Bulletin of Portuguese - Japanese Studies ISSN: 0874-8438
[email protected] Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal Jorissen, Engelbert Reseña de "Christianity in Early Modern Japan. Kirishitan Belief & Practice" de Ikuo Higashibaba Bulletin of Portuguese - Japanese Studies, núm. 8, june, 2004, pp. 107-115 Universidade Nova de Lisboa Lisboa, Portugal Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=36100806 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative BPJS, 2004, 8, 107-130 Book Review 107 BOOK REVIEW Ikuo Higashibaba convert to Christianity in early mod- ern Japan. Christianity in Early Modern Japan. Ikuo Higashibaba starts his in- Kirishitan Belief & Practice, quiry from the background of such (Brill's Japanese Studies Library, questions. He wants to move away edited by from a traditional research which H. Bolitho and K. W. Radtke, focuses on historical events and fig- Volume 16, ures and ends up by measuring the Leiden, Boston, Koln, Brill, 2001) effect and results of the early Catho- lic mission in Japan according to the During an international confer- exspectation of the missionary, come ence held on occasion of the 450th from outside, and within the frame of commemoration of the arrival of the a European understanding of Chris- first Portuguese in Japan in, as far tianism, Christians and Christian as it seems today, 1543, there was behaviour. Instead, Higashibaba as- one contribution about Otomo Sorin serts: “We need to explore the his- as a crucial figure in the history of torical experiences of these people, early Japanese Christianity.