Proe. Indian Acad. Sci. ( Sci.), Vol. 90, Number 3, June 1981, pp. 253-272. (~ Printed in India.

Revision of the Lo () in India

B K DIXIT and G PANIGRAHI Botanical Survey of India, P.O. Botanic Garden, Howrah 711 103, India

MS received 28 January 1980; revised 19 February 1981

Abstraer. Twelve species of Sibbaldia L. ore recognised, including one new combi- nation and. one new record fcr India. Key to the species, correct nomenclature of taxa dealt with, their systematic account, iange of distribution, both in India and outside ave given and. specimens exarnined cited.

Keywords. Angiospermae; ; Rosaceae; revision of Indian species of Sibbalah'a L.

1. Introduction

Linnaetts (1737) named the genus Sibbaldia, after Robert Sibbald (1643-1720), an Edinburgh naturalist and physician. In 1753, he described two species viz. L. and S. erecta L. and attributed them to bis class "Pentan- dria pentagynia ". Subsequently, in 1754, he described the gentts Sibbaldia as distinct from L. and attributed tire stamens and tire carpels to the former but 20 or more stamens and indefinite number of carpels per flower to the latter. Seringe (1825) followed Linnaeus and recognised Sibbaldia L. and Potentilla L. os distinct genera and included them inthe tribe Dryadeae Vent. He assigned 5 stamens, 5 pistils, minute petals, inverted (basal)seeds (ovules) to Sibbaldia and indefinite number of stamens artd pistils, larger pet~ls, pendulous seeds (ovules) to Potentilla. I-Ie split up Sibbaldia L. irtto two sections : the Platyphyllae Ser. with two species artd the Leptophyllae Ser. with six species, the former characterised by procumbent stems, ternate leaves and obovate leaflets with tridentate apex, and the latter by erect stems, 3 or many-fid leaves and linear lobes. He assigned S. parviflora Willd. with a range extending to India to the section Platyphyllae. Endlicher (1840) segregated Sibbaldia tetrandra Bunge (1829) eharacterised by dioecious (through abortion) and tetramerous flowers, ovary provided witha short stalk and sttbterminal style with a capirote stigma as the basis of a new genus Dryadanthe Endl. bttt made no formal transfer of the type species to bis new genus. He placed Dryadanthe Eedl., Sibbaldia L. and Potentilla L. in the suborder Dryadeae (Vent.) Endl., the tribe Chamaerhodeae (Torrey and Gray) Endl. I-Iooker (1878) on the other hand, reduced Sibbaldia L. os a section of the genus Potentilla L. in which he recognised three sections : (i) Sibbaldia (L.) Hook. f., 253 P. (B)--7 254 B K Dixit and G Panigrahi (ii) Trichothalamus (Lehm.) Hook. f., and (iii) Potentilla proper. Re dist[nguishcd the section Sibbaldia from the other two sections in having 4, 5 or 10 st~men.~ and often unisexual flowers in contrast to the section Trichothalamus characterise by often dio~ious flowers, numerous stamens and achertes concealed by long, stiff receptacular hairs and the section Potentilla proper hav[ng b[sexual flowers, numerous stamens, and achenes not concealed by receptacular hairs. He assigned the taxa of tke section Sibbaldia to three unaamed groups on the morphology of teaves alorte, viz., (a) leaves simple : P. trullifoffa Hook. f., (b) lezves digitately 3-5- foliate : P. sibbaldi sensu tt~ok, f., non tt~tller f. (1818), P. sibbaldi var. micrantha ttook, f., P. perpusilla ttook, f., P. tetrandra (Bunge) Hook. f., P. axilliflora Hook. f., P. purpurea (Royle) ttook, f., and (c) leaves pinnate : P. albifo•a Wall. ex ttook, f. Focke (1888) treated the genera Potentilla L. and Sibbaldia L. as distinct but reduced Dryadanthe Endl. as congeneric with Sibbaldia L. He attributed them to the subfamily Focke, tribe Potentil[eae Juss., subtribe Potentillinae Focke. Muravjova (1936) reeogaized tlaree sections within the genus Sibbaldia L. viz. (a) Eu-Sibbaldia Murav. with ternate leaves, 5 stamens and yellow petals; (b). Porphyranthe Murav. with d!gitately 5-foliate leaves, 5 stamens and red petals and (c) Decandra Murar. with ternate and imparipirmately 5-foliate leaves, terminal leaflet 3-toothed at apex, 10 stamens and pale yellow petals. Chatterjee (1938) studied the Indian and Chinese species of Sibbaldia. Of the 11 spezies ctealt with by him, nine are Indian in distribution, t-Ie transferred

P. perpusilla t-Iook, f., P. axilliflora Rook. f., P. trullifolia ttook, f. and P. sikki- mensis Prain to Sibbaldia L. He considered S. parviflora Willd. (= S. cuneata Kuntze; P. sibbaldi sensu Itook. f., non Italler, f. 1818) and S. procumbens L. as two distinct species and rnaintained that the latter does not occur in south-eastern Asia. Juzepczuk (194l) described Sibbaldianthe Jttz. asa new genus based on Sibbaldi- anthe adpressa (Bunge) Juz. (= Sibbaldia adpressa Bunge, 1829) as the type species and distingttishecl ir from the three allied genera, Potentilla L., Sibbaldia L. and Dryadanthe En of the tribe Potentilleae as follows : I. Flowers usually rather large; stamens ca. 20; carpels numerous

Potentilla L. 1. Flowers small, not conspicuous; stamens usually 5, rarely 4 of 10; carpels 5-12 2. Flowers often unisexual, dioecious; and petals ususlly 4

"Dryadanthe Bunge 2. Flowers bisexual; sepals and petals 5 3. Stamens 5, with p~.tals; styles l~ter01, clavate

" Sibbaldia L. 3. Stamens 10, opposite to petals; stylcs nearly basal, fusiform

Sibbaldianthe Juz. But, Htttchirtsoa (t964), Sojak(1970)and Airy Shaw (1973) considered such differ- entes at generic level as rather variable. While ttatchii!son (l.c.) treats Sibbaldi- anthe Juz. and Focke (1888) and Sojak (l.c.), consicter Dryadanthe Endl. o.s congenerie with and synonymous to Sibbaldia, Airy Shaw (1.c.) lists, without any eomment, Sibbaldianthe Juz. as generically distinct from Sibbaldia L. (= Do,adanthe Endl.). Revision of the genus Sibbaldia L. 255 Sojak (1970) recognised tire sections in the getms Sibbaldia L. viz. (1) Mono. phyllidium Sojak with simple leaves, petals unknown, ¡ stamens and lateral styles; (2) Mesophyton Sojak with ternate leaves, purpl epetals, tire stamens and lateral styles; (3) Dryadanthe (Bunge) Ovcz. with ternate leaves, straw-coloured petals, tetramerous flowers and subterminal styles; (4) Decandra Murar. with ternate and imparipinnately 5-foliate leaves, pale yellow petals, 10 stamens, and basal, fusifot m styles; and (5) Piletophyllum Sojak characterised by imparipinnate leaves, yellow petals, tire stamens and lateral styles. He (l.c.) considered Poten- tilla lindenbergii Lehm. (185l) us conspecifie with SibbaMia adpressa Bunge (1829)- A eritical study of the diagaostic features of the four genera us outlined by Juzepezuk (l.c.) above, sets out Potentilla L. asa good genus, whereas the generic d~limitations between Dryadanthe Endl. Sibbaldianthe Juz. and Sibbaldia L. get bturred due to the existence of morphologlcal intergrades us discttssed below : Dryadanthe Eadl. based on D. tetrandra (Bunge) Juz. is usually attributed tetra- merous, dioecious flowers and subterminal styles. But Sibbaldia purpurea Royle, S. perpusilla (Hook. f.) Chatterjee, S. minutissima Kitamura and S. sericea (Grubov.) Sojak show the presence of both tetramerous and pentamerous flowers on the sume of on differertt biotypes; S. purpurea Royle, S. pentaphylla Krause possess dioeeious ¡ and S. compacta (Smith and Cave) Dixit and Panigrahi has subterminal styles. In contrast, some pistitlate ¡ of Dryadanthe tetrandra a!so show six pistils and six achenes instead offour us att~ibuted to tke genus. We. therefore, ag;ee with Focke (1888), Sojak (1970) and Airy Shaw (1973) in treating Dryadanthe Endl. as congeneric w ith and synonymous to Sibbaldia L. Similarly, Sibbaldia adpressa Bunge, the type species of Sibbaldianthe Juz. is diagnosed by possession of 10 stamens arranged opposite to the petals and by the basal styles. But S. perpusilloides (Smith) ttand-Mazzt., S. parviflora Willd., S. compacta (Smith and Cave) Dixit and Panigrahi, show the presence of 10 stamens arranged opposite the petals and S. axilliflora (Hook. f.) Chatterjee possesses a basal style. We, therefore, treat Sibbaldianthe Juz., ir. agreement with I-Iutchinson (19614) and Sojak (1970), as congeneric with and synonymous to Sibbaldia L.

2. Materials Asa part of a larger scheme of revisionary studies on the family Rosaceae Juss. revisi0n of the genus SibbaMia L. was undertaken. The present study is based on all available herbarium specimens of the genus, deposited in various herbaria of India, viz. Botaaical Sarvey of India, Eastern Circle, Shillortg (ASSAM) ; B.S.I. Northern Circle, Dehra Dun (BSD) ; Central National I-Ierbarium, I-Iowrah (CAL) ; Forest R,search Institute, Dehra Dun (DD); Lloyd Botanic Garden, Darjeeling (D J, abbreviated here) and National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow (LWG). The specimens, collected by the authors from Garhwal ttimalayas, were also eriti- cally examined. Photograpks of the type specimens obtained from the British Museum (Natural tt!story), London (BM); the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K); Iastitut de Botanique, Montepellier (MPU) ; Museum National ct'Histoire Naturelle, ParŸ (P); National Museum, Department of Botany, Prague (PR); Institut and Botanischer Garten der Universitat, Wien (WU); us also the microfiches of Will- denow's Herbarium, Berlirt (B) and of the Wallichian Herbarium at Kew (K-WALL), 256 B K Dixit and G Panigrahi proeured and deposited in CAL, have been critically evaluated for confirming identifieation wherever type specimens of certain t~txa were not available at CAL for our study. Referenees to sttch photographs artd microfiches of type speeimens have been abbreviated against certain relevartt taxa as "Photo-CAL ! or miero- fiche-CAL ! "

3. Key to the related genera of the tribe Potentilleae of the subfamily Rosoideae oeeurring in India 1. Receptaele mttch enlarged and becoming fleshy after artthesis, usttally, readily separated from the inner surfaee of the hypnnthium, red in colour 2. Infloreseenee terminal, corymbiform; flowers white or pink; episepals longer than sepals, entire; achenes surtkea irt pits or on surfaee of torus wb.ich falls off asa whole (except in F. moschata Duch.) .. Fragada L. 2. Infloreseence axillary, solitary; flowers yellow; episepals shorter than sepals, 3-5-toothed at apex; apex falls off from the persistertt torus .. Duchesnea SmJth t. Receptacle aot enlarge after anthesis, dry or sometimes woolly and beeoming spongy, not separatiag from the irmer surface of the hypanthittm, brownish blaek in colour 3. Episepals absent .. Chamaerhodos Bunge Episepals present 4. Generally shrubby or sttffruticose herbs; ttsually petals much larger than sepals; stamens 20 or more per flower (except P. pentandra Torrey artd Gray); achenes 10-80 Potentilla L. 4. Gerterally smalI kerbs; usttally petals [ittle exceeding the sepals or mttch smaller; stameas 4, 5 or 10 p~r flower; achenes 4-30 . Sibbaldia L.

4. Systematic aecount

Sibbaldia L. Sp. PI. 1 : 284. 1753, et Gen. PI. edn. 5 : 137. 1754; Focke irt Engler and Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. IlI, 3 : 33, 1888; Juzepczuk in F1 U.S.S.R. 10 : 167. 1941/71; Ball in F1. Europ. 2 : 47. 1968; Schiman-Czeika in FI. Iran, 66 : 115. 1969; Sojak irt Preslia 42 : 185. 1970. Lectotype species : Sibbaldia procumbens L. (selected by Rydberg in FI. N. Am. 22 (4) : 365. 1908). Dryadanthe En•licher, Gert. PI. 1242, 1840; Ledebour, FI. Ross. 2 : 33, 1844; Juzepczuk irt FI. U.S.S.R. 10 : 171. 1941/71. Type species : Dryadanthe tetrandra (Bunge) Jttzepczuk (~ Sibbaldia tetrandra Bunge). Potentilla L. subgenus Sibbaldia (L.) Syme in Smith alxd Sowerby, English Botany ed. 3, 3 : 149: 1864. Potentilla L. sectiort Sibbaldia (L.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. Irtd. 2 : 345. 1878. Sibbaldia St. Lag. in Ann. Soe. Bot. Lyon. 8 : 177, 1881. sphalm. Sibbaldianthe Juzepczuk in F1. U.S.S.R. 10: 171, 1941/71. Type species : Sibbaldianthe adpressa (Bunge) Juzepczuk (-Sibbaldia adpressa Bunge). Herbs, perennial, trailing, ascendent, exect or dense tufts, glabrous or silky. Rootstock eaespitose, clothec[ with relics of stipules and petioles. Stems Revision of the genus Sibbaldia L. 257 few or up to 100. Leaves simple or digitately 3 of 5-foliate or imparipinnate ; petioles slender. Stipules connate and adnate to the petioles but free at apex; of radical leaves, scariose, brown; of cauline leaves, herbaceous and persistent. Leaflets sessile or sttbsessile, entire or serrulated or 2-7-toothed at apex, occasionally snow-white bone~th, with glandular hadry teeth. Flowers solitary or irt cymes or in corymbs, paired or numerous, axillary or terminal, sessile of pedicellate, uni- or bisexual, often dioecious, 4- or 5-merous, small. Episepals and Sepals linear of oblong or orate, acute-acuminate, persistent. Petals oblong of spatulate of obovate, shorter of as long as or longer than the sepals, white of yellow or purple of dark-red. Stamens 4, 5 of 10. Pistils 4-30, styles lateral or subterminal. Achenes glabrous or b.ispict at base and apex, smooth or wrinlded. Receptacle saucer-sttaped, short hairy or villous. Distribution : ca. 22 species in the world, 12 species in India. Ofthese S. trulli- folia (FIook. f.) Chatterjee, S. perpusilla (I-[ook. f.) Chatterjee, S. axilliflora (I-Iook. f.) Cb_atterjec, S. compacta (Smith and Cave) Dixit and Panigrahi are endemic in the Himalayas. Flowering : June-August. Fruiting : August-October. Ecology : The species endare severe frost, cold and generally occur on stony places, pastures, ro,~.d-sides, meadows, gravelly mountain summits at 1800m and above ; also on steppes and open glades of alpine cr subalpine zones and temperate regions. Chromosome number : x = 7 (Love A and Love D in Opera Botanica 5: 202, 1961). Key to the species of Sibbaldia 1. Le~ves simple or ternate 2. Leaves simple " I. S. trullifolia 2. Leaves ternate 3. Flowers tetramerous, stamens 4 4. dwarf, branches aggregated, moss-like patches; sepals orate; petals straw-coloured, apex emarginate; styles subterminal; stigma swollen ...2. S. tetrandra 4. Plants ascendent-erect, spreading; sepals oblong; petals ycllow; apex rounded and entire; styles lateral; stigm~ inconspicuous ..6. S. perpusilla 3. Flowers pentamerous, stamens 5 or 10 5. Plants up to 3cm b.igh; leaves, pediccls and calyx lobes glabrous; flowers dull white "..4. S. perpusiUoides 5. Plants up to 60 cm long; leaves, pedicels and calyx lobes tomen- tose; flowers dark red of yellow. 6. Stems trailing; leaflets 7-9-toothed along tho margin; petals much smaller than sepals; acttenes with wrinlded surface .. 5. S. axilliflora 6. Stems ascendent-erect, not trailing; leaflets 3-toothed at apex; petals as long as of longer tkan sepals; achenes smooth 7. Flowers in leafy cymes; petals darle red with retuse apex ..3. S. sikkimensis 7. Flowers in racemose-corymbs; petals yellow with wavy or entire apex -..7. 5'. parviflora 258 B K Dixit and G Panigrahi



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7~ Revision of the genus Sibbaldia L. 259 8. Episepals smaller than sel~IS; petals spatnlate, apex wavy ...var. parviflora 8. Episepals as long as sepals; petals obovate, apex rounded and entire --.var. micrantha I. Leaves digitately 5-foliolato or imparipinnato (except S. adpressa with ternate and imparipinnate leaves) 9. Leaves ternate and imparipimaate or imparipinnate; achones wrinkled 10. Leaves remate aad imparipinnately 5-foliate; lateral leaflets entire, terminal leaflets 3-toothed at apex, lower sttrface green ." 11. S. a• 10. I.eaves imparipinnately 7-9-foliolate; aH leaflets serrated, lower suxface snow-white ..12. S. micropetala 9. Leaves digitately 5-foliolate; achenes smooth 11. Rootstoek producing short (up to 4 cm long) branches, branches closely aggregated forming a compact, globular head; leaflets deeply pinnately-partite; flowers yellow; styles subterminal .. 8. So eorapaaa 11. Rootstock produeing diffiase branehes, each up to 11 cm long; leaf- lets 3-toothed •t apex; flowers purple; styles lateral 12. Flowers pentamerous .9. S. purpurea 12. Flowers tetramerous "" 10. So pentaphylla

I. Section monophyllidium Sojak in Preslia 42: 185. 1970. Type species : Sibbaldia trullifolia (Hook. f.) •hatterjee. Leaves simple; petals unknown; stamens 5; styles lateral. 1. S. tmllifolia (Hook. f.) Chatterjee in Notes R. B. G. Edinb. 19: 327. 1938. Potentilla trullifolia Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 2:345. 1878. Syntypes : India, Sikkim, 3355-5185 m, J. D. Hooker s.n. (K, Photo-CAL !). Herb forming dense silky moss-like matted tufts, un ineh (25 mm) high, soft of densely packed short branches from a woody slender rootstock. Leaves simple, trowel-shaped or 1/2-orbieular, tip truncate 3-fid, teeth broadly triangular, obtuse, 1/4 in. (6 mm), densely imbricated, flat, elothed on both sarfaces with long silky hairs; short; stipules very broad, membranous, with triangular acute free portions. Flowers solitary, subsessile, 1/8 in. (3 mm) diam. Calyx hemispheric, silky ; tube. very short; lobes orate, obtuse; bracteoles much smaller, narrow, oblong, obtuse. Petals not seen. Stamens, rudiments of 5 seen. Achenes about 10, on a villous reeeptacle, quite smooth (figures 1, 2). Note : No specimen is available in any Indian herbaria, and the above aecount is based on the original protologue given by J D Hooker.

II. Section Dryadanthe (Endlieher) OvcimaJkov in Soy. Botaaika 1941. Type species : Si£ tetrandra Bunge. Leaves ternate; petals straw-colottred; stamens 4; styles subterminal. 2. S. tetrandra Bunge in Mem. Pres. Ac. St. Petersb. 2 : 539. 1835, et Enum. PI, A!t. 1836; Chatterjee in Notes R. B. G. Edinb. 19: 327, 1938; Stewart, FI. W. Pak. : 370. 1972. Type locahty : USSR, Mountadn tops along Chuya river (Juzepczuk 1941 s~tes that the type is in LE). 260 B K Dixit and G Panigrahi '! "?" 12 91

~m 2__~m

~m C Figures 1-9. S. trullifolia (Hook. f.) Chatteljee, from J. D. Hooker s.n.: (1) A leal" ; (2) Ventral view of a flower. S. tetrandra Bunge, from C.B. Clarke 29854 C ; (3) Vemral view of a fiower ; (4) A peral showing venation; (5) A pistil; S. perpusilloides (W. W. Smith) Hand. Mazzt., from W. W. Smith 3666; (6) Dorsal view of a flower ; (7) Ventral view of a flower ; (8) A petal slaowing venation ; (9) A pistil.

Dryadanthe tetrandra (Bunge) Juzepczuk in FI. USSR 10 : 171. PI. 17, f. 3, 1941/71. D. bungeana Kar. et Kir. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 15 : 342. 1842; Ladeb. FI. Ross. 2 : 33. 1844. Type locality : "In rupibus summarum alpinum Alatau frr " Potentilla tetrandra (Bunge) I-Iook. f. F1. Brit. Ind. 2 : 347. 1878. lterb cushion-like, 1.5-2.5 cm high, silky. Stems densely leafy, prostrate- ascendent. Leaves ternate, 5-8 mm long; petioles 2-4 mm long; stipules 3-5 mm Revision of the genus Sibbaldia L. 261 long. Leaflets sessi!e-subsessile, apex 3-toothed, 3-4mm long, 1.5-2.0mm broad. Flowers 1-2 at the branch apex, 8-10 mm diam. subsessile or 3-4 mm long, pedicellate, tetramerous, dioecious. Episepals linear-oblong, little shorter than sepals. Sepals orate, acute, 2--4 mm long. Petals obovate, emarginate, straw- coloured, exceeding the sepals. Stamens 1-1.5mm long. Pist¡ 4-6, style subterminal, stigma swollen. Achenes 4-6, glabrous. Receptacle short-hairy (figures 3-5). Specimens examined: India, Jammu and Kashmir : Ascent to Deotsoi, 23 Jaly 1847, J E Winterbottom 869 (CAL) ; Burjila, 4420 m, August 1876, C B Clarke 29854 (CAL); lbid., Stewart 20162 (CAL); Satpura Pass above Skardu, 4725 m, 1st August 1940, Stewart 20198 (CAL). Uttar Pradesh : Above Gowmukh, 4575 m, 4 July 1953, S N Mitra 9544 (CAL). Sikkim : sine prop. loc., Kurz s.n. (CAL). Eastern Himalaya, Mrs. Townaud 560 (CAL).

HI. Secfion Mesophyton Sojak in Preslia 42:185, 1970. Type species: Sibbaldia sikkimensis (Prain)Chatterjee. Leaves ternate; petals purple; stamens 5; styles lateral. 3. S. sikkimensis (Prain) Chatterjee in Notes R. B. G. Edinb. 19 : 327, 1938; I-Iara and Ohashi in F1. East Himal. 3rd report : 53, 1975. Potentilla sikkimensis Prain in J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 73 (2) : 201, PI. 8, 1904, et in Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. 4 : 365, 1913. Lectotype: India: Sikkim, Jongri, 1887, Dr. King's Collector s.n. (CAL Acc. No. 150728 !, annotated as type by D. Chatterjee; formally selected here). Sibbaldia melinotricha I-Iand-Mazzt. in Symb. Sin. 7:521, 1933, et in Acta I-Iorti. Gotob. 13 : 330, 1939. Type : China, Yunnan (4200m, 18 June 1916, Handel-Mazzetti 8964) (I-Iolotype--WU, photo--CAL !). Herb 6-17cm high, with soft, long hairs. Leaves ternate, radicals 3-12.5cm long, cattlines 1-5-3.5 cm long; stipules of radical leaves 1-1.5 cm long, of cauline leaves herbaceous, 4--10 mm long. Leaflets sessile, apex 3-7-toothed, both surfaces hairy, 5-20 mm long. Flowers in leafy cymes, 7-12 mm diam. ; pedicels 3-5 mm long. Episepals elliptic, acute. Sepals orate, acute, 2-5-3 mm long. Petals obovate, apex retuse, dark-red, as long as sepals. Stamens 5. Pistils 30 ; style short, lateral. Achenes 20, glabrous or hirsute. Receptacle hairy. Notes: Handel-Mazzetti (1933) who established S. melinotricha distinguished it from S. sikkimensis only by the former possessing glabrous achenes in contrast to the hispid achenes of the latter. But one of the syntypes of S. sikkimensis (King's collector s.n. from Jongri (Bijans)) at CAL shows the presence of both glabrous and hispid achenes on the same biotypes. Specimens examined : India, Sikkim : sine prop. loo., R S Rao 971 (CAL); Changu, 3965 m, 7 Jttly 1910, Ve' W Smith 3164 (CAL); Jongri Bijans, 1888, King's collector s.n. (CAL Acc. Nos. 150727, 150733, 150732, 150735); Lyang, gabur, 4575 ra, May 1888, King's collector s.n. (CAL Acc. Nos. 150729, 150731); Natang, 23 June 1978, Dungboo s.n. (CAL Acc. Nos. 150726, 150730).

IV. Section Sibbaldia : Syntype species : Sibbaldia parviflora Willd. (selected here as lectotype species by Dixit and Panigrahi). 262 B K Dixit and G Panigrahi Section Platyphyllae Seringe in DC. Prodr. 2: 587, 1825. Section Eusibbaldia Muravjova in Acta Inst. Bot. Ac. Se. URSS, Ser. 1, fase. 2 237, 1936. Leaves remate; petals dttll-white or yellow; stamens 4, 5 or 10; styles lateral. 4. S.perpusilloides (Smith) Hand. Mazzt. in Symb. Sin. 7: 520, 1933. Chatterjee in Notes R. B. G. Edinb. 19 : 326, 1938; Fletcher l.c. 20: 217, 1950; I-Iara and Ohashi in FI. East. I-Iimal. 3rd report: 53, 1975o Potentilla perpusilloides Smith in Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. 4 (5) : 188, 1911, et l.c. 4(7): 365, 1913. Lectotype : India. Sikkim, Zemmuvalley, 4270m, 13July 1909, Smith and Cave 1383a (CAL !, selected here). Herb. 1.5-3 cm higb., slencter, g[abrous. Leaves ternate, 9-14 mm long; petioles 8-10 mm long; stipuIes 2-3 mm long. Leaflets sessile or subsessile, obovate, apex 3-4-toothed, rarely margin ciliated, 3-5mm long. Flowers solitary, terminal, 5-recreas, 8-10mm criara., sessile or 5 mm 1ong pedicellate. Episepals acute, narrower ti-tan sepals. Sepals ovate, acute, ttp to 2 mm long. Petals obovate, rarely with 1-3 hairs, apex rounded, duU-white, doubly longer than sepals. Stamens 10. Pistils 10-15, styles lateral. Achenes glabrous. Receptacle short (figares 6-9). Specimens examined : India, Sikkim : Above Kapoop, 4270 m, 13 July 1910, V/ 1u Smith 3417 (CAL); GhoIa range, 3965 m, 22 July 1910, W tF Smith 3666 (CAL); Ckakung Chu, 1 August 1910, Fe" IV Smith 4020 (CAL); Tosa, 4420 m, 30 July 1910, 1u 1~ Srnith 3944 (CAL) ; Zemmu valley, Smith and Cave 1350 (CAL). 5. S. axilliflora (I-Iook.f.) Chatterjee in notes R. B. G. Edinb. 19 : 325, 1938. Potentilla axilliflora I-Iook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 2 : 346, 1878. I-Iolotypo : India, Uttar Pradesh, Kumaon, Robert Blinkworth vide Wallich Num. list. No. 1236, proparte (K, photo--CAL !). Fragaria indica sensu Wallich Nttm. list No. 1236, 3, 1829, p. p. nom. nud.; non Artdr. (1807). Herb sparsely silky. Rootstock as big os a walnut, apparenfly very short and broad. Stems 60-100, very weak almost fihform, 1-2ft. (30--60cm) long; trail on the ground, and are leaf- and flower-beanng along tJaeir length. Leaves chiefly cauline; leaflets 3, sessile, obovate, 1/3-3/4 in. (8-18 mm), membranous, acutely toothed, base cuneate, entire; petiole 3/8-3/4 in. (9-18 mm); stipules small,broad, ovate, acute, membranous, toothed. Flowers all axillary, smaU on capillary pedicels, 1/4 in. (6mm) diam.; pedicels 1/2-3/4in. (12-18mm). Calyx hairy, lobes triangttlar-ovate; bracteoles hnear-oblong. Petals very small, oblong, yellow ? Stamens 5, short. Carpels about 20, stylos subbasal. Achenes many, rounded, hard, slightly wrinkled. Receptacle viUous. Note : No specimen is available in any Indian herbaria and the above account is based on the original protologue given by J D Hooker. 6. S. perpusilla (I-Iook. f.) Chatterjee in Notes R. B. G. Edinb. 19 : 326, 1938. Potentilla perpusilla Hook. f. F1. Brit. 2: 346, 1878. Syntypes: India, H(machal Pradesh, Champura, Jacquemont s.n. (1532); Uttar Pradesh, Kumaon-- 3660 m, Strachey and lT~interbottom 26; Sikkim, 4880 m, J D Hooker s.n. (Al1 motmted on one sheet, K, photo--CAL !). Herb 1.5-9 cm long, tomentose. Leaves ternate, 4-24 mm long; petioles 5-18 mm long; stipules 4-8 mm long. Leaflets sessile or the terminal orto occasionally + 1 mm long petiolulate, obovate, apex 2--4-toothed (usually 3), both surfaces short tomen- Revision of the genus Sibbaldia L. 263 tose. Flowers axillary, 2-3 at branch apex, tetramcrous, 7-9 mm diam., 1.5-2 cm long pedicellate. Episepals linear, acutc, shorter and narrower than sepals. Sepals oblong, acute. Petals cxceeding sepals, obovate, entire, yellow. Pistils ca. 15; style short, lateral. Achenes 10-12, smooth. Receptacle short-hairy. Notes : One specimen from Himachal Pradesh (Lahul valley, Kardanger Berg, Jaeschke 191) which is otherwisc S. perpusilla possesses flowers with 6 oblong episepals, 6 ovate sepals, 6 spatula-shaped petals, 6 stamens and 10 achenes. Specimens examined: India, Himachal Pradcsh : Lahul valley, Kardanger Berg, Jaeschke 191 (CAL). Uttar Pradesh : Tehri dt., near Baroaar Pass, 4575-4880 m, J F Duthie 1076 (CAL). Sikkim : Chola, 5 August 1877, G. King 4490 (CAL); Ibid., 4270m, 10 August 1910, W W Smith 4548 (CAL) ; Tosa., 4420 m, 2 August 1910, W W Smith 1051 (CAL). 7. S. parviflora WilJd. in Ges. Naturf. Fr. Neue Schr. 2 : 125. t. 5, f. 2, 1799; Chattcrjee in Notes R. B. G. Edinb. 19 : 327, 1938; Juzepczuk in F1. U.S.S.R. 10 : 170, 1941/71; Schiman-Czeika in F1. Iran, 66 : 115, 1969. Holotypc : Cappadocia, Tournefl s.n. (B, Microfichc--CAL !). S. cuneata ttorncm, ex O. Kuntze in Linnea 20 : 59, 1847; Stew~rt, FI. W. Pak. : 369, 1972; syn. nov. Type : Sceds collccted from FIimalayan mounta~ns and culti- vated in the gardens of Hafniensem (Copenhagen) Hornero. s. n. (? NY). Potentilla sibbaldi sensu FIook. f. Fi. Brit. Ind. 2 : 345, 1878, p. p. excL syn. S. procumbens L.; non Hallcr. f. (1818). P. cuneata Wallich ex Lehm. Nov. et Min. Cogm Stirp. Pugill. 3 : 34, 1831, p. p. Type: Tibet (?), Gossain Than [October 1821], Wallich Num. list No. 1015 1. (K--WALL, Microfiche--CAL !). var. parviflora Herb ascendent-erect, tomentose, 6-26 cm long. Rootstock prostrate. Leaves ternate ; radical leaves 2-14 cm long, cauline leaves 1.5-4 cm long; cauline stipules herbaceous, green. Leaflets sessile or 1-3 mm petiolulate, obovate, fan-shaped, ctensely tomentose, apex 2-7-toothed (usually 3), often glandular hairy. Flowers on terminal corymbs, pentamerous, 5-10mm diam.; pedicel 4-11 mm long. Episepals linear-lanceolate, acute. Sepals orate, acute. Petals spatulate, apex gnawect, little longer than sepals, yellow. Stamens 5-10. Pistils about 30, glabrous ; style short, lateral; stigma swollen. Receptacle short-hairy (figures 10-14). Local name : Tsttajhtt--Bhutan. Ecology '. On glacial moraines, soil along stream-beds, in moist open rocky sittmtions, mat-like in large continuous patches. Note : S. procumbens L. characterised by sparsely hairy, funnel-shaped leaflets, lax inttorescence and. oblanceolate, 3-veinect petals, is restricte to Europe. Specimens examined: India. Jammu and Kashmir: Bannihal Pass and Teing, below the Tttrmik valley, 9 July 1847, J E Winterbottom 181 (CAL); Babtm Pass, 3965-4270 m, 8 August 1906, Keshavanand 420 (DD) ; Khilanmarg, 3800 m, 22 June 1959, T A Rao 9625 (BSD). I-Iimaehal Pradesh : Dalhousie, 2590m, C B Clarke 23048, 22984 (CAL); Kinnaur dt., Kalpa 2,750 m, 4 June 1972, K P Janardhanan 47662, 47696 (BSD); Lahul valley, Bara ~ehla, 4880 m, 16 July 1938, N L Bor 13965 (DD); Spiti valley, Takcha, 4420m, 21 July 1958, R C Kaushik 1090A (DD). 264 B K Dixit and G Panigrahi


I 9 V





Figures. 10-14 S. parviflora Willd., from B. K. Dixit 8420 : (I0) Habit; (11) Dorsal view of a flower ; (12) A flower showing episepals, sepals and petals ; (13) A petal showing venation pattern ; (14) A pistil comprising an ovary, lateral style and swollen stigma.

Uttar Pradesh : Chamo!i dt., Dudar valley, 3355 m, 26 July 1883, J F Duthie 1075 (DD); Tang~nath, 3820 m, 29 August 1978, B K Dixit 8420 (CAL); Vatley of Flowers, 3700m, 19 August 1963, U C Bhattacharyya 29583 (BSD). Sikkim: Changu, 3660m, 5 Jaly 1910, W W Smith 3058 (CAL); Jongri, 3965m, 15 October 1875, C B Clarke 260 (CAL). Arunachal Pradesh: Kameng F. D. Senge Dzong--Sela, 4145 m, 22 May 1957, R S Rao 7730 (ASSAM). var. micrantha (I-Iook. f.) Dixit et Panigrahi, comb. nov. P~tentilla sibbaldi sensu I-Iook. f. var. micr.'ntha Hook. f. F1. Brit. Ind. 2:346, 1878. Syntypes: W. Tibet (12 Jaly 1848, J D Hooker s.n.); Tibetan region of Sikkim (Z~nkar, 1500 m, 23 June 1848), J D Hooker s.n. [K, Photo---CAL!]. Revision of the genus Sibbaldia L. 265

Sibbaldia cuneata O. Kuntze. var. micrantha (Hook. f.) Stewart, F1. W. Pak. : 369, 1972; et in Kew Bull. 29(2): 444, 1974; Grierson and Long in Notes R. B. G., Edinb. 37 (2) : 35, 1979. Flowering stems 2-4cm long, 2-4-flowered. Episepals and sepals up to 4 mm long. Petals obovate, apex rounded, entire. In all other characters similar to that of var. parviflora but smaller in all its parts. Specimens examined: India. Jammu and Kashmir: Above Khilanmarg, 3050- 3355 m, 3 July 1893, J F Duthie 13051 (CAL); Bagzulkod nala, 3965 m, 1 August 1893, J F Duthie 13428 (CAL); Gilgit, 1885, G M Giles s.n. (CAL Ace. No. 14862). Flimaehal Pradesh : Kulu and Kangra, Sharran, 3650 m, sine lect. s.n. (CAL Acc. No. 148461); Lahul, Chatru, 3660 m, S P Sethi and R S Neghi 532 (CAL). Uttar Pradesh : Tehri dt. Dudugadh under Srikanta, 4575 m, 9 August 1913, J F Dutkie 1076 (CAL). Sikkim: Chola, 4420m, 22 July 1910 W IVSmith 3672 (CAL); lbid., 4575 m, 26 June 1910, Ribu and Rhomoo 4426 (CAL); Sikkim Kurz s.n. (CAL Aee. No. 148468); Syang-Cabur, 4575m, July 1888, King's coll. s.n. (CAL Ace. No. 148471); Top of Nathanla, 4270 m, 9 July 1910, W W Smith 3226 (CAL); Yalda, 4 August 1877, G King's coll. 4502 (CAL); Zemmu valley, 4880m, 14 July 1909, Smith and Cave 1342, 1421 (CAL).

V. Section Porphyranthe Muravjova in Acta Inst. Bot. Ac. Se. USSR Ser. 1, fase. 2 : 217, 1936 Syntype specios : Sibbaldia purpurea Royle (selected here as leetotype speeies by Dixit and Panigrahi). Leaves digitately 5-foliolate; petals yellow or purple; stamens 4, 5 or 10; styles lateral or subterminal. 8. S. compacta (Smith and Cave) Dixit and Panigrahi in Proc. 4th Ann. Conf. Orissa Bot. Soc. : 26, 1979 et Indian J. For. 3 (1) : 35 figure 1, 1980. Potentilla sericea L. var. compacta Smith and C_,avein Reo. Bot. Surv. India4 (4) : 190, 1910; Leetotypo : India, Sikkim, Coraphuchu, 4575 m, 6 August 1909, Smith and Cave 2210 (CAL ! selected by Panigrahi and Dixit 1980). P.forestª Smith var. segmentata Sojak in Preslia 42 : 76. 1970, p. p. minoro, quoad spee. Smith and Cave 2210, excluso typo et descriptione. Herb eompaet, globular, silky, 1.5-4cm high. Rootstock thiek; branehes 5-10, densely leafy. Leaves digitately 5-foliolate, 5-10 mm long; petioles 2--4mm long; stipules 2-5mm long; Ioaflets sossile, doeply partite forming 2-11 lobos. Flowers solitary, axillary, 5-merous, 3-6 mm diam., ped,ieel 2--4 mm long, Episepals oblong, acute, shorter than the sepals. Sepals ovate, aeute. Petals oblong, yeUow. Stamens 5 of 10 in tho sume biotype. Pistils 6-8, glabrotts; stylo subterminal, inerassated at baso. Receptacle long hairy. Ecology: On bare opon wind-swopt plateau (4450-4575m) in cushion-like massos. Notes: Smith and Cave (1910) described Potentilla sericea L. var. compacta from Sikkim based on Smith and Cave 1907 and 2210. We have eritical/y examinod the syntypes in CAL annotated by W VI Smith himself, and also an unpublished iUustration drawn by (ono) Anatlmath Banerjee and numbered in peneil 2210 (see figure 1 in Panigrahi and Dixit 1980). The illustrations depict the habit, the dorsal and ventral views of a flower and details of floral parts which show 10 stamons. Wo huye counted 5 or 10 stamens per flower in 5--6 flowers borne on tho sume biotype. 2ad B I(. Dixit and G Panigrahi Since Sibbaldia L. with 4, 5 or 10 stamens is generically distinguished from Potentilla L. characterised by 20 or more stamens per ¡ Potentilla sericea L. var. compacta Smith and Cave is transferred to the genus Sibbaldia L. Sojak (1970) who deseribed P.forestii Smith var. segmentata typified by Rock 14150 from Tibet, inchtded Smith and Cave 2210 as one of the paratypes of his new variety and identified the specimen Smith and Cave 2210 at Kew (K) with var. segmentata Sojak. Although the two taxa closely resemble each other in gross morphology, var. segmentata is distinguished from var. compacta by its longer (about 2cm) le.aves and larger (1-1.5cm diana.) flowers, whereas var. compacta possesses leaves 5-10 mm long ana flowers 3-6 mm diam. Inclusion of Smith and Cave 2210 asa paratype of var. segmentata Sojak. does not invalide the latter under Art. 63.1 of I CBN, 1978, but must be considered as a misidentification. On transfer to the genus Sibbaldia L., Potentilla sericea L. var. compacta Smith and Cave is treatedby us asa good speeies, approaching S. trullifolia (Hook. f.) Chatterjee (1938) and S. tetrandra Bunge in its compact cushion-like habit and S. purpurea Royle in possessing digitately 5-foliolate leaves. Speeimens examined: India, Sikkim: Llonakh, 4450m, 3 August 1909, W 1u Smith and G H Cave 1907 (CAL Acc. Nos. 149287, 149286). 9. S.purpurea Royle, IUustrat. Bot. I-[imal. 4: t. 40. f. 3, 1834 et 6: 208. 1835; Chatterjee in notes R. B. G. Edinb. 19 : 327, 1938 ; Stewart, FI. W. Pak. : 369, 1972. Type : As Royle has not mentioned the type, the plate 40, figure 3 (Royle l.c.) is selected here as the Iconotype ! Potentilla purpurea (Royle) I-Iook. f. F1. Brit. 2: 347. 1978; Franehet in PI. Delav 3: 209, 1880; I-land-Mazzt. in Symb. Sin. 7 : 521, 1933. Herb 1-5-11 cm high, silky, with dead petioles. Leaves digitately 5-foliolate, 0.5-3"5 cm long; stipttles broadly 1-5-3 cm long, margin silky. Leaflets sessile, obovate, 2-3-toothed, 2-4mm long. Flowering stems axillary, 3-5 cm long, 1-3-flowered, with a pair of , flowers uni-bisexual, polygamous, pentamerous 6-8 mm diam. ; pedicel 5-20 mm long. Episepals linear, acute. Sepals orate, acute. Petals little exceeding the sepals, apex retuse or entire, pttrple. Stamens 5. Pistils ca. 15; style short, lateral; stigma swollen. Achenes 4-12, glabrotts. Receptacle short-hairy (figures 15-19). Local name : Pangen Mendo--Bhtttan. Specimens examined: India. I-Iimachal Pradesh : Chamba dt., Sach Pass, 4450m, 14 Attgust 1897; J H Lace 1623 (CAL); Ibid., 4535m, 23 July 1964, N C Nair 32776 (BSD); Lahul vaUey, Rhotang Pass, 4010m, 28 July 1935, Mohinder Nath s. n. (CAL Acc. No. 148494) ; lbid., 4000 m, 30 July 1962, N P Singh 22935 (CAL); Ibid., 3965 m, 11 July 1941, N L Bor 9833 ({3AL); Ibid., 4500m, 25 June 1958; M A Rau 5826 (CAL); Lahul valley, Stoliczka s.n. (GAL Acc. No. 148500). N. W. India : sine prop. loc. Royle s. n. (CAL Acc. No. 148501). Uttar Pradesh : Bttrjil~ng Pass, 4510m, 24 August 1848, R. Strachey and J E Winterbottom 4 (CAL) ; Kumaon, Ralam valley, 16 August 1900, Inayat 24364 (CAL); Ghopla, 4800m, 12 Attgust 1972 C M Afora 49890 (BSD). Sikkim: Thangchung la, 4880m, 15 July 1909 Smith and Cave 1488 (CAL). 10. S. pentaphylla J. Krause in Fedde Repert. BeJh. 12: 410, 1922; Hand- Mazzt. in Acta I-Iorti. Gotob. 13 : 329, 1939 ; Fletcher in Notes R. B. G. Edinb. 20:217, 1950; non sensu Ghatterjee (1938). Syntypes : E. Tibet, Tatsien ht, Revision of the genus Sibbaldia L. 267


~~174 Q |

Figures 15-19. Sibbaldiapurpurea Royle, from J. H. Lace 1623: (15) Habit; (16) A leal ; (17)Dorsal view of a flower; (18)Ventral view of a flower ; (19) A pistil with ovary, lateral stylc and capitate stigr~.

Gila Pass, 4500-4600 m, sine lect. 1661; Ta tsien lu---Dawo, Dschttngku, Dshara, 4730 m, sine lect. 1776 (non vidi). Dryadanthe pentaphylla (Krause) Murav. in Acta Inst. Bot. Ac. Sc. USSR, Ser. 1, fase. 2 : 240, 1936. In aU its characters it resembles S. purpurea Royle, but differs from it in havirtg tetramerous flowers borne on the same or on different biotypes. Specimens examined: India. Sikkim: Llonakh valley, Goraphuchu, 4785 m, 6 August 1909, Smith and Cave 2200 (CAL); Tllangchung la, 4880 m, 15 July 1909, Smith and Cave 1488 (CAL); Zemmu vaUey, 4880 m, 16 July 1909, Smith and Cave 1581 (CAL).

VI. Sectiort Decandra Muravjova in Acta Inst. Bot. Ac. Se. URSS. Ser. 1, fase 2 : 237, 1936. Type species : Sibbaldia adpressa Burtge. Leaves ternate and impaxipintlately 5-foliate; lateral leaflets entire, terminal leaflets 3-toothed at apex; petals white; stamens 10; styles late ~.1. 11. So adpressa Bunge in Ledeb. FI. Alt. 1 : 428, 1829, et Icon. PI. Cr 3 : t. 276, 1831 ; et FI. Ross. 2 : 33, 1844; Muravjova in Acta Iast. Bot. Ac. Se. URSS Ser. 1. fase. 2 : 237, 1936; I-Iand-Mazzt. ia Acta Horti. Gotob. 13 : 329, 1939; Type loeality : Sibiria (Juzepczuk 1941 states that the type is in LE). Potentilla lindenbergii Lehm. Hamburger Garten--Blumeazeitung 7 : 339(?), et Revis. Poteat. : 14 t. 2. 1856. Holotype : "ex Irtdia Orientali accepit Linden. berg" s.n. (PR, Photo--GAL !) Sibbaldianthe adpressa (Bttnge) Juzepczuk in F1. USSR. 10 : 172, P1. 17, f, 1. 1941/71. 268 B K Dixit and G Panigrahi Herb. 4-15cm high, adpressed-hairy, sterns ascendent-erect, overtopping the leaves, 2-4-flowered. Leaves ternate and pinn~tely 5-foliolate, radical leaves long petiolate, cauline leaves short petiolate; stipules linear-lanceolate, margin ciliated. Leaflets sessile, laterals linear-laneeolate, entire, terminal leaflet trid.ented at apex, upper surface glabrous or sparsely hairy, lower surface ctensely hairy. Flowers solitary, axillary, pedicellate. Episepals linear-lanceolate, acute. Petals obovate, apex rounded, as long us or little longer than the sepals, white. Stamens 10. Pistils 9-15, glabrous; style lateral spindle-shaped. Achenes wrinkled. Notes : The tabula 2 of the latter work of Lehmann (P. lindenbergii, Revis. Potent. 1856) marches very well with that of S. adpressa Btmge (Ledeb. Icon. PI. Cent. 3 : t. 276, 1831). Sojak (1970) treated P. lindenbergii as conspecific with S. adpressa Bange after studying the type of the former at Prague (PR) and reported the distribution of the latter in Jammu and Kashmir (Rupchu, Kyun-Tsa, 1931, Koelz 2243--K). Muravjova (1936) considers S. adpressa Bunge as originafing from the section Eusibbaldia (= Sibbaldia) indigenous to the mountain by way of adaptation to the conditions prevailing on dry steppes.

VIL Section PiletophylIum Sojak in Preslia 42 : 185, 1970. Type species : Sibbaldia micropetala (D. Don) Hand. Mazzt. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets serrate4; petals yellow; st~mens 5 ; styles lateral. 12. S. mieropetala (D. Don) Hand.-Mazzt. in Karsten et Schenck, Vegbild. 22R, H. 8 : 6, 1932, et Symb. Sin. 7 : 520, 1933; et in Acta Horti. Gotob., 13: 331, 1939; Chatterjee in Notes R. B. G. Edinb. 19: 32, 1938; Fletcher Le. 20 : 217, 1949. Potentilla micropetala D. Don, Pro4r. FI. Nep. : 231, 1825; Lehm. Nov. et Min. Cogn. Stirp. PugiI1. 3 : 8, 1831, I-Iolotype : Tibet (?), Gossain than (1819) Wallich s. n. (BM, Phcto--CAL !). P. albifolia Wallich ex Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2 : 347, 1878. Type : Tibet (?), Gossain than, Wallich Num. list No. 1018 (K, Photo-CAL !). Sibbaldia potentilloides Cambess. in Jacquem. Voy. Inde 4 : 54, 2, t. 67, 1844. Type locality: India, Himachal Pradesh, Bashahr dt., Mountain tops of I-Iatton sine lect. I"1851] (MPU, Photo--CAL !). Herb 10-75 cm long; with soft 3-4 mm long straight hairs. Stems flexuous. Leaves imparipinnate, radical leaves 6-19.5cm long, cauline leaves 3-5 cm long; stipules of radical leaves 2-3 cm long, cauline leaves green or brown, 1-1.5 cm long. Leaflets 3-9, sessile-subsessile, obovate, serrulafions 1-18 pairs, acute, both surfaces sparsely hairy, lower sarfaee snow-white. Flowers axillary, solitary or paired, 5-11 per stem, 5-merous; pedicel 5-20 mm long. Episepalslinear-oblong, acute, little sttorter than the sepals, snow-white externally. Sepals orate, acuminate, 4--6 mm long, snow-white externally. Petals oblong, in length one-third of the sepals, yellow. Stamens 5. Pistils 15-20 glabrous; style lateral; stigma swollen. Achenes wrinkled. Receptacle short-hairy (figures 20-24). Ecology: On brick-walls and road-sides. Pollen : Grains prolate, 30 • 20q (P K K Nair, Poll. Grain. W. Himal. PI : 22, 1965). Specimens examined: India, Jammu and Kashmir: Thilan, 13 July 1899, Inayat s.n. (CAL). IKimachal Pradesh : Bashahr dt., Harto, 21 June 1928, R N Parker 3066 (DD); Triundkangra, 3000 m, 8 Jane 1958, M A Rau 5633 (BSD). Revision of the genus Sibbaldia L. 269

6 mm Lkf2)



l'Smm Imm @

Figures 20-24. S. micropetala (D. Don) Hand. Mazzt., from B. K. Dixit 8425 ; (20) Habit; (7.1) Dorsal view of a ¡ (2,2) Ventral view of a flower ; (23) A petal showing the venation pattern ; (24) Ah achene with wrinkled suffaee.

Uttar Pradcsh : Chamoli dt., Chopta, 2745 m, 28 August 1978, B K Dixit 8425 (CAL), Way to Ttmgananth, 3000m, 29 May 1972, B D Naithani 48066 (BSD); Kumaon, Bkatia Lelan, 3800m, 10 August 1972, C M Arora 49820 (BSD); MadJaari Pass, 2590 m, 15 May 1948, Strachey and Winterbottom 1 (GAL); Mulapa gacih, Darma, 3660-3965 m, 5 August 1886, J F Duthie 5509 (DD); Ralam, 3660m, Strachey and Winterbottom 1 (CAL); Ibid., 16 Attgust 1800, Inayat 24381 (GAL); Mussoorie, 1869, G King s.n. (CAL Acc. No. 148525); ncar Kundula, 2590 m, E R Johnson s.n. (CAL Acc. No. 148521); Tehri dt., Way to Khankkelia, 3300 m, 29 May 1972, B D Naithani 48066 (BSD). 270 B K Dixit and G Panigrahi

' ' mili I I 84 92 l~)l~ ~36 Sibbaldia adprula 3 S. axillflora S. compacta 0 S. mlcropetolo + /~ S.parvifloro vor. t~~~,o I~ var. micrantha 28"


-- S.pen)aphyllo -I- S.psrpusHla X S.psrpusllloidss M S.purpur so O ~ sikkimsnsis ~call~ in km." 8 S.tctrandro 6 t~o "/6 I I I

Figure 25. Distribution of Sibbaldia L. (Rosaceae) in India.

Wcst Bongal : Darjer dt., Sandakphu, 3600 m, 10 June 1892, G A Gammie 9 (CAL); Singleaoh, 3355m, 70ctober 1870, C B Clarke 12562 (CAL). Silddm : Beaow Kagit monastery, 3180m, 19 Octobcr 1928, Sine lect. 458 (CAL) ; Bakhim to Jongri, 3810 m, 30 May 1954, S N Mitra 9546 (CAL) ; Cihangu, 3965-4270m, 23 May 1947, K Biawas 7303 (CAL); Ibid., 3050-3660m, 5 July 1910, W W Smith 3062 (CAL); Ibid., Kankertang, 4270m, July 1888, King's Coll. a.n. (CAL Acc. No. 148536); Kapoop to Nathang, 7 June 1955, R S Rao 936 (ASSAM); Patangla, 16 July 1877, G King 4165 (CAL); Silddm, 3660--4880 m, J D Hooker s.n. (CAL); Prain'a Collector s.n. (CAL).

5. Index to names and synon~ms Accepted or correct hamos (bold italics), b (normal print) and synonyms (it~cs). Dryadanthe bungeana Kar. et KAr. pentaphylla Krause tetrandra (Bungr Juzepczuk Fragaria indica sensu Wall. Potentilla albifolia Wall. ex I-Iook. f. axilliflora Hook. f. cuneata Wall. ex Lehm. Revision of the genus Sibbaldia L. 271

forestª Smith var. segmentata Sojak lindenbergii Lehm -- micropctala D. Don perpusilla Hook. f. -- perpusiUoides Smith -- purpurea (Royle) Hook. f. -- sericea L. var. compacta Smith and Cave sibbaldi sensu I-Iook. f. var. micrantha Hook. f. var. sibbaldi sensu Hook. f. -- sikkimeasis Prain

-- tetrandra (Bunge) Hook. f. trtª Hook. f. Sibbaldia adpressa Bª -- axilliflora (Hook. f.) Chatterjee Sibbaldia compacta (Smith and Cave) Dixit and Panigrahi cuneata Kuntze var. cuneata var. micrantha (Hook. f.) Stewart -- erecta L. Sibbaldia melinotricha Hand.-Mazzt. micropetala (D. Don) I-Iand.-Mazzt.

-- minutissima Kitamura

-- parviflora Willd. var. micrantha (Hook. f.) Dixit and Panigrahi var. parviflora Willd. pentaphylla Krause perpusilla (Hook. f.) Ghatterjee

-- perpusilloides (Smith) Hand.-Mazzt. -- potentilloides Cambess.

procumbens L. purpurea Royle sericea (Grubov.) Sojak -- sikkimensis (Prain) Chatterjee

-- tetrandra Bunge trullifolia (Flook. f.) Chatterjee Sibbaldianthe adpressa (Bunge) Juzepczu&

Acknowledgements Grateful thanks to the Director of Botanical Survey of India for awarding the research fellowship to one of us (BKD). We are thankful to the Deputy Directors of B.S.I., Northern Circle, Dehra Dun; Eastern Circle, ShiUong, for sending the herbarium sheets of the genus Sibbaldia L. and the Officer-in-Charge, Systematic Botany Branch, Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dtm; Herbarium-in-Charge, National Botanical Roscarch Institttte, Lucknow and to the Asst. ~rator, Lloyd Botanic Garden, Darjeeling, for providing necessary facilities during the study of the specimens held in their charge. Oar thanks are also due to the Directors of National Museum, Department of Botany, Prague; Instituto de Botaaiqtte, 272 B K Dixit and G Panigrahi Montepellier; Botanisches Institut und Botanischer Garden der U.iversitat, Wien; and Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, ParŸ for sending us photo- graphs of many of the type specimens.


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