Daily Eastern News: July 17, 1995 Eastern Illinois University

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Daily Eastern News: July 17, 1995 Eastern Illinois University Eastern Illinois University The Keep July 1995 7-17-1995 Daily Eastern News: July 17, 1995 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1995_jul Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: July 17, 1995" (1995). July. 2. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1995_jul/2 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1995 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in July by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Monday Summer EditionJuly 17 1995 EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY • 600 LINCOLN AVE • CHARLESTON, ILL. 61920 • VOL. 80, NO. 160 • 8 PAGES ? Que? Honors program may require students to travel to foreign lands By AMY DAVIS honors students would Staff writer receive 15 hours of credit, graded according to Eastern All honors students should standards. be required to spend a Addressing concerns that semester studying in a for- the program would unduly eign country, said the direc- prolong honors students’ edu- tor of Eastern’s Honors cations, Lasky said classes Programs, at the Council on would be “double-counted” to Academic Affairs’ meeting fulfill general education Thursday. requirements and honors Herb Lasky, who is not a program requirements. member of the Council, dis- The 15 hours of course cussed plans for a study- work would focus on the Sarah Wong/Photo editor abroad program to expand country the students were in Eastern’s honors program. and could include topics like Kitiwat Kongwi-nukool, a master’s of business administration graduate student, and Lasky said the model he archaeology, foreign lan- Shadrack Ramosa, an MBA graduate student, discuss cultural exchanges at the International proposed was “clearly defined guage, history, fine Tea Reception in the Stevenson Tower lobby on Friday afternoon. They enjoy the refreshments and very structured.” arts/architecture and litera- and the speaker while chatting with friends. Based on Lasky’s proposed ture, Lasky said. changes to the honors pro- However, the proposal is gram, in order to graduate still in the planning stage, from Eastern’s honors pro- Lasky said. Tea promotes women’s rights gram, a student would be “After we finish planning, By SARAH WONG less of national and cultural tion, McMahon said. required to participate in the the next thing we have to do Photo editor differences, the executive “Women’s education should study-abroad program. is write budgets and pray,” he woman is surprisingly the include planning their lives, Going to a non-English- said. The contributions of a local same throughout the world,” enabling them to fully devel- speaking country for a If the project was organization to the fight for McMahon said. op their abilities and to ori- semester would be a require- approved, the Illinois Board women’s rights was the focus Zonta provides social sup- ent themselves toward a ment for all honors program of Higher Education would of a speech Friday by the port for young women mak- rapidly changing world, pur- students, not an option, he have to provide new money, United States International ing career choices as well as suing careers in technical, said. Lasky said. Tea’s keynote speaker. working to advance women’s engineering and scientific For the semester abroad, † See Honors Page 2 The Zonta International status, McMahon said. fields where they are now Service Organization of “Zonta executive women greatly under represented,” Executive Women of enjoy a happy, stable mar- McMahon said. Charleston was founded to riage to a supportive hus- McMahon said the first Senate execs “enhance the status of band who is not intimidated Zonta Club was established women,” Martha McMahon by her success,” said in Buffalo, N.Y. in 1919. The said in her speech to approxi- McMahon. Charleston Zonta Club was begin planning mately 50 students, faculty Zonta is dedicated to formed in 1976. and staff. women achieving their high- Currently, Zonta Inter- By HEATHER LUTZ expressed an interest in stu- “Regardless of where she est potential through educa- • See Tea Page 2 Staff writer dent government during was born and raised, regard- their orientation. Eastern’s student senate, • Recruiting new mem- usually unable to remain bers at Orientation Day. Temps soar to record highs very active during the sum- • Improving the image of mer semester, is working Student Government. By SARAH DRURY hard this summer to plan for The senate will also be News editor Cooler heads prevail the upcoming school year. researching the possibility of Charleston temperatures Although only two sena- conducting a survey of By SARAH DRURY drinking plenty of water should be coming back down tors are enrolled in classes Eastern’s instructors and News editor and fruit juice are also to normal after soaring to the this summer, several execu- making the results available important, she said. highest degrees in seven tive officers are here on cam- to students, Gaddini said. With temperatures reach- Heat exhaustion and sun- years last week, said Dalias pus. They include Michelle The survey may include ing the 90s and above, burn are two of the most Price, local weather observer, Gaddini, student body presi- questions regarding the Eastern students must serious health concerns Sunday. dent; Jason Anselment, vice instructor’s teaching style remember to take caution, when dealing with extreme “This is the first time since president of public affairs; and the types of tests admin- said Health Service officials, temperatures, said Shrader. [1988] that we’ve reached the Amy Decker, vice president istered in a course. Friday. Some signs of heat century mark,” said Price. of academic affairs; Lisa Starting in the fall, the “The main thing is not to exhaustion are pale skin, a Sunday was the sixth Garrison, vice president of senate will also be involved overexert,” said Nita lack of perspiration, dizzi- straight day of above 90 student affairs; and Matt in helping provide direction Shrader, a nurse with ness and disorientation or degree temperature, said Herman, vice president of for a student lobbying team. Eastern Health Services. feeling “spacey,” said Price. Two of those days the financial affairs. Anselment will help devel- “If you have to be out Shrader. temperature peaked at over This summer the senate op an application process for wear cool clothing,” said “If you do think you’re 100 degrees. will be working on meeting students interested in join- Shrader. Cotton clothing is getting too warm, get into a Saturday night’s thunder- goals which were set during ing the lobbying team. best, since polyester and building or get under a storm helped to moderate the the election, said Gaddini. Anselment said that his other synthetics keep the shade tree,” Shrader said. extreme temperatures of the Some of these goals office will train the team ini- heat in, Shrader added. “Get out of the sun and past week, said Price. Three- include: tially, but it will have its own Using sun screen and drink plenty of fluids.” • Setting up a training tenths of an inch fell director. He said his office like the intense heat we’ve Sunday’s 90 degree temper- program to help new sena- Saturday. will also continue to “work been having,” he added. ature felt higher, said Price. tors become familiar with This week’s temperatures with them and provide them However a welcome repose High levels of humidity, the constitution and bylaws. should be closer to the nor- guidance” during the school from the heat, this weekend’s make it difficult for tempera- • Organizing a voter regis- mal for July with tempera- year. storm created other problems tures to fall, Price said. tration drive to take place tures in the 80s, he said. The executive officers will by increasing the level of When high levels of outside of the Textbook Nights will also be cooler. continue to meet throughout moisture in the air, said humidity are coupled with Rental service. Toward the weekend, it the summer. Price. • Contacting students who will “warm up a little but not ♥ See Weather Page 2 Because of the humidity, 2 Monday, July 17, 1995 The Daily Eastern News From Page One MONDAY MADNESS Honors † From Page 1 gram could begin with a convent.” “pilot group” in fall 1997. Lasky said other European “Eastern would have to Sophomores would partic- schools he visited, including pay for students to go to ipate in the program, Lasky the University of Dijon, were Europe,” Lasky said. “If this said. He said because juniors “very enthusiastic about our program was required of all and seniors are more idea.” honors students, we would involved in their majors and “Every organization that I have to make up the (mone- minors and freshmen are get- spoke with would provide Charleston & tary) difference between ting used to the college envi- what Eastern needs,” Lasky Eastern Illinois University going to Eastern and going ronment, the sophomore year said. “There was a real feel- 426 W. LINCOLN AVE. abroad.” seemed to be the best time to ing of openness and we were Lasky addressed other send students abroad. treated with great interest.” 348-8282 council members’ concerns Under Lasky’s proposal, Students could fly to their that the mandatory overseas one Eastern professor would destinations on Delta Large Cheese Pizza study program would deter accompany every 20 stu- Airlines, USAir or British students from entering dents. Airways from Indianapolis, $ Eastern’s honors program. Lasky said he would like Lasky said. Each of those air- 4.99Plus He said that in recruiting to begin the program by lines would give discounts for Tax Good on Mondays only through August 2,1995. students for the honors pro- sending students to France, groups of 20 students.
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