Wrapper Facade

A for Encapsulating Functions within Classes

Douglas C. Schmidt [email protected] Department of Computer Science Washington University St. Louis, MO 63130, (314) 935-7538

This paper appeared in the C++ Report magazine, Febru- ary, 1999. CLIENT DATABASE

1 Introduction PRINTER

CONNECTION This paper describes the Wrapper . The intent REQUEST LOGGING of this pattern is to encapsulate low-level functions and data SERVER structures with object-oriented (OO) class interfaces. Com- SOCKET HANDLES mon examples of the Wrapper Facade pattern are class li- NETWORK braries like MFC, ACE, and AWT that encapsulate native CONSOLE OS C , such as sockets, pthreads, or GUI functions. CLIENT LOGGING Programming directly to native OS C APIs makes net- RECORDS LOGGING working applications verbose, non-robust, non-portable, and RECORDS hard to maintain because it exposes many low-level, error- CLIENT SERVER prone details to application developers. This paper illus- trates how the Wrapper Facade pattern can help to make these types of applications more concise, robust, portable, and maintainable. Figure 1: Distributed Logging Service This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the Wrapper Facade pattern in detail using the Siemens for- mat [1] and Section 3 presents concluding remarks. The logging server shown in Figure 1 handles connec- tion requests and logging records sent by clients. Logging records and connection requests can arrive concurrently on 2 Wrapper Facade Pattern multiple socket handles. Each handle identifies network communication resources managed within an OS. 2.1 Intent Clients communicate with the logging server using a connection-oriented protocol like TCP [2]. Thus, when a Encapsulate low-level functions and data structures within client wants to log data, it must first send a connection re- more concise, robust, portable, and maintainable higher- quest to the logging server. The server accepts connection level object-oriented class interfaces. requests using a handle factory, which listens on a network address known to clients. When a connection request ar- 2.2 Example rives, the OS handle factory accepts the client’s connection and creates a socket handle that represents this client’s con- To illustrate the Wrapper Facade pattern, consider the server nection endpoint. This handle is returned to the logging for a distributed logging service shown in Figure 1. Client server, which waits for client logging requests to arrive on applications use the logging service to record information this and other socket handles. Once clients are connected, about their execution status in a distributed environment. they can send logging records to the server. The server re- This status information commonly includes error notifica- ceives these records via the connected socket handles, pro- tions, debugging traces, and performance diagnostics. Log- cesses the records, and writes them to their output device(s). ging records are sent to a central logging server, which writes A common way to develop a logging server that processes the records to various output devices, such as a network man- multiple clients concurrently is to use low-level C language agement console, a printer, or a database. functions and data structures for threading, synchronization

1 and network communication. For instance, Figure 2 illus- // Set up the address to become a server. trates the use of Solaris threads [3] and the socket [4] net- memset (reinterpret_cast (&sock_addr), work programming API to develop a multi-threaded logging 0, sizeof sock_addr); server. sock_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; sock_addr.sin_port = htons (logging_port); sock_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY);

// Associate address with endpoint. SERVER LOGGING SERVER bind (acceptor, reinterpret_cast (&sock_addr), sizeof sock_addr); 1: socket() 2: bind() // Make endpoint listen for connections. 3: listen() listen (acceptor, 5); 8: recv() 8: recv() 5: accept() 9: write() 9: write() 6: thr_create() // Main server event loop. for (;;) { Logging Logging Logging thread_t t_id; Acceptor Handler Handler // Handle UNIX/Win32 portability differences. 4: connect() #if defined (_WINSOCKAPI_) 7: send() SOCKET h; #else 7: send() int h; CLIENT CLIENT #endif /* _WINSOCKAPI_ */ A NETWORK B // Block waiting for clients to connect. int h = accept (acceptor, 0, 0);

// Spawn a new thread that runs the // entry point and Figure 2: Multi-threaded Logging Server // processes client logging records on // socket handle . thr_create (0, 0, In this design, the logging server’s handle factory accepts logging_handler, client network connections in its main thread. It then spawns reinterpret_cast (h), THR_DETACHED, a new thread that runs a logging handler function to &t_id); process logging records from each client in a separate con- } nection. The following two C functions illustrates how to /* NOTREACHED */ implement this logging server design using the native Solaris return 0;

OS APIs for sockets, mutexes, and threads.1 }

// At file scope. The logging handler function runs in a separate thread of control, i.e., one thread per connected client. It receives // Keep track of number of logging requests. static int request_count; and processes logging records on each connection, as fol- lows: // to protect request_count. static mutex_t lock; // Entry point that processes logging records for // one client connection. // Forward declaration. void *logging_handler (void *arg) static void *logging_handler (void *); { // Handle UNIX/Win32 portability differences. // Port number to listen on for requests. #if defined (_WINSOCKAPI_) static const int logging_port = 10000; SOCKET h = reinterpret_cast (arg); #else // Main driver function for the multi-threaded int h = reinterpret_cast (arg); // logging server. Some error handling has been #endif /* _WINSOCKAPI_ */ // omitted to save space in the example. for (;;) { int UINT_32 len; // Ensure a 32-bit quantity. main (int argc, char *argv[]) char log_record[LOG_RECORD_MAX]; { struct sockaddr_in sock_addr; // The first reads the length // (stored as a 32-bit integer) of // Handle UNIX/Win32 portability differences. // adjacent logging record. This code #if defined (_WINSOCKAPI_) // does not handle "short-s". SOCKET acceptor; ssize_t n = recv #else (h, int acceptor; reinterpret_cast (&len), #endif /* _WINSOCKAPI_ */ sizeof len, 0);

// Create a local endpoint of communication. // Bail out if we don’t get the expected len. if (n <= sizeof len) break; acceptor = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); len = ntohl (len); // Convert byte-ordering. if (len > LOG_RECORD_MAX) break; 1 Readers who are not interested in the complete code details of this ex- ample can skip to the pattern’s Context in Section 2.3. // The second then reads

2 // bytes to obtain the actual record. across different versions of the same OS or compiler. Non- // This code handles "short-s". for (size_t nread = 0; portability stems from the lack of information hiding in low- nread < len; level APIs based on functions and data structures. nread += n) { For instance, the logging server implementation in Sec- n = recv (h, log_record + nread, tion 2.2 has hard-coded dependencies on several non- len - nread, 0); portable native OS threading and network programming C // Bail out if an error occurs. if (n <= 0) APIs. In particular, the use of thr create, mutex lock, return 0; and mutex unlock is not portable to non-Solaris OS plat- } forms. Likewise, certain socket features, such as the use of mutex_lock (&lock); int to represent a socket handle, are not portable to non- // Execute following two statements in a UNIX platforms like WinSock on Win32, which represent a // critical section to avoid race conditions socket handle as a pointer. // and scrambled output, respectively. ++request_count; // Count # of requests received. High maintenance effort: C and C++ developers typically if (write (1, log_record, len) == -1) achieve portability by explicitly adding conditional com- // Unexpected error occurred, bail out. pilation directives into their application source code using break; #ifdefs. However, using conditional compilation to ad- mutex_unlock (&lock); dress platform-specific variations at all points of use in- } creases the physical design complexity [6] of application close (h); source code. It is hard to maintain and extend such software return 0; since platform-specific implementation details are scattered } throughout the application source files. Note how all the threading, synchronization, and networking For instance, the #ifdefs that handle Win32 and UNIX code is programmed using the low-level C functions and data portability with respect to the data type of a socket, i.e., structures provided by the Solaris operating system. SOCKET vs. int, impedes the readability of the code. Developers who program to low-level C APIs like these 2.3 Context must have intimate knowledge of many OS platform idiosyn- crasies to write and maintain this code. Applications that access services provided by low-level func- As a result of these drawbacks, developing applications by tions and data structures. programming directly to low-level functions and data struc- tures is rarely an effective design choice for application soft- 2.4 Problem ware. Networking applications are often written using the low- level functions and data structures illustrated in Section 2.2. 2.5 Solution Although this is common practice, it causes problems for An effective way to ensure applications avoid accessing application developers by failing to resolve the following low-level functions and data structures directly is to use forces: the Wrapper Facade pattern. For each set of related func- Verbose, non-robust programs: Application developers tions and data structures, create one or more wrapper facade who program directly to low-level functions and data struc- classes that encapsulate low-level functions and data struc- tures must repeatedly rewrite a great deal of tedious software tures within more concise, robust, portable, and maintainable logic. In general, code that is tedious to write and maintain methods provided by the wrapper facade interface. often contains subtle and pernicious errors. For instance, the code for creating and initializing an 2.6 Structure acceptor socket in the main function in Section 2.2 is prone to errors, such as failing to zero-out the sock addr The structure of the participants of the Wrapper Facade pat- or not using htons on the logging port number [5]. tern is illustrated in the following UML :

The mutex lock and mutex unlock are also easy to 1 misuse. For example, if the write call returns the client logging handler code breaks out of the loop without releasing the mutex lock. Similarly, the socket handle h will 1: method_k() not be closed if the nested for loop returns when it encoun- 2: function_k() ters an error. Wrapper Facade Lack of portability: Software written using low-level Functions method_1() functions and data structures is often non-portable between ... function_1() different OS platforms and compilers. Moreover, it’s of- method_m() ... function_n() ten not even portable to program to low-level functions

3 The key participants in the Wrapper Facade pattern include the following: SERVER LOGGING SERVER Functions:

1: SOCK  The Functions are existing low-level functions and data Acceptor structures that provide a cohesive service. 6: recv() 6: recv() 2: accept() 7: write() 7: write() 4: spawn() Logging Logging Logging Wrapper Facade: Acceptor Handler Handler 3: connect()

 The Wrapper Facade is a set of one or more classes 5: send() that encapsulate the Functions and their associated data 5: send() structures. The Wrapper Facade provides methods that CLIENT CLIENT forward client invocations to one or more of the low- A NETWORK B level Functions.

2.7 Dynamics Figure 3: Multi-threaded Logging Server

The following figure illustrates the collaborations in the Wrapper Facade pattern: 1. Identify the cohesive abstractions and relation- ships among existing functions: Conventional APIs like : Wrapper Win32, POSIX, or X Windows that are implemented as in- client : Functions Facade dividual functions and data structures provide many cohe- method_k() sive abstractions, such as mechanisms for network program- CLIENT INVOCATION function_k() ming, synchronization and threading, and GUI management. FORWARDING Due to the lack of data abstraction support in low-level lan- guages like C, however, it is often not immediately obvious These collaborations are straightforward, as described be- how these existing functions and data structures are related low: to each other. Therefore, the first step in applying the Wrap- per Facade pattern is to identify the cohesive abstractions and 1. Client invocation: The client invokes a method via an relationships among the lower level functions in an existing instance of the Wrapper Facade. API. In other words, we define an “object model” by cluster- ing the existing low-level API functions and data structures 2. Forwarding: The Wrapper Facade method forwards the into one or more classes. request to one or more of the underlying Functions that it en- In our logging example, we start by carefully examining capsulates, passing along any internal data structures needed our original logging server implementation. This implemen- by the function(s). tation used many low-level functions that actually provide several cohesive services, such as synchronization and net- work communication. For instance, the mutex lock and 2.8 Implementation mutex unlock functions are associated with a mutex syn- chronization abstraction. Likewise, the socket, bind, This section explains the steps involved in implementing listen,andaccept functions play various roles as a net- components and applications with the Wrapper Facade pat- work programming abstraction. tern. We illustrate how these Wrapper Facades overcome the problems with verbose, non-robust programs, lack of porta- 2. Cluster cohesive groups of functions into Wrapper Fa- bility, and high maintenance effort plaguing the solution that cade classes and methods: This step can be broken down used low-level functions and data structures. into the following substeps: Figure 3 illustrates the structure and participants in this In this step, we define one or more wrapper facade classes example, which is based on the logging server described in for each group of functions and data structures that are re- Section 2.2 The examples in this section apply the reusable lated to a particular abstraction. components from the ACE framework [7]. ACE provides a A. Create cohesive classes: We start by define one or rich set of reusable C++ wrappers and framework compo- more wrapper facade classes for each group of functions and nents that perform common communication software tasks data structures that are related to a particular abstraction. across a wide range of OS platforms. Several common criteria used to create cohesive classes in- The following steps can be taken to implement the Wrap- clude the following: per Facade pattern:

4  Coalesce functions with high cohesion into individ- class Thread_Mutex { ual classes, while minimizing unnecessary coupling be- public: tween classes. Thread_Mutex (void) { mutex_init (&mutex_, 0, 0);

 Determine what is common and what is variable in the } ˜Thread_Mutex (void) { underlying functions and to group functions into classes mutex_destroy (&mutex_); that isolate the variation behind a uniform interface. } int acquire (void) { return mutex_lock (&mutex_); In general, if the original API contains a wide range of re- } lated functions it may be necessary to create several wrapper int release (void) { facade classes in order to properly separate concerns. return mutex_unlock (&mutex_); }

B. Coalesce multiple individual functions into class private: methods: In addition to grouping existing into classes, it // Solaris-specific Mutex mechanism. is also often beneficial to combine multiple individual func- mutex_t mutex_; tions into a smaller number of methods in each wrapper fa- // = Disallow copying and assignment. Thread_Mutex (const Thread_Mutex &); cade class. For instance, this design may be necessary to void operator= (const Thread_Mutex &); ensure that a group of low-level functions are called in the }; appropriate order. By defining a Thread Mutex class interface, and then C. Select the level of indirection: Most wrapper facade writing applications to use it rather than the low-level native classes simply forward their method calls directly to the un- OS C APIs, we can easily port our wrapper facade to other derlying low-level functions. If the wrapper facade methods platforms. For instance, the following Thread Mutex im- are inlined there may be no additional indirection compared plementation works on Win32: to invoking the low-level functions directly. To enhance ex- tensibility, it is also possible to add another level of indirec- class Thread_Mutex { tion by dynamically dispatching the wrapper facade method public: implementations. In this case, the wrapper facade classes Thread_Mutex (void) { play the role of the Abstraction in the [8]. InitializeCriticalSection (&mutex_); }

D. Determine where to handle platform-specific varia- ˜Thread_Mutex (void) { tion: Minimizing platform-specific application code is an DeleteCriticalSection (&mutex_); important benefit of using the Wrapper Facade pattern. Thus, } although wrapper facade class method implementations may int acquire (void) { EnterCriticalSection (&mutex_); return 0; differ across different OS platforms they should provide uni- } form, platform-independent interfaces. int release (void) { One strategy for handling platform-specific variation is LeaveCriticalSection (&mutex_); return 0; to #ifdefs the wrapper facade class method implementa- } tions. When #ifdefs are used in conjunction with auto- private: configuration tools, such as GNU autoconf, uniform, // Win32-specific Mutex mechanism. platform-independent wrapper facades can be created with a CRITICAL_SECTION mutex_; single source tree. An alternative strategy is to factor out dif- // = Disallow copying and assignment. ferent wrapper facade class implementations into separate di- Thread_Mutex (const Thread_Mutex &); void operator= (const Thread_Mutex &); rectories, e.g., one per platform, and configure the language }; processing tools to include the appropriate wrapper facade class into applications at compile-time. As described earlier, we can simultaneously support multi- Choosing a particular strategy depends largely on how fre- ple OS platforms by using #ifdefsintheThread Mutex quently the wrapper facade method implementations change. method implementations along with auto-configuration For instance, if they change frequently, it can be tedious to tools, such as GNU autoconf, to provide a uniform, update the #ifdefs correctly for each platform. Likewise, platform-independent mutex abstraction using a single all files that depend on this file may need to be recompiled, source tree. Conversely, we could also factor out the differ- even if the change is only necessary for one platform. ent Thread Mutex implementations into separate directo- ries and instruct our language processing tools to include the In our logging example, we’ll define wrapper facade appropriate version into our application at compile-time. classes for mutexes, sockets, and threads in order to illustrate In addition to improving portability, our Thread Mutex how each of these substeps can be addressed, as follows: wrapper facade provides a mutex interface that is less error-

 The mutex wrapper facade: We first define a prone than programming directly to the low-level Solaris Thread Mutex abstraction that encapsulates the Solaris functions and mutex t data structure. For instance, we can mutex functions in a uniform and portable class interface: use the C++ private access control specifier to disallow

5 copying and assignment of mutexes, which is an erroneous ˜SOCK_Stream (void) { close (handle_); } use-case that is not prevented by the less strongly-typed C void set_handle (SOCKET h) { handle_ = h; } programming API. SOCKET get_handle (void) const { return handle_; }

 The socket wrapper facades: The socket API is // = I/O operations. int recv (char *buf, size_t len, int flags = 0); much larger and more expressive than the Solaris mutex int send (const char *buf, size_t len, API [5]. Therefore, we must define a group of related wrap- int flags = 0); per facade classes to encapsulate sockets. We’ll start by // ... defining the following typedef that handles UNIX/Win32 private: portability differences: // Handle for exchanging socket data. SOCKET handle_; }; #if !defined (_WINSOCKAPI_) typedef int SOCKET; #define INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE -1 Note how this class ensures that a socket handle is automati- #endif /* _WINSOCKAPI_ */ cally closed when a SOCK Stream object goes out of scope. SOCK Stream objects are created by a connection fac- Next, we’ll define an INET Addr class that encapsulates the tory, SOCK Acceptor, which encapsulates passive con- Internet domain address struct: nection establishment logic [9]. The SOCK Acceptor con- class INET_Addr structor initializes the passive-mode acceptor socket to lis- { ten at the sock addr address. Likewise, the accept fac- public: tory method initializes the SOCK Stream with the newly INET_Addr (u_short port, long addr) { // Set up the address to become a server. accepted connection, as follows: memset (reinterpret_cast (&addr_), 0, sizeof addr_); class SOCK_Acceptor addr_.sin_family = AF_INET; { addr_.sin_port = htons (port); public: addr_.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (addr); SOCK_Acceptor (const INET_Addr &sock_addr) { } // Create a local endpoint of communication. handle_ = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); u_short get_port (void) const { return addr_.sin_port; // Associate address with endpoint. } bind (handle_, sock_addr.addr (), long get_ip_addr (void) const { sock_addr.size ()); return addr_.sin_addr.s_addr; } // Make endpoint listen for connections. listen (handle_, 5); sockaddr *addr (void) const { }; return reinterpret_cast (&addr_); // Accept a connection and initialize } // the . int accept (SOCK_Stream &stream) { size_t size (void) const { stream.set_handle (accept (handle_, 0, 0)); return sizeof (addr_); if (stream.get_handle () } == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // ... return -1; else return 0; private: } sockaddr_in addr_; }; private: // Socket handle factory. SOCKET handle_; Note how the INET Addr constructor eliminates several }; common socket programming errors by zeroing-out the Note how the constructor for the SOCK Acceptor ensures sockaddr in field and ensuring the port and IP address that the low-level socket, bind,andlisten functions are converted into network byte order. are always called in the right order. The next wrapper facade class, SOCK Stream, encapsu- A complete set of wrapper facades for sockets [5] would lates the I/O operations, such as recv and send,thatan also include a SOCK Connector, which encapsulates the application can invoke on a connected socket handle: active connection establishment logic [9]. class SOCK_Stream  The threading facade: Many threading APIs are { public: available on different OS platforms, including Solaris // = Constructors. threads, POSIX Pthreads, and Win32 threads. These APIs // Default constructor. exhibit subtle syntactic and semantic differences, e.g.,So- SOCK_Stream (void) laris and POSIX threads can be spawned in “detached” : handle_ (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {} mode, whereas Win32 threads cannot. It is possible, how- // Initialize from an existing HANDLE. ever, to provide a Thread Manager wrapper facade that SOCK_Stream (SOCKET h): handle_ (h) {} encapsulates these differences within a uniform API, as fol- // Automatically close the handle on destruction. lows:

6 class Thread_Manager  It complicates the use of multiple languages: Since { public: languages implement exceptions in different ways, or do not int spawn (void *(*entry_point) (void *), implement exceptions at all, it can be hard to integrate com- void *arg, ponents written in different languages when they throw ex- long flags, long stack_size = 0, ceptions. In contrast, reporting error information using inte- void *stack_pointer = 0, ger values or structures provides a more universal solution. thread_t *t_id = 0) { thread_t t;

if (t_id == 0)  It complicates resource management: Resource t_id = &t; management can be complicated if there are multiple exit return thr_create (stack_size, stack_pointer, paths from a block of C++ or Java code [10]. Thus, if entry_point, garbage collection is not supported by the language or pro- arg, flags, gramming environment, care must be taken to ensure that t_id); dynamically allocated objects are deleted when an exception } is thrown. // ...

};  It is potentially time and/or space inefficient: Poor implements of exception handling incur time and/or space The Thread Manager can also provide methods for join- overhead even when exceptions are not thrown [10]. This ing and canceling threads, as well. overhead can be particularly problematic for embedded sys- tems that must be efficient and have small memory foot- 3. Determine an error handling mechanism: Low-level prints. C function APIs typically use return values and integer codes, such as errno, to communicate errors back to their The drawbacks of exception handling are particularly callers. This technique is error-prone, however, since callers problematic for wrapper facades that encapsulate kernel- may neglect to check the return status of their function calls. level device drivers or low-level native OS APIs that must A more elegant way of reporting errors is to use excep- run portably on many platforms [5]. For these types of wrap- tion handling. Many programming languages, such as C++ per facades, a more portable, efficient, and thread-safe way and Java, use exception handling as an error reporting mech- to handle errors is to define an error handler abstraction that anism. It is also used in some operating systems, such as maintains information about the success or failure of opera- Win32. tions explicitly. One widely used solution for these system- There are several benefits to using exception handling as level wrapper facades is to use the Thread-Specific Storage the error handling mechanism for wrapper facade classes: pattern [11].

 It is extensible: Modern programming languages al- 4. Define related helper classes (optional): Once the low- low the extension of exception handling policies and mech- level functions and data structures are encapsulated within anisms via features that have minimal intrusion on existing cohesive wrapper facade classes, it often becomes possible interfaces and usage. For instance, C++ and Java use inheri- to create other helper classes that further simplify application tance to define hierarchies of exception classes. development. The utility of these helper classes typically be- comes apparent only after the Wrapper Facade pattern has  It cleanly decouples error handling from normal pro- cessing: For example, error handling information is not been applied to cluster low-level functions and their associ- passed explicitly to an operation. Moreover, an application ated data into classes. cannot accidentally ignore an exception by failing to check In our logging example, for instance, we can leverage function return values. the following Guard class that implements the C++ Scoped Locking idiom, which ensures that a Thread Mutex is

 It can be type-safe: In a languages like C++ and Java properly released regardless of how the program’s flow of exceptions are thrown and caught in a strongly-typed manner control exits a scope: to enhance the organization and correctness of error handling code. In contrast to checking a thread-specific error value template explicitly, the compiler ensures that the correct handler is class Guard { executed for each type of exception. public: Guard (LOCK &lock): lock_ (lock) { However, there are several drawbacks to the use of excep- lock_.acquire (); tion handling for wrapper facade classes: } ˜Guard (void) {

 It is not universally available: Not all languages pro- lock_.release (); vide exception handling. For instance, some C++ compilers } do not implement exceptions. Likewise, when an OS pro- private: vides exception handling services, they must be supported // Hold the lock by reference to avoid // the use of the copy constructor... by language extensions, thereby reducing the portability of LOCK &lock_; the code.

7 The Guard class applies the C++ idiom described in [12] // Get the underlying handle. whereby “a constructor acquires resources and the destructor SOCKET h = new_stream.get_handle (); releases them” within a scope, as follows: // Spawn off a thread-per-connection. thr_mgr.spawn (logging_handler, // ... reinterpret_cast (h), { THR_DETACHED); // Constructor of automatically } // acquires the lock. Guard mon (mutex); The logging handler function runs in a separate thread // ... operations that must be serialized ... of control, i.e., one thread for each connected client. It re- // Destructor of automatically ceives and processes logging records on each connection, as // releases the lock. follows: }

// ... // Entry point that processes logging records for // one client connection. void *logging_handler (void *arg) Since we use a class as the Thread Mutex wrapper fa- { cade, we can easily substitute a different type of locking SOCKET h = reinterpret_cast (arg); mechanism, while still reusing the Guard’s automatic lock- // Create a object from SOCKET . ing/unlocking protocol. For instance, we can replace the SOCK_Stream stream (h); Thread Mutex class with a Process Mutex class, as for (;;) { follows: UINT_32 len; // Ensure a 32-bit quantity. char log_record[LOG_RECORD_MAX]; // Acquire a process-wide mutex. Guard mon (mutex); // The first reads the length // (stored as a 32-bit integer) of // adjacent logging record. This code It’s much harder to achieve this degree of “pluggability” if C // handles "short-s". ssize_t n = stream.recv_n functions and data structures are used instead of C++ classes. (reinterpret_cast (&len), sizeof len); 2.9 Example Resolved // Bail out if we’re shutdown or // errors occur unexpectedly. The code below illustrates the main function of the logging if (n <= 0) break; len = ntohl (len); // Convert byte-ordering. server after its been rewritten to use our wrapper facades for if (len > LOG_RECORD_MAX) break; mutexes, sockets, and threads described in Section 2.8: // The second then reads // At file scope. // bytes to obtain the actual record. // This code handles "short-s". // Keep track of number of logging requests. n = stream.recv_n (log_record, len); static int request_count; // Bail out if we’re shutdown or // Manage threads in this process. // errors occur unexpectedly. static Thread_Manager thr_mgr; if (n <= 0) break;

// Lock to protect request_count. { static Thread_Mutex lock; // Constructor of Guard automatically // acquires the lock. // Forward declaration. Guard mon (lock); static void *logging_handler (void *); // Execute following two statements in a // Port number to listen on for requests. // critical section to avoid race conditions static const int logging_port = 10000; // and scrambled output, respectively. ++request_count; // Count # of requests // Main driver function for the multi-threaded // logging server. Some error handling has been if (write (STDOUT, log_record, len) == -1) // omitted to save space in the example. break; int // Destructor of Guard automatically main (int argc, char *argv[]) // releases the lock, regardless of { // how we exit this block! // Internet address of server. } INET_Addr addr (port); }

// Passive-mode acceptor object. // Destructor of automatically SOCK_Acceptor server (addr); // closes down . return 0; SOCK_Stream new_stream; }

// Wait for a connection from a client. Note how the code above fixes the various problems with for (;;) { the previous code shown in Section 2.2. For instance, the de- // Accept a connection from a client. server.accept (new_stream); structors of SOCK Stream and Guard will close down the socket handle and release the Thread Mutex, respectively,

8 regardless of how the blocks of code are exited. Likewise, Improve modularity, reusability, and configurability this code is much easier to port and maintain since it uses no of applications: The Wrapper Facade pattern creates platform-specific APIs. reusable class components that can be “plugged” in and out of other components in a wholesale fashion using OO lan- guage features like inheritance and parameterized types. In 2.10 Known Uses contrast, it is much harder to replace groups of functions The example in this paper focuses on concurrent network without resorting to coarse-grained OS utilities, such as link- programming. However, the Wrapper Facade pattern has ers or file systems. also been applied to many other domains, such as GUI The Wrapper Facade pattern has the following liability: frameworks and database class libraries. The following are some well known uses of the Wrapper Facade pattern: Additional indirection: The Wrapper Facade pattern can incur additional indirection compared with using low-level Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC): MFC provides a functions and data structures directly. However, languages set of wrapper facades that encapsulate most of the low-level that support inlining, such as C++, can implement this pat- C Win32 APIs, focusing largely on providing GUI compo- tern with no significant overhead since compilers can inline nents that implement the Microsoft Document/Template ar- the method calls used to implement the wrapper facades. chitecture. The ACE framework: The mutex, thread, and socket wrapper facades described in Section 2.8 are based 2.12 See Also on components in the ACE framework [7], such as The Wrapper Facade pattern is similar to the Facade pat- the ACE Thread Mutex, ACE Thread Manager,and tern [8]. The intent of the Facade pattern is to simplify the ACE SOCK* classes, respectively. interface for a subsystem. The intent of the Wrapper Facade Rogue Wave class libraries: Rogue Wave’s Net.h++ pattern is more specific: it provides concise, robust, portable, and Threads.h++ class libraries implement wrapper fa- and maintainable class interfaces that encapsulate low-level cades for sockets, threads, and synchronization mechanisms functions and data structures, such as the native OS mutex, on a number of OS platforms. socket, thread, and GUI C language APIs. In general, Fa-

cades hide complex class relationships behind a simpler API, > ObjectSpace System

sockets, threads, and synchronization mechanisms are also structure relationships behind a richer class API. > provided by the ObjectSpace System

2.11 Consequences This paper describes the Wrapper Facade pattern and gives a detailed example illustrating how to use it. Implementations The Wrapper Facade pattern provides the following benefits: of the ACE wrapper facade components described in this pa- More concise and robust programming interface: The per are freely available in the ACE [7] software distribution Wrapper Facade pattern encapsulates many low-level func- at URL www.cs.wustl.edu/˜schmidt/ACE.html. tions within a more concise set of OO class methods. This re- This distribution contains complete C++ source code, docu- duces the tedium of developing applications using low-level mentation, and example test drivers developed at Washington functions and data structures, thereby reducing the potential University, St. Louis. ACE is currently being used in many for programming errors. communication software projects at companies like Bellcore, Boeing, DEC, Ericsson, Kodak, Lucent, Motorola, SAIC, Improve application portability and maintainability: and Siemens. Wrapper Facade classes can be implemented to shield ap- plication developers from non-portable aspects of low-level functions and data structures. Moreover, the Wrapper Facade Acknowledgements pattern improves software structure by replacing an applica- tion configuration strategy based on physical design entities, Thanks to Hans Rohnert, Regine Meunier, Michael Stal, such as files and # ifdefs, with logical design entities, such as Christa Schwanninger, Frank Buschmann, and Brad Apple- base classes, subclasses, and their relationships [6]. It is gen- ton for extensive comments that greatly improved the form erally easier to understand and maintain applications in terms and content of the Wrapper Facade pattern description. of their logical design rather than their physical design.

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