route (DHPS2) will run October 15, 2018 through January 31, 2019 at a cost of $280.00 per diem for a total cost of $18,760.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Hamilton Township School District.

T-9 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District and On Time Transport. Transportation is needed for one Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District student to Cedar Creek High School. The route (CCHS-C) will run October 17, 2018 through February 7, 2019 at a cost of $270.00 per diem for a total cost of $18,900.00.

T-10 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Buena Regional School District and Sheppard Bus Service. Transportation is needed for one Buena Regional School District student to Milanesi School. The route (BR9-PM) will run October 18, 2018 through March 26, 2019 at a cost of $190.00 per diem for a total cost of $19,000.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Buena Regional School District. Board Agenda 7 December 10, 2018

T-11 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Mullica Township School District and Integrity Transportation. Transportation is needed for one Mullica Township School District student to CHOP Specialty Care Center. The route (MT-D) will run from October 18, 2018 through June 30, 2019 at a cost of $80.00 per diem for a total cost of $14,160.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Mullica Township School District.

T-12 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Hamilton Township School District and James Transportation. Transportation is needed for one Hamilton Township School District student to Hess School. The route (HT-4) will run October 22, 2018 through February 5, 2019 at a cost of $289.00 per diem for a total cost of $18,785.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Hamilton Township School District.

T-13 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Hamilton Township School District and James Transportation. Transportation is needed for one Hamilton Township School District student to Hess School. The route (HT-5) will run October 25, 2018 through November 5, 2018 at a cost of $249.00 per diem for a total cost of $1,992.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Hamilton Township School District.

T-14 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Hamilton Township School District and On Time Transport. Transportation is needed for one Hamilton Township School District student to Davies Middle School. The route (HT-6) will run October 31, 2018 through February 12, 2019 at a cost of $298.00 per diem for a total cost of $18,774.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Hamilton Township School District.

T-15 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District with Galloway Township School District, Cape May County Special Services School District and James Transportation. Transportation is needed for one Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District student, one Galloway Township School District student and one Cape May County Special Services School District student to Cape May County Special Services School District. The route (CMSS1) will run November 1, 2018 through January 18, 2019 at a cost of $424.00 per diem (includes aide) for a total cost of $18,656.00. The transportation cost will be shared between Greater Egg Harbor Regional, Galloway Township School District and Cape May County Special Services School District.

T-16 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District with Atlantic City School District, Pleasantville School District and James Transportation. Transportation is needed for two Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District students, one Atlantic City School District student and one Pleasantville School District student to Cedar Creek High School. The route (CCHS-D) will run November 5, 2018 through February 19, 2019 at a cost of $298.00 per diem for a total cost of $18,774.00. The transportation cost will be shared between Greater Egg Harbor Regional, Atlantic City and Pleasantville School Districts.

Board Agenda 8 December 10, 2018

T-17 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Buena Regional School District and James Transportation. Transportation is needed for two Buena Regional School District students to Cleary School and Milanesi School. The route (BR12) will run November 13, 2018 through February 21, 2019 at a cost of $306.00 per diem for a total cost of $18,972.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Buena Regional School District.

T-18 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Galloway Township School District and James Transportation. Transportation is needed for one Galloway Township School District student to Galloway Township Middle School and one Galloway Township School District student to Smithville School. The route (SM-B) will run November 13, 2018 through March 13, 2019 at a cost of $253.00 per diem for a total cost of $18,975.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Galloway Township School District.

T-19 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Hamilton Township School District and James Transportation. Transportation is needed for one Hamilton Township School District student to Hess School and one Hamilton Township School District student to Gateway Headstart School (preschool). The route (HT-8) will run November 29, 2018 through March 26, 2019 at a cost of $256.00 per diem for a total cost of $18,944.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Hamilton Township School District.

T-20 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Buena Regional School District and On Time Transport. Transportation is needed for one Buena Regional School District student to Atlantic County Special Services School District. The route (ACSSSD4) will run November 30, 2018 through February 21, 2019 at a cost of $375.00 per diem for a total cost of $18,750.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Buena Regional School District.

T-21 Approve the quoted contract between Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for Hamilton Township School District and On Time Transport. Transportation is needed for one Hamilton Township School District student to Hess School. The route (HT-7) will run December 5, 2018 through March 18, 2019 at a cost of $295.00 per diem for a total cost of $18,880.00. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Hamilton Township School District.

T-22 School bus emergency evacuation drills shall be conducted twice each school year according to New Jersey Administrative Code (NJAC 6A:27-11.2). Drills were conducted on the following dates:

Absegami High School on Friday, October 26, 2018 from 7:50 AM to 8:30 AM

Cedar Creek High School on Monday, November 12, 2018 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Oakcrest High School on Friday, October 5, 2018 from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM Board Agenda 9 December 10, 2018

T-23 Approve the transportation jointure between Mercer County Special Services School District and Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for the 2018/2019 school year (includes extended school year). The joint agreement involves the transportation of one Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District student to Mercer County High School (Route HS23) for a total cost of $13,032.24.

T-24 Approve the transportation jointure between Atlantic County Special Services School District and Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for the 2018/2019 school year. The joint agreement involves transportation to the following nonpublic school: Pilgrim Academy – Route 292 - $3,774.60, 6 students, Route 293 - $608.80, 1 student, Route 294 - $3,495.00, 5 students, Route 297 - $5,807.04, 8 students and Route 298 - $3,495.00, 5 students. The agreement also involves the transport of one Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District student to Y.A.L.E. School, Atlantic II (Route CCYale) for a total cost of $7,624.80.

T-25 Approve the transportation jointure between Cape May County Special Services School District and Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for the 2018/2019 school year. The joint agreement involves the transportation of one Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District student to Cape May County Special Services School District (Route 4CMCSS) for a total cost of $9,000.00.

T-26 Approve the transportation jointure between Camden County Educational Services Commission and Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for the 2018/2019 school year. The joint agreement involves the transportation of one Buena Regional School District student to Bancroft School (Route 0807) for a total cost of $52,111.08. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Buena Regional School District.

T-27 Approve the transportation jointure between Pleasantville School District and Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District for the 2018 extended school year. The joint agreement involves the transportation of one Galloway Township School District student to Atlantic Community Charter School (Route ACC.302) for a total cost of $2,592.81. The transportation cost will be the responsibility of Galloway Township School District.

13. Education Agenda ACTION ITEMS

RESOLVED: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board of Education approves/accepts Education item(s) E-1 through E-8.

Moved: Seconded:

E-1 Approve the Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying report, and outcomes, for the period November 13, 2018 to December 10, 2018. Exhibit E-1

E-2 Approve Staff Professional Days. Exhibit E-2

E-3 Approve the 2019-2020 school calendar. Exhibit E-3

Board Agenda 10 December 10, 2018

E-4 Approve 2019-2020 school curriculum guides for Absegami, Cedar Creek, and Oakcrest High Schools. (Attachments)

E-5 Approve Winter athletic schedules for the 2018-2019 school year for Absegami, Cedar Creek and Oakcrest High Schools. (Attachments)

E-6 Approve Oakcrest High School student #79521 to be granted senior privilege for the 2018-2019 school year. Parents will be responsible for transportation.

E-7 Approve Oakcrest Baseball Team’s participation in varsity baseball games against Virginia Beach area high schools in Virginia Beach, Virginia from April 16, 2019-April 20, 2019. The baseball team will miss one (1) day of school. Cost to the students is $232.00. Fundraising is available. Chaperones: Coaches Sean Olson, John Commander, and Doug Cervi. The administrator in attendance is David Bennett. No nurse is required. Cost to the District is $190 for two substitutes for one day.

E-8 Approve Oakcrest Coed Golf Team’s participation a golf tournament competing against other high schools in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina from April 17, 2019-April 21, 2019. The golf team will miss one (1) day of school. Cost to the students is $550.00. Fundraising is available. Chaperones will be Jason Brown, Gayle Moss, and Rich Howey. The administrator in attendance is James Reina. No nurse is required. Cost to the District is $190 for two substitutes for one day.

14. Personnel Agenda ACTION ITEMS

The Superintendent recommends to the Personnel Committee and the Board of Education, all certified/non-certified and volunteer staff as presented, including personnel hired under emergent employment. Appointment is pending compliance with N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7 to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.13, receipt of required certification documents from the NJ Department of Education (if applicable), approval from the Office of Criminal History Review, and the results of physical examination/drug and alcohol screening.

RESOLVED: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board of Education approves/accepts Personnel item(s) P-1 through P-7.

Moved: Seconded:

P-1 Accept the resignation of Matthew Klein, Part-Time Custodian at Cedar Creek High School, effective November 26, 2018. (Attachment)

P-2 Approve leave of absence for Rene Perera-Navarro, Absegami High School Custodian, per the following: Federal Family Leave Act from November 16, 2018 through February 6, 2019.

Board Agenda 11 December 10, 2018

P-3 Approve the following rescissions:

Rescissions Name School Position 1 Kelli Miklinevich AHS Math Club Advisor 2 Dale Roeck AHS Vocal/Choral Director 3 Mikaella Salteras AHS Freshman Class Advisor 4 Jason Brown OHS Co-Assistant Golf Coach 5 Gayle Moss OHS Co-Assistant Golf Coach 6 Rich Howey OHS Head Golf Coach

7 Kevin Kady CCHS Boys Basketball Volunteer

P-4 Approve employment of the following positions. All positions are through 6/30/19 unless otherwise indicated.

Name Position School Effective Degree Salary Replacement Date / Step for / Reason 1 Thomas .4 Social Studies OHS 01/02/2019 BA 1 $47,278 Kristin Roesch Rheault Teacher prorated

2 Susan Romeo Confidential District 07/01/2018 N/A $49,000 N/A Secretary to the Superintendent

3 Edward C. *Leave AHS 12/12/2018- BA 1 $47,278 William Rose Rubbert Replacement 6/30/2019 prorated Health & Wellness 4 Matt Marcucci *Leave OHS 1/2/2019- BA 1 $47,278 Kevin Weisner Replacement 4/30/2019 or prorated Health & later Wellness 5 Elizabeth Birch Long Term AHS 2/4/2019- N/A $95.00 per Jeremy Harp Substitute 3/15/2019 day English

6 Anna Gordon Long Term AHS 12/11/2018- N/A $95.00 per Lauren Irwin Substitute 2/1/2019 or day Special later Education 7 Steven Cohen Long Term AHS 1/8/2019- N/A $95.00 per Bridget Substitute 2/25/2019 or day Demary-Paone Special later Education * A Leave Replacement Position (LR) is a temporary position and any time served in this position does not apply toward the acquisition of tenure in accordance with the provisions of NJSA 18A:16-1.1

Board Agenda 12 December 10, 2018

P-5 Approve the following change of levels:

Name School Effective From To 1 Sean Olson OHS September 1, 2018 MA00 $57,268 MA15 $58,518 2 Kelly Slingerland CCHS January 1, 2019 MA45 $94,362 MA60 $94,862 prorated

P-6 Approve the following appointments:

# Name School Position Eff. Date Step Stipend 1 Jason Brown AHS Wresting Volunteer Winter N/A N/A 2018-2019 2 Shawna Dixon AHS Indoor Track Clinician Winter N/A N/A 2018-2019 3 Carson Zajdel AHS Vocal/Choral Director 2018-2019 N/A $3,073.97 4 Sherry Graziano AHS Math Club Advisor 10/1/18- N/A $2,246.15 6/30/18 prorated 5 Mikaella Salteras AHS Co-Freshman Class 2018-2019 N/A $1,426.61 Advisor 6 Victoria Duffy AHS Co-Freshman Class 2018-2019 N/A $1,426.61 Advisor 7 Mark Hoban CCHS Wrestling Volunteer Winter N/A N/A 2018-2019 8 Johnny Seguinot- CCHS Wrestling Clinician Winter N/A N/A Rivera 2018-2019 9 Victor Lopez CCHS Boys Basketball Spring N/A N/A Clinician 2018-2019 10 John McColl CCHS Baseball Volunteer Spring N/A N/A 2018-2019 11 Robert Shulby CCHS Baseball Volunteer Spring N/A N/A 2018-2019 12 Stephen Ferguson CCHS Swimming Volunteer Winter N/A N/A 2018-2019 13 Barbara Dell’Aringa OHS Boys Basketball Winter N/A N/A Volunteer 2018-19 14 Kendall Laster OHS Boys Basketball Winter N/A N/A Volunteer 2018-19 15 Rebecca Colquhoun OHS Girls Basketball Winter N/A N/A Volunteer 2018-19 16 Andre Clements OHS Asst. Boys Basketball Winter N/A $5,551.92 Coach 2018-19 17 Kevin Kady CCHS Asst. Boys Basketball Winter N/A $5,551.92 Coach 2018-19 18 Jason Brown OHS Co-Head Golf Coach 2018-2019 N/A $3,214.70 19 Gayle Moss OHS Co-Head Golf Coach 2018-2019 N/A $3,214.70 20 Rich Howey OHS Asst. Golf Coach 2018-2019 N/A $4,236.24 21 Eric Anderson OHS Head Football Coach 2019-2020 N/A $9,424.69 Board Agenda 13 December 10, 2018

22 Joe Seaman OHS Head Boys Soccer 2019-2020 N/A $7,617.05 Coach 23 Jason Hearn OHS Head Girls Soccer 2019-2020 N/A $7,617.05 Coach 24 Tony Ponzetti OHS Head Girls Tennis 2019-2020 N/A $6,622.28 Coach 25 Jenna Giovinco OHS Head Cheerleading 2019-2020 N/A $4,544.08 Coach 26 Josh Miller OHS Head Volleyball Coach 2019-2020 N/A $6,622.28 27 Rick Adkisson OHS Head Boy’s Lacrosse 2019-2020 N/A $7,617.05 Coach 28 Jen Knuth OHS Head Girl’s Lacrosse 2019-2020 N/A $7,617.05 Coach 29 Jamie Toy OHS Head Field Hockey 2019-2020 N/A $7,617.05 Coach 30 Sam Chelnik CCHS Head Boys and Girls 2019-2020 N/A $6,622.28 Cross Country Coach 31 Nicole Rose CCHS Head Girls Tennis 2019-2020 N/A $6,622.28 Coach 32 Brian Beck CCHS Head Girls Volleyball 2019-2020 N/A $6,622.28 Coach 33 Kim Briles CCHS Head Field Hockey 2019-2020 N/A $7,617.05 Coach 34 Tim Watson CCHS Head Football Coach 2019-2020 N/A $9,424.69 35 Nick Limone CCHS Head Boys Soccer 2019-2020 N/A $7,617.05 Coach 36 Danielle Hagel CCHS Head Girls Soccer 2019-2020 N/A $7,617.05 Coach 37 Krissy McGinty CCHS Head Cheerleading 2019-2020 N/A $4,544.08 Coach 39 Brian Tickle AHS Head Boys Cross 2019-2020 N/A $6,622.28 Country Coach 40 Dan Ingrum AHS Head Girls Cross 2019-2020 N/A $6,622.28 Country Coach 41 Jeremy Harp AHS Head Girls Tennis 2019-2020 N/A $6,622.28 Coach 42 Kerry Flukey AHS Head Girls Volleyball 2019-2020 N/A $6,622.28 Coach 43 Denise Murray AHS Head Field Hockey 2019-2020 N/A $7,617.05 Coach 44 Dennis Scuderi, Jr. AHS Head Football Coach 2019-2020 N/A $9,424.69 45 Michael Whalen AHS Head Boys Soccer 2019-2020 N/A $7,617.05 Coach 46 Elizabeth Lee AHS Head Girls Soccer 2019-2020 N/A $7,617.05 Coach 47 Bridget Demary- AHS Head Cheerleading 2019-2020 N/A $4,544.08 Paone Coach Board Agenda 14 December 10, 2018

48 Barry Walker CCHS Baseball Volunteer Spring N/A N/A 2018-2019 49 Marguerite CCHS Girls Basketball Winter N/A N/A Tomasello Volunteer 2018-2019

P-7 Approve the following individual(s) as substitute teachers/homebound instructors/tutors/nurses:

1 Birch, Elizabeth 2 Boylan, Brian 3 Rubbert, Edward 4 Schieda, Casey 5 Vaisyte, Morta

15. Superintendent’s Report

16. Board of Education President’s Report

17. Old Business

18. New Business

19. Open to Public (All Matters)

20. Resolution for Executive Session:

RESOLVED: Pursuant to sections 7 and 8 of the “Open Public Meetings Act,” the following subjects will be discussed in a session of the Board of Education closed to the public:

o Personnel

It is anticipated that the items mentioned in the Resolution can be disclosed to the public when a decision is made upon the same, or in the case of personnel issues, when the need for confidentiality no longer exists. Formal action at the conclusion of Executive session may be taken.

Moved: Seconded:

All In Favor: Opposed:


21. Return to Open Session

Moved: ______Seconded: ______

All In Favor: ______Opposed: ______

Time: ______

Board Agenda 15 December 10, 2018

22. Adjournment

Moved: ______Seconded: ______

All In Favor: ______Opposed: ______

Time: ______