JOURNAL OF TROPICAL LIFE SCIENCE 2019, Vol. 9, No. 3, 243 – 251 Research Article Ecology of Rafflesia arnoldii (Rafflesiaceae) in Pandam Gadang West Sumatra Syafroni Pranata 1, Sulistijorini 2*, Tatik Chikmawati 2 1 Plant Biology Graduate Program, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia 2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia Article history: ABSTRACT Submission April 2019 Revised September 2019 Pandam Gadang has tropical forests which become the habitat of Rafflesia (Raf- Accepted September 2019 flesia arnoldii), which grows as a parasite of Tetrastigma (Vitaceae). Study on R. arnoldii is needed since its population continuously decreases as a result of habitat *Corresponding author: destruction of its host. The aim of the study was to determine habitat conditions, E-mail: vegetation structure, and characteristics of the host species of Rafflesia; to identify
[email protected] environmental factors, and determine the Rafflesia habitat suitability in Pandam Gadang Koto Tinggi Village, West Sumatra. Analysis of vegetation in the habitat where Rafflesia grows using a circular plot. The number of individuals Rafflesia found was recorded and completed with observations of its morphology. Micro- climate measurements were carried out together with data collection in the field. Flower morphological analysis was descriptively presented. Environmental pa- rameters were-processed with Canoco software 4.56 using Canonical Correspond- ence Analysis. Habitat suitability was analyzed using Maximum Entropy. The 17 Rafflesia individuals found on Pandam Gadang were R. arnoldii, known as "Cend- awan Biriang", living parasitically on Tetrastigma leucostaphylum.