windows 10 usb download How to Install Linux OS on USB Drive and Run it On Any PC. Ever thought of using any computer which is not yours, with all your personal stuff and configuration? It is possible with any . Yes! You can use your own, customized Linux OS on any machine with just a USB drive. This tutorial is all about installing Latest Linux OS on your pen-drive ( fully reconfigurable personalized OS, NOT just a Live USB ), customize it, and use it on any PC you have access to. Here I am using 18.04 Bionic beaver for this tutorial (but, you can use any Linux distribution). So let’s gets started. Requirements: One Pendrive 4GB or More (Let’s call it as Main USB drive/Pendrive). One more Pen drive or DVD disk to use as bootable Linux installation media. Linux OS ISO file, for example Lubuntu 18.04 . One PC ( Warning : Disconnect internal hard drives to prevent boot record alteration). Important : While this procedure will not cause loss of data, some users have experienced changes to their internal drive’s bootup behavior depending on Linux distributions selected. To prevent any possibility of this occurrence, you may wish to disconnect your hard drive before continuing with the USB install portion of the tutorial.” TIP : Use 32 bit Linux OS to make it compatible with any available PC. That’s it! Go, and collect all of these. It’s time to do something new. Step 1: Create Bootable Linux Installation Media. Use your Linux ISO image file to create a bootable USB installation media. You can use any software like Unetbootin, Gnome Disk Utility , Yumi Multi Boot , xboot , Live USB Creator, etc. to create bootable USB with the help of ISO image file. Alternatively, you can use DVD disk by writing that ISO image to it (but that is the old school method). Step 2: Create Partitions On Main USB Drive. You have to make two partitions on your Main USB drive using Gparted or Gnome Disk Utility , etc. The root partition of format ext4 of size according to your use. Optionally you can use the rest of the space as a FAT partition for using it as a normal USB drive. I am having 16GB USB drive and I have created one root partition of 5GB and using rest 11GB as normal FAT partition. So my 16 GB USB drive is converted to 11GB drive for normal use on any PC. Sounds good. This step you can do while installing Linux also, but it will be very complex while installing Operating Systems like . Main USB Drive Partitions. Once you have created required partitions on the Main USB drive. Now take a deep breath because it’s time to go for Linux installation section. Step 3: Install Linux on USB Drive. 1. First, boot Linux OS ( Lubuntu 18.04 ) from your bootable installation media and launch installation application from a live session. Live session of Lubuntu 18.04 will look like this. Lubuntu Live Boot. 2. Installer welcome screen will appear, select Language there and hit Continue . Select Lubuntu Installation Language. 3. Select Keyboard Layout and continue… Select Lubuntu Keyboard Layout. 4. Select Wifi internet if you want to update Lubuntu while installation. I will skip it. Select Wifi to Update Lubuntu. 5. Select Installation Type and Third-party installation as per your choice and go to next.. Select Lubuntu Software Updates. 6. Here select Something Else Option (It is Mandatory) and go to next… Select Lubuntu Installation Type. 7. This is an Important step, here you need to find out where your Main USB drive is mounted. Find Main USB Drive. In my case /dev/sda are an internal hard disk of the PC and I am using /dev/sdb is USB Lubuntu Installation media from where this live session is booted. And /dev/sdc is my Main USB drive where I want to install my Linux system and where I have made two partitions in step number 2 . If you have skipped step 2, you can also make partitions in this window. First, change the mount point of the first partition on this Main USB drive to ROOT (i.e. “ / ” ). And as shown in the second red square select bootloader installation device as the Main USB drive. In my case it is /dev/sdc . This is the most important step in this tutorial. If it is not done correctly your system will boot only on the current PC you are using, which is exactly opposite of your motivation to follow this tutorial. Once it is completed, double-check it and hit continue . You will get a small window showing devices and drive which will be affected. 8. Make sure that the device and drives shown on this window are of your Main USB drive, which is in my case /dev/sdc . Hit continue … Write Partition Changes to Disk. 9. Now select your Region and hit Continue … Select Lubuntu Region. 10. Add username, password, and hostname, etc… Create a Lubuntu User. 11. Let the installation finish. 12. After completing installation hit restart and remove your installation media and press Enter . Lubuntu Installation Completes. 13. Congratulations, you have successfully installed your own Linux OS on your pen drive to use it on any PC. Now you can connect a USB drive to any PC and start your system on that PC by simply selecting boot from USB option while booting. Step 4: Customize the Lubuntu System. Now it’s time for fun. Just boot your system on any PC and start customizing. You can install any software you want. You can change Themes, Icon themes, install docker. You can add and store your online accounts on it. Install/modify/customize whatever you want. All the changes will be permanent. They will not change or reset after rebooting or booting on other PCs. The following figure shows my customized Lubuntu 18.04 . Lubuntu Running on USB Drive. The main advantage of this method is you can use your personal stuff, your online accounts securely on any PC. You can even do secure online transactions as well on any available PC. I hope it will be helpful for you, if you have questions regarding this article, please feel free to ask in the comment section below. If You Appreciate What We Do Here On TecMint, You Should Consider: TecMint is the fastest growing and most trusted community site for any kind of Linux Articles, Guides and Books on the web. Millions of people visit TecMint! to search or browse the thousands of published articles available FREELY to all. If you like what you are reading, please consider buying us a coffee ( or 2 ) as a token of appreciation. Universal USB Installer – Easy as 1 2 3. Universal USB Installer aka UUI is a Live Linux Bootable USB Creator. It allows users to make a USB Boot from a Linux distribution, Windows Installer, Windows To Go, Antivirus Scanner, Disk Cloning Software or any other System Tool that can be put on a flash drive. The software is easy to use; Simply choose your distribution from the list, browse to the ISO file, select your target flash drive, and then click Create. Once finished, you should have a ready to run Bootable Flash Drive containing the or tool you selected. It is important to note that the Universal USB Installer allows you to continue using your flash drive for traditional storage purposes. This is unlike some tools that use DD (Copy and Convert) to directly Burn ISO to USB. Those types of tools overwrite the file system, making the device appear as a CD/DVD which is further limited to the size of the ISO file. Another key feature of UUI includes Persistence storage, where available. This Persistent feature allows you to save some changes and then restore them on subsequent boots. based Casper Persistence works with FAT32 or NTFS formatted drives. A larger than 4GB casper-rw or persistent option is also possible when the USB drive is formatted with an NTFS filesystem. NOTE : If you are wanting to add multiple Live Linux Distributions, System Diagnostic Tools, Antivirus Utilities, and Windows Installers, you should use the YUMI Multiboot USB Software , instead. It can help you Boot Multiple ISO files from one flash drive. Universal USB Installer (UUI) Universal-USB-Installer- – August 4, 2021 – Changes Update AmogOS with persistence download link. SHA-256: D5A3ED21CF3BD740089C7C5FA5D01E0AAB083EBBA8FBBB3CE972E3B95E613DEE. Requirements Changes Supported Distros FAQ. Requirements to Create a Live Bootable USB Flash Drive. IMPORTANT : UUI only shows USB drives detected by Windows as removable media. See the best recommended Fast Flash Drives . Your flash drive must be Fat32/NTFS formatted, otherwise Syslinux will fail to install an MBR ( M aster B oot R ecord), and as a result the device will NOT Boot. Universal-USB-Installer- Windows to make the USB bootable Greater than 2GB *Fat32 or NTFS Formatted Flash Drive. MBR partition table Computer with a BIOS that can boot from USB Your Favorite Linux ISO. Feel free to inform me of unlisted Live Linux distributions or version revisions, and I will do my best to update the UUI tool to support them. Universal USB Installer Changelog. The following Changelog outlines any recent changes made to the software. Only the latest revisions are listed. 8/4/21 – Version 2.0.6: Update AmogOS with persistence download link. 7/23/21 – Version 2.0.5: Update to support AmogOS and HDClone. 5/4/21 – Version 2.0.4: Re-enable the ability to run from earlier versions of Windows. Moved checkpoint to simply prevent NTFS format option from appearing on systems prior to Windows 8. 4/26/21 – Version quick revision to disallow (Disk 0) from being displayed. 4/26/21 – Version Set to show Local Drives in addition to USB Drives. Included a confirmation prompt before proceeding to format a drive. Implemented a checkpoint to prevent running from Operating Systems prior to Windows 8. 4/16/21 – Version Performed general cleanup of unused code. Fixed the broken Live entry. Removed the Wipe option. Also switched to list only removable USB media. Note that devices listed as local (fixed) disks will no longer be detected. 3/19/21 – Version Fixed Zorin persistence feature. Updated to support newer Clonezilla and OpenSUSE. Also removed old distros that are no longer in development. 12/3/20 – Version Recompiled the tool using the newer Nullsoft Scriptable Install System Version 3.06.1. USB Bootable Distributions and Tools. The Universal USB Installer (UUI) might be used to make a USB Boot from the following Live Linux Operating Systems, Windows Installers, System Tools, and Antivirus Utilities. Ubuntu Desktop Desktop Desktop Lubuntu Desktop Edubuntu Desktop *Ubuntu Server Installer Blackbuntu. . Debian Netinst *Debian Live. Backtrack. Fedora Desktop. OpenSUSE 32bit *OpenSUSE 64bit. Fatdog64 Lighthouse Puppy Lucid Puppy Precise Puppy Puppy Arcade Puppy 4.3.1 Racy Puppy Slacko Puppy Wary Puppy. DouDouLinux Qimo 4 Kids 2.0 Sugar on a Stick. AOMEI (Disk Cloning and Backup Tool) Acronis Rescue CD Android AntiX Antergos ArchBang ArchLinux ArtistX Aurora BackBox Baltix Linux BCCD BlehOS Bodhi Boot Repair Disk Carmedia CentOS Chakra Clonezilla Crunchbang DBAN 2.2.X Deft Linux Linux DRBL DSL 4.4.10 Dreamlinux Dynebolic EASUS Disk Copy EasyPeasy Elementary OS Elementary Unleashed Feather Linux Finnix Fuduntu Fusion Linux Gamedrift Gentoo GEEXBOX gNewSense GRML gOS gadgets GParted Jolicloud Kiwi Kororaa KXStudio Leeenux Liberte LinHES Linux XP Like LPS Macbuntu Mandriva One 2011 Matriux MCNLive Toronto Meego MicroCore Netrunner Ophcrack OSGeo Live Pardus PartedMagic PCLinuxOS Pear OS Peppermint PING Pinguy OS Plasma active PLoP Linux Porteus Redo Backup Rescatux RIP Linux Runt Linux SalineOS Satux Simply MEPIS SliTaZ Sn0wL1nuX SolusOS System Rescue CD Terralinux TinyCore Uberstudent Ultimate Boot CD Ultimate Edition WifiWay WifiSlax xPUD XBMC XBMCbuntu StartOS wattOS R5 Live Zorin OS. AOSS (Malware Scanner) AVG Rescue CD Avira Antivir Rescue Disk Bitdefender Rescue CD Comodo Rescue Disk DrWeb LiveCD F- Secure Rescue CD G DATA Antivirus Kaspersky Rescue Disk Panda Safe CD Trinity Rescue Kit. Falcon 4 Boot CD Hiren’s Boot CD Kon-Boot Sergei Strelec. Windows to Go (on VHD) **Windows 7/8/10 Installer. Try Unlisted Linux ISO. More Live Linux Distributions will be added as time permits. Feel free to contact me to submit recommendations. Universal USB Installer Troubleshooting, Issues, Bugs. The Windows to Go option does require the USB drive be NTFS formatted and have 20GB+ free space to hold the virtual disk. Most of the flash drives found at local department stores won’t be fast enough. You will need a very fast solid state flash drive. When Windows boots from the USB for the first time, it will go through the setup process and then reboot. You will need to boot using your Windows to Go flash drive a second time to finalize the setup process. And then finally boot into your full Portable Windows. The tool expects the Volume Label of your USB drive to be UUI in order for OpenSUSE, CentOS and a few other distributions to boot. It does attempt to automatically create this Label, but may fail. So make sure it remains UUI in order to allow those distributions to boot. Persistence feature is currently broken with Newer Debian based distributions. This is due to upstream changes. In that Debian now requires a rename of the persistent block file and label from live-rw to persistence . In addition, it must house a persistence.conf file containing the text / Union . I plan to make all of the necessary changes and then provide a fix as time allows. If you’re using Universal-USB-Installer- and you still receive Insane primary (MBR) partition notices, Insane primary (MBR) partition. Can’t find myself on the drive I booted from. Your USB drive may be improperly formatted, contains more than one partition or MBR, or your BIOS is not properly detecting the USB drive. In which case your firmware probably needs to be updated. You can also try to Format and Restore a USB Drive . An Error (1) occurred while executing syslinux. If you encounter a message stating; An error (1) occurred while executing syslinux. Your USB drive won’t be bootable. The most likely cause is that your USB drive is formatted as exFAT or some other unsupported format. You’ll need to reformat as fat32 (currently preferred) or NTFS. My PC wont Boot from my Flash Drive, but supports USB boot! Older flash drives shipped USB-FDD formatted and some systems will not boot USB-FDD . However, I have found that most systems can boot USB-ZIP , and or USB-HDD . If you are having a hard time getting your BIOS to detect your flash drive, reformat it. Then try again to see if your BIOS can detect and boot from it. If you’re running a Windows Vista or 7 Installer from your USB, after the first reboot, remove the flash drive and let the pc complete from the hard disk. When browsing for an ISO, UUI will only display ISO Files that match what the tool is asking for. For example, if you chose to install ubuntu-20.10- Desktop -i386 , the tool might not display your ubuntu-20.10- Server -i386.iso because you have not selected the server variant. However, you can force all ISO files to be shown by clicking the Show All ISOs box. Auto Detection : If you also run Universal USB Installer from the same directory containing an installable ISO, the UUI script will auto detect the ISO and bypass step 2. * Although you can use an NTFS formatted USB, Ubuntu based “persistence” features will only work with a Fat16 or Fat32 formatted drive. Additionally some Linux Distributions will not boot from an NTFS formatted USB. Again, Universal USB Installer does not support booting from multiple Linux distributions. Only one distribution can be installed per USB drive. However the YUMI Multiboot USB Creator can be used to create a Multi System USB Boot Device. To try an ISO that isn’t listed, simply choose one of the the last three options in Step 1. I recommend “Try Unlisted Linux ISO (GRUB)” because it seems to be the most successful. Feel free to inform me of unlisted “Linux ISOs” you get to work via these options, so I can add them to the supported list. OpenSUSE DVD and other ISOs with a single file that exceed 4GB will not work due to the Fat32 file size limitation. The Universal USB Installer will NOT currently work from within Linux using WINE due to drive detection and privilege issues. I plan to revisit this issue when I find the time. How to Install Linux Subsystem in Windows 10 (Install Bash Shell) Back in the Anniversary update, Microsoft introduced a new beta feature called Bash on Ubuntu on Windows. With the Fall Creators update (v1709), the new module is now a stable feature and has a proper name called Linux Subsystem for Windows. With this module, you can use bash shell directly in Windows 10. Of course, with the Linux Subsystem for Windows, you can run various Linux distros like Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Kali, etc., by installing them directly from the Microsoft Store. Follow these steps to install Linux subsystem in Windows 10. What is Linux Subsystem for Windows. If you are an avid Linux user then you may know of Wine, a famous software that lets you run various Windows applications in Linux systems like Ubuntu. Linux Subsystem for Windows is very similar but allows you to run Linux directly in Windows. No, Linux Subsystem for Windows is not a virtual machine or a re-complied software like Cygwin. By installing Linux subsystem in Windows 10, you’ll be directly accessing the Linux terminal, run various commands, and install various Linux applications. As good as it is, there are some limitations. i.e, you cannot install GUI (at least officially) for your Linux OS and the Linux Subsystem does not support a few terminal commands. Moreover, you may not be able to install or use certain commands and GUI applications due to inherent limitations of the Subsystem. However, for the most part, Linux Subsystem for Windows is pretty robust and gets the job done for a majority of users. Verify Your Windows 10 Version. One thing to keep in mind is that you should be running 64-bit Windows 10 operating system with Fall Creators Update (v1709) or above to use Linux Subsystem for Windows. If you are unsure, check Windows 10 version and proceed to the next steps. Control Panel Options to Install Linux Subsystem. You can easily install Linux subsystem in Windows 10 by enabling a simple feature. 1. First, open the start menu and search for “ Turn Windows features on or off ” open it. This is where you can enable extra features in Windows 10. 2. In the Windows Features window, scroll all the way down, find Windows Subsystem for Linux and select the checkbox next to it. Click on the Ok button to save changes. 3. As soon as you click on the ok button, Windows downloads any necessary files and installs Linux subsystem. 4. Once done, click on the Restart now button to reboot Windows. After rebooting Windows, you can use the Microsoft store to find the Linux OS of your choice and install it. PowerShell Command to Install Linux Subsystem in Windows 10. Before you proceed to install Linux Subsystem in Windows 10 , save all your work. Your system will restart in the process. To install any Linux operating system like Ubuntu, you first need to enable Linux Subsystem for Windows. You can do that using PowerShell. 1. Search for “ PowerShell ” in the start menu, right-click on it and select “ Run as Administrator .” 2. In the PowerShell, execute the below command . It will enable the Linux Subsystem feature. 3. As soon as you execute the command, Windows will download any additional files it requires. Once downloaded, it prompts for your confirmation. Type Y and press Enter. 4. Now, Windows will enable the additional feature and immediately restarts your system. 5. You can now install Linux OS. Just open Microsoft Store, search for Ubuntu and click on the “ Get ” button. This action will download and install Ubuntu. Apart from Ubuntu, as of writing this, Microsoft Store has other Linux operating systems like OpenSUSE, SUSE Enterprise Linux, Debian GNU/Linux, and Kali. You can install any of them by simply searching for them and clicking on the “ Get ” or “ Install ” button. 6. Once installed, launch Ubuntu by clicking on the “ Launch ” button or by searching for it in the Start Menu. That’s all there is to do. It is that simple to install Linux Subsystem in Windows 10 . Comment below sharing your thoughts and experiences about using the Linux Subsystem for Windows. 2 thoughts on “How to Install Linux Subsystem in Windows 10 (Install Bash Shell)” Good Day to whom ever! Trying to start Ubuntu is pretty challenging, I cannot figure out what kind of “username” or “password” to use. I tried to follow all their recommendations, and I can’t seem to get it right. So, therefore; I am turning to you guys to help me figure out how to start using Ubuntu. Yours Truly, Andrew W.B. [Edited by moderator to remove personal info] Hi Andrew, after installing Ubuntu from the Store, you will be asked to set a new username and password as part of the setup process. Once you do that, you can use the same username and password to log in. How to Create a Bootable Windows 10 USB Drive in Linux. If you are using any GNOME based Linux distribution that comes with the latest stack of GTK3 apps, you can easily create a bootable Windows 10 USB without installing third party apps. To begin with, plug-in the USB drive that you will be using for installation of Windows 10. Launch “GNOME Disks” app from the application launcher. In some distributions, it may be simply called “Disks”. If you are using a Linux distribution that doesn’t use a GNOME based desktop environment, you can still use the method explained below by manually installing the “GNOME Disks” app. On Ubuntu and its derivatives, you can install the app by running the command below: To install GNOME disks in other Linux distributions, search for the term “GNOME Disks” in the package manager. Now click on the external USB drive tab on the left side of the app, followed by a click on “Format Disk…” option. Be careful when proceeding with the format option and double check that you are erasing the correct drive. On the next screen, ensure that “(MBR / DOS)” is selected and click on the “Format…” button. Wait for the formatting process to finish and then click on the “+” sign to create a new partition, as shown in the screenshot below. Follow the on-screen instructions till you arrive at the “Format Volume” window. Choose new partition type as “NTFS”. Wait for the partition creation process to finish. Now go to the folder where your Windows 10 “ISO” file is located and right click on the ISO image file. Click on the “Open With Disk Image Mounter” menu option. You will now get a new mount point entry in the sidebar of Nautilus file manager. Clicking on the new mount point will give you access to all files present in the ISO image file. Alternatively, you can extract the image file to get the contents. Copy all files from the new mount point (or files extracted from ISO image) to your external USB drive and wait for the process to finish. Once copying is done, safely eject the drive from the file manager by right clicking on its mount point in the sidebar. Note that you may get a “Do not unplug the drive until the write process has finished” message after safely removing the drive. Do not attempt to remove the external drive during the write process to avoid data corruption. Once the writing process has finished, you will receive another “can be safely removed” message. If you have followed the steps correctly so far, the external USB drive will now host a bootable copy of Windows 10. Using GParted. You can also create a bootable Windows 10 USB drive using “GParted”. GParted is a full-featured partition manager, much older and advanced than GNOME disks. If you prefer to use GParted, follow the instructions below. On Ubuntu, you can install gparted by running the command below: To install gparted in other Linux distributions, search for the term “gparted” in the package manager. Once you have gparted installed, launch it form application launcher, click on dropdown menu in top right corner and select your external USB drive. Make sure that you have selected the correct drive and then click on the “Device” menu. Click on “Create Partition Table…” to completely format the drive. On the next screen, ensure that the “partition table type” is “msdos” and click on the “Apply” button. Once the partition table has been created, right click on unallocated space and click on “New” menuentry. In the “File system:” dropdown menu, select “ntfs” and click on the “Add” button. Next, click on the green tick button on the top toolbar to apply the changes. Wait for the pending operations to finish. Almost done. In the final step, mount or extract Windows 10 ISO image file (as explained in the first section) and copy all files to the newly formatted USB drive. Safely eject the drive once copying is done. Conclusion. There are a couple of third party apps specifically developed to create bootable Windows 10 media. However, their development seems to have stopped and OS specific packages are hard to find on latest Linux distributions. Methods explained above not only get the job done, but provide a much faster and reliable way to create a bootable Windows 10 USB drive, without requiring third party apps. About the author. Nitesh Kumar. I am a freelancer software developer and content writer who loves Linux, open source software and the free software community. Creating a Bootable Windows 10 UEFI USB Drive Using Linux. Creating a Windows 10 boot USB for UEFI used to be pretty easy. Things have changed with the October 2018 Windows 10 1809 update. Luckily it’s still pretty easy, but it’s a bit more involved than creating a Ubuntu UEFI boot USB. Table of Contents. Before you begin there are a few things you’re going to need: you don’t mind erasing (8GB in size or greater) Windows 10 ISO file (can be downloaded from Microsoft here) 7-zip installed. The Problem. It was possible to create a bootable UEFI USB for Windows 10 versions prior to the October 2018 Windows 10 1809 update fairly easily by following my previous tutorial creating a Ubuntu UEFI boot USB. That tutorial was for Ubuntu Linux but the process at the time was exactly the same for the Windows OS, you just needed to copy the files from a Windows ISO to the USB instead of the Ubuntu ISO. The problem now is that the Install.wim file provided in the Windows 10 1809 ISO download from Microsoft is over 4 GB in size. We need to have our boot USB formatted as FAT32 in order to boot properly on all UEFI computers*, and FAT32 has a file size limit of 4GB. The install.wim file is now too large to copy to the FAT32 partition of the USB. *Note it is possible to create a USB formatted as NTFS and have it boot, however this does not work on all computers. The only “universal” file system to use to ensure the USB will boot is FAT32. To work around this, we can use a solution as described in this post from, which creates a USB with a bootable FAT32 partition for the Windows 10 boot files, and an NTFS partition for the install.wim file. The beautiful thing about this solution is that not only can you use it on the official Windows 10 1809 ISO file, but you can also use it if you make your own custom Windows 10 image with an install.wim file greater than 4GB in size. Formatting the USB Drive. Open a terminal window. Install gparted if not already installed. Run gparted. Gparted will need admin rights so make sure you run with “sudo” Choose your USB drive from the dropdown in the upper right-hand corner. Make sure you have the correct device specified, then go to the “Device” menu and choose “Create Partition Table…” Choose “gpt” from the partition table type dropdown. WARNING. Clicking “Apply” on the following screen WILL delete ALL data on the selected partition. Ensure the correct drive/partition is chosen as choosing the wrong drive WILL DELETE ALL DATA on that drive. You have been warned. Again ensure that you have the correct device specified and then click Apply. Right-click the new unallocated space and choose New. This will be our FAT32 partition that we’ll boot from. 1GB in size will be plenty, so enter 1024 in the “New size (MiB)” field From the “File system” dropdown choose fat32 Give it a descriptive label. I chose “UEFI_Boot” Click Add when done. Right-click the unallocated space again and choose New. This time we’ll create a NTFS partition for the install.wim file (and other necessary files) We’ll let it use the rest of the free space available on the drive, so you can leave the “New size (MiB)” field alone From the “File system” dropdown choose NTFS Give it a descriptive label. I chose “Win10” Click Add when done. Note: You’ll likely have a small amount of unallocated space left over. In the case below it is 1MB in size. This is normal and perfectly fine. Ensure that the partitions look correct, and again, most importantly ensure that you’re using the correct device. If everything looks good click the green checkmark to apply the changes. WARNING. Clicking “Apply” on the following screen WILL delete ALL data on the selected partition. Ensure the correct drive/partition is chosen as choosing the wrong drive WILL DELETE ALL DATA on that drive. You have been warned. Click Apply again on the warning confirmation in order to make the changes. A status screen will appear as gparted makes the necessary changes to the partition layout. When the changes have been completed, you can click Close on the dialog window and then close gparted. Next open a file explorer. You should see that you now have the two new partitions that you just created. If you don’t see the partitions unplug the USB drive, wait 5 seconds and plug it back in. The partitions should appear automatically in the device list on the side as above. Creating the UEFI Bootable USB. Now that we have a freshly formatted USB drive, we can proceed to creating the UEFI bootable USB. In short, we’re going to: Extract everything but the “sources” folder to the FAT32 partition Extract the “sources/boot.wim” file to the FAT32 partition (needed in order to boot) Extract the entire “sources” folder to the NTFS partition. Open a terminal window. [Updated 2021-07-29] We’re going to need to know where our USB drives are mounted so that we can copy the files to them. Note this assumes you named the partitions the same as me. If you named them something different replace with your names in the command below. Before we copy the files to our USB stick using 7-zip (‘7z x’ command), let’s find the files we need to extract. Change to the downloads folder where our Windows 10 ISO file is located. View the files in the folder. List the contents of the ISO file and search for boot.wim. Add the “sources” folder to a text file containing a list of files to exclude. Add the boot.wim file to a text file containing a list of files to include. Show the contents of the exclude.txt file. Show the contents of the include.txt file. Now we can build our 7-zip extract command. Note: We’re creating two files above “exclude.txt” and “include.txt” because 7-zip is capable of excluding or including specific files to extract, but it will only take the input in the form of a file listing or a wildcard pattern. When that extraction finishes, we’re going to issue the same command again, but this time we want to extract only the boot.wim file to the UEFI_Boot partition. After the boot.wim file is extracted we can see that it exists on the UEFI_Boot partition with the ls command. That’s it for the FAT32 partition! Now we can extract the entire “sources” folder to the NTFS partition. When finished you can list the contents of each partition. Click the “eject” symbol next to one of the partitions in the file explorer to safely remove the drive. Since this is USB, it might take a few minutes to eject with the message that data is still being written to the device. Wait for it to say you can safely remove and then pull out the USB. You should now be able to boot from this USB to install Windows 10! If you have any questions/comments please leave them below. Thanks so much for reading ^‿^ If this tutorial helped you out please consider buying me a pizza slice!