No. 34 Catalogue 15 BRITISH BOOKS & OWNERS PART I: A – F he books in this catalogue have largely been T acquired over the last four or five years, since our last British Books and Owners production. The number of volumes on the shelves soon grew, as I have found they tend to, beyond the scope of what was meant to be a single catalogue. It was nevertheless a surprise, when the difficulties of 2020 arrived, to find that well over three hundred interesting British books (or books with British ownership) yearned to be offered for sale. I hope that one or two items in this part, the first - organized alphabetically - of what will likely be four, will pique your interest – and even if not, that the whole at least provides something to read over the long Winter months. Tom Lintern-Mole Wareham, December 2020 Antiquates Limited 12A West Street Wareham Dorset BH20 4JX United Kingdom (+44) (0)1929 556 656 (+44) (0)7921 151 496
[email protected] Payment to be made by cheque, bank transfer or debit/credit cards; institutions can be billed. Alternative currencies can be accommodated. Postage and packaging costs will be added to orders. All items offered subject to prior sale. E. & O.E. Antiquates Limited is Registered in England and Wales No: 6290905 VAT Registration Number: GB 942 4835 11 Registered Office: The Conifers, Valley Road, Corfe Castle, BH20 5HU, U.K. TAXING TEA, COFFEE AND SPICES TO PAY FOR REDUCING IRELAND 1) [ACTS - England and Wales]. Anno Regni gulielmi et mariae, regis & reginae Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, sexto..