MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUT FÜR WISSENSCHAFTSGESCHICHTE Max Planck Institute for the History of Science 2018 PREPRINT 490 Frank W. Stahnisch (Ed.) Émigré Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Cognitive Scientists in North America since the Second World War Dieses Preprint ist in einer überarbeiteten Form zur Publikation angenommen in: History of Intellectual Culture, Band 12/1 (2017–18): Accessed 5 July 2018. [Themenheft 2017–18: Émigré Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Cognitive Scientists in North America since the Second World War, Guest Editor: Frank W. Stahnisch]. Der vorliegende Preprint erscheint mit freundlicher Erlaubnis des geschäftsführenden Herausgebers, Herrn Professor Paul J. Stortz an der Universität von Calgary, Alberta, in Kanada. Frank W. Stahnisch e-mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected] Émigré Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Cognitive Scientists in North America since WWII Émigré Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Cognitive Scientists in North America since the Second World War Frank W. Stahnisch (Guest Editor)1 Abstract: The processes of long-term migration of physicians and scholars affect both the academic migrants and their receiving environments in often dramatic ways. On the one side, their encounter confronts two different knowledge traditions and personal values. On the other side, migrating scientists and academics are also confronted with foreign institutional, political, economic, and cultural frameworks when trying to establish their own ways of professional knowledge and cultural adjustments. The twentieth century has been called the century of war and forced migration: it witnessed two devastating World Wars, which led to an exodus of physicians, scientists, and academics. Nazism and Fascism in the 1930s and 1940s, forced thousands of scientists and physicians away from their home institutions based in Central and Eastern Europe.