BM nature GBMWHA Native Flora BioNet + PlantNet - May 2016 Threatened Species NSW Comm. No. Family Scientific Name Common Name status status 1 Apiaceae Trachymene scapigera Mountain Trachymene E1 E 2 Apiaceae Xanthosia scopulicola V 3 Apocynaceae Cynanchum elegans White-flowered Wax E1 E 4 Araliaceae Astrotricha crassifolia Thick- Star-hair V V 5 Asteraceae Olearia cordata V V 6 Asteraceae Ozothamnus tesselatus V V 7 Asteraceae Rhaponticum australe Austral Cornflower E4 V 8 Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina glareicola E1 E 9 Cunoniaceae Acrophyllum australe V V 10 Carex klaphakei Klaphake's Sedge E1 11 Cyperaceae Lepidosperma evansianum Evans Sedge V 12 Dilleniaceae Hibbertia procumbens Spreading Guinea Flower E1 13 Dilleniaceae Hibbertia puberula E1 14 Dryopteridaceae Lastreopsis hispida Bristly Shield Fern E1 15 Elaeocarpaceae Tetratheca glandulosa V 16 Ericaceae Epacris hamiltonii E1 E 17 Ericaceae Epacris sparsa Sparse Heath V V 18 Ericaceae Leucopogon exolasius Woronora Beard-heath V V 19 Euphorbiaceae Monotaxis macrophylla Large-leafed Monotaxis E1 20 bynoeana Bynoe's Wattle E1 V 21 Fabaceae Acacia clunies-rossiae Kanangra Wattle V 22 Fabaceae Acacia flocktoniae Flockton Wattle V V 23 Fabaceae Acacia gordonii E1 E 24 Fabaceae Acacia pubescens Downy Wattle V V 25 Fabaceae Bossiaea oligosperma Few-seeded Bossiaea V V 26 Fabaceae tenuifolia V 27 Fabaceae Kennedia retrorsa V V 28 Fabaceae Phyllota humifusa Dwarf Phyllota V V 29 Fabaceae Pultenaea glabra Smooth Bush-Pea V V 30 Fabaceae Pultenaea villifera E2 31 Goodeniaceae Velleia perfoliata V V 32 Grammitidaceae Grammitis stenophylla Narrow-leaf Finger Fern E1 33 Gyrostemonaceae Gyrostemon thesioides E1 34 Haloragaceae Haloragodendron lucasii E1 E 35 Lamiaceae Prostanthera cineolifera Singleton Mint Bush V V Lamiaceae Prostanthera cryptandroides Wollemi Mint-bush V V 36 37 Lamiaceae Prostanthera discolor V V 38 Lamiaceae Prostanthera stricta Mount Vincent Mint-bush V V 39 Malvaceae Commersonia prostrata Dwarf Kerrawang E1 E 40 Malvaceae Commersonia rosea E1 E 41 Malvaceae Keraudrenia corollata E2 42 Malvaceae Lasiopetalum joyceae V V 43 Baeckea kandos E1 E 44 Myrtaceae Callistemon linearifolius Netted Bottle Brush V Myrtaceae Callistemon megalongensis Megalong Valley Bottlebrush E4A CE 45 46 Myrtaceae biflora V V 47 Myrtaceae Darwinia peduncularis V 48 Myrtaceae aggregata Black Gum V V 49 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus benthamii Camden White Gum V V 50 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus cannonii Capertee Stringybark V 51 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus corticosa Creswick Apple Box V 52 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus fracta Broken Back Ironbark V 53 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus macarthurii Paddys River Box, Camden Woollybutt E1

page 1 of 2 BM nature GBMWHA Native Flora BioNet + PlantNet - May 2016 Threatened Species NSW Comm. No. Family Scientific Name Common Name status status Myrtaceae Eucalyptus sp. Howes E1 E 54 Swamp Creek 55 Myrtaceae darwinioides V V 56 Myrtaceae Kunzea cambagei Cambage Kunzea V V 57 Myrtaceae Melaleuca biconvexa Biconvex Paperbark V V 58 Myrtaceae Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark V V 59 Myrtaceae Melaleuca groveana Grove's Paperbark V 60 Myrtaceae Syzygium paniculatum Magenta Lilly Pilly E1 V 61 hunteriana Leafless Tongue Orchid V,2 V 62 Orchidaceae Diuris aequalis Buttercup Doubletail E1,2 V 63 Orchidaceae Prasophyllum fuscum Slaty Leek Orchid E4A V 64 Orchidaceae Pterostylis chaetophora V,2 65 Orchidaceae Pterostylis nigricans Dark Greenhood V,2 66 Orchidaceae Pterostylis saxicola Sydney Plains Greenhood E1,2 E 67 Poaceae Ancistrachne maidenii V 68 Podocarpaceae Pherosphaera fitzgeraldii Dwarf Mountain Pine E1 E 69 Polygonaceae Persicaria elatior Tall Knotweed V V 70 evansiana Evans Grevillea V V 71 Proteaceae Juniper-leaved Grevillea V 72 Proteaceae Grey Grevillea E1 E 73 Proteaceae dohertyi Kowmung Hakea E1 E 74 Proteaceae fletcheri Fletcher's Drumsticks V V 75 Proteaceae acerosa Needle Geebung V V 76 Proteaceae Bargo Geebung E1 V 77 Proteaceae Mittagong Geebung E1 V 78 Proteaceae Hairy Geebung E1 E 79 Proteaceae Persoonia marginata Clandulla Geebung V V 80 Restionaceae Baloskion longipes Dense Cord-rush V V 81 Rhamnaceae Pomaderris bodalla Bodalla Pomaderris V 82 Rhamnaceae Pomaderris brunnea Brown Pomaderris E1 V 83 Rhamnaceae Pomaderris cotoneaster Cotoneaster Pomaderris E1 E 84 Rhamnaceae Pomaderris queenslandica Scant Pomaderris E1 85 Rhamnaceae Pomaderris sericea Silky Pomaderris E1 V 86 Asterolasia buxifolia E1 87 Rutaceae deanei Deane's Boronia V V 88 Rutaceae Leionema lachnaeoides E1 E 89 Rutaceae Leionema sympetalum Rylstone Bell V V 90 Rutaceae covenyi Coveny's Zieria E1 E 91 Rutaceae E1 V 92 Rutaceae Zieria murphyi Velvet Zieria V V 93 Scrophulariaceae Euphrasia bowdeniae V V 94 Scrophulariaceae Euphrasia scabra Rough Eyebright E1 95 Solanaceae Solanum armourense E1

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