Portland Daily Press
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.. DAILY PORTLANDa,;. ....... i _11. ; PRESS. -_ ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. VOL. 13. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY MORNING JUNE 17, 1874. TERMS *8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. THF. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS CARDS. LEI. les or REAL ESTATE. _WANTS. _TO MISCELLANEOUS. THE annoyances may be, her true virtue is Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the PRESS. iu shaking them off, as arose leaf shakes off Excellent Business Chance. ami dehonuaire and iu POBThAND PUBLISHING CO., To Let. raiu, remaining spirits, For Sale. reliable with from $1500 to WEDNESDAY XORNINe, JUNE 17, >74 or even, as the rose would the R. K. GATLEYT- energetic man, Roonm with board at 130 Cumberland GRAND be, brighter at 109 cash wanted to take half interest in and Exchange St, Portland. AN $2000 PLEASANTcomer Fearl. for the troubles; anu not at all her- to the manufacture of the Dana Street, jnelU-lw* allowing Three Story Brick House, containing all superintend Adjust- self to be either drifted or to the Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance* Tc able Shade. Business established and Gossip and Gleaning*. depressed Plasterer, Stucco and ANEWthe modern Situated on the Lamp fully of mail subscribers Seven Dollars a if in ad- improvements. over 200 cent. point requiring consolation. Year paid corner of ana Vaughan Street. of pays per TO LIST! religious But, vance. Congress Inquire if real aud Nias tic W ABIGAIL C. PARKER, Also State, County and Town Bights tor Industrial Exhibition any deep sorrow, such as no meta- orker, Pleasant Rooms can on the Premises, or Sale. Apply to With Board, The nnicorn is the badge for moderate phor represent, fall upou her, does she THE PRESS JOHN C. UPHAM & GARDINER. that MAINE~’sTATE PROCTER, nolOeodtf At S. S. KNK.HT. suppose the theological advice of this Whitening, Coloting, Whitewash- 93 St. No. 7 St. 30J High St., under the management of tho drinkers. The two creatures are fab- julGdtf Exchange jul6dlw Exchange equally piece of modern art can be trusted? If she la published every Thursday Morning at $2 50 a ing, &c. ulous. No one is contented with one horn. will take the to year, if paid in advance, at $2 00 a year. Cementing, For Sale. pains think truly, she will Wanted. To Let. remember that Christ desirable residence at Woodford’s Cor- RORTI^AUNTD himself nevei says any- of inch of a Wholesale Store in this a man 17 to f Rates Advertising : One apace, city young for Cows. Enquire of thing about his cross. Wo. 21 Union AVERYner, corner of Grove and Dalton Streets. For 2(> bolding by He speaks ength of colurnu, constitutes a “square.” Street, IN years old to learn the business. Address PASTURAGEjul5d3t 15 Wilmot St. Clergymen are flocking to Europe in large a good deal ot week: 75 cents particulars enquire of D. M. C. DUNN, 227 Middle BOX 1082. bearing it, but never for an in- $i 50 per square dany first per julGdlw Board of Manufactures stant ot or continu- Street, Portland. jul5dlm quantities, but enough lemain to preserve, holding it. It is his week after; three insertions, less, $1 00; PORTLAND, ME. To by hand—not other after first week, 50 cents. Let his cross which is to ing every day For Sale Wanted. during the summer, the asperities of the ec- save either you or St. Half square, threeinsertions or less, 75 cents; one CONTRACTOR FOR CONCKETE $300 Genteel tenement with Sebago, Gas Til E Peter when the waves are week after. a man who has bad some and clesiastical rough. And the week. $1 00; 50 cents per Arc. property of N. L. of Cum- young experience, FOR Bath Room. Inquire of situation. WALKS, DRIVES, STREETS, Humphrey, a Refer- reckless way in which modern I Special Notices, oue third additional. berland Centre, consisting of Dwelling House BY situation to learn the Drug Business. JABEZ C. WOODWAN, utterly relig- aprleod3m ences Address W. F. T.. this Office. ious whether in art gUnder head of “Amusements,” and “AUCTION and Store, united with about one acre of given. jnelltf No. 1 IDA Exchange street. teachers, or literature, mThe land, 3i* {Sales”, $2 00 per square per week; three insertions and titty apple-trees of choice fruit, mostly in bear- jul5 PORTLAND INDUSTRIAL Detroit Free Press-. “When the swallows abuse the metaphor somewhat briefly and vio- or less $ 1 50. MAGNUS A. K. Situated within a few minutes’ walk of the L1NDBEBG, ing. To Let homeward was leant oil St. Paul simply Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Church and School House. Wanted. fly” being warbled by an in- lently by prevents Greely Institute, No. 90 Commercial Thomas the of word Press” (which lias a large circulation in every part Street, Block. eluiate on understanling meaning any a small an American Woman, to F. Woodward avenue .Saturday night, of the State) for $1 00 per square lor first GEO. R. DAVIS, family intelligent STOREApply J. ROLLINS, which Christ himself oil this matter! insertion, Vice Consul of Sweden & Norway, or middle Will find a home apl4tf speaks and 50 cents per square for each inser- Real Estate and Rroker. INyoung aged. good 22 Exchange Street. when captured by a policeman. He had subsequent Mortgage and be treated as a member ol the Address bag- So you see this popular art ot light and shade, tion. family. EXHIBITION jull dim Box 1537 Post Office.julSdlw ged too many swallows. mere thirst of sensation, Address all communications to Office, No. 29 Middle Street, To Let* catching you by your PUBLISHING CO. is net only undidactic, hut the reverse ot di- _PORTLAND For Sale. Wanted. BOARD, large pleasant rooms. Suitable will be holden in WITHfor families or single The of the dactic—deceptive and illusory. Portland Tea (Store, Me. 107 Cumberland Street. at the FEW and reliable men to introduce in gentlemen. love letters Due de Richelieu Portland, Enquire energetic At 52 Free Street. then tf HOUSEHouse from 3 to 5 o’clock P. M., or at 29 Com- Maine a new and the best work ja24*lw BUSINESS CARDS! 2tawtf mcb7 A undoubtedly are offered for sale in Paris. In none of them, Parisian mercial Street during businecs hours of ever prepared upon the subject of which it treats, Eccentricities. mli30eodtf J. B. DONNELL. a To however, does it appear that he aud his sweet WOODFORD & BABCOCK, supplying long-felt want to every family. Its evi- Let. Citv Hall Building A correspondent at Paris tells the follow- dent usefulness is recognized, and it meets with rap- tenement in House J. B. MATHEWS & CO., No, 114 Spring Street. heart ever simultaneously sucked at the ing amusing story: A very uufortunate young f ohsale id sale. One salesman reports 130 sales in a town of LOWER of MATTOCKS & 83 Middle MODEL MAKERS & Inquire FOX, man was to me He had Wholesale Dealers in Fir3t Quality JOBBERS, 3,000 intiabitants, and only partly canvassed. Em- Street. fe4dtf COMMENCING same stick of candy. pointed yesterday. MANUFACTURERS OF ployment permanent, or for limited time. For further lived in the country till he was twenty-five a Johnson Home School for particulars address J. J. ABBOTT, State of Maine Roofing Slate, Watch ad Chronometer Mali era’s Tools, Boys, The whose of yeais of age, when he became his own mas- and Philo- jul3dlw (Box 100) No. Berwick, Me. Rooms To Let. young lady hopes earthly Mathematical, Optical Tuesday Evening, June 9th, 1874 ter, inherited a large fortune, and resolved to NO. 119 COMMERCIAL STREET sophical liaaitrumeuls, School TOPSHAN, MAINE. Gentlemen and their wives and two or three bliss went out when Colonel Ellsworth fell, go and live iu Palis. He was, however, .de- Apparatus. Arc., Wanted at the Orphan Asylum. TWOsingle gentlemen can be accommodated with and PORTLAND, MK. of the most desirable school in who thereupon took a solemn pledge termined not to in the but 56 Market Mtreet, Printers Exchange, properties PROTESTANT to do house- pleasant rooms and board at 75 Free street. oc7tf AT 7 1-2 O’CLOCK, vegetate capital, New and Woman, general to J. B. MATHEWS. S. O. DOBMAlf. JAMES L. FOOD. ONE England. Delightfully conveniently work. at No. 42 Park that she would never get married, has, we are become the talk of the town ftoin the very POjRaTL^ttP), AIIS. situated, warmed by steam, abundantly supplied A Apply St., attemoons. myl5 tf first, and to himself some eccen- ju9 dtf C. F. WOODFORD, 0. P. BABCOCK. with aqueduct water, forty acres ot land, near one glad to hear,been good enough to call the fifth signalize by or other. That was an myl9 d&w6m ot the best water powers in Maine. Address, COPARTNERSHIP. And Da 7 and ten tricity ambition easi- Wanted. continue, Evening, boy “Elmer.” since for the last few JAMES O’DONNELL, WARREN JOHNSON, ly satisfied, mouths it CAPABLE Servant to do in WM. M. MARKS juf>d2w Augusta, Hie. general housework or has sufficed for a gentleman to drive out dai- A a family of four, one and one-half miles from Dissolution of More. A Massachusetts bis COUNSELLOR AT Copartnership. Days politician emphasized ly in a sledge in order to become the hero of LAW, the city. Address Box 15o5, Portland, Me. inyCtf opposition to the intermarriage of whites and For Sale. The object of this Exhibition is to' gather Paris for a whole week. Our young gentle- has removed to Book, Card & Job Printer firm of HAWKES & LITTLEFIELD, blacks, by declaring that “everybody ought PLEASANT two story dwelling House, in good doing from ail our fac- man liit upon another idea almost as ingen- business at No.