Objectives Determination of angular diameter Application of previous determinations Focus on host stars throughout HR diagram to PLATO targets and detected binaries

2021 2024 2027 Start of the CHARA-SPICA survey PLATO fields are known First PLATO data


- COROT, SONG and TESS observable targets - Extension of the CHARA-SPICA sample to PLATO targets - Core sample focused on F, G, K IV-V stars - Follow-up detected binaries - Extension to giants and earlier types - Explore various metallicities

Provide R and T for preparation pipeline eff Binary : mass ratio Binary detection: radii of components Precise and accurate Teff and q SBCR - FLAG (CHARA-SPICA and complementarity in separation)

Methods Calibration of seismic scale relation - Radius of the component(s) SESSION 1 &2 : Objectives and methods Objectives Determination of angular diameter throughout HR diagram

2021 2024 2027 Start of the CHARA-SPICA survey PLATO fields are known First PLATO data

Teff usually determined from spectrophotometry or spectroscopy, - seismic modelling requires mass, radius and T eff dependent on model atmospheres (precise but not accurate) - provide q as « model independent » observable - derive R from q and p except for limb darkening - derive Teff from bolometric luminosity and q watch out for extinction

- improvement of SBCR calibration - … to be used on stars with no direct q measurement

- use determinations of radius and Teff in… SESSION 1 &2 : Objectives and methods Objectives Determination of angular diameter throughout HR diagram

2021 2024 2027 Start of the CHARA-SPICA survey PLATO fields are known First PLATO data

- seismic modelling requires mass, radius and Teff - extend target sample with PLATO targets - provide q as « model independent » observable - derive R from q and p - derive Teff and q for targets that are bright enough - derive Teff from bolometric luminosity and q - apply improved SBCR to fainter PLATO targets

- improvement of SBCR calibration - insert newly determined parameters into PLATO database - … to be used on stars with no direct q measurement - use Gaia, spectro, CHARA/SPICA data to produce models

- identify new multiple stars (complementary to Gaia) à flag - measure radii of components - estimate mass ratios from orbital elements (need multiple visits)

- use determinations of radius and Teff in… SESSION 1 &2 : Objectives and methods Objectives Determination of angular diameter throughout HR diagram

2021 2024 2027 Start of the CHARA-SPICA survey PLATO fields are known First PLATO data

- extend target sample with PLATO targets - seismic modelling requires mass, radius and Teff - focus on exoplanet hosts - provide q as « model independent » observable - derive Teff and q for targets that are bright enough - derive R from q and p - apply improved SBCR to fainter PLATO targets and detected binaries - derive Teff from bolometric luminosity and q - insert newly determined parameters into PLATO database - use Gaia, spectro, CHARA/SPICA data to produce models - improvement of SBCR calibration - … to be used on stars with no direct q measurement

- identify new multiple stars (complementary to Gaia) à flag - measure radii of components - estimate mass ratios from orbital elements (need multiple visits)

- use determinations of radius and Teff in…