British Miniature Painters and Their Works

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British Miniature Painters and Their Works DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Treasure %Qom # : ^25 Copies of this book have been printed for sale, of which 12^ are on large paper. No. /a: Vlottingbam Printed by R. B. Earp & Sons, Ltd., Goldsmith Street. -* # *: « ' '^ ! ^H MINIAi PAINTEko AND THEIR \ RKS, BY J. J FOSTER, Asti-iUift 'istft'iKsijiCl at-aiyv n\iS\K .oi;8i ,f;noJyiV naaup ifJasjfiM lyH Xonfcon SAMPSON LOW, MARSTOxN St. Dunstan's House, Fet. DICKINSONS , ,fT W -^y:im ir Portrait. Her Majesty Queen Victoria, 1870. After Messrs. Dickinsons' : BRITISH MINIATURE PAINTERS AND THEIR WORKS, BY J. J. FOSTER. Xonbon SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON & COMPANY, Limited, St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, E.G. AND DICKINSONS, 114, New Bond Street, W. 1898. m. Iber fIDost (5raciou6 flDajest^ IDictotia, of tbe •Clnite^ •RiiiQ&om of (great IBritain anb 5relanb> an& of tbe Colonteg an& Dependencies tbereot Empress of 5n&ia, tbis worft is, bg special permls* IV. Tfar-igrncr-JTiiriinincrir'.j-'.iij TinaTTi FTt'-nTj-iQ niun£TTjj~.irar^riLn^n^ri^nrriitn!r'.L^ PREFACE. HE follotving lines should be called, perhaps, an acknowledgment rather than a Preface, inasmuch as what I have to say in them is mainly to express gratittide for favours received. First then, let me record my sense of the honour and the favour done me by Her Majesty The Queen, in giving Her gracious permission to reproduce such miniatures as I might select from the Royal Library. The like acknowledgment is due to many noble and private owners (too numerous to mention here) of similar treasures. I have appended their names in the list of Illustrations, and to each and to all I beg to offer most sincere thanks for their courtesy. As to the book itself, whilst it does not claim to be an exhaustive treatise upon an art, the history of ivhich extends over centuries, nor to be a biographical dictionary of the numberless artists who have practised " limning" I trust the characteristics of the style of the leading painters are made clear, and that particulars of their careers are given m sufficient detail. I am indebted to Redgrave s Dictionary of Artists; and to Dr. Propert's History of Miniature Painting, for valuable information on the subject. The substance of som£ of the earlier chapters appeared in the '' Art Journal" of i8g6, and I am glad to have the proprietors consent to the utilisation of it. V. In the Appendices will be found the titles, purchasers, and prices of the Miniatures at the famotis Strawberry Hill sale ; also the Miniatures contributed to the " Old Masters " in iSjg, and to the Ttidor, Sttiart, and Guelph Exhibitions. I have to thank the Council of the Royal Academy, and the Proprietors of the New Gallery for kind permission to use the Catalogues of these important Exhibitions. To the accotcnts given of Sir W. Ross, R.A. and R. Thorburn, A.R.A., I have added, in the one case, the titles and owners of the portraits at the Exhibition of Sir William's works in i860 (Appendix B) ; and, in the case of Mr. Thorburn, a list of his principal sitters, for which I have to thank his widow. I have arranged alphabetically all the named examples of the unrivalled Loan Collection at Kensington in 1865, when between 3,000 and 4,000 Miniatures were shewn, and added, in a large number of instances, the date of birth and death of the persons represented. This mass of information should form a valuable body of reference matter, shewing, as it does, what portraits exist of given individuals, and who possess them ; as well as what works of given artists are available for inspection : in short, its utility as a means of historical illustration and of artistic comparison should be very considerable. In the Index the names of the Artists mentioned in the book (zvith dates where procurable) are given in italics, these form a fairly comprehensive list of Miniature Painters, sufficient, it is hoped, for ordinary purposes of identification. The Appendices have entailed much labour, and errors must alm,ost inevitably creep into a book containing thousands of names and dates; for these and all other shortcomings I ask indulgence. In every case the ascription given by the owner has been retained. It only remains for me to repeat my thanks to the owners of the numerous and valuable portraits which have been le7it to me, and to say that without their generous aid the work wotild never have been attempted. J. J. FOSTER. 114, New Bond Street, W., February, i8g8. vn. ^ Invnlem/lii Dedication ------ 111. - . Preface iv. - - . List of Illustrations viii. List of Works of Reference ----- xi. Chapter L, Introductory - - - . j Chapter II., Missal Painting ----- e Chapter III., Early Portrait Painters - - . jq Chapter IV., Hans Holbein ----- ig Chapter V., Nicholas Hilliard - . gj Chapter VI., The Olivers and Hoskins - - - 27 Chapter VII., Samuel Cooper - - . - jj Chapter VIII., Minor Artists of the i6th and 17TH Centuries 41 IX., Enamels Chapter ----.. ^^ Chapter X., Jean Petitot ----- . gg Chapter XL, Minor Enamellers - - - - gS Chapter XII., First half of the i8th Century - - 65 Chapter XIII., Middle of the i8th Century and onwards 72 Chapter XIV., Richard Cosway - - - - . 84 Chapter XV., Sir W. C. Ross and R. Thorburn - 91 Chapter XVI., Collections and Collectors - - - 98 Chapter XVII. , On the Care of Miniatures - - 108 Chapter XVIIL, Gossip. Conclusion - - - - n^ APPENDICES. Appendix A, Catalogue (priced) of the Miniatures sold at Strawberry Hill, 1842 ----- i Appendix B, Catalogue of the Exhibition of the Works of Sir W. C. Ross at the Society of Arts, i860 - 25 Appendix C, Alphabetical List of the Miniatures (named) AT the Loan Exhibition, South Kensington, 1865 - 35 Appendix D, Catalogue of the Exhibition of Miniatures AT the Winter Exhibition, Royal Academy, 1879 - 99 Appendix E, Catalogue of Messrs. Dickinsons' Loan Exhibition, 1880 ------ 109 Appendix F, Catalogue of the Miniatures (named) shewn at the Stuart, Tudor, and Guelph Exhibitions, 1889-91 121 INDEX. "vm. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS AND OWNERS. Plate. Subject. Artist. Owner. I. Her Majesty The Queen A. P. Tilt Messrs. Dickinson II. Sir Walter Raleigh ... Duke of Rutland Walter Raleigh, the younger ... III. Enamelled Case, made for the Raleigh Portraits Thomas Howard, Fourth Duke of Norfolk Sir Antonio More - Howard Family The Dauphin Janet H.M. The Queen IV. Mary Queen of Scots )) H.M. The Queen V. Sir John Hatton and Mother . Lucas de Heere Earl Spencer VI. Henry Brandon Hans Holbein H.M. The Queen Lady Audley Charles Brandon VII. Henry VIII. Henry, Duke of Richmond ... Bale Collection Katharine of Arragon Magniac Collection VIII. Henry VII. N. Hilliard H.M. The Queen A Burgomaster (?) . Hans Holbein H.M. The Queen Hans Holbein From a drawing at Basle Queen Elizabeth Harcourt Family IX. Nicholas Hilliard From Penshurst Isaac Oliver Peter Oliver Sir A. Vandyck X. Sir Philip Sidney Isaac Oliver H.M. The Queen XI. The Digby Family .. P. Oliver Baroness Burdett-Coutts XII. Sir Kenelm Digby .. Venetia, Lady Digby XIII. The Brothers Browne I. Oliver Earl Spencer XIV. Lady Mary Sidney ... N. Hilliard The Harcourt Family Arabella Stuart Peter Oliver Capt. J. H. Edwards Heathcote Spencer N. Hilliard Lord Fitzhardinge Isaac Oliver By himself H.M. The Queen Venetia, Lady Digby... P. Oliver Baroness Burdett-Coutts XV. Sir Nicholas Throgmorton Isaac Oliver Shaftesbury Family Lady Throgmorton ... j» »» >) Elizabeth Claypole ... S. Cooper Duke of Devonshire Isaac Oliver ... ... — Earl of Gosford XVI. Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset Isaac Oliver Jones Collection, South Kensington Museum XVII. Charles I. ... John Hoskins H.M. The Queen ,, as Prince of Wales Duke of Rutland George Villiers I. Oliver H.M. The Queen XVIII. Oliver Cromwell S. Cooper Duke of Sutherland Duke of Devonshire IX. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS AND OWNERS—Continued. Plate. Subject. Artist. Owner. XIX. Barbara Villiers S. Cooper Countess of Caledon Lady Leigh Sackville Bale Collection Samuel Cooper Dyce Collection, South Kensington Museum XX. George Monk, Duke of Albemarle „ H.M. The Queen XXI. Charles II. ... ... ,, Duke of Richmond and Gordon XXII. James, Duke of Monmouth ... ,, H.M The Queen XXIII. Charles I. ... ... ... M. Snelling John Hampden ... ... S. Cooper Earl Spencer ... XXIV. Sir John King ... Alexander Cooper , H.M. The Queen Sarah Jennings, Duchess of Marlborough G.N. (Caspar Netscher?) Charles Butler, Esq. James II. S. Cooper H.M. The Queen XXV. Charles I. ... Petitot Baroness Burdett-Coutts ... James II. tt Jean Petitot From an old print in the British Museum Petitot, le vieux By himself Earl of Dartrey XXVI. Petitot Louis XIV. Petitot Duke of Beaufort Richelieu ... Cardinal It Cardinal Mazarin Earl of Carlisle Charles II. Baroness Burdett-Coutts- Duchesse de Fontanges Duke of Beaufort XXVII. Henriette, Duchess of Orleans. Baroness Burdett-Coutts Madame de Maintenon Duke of Beaufort Countess d'Olonne ... Captain Holford XXVIII. C. F. Zincke and his wife After J. Hysing XXIX, James Craggs C. F. Zincke Baroness Burdett-Coutts Countess of Chesterfield S. Cooper Earl of Carlisle Sarah Tyssen J. Smart XXX. Mrs. T. Somers Cocks A. Plimer R. Cosway Isabella, Mrchss. of Hertford Hon. Mrs. Meynell Ingram Mary Queen of Scots W. Bone ... Baroness Burdett-Coutts- G. F. Handel W. Hogarth .. Earl of Carlisle Lady Carlisle J. Meyer XXXI. Ozias Humphrey, R.A. After G. Romney XXXII. Queen Charlotte Ozias Humphrey H.M. The Queen Caroline of Anspach j» Lord Clive J. Smart Earl of Powis Lady Clive ft XXXIII. Jeremiah Meyer, R.A. After Dance Emilia, Duchess of Leinster ... After Reynolds ? . Earl of Charlemont Nathaniel Hone, R.A. XXXIV. Lady Mary Wortley-Montagu .. S. Liotard . Earl of Portarlington Portrait of a Lady ... Unknown . Lord Tweedmouth XXXV. Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire R. Cosway . H.M. The Queen XXXVI. Richard and Maria Cosway ..
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