A Fortnight of Festivities

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A Fortnight of Festivities The WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 • VOL. 25, NO. 4 $1.25 Canada Day Gold KLONDIKE is coming right up. SUN A Fortnight of Festivities Thanks to the thoughtful soul who decided that this abandoned D8 Cat could be used to enhance the drive. Photo by Dan Davidson in this Issue Launching a physical chatroom 3 Pipers on the Dome 7 Tea time at the Residence 10 The Alchemy Café opens at last. The Top of the World Highland Awards and goodies at the annual Michele Genest's new Games return. Commissioner's Tea. book Boreal Feast now available at Max's! What to see and do in Dawson! 2 Calling the Salmon home 6 TV Guide 14-18 A twist of Fate 22 Uffish Thoughts 4 Getting into Print 8 Northern Vision has plans here 19 Business Directory & Job Board 23 Letters 5 Having a Ball at the Palace 11 Graduation Photos 20 City notices 24 P2 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 THE KLONDIKE SUN What to SEE AND DO in DAWSON now: Dawson City Community Library libRaRy HOurs This free public service helps our readers find their way through the many activities all over town. Any small happening may need preparation and jOinT auTHOR: RMondayeadinG & & WednesdayTalk GaR y NoonGedde – S6:30 and p.m. ann Tuesday, eRikS- planning, so let us know in good time! To join this listing contact the office at Thursday & Friday 10:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Saturday Noon – 4:00 p.m. [email protected]. SON: LIVE AT THE PALACE GRAND: Conservation Monday, June Klondike23 at 7 p.m. Society June 27: A Klondike Home Companion. depot HOurs July 1: Brandon Isaak. July 4: Silver Screen Scoundrels. July 5: Don Amero. All shows begin at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20/$25 adults and $10/$15 kids (12 & : Sat, Sun, Mon: 1-5 p.m., Tues: 3-7 p.m. Donations of refundables under) available at KIAC, the Visitor Information Centre, Westmark Hotel and Dawsonmay be left on City the deck Recreation during off hours. Department Info: 993-6666. the Palace Grand Theatre (show nights only) Meetings TOPS (Take Off POundS SenSibly) Get the Rec & Leisure Newsletter & stay up to date. Website: www.cityofdawson. Theca. Facebook: Westminster "City of Dawson Hotel Recreation". Contact us at 993-2353. : Meeting every Wednesday at 6:30 fRidayS in THe lOunGe: p.m., 2nd floor of Hospital in Dawson City. Not for Profit Organization, one time flat fee of $32.00. Drop in and check us out, no obligation. Contact person June PubliC HEARinG: RiSkS and benefiTS Of HydRAULIC fRaCTuRinG: SPECIAL EVENTS: 6-9 p.m. our Friday Happy Hour Music Series, fea- Mathers (867) 993-5475. tures a variety of local musicians, changing every week. 11 p.m. Pit House Band. June 26 - June 27: Blackberry Wood (11pm-2am)June 28: The Yukon Legislative Assembly Select Committee Regarding the Risks and NaysayersKate’s RestaurantCD release party! (11pm-2am) iBenefitsOde DA ofWSO Hydraulicn CiTy :Fracturing will be holding public hearing on June 26 at 10 a.m. at the Downtown Hotel. SummeR HOuRS: Meet first Tuesday each month at home of Joyce Caley Dinner Tuesday to Sunday 5 p.m.–10 p.m. Happy hour is at 7:30 p.m. For info call Myrna Butterworth, 993-5353, Joyce Caley, 993-5424. ROyal Canadian leGiOn bRanCH #1: back 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Lunch Tuesday to Saturday 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. Brunch Sunday Recess for summer July-Oct. 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Closed on Mondays. Meet first Thursday each month at Chamber of Commerce PiLegionOnee HallR W (3rdOmen and O fKing THe St.) yuk atO 7:30n: p.m. Contacts Helen Bowie, 993-5526, CHambeR meeTinGS: Myrna Butterworth, 993-5353. Meet third Thursday each month at 7:30 Regular meetings on the second Wednesday of each p.m. at YOOP Hall. Contact Myrna Butterworth, 993-5353. Recess for summer monthTown at Council the Downtown Hotel. June,Klondike July and Aug.Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) COunCil meeTinGS: in THe CONFLUENCe GalleRy: nicole RaybuRn - WHICH WITCH?: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Council Chambers. Public invited to ask Council questions during the question period, in THe Odd GalleRy: SaRaH CRaWley ABSENT PRESENCE: June 19 - July 12. CwhichOmmi takesTTee place Of TH towardse WHO thele endmee ofT ineachGS :meeting. Meetings are also aired on Channel 12. May 22 - June Council will be holding Committee T27.ODD WinnipegLER PAINTIN artist SarahG: Crawley presents a large scale photographic installa- tion of analogue photographs made during a winter residency in Dawson City. Dawsonof the Whole City meetings Museum as posted at the posted office. Thursday’s, 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. $6/class or $25 for 5 SummeR HOurs: dweeks.aRkroo A parentedm Club activityWiTH Rebekafor kids Haged mille 2-4.R Come: get messy and enjoy some creative play-time in the KIAC ballroom. Parks CanadaOpen daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays, 6-9 p.m. $10 drop-in. klOndike naTiOnal HistoriC SiTeS programminG: Upstairs in the back room at KIAC. Includes use of chemicals and equipment Walking tours, pho- yandOG assistancea WiTH a ifnna required. Clax to*Papern: available for purchase. For more info, contact Rebekah at [email protected]. tographyParks Yukonexhibits, self-guided programs. See the Visitor's Centre for details. Tuesday & Thursday mornings, 6:30-7:50 a.m. TOmbstone inTeRPReTive CenTeR: mondays, Wednesdays, fridays Ha$10TH dropa y inOG ora 10Wi THclass j Oprepaidanne vancard nforostr $80.and: Wednesday lunch hour, 12:10 - Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:50 p.m. $5, or 10 class prepaid card for $4. Held in the KIAC Ballroom. Saturdays Tuesdays and Thursdays, - 7:30p.m. Campfire program, - 3:00 p.m. Bannock 5:30-7SOVA p.m. E-mail [email protected] 24 hours in advance. Making 7:00p.m.Sundays Guided Hike on Goldensides Trail, - 1:30p.m.Critter TalksJunior dNaturalistaily at the Interpretive Centre, 7:00p.m. Guided Hike on North ADMin OffiCe HOurs Klondike Trail, - 10:00a.m. Guided Hike on Grizzly Trail Botany Weeknd: - 10:30 a.m. everyday friday libRaRy HOurs : Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Starting Saturday May 1: Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. SundayJune 27th to 29th - 7:30 p.m. Wildflowers along Art SuPPly Store HOurs : CLOSED FOR THE SUMMER. the Dempster, 10:30 - Noon Of Land and Sky 1:00 - 6:00p.m. Tun- dra & Alpine Hike 9:00 - 11:00a.m. Private Lives of Plants walk 2:30 : Monday to Thursday, 9-1 p.m. or by appointment. Miscellaneous- 4:00p.m. Botanists are artists too! See Administrative Office for details. zumba: Fun, Latin-inspired fitness program for all ages and abilities! All sum- mer long at the TH Hall. Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Drop in or purchase a 10-pass punch card. THE KLONDIKE SUN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 P3 Tantalizing fun at Dawson’s new community café by Hannah eden Student intern A dizzying spell of colours shout out from the dusty boardwalks of Third Avenue as Alchemy Café rests in its final stage of completion – the opening. From intricately carved wooden beams, to the checkerboard disarray of purples and reds, this new social hub is the topic of conversation. “I guess it all stemmed from deep questions about life,” says Florian Boulais, founder of Alchemy Café. “I just feel that there is a balance that is unrespected. We are creating a pretty grim future right now. If everybody understood that things were connected, we wouldn’t be compromising your own future.” Situated in the bustling downtown scene, the wood, tin, paint and windows are all sourced from around the Dawson area – in keeping with Boulais’ vision. “Within that frame, I try to be creative. I have to accept that this is a frame,” says Boulais. “It was tremendous fun! I love to in return too. They are the The idea of staying connected very first form of life, there is “We are trying to make it learn – I love to troubleshoot and Alchemists.” to the universe runs through an unbroken chain. There are a smooth operation,” shares problem solve.” Giving back to the community every element of the café from millions of generations and you Boulais. Focusing on the creation of is first on Boulais’ list. Alchemy the stacked bookcase to the are the end result.” “If we can get food and the healthier, closer community, Café prides itself on being the healthy, organic food designed The end result of a long labour energy from local sources, we Boulais says he could not have community café Dawson needs by Boulais’ wife, Sofia. of love is proving to be quite can be on the material side of completed his 11-year project – from an alcohol free zone “It came out of necessity,” says an adventure for Boulais as independence.” without the help of those in where families can meet, to a Boulais. customers have been flooding A café built from the Dawson. wireless hub where tourists and “Coming to Dawson, there in to sample the stimulating community, for the community – “Help, advice, resources, businessmen and women can was something that happened. conversation and delectable let Alchemy Café draw you in this tools…They got something back converse with others around the Everything is connected delights Alchemy Café has to summer. globe. somehow. Between you and the offer. Subscribe to the THE KLONDIKE SUN In-store Tel: Subscription & Renewal Form KLONDIKE Specials & 993-6567 Fresh Coffee Fax: every day! 993-5973 Name: Address: European cheeses and organic foods City: Province/ State: SUN! Our Specialties Postal/ Zip Code: Country: Email: Canada $44 See daily specials at Bonanza Market on Facebook! Annual (25 Issue) Subscription Costs: USA $75 Check out our deli Canada $44.00 Int'l $125n for ALL KINDS of great snacks! U.S.A $75.00 Camp Orders? No order too big or too small.
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