Bibliography: Islamic State (IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) [Part 5]
PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 13, Issue 3 Resources Bibliography: Islamic State (IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) [Part 5] Compiled and selected by Judith Tinnes [Bibliographic Series of Perspectives on Terrorism – BSPT-JT-2019-4] Abstract This bibliography contains journal articles, book chapters, books, edited volumes, theses, grey literature, bibliogra- phies and other resources on the Islamic State (IS / ISIS / ISIL / Daesh) and its predecessor organizations. To keep up with the rapidly changing political events, the most recent publications have been prioritized during the selec- tion process. The literature has been retrieved by manually browsing through more than 200 core and periphery sources in the field of Terrorism Studies. Additionally, full-text and reference retrieval systems have been employed to broaden the search. Keywords: bibliography, resources, literature, Islamic State; IS; ISIS; ISIL; Daesh; Al-Qaeda in Iraq; AQI NB: All websites were last visited on 18.05.2019. This subject bibliography is conceptualised as a multi-part series (for earlier bibliog- raphies, see: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , and Part 4). To avoid duplication, this compilation only includes literature not contained in the previous parts. However, meta-resources, such as bibliographies, were also included in the sequels. – See also Note for the Reader at the end of this literature list. Bibliographies and other Resources Afghanistan Analysts Network (AAN) (2014, November-): Thematic Dossier XV: Daesh in Afghanistan. URL: ghanistan Al-Khalidi, Ashraf; Renahan, Thomas (Eds.) (2015, May-): Daesh Daily: An Update On ISIS Activities. URL: Al-Tamimi, Aymenn Jawad (2010-): [Homepage].
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