Priority Band Table

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Priority Band Table Priority band 1 Annual cost of securing all species in band: $338,515. Average cost per species: $4,231 Flora Scientific name Common name Species type Acacia atrox Myall Creek wattle Shrub Acacia constablei Narrabarba wattle Shrub Acacia dangarensis Acacia dangarensis Tree Allocasuarina defungens Dwarf heath casuarina Shrub Asperula asthenes Trailing woodruff Forb Asterolasia buxifolia Asterolasia buxifolia Shrub Astrotricha sp. Wallagaraugh (R.O. Makinson 1228) Tura star-hair Shrub Baeckea kandos Baeckea kandos Shrub Bertya opponens Coolabah bertya Shrub Bertya sp. (Chambigne NR, Bertya sp. (Chambigne NR, M. Fatemi M. Fatemi 24) 24) Shrub Boronia boliviensis Bolivia Hill boronia Shrub Caladenia tessellata Tessellated spider orchid Orchid Calochilus pulchellus Pretty beard orchid Orchid Carex klaphakei Klaphake's sedge Forb Corchorus cunninghamii Native jute Shrub Corynocarpus rupestris subsp. rupestris Glenugie karaka Shrub Cryptocarya foetida Stinking cryptocarya Tree Desmodium acanthocladum Thorny pea Shrub Diuris sp. (Oaklands, D.L. Jones 5380) Oaklands diuris Orchid Diuris sp. aff. chrysantha Byron Bay diuris Orchid Eidothea hardeniana Nightcap oak Tree Eucalyptus boliviana Bolivia stringybark Tree Eucalyptus camphora subsp. relicta Warra broad-leaved sally Tree Eucalyptus canobolensis Silver-leaf candlebark Tree Eucalyptus castrensis Singleton mallee Tree Eucalyptus fracta Broken back ironbark Tree Eucalyptus microcodon Border mallee Tree Eucalyptus oresbia Small-fruited mountain gum Tree Gaultheria viridicarpa subsp. merinoensis Mt Merino waxberry Shrub Genoplesium baueri Bauer's midge orchid Orchid Genoplesium superbum Superb midge orchid Orchid Gentiana wissmannii New England gentian Forb Gossia fragrantissima Sweet myrtle Shrub Grevillea obtusiflora Grevillea obtusiflora Shrub Grevillea renwickiana Nerriga grevillea Shrub Grevillea rhizomatosa Gibraltar grevillea Shrub Hakea pulvinifera Lake Keepit hakea Shrub Hibbertia glabrescens Hibbertia glabrescens Shrub Hibbertia sp. Nov. 'Menai' Hibbertia sp. nov. 'Menai' Shrub Homoranthus croftianus Bolivia homoranthus Shrub Kardomia prominens Nymboida babingtonia Shrub Kardomia silvestris Woodland babingtonia Shrub Lepidium peregrinum Wandering pepper cress Forb Melaleuca irbyana Weeping paperbark Tree Melaleuca megalongensis Megalong Valley bottlebrush Shrub Melichrus hirsutus Hairy melichrus Shrub Muehlenbeckia costata Scrambling lignum Vine Oberonia complanata Yellow-flowered king of the fairies Orchid Olearia cordata Olearia cordata Shrub Olearia flocktoniae Dorrigo daisy bush Shrub Peristeranthus hillii Brown fairy-chain orchid Orchid Persoonia hindii Persoonia hindii Shrub Pimelea axiflora subsp. pubescens Bungonia rice-flower Shrub Plinthanthesis rodwayi Budawangs wallaby-grass Grass Pomaderris adnata Sublime Point pomaderris Shrub Pomaderris notata McPherson Range pomaderris Shrub Prasophyllum bagoensis Bago leek orchid Orchid Prasophyllum canaliculatum Summer leek orchid Orchid Prasophyllum fuscum Slaty leek orchid Orchid Prasophyllum keltonii Kelton's leek orchid Orchid Prostanthera staurophylla sensu stricto Prostanthera staurophylla Shrub Pterostylis ventricosa Pterostylis ventricosa Orchid Pterostylis vernalis Pterostylis vernalis Orchid Pultenaea parrisiae Parris' bush-pea Shrub Sclerolaena napiformis Turnip copperburr Shrub Senecio linearifolius var. dangarensis Senecio linearifolius var. dangarensis Shrub Symplocos baeuerlenii Small-leaved hazelwood Shrub Syzygium hodgkinsoniae Red lilly pilly Tree Syzygium paniculatum Magenta lilly pilly Tree Thelymitra sp. Kangaloon Kangaloon sun-orchid Orchid Triplarina nowraensis Nowra heath myrtle Shrub Uromyrtus australis Peach myrtle Tree Zieria adenodonta Wollumbin zieria Shrub Zieria adenophora Araluen zieria Shrub Zieria buxijugum Box Range zieria Shrub Zieria formosa Shapely zieria Shrub Zieria lasiocaulis Willi Willi zieria Shrub Fauna Scientific name Common name Species type Dryococelus australis Lord Howe Island phasmid Invertebrate Litoria raniformis Southern bell frog Amphibian Pied currawong (Lord Howe Island Strepera graculina crissalis subspecies) Bird Priority band 2 Annual cost of securing all species in band: $564,655 Average cost per species: $8,067 Flora Scientific name Common name Species type Acacia acanthoclada Harrow wattle Shrub Acacia curranii Curly-bark wattle Shrub Acacia gordonii Acacia gordonii Shrub Alexfloydia repens Floyd's grass Grass Asterolasia sp. ‘Dungowan Creek’ Asterolasia sp. Dungowan Creek Shrub Austrostipa nullanulla Spear-grass Grass Bertya sp. (Clouds Creek, M Fatemi 4) Bertya sp. (Clouds Creek, M Fatemi 4) Shrub Boronia repanda Granite rose Shrub Bossiaea fragrans Bossiaea fragrans Shrub Caladenia arenaria Sand Hill spider orchid Orchid Camarophyllopsis kearneyi Camarophyllopsis kearneyi Fungi Commersonia rosea Commersonia rosea Shrub Davidsonia johnsonii Smooth davidsonia Tree Diuris pedunculata Small snake orchid Orchid Dracophyllum macranthum Dracophyllum macranthum Shrub Endiandra floydii Crystal Creek walnut Tree Endiandra muelleri subsp. bracteata Green-leaved rose walnut Tree Epacris sparsa Sparse heath Shrub Eucalyptus cannonii Capertee stringybark Tree Eucalyptus imlayensis Imlay mallee Tree Eucalyptus macarthurii Camden woollybutt Tree Eucalyptus pachycalyx subsp. banyabba Banyabba shiny-barked gum Tree Eucalyptus recurva Mongarlowe mallee Tree Gaultheria viridicarpa subsp. viridicarpa Green waxberry Shrub Genoplesium insignis Variable midge orchid Orchid Gentiana bredboensis Bredbo gentian Forb Grevillea mollis Soft grevillea Shrub Grevillea quadricauda Four-tailed grevillea Shrub Grevillea rivularis Carrington Falls grevillea Shrub Hakea dohertyi Kowmung hakea Shrub Hygrocybe collucera Hygrocybe collucera Fungi Hygrocybe griseoramosa Hygrocybe griseoramosa Fungi Hygrocybe lanecovensis Hygrocybe lanecovensis Fungi Isoglossa eranthemoides Isoglossa Forb Isopogon fletcheri Fletcher's drumstricks Shrub Kunzea cambagei Cambage kunzea Shrub Lasiopetalum joyceae Lasiopetalum joyceae Shrub Leucopogon exolasius Woronora beard-heath Shrub Macadamia tetraphylla Rough-shelled bush nut Tree Melichrus sp. Gibberagee Narrow-leaf melichrus Shrub Micromyrtus minutiflora Micromyrtus minutiflora Shrub Microtis angusii Angus's onion orchid Orchid Ochrosia moorei Southern ochrosia Tree Olax angulata Square-stemmed olax Shrub Owenia cepiodora Onion cedar Tree Persoonia acerosa Needle geebung Shrub Persoonia marginata Clandulla geebung Shrub Phebalium glandulosum subsp. eglandulosum Rusty desert phebalium Shrub Pilularia novae-hollandiae Austral pillwort Fern/Cycad Pomaderris delicata Delicate pomaderris Shrub Pomaderris parrisiae Parris' pomaderris Shrub Pomaderris walshii Carrington Falls pomaderris Shrub Prasophyllum petilum Tarengo leek orchid Orchid Prostanthera palustris Swamp mint-bush Shrub Pterostylis metcalfei Metcalfe's greenhood Orchid Pterostylis pulchella Waterfall greenhood Orchid Pultenaea pedunculata Matted bush-pea Shrub Rytidosperma pumilum Feldmark grass Grass Sophora tomentosa Silverbush Shrub Tasmannia glaucifolia Fragrant pepperbush Shrub Thelymitra sp. adorata Wyong sun orchid Orchid Typhonium sp. aff. brownii Stinky lily Forb Velleia perfoliata Velleia perfoliata Forb Westringia davidii David's westingia Shrub Zieria citriodora Lemon zieria Shrub Zieria floydii Floyd's zieria Shrub Fauna Scientific name Common name Species type Christinus guentheri Lord Howe Island gecko Reptile Oligosoma lichenigera Lord Howe Island skink Reptile Sula dactylatra Masked booby Bird Zosterops lateralis tephropleurus Silvereye (Lord Howe Island subsp.) Bird Priority band 3 Annual cost of securing all species in band: $804,071. Average cost per species: $17,868 Flora Scientific name Common name Species type Acacia baueri subsp. aspera Acacia baueri subsp. aspera Shrub Acacia chrysotricha Newry golden wattle Tree Aldrovanda vesiculosa Waterwheel plant Aquatic plant Astrotricha crassifolia Thick-leaf star-hair Shrub Astrotricha roddii Rod's star hair Shrub Banksia conferta subsp. conferta Banksia conferta subsp. conferta Shrub Brachyscome muelleroides Claypan daisy Forb Calotis pubescens Max Mueller's burr-daisy Forb Carex raleighii Raleigh sedge Forb Dampiera fusca Kydra dampiera Shrub Diospyros mabacea Red-fruited ebony Tree Diuris flavescens Pale yellow doubletail Orchid Elaeocarpus sp. Rocky Creek Minyon quandong Tree Eucalyptus parvula Small-leaved gum Tree Eucalyptus rubida subsp. barbigerorum Blackbutt candlebark Tree Eucalyptus scoparia Wallangarra white gum Tree Euphrasia ciliolata Polblue eyebright Forb Fontainea oraria Coastal fontainea Shrub Grevillea masonii Mason's grevillea Shrub Lasiopetalum longistamineum Lasiopetalum longistamineum Shrub Lindernia alsinoides Noah's false chickweed Forb Micromyrtus blakelyi Micromyrtus blakelyi Shrub Persoonia bargoensis Bargo geebung Shrub Persoonia mollis subsp. maxima Persoonia mollis subsp. maxima Shrub Pimelea spicata Spiked rice-flower Shrub Pomaderris pallida Pale pomaderris Shrub Prasophyllum affine Jervis Bay leek orchid Orchid Prostanthera marifolia Seaforth mintbush Shrub Pultenaea maritima Coast headland pea Shrub Quassia sp. Mooney Creek Moonee quassia Shrub Randia moorei Spiny gardenia Tree Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides Button wrinklewort Forb Rytidosperma vickeryae Perisher wallaby-grass Grass Sophora fraseri Brush sophora Shrub Westringia kydrensis Kydra westringia Shrub Xylosma terrae-reginae Queensland xylosma Shrub Zieria baeuerlenii Bomaderry zieria Shrub Zieria tuberculata Warty zieria Shrub Fauna Scientific
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