THF. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS CARDS. LEI. les or REAL ESTATE. _WANTS. _TO MISCELLANEOUS. THE annoyances may be, her true virtue is Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the PRESS. iu shaking them off, as arose leaf shakes off Excellent Business Chance. ami dehonuaire and iu POBThAND PUBLISHING CO., To Let. raiu, remaining spirits, For Sale. reliable with from $1500 to WEDNESDAY XORNINe, JUNE 17, >74 or even, as the rose would the R. K. GATLEYT- energetic man, Roonm with board at 130 Cumberland GRAND be, brighter at 109 cash wanted to take half interest in and Exchange St, Portland. AN $2000 PLEASANTcomer Fearl. for the troubles; anu not at all her- to the manufacture of the Dana Street, jnelU-lw* allowing Three Story Brick House, containing all superintend Adjust- self to be either drifted or to the Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance* Tc able Shade. Business established and Gossip and Gleaning*. depressed Plasterer, Stucco and ANEWthe modern Situated on the Lamp fully of mail subscribers Seven Dollars a if in ad- improvements. over 200 cent. point requiring consolation. Year paid corner of ana Vaughan Street. of pays per TO LIST! religious But, vance. Congress Inquire if real aud Nias tic W ABIGAIL C. PARKER, Also State, County and Town Bights tor Industrial Exhibition any deep sorrow, such as no meta- orker, Pleasant Rooms can on the Premises, or Sale. Apply to With Board, The nnicorn is the badge for moderate phor represent, fall upou her, does she THE PRESS JOHN C. UPHAM & GARDINER. that MAINE~’sTATE PROCTER, nolOeodtf At S. S. KNK.HT. suppose the theological advice of this Whitening, Coloting, Whitewash- 93 St. No. 7 St. 30J High St., under the management of tho drinkers. The two creatures are fab- julGdtf Exchange jul6dlw Exchange equally piece of modern art can be trusted? If she la published every Thursday Morning at $2 50 a ing, &c. ulous. No one is contented with one horn. will take the to year, if paid in advance, at $2 00 a year. Cementing, For Sale. pains think truly, she will Wanted. To Let. remember that Christ desirable residence at Woodford’s Cor- RORTI^AUNTD himself nevei says any- of inch of a Wholesale Store in this a man 17 to f Rates Advertising : One apace, city young for Cows. Enquire of thing about his cross. Wo. 21 Union AVERYner, corner of Grove and Dalton Streets. For 2(> bolding by He speaks ength of colurnu, constitutes a “square.” Street, IN years old to learn the business. Address PASTURAGEjul5d3t 15 Wilmot St. Clergymen are flocking to Europe in large a good deal ot week: 75 cents particulars enquire of D. M. C. DUNN, 227 Middle BOX 1082. bearing it, but never for an in- $i 50 per square dany first per julGdlw Board of Manufactures stant ot or continu- Street, Portland. jul5dlm quantities, but enough lemain to preserve, holding it. It is his week after; three insertions, less, $1 00; PORTLAND, ME. To by hand—not other after first week, 50 cents. Let his cross which is to ing every day For Sale Wanted. during the summer, the asperities of the ec- save either you or St. Half square, threeinsertions or less, 75 cents; one CONTRACTOR FOR CONCKETE $300 Genteel tenement with Sebago, Gas Til E Peter when the waves are week after. a man who has bad some and clesiastical rough. And the week. $1 00; 50 cents per Arc. property of N. L. of Cum- young experience, FOR Bath Room. Inquire of situation. WALKS, DRIVES, STREETS, Humphrey, a Refer- reckless way in which modern I Special Notices, oue third additional. berland Centre, consisting of Dwelling House BY situation to learn the Drug Business. JABEZ C. WOODWAN, utterly relig- aprleod3m ences Address W. F. T.. this Office. ious whether in art gUnder head of “Amusements,” and “AUCTION and Store, united with about one acre of given. jnelltf No. 1 IDA Exchange street. teachers, or literature, mThe land, 3i* {Sales”, $2 00 per square per week; three insertions and titty apple-trees of choice fruit, mostly in bear- jul5 PORTLAND INDUSTRIAL Detroit Free Press-. “When the swallows abuse the metaphor somewhat briefly and vio- or less $ 1 50. MAGNUS A. K. Situated within a few minutes’ walk of the L1NDBEBG, ing. To Let homeward was leant oil St. Paul simply Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Church and School House. Wanted. fly” being warbled by an in- lently by prevents Greely Institute, No. 90 Commercial Thomas the of word Press” (which lias a large circulation in every part Street, Block. eluiate on understanling meaning any a small an American Woman, to F. Woodward avenue .Saturday night, of the State) for $1 00 per square lor first GEO. R. DAVIS, family intelligent STOREApply J. ROLLINS, which Christ himself oil this matter! insertion, Vice Consul of Sweden & Norway, or middle Will find a home apl4tf speaks and 50 cents per square for each inser- Real Estate and Rroker. INyoung aged. good 22 Exchange Street. when captured by a policeman. He had subsequent Mortgage and be treated as a member ol the Address bag- So you see this popular art ot light and shade, tion. family. EXHIBITION jull dim Box 1537 Post Office.julSdlw ged too many swallows. mere thirst of sensation, Address all communications to Office, No. 29 Middle Street, To Let* catching you by your PUBLISHING CO. is net only undidactic, hut the reverse ot di- _PORTLAND For Sale. Wanted. BOARD, large pleasant rooms. Suitable will be holden in WITHfor families or single The of the dactic—deceptive and illusory. Portland Tea (Store, Me. 107 Cumberland Street. at the FEW and reliable men to introduce in gentlemen. love letters Due de Richelieu Portland, Enquire energetic At 52 Free Street. then tf HOUSEHouse from 3 to 5 o’clock P. M., or at 29 Com- Maine a new and the best work ja24*lw BUSINESS CARDS! 2tawtf mcb7 A undoubtedly are offered for sale in Paris. In none of them, Parisian mercial Street during businecs hours of ever prepared upon the subject of which it treats, Eccentricities. mli30eodtf J. B. DONNELL. a To however, does it appear that he aud his sweet WOODFORD & BABCOCK, supplying long-felt want to every family. Its evi- Let. Citv Hall Building A correspondent at Paris tells the follow- dent usefulness is recognized, and it meets with rap- tenement in House J. B. MATHEWS & CO., No, 114 Spring Street. heart ever simultaneously sucked at the ing amusing story: A very uufortunate young f ohsale id sale. One salesman reports 130 sales in a town of LOWER of MATTOCKS & 83 Middle MODEL MAKERS & Inquire FOX, man was to me He had Wholesale Dealers in Fir3t Quality JOBBERS, 3,000 intiabitants, and only partly canvassed. Em- Street. fe4dtf COMMENCING same stick of candy. pointed yesterday. MANUFACTURERS OF ployment permanent, or for limited time. For further lived in the country till he was twenty-five a Johnson Home School for particulars address J. J. ABBOTT, State of Maine Roofing Slate, Watch ad Chronometer Mali era’s Tools, Boys, The whose of yeais of age, when he became his own mas- and Philo- jul3dlw (Box 100) No. Berwick, Me. Rooms To Let. young lady hopes earthly Mathematical, Optical Tuesday Evening, June 9th, 1874 ter, inherited a large fortune, and resolved to NO. 119 COMMERCIAL STREET sophical liaaitrumeuls, School TOPSHAN, MAINE. Gentlemen and their wives and two or three bliss went out when Colonel Ellsworth fell, go and live iu Palis. He was, however, .de- Apparatus. Arc., Wanted at the Orphan Asylum. TWOsingle gentlemen can be accommodated with and PORTLAND, MK. of the most desirable school in who thereupon took a solemn pledge termined not to in the but 56 Market Mtreet, Printers Exchange, properties PROTESTANT to do house- pleasant rooms and board at 75 Free street. oc7tf AT 7 1-2 O’CLOCK, vegetate capital, New and Woman, general to J. B. MATHEWS. S. O. DOBMAlf. JAMES L. FOOD. ONE . Delightfully conveniently work. at No. 42 Park that she would never get married, has, we are become the talk of the town ftoin the very POjRaTL^ttP), AIIS. situated, warmed by steam, abundantly supplied A Apply St., attemoons. myl5 tf first, and to himself some eccen- ju9 dtf C. F. WOODFORD, 0. P. BABCOCK. with aqueduct water, forty acres ot land, near one glad to hear,been good enough to call the fifth signalize by or other. That was an myl9 d&w6m ot the best water powers in Maine. Address, COPARTNERSHIP. And Da 7 and ten tricity ambition easi- Wanted. continue, Evening, boy “Elmer.” since for the last few JAMES O’DONNELL, WARREN JOHNSON, ly satisfied, mouths it CAPABLE Servant to do in WM. M. MARKS juf>d2w Augusta, Hie. general housework or has sufficed for a gentleman to drive out dai- A a family of four, one and one-half miles from Dissolution of More. A Massachusetts bis COUNSELLOR AT Copartnership. Days politician emphasized ly in a sledge in order to become the hero of LAW, the city. Address Box 15o5, Portland, Me. inyCtf opposition to the intermarriage of whites and For Sale. The object of this Exhibition is to' gather Paris for a whole week. Our young gentle- has removed to Book, Card & Job Printer firm of HAWKES & LITTLEFIELD, blacks, by declaring that “everybody ought PLEASANT two story dwelling House, in good doing from ail our fac- man liit upon another idea almost as ingen- business at No. 20 Pine St, Portland, Is dissolv- together specimen products to marry some one of his own sex.” What NO. 84 1-3 MIDIM.E KTK1IET, repair, suitable for two families, situated on WANTED! THE ious. He a fine 109 KXUHAWUE NT.. A ed mutual consent. The business will be tories and Herr possessed very white New- the corner of Pearl and Lincoln Streets. by carried workshops, thereby Otislrating holier could the of southerly mhtistry engage energies a black as (2nd door below Canal Bank,) on at the same place by the of Portland as a manufactur- foundland dog, and cat quite band- Enquire at the House any time after 10 A. M. A Cook at No. 98 Free Street importance Massachusetts than the getting of a match (DAILY PRESS PRINTING HOUSE.) my20 tf W. II. LITTLEFIELD Sc center. some as the dog. This couple led a cat-and- PORTLAND, MAINE. apl5 tf CO., ing between that mau and General Butler 1— who will settle the affairs of the late firm. A donn onri nriMncnraoil Intarast 7a mon!foot dog life iu every sense ot the term. The of work and 1.. .. .1 T 1C 1071 1.. 1 O.J, It Brooklyn Aryus. Every Description promptly carefully Cottage in Deering for Sale on young tesolved to make peace be- Commissioner of deeds for-the several States, cecuted. and at the lowest the part of manufacturers, artizans and gentleman prices n\\VO rind nnp.half milpa from flitv "Hnllr 'vptv tebio ap22 tc LOST AND inventors of the tween the two enemies, and to become fa- -■ located. House contains ten FOUND~ city. Laura Fair has been a com- pleasantly rooms, Notice. The for received piesented, by mous by their means. After a few months all in nice ordei; also carriage house and a new sta- Copartnership applications space already mittee of penitent California editors, with a his efforts were crowned with success; the TDH.COLEMA.TsT ble. Good garden, with about fifty apple and pear is ample assurance that the Exhibition will EDGAR S. BROWN, Lost. cat would mount on the and the trees. Price, $2,800. Apply to WM. H. JERltlS, possess all the attractions that space in City beautiful pearl-handled pistol. In accepting dog's back, Real Estate Agent. my293w* \ MOCKING BIRD. The finder will be suitably will couple would thus follow their master, at first ivnaiui/u xl av iw DYER she with one of her most uuici oL. ROUNDS"7& Building permit. Counsellor at Caw. DEJfTIST, uj ibatiug it, said, fascinating nuuu in. n aini.u, aiiu m vvuiot. ui time n in n 135 ju16dlw« that need have no fears of her All collections promptly attended to by E. A. Middle Street, Portland. For Sale. Letters relating to the Exhibition should he smiles, they he rode. In the small village where our hero addressed to the Sec’y Portland Industrial Ex- LEIGHTON, Constable anu Bill Collector. aprld3m Lost. have formed a copartnership for the carrying on of using it against any of them, as she had made resided his success was He was hibition, who will extend any desired information, prodigious. miles from Portland the business of the talk even oi the whole When Cape Elizabeth, 1£ Bridge, YELLOW CANARY BIRO. The finder will and file all applications for space and entry. up her mind to hunt editors, hereafter, exclu- department. 80 near the Town MIDDLE ST. WILLIAM IN Baptist Church, House, Store, A be suitably rewarded by calling at 4 Gray St. The Exhibition will be open daily from 9 A.M. to he felt sure of his two animals the young dtf SCHUMACHER, &c., on Ocean House a Hoouse of 9 with a my9 road, story 3t 10 P. M. sively shot-gun. man him rooms. Also small or ju!5__ started fur Paris, taking along with Stable, and one two acres of The prices of admission will be: Single FRESCO land, or more, if wanted. For particulars enquire of his horse, his dog, and his cat. The day af- PAINTER, Lost. Coal and Wood Dealers admissions 25 cents. Children under 12 years of age American Warehouse at C. E. or Printers’ E. £. ROBINSON, Jose & Co.’s, 10 cents. Schools will be admitted as a in We have illustrations of what ter his arrival in town, at tour in the afteroon llth, on Lewis street, a Gentleman’s Ame- body, frequently Office at Scliuinaclier J. L. PARROTT, at Store near the premises. of their a reduced mounted Brothers, APRILthyst SCARF PIN. The finder will be suita- charge teachers, rates, made be called out at the el- on one of the recent line days, he 19 SPRING LANE. my!6dti known the may “Sentiment, 5 DEEKIHG BLOCK. bly rewarded by leaving the same at No. 9 Lewis by Secretary upon application. his horse, and made the eat mount the dog, and have taken the stand formerly occupied by bows.” Two instances we cite. One is street. apisdtf may and all lour started in the direction ot the I inform the For Sale in the Town of West- C. P. Kimball, W. L. Dana, 0. B. Brown, C. E. C. C. KIMBALL, Boston. respectfully public fliat I have taken that of a romantic young lady of Baltimore, Arc de From the Place de la the business of Chas. J. Schumacher and will attend Jose, Geo. E. B. Zackson, Wm. Curtis, W. \V. Thom- Triomphe. brook. Board of Manufacturers. Round Point of the promptly to all jobs entrusted to me. I sha 1 en- as, Jr., who sent Tennyson a mushroom-bud found Concorde up to the kind ot Material on hand or made BOARD, JOHN T. Every Printing deavor (o the which FINE residence one-half mile from the Railroad ROGERS, C. P. Exec. Com. on their march was one of tri- to order. used in the art of keep reputation my predecessor KIMBALIi, ) near the tomb of Poe. Tht Champs Elysees Every thing printing has held lor so A Depots, Post-office, good Schools and C. E. Portland growing Edgar many years. Churches, JOSE, [ ludua- The young man, overjoyed at his WM. six miles from Portland; House and Ell two stories W. W. THOM AN. trial Exhibition. other is the case of a considerate creaturt umph. fel'«Jcl6m SCHUMACHER. Board. Jr..) ot his continued prices. thirteen finished rooms, double parlors with marble M. A. JBLAIVCUAliD, Cor. Nee. success, proud idea, gravely Wood-house and Stable connected—all in who forwarded to one of Walt Whitman’s ad' •A. CARD. mantles, Gentlemen or a Gentleman and his Wife can No. 160 Commercial Street, my2d&wtt his victorious march for iu such cases cool- good repair, painted and Barn 40 x 60 on the be accommodated with I take great pleasure in recommending Mr. Wm, blinded, TWO first class Board and mirers, in this city, a hair from the Washing ness is bait the battle. Alas! the finest PORTLAND premises; grounds contain 15J acres, excellent land, Rooms at No. 20 Brown Street. Schumacher as one of the best bouse decorators ever myt9dtf dreams are the first to be The well fenced, 30 apple and pear acre choice ton hash-house where “the dissipated. iu Portland, and have no doubt that Mr. Wm. Schu- trees, } good grey poet’: strawberries, three good wells of water upon the place Round Point became the Tarpeiau Rock of macher will execute all work entrusted to him dura- Wanted. HEAD OF UNION WHARF, It” used to board. and cistern in ‘Don't the cellar under whole and good cellar, tbecavlier who was mounting to the Capitol, bly, tastily satisfactorily. fine cement YOUNG Man of good habits, wishes board in a you forget ornamented VIACHINEWORKS CHAS. J, House, bottom; grounds Just as he was in front of the Italian SCHUMACHER, with line shade trees. This is one ot the finest resi- A private family where there are no other board- passing juld3m Ecclesiastical Decorator. ers. M ust be near the Address on band a Ambassador's a of his ris- Engineers, Iron Founders, Boiler dences in the county. Terms easy. Enquire of G. R. City Building. and intend to keep full supply of tbe besl The Phenomena of scavenger, jealous Davis aplOdtl Press Office. Sleep. Bakers aud Blacksmiths. & Co., Portland, or Otis Brown, Westbrook. M., grades of ing fame, spouted the water with which he mar21tf Dr. Egbert Guernsey, in the June numbet was laying the dust, against the dog and cat. MANUFACTURERS OF EDUCATIONAL, of the Medical Union, thus discourses ol snow storms At the unexpected attack dog and cat set up for Sale at a Great Bar- April and the sleep, trom a physician’s point ot view: STATIONARY AND PORTA- Tannery MURDERING a dismal howl, and forgetiing their role, MARINE, “How is iuduced, and what is the RLE STEAM ENGINES. gain. C0AI AND WOOD. sleep scampered offin flight, one right the other Rowdoin THE PRICE OF and fine condition of the btain this ol College Deering (Stroudwater Village) 118 are oyer; May during period before their master and teacher had time containing rest one-thlid of oui left, lor R, Ball’s Wood Work- INVats, mostly covered. The are in which occupies nearly Agents The first examination for be buildings good to calm their terror. The crowd laughed admission will field on The is with water two EHARLEg F. BOENVg, lives ?” are not of ing Machinery, and Blanch- repair. Tannery supplied by are questions merely curiositj man the best of water for and Summer weather at hand, and loud and long, the unfortunate young ard’s Patent Boiler. at 9 A. M. aqueducts, manufacturing pur- Spring WII.I.IA.tl W. DVEU, but of real practical use. Either the nervous Friday, July 3, poses; the location is very lor never more set eyes on either the or the good purchasing ap2 dtt mass as a is undisturbed b\ dog hides and located within a whole quiescent, at the Chemical Lecture Room. The second exam- bark, being lew rods ot cat,and returned home as obscure as he went 315 COMMERCIAL STREET, the Canal and the Portland and CLOTHING. so is currents of nervous or currents art ination at the beginning of the Fall Term. Ogdensburg Rail- energy, out. road. The bark is __ MAINE. JOSHUA L, CHAMBERLAIN, ground by water power. There still kept up, but at an even, unaltering pace PORTLAND, are about 20 acres ot the can have THE It t \ rr 1' It jul3d&wtd President. land; purchaser Tip-top Business Suits only $7.50. The latter conclusion *seems the most plausi The Village Cboik.—The ancient vil- FOR SALE—One New Portable Engine, 40 horse oue acre to the whole. There is no doubt that the All-Wool Scotch Suits only $10.00. and is more borne out facts flutes and has power, built to order. town would exempt the capital oi the Tannery for ble, distinctly by lage choir, with its Addles, tt St. souse years from taxation. A of the Elegant Dress Suits from $15 to $30. The nervous is seldom allowed to fal were ho apl4 Augustin’s School for Boys, large portion W.H.KOHLING system been swept away. Its pretensions purchase could remain on a mortgage. into entire somnolence, but however pro doubt than its powers. The princi- For particulars enquiro of GEO. R. Real Please bear in mind that these Suits are all to greater 45 Danforth Street, Portland, Me. DAVIS, equal found the slumber, the mind still seems to re had in front of the LANE & AUSTIN. Estate Broker, or Jonathan on the premises. PORTABLE pal soprano figured gallery Smith, to be to a certaii Rt. Rev. Henry A. Neely, D. D., Visitor. O. L. mc21 d3m tain waking impressions,and for a period of nearly half a century; and her CUSTOM with his of even Fresco Painting, House Painting Billings, Principal. Send for Circular. oclOtf MADE, large variety extent under their influence in sleep. 1 performance resembled nothing so much as and Paper Hanging. FOR SALE. and lor Style, Finish and Price, Can’t be Beat. person even very much fatigued, who hai that of a hen when informing the world that mi IT WWT D»ii vm a w mi accustomed himself to that sell she has added a fresh to her store. TWO HOUSE at will previously just egg Order slate at W. P. J.W m-j TV JJMAJJLAJll STORY Woodford’s Corner, HF*You positively save im- Hasting’s Organ Manufactory, money by calling discipline, will fall iuto a deep and soun * The basso that there was corner Exchange and Federal Streets. All orders A Pr.ce $2500, Enquire of mediately at the profundo, thinking and wake at a tint e promptly attended to. GEORGE RACKLEFF, slumber, yet up promptly nothing like leather, shouted to such a de- mc20dtf Woodford’s Corner. 1 specified in his waking moments, notwitl that in summer when the doors C. M. LAKE. C. S. AUBTIK. New York Excellent Goods gree time, Clothing Store, he have slumbered for houi s febl7d6m Residence 154 Pearl Street. PUKE WHITE LEAD stauding might were open, he could be distinctly heard on FOR SALK had it not been for this act of the will, L NO. 171 FORE the top ot the opposite bill. It is not easy to STREET, in the of his bus ample experience in practical use, this LOT of vacant land, situated on the west side gentleman who, prosecution describe Ihe horror of an Italian musician, E. J. BOBBELL & CO., lead is now conceded to be all that is which he will make to AFTER claimed of between Pleasant and Danfbitii. Sts. up iness. is to travel takin > for A High, PORTLAND. obliged constantly, who having been detained in the neighbor- it, and is guaranteed fully equal to any in the This let bas a front of about 61 leet and is about 194 train at hours and bis the all catching alee] hood a coach ami at House and Ship Painters and Graiuers. market. feet and have been drawn for a by accident, leceived an forth M., UpMiain. It iR strictly pure, containing nothing hut fine block of seven or nine genteel and convenient ret4- J. F. SISK. style the get the rectory, attended the church on Sunday white lead and the best refined linseed oil. never has however much fa Order Slate at WHIPPLE & CO.’s, 21 Market dences, and adapted for the same. Enquire ot julldtjy5 auy trouble, and was to the usual dis- It is unexcelled in body. EDWJN morning, subjected CHURCHILL, tiguei he may be, in waking at any specifiet : Square. It is unsurpassed in purity of color. No. 4 Portland tomer. play paid to all orders. Special atten- Pier, time. Even without this exercise o Prompt’attention It is of extraordinary fineness. From 12 to P. strong The he beat his tion given to polishing hard wood. Contracts taken mar28 2 o’clock. Rf. ! wedding guest, breast, the will power, the brain, however profound For be heard the loud bassoon. in all parts ot the State. State assayer’s Office, 1 Spring Millinery 12. J. UlORRELL. 20 State St., Boston, f ly.quiescent, is keenly alive to certain sounds 1? I! Po tteiH3An Paol Vufato We have just opened a choice stock of new “You must find Handel difficult,” some B. C. IflOBBELL. Gentlemen:—I have analyzed and examined the however oblivious it be to others. Th< ! AND may one once ventured to remark to the leader of my26dtt White Lead manufactured by The New Britain White physician hears the first tap of his night-bell Lead Company, with result as follows:—This white BULLETIN. the band, when some chorus Irout the “Mes- be slerp on undisturbed whili lead is entirely free from adulterations or make- Spring Millinery Goods ! though might siah” was in preparation. “Well, znr,’ was W. L. of and is in pure linseed a band ot music was playing in front of hi KEILER, weights any kind, pround Money to Loan. the reply, “he may be zo; but then you see, oil. It is fine, very dense, has pood covering power, “Don’t or the roar ot the or th< | Pattern Hats, Dress Caps, you forget it,” windows, thunder, us alters un”; and, indeed, it was sometimes and is in every respect of stan .ard quality. first class Real Estate Security, in Portland, STEAM crash of was making the window artillery difficult to the of the FRESCO PAINTER, Respectfully, S. DANA HAYES, or vicinity—Rents collected, taxes on ENGINE, recognize creation great ON paid, &c., a full line of niee rattle and the bed tremble beneath him. Thi State Assayer and Chemist, Mass. Commission. Houses bought and sola. Apply to F. maestro which way of anthem. mother starts from her slumber at thi figured by 'Trustees Hartford, Providence & Fishkill B. B. Re- G. PATTERSON, Dealer in Real Estate, Office 13 deep And yet, when all is said, there was a homli- NO. STREET, Fluent Block. oc4dtf MANUFACTURED BY first her her ear catch 83ft CONGRESS pair Shops. FLOWERS, cry o.t child, quickly ness about the whole performance which har- Hartford, Conn. Feb. 18, 1873. KOHUNG however be her a! ing, profound may sleep, monized with the old New Britain White Lead Co.: nml nil 4-V.n ™ ~A simple church, through 6 MAY STREET. To Let. most its altered breathing. It is said ot i 1 RESIDENCE Gentlemen—We have given your white lead a very Colt’s Patent Fire Arms Mann whose “unstoried” windows you could see CONVENIENT first floor six to com thorough trial, and are satisfied to at it is equal to tenement, rooms, young man, a midshipman, wishing the bees anu butterflies the on line of horse cars. Pleasant HAT'S AND TRIMMING GOODS. busy among syca- any now manufactured. Your i: uly, A street, Deering. mend himself to the commander, spent eigb Portland Me. to F. G. 13 Block. more blossoms, and with the quiet paternal V* 1 FERRY, Apply PATTERSON, Fluent factoring Co., can teen hours out of the in watch Jyl7 lw do it “jus so yell as any twenty-tour of the whose discourses had ___ Master Car H. i & F. It. 1L teaching rector, Builder, julO_ the t< 1 EASTMAN*; CUTTS, ing and recording signals, only retiring at least the merit of intelligible to the For Sale. rest when exhausted. Then his slum being CHARLES PEARCE* XV. XV. WHIPPLE & « ©., HARTFORD, CONN., man who calls himself a utterly humblest of his But the se- TWO House In were so that the loudest nois< [ congregation. Story good repair. Containing 1 U. S. Hotel Building, bers profound cret of bis influence lay outside his teaching. & Plumber. Sole Agents, 21 Market Square, A 9 finished rooms. Convenient for two families. dtt no but Practical House Ship would produce impression, simpl; was tnaioi uuaucer 8 Enquire of F. G. PATTERSON 13 Fluent Block, ap!3__ Under Patents dated Oct. 27th, 1868, April 13th an< i at parish priest— fe23 ME. tailor,” whisper in his ear the word “signal,’’ and ii Practical experience, lam PORTLAND, eodly or at 55 York St. apr!4dtf 20th, 1869, and June 28th, 1870. For Christos loro and His Aposiles twelve He WITH Twenty-six years an instant be was on his feet, wide awak hut first he tolwed it himaelve. »» UlBUaiCU auu ai. V. taught; lUUUtUIJ FREE EXHIBITION for We are all familiar will and can House for and ready duty. ■Work on Houses or Ships, saiely guarantee SOMETHING Sale—$37001 In—“Some Old-Fashioned Parsons," in Fra- moderate. Work Fust Class. MEWl — AT — a kind of waking sleep, in which a pertec s&tistaction. Charger ONE and One-half Story House, eight rooms, set’s Magazine. Awarded First Premium by America! stillness of some monotonous sound lulls u J Federal under U. 8. Hotel, A good cellar, water, &c., lot 25x77, pleasantly No. 99 127 Bt., FARRAND’S IMPROVED Institute, 1870 and 1871: Gold St, kind of semi-unconsciousness. An situated, Corner of Brackett and Ellsworth Sts. Ap- 255 Middle 1869, Exchange into a Witcheby of HAtu.—Women Street. knotv now mat PORTLAND, ME. to F. G. Medal I^onisiana and Texas element rouse the curreut * ply PATTERSON, by disturbing may up that there never has been Tucker and 13 Fluent Block, anything found to Self-Folding Adjusta- jull)deod2w State Fairs, and First SAYINGS BANK BUILDING. oi nerve loree into iuii activity, out witnou 1 Rogers Statuary, French ( locks, 1871; soften harsh outlines, to lend a suspicion of GEO. E. t'OLIINS, ble Hemmer. Bronzes, Premiums whenever them consciousness ac Rich Jewelry, fairly myl__dtt gradually disappears, beauty where beauty is not, to make a brow THE NEW Cameos, as the nerve currents are unvaried ii 1 The most useful attachment ever invented for Sew- put in competition. cording white to lend a charm of PREVIOUS STONES OF ALL by contrast, youth PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, Machines. KINDS, their until more or less pro ing Attention Farmers ! degree, sleep, to every face, of innocence to every expres- CHAINS, LOCKETS, found, is produced. and to exalt the of »1« CONGRESS STREET, A Valuable Improvement overall Other*, sion, type all the loveli- — — Facts such as we have stated are in favo MODEL Swiss andAmerican TO THE ness there is, equally with the to make all the various styles of Card Watches of all grades FOR SALE BY low of nerve action as ex half-veiling, Isprepared with or of a certain degree of these and Rentbrant, Medallion, Ac., from Doing away creasing, measuring folding by half-revealing coquetry blowing Ficiure., band, thereby making a great saving of time and Silver and Plated Ware, under every of state, from tb ! Retouched Negative*. By this process we Coates9 Cock Cever isting variety wandering little locks that frame a lace like a labor. It will tuck thickness of goods, from * of Mole* and other in- any and other Visitors to the Fair and citi- sleep to the most profound. On thi Uel rid Freckles, Lace to Broadcloth. The Hemmer attached will BUCKEYE many goods, light picture. There are, indeed, very few faces of the Skin. For ah of which no zens cordially invited to call. No trouble to show when all the currents of the brail 1 perfection* hem any desired width from one fourth to two and a Frank H. hypothesis, within the years to which any fanciful way of extra charge will be made. All work warranted to goods. Houghton. HAY AND GRAIN RAKE. at th 5 fourth iuches. It needs to be seen to be appre- are balanced and continue the hair is at all suitable that are lease. Call and examine for yourselves mcbl8dtl only equally wearing not ciated. ABNER LOWELL, same when no one is in Rake has taken a at pitch, commencing, set oil' to this method of dres- MRS. B. jul0<12w ass HUDDLE great many premiums advantage by STEPHEN SMITH, MOWER STREET. State and Fairs. There are now over or consciousness or feelin JOSEPH G. EUGENE, THIS County creasing, abating, sing it. The too high forehead is reduced, 35,000 in use. is null and mind is quiescent. A disturbanc 5 low forehead is Hole for Is mounted upon an iron braced and 7 & 9 CENTRE the too disguised, the eyes are and Retail Dealer in Agent Portland, frame, strongly STREET, It Is considered the most simple and durable, be- of wakens the con Wholesale built. It has been in use the of ttis stale things up and made darker or the thiu thoroughly during past CADIES’ wucs inc uucapciu aim 111 me anumj n uaa shadowed, softer, mli27d3m NO. 137 OXFORD STREET. three for a the or stimul * seasons, and subjected to the most severe tests, teen thoroughly tested by the most Farm- sciousness time; variety face is shortened, the plump face is idealized, and Domestic in all kinds of on both ai d smooth land. practical Imported Cigars grass, rough ers, and has in every case given perfect satisfaction. in the waking state forbidding this perfec 1 and the whole countenance loses that materi- It performs its work with ease to the * * SAVE THE ADVANCE OX ICE 1 well, perfect Store. A boy ten years old can work the Rake with ease, from attained. nnd manufacturer of nil Brands, team, and to the entire satisfaction ol all who have Furnishing Portland, Maine, equilibrium being ality which it invariably has when the lines and can rake twenty acres per day. is a used them. At a in in is a necessity. It per: it are and trial Rutland, Vt., June, 1872, A fine assortment of Those to a and Grain Rake will Sleep positive of the hair about deep thick, and is 360 CONGRESS STREET, in the wishing buy Hay is 1 NO. dynamometer test it showed the lightest draft find it for their interest to examine the od of recuperation, during which there lifted into the of the ol Mower in heighis picturesque, M-E. 3m Air any the market. HOSIERY restoration of what has suffered collapse Ibis and ju2 PORTLAND, Dry Refrigerators STATE AGENT. LOCK And when to light airy garniture — for LEVER, also — Ladies and Children. waste or disturbance during.the period c which nature gives the face is added the effect Now on Exhibition In front of Hall, The tired brain and tb “ ¥n ail Styles, Grades and Sizes. THE SEW BULLARD HAY TEDDER Saratoga & Jacqueline Corsets. City waking activity. of the exquisite tints ot those colors that have W. C. CLARK, muscles an 1 — — Malta Lace*, Lace regain, by rest, strength come into with the last few de- AND Barba, Ties, Kuching*. For Sale in Portland aching vogue years, The Largest and Best Assortment in the State, Veil*, Fam, Arc. Ladle*’ Underwear No Extra Insurance to ? by the to the mandates of the wil FEDERAL WIIITCOjVIB’4 PATENT Pay power obey” nominated by all sorts ot poetical names, as 103 STREET, combining all the latest Improvements, calletl and to of the material form for rei 1 ready-made, made order. FuU line JOHN W. WHITMORE, Sale Ag’t, The demands glacier blue, shadow of the rose, frozen moon of SELF-OPERATING HORSE HAY RAKE. CORT1CBLLI SPOOL SILK are so as often to the action of tt e of 5 Doora East Temple St.» No. 3 Union Wharf, third Store below great defy light, mountain brook, descriptive pallid THE PEERLESS. — AT — mind. the cholera summer of 184 I* half-tones of each of which No Danger from Explosion—No liabilit; r Commercial St. During and ethereal color, FOR SALE BY in the so constai 't It is in Ease of Man- MRS. S. J. to get out of Order. while practicing country, of its own loveliness to the GAS AND WATER unsurpassed Simplicity, CLOUGH. UPProfile Circular sent free on application. imparts something agement, and and were labo 15 a too vivid blush Durability, DryueMM Purity Free Street, Corner of Centre. jul6 dlw fatiguing my professional wearer, cooling here, adding of Air and Ft OMMIVof ICE. KENDALL & have ridden lor miles on hors' see that fashion WHITNEY, Machine that I often a lustre there, we has, by Wholesale and Retail at Manufacturers* Prices. 8^* Stamping and Stitching. j u9d2w 11 back sound asleep. Almost every phvsicia slow approaches, reached a really fit and ca- PIPING. Cheaper than any other. CAN SAVE THE AD- In elioit it is the SIMPLEST, SAFEST, mos t PORTLAND, ME- \ I I It is YOU MAY KNOW in active during periods of epiden means of almost woman ap21 VANCE IN ICE IN ONE SEASON, and get a bet- f Q C important DURABLE and most ECONOMICAL Engine i practice pable making every _ ju!3d&wtf was taxed to the u ter article of manufacturer or | \ that people should 3 wheu his by buying agent. ^ Eh the world. We fully guarantee them in all the abev — THAT — ics, strength beautiful, Don’t fail of being convinced of this fact before buy- know it. particulars. COLT’S ARMS CO. have spared n ) most, has dropped into a sleep, as I bav J. II. ing. Dr. Evans* Rem- AND MA LAMSON, NOTICE. expense in getting up SPECIAL TOOLS done many times, while walking the stree Salesroom 253 Fore St., J. F. MERRILL. edy will cure to build these so tha CHINES with which Engines, the battle of the Nile many of th Manufactory, Rear of No. IO Cross St. is to and are in During every part made up gauge, perfectly Come! fe 5000 YARDS un : has in ammunition 5 PORTLAND, MAINE. A. T. terchangeable, the importance of which will be Spring boys engaged handing PHOTOGRAPHER, may26dtf LAMB, derstood by all who are at all familiar with macbin asleep even while the roar of the battle ws —MANUFACTURER OF— i riH i lit needs only a trial of a size is an exac t by looking at the the n ery. Thus, every Engine given going on around them. It is said in to satisfy the most duplicate of other one of that size, and in cas B No. 132 Middle Street. every treat to Corunna whole battalions of infant! 77 MIDDLE STREET skeptical. No hum- of breakage, the broken part can be immediately rt : YAK LACES ! Havana & Domestic about it. Mon- in march. Even the mos t PORTLAND, ME. Cigars bug placed by its perfect duplicate. slept while rapid back if it ! euu ey given The in in it . Goods acme suucuuga me null ainajo i- — New — inventor of this Engine had view, uuuuy and _ fails to cure. Spring “AT- K. m Copying and enlarging done to order. C. HAWES construction, the great need that exists tor a nerfet cient to prevent sleep. The worn-out tram e price7Bct8 Steam to all kind Engine—of small power—adapted — has l 0 Medallion for the Celebrated —a ot the victim of the iuquisition yielded nor All the new styles, Berlins, Bmpbrante, Agent CATARRH. of light mechanical work, and that should also com I 21). 28. 40. 41). 1)0. 1)1) ota and the retouched CIGARETTES, in the of bis tortures U ■ “-* he Porcelain, or Mezzotint card, Dine an tnat is m steam its influeuce pause upo rid of freckles good engineering. card, which new process we get and for a moment he has u by ESTEY’S REED The first to secure a perfectly philc the rack, forgotte greatly under Ote actual value. Also moles,wrinkles ana all imperfections of the skin. Call ORGAN, NO. 113 FEDERAL point was, STREET, HICKS & CO., sophical Boiler and Furnace, in order to insure th 137 MIDDLE STREET. his sufferings. The Indian burned at tt and judge for yourselves. Also, Dealer in most perfect combustion, and to take up the greatei in the interval between the prelimim miA_maak at Hlfwllirfl If PORTLAND, MAINE. in steam. stake, 5000 Real Malta julSklw*103 Federal at- possible amount of heat generating torture and the of the fire, hi ; yds. Laces, Price*. Aim to 20 Sty-PLEASE LOOK. ry lighting Pleaae. may Sheet Music, Books, &c., &c, The second point was, to make a perfect cut-o , l Cuban war- slumbered, and been only aroused y choicest from 35 CignretteH. Npaninh paper, Engine, working steam expansively, and keeping u sweetly patterns cts. upwards, ranted Havnuu tobacco. I will INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. to him curlir J. FI. Violins, Guitars, Accordeons, Concertinas, Banjos, make the the temperature of the cylinder to prevent loss b r the flame which was consume PAYSON, lowed Prices in the New Stales. W. C. BECKETT, Flutes, Piccolos, Harmonicas, Comets, Piano Stools. England radiation or condensation. around him. DECIDED BARGAINS. Violin wh lesale and retail. AND Extra Strings, ju'3__dim Be sure anil see the The third was. to combine and make th PAYER and of Musi- point CONTRACTOR, Music Rolls, Folios, every description whole a and correct mo ! MERCHANT TAILOR, mechanically scientifically on Sentimentalism in s EDGE-STONE8 MET, cal Merchandise. THE BEST JAMAICA GINGER, all its with means t 0 Uuskiu Rellgioi 100 pieces Beaded attention chine; parts being provided Gimp Music sent by mail, and particular given Detergent Compound take lost so that It be used for an Art up motion, may nw MTnm tt cn-DTPrr'nr Streets, Places, Sidewalks, and all kinds to orders. number of and run In a 8 cts and EXTRA LEMON STREP, at CITY HALL. years, always smoothly. Here is a modern in which cc ]. per yard upwards. tf engraving, ——. of Paving done Promptly, 77 MIDDLE STREET. these particulars as much care has been taken as i , aplO or is and and shade 8 Materials furnished it desired. my29eod3m the largest and most perfect engine ever constructed ; entirely ignored, light Paving The best known article for instantly removing j Sack EXTRA MEAD iesuft is—the greatest amount of powe one are used to what is supposi Ornaments, Beaded Office fit Street Conimis*ioucr’* Office SYRUP, Grease. Oil. Pitch, Paint, Tar, etc,, from Silks, Car- The ; G.A.SUSSKIiiXxJ7! produce Buttons, pels, Woolen and Cotton Goods, and Kid Gloves, PROPORTIONED TO THE AMOUNT OF FUEL COJ to be a piece of impressive religious iustrui 11 TYUC. 3m* ■~B. MAlTJETIAlS FLAVORING sumed—thus the fact—well known to me 1 &c. my PORTLAND, EXTRACTS, without injury. proving will keep constantly on hand at his store tion. But it is not a piece of religious ii ;I Loops, of science—that water is the best medium to tram slrution at a piece of sens Leaves no Stain after Use. mit the mechanical forces, generated in the con all; only religious MERCHANT TAILOR! for the sentimental 300 Clothes Cleaner ! ESSENCES, OILS, &c., Try it once and you will never be without it bustion of fuel, to the production of motive power. No. 231 Middle Street tion prepared pleasu !e DOZEN 35 & 50 cents. of ladies, whom (since I am honore 98 For Sale in any quantity. All ot our own manu- Price, julld2w young ST. alU the fashionable of tal EXCHANGE facture. Every article warranted true to Label. Machinery for any purpose furnished a t styles to-day, by the presence of many) I will PARIS MEW KIDS Thomas Brown, 1 The Largest & Finest JOHGNT ADAMS” Manufacturers’ Trices. opportunity ot warning against such forms >f Assortment. &c. false satislactiou. This in Silver Slates. 64 FEDERAL STREET, & HATS, CAPS, theological engTavii lg Grays. Drabs, A NEW AND H. H. RICKER CO., Has the largest stock of fine PLEASE SEND FOR CIRCULAR. a in a very long an i. lady — SKILLFUL represents young — CUTTER. dlwtTSTtf — ALSO Clothes Cleansed and Repaired on jull £ ALSO though plain, very becoming white dres Notice. the waves of a sturnn y Short THE LOWEST PRICES 50 Market St. MADE to OkDGB at SHORT N OTIC* tossed upon terrifically Tinted Gloves in 1, 2, 3 and 4 Buttons, Phaetons, NEW INDUSTRY. nor her b ap9 dtl j ill 0 Carryalls, sea, by which neither her hair Second hand Clothes and Sold. ap4dtf from 91.75 Bought ! dress is in the least wetted; and sav< d 75 ru. to the Nramlra per pr. of * coming Express Wagons, The only manufactory ec JUST received'. SALE. MILITARY HATS & C AP* from despair in that situation by closely , ~FOR stone cros H, SIMONTON, A largo lot of Rattan Furniture and Wares a very thick and solid of all in tho best ^nd a , bracing HATS IN EVERY SHAPE. and No Beach K descriptions very styles —DEALER IS— Top Top Wagons evar started in Maine. See sample of our first pr< By which farsought and original inetapli ;• A of ductions at Industrial Exhibition. alter some effort » GAS STOVES, Retail Stock Fancy And the Concord Business in the State ladies are expected FINE FRENCH FLOWERS. Hackmatack Knees, Timber, style Wagons Kattan Wares of made and r< young Ship for SALE and Warranted. every description REASONABLE PRICES/ the recourse they may have fi >r Masts and Spars. Deck Plank and with all the different kinds of Furniture for paired to order. Salesroom and Mnuufartor * understand Goods. 41 Hotel dSm to the cross of Christ in the milde « all kinds ol Hard Wood sawed to Union St., Falinonih Buildini ap7_ support Silks in all scarcest shades and Flat Iron MAINE. I>. UKCm2, of this world. As those trou Turqouise Order Baking, Broiling Heating. SACCARAPPA, ju8d2w* Proprietor. of the troubles The most ap23dtf SCALES. in all !d 30 CARTONS These stoves are all warranted to give perfect sat- desirable location inPortland FAIRBANKS’ les are for the present probability limit' HOLYOKE'S THE STANDARD of THE ffOBLl '■ loss of their WHARF. isfaction BANANAS to the occasional thimbles wh ■" anrt aMorted Stock. In this l Highest P rizes at Paris in IS67. not taken care to them In th< Sash Ribbons from 40 cts COMMERCIAL STREET. mh3dtf b 1 ^8t they have put upwards. JOHN 1U’ OUl:e’,f terms can be Book store. KINSMAN, mad* ““totactory Colby’s Vienna, Montreal, Macon, IH7! f work-boxes, the concern they leel at the u 100 Banana ^ All are requested to call and examine Banking House of For full and particular information Bunches of elegant gayety of their !r before inquire of The most Accurate. * sympathizing companions, purchasing elsewhere. 128 Street. 119 Exchange Street. a UVIFCSTOflE & COMPANY, Exchange at 50 and 60 cents dozen The most Durable. the disappointment at not hearing m,21 tf per perhaps JO Pine New York. MERRILL, PRINCE & Has with the largest Stock in the city. We The most Convenient. favorite I will not su Bt., CO., reopened moi t clergyman preach (for retail all books at lowest wholesale prices. Second will be offered lor sale this morning at In worthy of the in this c. organized for the business of out-of 146 HIBDI.K every respect pose the young ladies interested pi 335 CONGRESS Specially eor sale. STREET, hand books bought and sold. implicit confiden c#: Warehouses: STREET, town Banks, Bankers. Corporations and Individuals. ALLEN’S FRUIT STORE, ture to be affected by any chagrin at the Ic ss Like an Incorporated Bank. Grants all facilities the like world MF,. Sons. No. 11 EXCHLANCE ST. TaiLK BOSTON, of aD invitation to a ball or F. usual with Banks. Drafts on all the principal my23dtf_PORTLAND, Albert Colby’s julodlw STREET, JLATMER. City _a___. -- me the stress of such calai on mvG tf & CO. it seems to Jon cities of Europe. 3 per cent, interest allowed privilege of selling Fruit, Cigars, and Re- A Fresh Stock FAIB.BANKS, BROWN ness), dlw on New and of Fruit and ({IM. be in a U ss____ dally balances. Collections England THEfreshments of all kinds on Steamer Augusta, For Sale. Ill N'rw VorU, ities might represented picture by lor lor Broadway, Middle States credited at par Correspondents. running from Saco to the Pool and Wood Island. fectionery Sale.; Dress and Cloak FINE 5 dark chestnu tawCw imagery. And I can assure r IV Kvrry Healthy Person. tu order to retnalu In Making. young Horse, years old, jull FAIRBANKS. Ac CO. appalling that bli ssed facili- Price for the Ad- ___ condition where drain* AeoonntH current rendered weekly. Special season, including Saloon, $100. GOOD Location and Low Rent. Onlv *300 re- black mane and tail. For further particula; ---- friends—if I still have must dwell good Securities. cut and basted lor ®2.00. Boy’s Suita cu A fair little lady any obtains. ties lor the negotiation of Miscellaneous dress, STEAMER. Press Office. A quired. Apply to WM. H. JEKKIS. at Market usat * age HVDKAH.lt CEMENT SUITSand made No. 166 Middle St. enquire H. G. CLAY’S Stable, Square. PRINTING of e tery deteription a trot o- <»y Juie d3t* that, whatever young girl’s ordinary TVJBEN, il insure a drain. jui2 Jul5 1„. my7dtl (Up Stair*. julS 3t* JOBu,nM at this office. usad, good for Notiuno better indicates the real feeling [Reported the Press! IN GENERAL. Ar at Montevideo April 30th, brigs Walter Smith, SPECIAL NOTICES. Smith, and F H for C*S THE PRESS. Cutler lias for the soldier of the Maine Anniversaries. The late Virgil D. Parris was a graduate of Todd, Maguire, New York; ENTERTAINMENTS. which Gen. Baptist Packard, unc. June 16. Uuion class of 1827, and not of Water Amesbury, the fact that his East Winthrof, College, Ar at St Thomas previous to 11th _MISCELLANEOUS. late war than single (But- ville College as has been stated. inst, barque WEDNKSI’AV Jl'SE 17, ’71 The the Maine Sclilotterbeck’s Moth and Freckie Lotion Emma C Littlefield, Hayden, Buenos Ayres. MOli.SISU, man in of the Bos- semi-centennial of Baptist MUSIC ME. ler’s) Friday—now charge Sid from Old Harbor. Ja, 31st ult, barque Linda HALL—PORTLAND, which is held in this beau- New York. ton custom-house, suspended a veteran, os- Missionary Society, Plain Engliela. A safe and sure remedy tor removing Tan. Phn pies, Stewart, Stincblleld, Every regular attache of the Press is furnished was introduced last Moth Blotches. and Ar at St Thomas June I. barque Elli- tiful this week, There is no Freckles Eruptions from the Commerce, Ward’s in the re- village reason an BLOOD because his services were not good why with a Card certificate Stanley T. tensibly English speaking Skin, it soft and iresh and to ott, Para; Kremlin, Wyman. Rio Jaueiro. Varieties, WS countersigned by to the installa- rendering imparling it brig services appropriate should be doctored in Latin. If we Sid Florence and hotel hut because he was too much evening by people should de- a MARBLE PURITY. May 29th, ship Treat, Short, Black Open Every Evruing mid Mmi- Pullen. Editor. Ah railway, steamboat quired, really T. the S II Nnlurdny tion of Rev. W. Wbitmarsb, recently scribe the properties of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters River; barque Bearce, Marston, Turk’s Island, ner, with u first class Liilcrmiu w ill us demanding PKICE FIFTY Variety managers contei a favor upon by of a soldier to worship B. F. B.,—a case CENTS A BOTTLE. (with salt at 12 cents United States currency). BMenl. of the church in this place. in the of the not one reader in credentials of to represent our settled pastor jargon profession, Ar at Port Spain May 21, brig Addle Fer- A Permanent Tonic every person claiming was so one of Prepared A. G. & Hale, which palpably gross injus- last were of the most in- twenty would understand what it is for. We only by SCHLOTTEUBECK nandiua. Entire of and Thurs- have information that several “bum- The services evening good and change Programme Mondays Journal, as we CO., Apothecaries Chemists, 303 Congress street, Ar at St June sell Ella Clifton, Kim- the tice and that President Grant and character. The order preter to say in simple words that it possesses strength- one door above John, NB, 13, days. mers” are seeking courtesies in the name of persecution, teresting impressive Brown. Portland, Me. au26sntt Portland. ening, regulating and purifying qualities ol the high- ball, to even iu a most unusual issued an order was as follows: JUNE Press, and we have no disposition be, pas- manner, of exercises est order that the vegetable ingredients of which it MONDAY, 15th, WITHOUT ALCOHOL. the Choir. is LLatestby European steamers.l l-ively, a party to such frauds. for his restoration. As a soldier, Gen. Butler Voluntary by composed are eminently wholesome and salutary, MARRIED. Invocation and Heading of the Scriptures by Rev. and that the stimulant which is combined with them SI 1 from Gravesend 2d, Emma, Rich, Boston. & Ellis’ was a if is a Sappho Burlesque Troupe. greater failure, possible, than he W. O. Thomas of Gardiner. is the purest that can be manufactured. We pre- Sid from Falmouth 1st, Thomas Lord, Wbitte- We do not read anonymous letters and communi- Prayer of Recognition aud Installation Eev. A. scribe it, not in Latin, but in the old In this citv, June 14th, by Eev. W. H. Au- niore, Havre. 25 35 cts., Or- national disgrace in Had a man of by garbled good Fenlv, Admission, Gallery cts., Parquette Congress. R. Crane ot Hallowed. mother as a for E. Jeflerds aud Mrs. Ella of Cld at chestra Chairs 50 Grand Matinee cations. The name and address of the writer are in tongue, remedy languor, debility, gustus Clifford, both 1st, Pleiades, Carlton, Richibucto. cts., Boxes $4.00 and commanded Hand ol Fellowship Rev. A. V. Tilton of Au- nervousness, liver fever ana Portland. every Sat Afternoon at 2 o’clock. Matinee not courage, experience ability by iudigestion, complaint, unlay PERUVIAN SYRUP nil cases indispensable, neeessarily for publication rheumatism and low In Yarmouth, June Rev. Geo. the of the it is gusta. ague, constipation, spirits, and 141h,by B. lllsley. BROKEN. prices, Gallery 15 cts., Parquette and Orchestra as a of faith. army James in May, 1804, to the Pastor W. H. D. as a of disease foul Mr, Sewall Boston and Miss Laura F. Chairs 25 cts. Is a Protected but guaranty good Charge by Sbailer, D., of preventive every produced by air, Swett, both of May 27tb. lat 43, Ion 55, ship Lizzie Moses, Cox, ended Portland. whether it in crowded work-rooms or Cumberland. Box Office Protoxide We cannot undertake to return or reserve com- very likely that the war would have stagnates im- tow Philadelphia lor Antwerp, open from 10 to 12 and 1 to 4. jultl Charge to the Church by J. Richer, D. of Au- jierils life and health in swampy districts and new In Dover, N. H., Mr. Charles W. Gould of Rol- of Iron. munications that are not used. later. D., that year instead of a year gusta. clearings. So the masses say, and so they have lingsford, and Miss Annie E. Goodwin of Eliot. Address by Rev. G. Allen ot the Meth. Episcopal been saying for the last tw enty years. Til E PORTLAND To-Day is the ninety-ninth anniversary of Church, Winthrop. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Prayer by Rev. B. F. Shaw of Wateiville. DIED. PERUVIAN SYRUP State Convention. the of Bunker Hill. It will he observ- Benediction the Republican battle by Pastor. Industrial Contains as usual. SPECIAL NOTICES. Exhibition ed iu Boston as a holiday The various addresses were able and elo- In Saco, June 12th, Mrs. Sarah B., wile of Samue no The of Maine are invited to send Berry, aged 56 years and 3 months. Alcohol. Republicans del- quent presentations of the practical duties of will be open to the on In Saco, June 12th, A. F. public to a State Convention to be holden in Current Notes. Benjamin Pillsbury, egates pastor and people in the intricate and mani- WHITE’S aged 24 years and 18 days. The Boston Advertiser endorses the Otta- In Saco, June Mrs. fold relations sustain to each and 12th, Mary Libby, aged 79years Tuesday Evening, June 9, 1874. GRANITE AUGUSTA* they other, and 5 months. HALE, wa and Railroad scheme and SPECIALTY FOR DYSPEPSIA. PERUVIAN SYRUP Georgian Bay wero interspersed with music by an In Saco, Juno 12th, infant child of Jerome Harri- frequent TICKETS 25 OK 6 FOB Vitalizes Thursday, June I81I1, 1874, nl If o’clock tells its readers that have invested mil- This is the efficient and safe master son. EACH, they excellent choir. only piompt, the of such as loss of In Albion, June 9th, David B. 62 A* HI., tor the of nominating a candidate lions in railroads to build other but symptoms appetite, heartburn, pal- Fuller, aged yrs. ONE DOLLAR. Blood. purxH>se up cities, Rev. Mr. YVhitmarsli is a native of England, pitation ot the heart, dizziness, sleeplessness, melan- for and other business Governor, transacting any intimates that have done little for them- of education and and enters choly, costiveness, wind, mental and physical debili- they high large culture, DEPARTURE OFOCEAN BTEAiflEKM MUSIC BY TIIK PORTLAND BAND. that may x»roperly come before the Convention. ty, as well as many others, which, it neglected, will selves. It also informs them that if business upon his first American pastorate under cir- soon “the house we live in” the flame. From For The basis of will be as follows: place beyond reach Date representation of Cuba.New York. C. P. Kimball. W. S. J. B. Brown. C. E. PERUVIAN SYRUP to is to be cumstances of unusual any remedy. ..... June 17 Dana, Each town and will be entitled built up something more must be promise. of Get. E. B. city, plantation I City Havana.New York. Havana.June 18 Jose, Jackson, Win. Curtis, W. W. at had “Dyspepsia” twenty years, sometimes able Tones up one one additional for every 75 votes for doue than to make This niue o’clock a numerously Andes.New York. .Jamaica.. Thomas, Jr., Board of Manufacturers. delegate ar.d speeches. morning to eat the plainest food, and very little of that. ..June 21 the only Italia...New York. C. P. KIMBALL Exec. Com. on the candidate for Governor in 1873. A attended prayer meeting was held prior to the 1 tried and remedies without relief until I .Glasgow_June 18 ) System. Republican It is Jones—Jones of Nevada is the person physicians C. E. JOSE, Portland Indtistr additional to the full number learned ot “White’s for which Circassian.Quebec.Liverpool... June20 J fraction of 40 votes, opening of tho formal work by the convention. Specialty Dyspepsia,” Colon..New York.. W. W. Exhibition. who is mediating between President Grant has entirely cured mo. (Signed) Aspinwall- .June 20 THOMAS, Jit.,) a is also entitled to a Batavia.Boston.... Ju8 M. A. Cor. Sec. for delegate, delegate. It was a session of unusual interest and gives Mrs. B. L. WEST, Vineyard Haven, Mass. Liveruool... June20 BLANCHARD, are authorized to fill vacancies and Senator Schurz. City of Chester.New York. .Liverpool_June20 Delegates only Oct. 18.—Mr. Dear promise of a convention session long to he re- Springfield, Ms., White, Sir:— Adriatic.New York. .Liverpool_June20 with actual residents ol the county to which the The scene The is liked much one who Tribune, describing Saturday’s membered. “Specialty” very by every j MoroCastle.New York. .Havana.June 23 GRAND Builds up uses it. We sold it for two town belongs. at the pound, says: “The dogs, each and all, have years, and are not City of New York. .New York Havana.June25 PRATTS ASTRAL OIL the At ten o’clock the convention was called to selling anything but the “Specialty” now for The State Committee willbe in session at 10 o’clock felt tlie shadow of impending doom.” Might “Dys- .Atlas. New York. .Jamaica.Junc26 Broken down. order and the anuttal of the board wa8 pepsia.” Yours truly, C. P. ALDEN. Sarmatian.Quebec.. .June27 absolutelySAFEperfectly ODORLESS. the of the Convention for the of not the scene be termed the report .Liverpool... Excursion morning .recexition properly “Yelp- Price $1 per Bottle. For sale by all Cuba.New York. .Havana. June27 and Ball ! era’ Crisis?”—Commercial Adver- submitted Rev. Dr. the druggists. ALWAYS UNIFORM. ILLUMINATING QUALITIES credentials. Impending by Ricker, Correspond- Send for Descriptive Circular to the proprietor, H. Siberia.Boston.Liverpool. ..June27 G. Mass, York. will be given at the of James G. Blaine, Kennebec, Chairman. tiser. ing Secretary. WHITE, Cambridgeport, Pereire.New .Havre.June 27 opening PERUVIAN SYRUP William P. jnelfi d&w6mos Frye, Androscoggin. The chances for a new currency bill at this The report briefly refers to the contrast be- BURNS IN ANY LAMP Mokes Henry O. Aroostook. WITHOUT DANGER LITTLE CHEBEAGUE Perry, session are not and on the whole tween the position and operations of the Socie- ISLAND, Stanley T. Pullen, Cumberland. very good, Notice, miBiiatnre Almanac.—June 17, OF EXPLOOINGORTAKING FIRE it run as ago and at the al- Special Strong. F. C. Perkins, Fiauklin. is better to let tilings along they ty fifty years present time; Sun rises.4.23 I Moon sets.10.55 PM ludes to the in advance which have The sale of Oil Paintings at Lancaster Hall will THURSDAY, JUNE 18th. John D. Hopkins, Hancock. are than to have any such bill passed as the long steps Sun sets.7.38 I High water.2.15 PM J. H. H. Knox. been taken in all movements for the elevation continue THIS AFTERNOON and EVENING. %UFACTURED£XPR£SSiyT0lI,spUCETHEUS£flf Hewett, would be to agree MUSIC B¥ S. S. Marule, Lincoln. present Congress likely of the aud at the THE PORTLAND BAND Business men make their calcu- race, glances mighty changes jul7 snlt HIGHLY VOLATILEAND DANGEROUS OILS, Fred. E. Shaw, Oxft.nl. upon. may which have iu the half PERUVIAN lations Herald. transpired century. The Joseph L. Smith, Pmobscot. accordingly—Boston But amidst it ail, the true foundation abides. MARINE i Steamer Chas. Houghton will leave Custom P. A. & N- IT. NEWS. House Wharf at 8 o’c'ock m. Cure* E. A. Thompson, Piscataquis. General Hampton normal and The tide of change, almost of revolution, has p. F. D. Sewall, Sagadahoc. Armstrong’s A Special Meeting of the I*. A. & N. Union will be 11 sSftFETYUNDEREVERYPDSS|0LET • Tickets 50 cents, to be bad at Hawes’ Music Store Dyspepsia been apd around it for how AND ITS PERFECT BURNING QUALITIES'" and at the boat. and S. J. Walton, Somerset. school for negroes near Fortress seething surging held on WEDNESDAY June 17th. PORT OF Debility. agricultural Innir! lint, tn nn imrtmsD h-ivp tn tiliiinr lmtv firm EVENING, at,8 PORTLAND, Fbki> Atwoou, Waldo. he Chas. Houghton has been fitted up and will celebrated its ARE PROVED BY ITS CONTINUED USE IN OVER run her first Nelson S. Allan, Washington. Monroe, Va., commencement, and enduring it is. Like Him who fash oned the donatio.i of funds to a member. A full attend- trip for this excursion. julGd.lt John Hall, York. last week, with a number of it, it is “The samo yesterday, to-day and for- ance is requested. Per Order. Tuesday, Jane 16. Z. A. quite prominent PERUVIAN SYRUP SMITH, Secretary. ever.” A glowing tribute is paid to the mem- jul7snlt WM. E. THOMES, Secretary. ARRIVED I. o. OF G. T. May 25,1874. educational gentlemen Irom Virginia and ory of the Baptist fathers in the State—Potter, Steamer City ot Portland, Pike, St John, NB, via Cure* Washington and various New England cler- Case and Tripp and their co-laborers and com- IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Eastport for Boston. VVHIL£NSACCIOENTDIR^R^^NDIH^ffy Grand Excursion to Evergreen Liver peers who nobly stood for the truth and nobly Brig Minnie Miller, Davis, from Elizabeth port- Complaint. gymen present, including Rev. John W. coal HASEVEROCCURED FROM BURNING. Exposition Supplement. have fallen in its defence. But it is in the CIGARS! to order. Landing Brig with coal to Harding ot' Longmeadow and Rev. Henry L. not the that our chief in- Mechanic, Gonld, Philadelphia, STORING OR HANDLING IT. The Industrial Exposition has achieved so prospect, retrospect J H Baker. under.tbe auspices of Grillln of Connecticut. The school has 200 terest is to center. creates demand and The Best Brand* in the market. Supply Brig Eliza of 439 SYRUP Morton, [new, Portland, tons] n the MANY IMITATIONSgCOUNTERffirs MISSION PERUVIAN notable a success and has attracted such gen- pupils and 20 teachers, and continues lo be if in the past a supply has been created and Yarmouth—towed around C A War- LODGE, I. O. G. T., Wholesale and Retail at Bottom Prices by Leland, by tug Cures the most noted and successful of the educa- enlarged the demand for work worthily prose- ren. eral interest that a full and connected history stRal THROWN Fem.dtf tional for the colored race in the cuted has also grown upon our hands. The re- Sch Charlie Morton, Davis, Philadelphia, with coal oilthathaveIeen JUNE 1874. enterprises F. to Portland THURSDAY, 18th, Weaknesses. of the event is desirable. To meet this want South. port then explains in detail the operations of DELAVINA, Steam Packet Co, UNSUCCESSFULLYonTHE MARKET isFUHTHFRPBOOF Sch M A South with to the year. The total expenditures of the hoard julSsnlw 84 EXCHANGE STREET. Rice, Rice, Amboy, clay Amusements of the York is distant Portland Stone Ware Co. dayto consist of Dancing and the Press will the The New Times making for the in aid of weak churches in the all kinds of Mattie issue, immediately upon year Sell Nellie Carr, French, Hoboken. games. by Chandler’* State and in the full of its COI NTV RONDS. Band. All who want a war upon that thieving Governor Moses of prosecution opera Sch Ellen Dodgo, New York. good day’s enjoyment had PERUVIAN SYRUP close of the exhibition, a con- Morrison, better be on hand at Custom House wharf supplement; tions is $8,270.91,distributed among 53 churches CITY. RONDS. Sch E C Stimson, New York. at 8.30 A. South Carolina. The Times can’t say any- Randall, theastraHtasnovv at which time the Cures and 50 and missionaries. The results Sch Snow M., steamer Cazelle staris for the taming a compilation of the record presented pastors SCHOOL DISTRICT RONDS. Bird, (Br) Cripps. and Iris, (Br) Burch* Isiand. Boils thing bad enough to injure Moses or those of this and effort are in ref- ard. Boston, to load for St John. NB. A WORLD WIDE REPUTATION expenditure given REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES. Ticket* 50 cent* to be had of the Com- and Humors. from to with com- erence to each Sch Helen Maria, with lime to D each, day day, together editorial who would re-nominate him. We should of the churches visited and in Prince, Camden, mittee and on board L Fcriiald. AS THE AND the boat morning of starting. nearly all are of the most eucouragiug charac- All carefully selected In the west, paying 10 to 12 SAFEST BEST. Chowder included. jul5d4t' ments and notes pertinent to the subject. like to see him defeated in convention, and if ter. Sch Oaso Belle, Smith, Ellsworth for Boston. per cent interest. safe as well as Very profitable. CLEARED. This will be sent with both our and not there, at the polls by any decently honest The number'of the ,nd PERUVIAN SYRUP daily clergy laymen pres- Steemer CHARLES M. Chase, Bennett. St John, NB—John Port- Mountain Excursion. Cures Diseases man. We think the ent is and an interest al- IIAWKLS, |NSO™CECOMmN|Es„E,ffl&«®^ strongest lunged organ unusually large eous. weekly editions, and numbers have al- rising of the Kidney* large Seh NS—mas- THROUGHOUTTHE COUNTR Y would lose voice when called upon to help most to enthusiasm is already developed. The 90 M1DBLB1 STREET. Hibernia, (Br) Coggins, Westport, An Excursion Train has been engaged to go to and Bladder. been ordered those whose are ter. ready by goods Moses out of the hearts and homes of the citizens of this beauti- JnnlS sntf wilderness. Sch Geo Calhoun, (Br) Price, St John, NB—John CAUTION. Bo sure you get the right article Porteous. NORTH CONWAY, N. H„ described, for distribution among their cus- This is a week for the honester con- ful town are wide open in a generous hospitali- AS THE BEST SAFEGUARD WHEN LAMPSARE USED See that “PERUVIAN SYRUP” is blown in the good GREAT REDUCTION IN RATES Sch Geo Amos, Bunker, New York—Bunker Bros. to tlie r and ears which to be taxed to its utmost. On Saturday, June 20th, tomers and friends. Thus a very wide dis- gressmen keep eyes open, ty, promises Sch Eliza Frances, Bulger. New York—Bunker their wits well about their loins To New York, Bios. GHS.PRATT BcCO. to start from $1.00 A BOTTLE. them, girded __S. I’hiadciphin, Baltimore, ““’PRICE, semination is assured. A small space will be about, and their lamps trimmed and burning. Washington, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. ESTABLISHED 1770. Portland at 7 t-U o’clock A. M., and to A 32-page pamphlet, containing a history of the Bowdoin College Commencement.—The San Francisco and all West. [By Telegraph.! l«iare Conway at 5 P. M., PERUVIAN SYRUP, a valuable on devoted to business cards of merchants and For it is the last week of the session. They Louis, points 108FULTON paper progress Ar at ST. NEW 5 or 6 hours there to see tlie Mountains and know what that means. So does the exercises of commencement week at Bowdoin We sell tickets via Luke and Baltimore, 16th, brig Antilles, Sagua. YORK., giving n medical science, a treatise on Iron as a medical lobby. Shore Michigan, the others. Those for extra for So do the Southern, Central,Erie, Baltimore a.id enjoy splendid scenery. testimonials from wishing copies people.— Springfield Bepublican. College begin on 5th. The fol" Pennsylvania our correspondent. Tickets will be sold at all stations at the agent, distinguished physicians, Sunday, July Great Western and Central and [from & following Ohio, Michigau Capen, Sprague Co., all other stations to and and will sent or an iusertion of then- Senator has been endorsed the is the Grand Trunk KENNEBUNKPORT—Ar sch A rates:—At Portland ami up clergymen others, be free to any ad- distribution, desiring Logan by lowing programme: Railways, and Full River and Ston- 15tb, JRochele, Baldwin and West Line (of Bangor) Booker, New York. Nos. 6 and S Custom House including Steep Falls, $1.25; dress. Republican convention of Hamilton Sunday afternoon—Baccalaureate before the ington Steamers, Street, $1.00; all other stations. 75 cents. These business cards should leave their orders at county, At lea* rate* than in Maine. BOOTHBAY—Ar 13th, schs Brilliant, Cousins, Baldwin, SETII W. FOIVLK A MOAN, Proprietor Senior Class. any Agency low prices arc for the round trip, or up and back for the in 1876. With the ad- Machias for Boston; Revolution, Machias for BOSTON, very 86 Harrison 111., Presidency Kelley, the same A Saloon Car will furnish Ice Cream, Avenue, Boston. Sold by dealers goner our counting room immediately as it may be Tuesday evening—Prize Declamation of the do. day. Excursion Tickets to New York and Re- NEW ENGLAND AGENTS. Lemonade and other good eatables. All can a ditional inflation which this announcement Junior Class. Ar 15th, schs Agnes. for carry ally. mj6W&S2p&w3m turn. Hodgdon, Philadelphia JulT tleodaw Lunch or purchase their dinner at a reasonable rate. impossible to accommodate all. 9 o’clock a. m.—Business meet- Round May Everline, Smith, fm New will produce, Mr. situation may be Wednesday, Point; York; We intend to make this a time to all I Logan’s of Steamer and Bailroad Ticket* from Gen from New WillieG from grand good ing the Phi Beta Kappa Society; 3 p. ra., Thomas, York; Decker, julGdlw H. WH1TCHER. regarded as critical. address before the Alumni by iiev. J. O. Portland to Bo*ton at reduced rate*. South. Store. Tlic French Crisis. D. Class of Sid 15th, Kate McClintock, Hodgdon, for Western Chenery’s Grocery They kill dogs in New York with gas— Means, D., ’43; 7.30 p. m., concert Banks. CONSUMPTION by the Germania Band of assisted ROLLINS, LORING, & ADAMS, Having fitted up the The news from France is of a most st art- which to some one that this work Boston, by suggests the and Miss Annie Louise Railroad Excursions In nearly every ease limy be traced Temple Quartette 22 ^Exchange Portland. MEMORANDA ling character. For more than a week the of death might be carried on much less ex- Cary. St., “Old Stand,” 296 Congress St, to a Simple Cold neglected. ju6 d2msn Schooner Julia Aun, Howell, with a cargo of 128 — TO THE — most intense and a Break them excitement has prevailed pensively in the capital of the nation. Thursday—Commencement Day. tons coal for Warren, struck a rock and sunk at the formerly kept as a Provision and Grocery Store tor a Up. 8 a.m.—Maine Historical dock at that on of violence has characterized de- Friday, Society; IMPORTED Port Sunday morning. She is badly the system free from them. Keep the degree the Colonel Franklin of St. Johns- lull Portland Industrial Exhibition Fairbanks, afternoon, Class Day Exercises. iated and of water. First Class J KEEPLungs sound, the Nasal Organs healthy. bates of the Assembly that would create as- bury, is a prominent candidate for the lieu- Examination of candidates for admission to Newport, RI, June I3th—Sch S D Hart, before re- Grocery, Clothe the hotly with that impenetrable armour HAVANA at this disabled from with The of which a of College, previous to Commencement, CIGARS. ported port the collision We shall keep Tea, Coffee. Sugar and Spices, Foreign Board Manufactures have made arrange- single dose that great remedy, tonishment elsewhere. The government, of Vermont. Friday the steamer a tenant-governorship 3. Providence week ago to-day, is being and Domestic canned and bottled and Grocer’s ments with the Railroads, whereby ONE FARE July ON AND Her has been settled with the goods, an which lor three years has called itself Repub- The portfolio of Minister of Justice of the AFTER THIN DATE all of repaired. damage Articles generally. Butter and Cheese from the best puichases excursion ticket good to Portland ami my Imported Havana Cigar* will be wild by steamboat company tor a sum considerably less than return, and also admits to the Exhibition. SANFORD'S is on trial to the District Convention. dairies in the country constantly on hand. Also lican, in the Assembly, and Dominion has been tendered to the Hon. A. Delegate? the $1,00 worth at the same price as per $1000. I was originally demanded by Capt Burgess. The days and trains on which these excursion tick- Gray—Hon. Andrew offer to-day a line Imported Havana BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR. ets are good are as follows: there is such deep feeling that members of J. Smith, Minister of Marine and Henry Pennell, Allen, Cigar—The JAMAICA Fisheries, John W. Humphrey. ftoldea Bell—a regalia britanica, at Launched—At Curtis* yard in this city, 16th inst, AikiArn that have to be from vio- at MAINE body protected present acting temporarily as Minister of J. M. Walk- a barquentine of 434 tons, named David Boyd.owned Old Stand 296 Congress CENTRAL, uiiMuc.n, Yarmouth—Henry Hutchins, $100.00 per lOGO. by Yeaton & Jas S Gso C Mr Stieet, lence the and the J William C. “ Boyd, Libby, Frye, Friday and June 19th and ‘JOth. Throws about it. Nothing exists in medicine so by police, populace ustice. er, Scabury, Jeremiah Buxton, E. 10.00 lOO. and others of this and in Saturday, Curtis, city, parties New PORTLAND. grateful and effective, Taken in full doses on retir- is so turbulent as to the G. Wagg. 5.00 “(box) 50. to be commanded Albert already require The Philadlpliia Press is very certain that York, by Captain Boyd. Excursion fickets good on all regular trains from ing tor the night it will break up the the severest lO Cents JEaeh. At 16th Giles a oi jul7 eodtf active efforts of the to it in Kittery—.John Wentworth, Wm. A. Fer- Yarmouth, inst, by Loring, brig Bangor to Portland. police keep check, the people will speak so loud on this currency 439 tons, named Eliza Morton, owned by J S Wins- COLD, nald, Augustus Stevenson, Calvin L. Hayes, Algo a fresh lot of the and from well known brand Felic- low & Co and others of this city, to be commanded STATE NO *tJHA L SCHOOL. PORTLAND & Free the system ot every symptom ot making open demonstration. question that even the executive will hear. M. V. B. J. D. Luther P. iana OGDENSBURG, Stimson, Parker, at $9.00 per 100. by Capt Augustus Leland, lormelry of brig Minnie At the ,7. H. Wm. The of Farmington, Me., June 13,1874. ■ lie HU ana ana FEVER, present Monarchist party is keeping Don’t he confident M\ a dreadful Call, Seward, Pinkham. business reputation this house is a sufficient Miller. ay wcancitany, June itftin Forney; that no domestic will It has been found to the 17lh. of The resolution was guarantee cigars be palmed The fine new schooner D II Ingraham, built at necessary change datesof Dispel every lurking symptom itself in reserve. Since the defeat of the stubborn man is Mr. Grant. following adopted: off as I imported. Stocktou for Francis Cobb and others, was launched the Decennial and Graduation Exercises of the Itesolved, That the course taken the mem- Excursion tickets good on all trains. BEEClIUTlHiVI, not under- by WJfl. aim arriveu at itocKiaim Western Normal School. These exercises will ac- regular Broglie ministry, its friends have The Advertiser’s renort of the caucus at ALLE1V, JR., oaiuruay yeater lay. Excursion tram leaves Or that dreaded torluro ber of Congress from this District, the Hon. Alonzo C Ames of Rockland ia to command Lor. SLo cordingly be held on Portland at 0.30 p. m. on no. ii g Mr cHriKMtK'f. June taken SO much to control its to ittfiuettce pub- Kittery Indicates that a was John H. Burleigh, on the Important questions is to load in a lew days. Wednesday, 17tli, for Fryoburg and intermedi- NEUKAL44IA trap sprung by Jul sntf WcdncNday and Thurn(lay4uly Ui and ‘id, ate stations. which have come before that meet with lic affairs. Its friends in the feel the body, instead of 2d and as It litis a Cold from the Assembly Hamlin men, who persisted, notwith- DOHIBST1C POKTN. July 3d, previously announced. our approval, and we hereby in- of Ad- BOSTON & MAINE, that President MacMahon is their friend and unqualified A LARGE VARIETY OF Wednesday—Examination Classes; Evening, V.UNLJM standing numerous protests, in electing dele- struct our delegates to use all fair means to se- NEW ORLEANS—Ar at S M Pass 15th, ship Cal- dress by Dr. Hill, followed by social reunion of Alum- edonia. Havre. Thnmdayand Friday, Jane ISlh aad I9lh. As nothing else can. Sends the his is but selected to the which has cure his renomination at the convention to Potter, ni. Thursday—Meeting of Alumni, and Graduation. although ministry partially gates county convention, DRY GOODS Went to sea 15th, Havre. BLOOD which are elected. ship Sterling, Baker, CHAS. C. ROUNDS, Principal. Excursion tickets good on all regular trains. from its it is its to all intents they JACKSONVILLE—Ar June tauks, ministry not yet even been called. marked at prices to close them out. 9th, schs City of jul7 dlwsnw3w25* Bouncing through the the Chelsea, Emma Col- sytera, opens and n.l.»nt.. to 41, U4.4. ennv.n4fAn Uoodwiu, Boston; 10th, Green, C. P. purposes though it is not responsible lor 153 Middle Street, Vickery & Leighton. lins. do. KIMBALL, ) Exec. Com. POREN C. E. JOSE, Portland Industrial ju2 d&wsn2w Cld June 6th, schs Annie L New York J And warms the its defeat. Still Gray.—Hon. W. H. Horace F. McKeen, ; Alfred W. W. body from head to foot. Another Senatorship. Vinton, Colly 10th, Altevela, Joy, do. House, THOMAS, Jr., ) Exhibition. rI and Hugh Smith. JUll dt20 PAINS he conflict in the Assembly of late has When Mr. Hannibal Hamlin was last a AGENCY DARIEN, Ga—Ar 9th, sch *J P Wyman, Urann, 1 Yarmouth.—J. M. S. Boston. Of the Bones and Muscles subside, the been larsrelv of a personal character between candidate for the Senate, his fellow-citizens Bucknam.D. Mitchell, ALFREDJVTA1NE Charles Humphrey and E. G. Wagg. Cld 8th, schs Bertha Souder, Worster, Portland; A TIIND and were given to understand that, having ob- F Ames, St John, NB. GRAND Gambetta his associates among the in- —OF THE— Jameson, Houso is situated near And are and tained this mark of their Kittery.—Jessee Patch, C. H. Bartlett, SATILLA, Ga—Sid sch pleasantly Depot, Body Composed at Rest, crowning apprecia- 5tb, Satilla, Rivers, Bath; THISCourt House and otheriplaces of interest, shad- tense Republicans and the Bonapartists, who Jesse Friibee, M. A. B. D. Philbrick, Rising Sun, Jones, New York. MLEEP tion and confidence,he was inflexibly resolved Salford, ed by large and beautiful elms. It is within a short P. M. J. J. Lambert. DARIEN. Ga—Cld 8th, sell Woos- are exceedingly active just now. This con- to retire from the political stage. Mr. Ham- Langton, BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE Bcttha, Souder, drive ot the shaker Settlement. Persons or lamilies Gentle, Natural, Healthy Sleep, ter, Portland. in search of a well conducted lin himself used that can- quiet, place, cool, EXCURSION!! COMPLETE* THE CUKE. flict is rather of a bitterness thau SAVANNAH—Ar sch personal language during News and Other Items. 15th, Joseph Souther, healthy and pleasant, will, we trust, not be disap- vass which COMPANY, Thomaston. / Surprising and Most on account of was construed to mean that he pointed by selecting this House the Summer political difference existing be- Further fuel is added to the ritualistic con- Sid sch F K for Bull during would not under a 14th, Shaw, Rive’*, SC. months. R. H. Proprietor. WONDERFUL he, any circumstances, NORFOLK—Ar sch J V CODING, Of the tween them, for whatever has been iu the celebration of Cor- OF NEW YORK. 12th, Wellington, Rich, jul7 dim. Season. Are its results and in ground candidate for re-election. troversy England by Kennebec River. unequalled the whole cata- logue of medicine. Run no more risks. gained by the Republicans has been ob- he has his and pus Christi day by the high churchmen. Ar 13th, sch A R Weeks, dangerous Apparently, changed mind, Rockport. Look well to the care of in this ever is BALTIMORE—Cld Alice for Forest of your lungs tained the aid of the now not to say to serve has invited President Grant The feature which commends this Com- 13lh, brig Putnam, City Temple Honor climate. when by Bonapartists, who, willing, anxious, Philadelphia peculiar Portland. changing Paitake the symptoms of his state and for another term of pany to public favor is the entry made in each par- NOTICE. danger approach that for the of different country and his Cabinet to he present at the of PHILADELPHIA—Below 15th. Carrie Mel- Will make a Grand Excursion to great revivitvng compound. accomplishment purposes, laying ticipating policy of a definite cash value, increasing brig years in what the more classical Washington from St loss of and desire Grst to the corner stone of the public on the from year to year, which the will loan to vin, John, NB, (with jibboom SANFORD’S JAMAICA GINGER get rid of President MacMabou letter-writers are wont to call “the curule buildiugs Company head is hereby given that we shall apply at the policy holder to aid in the of his an- gear). 4tli of July next. payment Ar seh NOTICEthe room ot Mayor and Aldermen, Saturday, Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. and the Monarchists, chair.” Whether his nual if or over to him at 13th, Franconia, Leavitt, Portsmouth; A patriotic aspirations premiums, desired, pay any June 20th, at 12 for to erect a LAKE SEBAGO The Baltimore Gazette time after the of Ellwood, Hawkius, Kennebec River. o’clock, permission Doubtless the Bona- ate to he gratified, remains to he seen. The says that the “Star receipt two or three premiums wooden house on Cushman street. WEEKM Sc POTTER, BOMTON. present of the Cld sch E H — — activity should he have occasion to surrender his policy. 13th, King, Bragdon, Providence. ON odds are thought by shrewd observers on the Spangled Banner” of which Key wrote is now Ar 16th. Ida C General Agents. partists and the knowledge that the followers Further information will cheerfully he given to brig Comery, from Gardiner. H1ERRILL 3c KILBY. ground to he at present in his in a NEWCASTLE, Del—Passed up loth A M. schs decidedly favor, the possession of northern society It is parties who are pleased to call, whether desiring to June JUNE W. F. PHILLIPS A of the empire are secretly hut energetically hut it is evident that he fs not to be Douglass, Haynes, from Hallowed; Sophia Portland, 16,1874. jnl7d3t* TUESDAY, 23. 1874. CO., enough worn in be insured or not. Wilson, some places, but still in good preserva- from Gardiner: George Bainard, from Bath. J. to seouro what allowed to walk over the course. The Port- W. PERKINS A CO„ laboring by chicanery they tion. Ar here Bch Nantilus, from Rockland, Me. The reputation of ihe Order both for the character land the ATLANTIC know cannot an Press, leading Republican paper of BOSTON—Ar 15th, sch Abby L Dow, Young, Pbil- HOUSE. and completeness of its excursions has made them they get by open contest, Miss induced the Russian EATON SHAW, Wholesale the state, is hostile to the Feenix.who prince sch Francis Boston, ono of the looked lor events of the season. The en- Agents. such as openly candidacy, adelphia; Coffin, Philadelphia; ma-4 exasperates fiery spirits Gambetta, while to steal his sch Abbie Murchie, Metcalf, sch B L SCARBORO BKACH. tire grounds, pavilion and will bo uu- jnI2iilw the Bangor Whig and some of the mother’s diamonds, is in Paris safe GENEBAL Philadelphia; bowling alleys and hence cause AGENT. Condon, Lord and R L Port der the control of the Committee. the of the recent disturb- minor an ominous silence. from Tay, Higgins, Johnson; This Seaside resort will for organs preserve arrest,since under the French law a child J h Cook, Fannie & popular open Duren, Calais; Edith, Ryder, the season of TUURSDA V.Junv The Portlantl Band will furnish the Ma- Robert ances in the and in the streets of Ou the other hand, he lias been Bristol. Me. 1874, Assembly cultivating cannot be charged with stealing the property Office j IStb. nic for the accaniou. TliaycrWIIde, bis corner of the civil service with Fluent’s Block, Portland. Cld, Bch Wm Capes, Kelley, Kennebec River, Paris. Tlie have two or vineyard of his and therefore neither she with S. e. Pro’r. under Republicans gained notable parents, julO sntf P Ar June 16. barquantine Clara E McGilvery, Wal- GUNNISON, Dancing competent management will con- assiduity, as appears from this re- tinue the in the NATURAL MAGNETIC three victories of late. The vote stolen nut, Old Harbor. through day beautiful pavilion, and temporary mark of the Press : receiving goods. This'Co use is positively closed to transient visitors will be mode Ar 16th, sch Carrie Alice, Call, St George. (West- complete arrangements for bane ball, of which was voted A St. Louis who rode on the train MILLINERY! on the Sabbath. foot loan. Monday, by “urgency” Certain men—not in number but of reporter, ern Islands,) sch Ada J Simon ton, Hall, jul7d2w ball, quoitn, ring iwiugN. Ac,, Ac. many Baltimore; Holders of excui sion tickets desirous of on the constitutional is understood great and that passes over the remarkable at that sch Cepha Starrett, Davis, Weehawken; sell Frances saijing on reforms, activity “experience”—are varying bridge the lake can do so to the extent of the accommoda- PHYSICIAN, SUMMER STYLES. sch S & B Hobo- the of their official duties under the a few seems Ellen, Cousins, do; Small, Warren, DOORS, SASH AND Has fitted Rooms to be a the and in monotony place, days ago, to think that a ken. BLINDS, tions by a small additional expense. ! up where lie is prepared to receive victory against ministry federal and down Refreshments first-class all those who his government by traveling up ride over the new structure is to be- MISS II. F. MARSH Below, sch B French. and in abundance will be may require services If unable to favor of the who desire a disso- preferable Lily Wiudow Frames, Glazed Sash, Glass, &c. furnished and visit him at his Rooms Republicans tlie state and informing all and singular whom Cld 16th, Emeline, Stan rood, Calais; Lucy Lee, Hatch will be ou hand with a supply they will be waited upou at ing hanged. He says: “We can almost real- of delicious ice cream. their residences. lution, and the Bonapartists who are reajjy they meet, with the utmost positiveuess and as- Has JUST RECEIVED a large assortment of the BLINDS PAINTED TO ORDER. surance, that the United States senatorship ize the thought of suspension in the atmos- most desirable Summer 11i*KOV1NCETOWN—In port 16th, fishing steamer Tickets for Round for which will be a Styles of fi3P*Snecial nrices to contractor. Trip, including Danc- CONSULTATION FREE. anything change. question is settled—that Mr. Hatuliu is to be without the Lottie W Merrill, from Tiveiton, RI, for Round phere, sense of hazard usually as- HATS AND ing, 50 cents. For the present there is no quarter of the Ins own successor, and that the suggestion of BONNETS, Pond, Me, with exhaust pipe busted. H. FRANK FARNDAm Sc CO., hours 10 to 12 A. M., and from 2 to 6 sociated with so insubstantial a as the CHOICE FRENCH VINEYARD HAVEN—Ar sch Geo W Glov- Should tlic weather be stormy the excursion will any other candidate is mere idle support FLOWERS, 14th, 301 COMMERCIAL pGTfpOfflcc world from which is more anx- folly, worthy BEADED Ida L for STREET take place first fair day. intelligence of derision. ‘incorporal air.’ LACEH, RIBBONS, er, Perry: Howard, Mosher, Poughkeepsie only TCRCOIN SILKS, NECK Bangor; Geo Brooks, Lindsey, New York; Wooster, Jnl7(Um* Opposite Holyoke, Benson & Co. Excursion train will leave foot of Union street at Rooms 11 iously looked for than from France. Chance 7.45 and and 12 Flnent Mr. Hamlin:s most dangerous competitors The quiet services iu a colored church at TIES, RCCHINGS, ETC., Hoboken for Sach; Ellen Morrison, Dodge, Weehaw- Maine Central depot at 8 o'clock A. M. and Block, holds the balance between a ken for A Rice, Rand for IS HEREBY that tne 1.30 P. M., stopping at intermediate stations. Tick- peace and war, are and ex-Govcrnor Per- were on Which will be sold at Portland; Mary River, NJ, GIVEN, subscri- ME. ex-Cougressman Vicksburg, Miss., rudely interrupted reasonable prices. Also ets may be procured of the Committee. PORTLAND, Portland; Telegraph, Mero. Thomaston for New NOTICEber lias been duly appointed and taken upon Jul6 or a J. H. Drummond of and Is- last two William T. A. Francis Lor- isdlw*w3w25* republic monarchy. ham, Portland, Sunday evening by women, who, after Falmelto and Straw Shade Hal. in the York; Margaret. Claik, Cherryfield, for do; Pelro, himself the trust of Administrator of the estate ot Small, Henry Brown, rael Washburn. Without to and for New ing, George Strong, John F. Hillman, Committee of disparagement glaring at each other for a few Beat Style*. Kelley, Josie, Look, Shulec, NS, York; SAMUEL L. late of moments,sprang and L BROWN, Yarmouth, Arrangements. jnel7dtd Messrs. Perliam and Drummond, we may say Albert Treat, Sawyer, Holway, Bryant, Wind- The Oxford Democr at takes the sena- at each other and before the rest of the con- in the County of deceased, and up tliat thf> plppiiftn nf* Afr wmiM Itu 329 CONGRESS sor, NS, for do; S H Pool, Colby, Wiscassott, for do; Cumberland, giveh ICE CREAM: STREET, bonds torial Julia Newell, Clifford, and Samuel Hurt, Holbrook, as the law directs. All persons having de- question without any signs of tender- gregation knew what was going on they were jn6 PORTLAND. sutf mands the rightly regarded throughout the country as a Rjckport, Me, for New York; Nathan Clifford, Car- upon estate of said deceased are required ness and discusses it with candor. Speaking victory for the cause of clean politics and hon- lighting like two wild cats. They were sep- ter, Belfast for do; Winslow Morse. Cliver. Bath for to exhibit the same; and all persons indebted to said BONDS T. S. HATCH estate arc called upon to make to est a arated their do; Yerka, Tabbutt, Addison, for do; Carroll, Robin- payment of Mr. Hamlin it says: government. As member ot„tbe Repub by friends, and then left the $2.00! OFFERS eon, and J B Knowles. Machias for JOHN F. bROWN, Adm’r. Portland ■ lican old in as the war- Merritt, do; -ft’s For a friend and guard Congress, first church. and Ban- Yarmouth, June 2, 1874. w3w*25 years personal supporter of Amelia, Wentworth, Ambassador, Warren, Bath .... «’S Hon. Hannibal Hamlin—in this his native governor of his state, and, later, as collector BOTTOM DROPPED OCT! for do; Grace Cushing, Hamilton, Hallowed for Belfast ... ft’s where of the Portland custom-house, he has Soro; Odel. Winslow, Blueliill lor do; Maggie Harthan, ICE CREAM county, he has had hosts of approved SEASIDE ... always lor Charlotte Wil- RESORT, STATE NEWS. Small, Windsor, NS, do; Fish, ft’s nnv friends,—we have no unkind words to say of himself as a man of equal integrity and Bangor of sunerinr nnnlitv in nnnniito liams, do for Baltimore; Samuel Fish, Teel, from do Lewiston ft's him now. We have delighted to honor him, ability, of conscieuce and courage. On the BOSTON/* MAINE RAILROAD TICKETS tor Olive Faxnilien, PicnioH and Washington; Harvard, Hutchins, Bangor OTTAWA Cleveland • Parties. aud in the last contest when it was so IIOIM; 0., 7’s difficult whole, perhaps, the strongest member of an for Norwock; Mary Means, Parker, Belfast for Nor- “ Sjioous and Plates furnished without to AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Toledo ... charge. Or- decide whether to sustain Mr. Morrill, whose he wouid be a lolk; Challenge, Hart, St George for Piankatank ft’s ders may be left at uncommonly strong family, Cushing’s Island, Me. » course on the The soldiers’ monument at To or from Boston, River. Portland, Chicago 7’s manly, independent impeachment valuable acquisition to a body that Presque Isle will sadly be dedicated on Sid, schs Ida L Howard, Terrapin; Geo Brooks, This Resort will JULY 1. Cook HATCH’S OYSTER question challenged the support of his constitu- needs July 4th, under the direction of popular re-open County 7’s HOUSE, as strengthening—Springfield Republican. Mary A Rice, Ellen Morrison. ents, it won their admiration—in common the town, which has appropriated $100 to de GEORGE Louisville • 7’s NEW YORK—Ar 14th, brigs J H Lane, (of Seam- ALLEN, Piop'r. Ky., 307 Street. with others in old wc sided with the of the dedication Congress many Oxford, fray expenses ceremonies, James Maine Central R. R. 7’s AT her $2.00! port) Shute, Cientnegos; Davis, Partridge, jul7 d3w (ill THB gifted son, and battled for Hanuibal—but Commencement Week at Bates. etc. sch G L E. Bangor; Bradley, (of Bucksport) Smith, & X. Ameri.au R. R. Cold ft’s l»« below Oxfonl At. we were assured were Weleoine R Manufactory, Pearl, then, personally,as many The prize declaration of the Junior class of The water iu the Aroostook river is so low Jacksonville; Bebe, Lozier, Kichmoud, others—that under no considerations would be WM. ALLEN, JR., Mu' .1agai.Ii knopra Rnunra PnrHanH FOK SALK BY» iatf Bates College took place at the Main street that the drives are likely to be hung up. FIREWORKS, •I'11-_ be a again. Nor was it Ar 15th, barque Actif, Jacobsen, Liverpool; brig candidate presumed KKNNRBEO otherwise until recently, when it is said his Free Baptist church, Monday eveuing. The COUNTY. NO. 11 EXCHANGE STREET. Helen M Rowley, Rowley, Seville; sch Lookout, Wholesale and Retail. SWAN A Nicholas, Sagua; Flori M Liver- BARRETT, friends put I'im forward This would be church was more than usual interest The Beethoven Quintette Club have been en- my26 sndtt llurlbuit, Dudley; Newark Boots & again. crowded, Rockets, Roman Candles, Bengolars, lOO MIDDLE Shoes all but for the fact that his most gaged to furnish music at the ne#t commence- pool. STREET. very well, being manifested on account of the Passed through Hell Gate schs Post special' ment at will be 14th, Boy, different sizes ami colors, for or dis- sep24 eod active friends who are putting up the job, are Colby. They assisted at the REinom.. Fountain, New York for G M private public leblOT prizes offered by Mr. Win. B. Wood of Boston Bangor; Wentworth, Pricelist. to Manufacturer, men who hold office and are liable to the sus- concert by Mrs. H. M. Osgood. do lor Calais; tjom New play. Apply Collins, Presto, Libbie, York P. 11. of and others. Music was furnished Ballard’s TORS. SPRINGER for Frederick aDAMS, QOWELL I picion seekiug to perpetuate tbeir own pow- by Fred W. Galbraith, wbo has been Machias; Hall, Chadwick, New York No. Me. appointed tor Portland. jul7dtJul4* Bridgtou, launn i/iiiin aouii” iur me near people; orchestra. The following was the programme: one of the Justices of the Municipal Court of has removed her Studio to CITYBONDS. Under the Ealmonth And some Also ar 14th, schs Julia Elizabeth, Glassen; Onta- House, of this class are men whom the peo- Mental Boston, is a native of Augusta. Concentration, ROOM Norwood, and Addie Todd, Corson, Calais; Odei, (Jaucus. has on hand ple do noc desire to see retained in office James 3, CLAPP’S BLOCK, rio, and is constantly receiving a very fine longer. Raymond Brackett, Lewiston. Benjamin F. Melvin, a native of Winslow, Bluehill; Harriet, Terrill, and Kare Mit- The of Westbrook are to Portland, «... ON The Politician and Man of Hallowell, Republicans requested assortment of the celebrated The Democrat its for Letters, died recently in Missouri. Where she will receive in chell, Eastman, Gardiner; Abbie Bursley, Haley, meet at the Selectmen’s Office in said town ou SAT- Iaewi-tou, on expresses preference Willard Lewiston. pupils Object-drawing and George Wood, as usual. and Franconia, Adams. Bath; Walton, Gott, do lor the 20th inst., to choose to attend Rancor, .... ex-Gov. Perham and that he de- Political KNOX COUNTY Painting, URDAY, delegates NEWARK BOOTS AND predicts will Powers, mar23 Philadelphia; Matanzas, Brightman. Sullivan ; C H the District Convention to at Bu.h, SHOES Charles sntf Republican be holden Xn much Godfrey Warner, Naumburg, N. Y. Ileury McFarland of Sooftord, Brav, Deer Isle; Marion Gage, Fountain, June 24th, Cincinnati, **« in all the velope strength. In conclusion it The of Moutville, aged thirty- Portland, Wednesday, different varieties ol Spirit Nationality, three years, committed suicide Richmond, Me; Oliver Jameson, Jameson; L T Per Order of Town Committee. Toledo,.. Horace Frank Giles. N. Sunday after- Burnett!* Cocoalne. says: Saubornton, H. Whitmore, Whitmore; Caroline Knight, Rogers; ALSO Shoes Button siml Devotion to noon, by drowning himself iu a brook. Westbrook, June 16, 1874. Congress Boots, It Duty, A Perfect Dressing for the Hair. The Co- Brewer, Saunders, and E Lord, Htatc of Maine, ON is high time that the merits of the differ- Mary Archularius, which for Frank Hartford Smith, Monmouth*. OXFORD COUNTY. Aloert co lor State of style and aro quite to the ent coaine bolds in a liquid form, a ot from Rockland; Jameson, Jameson, New Hamp-hire, tf’« durability equal candidates were considered the Albert Moor Litchfleld. large proportion Be Wood in Dent custom and at much leas also in by people, Culture, Spear, Joun ot Norfolk; Island lie, an,do for Philadelphia; For Sale. work, prices; everything be done and above-board, Ashmun Thompson Madison. Merryneld Hiram, was killed in a deodorized Cocoa-nut Oil. prepared for Farnum. for 'And other Mecuritic-. dock a full and complete assortment of Roots and j openly Truth, Salley, expressly J Whitehouse, Rockport, Me. do Belle for Bodies. Also iait us not True saw mill at Keazer Falls last His this E Carriage Rattan ■dioes adapted to the season and to all classes of have a silent campaign, which will Character, Friday. purpose. No other compound possesses the Brown, and Al Vaucleaf, Thorndike, do for do; JA for cus- enanie clothes in a pe- MOULDINGScleaning Sink Spouts, Water Spouts, &e.. tomers at to the to control the Forest Leroy Evans, Alton, N. H. caught shaft, and winding ^around Cook, Haskell, Rockport, Me; Abner Taylor, Dodge, FOR SALE J2Y prices correspond with the times. wire-pullers primary culiar properties which so exactly suits the various &e., at 41 Uuion St., Falmouth Hotel Building. meetings and Union, James Nash, Lewiston. his neck he was choked to death, Also ar 16th, barques Hudson, Vaughan; Adelaide cod 1stf make nominations as they please conditions of jul7 lw* 8 True Nobility, Lewis Merritt Palmer,Lituhtield. the human liair. A single application Norris. Port Deborah S Jul°_ people awake to the of the PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Tukey, Johnson; brig Soule, & importance Better Rub than Rust, Tenders the hair If. M. PAASON CO. **el" ^ (no matter how stiff ana dry.) soft Caibarian. that their wishes find Frank Boutelle Wilton. A case of abstraction of 15th. Fannie Rotterdam. 2“e ‘'1"'..aU;°U n Fuller, money from a letter and for Cld barque Skolfield, Wanted 1,10 mL-n “elected to Hero glossy several days. It is conceded by all Immediately ICK represent Worship, sent from Northnort to Bangor is reported. PROVIDENCE—Ar 15th, Fair Wind, Lockhart, 32 EXCHANGE STREET. them88 Sumner Cowell. Lebanon. who have u>ed it, to be the best and Hair A Good Baker at W. Pcrvoy There is no clue to the thief. cheapest Ellsworth, C. COBB’S Bak- We Faith and my27eodlf pahii81* elsewhere extracts from an ex- Reason, George Oak, Garland. J)resiing ix the World. snMW&Slm Sid 13th, sch Harriet Lewis, tor New York. ery, 48 aud 30 Pearl Ntrcet. of Fashion, Miss of Porter of >ch Win CARGOES OF PURE S,'i“"t from the Portland Tyranny Wiggin, daughter Wiggin Ar 15th. G R Mowry, Eaton. Calais. Jul7___dtf Phbss, ^entitled ‘A Joseph Herbert Hutchins, Dover, N. H. Stetson, during the thunder shower of the 31st STONINGTON—Ar 14th, sch Gen Banks, {McFar- To Proust,” whichnlcn we co,ucom- and Influence of FISHING TACKLE Let. mend to oar readers. spirit Poetry, ult., was struck by the lightning which burned land, Bangor. For Sale. Frank Henry Hall, Wilton. the hair from her head and PORTSMOUTH—Ar 14th, schs R M BrookingB, I C E scorched the scalp, fob trout and SMALL YACHT, Sloop-rigged, in good condi- rTVIE best Stand in for the rhe Popular Taste, but pickerel,. Brown. Port Johnson, Gardiner, Maine, Mer- she was otherwise uninjured. A tion. For particulars call on T. F. ROBERTS, JL chant or Furnished nod The Frank Leslie Washburn, Ashland, N. H. Ar 15th, brig Josie A Curtis, Port Tailoring Clothing Business. Has been Nhipped by average Massachusetts con- Devereaux, Boat Builder, Commercial Street, bead of Frankliu as such toi journal independence of Thought, Rev. Mr. Trapp, pastor of the Unitarian Wholesale and Retail. Johnson; sch Willie Seavey, Tarltou. Portland, many years, and is completely court’’ Wharf. Also Tent for sale. jul7d3t* Siietlfor that business. to N. « CKAH1, templates a “general in Nathan Santurd Palmeter, Wolfville, N. S.* church in Bangor, now in is FALL RIVER—Ar 12th, sch Gen Goss. Ban- Apply siecpy session Europe, improved G. L. BAILEY, Hall, JOSEPH deMiatf with a in health. gor. BRADSTREET, these fine June days degree of k jul6eod2w Me. com- Excused. 48 BATH—Ar 15th, sch Skylark. Small, Boston; sch Wet Nurse Wauled Immediately GartUner, The physicians say that the child found un- Exchange Sircci. Gentlemen’s placency, and so short a space is The award of will be announced to- Star, Bray, Port Johnson; sch Mary Sands, Percey, a Babe three months old. refer- Straw ami Panama devoted to prizes der Files’ in Satisfactory carpenter shop Bangor, was born Agent for Du. Fonts Powder Mills. do for do. ences Apply at 387 Congress St., cor- To Lt'L their that one concludes 1 FOR required. Hats deliberations, that lay, alive. Shi 15th, sch Ella M Pennell. ner Portland. jul7dtf jul5 sneodi'w High St., CHAMBER over Burnell’s Hat Store. One and the SOMERSET Sid 16th, A Kefiuished in a editor and have entirely Tuesday morning the Board of Trustees met COUNTY. brig Mary Chase, Nolan, Washington; THEof the rooms on Middle Street. Suit- promptly snpe- reporter forgot- sch Alice Oakes, Marson. pleasantest BLEACHEDperior manner at ten ind Joseph Prescottof REMOVAL. WANTED. able for Salesro mi, Tailor, Deutist. or offices of any that there is such an institution in being. granted leave of absence to Prof. Stanton Williamsburg, was thrown ROCKLAND—Ar 15th, schs Florida, Thompson, from his while Girl for kind. For further particulars call on HILLMAN & iHOHItlLL'S °r a to President called carriage going to Brownville, Plymouth; James Henry, Treworgy; Samuel W GOOD Capable general housework. Ap- Indeed, the Massachusetts has a trip Europe. Cheney 166 St. JOHN R. Legislature Ihursday morning, and killed. He was a mid- EVANS * Brown, Mattocks, Boston; Leonessa, Myers, Ports- A ply at No. Spring jul7dlw» PALMER, Straw attention to the for the erection of the new MOONEY, Factory, firmer grip on than has Evi- need dle aged man and leaves a mouth; James R Grant, Newburyport; Geo Shafc- Jul2dlw2p 212 Middle Mtroet. L51 July Congress. family. IN Middle St., Block kVi,)K of the Profs. Chase DEALERS tuck. Boston. Hopkins’ dently it finds its college building. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Second-Hand Windows, 9x12, julfi Iloosac bore a very cool and md Sid 15th, schs Chas Carroll, Cudworth, Ports- dlw Howe were as Sale at 17 Union St. J. c. F. E. ROGERS Argus, Ailvertiser these nominated permanent pro- Amos C. Benuer, who W'as convicted at Cal- GOAL AND WOOD, mouth; Al’eghania, Arey, Boston; Palace, French, WABD, and Star, please copy. bewildering place long drowsy days. essors. FOR jnl7dU ais last month of arson, and who escaped from HAVE REMOVED TO New York. HAIR DRESSING ROOMS, In the the officers while afternoon the exercises of couveying him to Machias CITY HOTEL, JULY 4 1 8 74 The non-sectarian anniversary has returned aud surrendered FOBB1G1V POBTN. school of New l he middle class in the jail, himself. Ex- RICHARDSON’S party theological school were to the WHARF, Sid from Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails runswick has ceptions rulings of the presiding judge Cadiz, Koclicko, Jasper, Gloucester,Mass; juts__tw Maniifactntors’ been more victories. I leld in the cor. Carrie Wyman, Cochrane, do. Agent winning chapel. were filed after the verdict, and will be Office 1S9 Commercial, of Center St.. j and Joints l'nr ol cs'des argued Ar at Dunkirk June North Evans,Macabi; Enlarged FOK SALE. Sale Fir. works of every description, Fire St. John, the at the law term in 2, Star, Queen’s, Albert In the evening concert by the Germania Bangor. can be much or nickers. Cannon, also Flags, and Charlotte, where wc shall he to see all our old custom- Keystone, Berry, Boston. very relieved PINE FLOORING and STEP Totpedoes. Masks, pleased S S Paper Cap Exhibition Cities ami Northumberland counties have 1 Camilla Crso, Sauret YORK COUNTY. ers and Flushing May 30th, sailed from tlio Roads, BOARUS, in lots to suit lor sale low Pistols, pieces, Ac. rendered land, August and Mrs. the public generally. SOUTHERN purchasers, .owns furnished wilh their for Coal Eastman. . to close a displays at short notice. verdicts station on We are prepared to take orders for present Thomas, consignment against separate schools and 1 I. M. Smith occurred. John Varney, agent the Eastern Ar at John sell Crossman. im Cured by or Winter same, at the Lowest Market Rates. St 12th, Marysville, Permanently RYAN & KELSEY. C. DAY, JK. A CO such majorities as to Railroad at South Jterwick. has, on account of sch fm Boston via indicate that the To-day is commencement. Portland; Village Bell, Riley, feet fitted at the Shoe store of in>28tt No. ltil Commercial Si r.et. 91 Kxrhitugr Ml. feel- ill health and W. J. Witham has of all kinds. Hard by having your properly jlllSisdA’Wtjul the resigned, been Standard Coals and Portland. ; ing throughout Province is to succeed him. Soft Wood, Edgings, life., Sid trom 6th ult, ship United States, very strongly The for a tabernacle for appointed Saugor Lunt, M. G-. PALMER. Xioticc. in'favor of the project building Pro- Boston; ship Mt Washington, Titcomb, Boston. Special ('aniages lor sale policy represented A man named Goodwin and a Frenchman by the f Jssor in has been abandoned ALWAYS ON- HAND. Cld at Guauape 9th ult, ship Pacific, Loring,-; P. S.—Ladies’ .Misses* and Children’s Boots Rent to pi OWELL & GREENOUG1I are selling nice Two a sacrifice for the remainder of the week at Swing Chicago were near government. 1 considerably injured Saco, Saturday, I 11th, ship Orpheus, Sawyer,-. any part of the United States by mail post paid, Dr Button Kids at 75 cts.; also Very Best in Black Storehouse loot of Urecu the Culn- >r at least a the AT St., opposite year. by premature explosion of a blast. Portland, May IS, 1874. my22sn3m At do 16th ult, ship SylYanua Blanchard, Me Ale vy. juio iaeotUw aud Color, for $2.00. juellitf jorlaud House, jnJOiWt’ form by the and Forest refineries. The of the Eureka Silk is con- OUU WORKSHOPS. Eagle City superiority i'ortj-Third Congress—First Mr. Beck of moved to ceded Session. Ky., suspend rules WESTPORT, NS. Schr Hibernia—15 bbls l>orlt, THE PRESS. The Eagle which has its buildings by all. and a bill for tbe relief 9 do refinery, pass of the owners and flour. AUCTION SALES. on Fore near the foot of was purchasers of land sold for direct taxes in ST. street, Hancock, Go to Burleigh's for your gentlemen’s fur- SENATE. the JOHN. NB. Schr George Calhoun—900 bbls WEDNESDAY JUNE 17. ’II States. Agreed to. flour, 300 do WORKING, started in 1867. It manufactures sugars trom nishing goods. insurrectionary oat-meal, 2210 galls oil. Seventh Day of the Exhibition. Washington, June 16. Mr. Tremaiu from the conference committee A bill was F. O. & molasses hy the centrifugal process. The passed the issue of on a BAILET The best place to buy is at Bur- authorizing the bankruptcy bill, made report and 'pro- CO., THE PBKS8 clothing duplicate agricultural laud scrips where the DAILY DO.UEMTIC RECEIPT*. of Fes- working season extends from March to Octo- 8U Middle street. ceeded to explain it. The report was also ad- May be obtained at the Periodical Depots leigh’s, original was lost or destroyed. Brunei! & Co. ber. men are About _ vocated by Eldridge and Butler of Mass., not pcndeu Bros., Marquis, Robinson, A CONTINUED SUCCESS. Forty-five employed, The bill tiie of the AUCTIONEERS Moses, Hender- Protect vines with Bate’s vine authorizing Secretary as being what the committee or House of Andrews, Wentworth, Gleudenning, or of molas" your folding Treasury to work desired, Receipts Floor. trains that run out o: 12,000 hogsheads 1,400,000 gallons suspend upon the public but as an the law. —AND— son, and Chisholm Bros., on all protectors. You can fine them at Kendall & improvementton existing GRAND trunk b. b ses buildings was passed. the city. are ustd, making 25,000 barrels or 5,500,- After further discussion of a collotpial char- Whitney’s. ju7smw Memorials from New Bedford and other Consianeea. Bbls. Consianeea. Bbls. At Biddeford, of Pillsbury. The seventh day of the Industrial Exhibition 000 of of from acter the report was to as to yes- pounds sugar various grades places against the sales of agreed agreed Monday. At Saco of L, Hodgdoo, Hall Premature Loss of rns which is so taxing coin, bonds, in the Senate. & Commission S. Carter. witnessed an attendance at City larger to “extra besides The Haib, terday Josselyn Co. loo Tharter.100 Merchants ! At Watervme, of J- yellow C.,” syrups. &e., were presented and referred. Nortou & common The bill amending the law now Chapman.... 100 At Bath, of J.O. Shaw. than usual. Iu the evening there was scarce- is ol The nowadays, may be entirely prevented A resolution that the of bankruptcy French daily production twenty tons sugar. Secretary State fur- goes to the President for At Lewiston, of Bros, and Stevens & Co. the use of nish the of approval. Salesroom 176 Fore Street, ly room to move about because oi the crowd market is Boston and the West. by Burnett’s Oocoaine. It has been reports the Vienna commissioners Mr. Potter of N Total.300 principally was Y., moved to suspeud rules passed. r. ... The excursion trains bring in great numbers in used in thousands of cases where the hair was and a resolution the Woman’s Tuesday. (Office 15 Hxchange Street.) The Forest City Company was organized The iiost route bill was adopt giving D W Coolidge.200 GB B0 reported by the Post Central of Varney. AND of ami the interest among our citizens coming out in and has never failed to Executive*Association Washington King * Gilman.100 100 F. O. BAILBV. W. CITY~ VICINITY. people, 1867, with a capital stock of $300,000, all paid handsful, Office Committee and on the calendar. Twitohei)*Chapman C. ALLKN. placed leave to occupy the rotunda of the on Nortou* .300 Marr * True.100 continues unabated. arrest its and to a and Resolutions capital Chapmann up. The buildings are50 300, five-storied. decay, promote healthy appropriating $10,000 to enable the of the lGth of December by the of evening next for Regular sale of Furuiture and General Merchandise New Advertisements To-Day. POTTERY. vigorous growth. It is at the same time unri- Secretary War to test a breech loading the Total.850 The is trom cane and celebrating anniversary of the destruction every Saturday at 17G Fore com- refinery pure sugars, gun was agreed to. C B 100 half bbls flour. salesroom, street, The chief attraction to the crowds which valled as a for the hair. A ap- of tea in the harbor of Boston in 1793. Varney, mencing at a o’clock a. M. powdered, and the various dressing single Mr. Morrill introduced a bill to (Laugh- granulated, grades pay certain ter. ) et Drain, See. Consignments solicited. oe3dtt ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. throng the hall is the works of the will render it soft and for sev- persons Receipts pottery of coffee are turned besides a plication glossy and corporations for losses sustained sugars out, supe. Without coming to a vote on the GRAND TRUNK R. R. Grand Excursion of the Season. Portland Stone War about eral by the so-called St. Albans trial. Referred. resolution, Company, which rior article of The can turn days. jnel5-3tws the House took a the session syrup. company Mr. recess, eveuiDg to Consignees. No. cars. Consignees. No. ears AUCTION COLUMN. groups of curious cluster all Ramsey, from the Committee on Post- be for the LARGE SALE people the day out barrels of a and last reports from the Committee on inva- Monday. 250 sugar day, .month Does Advertising Pay?—There Is no in- oflices, reported on the bill to Crockery Ware—F. O. Bailey & Co. and in favorably provide lid pensions. Stevens* Co,oats.1 G WTrue. corn.11 evening, watching the hands for the — — O. & Co. the‘‘clay turned out 6000 barrels. The goods are ot su- stance on record of a well sustained of prepayment of on mat- Kensell OF Carriages—F. Bailey of the system .postage printed Evening Session. & Tabor, corn 1 G W Greene,corn.1 potter” and the wondertul transforma- of success. ter, and asked its immediate but SPECIAL NOTICES. perior quality and most of them are taken hy judicious advertising failing consideration, At the evening session the Senate amend- tion it one reason for success is to in ad- objection being made it was placed on the Total.14 [ Special Notice—The sale of Oil Paintings. undergoes. Perhaps the the trade of this and siate. The “My owing my liberality ments to the bill for the enrollment of a revi- jobbing city Bonner. calendar. By water conveyance 1,000 bush corumeal to Geo P. A. & N. U.—Special Meeting. great interest taken in this branch vertising.”— sion of the statutes were ot manu- to theWest and the lower Provin- Mr. called the concurred in. W True * Co. NEW surplus goes ‘I advertised my and made mon- Bogy up House bill making ADVERTISEMENTS. facture is that the can productions One of the amendments annuls the contract spectator see the pro- ces. The is located —Nicholas additions to the 15th section of the act of OIL refinery very favorably ey.” Longworth. July with PAINTINGS E Alfred House—R. H. Goding. & Co.,of Boston for Racklanil Lime cess of and carried and and is a sure 2nd, 1864, of the act to aid Little,Brown publish- market. Ottawa House—George Allen. making begun out, with water front where vessels from the “Constant persistent advertising amendatory in the the United States statutes. deep construction of a ing Rookcand, June 15. 90c I For Sale—Mouldings. &c. cau watch the from its first rude prelude to wealth.—Stephen Girard. railroad from ,Missouri river Common, @ 1 00: Lunin clay condi- West Indies their Railroad to the Mr. Butler, from the Judiciary Committee, 81 40; Casks, 20 25c; 4 4~50. Notice is hereby given—John F. Brown. discharge cargoes. “He who invests one dollar in business should Pacific ocean. This bill that Wood, 00(46 AlT AUCTION. H tion of mere until it is fashioned provides reported a bill referring the claims Grocery Store, lumpiness tracks facilities to the manufactured invest one dollar in that business.’ any officer or agent authorized to Chopeniug Chenery’s give ship advertising construct to the Court of Claims. Referred to the Com- ft* Wet Nurse Wanted. with delt hands into the familiar kitchen these roads or in in cars. About are —A. T. Stewart. engaged operating either of Hoston Slack l.iat. Wanted—Girl. goods seventy five men them mittee on private calendar. utensil. The Portland Ware has furnished me with a com- who shall refuse to the road or at the Broker’s Second-hand Windows—J. C. Ward. Stone Company in all the “Advertising operate Pension bills to the number of 115 were (Sales Board. Juue 16.1 employed departments. petence.”—Amos Lawrence. telegraph under his control for all of State Normal School—Cbas. C. Rounds. was incorporated in 1860. It bad itsorigin purposes passed. Eastern Railroad...59J @ 60 Third Annual Auction Sale Astral Oil. OONFECTIOJIERY. “Without the aid of advertisements I could communication, travel and so Pratt’s transportation, Mr. Rusk of from the on Second Call. like most of our in small far as the or Government Wis., Committee Fireworks—F. W. Adams. industries, begin- The well known candy man, L. J. Perkins, have done nothing in my speculations. I have public are concerned invalid as in one pensions reportdp a bill providing that Eastern Railroad.— S9 —OF— Doors, &c—Farnham & Co. nings, and is the of a the most faith in iuk. Ad- continuous line, or shall refuse in such outgrowth pottery makes a of sweets. Perkins complete printer’s pensions on account of wounds Wanted—W. C. Cobb. tempting display is the road to business.—liar- operation and use to afford and secure to death, received, started Mr. J. T. the vertising royal each or For Sale—T. F. Roberts. by Winslow, present is known all over the when his name of said roads disease contracted in the service of the Unit- New York Ntock state,and num. equal advantages and facilities as and .Honey iflarkrt. _ ed States since the 4th of Notice—Merrill & Kilby. superintendent, in 1846. It now does to the rates of time or March, 18GI, which $250,000 is mentioned, children cry out with delight, [transportation, without Nbw York. June 16— Kotnina.—This has been an Atlantic House—S. B. GunniVon. have been granted or may hereafter be grunted worth of business a year. Its chief product is any discrimination of any kind in favor of or eveutfui day in Wall street. At the opening the sus- Fine Oil and penurious fathers bug their pocket books adverse to ou application filed previons to the 1st of Janu- of the firm of the road or business of or pension banking Turner Bros, was an- Paintings the stone drain which it turns out in any either pipe and of su- of ary, 1875, shall commence from the date of wbicb caused an unsettled and He uses a thousand said shall nounced, weak feel- — groan. pounds companies, be deemed of a AT — MAIL ARRANGEMENTS* sizes from two to sends all BY TELEGRAPH. guilty death or discharge, and that arrears of such ing on the Stock Exchange, the tact eighteen inches,and gar a and makes all manner of confection- misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof be notwithstanding day, shall that the of the concern were not over the Ol this worth fined not pensions be paid. operations liukcd country. pipe $150,000 a exceeding $1000 aud be imprisoned with this ery. About eleven years ago he started with not Mr. Beck of raised a of order speculation. After failure came the an- a less than six mouths. The Ky., point that PORTLAND "POST OFFICE. year is sold. Within a year a new bill further pro- nouncement that counterfeit coupons on the Central industry small his himself. MASSACHUSETTS. Vhlnj tloit in om.o f..:i_ e the evening session was ordered for the con- LANCASTER store, doing manufacturing Pacific Railroad bonds were afloat and the HALL, has been started, that of fire brick. This is Hiilpratinn nf nrivatu hillu on.l wna « _u following He now thirteen hands in the Union Pacific railroad or cither of notification from Fisk & Hatch was C. W. GODDARD shop, said branches sent to the Stock — Postmaster. employes lie bill. FROM — the only this side of and to these “Counterfeit from the Ceutral J. W. YORK Chief Clerk manufactory Boston, and has twelve horses on the road complyjwith requirements of the act Exchange: coupons constantly New Fair. the The speaker pro tem. (Mr. Cessna of Pacific gold bond series “G” of various numbers be- $50,000 worth are turned out a year. Of course England party injured or the company aggrieved Pa.,) in this state and New Hampshire delivering overruled the point of order. tween ytll ami 9800 have been discovered. No coun- Office Hours. UUIIO AW.-AUC J. usrcco U1 UID A'VH may bring action and be entitled to stone ware of all kinds are manu- x/voxvriv, judgment Mr. Parker of terfeit bonds of this series have come to the kuowl goods These teams coat him dollars a for treble the amount N. H., declared that the bill From 7.30 a m to 8.30 goods. forty England met in Boston of all excess of edge of the but Schumacher p m, Sundays excepted. factured, but the industries mentioned Agricultural Society freight would take 810,000,000 out of the company, it is presumed that the Brothers, for and General heavy run. to an- and flues collected the defendant and for treasury. bonds from which the Sundays open Carriers Delivery day to Last year be sold $8C,000 worth to-day arrange preliminaries tor the next by Mr. Itusk that the bill above coupons were cut are in from 9 to 10 a m. ab^ve have about crowded these and the nual exhibition at the treble amount of sustained replied only proposed circulation. This added to the unsettled and out, sweets and in which last Narragausett l'arlc, Provi- damage by the to a feeling cigars, mentioned pay crippled soldier what the was 5 Arrival and of Hails. the first week in next. such failure or and government followed by a telegram from Washington that Portland Departure uiuuuiapvuicu Will UUl UAV/OCU ,VW dence, during September plaintiffs by refusal, for owed him. Deering Block, Me., article he does a large business. the Senate had passed the House bill the Boston and intermediate offices. Arrive at 12.55 All the New England States were represented. every violation of the act a new cause for action compelling worth a year. Four kilns are and 75 Mr. Beck moved for an adjournment. Lost. Union Pacific Railroad to give equal terms to all con- to and 10.30 m. Close at 8.30 a m, and 2.40 and 9.00 used, SYRUPS. A liberal of premiums was shall arise. The bill further that the commence p system agreed upon. provides 47 to 105. necting lines. Then came unfavorable rumors about m. men The is p employed. clay brought tromNew Denver Pacific Railroad Co. -hall be deemed some railroad H. H. Bicker & Co., make a very good dis- Sumner Memorial. Mr. Beck then moved a recess corporations, and finally a story that Boston and the West. Arrive at 5.10 p m. of an extension for and called Jersey and 10,000 tons are used a Three part of the Kansas Pacific rail- a block of railroad stock was sold out ou ac- Intermediate or Mails via Boston and Maine year. of extract of Jamaica lemon and At a of the contributors to the for yeas and being Tuesday June Way play ginger, meeting pro- road to the of nays. count of a firm Afternoon, 16,1874, schooners are point junction there with the suspended bankiing undet this com- Railway. Arrive at 12.50 and 10.00 p m. Close at chartered especially for its car- Sumner memorial it was stated Mr. Stone moved to the bill on the stone mead syrups, flavoring extracts, standard posed to-day Union Pacific railroad at Cheyenne. lay bination of facts and rumors that the Stock Exchanc 8.30 a m and 2.40 p m. and is that to numerous recent calls for imme- riage, it delivered at the wharf of the owing The bill was tben finally. speculation broke down, and there was a sharp de- and continue until sold. Great Southern ami Western. Arrive at 12.55 and medicines, &c. Horace H. Biaker and John passed without amend- Mr. Busk diate aid, to which the citizens of Boston had ments withdrew his bill and gave notice cline in prices. 10.30 pm. Close at 8.30 a m, 2.40 and 9.00 p m. company on Back Bay. This wharf has been as it came from the House. H. Sawyer, both young men of this city, com- liberally responded, the receipts for the sub- he would to-morrow move to rules aud The total export of produce for the week were $6,- Bangor, Mattawamkeag, and connecting routes. rebuilt and this The Senate then took up the Post-office suspend The paintings are from the studio of J. B. Sword, enlarged spring, and a build- committee had not been so as pass it. 888,587 mixed value. Arrive at 3 i> m. Close at 12 m. menced the manufacture of these about scription large bill. It was oi New goods appropriation explained by Mr. The Money was easy at 2 @ 3 per cent, on call. York, and will be on exhibition on and after AuguKta and connecting routes. Arrive at 9.05 a ing for storage erected. The manufactory is a under other circumstances they would have speaker pro tem., proceeded to call on Foreign West. He said the amount appropriated last Exchange was quiet ana firm at (g> 488 for prime June 12th to of sale. m and 3pm. Close at 12 m and 5 pm. been. After an informal discussion it was de- the committee for their of a 487} day huge affair, and contains two acres of floor- year was 8-34,419,000, and this year the amount reports private sixty days and 490} for demand. The si»ecie en- Express, Augusta, Bangor and the East. Arrive ble reputation. No no more cided that the amount now ou hand character for a reference to the Committee better, tastefully (about was increase of of gagements for to-morrow aggregate $950,000. G Id F. O. BAII.EY Ac Auctioneer.. at 2 a m. Close at 9 p m. ing. 830,341,000—an 81,922,000. the CO., are offered bouse in tbe $1G,000) should be increased to $50,000, and this Whole on private character, aud a firm and advanced from and closeu at Skowhegan, intermediate offices and the north. BOOK-BINDING. put up goods by any The Post-office appropriation bill was then large 110}@lll§ Jn8 citf should be used in the erection of the number of such bills were aud refer- 111}. The rates for carrying were 1 per cent, and Arrive at 3 p m. Close at 12 m. country. Their sales have exceeded their ex- memorial, read through and the amendments recommend- reported In the is which is to take the form of a red. flat and 1 @ 2, and 3 per cent, for The Canada and intermediate offices, via G. T. R. Ar- book-binding display very fine, statue of Mr. ed the Committee borrowing. Two Valuable Team, at Auction. pectations, and the recent admission as part- by onJAppropriatious agreed custom receipts to-day were $246,00;. The Assist- rive at 3 pm. Close at 12.45 p m. betterj perhaps than that of other Sumner. to with the any industry exception oT the first ona, ant Treasurer paid out to-day on account of June 18tb, at 11 shall sell Morning Northwestern G. T. R. Arrive at 9 a ner, of Z. R. a from the That Awful Bore. requiring $60,000 Thursday. o'clock,we by Farriogton, gentleman that hereafter be on all interest and $82,000 in redemption of bonds. Gov- in Market 2 excellent m. Close at 6.30 a. m. represented. postage prepaid mail- K1 O K K 1 ON S