Direct Imaging of Exoplanets in the Habitable Zone with Adaptive Optics
Direct imaging of exoplanets in the habitable zone with adaptive optics Jared R. Malesa,*, Laird M. Closea, Olivier Guyona, Katie Morzinskia,*, Alfio Puglisib, Philip Hinza, Katherine B. Follettea, John D. Monnierc, Volker Tollsd, Timothy J. Rodigase, Alycia Weinbergere, Alan Bosse, Derek Koponf, Ya-lin Wua, Simone Espositob, Armando Riccardib, Marco Xomperob, Runa Brigugliob, Enrico Pinnab aSteward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA; bInstituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy; cAstronomy Department, University of Michigan; dHarvard-Smithsonian, CfA, Boston, MA, USA; eCarnegie Institution DTM, Washington, DC, USA; fMPiA Heidelberg, Germany; *NASA Sagan Fellow ABSTRACT One of the primary goals of exoplanet science is to find and characterize habitable planets, and direct imaging will play a key role in this effort. Though imaging a true Earth analog is likely out of reach from the ground, the coming generation of giant telescopes will find and characterize many planets in and near the habitable zones (HZs) of nearby stars. Radial velocity and transit searches indicate that such planets are common, but imaging them will require achieving extreme contrasts at very small angular separations, posing many challenges for adaptive optics (AO) system design. Giant planets in the HZ may even be within reach with the latest generation of high-contrast imagers for a handful of very nearby stars. Here we will review the definition of the HZ, and the characteristics of detectable planets there. We then review some of the ways that direct imaging in the HZ will be different from the typical exoplanet imaging survey today. Finally, we present preliminary results from our observations of the HZ of α Centauri A with the Magellan AO system’s VisAO and Clio2 cameras.
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