Preview Unit Goals
Included in this unit: TEKS 1A-C, 2, 2A-C, 3, 4, 5B, 6, 7, 8, 9A, 9B, 9D, 10A, 10B, 11B, 12A-D, 13A-E, 14B, 14C, 15A, 15C, 15D, 16, UNIT2 17, 17A, 17B, 18, 19, 24A, 26, RC-12(A), RC-12(B) PrEVIEw Unit Goals LITERARY • Understand the THE historical HISTORICAL cONTEXT CONTEXT and AND cultural CULTURAL influences INFLUENCES of OF the THE ANALYSIS RENAISSANCE • IdenTIFy and analyze charACteristics of ShakESPEARean TRAGEDY • InTERPRET figurATIVe language, including hyperbole, simile, metaphor • Analyze imagERY • IdenTIFy and analyze sonnets, including ShakESPEARean, PETRARchan, and Spenserian • IdenTIFy and analyze rhyme, including rhyme scheme and end rhYME • InTERPRET metaphYsical cONCEITS READING • DeVelop strAtegies for reading ShakESPEARean drAMA • Analyze and eVALUAte an arGUMENT • Summarize kEy ideas in poetrY WRITIng anD • Write a script GRAMMAR • CrEAte strong sensory images in writing • CONSTRUCT formal language by using apprOPRIAte vOCABULARy and SENTENCe strucTURES LISTENING • Deliver a poem ANd speakiNG • Analyze an oral prESENTATION VOCABULARY • Discriminate between cONNOTATIVe and denotaTIVe meanings of wORDS • RESEARch wORd origins as an aid To understanding wORd meaning Academic • Attribute • MONITor • PRIMARY VOCABULARY • FEATURe • phase MEDIa aNd • Analyze visual techniques THAT crEAte mood in film VIEWING • COMPARe written and film versions of a work • PrODUCe a docudrAMA Find It Online! Go To For the inTERACTIVE Version of this unit. 290 The English RENAISSANCE John 1485–1660 MiltON a ceLEBRAtion of huMan aCHIEVEMENT • PASTORal Poems and Sonnets • ShakESPEARean DrAMA • The Rise of Humanism DVD-ROM • Spiritual and DeVotional WRITINGS 'REAt'REAt STORIEs on FILMFILM DISCOVEr how a mOVIe cAPTUREs tHe IMAGINATION • The MetaphYsical and CAValier POETS Of vIEWERs in a sCENe fROm MACBETH.
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