CISC 326 Game Architecture

Module 08: Ahmed E. Hassan (Slides From Dr. Spiros Mancoridis) Object-Oriented Design Patterns

Topics in Object-Oriented Design Patterns

Material drawn from [Gamma95,Coplien95]

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG OOD Patterns Topics • Terminology and Motivation • Reusable OO Design Patterns: – Adapter – Facade – Iterator – Composite – Template – Abstract Factory – Observer – Master-Slave

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Terminology and Motivation

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Design Patterns

• Good designers know not to solve every problem from first principles. They reuse solutions. • Practitioners do not do a good job of recording experience in software design for others to use.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Design Patterns (Cont’d)

• A Design Pattern systematically names, explains, and evaluates an important and recurring design. • We describe a set of well-engineered design patterns that practitioners can apply when crafting their applications.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Becoming a Master Designer

• First, One Must Learn the Rules: – Algorithms – Data Structures – Languages • Later, One Must Learn the Principles: – Structured Programming – Modular Programming – OO Programming

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Becoming a Master Designer (Cont’d)

• Finally, One Must Study the Designs of Other Masters: – Design patterns must be understood, memorized, and applied. – There are thousands of existing design patterns.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Reusable OO Design Patterns

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The • Intent: Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn’t otherwise because of incompatible interfaces. • Motivation: When we want to reuse classes in an application that expects classes with a different interface, we do not want (and often cannot) to change the reusable classes to suit our application.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Example of the Adapter Pattern

Shape TextView Editor BoundingBox() GetExtent() CreateManipulator()


LineShape TextShape BoundingBox() BoundingBox() return text -> GetExtent() CreateManipulator() CreateManipulator() return new Text Manipulator

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Structure of the Adapter Pattern Using Multiple Inheritance

Client Target Adaptee Request() SpecificRequest()


Adapter Request() SpecificRequest()

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Structure of the Adapter Pattern Using Object Composition

Target Adaptee Client Request() SpecificRequest()


Adapter Request() SpecificRequest()

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Participants of the Adapter Pattern

• Target: Defines the application-specific interface that clients use. • Client: Collaborates with objects conforming to the target interface. • Adaptee: Defines an existing interface that needs adapting. • Adapter: Adapts the interface of the adaptee to the target interface.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The Facade Pattern (Intent)

• Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The Facade Pattern (Motivation)

• Structuring a system into subsystems helps reduce complexity. • A common design goal is to minimize the communication and dependencies between subsystems. • Use a facade object to provide a single, simplified interface to the more general facilities of a subsystem.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Example of the Facade Pattern

Compiler Compile()

Scanner Token

CodeGenerator Parser

ProgNodeBuilder RISCCG ProgNode StackMachineCG

Statement Node

Expression Node

Compiler Subsystem Classes Variable Node Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Structure of the Facade Pattern

Client Classes


Subsystem Classes Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Participants of the Facade Pattern • Facade: – Knows which subsystem classes are responsible for a request. – Delegates client requests to appropriate subsystem objects. • Subsystem Classes: – Implement subsystem functionality. – Handle work assigned by the facade object. – Have no knowledge of the facade; that is, they keep no references to it. Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The (Intent)

• Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation. • Move the responsibility for access and traversal from the aggregate object to the iterator object.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The Iterator Pattern (Motivation)

• One might want to traverse an aggregate object in different ways. • One might want to have more than one traversal pending on the same aggregate object. • Not all types of traversals can be anticipated a priori. • One should not bloat the interface of the aggregate object with all these traversals. Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Example of the Iterator Pattern

list List ListIterator Count() First() Append(Element) Next() Remove(Element) IsDone() … CurrentItem()


Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Structure of the Iterator Pattern

Aggregate Iterator CreateIterator() First() Next() IsDone() CurrentItem()

ConcreteAggregate CreateIterator() ConcreteIterator

return new ConcreteIterator(this)

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Participants of the Iterator Pattern

• Iterator: Defines an interface for accessing and traversing elements. • Concrete Iterator: Implements an iterator interface and keeps track of the current position in the traversal of the aggregate. • Aggregate: Defines an interface for creating an iterator object. • Concrete Aggregate: Implements the iterator creation interface to return an instance of the proper concrete iterator. Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The (Intent)

• Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. • Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The Composite Pattern (Motivation) • If the composite pattern is not used, client code must treat primitive and container classes differently, making the application more complex than is necessary.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Example of the Composite Pattern

Graphic Draw() Add(Graphic) Remove(Graphic) GetChild(int)

graphics Line Rect. Text Picture Draw() Draw() Draw() Draw() Add(Graphic) Remove(Graphic) GetChild(int)

forall g in graphics g.Draw() Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Structure of the Composite Pattern


Component Operation() Add(Component) Remove(Component) GetChild(int)

children Leaf Composite forall g in children Operation() Operation() g.Operation() Add(Component) Remove(Component) GetChild(int) Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Participants of Composite Pattern • Component: – Declares the interface for objects in the composition. – Implements default behavior for the interface common to all classes. – Declares an interface for accessing and managing its child components. – Defines an interface for accessing a component’s parent in the recursive structure (optional).

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Participants of Composite Pattern (Cont’d) • Leaf: – Represents leaf objects in the composition. A leaf has no children. – Defines behavior for primitive objects in the composition. • Composite: – Defines behavior for components having children. – Stores child components. – Implements child-related operations in the component interface.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Participants of Composite Pattern (Cont’d)

• Client: – Manipulates objects in the composition through the component interface.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The Template Pattern (Intent)

• Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses. • The Template Method lets subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm’s structure.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The Template Pattern (Motivation)

• By defining some of the steps of an algorithm, using abstract operations, the template method fixes their ordering.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Structure of the Template Pattern

AbstractClass ... TemplateMethod() PrimitiveOp1() PrimitiveOp1() PrimitiveOp2() PrimitiveOp2() ...

ConcreteClass PrimitiveOp1() PrimitiveOp2()

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Structure of the Template Pattern

• Abstract Class: – Defines abstract primitive operations that concrete subclasses define to implement steps of an algorithm. – Implements a template method defining the skeleton of an algorithm. The template method calls primitive operations as well as operations defined in Abstract Class or those of other objects.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Structure of the Template Pattern (Cont’d)

• Concrete Class: Implements the primitive operations to carry out subclass-specific steps to the algorithm.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The (Intent)

• Provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The Abstract Factory Pattern (Behavior)

• Sometimes we have systems that support different representations depending on external factors. • There is an Abstract Factory that provides an interface for the client. In this way the client can obtain a specific object through this abstract interface.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Example of the Abstract Factory Pattern

WidgetFactory Client CreateScrollBar() Create Window()


MotifWidgetFactory PMWidgetFactory PMWindow MotifWindow

CreateScrollBar() CreateScrollBar() Create Window() Create Window()


PMScrollBar MotifScrollBar

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Structure of the Abstract Factory Pattern

AbstractFactory Client CreateProductA() CreateProductB()


ConcreteFactory1 ConcreteFactory2 ProductA1 ProductA2

CreateProductA() CreateProductA() CreateProductB() CreateProductB()


ProductB1 ProductB2

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Participants of the Abstract Factory Pattern

• Abstract Factory: – Declares an interface for operations that create abstract product objects. • Concrete Factory: – Implements the operations to create concrete product objects.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Participants of the Abstract Factory Pattern (Cont’d) • Abstract Product: – Declares an interface for a type of product object. • Concrete Product: – Defines a product object to be declared by the corresponding concrete factory. (Implements the Abstract Product interface). • Client: – Uses only interfaces declared by Abstract Factory and Abstract Product classes. Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Abstract Factory Example public abstract class AbstractFactory { public static final String MOTIF_WIDGET_NAME = "Motif"; public static final String WINDOWS_WIDGET_NAME = "Windows"; public static AbstractFactory getFactory(String name) { if (name.equals(MOTIF_WIDGET_NAME)) return new MotifFactory( ); else if (name.equals(WINDOWS_WIDGET_NAME)) return new WindowsFactory( ); return null; } public abstract AbstractWindow getWindow(); };

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Abstract Factory Example (Cont’d)

// Code for class MotifFactory: package example; public class MotifFactory extends AbstractFactory { public MotifFactory() { }

public AbstractWindow getWindow() { return new MotifWindow(); } };

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Abstract Factory Example (Cont’d)

// Code for class WindowsFactory: public class WindowsFactory extends AbstractFactory { public WindowsFactory() { }

public AbstractWindow getWindow() { return new WindowsWindow(); } };

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Abstract Factory Example (Cont’d)

// Code for class AbstractWindow: public abstract class AbstractWindow { public abstract void show(); };

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Abstract Factory Example (Cont’d)

//Code for class MotifWindow: public class MotifWindow extends AbstractWindow { public MotifWindow() { } public void show() { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //updating the components tree after changing the LAF SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(frame); frame.setSize(300, 300); frame.setVisible(true); } }; Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Abstract Factory Example (Cont’d)

// Code for class WindowsWindow: public class WindowsWindow extends AbstractWindow { public WindowsWindow() { } public void show() { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel( ""); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //updating the components tree after changing the LAF SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(frame); frame.setSize(300, 300); frame.setVisible(true); } }; Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Abstract Factory Example (Cont’d)

// Code for class Client: public class Client { public Client(String factoryName) { AbstractFactory factory = AbstractFactory.getFactory(factoryName); AbstractWindow window = factory.getWindow();; }

public static void main(String [] args) { //args[0] contains the name of the family of widgets //to be used by the Client class (Motif or Windows) new Client(args[0]); } }; Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The (Intent)

• Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The Observer Pattern (Motivation) • A common side-effect of partitioning a system into a collection of cooperating classes is the need to maintain consistency between related objects. • You don’t want to achieve consistency by making the classes tightly coupled, because that reduces their reusability.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Example of the Observer Pattern

a b c x 603010 b y 503020 a c z 8010 10 a b c

a = 50% b = 30% c = 20%

requests, modifications change notification

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Structure of the Observer Pattern

observers Subject Observer Attach(Observer) Update() Detach(Observer) for all o in Notify() observers { o -> Update()}

ConcreteObserver observerState = Update() subject subject->GetState() ConcreteSubject observerState GetState() return subjectState SetState() subjectState

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Structure of the Observer Pattern

• The key objects in this pattern are subject and observer. – A subject may have any number of dependent observers. – All observers are notified whenever the subject undergoes a change in state.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Participants of the Observer Pattern • Subject: – Knows its numerous observers. – Provides an interface for attaching and detaching observer objects. – Sends a notification to its observers when its state changes. • Observer: – Defines an updating interface for concrete observers.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Participants of the Observer Pattern (Cont’d)

• Concrete Subject: – Stores state of interest to concrete observers. • Concrete Observer: – Maintains a reference to a concrete subject object. – Stores state that should stay consistent with the subject's. – Implements the updating interface.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The Master-Slave Pattern (Intent)

• Handles the computation of replicated services within a software system to achieve fault tolerance and robustness. • Independent components providing the same service (slaves) are separated from a component (master) responsible for invoking them and for selecting a particular result from the results returned by the slaves.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG The Master-Slave Pattern (Motivation)

• Fault tolerance is a critical factor in many systems. • Replication of services and delegation of the same task to several independent suppliers is a common strategy to handle such cases.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Example of the M/S Pattern



NuclearPP Voter Slave2 acceptableRL() RadLevel() RadLevel()

return max( Slave3 slave1->RadLevel(), slave2->RadLevel(), RadLevel() slave3->RadLevel()) Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Structure of the M/S Pattern


ServiceImp1() forward request

forward Client Master Slave2 request Compute() service() ServiceImp1() request service forward request Slave3


Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG Participants of the M/S Pattern

• Slave: – Implements a service. • Master: – Organizes the invocation of replicated services. – Decides which of the results returned by its slaves is to be passed to its clients. • Client: – Requires a certain service in order to solve its own task.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG References

• [Gamma95] Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., Vlissides, J., Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley, 1995. • [Coplien95] J. O. Complien, D.C. Schmidt, Pattern Languages of Program Design. Addison-Wesley, 1995.

Software Design (OOD Patterns) © SERG