Celebrating 90 Years of O.O.M.A. 1927
THE LINK March 2017 Celebrating 90 Years of O.O.M.A. OVERSEAS OLD MARGARETIAN ASSOCIATION 1927 - 2017 O.O.M.A. “Old Girl” Pins OVERSEAS OLD MARGARETIAN ASSOCIATION The first Q.M.S. Old Girl’s gathering was held on June 11, 1927. The School was only six years old, so the fifteen Old Girls present at that meeting would seem a very good percentage of the total number. At that gathering, the Overseas Old Margaretian Association (O.O.M.A.) was formed. A Constitution was drawn up which stated, “The object of the Association is to be a bond of fellowship between former members of the School, and to help them to carry out the School ideals of loyalty, self-discipline and service.” It was at that meeting that the Old Girl’s blazer was designed, with its red and gold binding. For a number of years, since the first School Magazine appeared in the summer of 1928, news of Old Girls was put in the Magazine, but, for some years now, the Old Girls have had their own paper, most suitably entitled, “The Link.” It has been the policy of the Association, throughout the years, to keep dues for members as low as possible to enable everyone to join. It cannot be too strongly stressed that this “bond of fellowship between former members of the School” is a great asset to the School. Since 1945, the O.O.M.A. has had a Memorial Bursary Fund which, each year, has helped a child financially. It was founded “In memory of those former pupils who lost their lives in the World War of 1939-45.” The O.O.M.A.
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