UR Mourns Loss of Eastman Dean Douglas Lowry
CampusTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2013 / VOLUME 140, ISSUE 16 Times SERVING THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SINCE 1873 / campustimes.org Humanities Project UR mourns loss of gets additional $100K Eastman Dean Douglas Lowry BY HANNAH LEE works with small mediums and BY RACHAEL SANGUINETTI STAFF WRITER large-scale projects,” Dean for A&E EDITOR Humanities and Interdisciplinary The Humanities Project, an Studies Tom DiPiero said. Douglas Lowry, the Joan and endeavor dedicated to funding President Joel Seligman com- Martin Messinger Dean Emeri- humanistic research by UR fac- mitted $150,000 to the Humani- tus of the Eastman School of ulty, has recently been allocated ties Project in 2006 through the Music, died early Wednesday $100,000 more to its current an- President Venture Fund. DiPiero morning surrounded by his fam- nual budget of $150,000. cited the “Robin Hood: Media ily. He was 62. According to its website, the Culture” project as a great accom- Lowry’s passing came as a shock Humanities Project strives to plishment of the Humanities Proj- to many after his resignation just “showcase some of the best and ect, in which the George Eastman over a week ago in which he cited most up-to-date research dedi- House helped restore a silent film. health reasons. Lowry, who was cated to the critical examination “It couldn’t have been possible diagnosed with multiple myelo- of the documents and objects that without the President’s support,” ma in 2011, has served as East- reflect the meaningful past and DiPiero said, adding that he antic- man’s sixth head since 2007.
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