
Journal of Multivariate Analysis  MV1618

journal of multivariate analysis 58, 182188 (1996) article no. 0046

A Note on the Asymptotic Normality of for a Linear * Shuyuan He

Department of Probability and , Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

We consider a stationary [Xt] given by Xt=k=& kZt&k, where [Zt] is a strictly stationary martingale difference . Under assumptions { 2 that the f(*)of[Xt] is squared integrable and m  |k|m k Ä0 for some {>1Â2, the asymptotic normality of the sample autocorrelations is shown. For a stationary long memory ARIMA( p, d, q) sequence, the condition { 2 m |k|m k Ä0 for some {>1Â2 is equivalent to the squared integrability of f(*). View metadata,This result citation extends and Theoremsimilar papers 4.2 of Cavazos-Cadenaat core.ac.uk [5], which were derived under brought to you by CORE 2  the condition m|k|m k Ä0. 1996 Academic Press, Inc. provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector


Let [Xt] be a linear stationary time series given by

2 Xt= : kZt&k with 0< : k< , (1.1) k=& k=&

2 2 where [Zt] is a sequence of white noise: EZt=0, EZt =_ , EZt Zs=0 2 for t{s. Then [Xt] has the spectral density f(*)=(_ Â2?)|k=& k 2 2 _exp (ik*)| , the function #(k)=_ j=& jj+k and the function \(k)=#(k)Â#(0). The sample autocovari-

ance function based on X1 , X2 , ..., Xn is defined by #^ ( k )=#^ (&k)= n&k n t=1 (Xt+k&X n)(Xt&X n)Ân,0kn&1, with X n=t=1 XtÂn. The sample autocorrelation function is defined by \^ (k)=#^ ( k ) Â#^ (0), 1|k|n&1. Let

brs= : [\(k+r)+\(k&r)&2\(r) \(k)] k=1 _[\(k+s)+\(k&s)&2\(s) \(k)]. (1.2)

Received December 16, 1994 AMS 1991 subject classifications: 60B12; 62M10. Key words and phrases: autocorrelation, , martingale difference, ARIMA model. * Research partially supported by NSFC. 182 0047-259XÂ96 18.00 Copyright  1996 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

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Suppose that f(*) is squared integrable and [Zt] is an independent and identically distributed (iid) white noise. Under the assumptions that 4 2 EZt < or m|k|m k Ä0, Cavazos-Cadena [5, Theorem 4.1, 4.2] proved, for each positive integer h,

n1Â2(\^ (1)&\(1), \^ (2)&\(2), ..., \^ (h)&\(h))ON(0, B), as n Ä . (1.3) Where `` O '' convergence in distribution and N(0, B) stands for the h-dimensional with zero and matrix

B=(brs)h_h . Result (1.3) was established by Bartlett [3] under the condi- 4 tions: EZt < and k=& |k|< , and by Anderson and Walker [1] 2 under the conditions: k=& |k|< and k=& |k| k< . All their conditions imply the squared integrability of f(*). It is known that an equivalent condition for f(*) being squared 2 integrable is k=0 #k< . Another equivalent condition is brr< , for all r1 (see Theorem 2.1). From this point of view, we may not expect result (1.3) without the squared integrability of f(*). 2 The condition m|k|m k Ä0 is weaker than the condition used in Anderson and Walker [1], but does not include the stationary long memory (not the intermediate memory) sequence Xt=k=0 kZt&k defined by the ARIMA(0, d, 0) model

d (1&B) Xt=Zt, t=0, 1, 2, ..., (1.4) where [Zt] is an iid white noise and d # (0, 0.25) (here, the condition d # (0, 0.25) ensures the squared integrability of f(*)). Indeed, the fact d&1 kCk for some constant C (see [4, pp. 467]) implies that

lim m : 2C lim m x2d&2 dx= . (1.5) k | m Ä |k|m m Ä m

In the following section we will prove (1.3) under conditions that [Zt] is a strictly stationary martingale difference white noise and for some {>1Â2,

{ 2 m : k Ä0, as m Ä , (1.6) |k|m and for a long memory ARIMA( p, d, q) (with d #(0,1Â2)) sequence, (1.6) is equivalent to the squared integrability of the spectral density f(*).


Theorem . . 2 1 Let brs be defined by (1.2). Then the condition brr< , for all r1, implies the squared integrability of f(*).

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Proof. Using Bartlett's formula (see [2, pp. 489]), we have

? &2 2 2 brr=8?# (0) (\(r)&cos(r*)) f (*) d*, r1. (2.1) |0

&1 Let *0=cos \(1). From b11< , it is seen that we only need to prove 2 the integrability of f (*) in an open neighborhood of *0 . But this is ensured by the fact

&1 |\(r)|=#0 : kk&r } k } =&

&1 #0 : k k&r {}k r }  2

+ : k k&r Ä0, as r Ä , } k r }= > 2 and

cos(r*0)=cos((r&1) *0) cos(*0)&sin((r&1) *0) % _sin(*0) Ä0, as r Ä .

Theorem . 2 2 Let [Xt] be defined by (1.1) with the spectral density f(*) being squared integrable and (1.6) being valid for some {>1Â2. Suppose that

[Zt] is a strictly stationary martingale difference white noise with _2 and satisfies one of the following conditions:

2 2 (a) E(Zt | Zs; s

Lemma 2.1 Under the conditions of Theorem 2.2, for any positive integer h,

1Â2 n |D(n; h)| wÄp 0, as n Ä , (2.2)

where ``wÄp '' means convergence in probability and

n n 2 2 D(n; h)= : jj+h : Zt&jÂn& : Zt Ân . j \t t + =& =1 =1

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2 Proof. Let aj=j j+k and !t=Zt . Then

n n

nD(n; h)= : aj : !t&j& : aj : !t= : anj !j , (2.3) j=& t=1 j=& t=1 j=& where n t=1 at&j&t=& at, for 1 j n, anj= n {t=1 at&j, otherwise. &k &k0 1&2 Let k0 be an integer such that 1&2 >0.5Â{. Define a(k)=n and

{ A( y)= : |jaj |Ây, B( y)=y : |aj| for y>0. (2.4) | j|y | j|y

2 We have limn a(k)= ,1kk0. Using j=& |aj|j=& j < and Kronecker lemma (see [6, pp. 31]), we get A( y) Ä 0 and { 2 2 B( y)y |k|y (k+k+h)Ä0, as y Ä . Now, the fact that a(1)=n1Â2, n&1Â2a(k)=n1Â2&2&kn{(1&2&k+1)= { 1Â2 { a (k&1) and n a (k0) imply

n 0 &1Â2 &1Â2 n : |anj |=n : |anj |+ : |anj |+ : |anj | j {j j j = =& =1 =& =1

&1Â2 1Â2 2n : |jaj |+2n : |aj| | j|n |j|>n

&1Â2 &1Â2 2 n : | jaj |+n : | jaj | { 0<| j|a(1) a(1)<| j|a(2)

&1Â2 &1Â2 +}}}+n : |jaj |+n a(k 0&1)<| j|a(k0)

_ : |jaj |+B(n) a k j n = ( 0)<| |

&1 &1Â2 2 a (1) : | jaj |+n a(2) : |aj | { j a a j a 0<| | (1) (1)<| | (2)

&1Â2 1Â2 +}}}+n a(k0) : |aj|+n a(k0&1)<| j|a(k0)

_ : |aj|+B(n) a k j n = ( 0)<| |

2[A(a(1))+B(a(1))+ } }} +B(a(k0&1))

+B(a(k0))+B(n)]Ä0, as n Ä . (2.5)

2 Now, (2.2) follows from Markov's inequality and E!t=_ .

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Lemma 2.2. Under the conditions of Theorem 2.2, for any positive integer h, as n Ä

(n) (n) (n) (W 1 , W 2 , ..., W h ) O (W1 , W2 , ..., Wh), as n Ä , (2.6)

(n) &1Â2 n where W k =n j=1 ZjZj+kÂ_ and W1 , W2 , ..., Wh are iid random variables with common distribution N(0, 1).

h Proof. For any real a1 , a2 , ..., ah , let Ut=j=1 ajZtZt&j. Then [Ut; t1] is a strictly stationary martingale difference with mean zero and 2 h 2 4 variance _u=j=1 aj _ . Let Ft=_[Zs; st] and U be the invariant - _ field of [Zt]. Then, U/Ft for all t. Hence, the ergodic theorem implies

n 2 2 2 lim : E(Ut Ân | Ft&1)=E(Ut | U)=_u a.s., (2.7) n Ä t=1 and for any =>0,

n 1 2 1Â2 lim : E(Ut I[|Ut |>n =] | Ft&1)=0 a.s. (2.8) n Ä n t=1 Where I[A] is the of the even A. Using Theorem 8.1 of n 1Â2 2 Pollard [7], we get t=1 UtÂn O N(0, _u). Which implies (see [4, Proposition 6.3.1.])

n n n &1Â2 (n Â_) : ZtZt&1, : ZtZt&2, ..., : ZtZt&h O(W1, W2, ..., Wh). \ t=1 t=1 t=1 + (2.9)

Now Lemma 2.2 follows from

n n &1Â2 n E : ZtZt&k& : ZtZt+k } t t } =1 =1 k n &1Â2 n E : ZtZt&k + : ZtZt+k Ä0, as n Ä , {}t } }t n k }= =1 = & +1 for all fixed k1. Now, we give a sufficient condition under which (1.6) holds.

Theorem . . 2 3 Let [Xt] be defined by (1.1) with the spectral density function f(*).

$ (a) If for some $>3Â4, lim supk Ä k (|k|+|&k|)< , then f(*) is squared integrable and (1.6) is true for some {>1Â2.

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3Â4 (b) If lim infk Ä k (|k|+|&k|)>0 and k k+h j j+h0 for all k, j and h1, then f(*) will not be squared integrable and 1Â2 2 lim supm Ä m |k|m k {0. Proof. It is clear that we only need to prove this Theorem for the case $ of 0=1 and k=1Â|k| , k=\1, \2, .... (a) For { #(1Â2, 2$&1) we have,

dx m{ : 2m{ Ä 0, as m Ä , k | 2$ |k|m m&1 x and

2 2 2 : #h=_ : : kk+h h h \ k + 2 2

0 2 2 =_ : : kk+h+ : kk+h+ : kk+h h \k k h k h + 2 1 <& =& 2 h dx dx (h&1)Â2 dx 2 2 _2 : +2 +2 +2 + $ | $ $ | 2$ | $ $ $ h {h 1 x h h x 1 x (h&x) (h&1) = 2

&$ 1&2$ 2 C0 : [h log h+h ] h2 < , (2.10) where C0 is an universal constant. It is known that (2.10) is equivalent to the integrability of f 2(*). (b) For $3Â4, we have

1Â2 2 1Â2 dx lim inf m : klim inf m 2$>0 m m | Ä |k|m Ä m x and

2 dx 2 : #2 : _2 :    : _2 = . (2.11) h k k+h | 2$ h h \k + h { 1 (x+h) = 1 1 1 1

As an application of Theorem 2.2 and 2.3, let us consider the stationary long memory sequence [Xt] defined by the following ARIMA( p, d, q) model (see [4, pp. 469]):

d (1&B) A(B) Xt=B(B) Zt, t=\1, \2, ...,

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_2 B(ei*) 2 f(*)= , (2.12) 2? }(1&ei*)d A(ei*)}

and can be expressed as a linear sequence of [Zt]: Xt=k=0 kZt&k. Here, [k] is determined by Taylor expansion:

B(z) k d = : kz ,|z|<1. (2.13) (1&z) A(z) k=0

k d k Let B(z)ÂA(z)=k=0 akz ,|z|1 and 1Â(1&d) =k=0 bkz ,|z|<1. k Then there exists a \ # (0, 1) and a constant C>0 such that ak=o(\ ), as d&1 kÄ and |bk |Ck . It follows that for some constant C1 ,

k d&1 |k |= : bjak&j C1k , k=1, 2, .... }j } =0 Hence, d<0.25 implies the condition (a) of Theorem 2.3 and which is just the necessary and sufficient condition for the spectral density f(*)tobe squared integrable.


The author thanks the referee for his helpful suggestions.


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