Issued by the American Jewish Committee 461 Fourth Avenue New York City

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Issued by the American Jewish Committee 461 Fourth Avenue New York City qs7 IssueIssuedd bbyy ThThee AmericaAmericann JewisJewishh CommitteCommitteee 464611 FourthFourth AvenuAvenuee NewNew YorkYork CitCityy NumberNumber OnOnee THETHE ANTI-ANTI-JEWIS JEWISHH PROPAGANDAPROPAGANDA FRONFRONTT A BulletinBulletin ofof InformationInformation ofof anti-Jewisanti- Jewishh AgitationAgitation anandd CounterCounter ActivitiesActivities.. CITIZENSCITIZENS PROTECTIVPROTECTIVEE LEAGUELEAGUE NeNeww NaziNazi OrganizatioOrganizationn formedformed toto combatcombat boycottboycott adoptsadopts antianti-Jewis -Jewishh resolutions.resolutions. ThThee recenrecentt campaigcampaignn byby ththee Non-SectariaNon -Sectariann AntiAnti-Naz -Nazii LeaguLeaguee toto preventprevent ththee matcmatchh betweebetweenn ChampionChampion JameJamess J.J. BraddockBraddock andand MaxMax SchmelingSchmeling oonn thethe groundground thathatt SchmelingSchmeling aass a boxeboxerr representrepresentss a "Germa"Germann commodity"commodity ",, providedprovided thethe Impetuimpetuss foforr ththee creatiocreationn ooff a neneww organizatioorganizationn ofof NazNazii sympathizers.sympathizers. ThisThis organization,organization, knownknown asas ThThee CitizenCitizenss ProtectiveProtective League,League, isis headeheadedd bbyy KurtKurt llertigMertig,, andand hashas officeofficess atat 12512533 LexingtoLexingtonn Avenue,Avenue, NewNew YorYorkk CityCity.. ThThee firsfirstt actact ooff thisthis newnew organizatioorganizationn waswas ttoo adopadoptt "A"A resolutioresolutionn ooff condemnatiocondemnationn ofof ththee un-un-America Americann activitiesactivities ooff ththee Untermeyer-LaGuardiUntermeyer- LaGuardiaa NonNon-Sectaria -Sectariann NazNazii League.League."" IInn thithiss resolutionresolution theythey chargecharge ththee NonNon-Sectaria -Sectariann NaziNazi LeaguLeaguee directlydirectly andand thethe JewJewss indirectlindirectlyy ofof - (1(1)) CreatingCreating raciaraciall animosityanimosity inIn thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates;; . (2)(2 ) DefyingDefying publicpublic opinionopinion byby claimingclaiming militarymilitary exemptionexemption foforr Jews;Jews; (5(3)) CausinCausingg losseslosses ooff millionmillionss ofof dollardollarss ooff legitimatelegitimate businesbusinesss ttoo UniteUnitedd StateStatess citizenscitizens bbyy pressingpressing aann illegitimatillegitimatee boycottboycott againstagainst German-JewsGerman -Jews;; (4)(4) EmbarrassinEmbarrassingg PresidenPresidentt RoosevelRooseveltt andand thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates DepartmenDepartmentt ooff StatStatee bbyy agitatinagitatingg forfor abrogationabrogation ooff TreatiesTreaties witwithh GermanyGermany andand forcingforcing recognitionrecognition ofof RussiaRussia foforr thethe purposepurpose ofof spreadingspreading propagandapropaganda iinn thithiss countrycountry.. • TheThe resolutioresolutionn concludesconcludes witwithh ththee statemenstatementt thatthat antianti-Semitis -Semitismm existsexists iinn thethe UnitedUnited StateStatess anandd everywhereeverywhere "not"not aass a causecause bubutt asas a resultresult ofof raciaraciall feudfeud startedstarted byby sucsuchh un-Americaun-American n activitiesactivities aass cataloguecataloguedd above,"above," andand ordereorderedd thathatt 100,00100,0000 copiecopiess bbee printedprinted foforr distributiondistribution.. GERMAN-AMERICAGERMAN -AMERICANN HOLDSHOLDS MASSMASS MEETINGMEETING \ RussianRussian,, ItaliaItaliann anandd SpanisSpanishh FascisFascistt leaderleaderss participateparticipate.. IndicativeIndicative ooff ththee neneww tactictacticss ooff thethe NazNazii organizationsorganizations iinn thisthis country,country, waswas a meetingmeeting heldheld atat ththee HippodromHippodromee oonn Friday,Friday, FebruaryFebruary 12th12th,, 19371937.. ThThee DeutscherDeutscher WeckruWeckruff unund_Beobachterd Beobachter announcedannounced thatthat thithiss meetinmeetingg wouldwould exposexposee CommunisCommunismm iinn America.America. TheThe speakerspeakerss werewere FritzFritz Kuhn,Kuhn, NationalNational LeaderLeader ofof ththee German-AmericaGerman-American n Bund;Bund; RudolRudolff Markmann,Markmann, LeaderLeader ofof ththee EasterEasternn DistrictDistrict ooff ththee -2-2-- abovabovee organizationOrganization;; ColCol.. P.P. Kartacheff,Kartacheff, representativerepresentative inin AmericAmericaa ofof thethe AlAlll RussiRussiaa FascistFascist PartyParty andand ththee RussianRussian NationalNational Organization;Organization; NicholasNicholas Melnikoff,Melnikoff, EditorEditor ooff ththee FascistFascist RussianRussian languaglanguagee newspapernewspaper "Rossiya"Rosslya" ";; LuigLuigii CiancagllniÇiancaglini,, representativerepresentative ooff ItaliaItaliann FascistFascist OrganizationsOrganizations;; anandd RussellRussell JJ.. DunnDunn whowho hashas iinn thethe pastpast beenbeen aa.frequent frequent speakerspeaker atat NaziNazi meetingsmeetings anandd iiss thethe organizeorganizerr anandd headhead . ooff anan organizationorganization knowknownn asas ThThee CommonCommon-Caus -Causee LeagueLeague.. ThThee meetingmeeting itselfitself wawass typicaltypical - thethe aislesaisles fillefilledd witwithh uniuni-- 1 formeformedd NaziNazi StormStorm Troopers,Troopers, ththee HitlerHitler salutesalute givengiven frequently,frequently, and,theand the crowdcrowd evidentlyevidently wellwell trainetrainedd ttoo supplysupply thethe wordword "Jew"Jew"" iinn ththee placeplacess wherewhere ththee speakerspeaker himself,himself, dididd nonott wishwish toto sasayy WhileWhile itit waswas announceannouncedd thatthat iitt waswas ththee purposepurpose ofof thisthis meetingmeeting ttoo exposeexpose CommunismCommunism,, mostmost ofof ththee speakersspeakers devotedevotedd muchmuch attentionattention ttoo SamuelSamuel UntermeyerUntermeyer anandd ththee anti-Nazanti -Nazii boycottboycott.. FritFritzz KuhKuhnn pleadedpleaded forfor a unionunion ofof allall peoplespeoples ooff ththee "Caucasian"Caucasian RaceRace"" intointo aann ail-Americaall-American n frontfront ttoo combacombatt ththee ; activitieactivitiess ooff "alien""alien" racesraces., ADVERTISEMENTADVERTISEMENT OFOF NENEWW YORYORKK STATSTATEE NATIONALNATIONAL GUARGUARDD APPEARAPPEARSS ININ NAZNAZII PUBLICATIONSPUBLICATIONS.. IInn thethe issueissue ooff thethe DeutscherDeutscher WeckrufWeckruf undund BeobachterBeobachter ofof Febru-Febru- araryy 4th4th,, 19319377 ththee followingfollowing AAdd wawass insertedinserted byby thethe 244th244th ArtilleryArtillery RegimentRegiment ooff thethe NeNeww YorkYork NationaNationall GuardGuard - ApplicantApplicantss musmustt bbee 5 ft.ft. 8 Inin.. oror oveoverr andand mustmust bebe CitizensCitizens ooff thethe UniteUnitedd States,States, oror havehave theitheirr firstfirst papers.papers. ThisThis isIs a wonderfuwonderfull opportunityopportunity foforr YounYoungg GermaGermann MeMenn ttoo Joijoinn anan ArtillerArtilleryy BatteryBattery thathatt hahass beebeenn rateratedd ExcellenExcellentt byby thethe commandincommandingg GeneralGeneral ooff CoastCoast Artillery.Artillery. TheThe NeNeww YorkYork Post,Post, whicwhichh reprintedreprinted thithiss AdAd,, callecalledd oonn LieutenanLieutenantt FF.. HarkiHarkinn ttoo explaiexplainn ththee purposepurpose ooff thithiss AAdd anandd receivereceivedd thethe replreplyy thatthat iitt waswas alalll a mistakmistake.e BotBothh hehe anandd CaptaiCaptainn JosephJoseph D.D. Curran,Curran, whwhoo isIs inIn chargecharge ofof BatterBatteryy "D"D"" ofof thethe aboveabove Regiment,Regiment, disclaimedisclaimedd ananyy knowledgknowledgee ofof thethe paper'spaper's NazNazii affiliation.affiliation. HHee maintainemaintainedd thatthat thethe restrest ooff thethe membersmembers araree mostlymostly IrishIrish withwith a fefeww JewJewss andand nono Germans.Germans. NATIONALNATIONAL GENTILEGENTILE LEAGUELEAGUE RENEWSRENEWS ACTIVITYACTIVITY.. A circulacircularr underunder thethe imprintImprint ooff thethe abovabovee organization,organization, recentlyrecently received,received, readsreads asas follows:-follows:- "AMERIC"AMERICAA SLEEPSLEEPSS WHILE- " JewsJews prostitutprostitutee ouourr tolerancetolerance.. TheiTheirr financierfinancierss undermininunderminingg ourour countrycountry.. GentileGentiless areare drivedrivenn frofromm professions,professions, artsarts andand ththee businessbusiness fieldsfields.. ' JewJewss supportsupport CommunisCommunismm witwithh moneymoney.. JewJewss destrodestroyy Christianity.Christianity. GentilismGentillsm iiss beinbeingg chainechainedd iinn slaveryslavery.. Liberty,Liberty, FreedoFreedomm - OuOurr constitutioconstitutionn Iiss overriddenoverridden.. TheiTheirr greedgreed anandd powerpower totooo enmeshenmesh yoyouu - youryour childrenchildren iinn a slave'slave'ss bondagebondage continuescontinues.. -3- ChristianitChristianityy isIs dyingdying.. GentileGentiless arousarousee anandd awakenawaken,, foforr home,home, religionreligion andand countrycountry,, AmericanismAmericanism isis atat stakstakee - freedomfreedom mustmust notnot die.die."" ThThee NationaNationall GentilGentilee LeaguLeaguee waswas incorporateincorporatedd Iinn MarylanMarylandd aboutabout 19319344 undeunderr thethe namename ooff ththee NationaNationall GentilGentilee Association.Association. TheThe incorporatorsincorpcrators werewere BB.. EE.. ClarkClark,, W.W. N.N. FoxFox,, anandd M.M. L.L. Burnett.Burnett. A circularcircular whicwhichh theythey distributedistributedd aatt thathatt timtimee advocatedadvocated a GentilGentilee movemenmovementt toto defenddefend thethe ConstitutioConstitutionn ofof AmericaAmerica andand ttoo furthefurtherr thethe interestsinterests ooff thethe GentilGentilee populatiopopulationn inin thisthis
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