RESURRECTION Resurrection: a Rising Again, As from Decay, Disuse, Etc.; Revival
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REFLECTING ON EASTER APPORTIONMENT RESULTS SOCIAL SERVICES Our columnists draw inspiration The financial support from the There will be soup, from Holy Week and Easter. parishes for the ministry of the sandwiches and a bit of a Pages 2 and 16 (back page) diocese. surprise at St. Paul’s Social Pages 10-13 Services major fundraiser. Page 4 URON HURCH EWS HANGLICAN DIOCESE OF HURON • Huron Church C News is a section of the Anglican Journal • A P R I L 2 0 1 5 N A STORY OF RESURRECTION Resurrection: a rising again, as from decay, disuse, etc.; revival. By Sandra Lypps recommendation was before Going into this meeting, The year is 2012 and after us, St. Paul’s, a church that had spirits were low, but coming more than a few years of been a part of the community out was a very different story. steady financial decline, the of Essex since 1881: We need- During the course of this ed to consider closing. meeting, we learned the dio- time has come at St Paul’s, photo/CreationSwap Faucette Steven Essex, to take a serious look I, like many of our parish- cese was there to help us and at our options for the future. ioners, was heartbroken and that there were avenues that A subcommittee is formed to struggling with where to turn we could explore that would examine this issue and give next. allow us to continue to be a feedback. Luckily, we here at St Paul’s presence in our community. After much contemplation are blessed with an outgoing This was exactly what we and review, the recommen- and ambitious incumbent needed to hear and from dation that the subcommit- who is not afraid to ask this point on, the wheels tee comes back with is this: questions and try new things. started turning and a sense St. Paul’s needs to consider So on our behalf, Rev Chris of optimism began to resur- closing its doors. Brouillard-Coyle contacted face where only despair had At the rate we were going the diocese and arranged for recently existed. we would deplete our dioc- Archdeacons Richard Salt and And so began the process of esan investments within a Kim Van Allen to be a part of renewal for St Paul’s. the church town hall meet- handful of years and then not See PROCESS Page 3 be able to pay our bills. The ing that had been planned to discuss our next steps. A model of compassion for the dying By Rev. Jim Innes those who have been diagnosed Peggy explains. “In so many “I thought there had to be a with terminal illness. Services ways a person’s life is changed “We can make better way,” says Peggy Gilles- also include outreach to their by a terminal diagnosis and it some people’s pie, a nurse and co-founder of families and caregivers. is our intention to bring quality Serenity House. Peggy contends, “More peo- to the remaining time in their journey a little In the spring of 2002, ple have passed away without lives.” better.” working as a staff nurse at our help than I care to count. Serenity House offers a car- St. Thomas-Elgin General Hos- We can make some people’s ing and compassionate place to pital in St. Thomas, Gillespie re- journey a little better.” connect with needed resources. alized that a dying patient need- Serenity House was estab- The staff is knowledgeable and ed “closer observation and more lished on the principles of “ho- the office walls are lined with specialized attention” than was listic care” and is accredited referral pamphlets and infor- available. “It’s more time than a through the Ontario Hospice mative material. Serenity House staff nurse could afford to give.” Palliative Care Association. And provides ongoing palliative Opening Serenity House was through a seat at the table with training for its entire staff. her creative response. the Elgin Hospice Palliative Co- Serenity House also assists Serenity House is newly lo- alition, it maintains professional family and friends who are at- cated at St. John’s Church in ties within the community. tending to a loved one with a St. Thomas and provides an “We focus not on the disease terminal illness. emotional support system for but everything that matters to the person with the disease,” See HOSPICE Page 6 PAGE 2 ANGLICAN DIOCESE OF HURON CHURCH NEWS A P R I L 2 0 1 5 Eggs, bunnies, or hope for world Huron the faith. of life. Church nce again Christians Is it empirically verifiable? N.T. Wright in his wonderful are about to celebrate Of course not. But it is the very book Surprised by Hope says News OEaster. Once again we will sing core of Christian belief. this: our “Alleluias” and shout out Without the Resurrection, “But I know that God’s new Volume 65, Number 4 “Christ is risen!” It will all be ours is a story of an itinerant world of justice and joy, of quite lovely and then we will preacher who, by all reports, hope for the whole earth, was get back to business as usual. Submissions did some rather extraordinary launched when Jesus came out Huron Church News welcomes things while initiating a social of the tomb on Easter morn- news articles, commentaries, movement to challenge the ing, and I know that he calls photographs and story ideas. authorities of the day. Unfor- his followers to live in him and tunately it did not end well. He by the power of his Spirit and Publication is at the discretion was executed. so to be new-creation people of the editor. BISHOP Interesting enough reading I here and now, bringing signs TERRY DANCE suppose, but so what? and symbols of the kingdom Editor But that is not what we to birth on earth as in heaven. Sandra Coulson affirm. That is not what we The resurrection of Jesus and [email protected] For many in our culture, proclaim. While it may seem the gift of the Spirit mean that 519-649-4339 Easter poses such an affront an affront to many in our we are called to bring real and c/o Huron Church House to reason that the day will be computer-enabled, social- effective signs of God’s renewed 190 Queens Ave. marked — if at all — by daf- media-driven, increasingly creation to birth even in the London, ON fodils, chocolate bunnies and secular world, we are an Easter midst of the present age. Not N6A 6H7 brunch at a local eatery. people. Deal with it! to bring works and signs of What are we to make of it all? To say that we are an Easter renewal to birth within God’s Deadline Really? people is to affirm three essen- creation is ultimately to collude April 1 The Apostle Paul made a tial truths. with the forces of sin and death bold and unequivocal state- for the May edition • Death is not the end; life is. themselves.” (pp. 208-9) ment to the Church in Corinth. We would do well, I believe, We might do well to think • Violence, evil and oppression in the afterglow of Easter to Subscriptions about his words. will not win the day; love will. reflect on how the Resurrec- To subscribe, unsubscribe, “If there is no resurrection • This is God’s world, not Cae- tion shapes what it means for change address or name, of the dead, then Christ has sar’s. us to follow in the “Way” of report a delivery problem, not been raised; and if Christ Jesus. What strength, hope and contact: That is the Good News! That has not been raised, then our The Resurrection, by Germain purpose was born on that first Circulation Department proclamation has been in vain is worth getting excited about! Easter morning? Further, how That is a message to celebrate! Pilon (1525-90), Louvre. 1-866-924-9192, ext. 245 or 259 and your faith has been in vain” does the Resurrection help to Fax: 416-925-8811 (1 Corinthians 15:13-14). All of that is well and good, That is the Good define the mission and ministry Email: circulation@national. But that is not the faith of the but when the alleluias of Easter News! That is of the Church? Church. The Church for the die down and we return to life Somehow, I believe our an- last two millennia has shouted as normal, what does it look Via Web: www.anglicanjournal. worth getting swer to those questions might com/subscribe from the rooftops that Jesus like to live as an Easter people? well dictate the future of the Christ is risen! It is one thing to say we excited about! That Church and the fragile world in Individual suggested donation: Let me be perfectly clear are, but it is quite another to is a message to which we live. about this. That statement is demonstrate what that means $15 per year in Canada. not ancillary to the faith; it is as we go about the daily routine celebrate! $23 in U.S. and overseas. Advertising Contact the editor, as above Bishop of Huron’s Prayer Conference 2015 Huron Church News shall not Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (Huron) Presents be liable for damage arising out of errors in advertisements. Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement by GOING BROADER … GOING DEEPER: the Huron Church News or the Anglican Church. Experiencing A Variety of Prayer Practices Publisher The Right Reverend SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2015 Robert F.