leong meets with crown shares slump financial regulators illegal tour after wynn ends talks Lionel Leong continued his visit guides hard to Crown Resorts shares slumped in the capital, where he met combat under after Wynn Resorts abruptly top regulators of insurance and current law ended talks to buy the Australian financial practices on the mainland casino operator P2 P3 TOURISM P6-7 GAMING

THU.11 Apr 2019

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TRADE WAR U.S. and Song Pek Kei Chinese negotiators are discussing adding a concession on cloud computing to their trade wants answers P2 agreement that would give foreign companies greater access to the USD12 billion Chinese market. More on p11 AP PHOTO

NORTH KOREA’s Supreme People’s Assembly is expected to convene today to formally approve leader Kim Jong Un’s latest economic policies and possibly endorse a shift in U.S. strategy following his failed summit with President Trump in Hanoi. More on p13 AP PHOTO

THAILAND A fire broke out at one of ’s biggest mall complexes yesterday, killing at least two people and injuring more than a dozen. The extent of the fire at the Thai capital’s Central World complex, which includes a hotel, a convention center and an office tower, was small, but it caused the shopping mall’s evacuation. OVER THE BORDER AP PHOTO

EGYPT A Bedouin woman, Umm Yasser, is breaking new ground among the Hengqin property deeply conservative Bedouin Sinai Peninsula. Women among the Bedouin almost never work outside the home, and even more rarely deals surge on do they interact with outsiders. But Umm Yasser is one of four women from the community who for the first time are working as P5 tour guides. Delta Bridge More on backpage 11.04.2019 thu

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Macau pets exempted Lawmaker requests officials from mainland quarantine answer annual corruption report Starting from May 1, pets from Macau may be exempted from AWMAKER Song Pek Kei supervision and accountability quarantine inspections when has raised an oral inquiry mechanisms, especially when entering Mainland . The L asking government officials to procedures involve recruitment General Administration of Customs announced China’s latest update attend the Legislative Assembly or promotion, the tendering of RENATO MARQUES RENATO to the country’s regulations on (AL) in order to respond to the public projects and potential the quarantine of pets. Including Commission Against Corrup- conflicts of interest. Macau and Hong Kong, 19 tion’s (CCAC) annual work re- Song urges the local gover- designated countries and territories port released late last month. nment to close loopholes as are included in the exemption. In its 2018 report, the CCAC soon as possible and to strive According to the new regulation, found that both the Secretary for toward a corruption-free go- when pets from Macau enter Administration and Justice and vernment. China, the owners need to present her predecessor did not violate Previously, lawmaker Sulu Sou both a quarantine certificate and a the law when they recommen- said that although the CCAC vaccination certificate. If the pet’s ded their relatives to the Office report would likely concern the chip meets the requirement and of the Prosecutor General. Macau SAR government, he the pet passes an on-site clinical In the same report, the CCAC sensed that the local communi- examination, they can be exempted also found that 16 out of 101 ty were unsurprised by the inci- from quarantine. workers in the Macau Produc- dents described in it. tivity and Technology Transfer Sou pointed out that conflic- Center (CPTTM) were relatives. ts of interest are common in 427 taxi The relationships included fa- Macau society, and attempts to infractions ther and son, father and daugh- avoid them are rare. Moreover, ter, husband and wife, and bro- government officials have not recorded in ther and sister. Three of these Lawmaker Song Pek Kei found a mechanism to avoid 16 workers had already left their such conflicts. March jobs by the report’s release on system. Relevant departments issues, they must be dealt with Sou also accused the Chief Exe- In March, a total of 427 taxi March 27. must conscientiously sum up the seriously in accordance with the cutive of having continuously offences were recorded by the Song believes that the report lessons learned. law. used various reasons to excuse Public Security Police Force is a significant test of the inte- Song proposes that if the cases In the long run, Song believes matters when conflicts of inte- (PSP), according to a statement grity of the entire public service involve illegal and disciplinary that it is necessary to strengthen rest arose in the past. JZ released by the PSP earlier this week. Among them, 266 offences (62 percent) related to overcharging and refusing to carry passengers. There were 100 22 lawmakers listed on Leong meets with cases (23 percent) of taxi drivers refusing to accept passengers CE election committee financial regulators and 61 cases involving other violations. During the same period, the police recorded 10 WENTY-TWO lawmakers Staff reporter financial component - as well as strengthening cases involving unauthorized Thave been selected as mem- taxis, none of which were related bers of the Chief Executive Elec- ECRETARY for communication between to mobile taxi hailing services. tion Committee. SEconomy and Finan- the SAR and the country The 22 lawmakers, who will be ce Lionel Leong con- as a whole. part of the 400-member commit- tinued his visit in the Macau will work to be- Lawmaker tee to decide the region’s next top capital. For his second come the Renminbi clea- official, each submitted an appli- day there, he met with ring center for Lusopho- asks about cation to become a member of the the management of two ne countries, Leong said. committee. According to various supervisory bodies over- Leong expressed grati- labor rights reports, all of the lawmakers who looking insurance and tude to the two supervi- protection fund applied have been accepted. financial practices in sory bodies as they had “There are some seats for le- mainland China. supported and helped Lawmaker Ella Lei has raised a gislators in the ‘small-circle’ The two bodies were Macau’s development of written inquiry to the government 400-member Electoral Commi- the China Banking and financial services. and urged the authorities to prevent ttee for the Chief Executive. All Insurance Regulatory The Secretary sugges- abuse of the Labor Creditors’ Rights democratic legislators boycotted Commission and the ted the establishment of Protection Fund. Lei cited the a mechanism for mutual fund’s work report with respect to the internal elections, lawmaker China Securities Regu- 2016 and 2017, where it reported Sulu Sou wrote yesterday on so- latory Commission, re- connectivity and acces- that although a total of MOP21.9 cial media. “In the end, it will presented at the meeting sibility of information million was paid from the fund, again be an election with no com- by vice president Zhou within the banking and only 3 percent of that money, petition. All [the 22 lawmakers] Liang and vice president insurance commission. amounting to MOP607,000, are automatically ‘elected’.” Fang Xinghai respecti- He also said he wants was returned. The fund started “I have a dream – one that According to the Basic Law, the vely. to improve civil financial operation back in 2016. Lei seems small but yet worth figh- Chief Executive of Macau shall be The agenda of the mee- services for residents in asked about which industries the ting for. It is that one day, in the elected by a so-called ‘broadly re- ting was connected with the Greater Bay Area and employees who applied to the fund future, I can cast my vote for my presentative’ election committee the platform for trade expedite the pace of inte- are mainly involved in, and whether Chief Executive, together with all composed of 400 members from cooperation between gration for both human the relevant laws and regulations the citizens in Macau,” Sou ad- the four sectors and those appoin- China and Lusophone resources and financial needed to be reviewed. ded. ted by the central government. JZ countries – especially its capital.

www.macaudailytimes.com.mo EDITOR-IN-CHIEF (DIRECTOR)_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION ACTING MANAGING EDITOR_Daniel Beitler [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER + 4 Million page views Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Emilie Tran, Irene Sam, Ivo Carneiro de SECRETARY Juliana Cheang [email protected] PER MONTH Sousa, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Lao-Phillips, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung, Julie Zhu, Juliet Risdon, Linda ADDRESS Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, Kennedy, Lynzy Valles, Paulo Barbosa, Paulo Cordeiro de Sousa, Renato Marques, Richard Whitfield, Viviana Seguí MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 DESIGNERS_Eva Bucho, Miguel Bandeira | ASSOCIATE CONTRIBUTORS_JML Property, MdME Lawyers, Advertisement [email protected] Thank You! PokerStars, Ruan Du Toit Bester | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd +13,000 like us on facebook.com/mdtimes SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] send newsworthy information and press releases to: [email protected] website: www.macaudailytimes.com.mo thu 11.04.2019

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TOURISM Illegal tour guides hard to combat under current law

Renato Marques have been complaints of illegal hard to prosecute them,” said Si. soon introduced, noting that the travel agent who, despite not activities of this kind at the bor- “They just have a gathering start MGTO has barely concluded the being a tour guide, acts like one: HE Hong Kong- der checkpoint of the HKZMB point and then a gathering finish bill and it is currently preparing organizing the tour or part of it. Zhuhai-Macau Brid- since its opening. point at the border area.” to send it for analysis by the Exe- According to the president, there ge (HKZMB) is, so far, Si explained that “all the seven The lawmaker argued that it cutive Council. are two roles well defined by the apparently immune to cases reported from the period is difficult for the inspectors Although he noted that the agency staff and tour guides, the Tthe phenomenon of the so-cal- between October 2018 until the to gather evidence because, details of such a bill are not yet first mainly being responsible led “illegal tour guides,” who end of March 2019 refer to occur- “when questioned, the group known, he thinks it should clari- for the organization of transpor- bring into Macau groups of tou- rences at the Border Gate [bor- leaders and the tourists have fy the matter in order to ease the tation and logistics of the hotels rist from the mainland and lead der checkpoint],” adding that, of probably been already instruc- work of the inspectors and the and the second being responsi- them through the region without those, “three cases are from the ted to say that they have no evidence collection process. ble for providing guidance and hiring a local tour guide as the first three months of this year.” oriented program and they are information on the city, monu- law requires. Nevertheless, the president of just on their own to visit whe- IN THE MEANTIME ments and other aspects. At least that was the conclusion the committee advanced that rever they like.” While a new bill is being consi- According to Si, if the second arrived after the meeting of go- from such a number of com- According to data provided by dered, several lawmakers in the role, acting like a tour group lea- vernment officials representing plaints and investigations, no MGTO and cited by the presi- committee expressed opinions der, provides services under the the Macao Government Tourism sanctions or penalties were is- dent of the committee, the Offi- and discussed how the govern- competence of the tour guide, he Office (MGTO) and the members sued to anyone. ce has performed a total of 305 ment could immediately act to or she should be able to be sanc- of the Second Standing Commi- Questioned on the matter, he inspections on the Bridge and tackle at least some of the cases, tioned with a fine. ttee of the Legislative Assembly explained that it is quite difficult another 164 at the Border Gate, even before the law is amended. Moreover, if he or she is a non- (AL), which met yesterday after- to define illegal guides and even 12 of those in collaboration with On the topic, lawmaker Si said resident, “we can prevent their noon at the AL. harder to find proof of such ille- the Public Security Police Force that the MGTO is surveying the re-entry into the region if the fine After the meeting, while gal activity. authority. possibilities ahead of attribu- is not paid.” summarizing the topics discus- “When questioned or inspec- Questioned by the media, Si ting a sanction under the exis- This is a solution that, accor- sed, the president of the commi- ted, the majority of the tours sta- advanced that an amendment to ting article 67, line b, which ding to the president, has already ttee, lawmaker Si Ka Lon, noted te that the group is a ‘free choice this law, which has been in for- establishes a fine ranging from gathered the support of the ma- that according to MGTO there program’ and that is why it is ce for 15 years, is planned to be MOP20,000 to 30,000 for the jority of lawmakers.

HEALTH SSM reports minor outbreak of rubella in April HE Health Bureau on top of the situation. Tuesday night. measles virus. Fifteen of the measles ducted a survey involving T(SSM) is monitoring a The vaccine against ru- According to an inves- According to the bu- cases involved people 100 Filipino migrants to minor outbreak of rubella bella is the same as that tigation, a 32-year old reau, the patient still has who exited the SAR befo- find the rate of immunity in the territory after some for measles and mumps, local resident, employed a fever, but her clinical re being diagnosed with to the measles disease. 14 cases were detected commonly known as the at StarWorld Hotel, was condition is considered measles, while 18 were As the outbreak has since the start of April. MMR vaccine. diagnosed with measles normal. The patient was infected through contact been worsening, resi- Just one case of the virus The SSM reminded the after exhibiting symp- born in mainland China with other patients with dents were quick to ask was registered in the first public that it recently in- toms of fever and a rash and her history of meas- the disease. Eight of them for vaccination to pro- three months of the year. creased its order of the on his body. les vaccination is unk- were health professionals tect themselves from the The SSM warned that MMR vaccine to 15,000 The patient then sought nown. from Kiang Wu Hospital measles virus. the number of cases may doses. medical treatment at the The SSM said that it while two are professio- Of the 33 cases, 29 have increase in the coming Meanwhile, the total Emergency Department has been monitoring the nals at the Conde de São been discharged. days, however it assured number of measles cases of Kiang Wu Hospital. health status of people Januário Hospital Cen- In general, the incuba- at a press conference held has reached 33 this year, On April 9, after per- who have had contact ter. tion period lasts from se- last night that the Macau the SSM confirmed in the forming IgM antibody with this patient during Recently, in a bid to dis- ven to 18 days, although SAR has sufficient stock wake of a new case invol- tests, the blood samples the initial phase of the cover the source of the a longer period of 21 days of vaccinations to remain ving a local resident on tested positive for the disease. outbreak, the SSM con- can occur. LV 11.04.2019 thu

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expectation,” said a participating young entrepreneur surnamed Che. “We have great anticipation in doing business with casino ope- rators,” said Che. “We have spent a lot of time to categorize our products, collect related data, and prepare a nice presentation. We hope we can make a match.” Sands China president Wilfred Wong announced at the event that the casino operator has partnered with six local banks to provide financial support for local SMEs, as part of its ‘F.I.T. initiative.’ The initiative “assists SMEs in areas of financial support, invi- tational matching, and training and development,” explained Sands China chose local Wong, adding that opportunities for local SMEs will continue to be created so as to align with the companies for 77% of government’s initiative to “buy local.” In his speech, the vice president of the Chamber’s board of direc- 2018 business tors, Chui Yuk Lam, noted that Sands China was the first resort Staff reporter ppliers yesterday at the Conrad attendance of several company present to promote their finan- operator to work with them in Macao Hotel. The event was co- representatives from Las Vegas cial services. launching an SME program. F the approximately organized by the Macao Cham- and . In preparation for this event, Meanwhile, Chad Forster, vice O MOP10.9 billion spent by ber of Commerce, one of Macau’s It was arranged in such a way Sands China said it had contac- president of global procure- casino operator Sands China last oldest fraternal bodies in busi- that representatives from invited ted organizations that assist you- ment at Las Vegas Sands, said year on procurement, 77 percent, ness and commerce. companies had individual time th entrepreneurs in Macau, with that it was the company’s policy or MOP8.4 billion, was for Such events have been popu- to introduce their products or the aim of attracting these indivi- worldwide to prioritize local su- products and services sourced lar in recent years among the six services to the responsible par- duals to the event. ppliers. from local suppliers. casino concessionaires, in accor- ties from Sands China. On the “My company has previously The event was also officiated The resort operator held an dance with the government’s po- other hand, walk-in lines were worked with other casino opera- by representatives from both na- SME (small and medium-sized licy to shore up such businesses. available for companies lacking tors, but considering Sands Chi- tional and local government de- business) open day for local su- Yesterday’s event attracted the an invitation. Two banks were na is the largest, I have a higher partments. ad thu 11.04.2019

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The skyline of Hengqin where construction projects are underway, as seen from Macau

HKZMB Hengqin property deals surge on Delta Bridge effect

Julie Zhu nal structures are ready.” quarter, representing 32 “We can see Hong Kong percent of all the island’s HE number of re- buyers coming to Hen- property transactions sidential property gqin to buy the proper- in that period. Hengqin transactions in ties, and they mainly buy accounted for about 7.3 Hengqin increa- shops with the purpose of percent of Zhuhai’s 9,805 Tsed more than 75 percent collecting rents,” said Ho. property transactions in year-on-year in the first “There are also many Ma- the first quarter, which it- quarter, Centaline Proper- cau buyers, and they are self climbed about 40 per- ty (Macau) revealed yes- basically the major buyers, cent year-on-year. terday during a press con- representing 70 percent of The most popular area ference, with the company the total.” in terms of property sales director attributing the Regarding buyers, 27 in Hengqin is the district’s rise in part to the opening percent, 19 percent and integrated service zone, of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai- 20 percent of Hengqin from which 291 proper- Macau Bridge. properties are Zhuhai resi- ty transactions were re- “It is mainly due to the dents, Hong Kong residen- gistered, representing 41 promulgation of the Outli- ts and Macau residents, percent of Hengqin’s total ne Development Plan of respectively. transactions. the Greater Bay Area, the Most of the Macau re- Following the integrated acceleration of the develo- sidents purchase mainly service zone, the next hi- pment of the GBA, and the shops and offices in Heng- ghest number of transac- opening of the Hong Kong qin, according to Ho. tions was recorded by the -Zhuhai-Macau Bridge,” Currently, Hengqin is port service zone, with a said Roy Ho, director of still the priority choice of total of 153 transactions, Centaline Macau. Macau’s property inves- and then the central busi- “This year may be the tors in Guangdong pro- ness district, from which year when the highest vince, followed by Zhon- 146 transactions were re- number of transactions gshan. gistered. will be registered,” predic- “However, Zhuhai and In the remainder of 2019, ted Ho Chao San, another Hengqin are still the main it is estimated that Zhuhai director of Centaline Ma- markets because property will have a total of 14 pro- cau. prices in Zhuhai are rather perty projects enter the “As we can see, buildings low. There are many bene- market, providing appro- in Hengqin are being fi- ficial policies for Zhuhai ximately 260,000 square nished beside the HKZMB. when compared to Shen- meters for business purpo- There is a policy in Heng- zhen, so Zhuhai is more ses, 771,000 square meters qin that, as of 2020, all of attractive,” said Ho. for office purposes, 90,000 these buildings’ first phase In total, 231 residential square meters for residen- must be completed,” said unit transactions were ce purposes, and 232,000 Ho. “We can see that some officially registered in square meters for cultural of the skyscrapers’ exter- Hengqin during the first and creative purposes. 11.04.2019 thu

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ATLANTIC CITY AP PHOTO Profits down 15% in expanded casino market ASINO profits fell by more Cthan 15% in Atlantic City in 2018, a year in which the down- sized market reopened two shu- ttered gambling halls, according to figures released this week. The result was a decrease in gross operating profit of 15.4% for the year, to $582 million. Five of Atlantic City’s 12 casi- nos closed between 2014 and 2016, and the market seemed Wynn Resorts CEO Matt Maddox to have stabilized at a smaller level with less competition. But the reopening in June of Revel WYNN RESORTS as the Ocean Resort Casino, and the Trump Taj Mahal as the Hard Rock put two new compe- titors back into the mix. Security head removed Of the seven casinos that had been operating at the start of last year, five of them saw lower after he admits to spying gross operating profits, accor- ding to statistics released by the New Jersey Division of Gaming Philip Marcelo, Boston about the misconduct allega- stressed that neither Nielsen investigate sexual misconduct Enforcement. Only Tropicana tions. Steve Wynn has denied nor the others were victims of claims. and Golden Nugget increased YNN Resorts removed the sexual misconduct allega- Steve Wynn’s alleged miscon- But the spying revelations their operating profits last year. Wits security chief after he tions. duct. shouldn’t reflect negatively on When plans to reopen the two acknowledged spying on a for- The gaming commission, The company also said Stern’s Maddox, the company argued casinos surfaced last year, the- mer employee following alle- following last week’s hearin- surveillance of Elaine Wynn, in its 49-page memo, which re was concern in some quar- gations of sexual misconduct gs, is deliberating privately on the ex-wife of Steve Wynn, ha- also covers other issues and ters that the newly downsized against company founder Steve whether Wynn Resorts is still ppened around 2012 and stem- concerns gaming commission market, which had regained its Wynn came to light. suitable to hold a state casino med from an unrelated lawsuit members raised about what footing at a smaller level, might CEO Matthew Maddox said license as it plans to open the brought by Kazuo Okada, a Maddox may have known or struggle to absorb the new com- James Stern, the executive vice USD2.6 billion Encore Boston Japanese billionaire and fellow done about the misconduct petition, resulting in a smaller president of corporate securi- Harbor in June. A written de- Wynn Resorts co-founder. allegations. slice of the pie for everyone. ty, was informed Saturday the cision is expected later. Elaine Wynn told regulators Maddox, who took over as James Plousis, chairman of company would “no longer re- Stern, a former FBI agent, last week she disclosed to com- CEO last February but had the New Jersey Casino Control quire his services,” according testified he’d sent undercover pany officials in 2009 a $7.5 been a close confidante of Ste- Commission, acknowledged to a lengthy legal brief to the operatives to monitor current million payout Steve Wynn ve Wynn for years, had only that “profit margins were tigh- Massachusetts Gaming Com- and former employees, inclu- made to a female employee “minimal” and “partial” know- ter.” mission released Tuesday. ding former Wynn casino sty- who’d claimed he’d raped and ledge of the spying, the com- “But the resort added thou- Stern told the commission list Jorgen Nielsen, who was a impregnated her. pany maintained. And, going sands of jobs and many exciting last week he’d surveilled com- named source in the Journal’s Commission members last forward, it said surveillance new amenities, which position pany co-founder Elaine Wynn January 2018 story. It’s not week criticized Maddox and work will be approved by the us well for continued growth,” and three employees, inclu- clear who the other two per- other company officials for company’s chief global com- he added. ding one named in The Wall sons surveilled were, but, in its spending time and resources pliance officer and its general Gross operating profit reflects Street Journal’s 2018 report Tuesday memo, the company to surveil employees but not to counsel. AP earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and other charges and is a widely accepted measu- re of profitability in the Atlantic CYPRUS City casino industry. The Golden Nugget had the bi- British military bases ‘eradicate’ illegal gambling ggest increase in operating pro- fit for the year, up 12.5% to $45 OLICE at a Bri- casinos generated and that complicated even after Britain’s grated casino resort million. Tropicana was up 1.4% Ptish military hundreds of thou- matters. To circum- departure from the that is being billed as to $93.4 million. base in Cyprus said sands of euros an- vent that, base police European Union. the largest of its kind For the fourth quarter of last they have success- nually in illegal pro- carried out raids to- He also said 30 in Europe. The casi- year, Atlantic City’s casinos saw fully wrapped up a ceeds. Ten people re- gether with Cypriot of the 1,500 perso- no, near the southern a collective decline in gross ope- four-year campaign ceived prison senten- law enforcement. nal computers sei- coastal city of Limas- rating profit of 41.1%, to $75.1 against illegal gam- ces, while 30 others Petrou said police zed during the poli- sol, is to be operated million. bling by shutting were fined heavily. will remain vigilant ce operations have by a consortium of Atlantic City’s casino hotels down nine casinos Petrou said many of against any resurgen- been donated to local companies including were more than 80% full in that operated within the casinos were built ce of illegal gambling schools. Melco International 2018. Resorts had the highest their jurisdiction. in areas adjacent or and that there would Meanwhile, cons- Development Ltd. It occupancy rate at 86%; the Superintendent Di- partly falling within be no-let up in prose- truction has begun is slated to open in Golden Nugget was lowest at nos Petrou said the Cyprus’ jurisdiction cuting law-breakers on Cyprus’ first inte- 2021. DB/AP 74%. DB/AP thu 11.04.2019

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opinion BLOOMBERG Las Vegas gambler dodges a 7 billion dollar bullet Nisha Gopalan, Bloomberg

Wynn Resorts Ltd. has dodged a bullet by scrapping a USD7.1 billion bid for an Australian rival, but the casino giant founded by billionaire Steve Wynn shouldn’t quit the gunfight just yet. With growth prospects in Macau shrinking and its license there coming up for renewal, the Vegas-based opera- tor is right to think about diversifying its overseas presence – even if the aban- doned offer for James Packer’s Crown Resorts Ltd. was far too generous. Wynn has no casinos outside the U.S. other than Macau, where its focus on Chinese high-rollers looks a little shaky given the slowdown in China’s economy. It might also be forced to take on local partners in Macau when the gaming li- censes are re-awarded in 2022. That AUD9.99 billion price tag for Crown, valuing its debt and equity at about 12 times forward earnings, was clearly excessive for an essentially Aus- tralian operator struggling with its own sales declines because of dwindling numbers of Chinese customers. But that it was even countenanced at that value tells you plenty about the tight strate- gic corner in which Wynn finds itself. It wouldn’t be a shock if the deal was reactivated. Wynn’s other big potential option is Japan, which has recently legalized casino gambling. Unfortunately for the U.S. operator, the country doesn’t look a good fit with its high-rollers business model. While Japan is planning to award GAMING three licenses to build “integrated resor- ts,” these would have to cater to the mass-market end of the gaming scene (think of the millions of Japanese addicts of Pachinko slot machines). This is the Crown shares slump faster-growing part of the industry, and Wynn is trying to attract more of these casual, small-money gamers, but high- -rollers are where it made its name and after Wynn Resorts ends where it’s more at home. Singapore, another big casino market, remains out of reach for Wynn for the next decade, with the licenses held by takeover talks Las Vegas Sands Corp. and Genting Singapore Ltd. not up for renewal until Angus Whitley after saying it was discus- Hard Rock Internatio- tertainment Ltd.’s City of 2030. The , meanwhile, is sing a potential sale to the nal Inc., Malaysian casino Dreams in Manila - Wynn often a regulatory quagmire, with Pre- ROWN Resorts Las Vegas-based casino operator Genting Bhd. and is currently confined to the sident Rodrigo Duterte blocking a big casino project there. Ltd. shares slum- giant, which valued Crown private equity firms are Chinese territory, where As such, you can see why Australia ped after Wynn at AUD14.75 a share. potential suitors, analysts expansion is approaching has appeal as a second front in the Resorts Ltd. Crown, controlled by at Deutsche Bank AG said. its limit. And they’re all all-important Asian gambling market. Cabruptly ended talks to buy Australian billionaire Ja- Meantime, Crown is left fiercely competing for an The country may be suffering a slowing the Australian casino ope- mes Packer, had confir- to finish the construction operating license in Japan, economy, a loss of confidence among rator for AUD9.99 billion med the talks on Tuesday of a AUD2.2 billion Syd- the region’s next gambling Chinese tourists and the competitive (USD7.12 billion), casting in a filing to the stock ex- ney casino while the com- goldmine. threat from Japan’s new casinos, but it doubt over Crown’s im- change after the Austra- mitment of its major sha- Yet Wynn would have remains the world’s third-largest gaming mediate future and raising lian Financial Review re- reholder Packer, who owns been buying a company market by revenue. Crown is building a the prospect other suitors ported the possible deal. almost half the company, whose ambitions are in AUD2.2 billion casino on Sydney’s wa- could emerge. Hours later, Wynn said in is in doubt. The billionaire decline. Crown largely terfront that will probably be more of a draw for rich Chinese gamblers than its While discussions with a statement that it ended quit the board of Crown in retreated from overseas existing operations in Melbourne and Wynn have broken down - the talks “following the March 2018 due to mental markets after a crackdown Perth. for now, at least - Crown’s premature disclosure of health issues and stepped in China in late 2016 that Whatever the case, Wynn may have engagement with the U.S. preliminary discussions.” down as a director of his resulted in 19 current and to buy if it doesn’t want to be bought it- suitor signaled a willing- Despite the current acri- private investment com- former Crown staff being self. Sands has moved well ahead on ness to talk sale terms with mony, Wynn may yet re- pany three months later. convicted of illegally pro- the mass-market gaming experience an interested party. Crown turn to negotiate a deal Wynn’s interest in Mel- moting gambling on the that’s dominating the industry now. And shares haven’t given up given its strategic need to bourne-based Crown re- mainland, receiving jail Wynn has some juicy assets. Genting, all of yesterday’s gains, expand in Asia beyond its flected its desire to rea- terms of as long as 10 which is facing a tax hike in Singapore, suggesting investors are Macau property. Now that ch into another offshore months. shore up its pre- has long lusted after a Macau presence, for instance. Another U.S. rival, Caesars still betting on a possible Crown has made clear that market beyond Macau. sence among Asian bet- Entertainment Corp. is being pushed to takeover. it’s on the market - a rare Unlike its competitors tors. Crown is now almost sell itself by activist Carl Icahn, so the The stock tumbled 8.5 opportunity for an indus- that already have foo- solely focused on its do- merger game is in full flow among the percent to AUD12.86 at try that faces high barriers tholds elsewhere in Asia mestic market, where bi- operators. 12:05 p.m. in Sydney yes- of entry with regulatory li- - from Las Vegas Sands g-spending VIP gamblers Wynn didn’t take the Crown this time, terday. Crown had surged censes - it may see interest Corp.’s Singapore resort have become more elusi- but it’s worth another look. 20 percent on Tuesday from other operators. to Melco Resorts & En- ve. Bloomberg 11.04.2019 thu

th Anniversary

8 GREATER BAY 大灣區 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo

GUANGZHOU China releases innovation index for World-class flowers Greater Bay Area N innovation index Shenzhen, and garden in the works A has been published Hong Kong exchanges that to track the performance are eligible for the Stock NOWN as the of companies based in the Connect programs.

K“Flower City” becau- XINHUA Guangdong-Hong Kong- The Stock Connect are se of its blooming flowers -Macau Greater Bay Area. securities trading and all year round, south Chi- The index, which was clearing arrangements na’s Guangzhou plans to released by Shenzhen Se- that link China’s mainland build a world-class gar- curities Information Co., stock exchanges to that of den named “Guangzhou Ltd. and the China Center Hong Kong. The programs Garden,” local authori- for Information Industry allow mainland investors ties said. Development Tuesday, is to trade and settle shares Construction of the based on 100 stocks cove- in the Hong Kong market project will start in May, ring advanced manufac- via their local exchanges, according to the Guang- turing, strategic emerging and vice-versa. zhou Municipal Bureau industries, modern servi- The Greater Bay Area has of Forestry and Lands- ces and the maritime eco- a highly developed capital caping. The bureau has nomy. market. By the end of Mar- issued a report on the lo- The innovation index, ch, it had more than 750 cation of the new garden, including shares of indus- companies that were listed seeking public opinions. try giants such as Tencent, on Chinese mainland and According to the report, Ping An, Gree and Midea, eligible under the Stock the “Guangzhou Garden” is the flagship of a series Connect programs with a is planned to be built of indexes for the Greater total market capitalization in the south part of the area which can be used ghout the year, with an ted in three years. Bay Area to be developed of nearly 27 trillion yuan Baiyun Mountain scenic for Guangzhou’s flower extra long flowering pe- Upon completion, by the two parties. (about USD4 trillion). area with a planning area industry exhibition, and riod of more than eight Guangzhou Garden will It contains 38 informa- The index series will con- of 151.8 hectares. flower culture experien- months, according to the regularly hold events tion technology enterpri- tribute to developing the The garden will consist ce area, a comprehensive report. to attract tourists, such ses that account for over area into an international of three functional parts ecological park and per- It is also estimated that as a flowers-decorated 25 percent of weighting. science and innovation including a city leisure formance stage. the annual number of vi- floats parade in the gar- A composite index for the center and enhancing the park, including a core The garden will show- sitors to the garden will den, creative fairs, cul- area was also launched at financial sector’s service to area with a world-class case native flowers and reach 8 million. tural activities and an- the same event Tuesday. the real economy, said an boutique garden, and a world flowers. It will be Construction work is nual horticultural exhi- All the indexes are based official with the Shenzhen comprehensive service open to the public throu- expected to be comple- bitions. Xinhua on equities listed at the Stock Exchange. Xinhua ad thu 11.04.2019

th Anniversary

macau’s leading newspaper 大灣區 GREATER BAY 9

Senior Shenzhen AP PHOTO party official punished Li Huanan, former secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee of Shenzhen city committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), has been dismissed from public office and expelled from the Party. The discipline inspection and supervisory committee of Guangdong Province announced the decision yesterday, saying Li, also former member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen city committee of the CPC and vice Party secretary, violated discipline in both work and life and was engaged in illegal activities. His illegal gains were confiscated, and he will continue to be investigated, the discipline watchdog said. Guangzhou to develop rail transit into pillar

From left: Occupy Central leaders Chan Kin-man, Chu Yiu-ming and Benny Tai pose for photographers before entering court industry Southern China’s Guangzhou has issued a three-year plan to HONG KONG develop its rail transit industry, vowing to expand its scale to 120 billion yuan (USD17.8 billion) by 2021, and realize an output value of 180 billion yuan by 2023. The Court sets Occupy Central city’s development and reform commission said that the rail transit industry, due to its capital and technology-intensive features, has leaders’ sentencing for April 24 become one of the city’s priorities. According to the plan, the city Hong Kong court convicted the others on Hong Kong has been in ch ended without securing government will promote its major set the sentencing charges related to their ro- pursuit of those who led any pledges to amend the equipment manufacturing capacity, of Occupy protest les in the 2014 movement, the demonstrations, which Chinese government’s fra- develop standard vehicles with leader Benny Tai including Occupy’s two pushed for the open no- mework for the 2017 chief independent intellectual property andA eight other activists for other main leaders - Re- mination of candidates for executive’s election. rights, and build an industrial April 24, the latest step in a verend Chu Yiu-ming and what was supposed to be The former British colony park and maintenance and trial that caps the China-ba- Chan Kin-man, an associate the first direct election for was handed over to Chi- manufacturing bases. An inter-city cked government’s effort to professor of sociology at the the financial hub’s leader. nese rule in 1997 under an rail transit network will also be punish the movement’s or- Chinese University of Hong The so-called “Umbrella agreement in which China developed in the Guangdong-Hong ganizers. Hong. Movement” - named after promised it could retain its Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, Tai and eight other acade- Supporters outside the the mostly student demons- own laws, economic system said Ding Jianlong, president of mics, activists and politi- courtroom applauded as the trators who shielded them- and civil rights for 50 years. Guangzhou Metro Group. cians are free on bail, Dis- group left yesterday, chan- selves from police tear gas Since the protests, trict Court Judge Johnny ting: “We are Hong Kon- with umbrellas - focused has increased its efforts to Chan said before adjour- gers” and “We are fearless.” global attention on Chinese quash what it sees as the Guangdong ning in West Kowloon yes- Ranging in age from their authorities’ efforts to cons- more radical element of boosts ultra-high terday. 30s to 70s, the nine defen- train the local democracy Hong Kong’s pro-democra- Chan on Tuesday found dants span generations of movement. cy camp, notably a small in- definition video Tai, a University of Hong Hong Kong citizens who Leaders of the student dependence movement that Kong associate law profes- have been agitating for full groups were sentenced to gained speed after Occupy. industry sor, guilty of conspiracy democracy. The defendants up to eight months in jail The moves have helped fuel The annual output of ultra-high to commit public nuisance had all pleaded not guilty, in 2017. More than 1,000 concerns that the city’s au- definition televisions will reach 40 and incitement to commit calling the prosecutions po- people were arrested during tonomy is slowly being ero- million units by in south China’s public nuisance. He also litically motivated. and after the sit-ins, whi- ded. DB/Agencies Guangdong Province 2022, local official Yang Pengfei, deputy head with Guangdong’s Industry and Information Technology Department, said at a work HK overtakes Japan as world’s conference held in Shenzhen. Yang said Guangdong plans to foster three world-class ultra- third largest stock market high definition video industrial clusters, following strong growth in the industry in recent years. RAGGING righ- Kong stocks after Seng Index climbed ced 8.3 percent in tened tariffs on the The province has opened a 4K TV Bts to Hong Kong, their worst year since 17 percent this year that period. European Union. The channel, reaching 15.9 million for now. 2011. through Tuesday, Both markets were Hang Seng Index fell households. The number is expected The city’s equity Hong Kong’s market when it closed at its lower yesterday, as 0.3 percent as of 11:38 to reach 23 million by 2022. To market has overtaken cap was USD5.78 highest since June an economic outlook a.m. in Hong Kong, boost the growth of the 4K industry, Japan to be the wor- trillion as of Tuesday, 15. Internet giant from the Internatio- still just above the Guangdong will speed up the ld’s third largest in the latest available Tencent Holdings nal Monetary Fund 30,000-point level construction of 5G-led information value, behind only data show, compared Ltd. has been the renewed concern that it broke through infrastructure and promote the the U.S. and main- with $5.76 trillion for main driver with a 22 about a slowdown in earlier this month. coverage and commercial use of 5G land China, courtesy Japan. The Asian ci- percent gain. Japan’s global growth and The Topix was down networks in the core urban areas of of a rebound in Hong ty’s benchmark Hang Topix Index advan- after the U.S. threa- 0.7 percent. Bloomberg Guangzhou and Shenzhen this year. 11.04.2019 thu

th Anniversary

10 BUSINESS 分析 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo

combination have warned of a culture clash since day one, yet the two camps managed to CLSA culture clash boils over as keep tensions under control long enough to combine the businesses and weather a tur- more top executives quit bulent period for global capital markets. Relations soured after a con- HE culture clash between Some analysts have said that troversial drop of about 60 per- TCLSA Ltd.’s old guard and the departure of highly paid exe- cent in CLSA’s 2018 bonus pool its Chinese owner may have cutives such as Slone will help and a number of other recent BLOOMBERG reached a tipping point. CLSA cut costs and boost pro- changes instigated by Citic, in- At least four of the Hong Kong fitability. But questions remain cluding staff adjustments and brokerage’s senior managers over whether the loss of seaso- a new compensation system, are following Chief Executive ned international leaders will people familiar with the matter Officer Jonathan Slone out the hurt the firm’s ability to grow its said last month. door amid mounting tensions business outside China. The moves followed an expiry with Citic Securities Co., which CLSA’s executive committee in mid-2018 of the manage- bought CLSA in 2013, people now includes just one voting ment agreement that enabled with knowledge of the matter member who originated from CLSA to operate more or less said. CLSA, with the other five co- independently, one of the peo- Chief Operating Officer Nigel ming from Citic, the people ple said. Some members of CL- Beattie, who was in discussions said. John Sun, formerly of SA’s executive committee, in- to take over as CEO in the wake Citic Securities International, cluding Slone, didn’t receive a of Slone’s recent resignation, was appointed as interim COO bonus for 2018 and were asked quit this month after failing to ch include three members of in the industry as a test case to replace Beattie, one of the to take a pay cut for this year, reach an agreement on how to CLSA’s executive committee, for whether a Chinese broke- people said. two people said. run the company, the people underscore growing concerns rage can successfully expand A CLSA representative decli- Citic tried to convince Slone to said, asking not to be identified among some employees that overseas and compete with the ned to comment, as did Beattie. stay, Zhang told a media brie- because the matter is private. the firm is losing its indepen- likes of Goldman Sachs Group Gladstone, Bradley and Thom- fing last month. He said Slone Xen Gladstone, who ran sales dence as Citic, China’s biggest Inc. and Morgan Stanley. Whi- son didn’t respond to reques- resigned for personal reasons and trading; Edmund Bradley, state-owned brokerage, tigh- le Citic said last month that it’s ts for comment. Citic, whose and would spend more time head of research; and Meade tens its grip on the business committed to growing inter- chairman Zhang Youjun took with his family in New York. Thomson, head of Japan, also and overhauls the way staff are nationally, it has yet to come over the same role at CLSA in Citic’s stock fell 2.1 per- resigned, one of the people compensated. anywhere close to matching February, didn’t reply to an cent in Hong Kong yester- said. The Citic-CLSA tie-up has the global reach of Wall Street’s emailed query. day, its fourth straight day The latest departures, whi- been closely watched by some giants. Skeptics of the Citic-CLSA of losses. MDT/Bloomberg

ILTON Grand Vaca- Htions has announced the promotion of Yoji Ishii Hilton Grand Vacations promotes Yoji Ishii to vice president of Asia sa- les. In his expanded role, Ishii will be responsible for to vice president of Asia sales developing and executing sales strategies in Asia. gs integrity and energy to tions throughout Japan, roles in the organization. ton, Florida. by Hilton Club – in Japan “Yoji has played an inte- our industry-leading com- allowing the company to Under Ishii’s leadership, Since its entry into Asia in April 2018 and plans gral part in strengthening pany. We are confident introduce more potential the Japan sales team has market in 2003, HGV has to open its second Japan HGV’s culture, driving that he and the Asia sales owners to a vacation ow- been selected as a 2019 expanded its presence in property in Sesokojima in growth and enhancing the team will continue to con- nership lifestyle. ARDA award finalists in response to an increasing 2021. owner and guest experien- vey our vision of inspiring Ishii has more than 20 two categories for delive- interest in a new vacation HGV operates 11 vacation ce,” said Jeff Bernier, se- people to go further and years of experience in the ring outstanding customer lifestyle. HGV continues to galleries and more than 40 nior vice president, sales share more.” travel industry in Japan experience. Prior to HGV, expand its footprint in the marketing desks throu- and marketing – Asia at In his previous role as and abroad. He joined Ishii held management ro- Asia market and currently ghout Japan, offering cus- Hilton Grand Vacations. senior director of Japan HGV in 2008 as a sales les in the travel industry in has more than 61,000 club tomers opportunities to “We are fortunate to have sales, Ishii helped HGV executive and developed Japan and Australia. members in Japan. HGV learn about high-quality Yoji as part of the HGV lea- expand its vacation galle- his career by taking on Ishii graduated from opened its first property – vacation ownership expe- dership team, as he brin- ries from six to 11 loca- increasingly progressive IMG Academy in Braden- The Bay Forest Odawara riences. MDT/Business Wire corporate bits to hold concert in july be celebrating their 20-year jw marriott hotel ritz carlton announce Brunch will feature dishes career of hits. , - such as “Whole Roasted The pop stars will perform festive menus Baby Lamb Provençal,” ser- new songs alongside all 14 ved tableside; “Cioppino of their UK No.1 hits inclu- Stew,” a stew of crab, cala- ding “”, “Flying mari, mussels, clams and Without Wings”, “You Raise prawns; and its popular Ho- Me Up” and “Unbreakable”. ney Ham with Mixed Sausa- , , ges. and Shane From April 19 to 21, The Filan announced their return Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge’s to music in October 2018 will present its Spring Blos- and will launch a new album som Afternoon Tea that will later this year. feature Easter-themed deli- Their first new single in ei- cacies. ght years, “”, At JW Marriott Hotel, Ur- was released in January. ban Kitchen, headed by Westlife have sold over new Chef de Cuisine Daniel 55 million records worldwi- Ng, is offering traditional de, and are the only band Easter favorites “Hot Cross to have had their first seven Buns and Easter Tarts,” plus singles enter the U.K. chart specialties by the chef such Westlife is set to bring 27, 2019, Sands China Ltd. at No.1. JW Marriott Hotel Macau the Easter season. as “Whole Red Snapper with “Westlife announced in a statement. Tickets will be on sale at all and The Ritz-Carlton, Macau Available on Easter Sun- Seafood Bouillabaisse” and in Macau” to The Venetian The tour is named The Cotai Ticketing box offices have announced three dining day, April 21. The Ritz-Car- “Oven-roasted Whole Baby Macao’s Cotai Arena on July Twenty Tour as the band will beginning April 15. promotions to help usher in lton Café’s Easter Sunday Lamb.” thu 11.04.2019

th Anniversary

macau’s leading newspaper 中國 CHINA 11

US, Chinese negotiators said to further talks on cloud access in trade deal .S. and Chinese nego- required to license their techno- agreement now under discus- tiators are discussing logy to local partners in order to sion would give Beijing until adding a concession operate in China, and have been AP PHOTO 2025 to meet commitments such on cloud computing to forced to store some information as allowing American companies Utheir trade agreement that wou- within the country. to wholly own enterprises in Chi- ld give foreign companies grea- China’s Ministry of Industry na, people familiar with the talks ter access to the USD12 billion and Information did not reply to said earlier. Those would be bin- Chinese market, people familiar a fax requesting comment. Ama- ding pledges that could trigger with the talks said. zon, Microsoft and Apple didn’t U.S. retaliation if unfulfilled, the Chinese officials called a mee- immediately respond to requests people said. ting this week with represen- for comment. The nine-month trade war be- tatives of companies including President Donald Trump’s top tween the world’s largest eco- Microsoft Corp, Apple Inc and economic adviser Larry Kudlow nomies has disrupted supply Amazon.com Inc to talk about has said the two sides are nea- chains, whipsawed markets and the proposal in detail, said one ring a trade deal and officials will weighed on the world economy. of the people. The discussions talk over the phone after recent The International Monetary include possibly scrapping the high-level meetings in Beijing Fund cut its outlook for global requirement that providers of and Washington. The text of growth to the lowest since the remote computing services form an agreement being worked on financial crisis, while including joint ventures with local com- covers technology transfers, in- a breakdown in U.S.-China talks panies, another person said. tellectual property protections, among possible risks. Both asked not to be named dis- non-tariff measures, services, Negotiators are still working cussing the private negotiations. agriculture, trade balance and out details and discussing when China introduced sweeping enforcement, according to Chi- Trump and Chinese leader Xi cyber-security laws in 2017 that na’s state-run Xinhua. Jinping could sit down to sign off bolster control over the collec- The Wall Street Journal repor- cloud- computing market. local government ties. Amazon on the agreement. Despite tou- tion and movement of Chinese ted in March that Premier Li Ke- In 2017, Apple agreed to shift also agreed to sell some of its ting the idea of a “signing sum- users’ data, and potentially grant qiang floated the idea of allowing storage of data for Chinese users Chinese cloud assets to its local mit” at his Mar-a-Lago resort in the government more access to foreign firms to own data- cen of Apple’s iCloud services to ser- partner to comply with govern- Florida a month ago, Trump said foreign companies’ technology. ters in the China’s free-trade zo- ver farms operated by Guizhou ment regulations. last week there are no guarantees Foreign cloud companies are nes and have better access to its Cloud Big Data, a company with Drafts of the broader trade the two will meet. Bloomberg

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12 CHINA 中國 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo

out treatment [...] is highly relevant to a host of issues in a capital trial, including his Defense: Accused in Chinese character, the circumstan- ces preceding the offense, his rehabilitative potential and scholar’s death denied proper care future dangerousness,” the defense filing says. It says Christensen went to Michael Tarm, Chicago the same school center again nine days later, telling ano- AWYERS for a former AP PHOTO ther counselor he was open LUniversity of Illinois stu- to someone evaluating the dent accused of killing Chine- risk he posed to himself and se scholar Yingying Zhang say others. university counselors didn’t The filing, among other offer him adequate care when things, cited the center’s pur- he sought help for suicidal ported “failure to develop an and homicidal thoughts three adequate treatment and sa- months before the 26-year-old fety plan,” “failure to make Zhang went missing. appropriate referrals for fur- Brendt Christensen, now 29, ther treatment” and failure walked into a campus cou- to adequately coordinate with nseling center on March 21, psychiatrists who had treated 2017, saying he had recurring him elsewhere. thoughts of committing mur- Prosecutors point to Illinois der, “ruminating about how law in their filing, saying the- one might go about killing a re’s no obligation on counse- person and ‘get away with it,’” lors “to respond to statements according to a defense filing made in therapy unless the unsealed this week. The phy- patient makes a specific threat sics student said he even bou- against a specific and identi- ght items as part of plans to fied victim.” kill someone and dispose of a The government filing says body but later returned them. other courts in death penal- Defense attorneys want a ty cases “routinely refuse to Peoria-based federal judge to allow a capital defendant to allow clinical psychologist Su- assert mitigating evidence san Zoline to tell jurors that said staff members at the Uni- The defense and government persuade jurors not to put to which serves only to lay blame “the treatment of Mr. Chris- versity of Illinois Counseling filings were submitted earlier Christensen to death, they for the offense at another par- tensen [...] did not comply Center “are trained to provi- but only unsealed Monday. want to demonstrate how he ty’s feet.” with the applicable standards de care ... consistent with the Prosecutors, who are seeking had sought help but didn’t get Issues about Christensen of care,” the filing says. Pro- best practices in mental health the death penalty, say Chris- the help he needed. mental state have arisen be- secutors want the judge to bar care nationally.” tensen lured Zhang into his Christensen, the filing says, fore. Zoline from testifying, saying Prosecutors argue in their car in June 2017 as she headed also told counselors that pres- In announcing last year that those claims would be inaccu- filing that there’s no indica- to sign an apartment lease off cription drugs and alcohol they were seeking the dea- rate and irrelevant, as well as tion counselors were remiss campus, torturing and killing were “ruining my life.” He th penalty, prosecutors said confusing to jurors. The trial in treating Christensen, no- her. He was arrested three spoke about becoming deeply Christensen once expressed is set to begin June 3. ting he “described his urge to weeks later, though Zhang’s depressed after his wife said his aspiration “to be known as The Champaign-based commit homicide as a fantasy, body has never been found. she was leaving him for ano- a killer.” And 2017 charging school said in a statement yes- and repeatedly downplayed Defense attorneys say they ther man, and after dropping documents say his phone had terday [local time] that it can’t that fantasy.” He never threa- aren’t casting blame on the out of a Ph.D. program and been used to view a forum cal- comment on treatment for in- tened Zhang or anyone else by university for Zhang’s dea- settling for a master’s degree. led “Abduction 101” on a fe- dividual students. However, it name, they said. th. But as they endeavor to “That he voluntarily sought tish site. AP

SOUTH CHINA SEA US sends Beijing signal with AP PHOTO F-35-laden warship in disputed sea

Ditas Lopez the Philippines’ ABS-CBN Secretary of State Michael News reported Tuesday. ‘FREE AND OPEN’ Pompeo assured local offi- HE U.S. sent a fighter- The USS Wasp didn’t pass The moves come as of- cials during a visit to Ma- Tjet-carrying warship to within 25 nautical miles of ficials in Manila escalate nila that their treaty would join drills near the disputed the shoal, according to a protests over the presence apply to Philippine vessels Scarborough Shoal for the U.S. defense official who of more than 200 Chinese or planes attacked in dispu- first time, sending a poin- spoke on the condition of ships near the Philippine- ted waters. The combined informa- said. This year’s joint exer- ted message to China as anonymity. The figure su- -occupied South China Sea Philippine Foreign Affairs tion bureau for the joint cise was the first to incorpo- tensions simmer over ter- ggests that the ship wasn’t feature of Thitu. Philippine Secretary Teodoro Locsin military drills said Tuesday rate the USS Wasp with the ritorial claims in the region. conducting a so-called free- President Rodrigo Duterte said earlier this week that that the USS Wasp “has U.S. Marines Corps’ F-35B The USS Wasp - an am- dom of navigation opera- has urged China to “ lay off” the U.S. would remain the been training with Philippi- Lighting II aircraft. phibious assault ship outfit- tion, a practice criticized by the feature, saying he wou- country’s only military ally. ne Navy ships in Subic Bay “Together they repre- ted last year with F-35B jets China that the U.S. uses to ld order a military action. Read more: U.S. Will Be and international waters of sent an increase in mili- - joined the annual Exercise assert international sailing The U.S. has been seeking Philippines’ Only Military the South China Sea as part tary capability committed Balikatan with the Philippi- rights within 12 nautical to firm up its treaty allian- Ally, Foreign Chief Says of the Exercise Balikatan to a free and open Indo- nes this month. A ship ma- miles of disputed features. ce with the strategically More than 7,000 soldiers for several days.” -Pacific,” the bureau said. tching the USS Wasp’s des- Chinese Foreign Ministry located Southeast Asian from the Philippines and The training is focused “Participating in Balika- cription was spotted in wa- spokesman Lu Kang said at a nation ever since Duterte the U.S. are participating in on “maritime security and tan demonstrates their ters “near the Scarborough briefing in Beijing yesterday was elected in 2016 and an- Exercise Balikatan, accor- amphibious capabilities, as ability to forward deploy Shoal,” a feature occupied that he hopes “non-regional nounced his “separation” ding to General Benjamin well as multinational inte- in support of an ally shou- by China since a tense stan- forces don’t stir up troubles from Washington in favor Madrigal Jr., the Philippine roperability through mili- ld a crisis or natural disas- doff in seven years ago, in the South China Sea.” of Beijing. In March, U.S. military chief. tary exchanges,” the bureau ter occur.” Bloomberg thu 11.04.2019

th Anniversary

macau’s leading newspaper 亞太版 ASIA-PACIFIC 13

Eric Talmadge, Tokyo POLITICS ORTH Korea’s Su- preme People’s As- sembly is expected to convene tday to for- North Korea’s parliament to Nmally approve leader Kim Jong Un’s latest economic policies and possibly endorse a shift in open as Kim mulls US strategy U.S. strategy following his failed summit with President Donald Trump in Hanoi. Minister Choe Son Hui told di- and the ruling party leadership. Kim set the stage for the assem- plomats in Pyongyang last month Today’s session will convene a bly meeting on Tuesday, when that Kim would soon make clear AP PHOTO new lineup of nearly 700 “depu- he told a gathering of senior par- his post-Hanoi position, though ties” approved in a nationwide ty members to “fully display a she didn’t say exactly when. election last month. The seats high sense of responsibility and In what appeared to be an at- aren’t contested at the polls — creativity” in accordance with tempt to test the waters ahead each district has just one candi- the “prevailing tense situation,” of such an announcement, she date who is pre-approved by the according to state media reports. said her country might pull out ruling party. Voters can merely The reports yesterday made no of the nuclear negotiations with approve or, theoretically, disa- mention of any comments regar- the United States, citing a lack pprove of the candidate. ding the Hanoi summit. of corresponding steps to some Kim holds a seat in the assem- But Kim has previously used disarmament measures North bly, but did not run for re-elec- the opening of the assembly and Korea took last year. tion, suggesting he may have the party political meetings that She also hinted Kim was consi- assumed some sort of special normally precede it as an oppor- dering whether to continue the status as the representative of tunity to clarify his political prio- talks and his moratorium on nu- the entire nation, instead of a rities. clear and missile tests. single district or constituency. The country’s economic grow- Choe, who attended the summit His younger sister, Kim Yo Jong, th and efforts to get trade sanc- in Hanoi, said Kim was puzzled was elected to a seat last month. tions lifted are Kim’s top concer- by the “eccentric” negotiation po- Pompeo and Bolton have dis- the Korean Peninsula. Also being watched this time is ns. North Korean officials, who sition of the U.S. She suggested puted the allegation. The Supreme People’s Assem- the fate of the current head of the blamed the “hard-line” stance Trump was willing to talk, parti- While the assembly prepared bly, which is North Korea’s ver- assembly Kim Yong Nam, who is taken by Trump’s advisers for cularly if there was a “snapback” to meet in Pyongyang, South Ko- sion of a parliament but has little 91 years old. Though he remains the collapse of the Feb. 27-28 provision for violations, but an rean President Moon Jae-in flew real power, generally meets at active in his role of ceremonial summit, have also hinted Kim atmosphere of hostility and mis- to the United States to discuss least once a year to approve the elder statesman — receiving fo- is mulling some sort of a new trust was created by the uncom- how to strengthen their coun- annual budget, hear progress re- reign dignitaries and attending approach to his dealings with promising demands of Secretary tries’ alliance and joint efforts ports and endorse policies and important public functions — his Washington. of State Mike Pompeo and natio- to achieve their goal of complete personnel changes that have al- retirement has long been expec- North Korea’s Deputy Foreign nal security adviser John Bolton. denuclearization and peace on ready been decided upon by Kim ted. AP

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JAPAN Former first lady Ghosn’s lawyers appeal to hit with fresh Supreme Court over detention corruption charge HE wife of Malay- solar energy panels in Yuri Kageyama, Tokyo Ghosn’s case has set off in- Tsia’s former Prime 369 schools in eastern ternational criticism about Minister Najib Razak Sarawak state on Bor- HE lawyers for Nissan’s AP PHOTO the longtime detentions wi- was hit yesterday with neo to Jepak without Tformer Chairman Car- thout convictions. a new corruption char- open tender. los Ghosn, who was sent He said innocent people ge over a solar energy Najib, his former back to detention while who refuse to sign confes- contract. deputy and several out on bail, filed a protest sions suffer and are kept for Rosmah Mansor high-ranking former with the Japanese Supreme months, sometimes years, pleaded not guilty to officials have alrea- Court on yesterday. even for relatively minor accepting a 5 million dy been charged with Lawyer Junichiro Hiro- charges that won’t result in ringgit (USD1.22 corruption after the naka told reporters that prison time. During deten- million) bribe through election ushered in the Ghosn’s fourth and latest tion, prosecutors can grill her aide from a mana- first change of power arrest is unfair. Ghosn was the suspect for more than ger at Jepak Holdings since Malaysia’s inde- arrested in November, re- eight hours, he said, while as a kickback for hel- pendence from Britain leased on bail last month the suspect’s contact with ping secure a contract in 1957. but re-arrested last week. rement compensation and was diverted to a company lawyers is limited, and of- from the Education Najib, whose first trial Multiple arrests and long breach of trust in what pro- effectively controlled by ten banned with family and Ministry. She has also began last week after detentions are routine in secutors call dubious pay- Ghosn. friends. been charged with months of delay, has Japan, but arresting a sus- ments. Hironaka was among He declined comment laundering illegal pro- accused the new gover- pect who cleared bail is He says he is innocent, no- 1,010 lawyers, academics on the specifics of Ghosn’s ceeds and tax evasion nment of seeking politi- unusual. ting the compensation was and other legal professio- case. in a massive graft scan- cal vengeance. But Pri- Ghosn’s detention has never decided or paid and nals who signed a call to “Detention is used as a dal that led to Najib’s me Minister Mahathir been extended through the payments were for legi- eliminate Japan’s so-called form of torture,” Imamura electoral loss last May. Mohamad has said the Sunday but may be prolon- timate services. “hostage justice.” said at the Foreign Corres- The Education Minis- court cases were based ged. He is charged with fal- The latest arrest is over Kaku Imamura, a lawyer pondents’ Club of Japan. “It try awarded the 1.25 on the rule of law and sifying financial documents suspicion Nissan money who led the initiative, told becomes difficult for people billion ringgit contract that those accused will in underreporting his reti- paid to a dealership that reporters Wednesday that to get a fair trial.” AP to supply and install be given fair trials. AP

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Mike Corder & Raf Casert, Brussels UK UST days away from a potentially calamitous no-deal Brexit, Euro- pean Union leaders are May to ask EU for Brexit delay; Jmeeting to discuss granting the a new delay — possibly of up to a year — to its departure from the bloc. long extension expected It’s likely to be a rough day for British Prime Minister Theresa Conservative government and May as she pleads for a second the main opposition Labour Par- extension until June 30, to pre- AP PHOTO ty aimed at finding a compro- vent Britain’s scheduled depar- mise Brexit deal have failed to ture from the EU tomorrow. produce a breakthrough. Labour European Council President favors a softer Brexit than the Donald Tusk has suggested an government has proposed, and even longer delay of up to a year wants to retain a close economic with conditions attached to en- relationship with the bloc. sure Britain does not stymie EU decision-making if it remains a member. If they don’t Britain’s Brexit Secretary Ste- phen Barclay told the BBC he grant an doesn’t want a delay of up to a year. extension, “But, the key with any delay is Britain leaves we are able to terminate it once likely hit airports, ports, tariff gh stance ahead of the Brussels meeting with the Irish prime we ratify in order that we can rules and standard regulations summit. minister. the bloc then get on and get a deal throu- overnight. May’s charm offensive appea- Among conditions France is gh Parliament, ratify that agree- EU countries, especially Fran- red to bear fruit with an official now setting to agree to a new tomorrow ment and leave the EU,” he said. ce, have become increasingly in Macron’s office saying that delay: A “credible prospect” of “That is what the EU leaders exasperated with the political di- France was ready to accept a new some kind of solution to the Bri- with no deal want, it is what the Prime Minis- vision and uncertainty in Britain delay. tish political deadlock. A promi- regulating the ter wants.” about a way forward. While Macron still has a long se that Britain won’t keep asking May arrives in Brussels for a The bloc’s leaders have tried to list of conditions, it was a no- for more delays. And guarantees departure pre-summit meeting with Tusk help May over two years of ne- table shift in France’s tone that Britain would not be invol- before explaining her delay re- gotiations, even after she missed compared to last week. The ved in future EU decisions while After further talks Tuesday over quest to the leaders who will then her hand-picked Brexit departu- reason for the change was un- its Brexit drama is playing out. an informal lunch of sandwiches discuss their next move. re date on March 29 because of a clear, though concerns have “The longer the extension mi- and sausage rolls, the two sides If they don’t grant an extension, parliamentary revolt. been growing about how ba- ght be, the more guarantees are said they would resume their Britain leaves the bloc tomorrow Seeking support from Euro- dly a hard Brexit would hit the needed,” the French official said, discussions after Wednesday’s with no deal regulating the de- pean heavyweights Tuesday, French economy, too. France speaking on condition he not be EU summit. parture. A drastic cliff-edge exit May flew to Berlin and Paris to was also encouraged by May’s named in keeping with presiden- “If they fail, the prime minister would have huge costs to busi- plead for good terms with Ger- outreach last week to Britain’s tial policy. has said that we will come back nesses and trade across the En- man Chancellor Angela Merkel political opposition to find a Every British initiative to get a to Parliament and look at how glish Channel and be very cum- and President Emmanuel Ma- compromise, and Macron may deal has floundered so far. Seve- we then get clarity on a vote,” bersome to travelers as it would cron, who has been taking a tou- have been swayed in part by a ral days of talks between May’s Barclay told the BBC. AP

ISRAEL Netanyahu appears headed toward 5th term as PM

Aron Heller, Jerusalem the electoral threshold and in power. The near-final country’s Arab communi- fighting for their survival, results showed it deadlo- ty, which is about 20 per- ENJAMIN Ne- so the final makeup of the cked with Likud at 35 sea- AP PHOTO cent of the population. Btanyahu appeared to be next parliament has yet to ts. But most of its support His attacks on the Arab headed toward a historic be decided. Final results seems to have come at the sector fueled calls for a fifth term as Israel’s prime are expected today. expense of the venerable boycott and appeared to minister yesterday, with Two of his potential allies, Labor and leftist Meretz result in relatively low tur- close-to-complete unoffi- hawkish former Defense parties, who both earned nout by Arab voters. cial election results giving Minister Avigdor Lieber- historic lows in Tuesday’s Overnight, with fewer of his right-wing Likud and man and economic-centric election. the votes counted, Blue other nationalist and re- Finance Minister Moshe Together with his current and White still appeared to ligious parties a solid ma- Kahlon, have yet to for- Jewish ultra-Orthodox be ahead by one seat and jority in parliament. mally confirm they would and nationalist partners, Gantz projected optimism The outcome affirmed -Is sit with Netanyahu and Netanyahu seemed to that he would be tasked rael’s continued tilt to the could emerge as wildcards. have a clear path toward with building a coalition. right and further dimmed In any case, the country building a coalition gover- But by morning, he see- hopes of a negotiated so- now faces what could be nment that has a majority med to have realized his lution to the Israeli-Pales- weeks of political negotia- in the 120-seat parliament. dream of becoming prime tinian conflict. Re-election tions over the composition With a victory, Ne- minister was lost, even if will also give Netanyahu of a ruling coalition. tanyahu would capture a nation of Israel once again be the prime minister of he didn’t formally concede an important boost as he But under nearly every fourth consecutive term entrusted me for the fif- all Israeli citizens, right or defeat. braces for the likelihood of scenario, Netanyahu was and fifth overall, which this th time, and with an even left, Jews and non-Jews “Though the skies appear criminal charges in a series the big winner. summer will make him Is- greater trust.” alike,” he said. gloomy, nothing is final. of corruption scandals. The long-time Israeli rael’s longest-ever serving He said he had already Netanyahu’s message of There could be changes With 97.4% of the vote leader had fought a tight, leader, surpassing foun- begun talking to fellow ri- unity was a sharp contrast and some political options counted, Likud and its ugly race against centrist ding father David Ben-Gu- ght wing and religious par- from his campaign the- could open up,” he wrote traditional political allies ex-military chief Benny rion. ties about forming a new me in which he accused to his supporters. “Our vo- were in command of a 65- Gantz, whose nascent Blue “It’s a night of tremen- coalition. Gantz of conspiring with ters asked for hope and we 55 majority in parliament. and White party emer- dous victory,” Netanyahu “I want to make it clear, Arab parties to topple him. gave it to them. They wan- A couple of small parties ged as a viable alternati- told supporters yesterday it will be a right-wing go- Arab leaders accused Ne- ted a different way and we were still teetering along ve to Netanyahu’s decade “I was very moved that the vernment, but I intend to tanyahu of demonizing the outlined it.” AP 11.04.2019 thu

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what’s ON ... TV canal macau this day in history See Saw Zine? 13:00 TDM News (Repetição) Time: 12pm-8pm (closed on Tuesdays) 13:30 Telejornal RTPi (Diferido) Until: July 12, 2019 15:00 Água de Mar Venue: Taipa Village Art Space 15:45 Zig Zag Admission: Free 16:30 Quem Quer Ser Milionário nquiries E : (853) 2857 6212/ 2857 6118 18:00 No Trilho dos Naturalistas - Moçambique Exhibition of New Works in MAM 19:00 Montra do Lilau (Repetição) Collection – Che Ho 19:35 Os Nossos Dias Sr.2 Time: 10am-7pm (no admittance after 6:30pm; 20:30 Telejornal closed on Mondays) 21:15 TDM Talk Show Until: April 14, 2019 21:50 Livros com João Guedes enue : Macau Museum of Art 21:55 Todas as Palavras Admission: Free 22:20 As Linhas de Torres Enquiries: (853) 8791 9814 23:15 TDM News Member Joint Exhibition of 33rd 23:50 Resumo Liga dos Campeões 2018/2019 1957 Britain agrees to Singapore Anniversary of CAC – Círculo dos 00:10 Arquivos do Entendimento - O Poder self rule Amigos da Cultura de Macau ‘Reconhecimento Formal da Soberania’ - ime T : 3pm-8pm (Mondays); 00:40 Telejornal (Repetição) The British government is to allow the island colony 12pm-8pm (Tuesdays to Sundays) of Singapore to govern itself under a new constitu- 01:25 RTPi Directo Until: April 14, 2019 tion agreed in . Venue: Albergue SCM 03:00 Liga Europa: Benfica - Frankfurt (Directo) The Singapore Constitutional Conference ended today after four weeks of talks when Chief Minister dmission 05:00 RTPi Directo A : Free of Singapore Lim Yew Hock and Alan Lennox-Boyd, Enquiry: (853) 2852 2550 secretary of state for the Colonies, signed an agree- ment. Oneness: Calligraphy by Professor Jao The constitution comes into effect some time after Tsung-I 1 January 1958 when the colony will become known as the State of Singapore. Time: 10am-6pm (No admission after 5:30pm, cinema cineteatro Britain will remain in charge of external affairs and closed on Mondays) defence. Until: September 30, 2019 04 - 10 Apr There was, however, one major pre-condition that Venue: Jao Tsung-I Academy the Singapore delegation would not agree to - that Admission: Free “persons known to have been engaged in subversive activity” would be barred from standing for the Le- nquiries E : (853) 2852 2523 gislative Assembly. This demand is aimed at excluding extremist left- Mandarin’s House wing activists in the People’s Action Party (PAP), Time: 10am-6pm daily (last admission at some of whom have been detained for inciting anti- 5:30pm; closed on Wednesdays, open on public British riots last year. At the signing ceremony at Lancaster House, Mr holidays) Lim rejected this demand as “a departure from nor- Address: No. 10, Travessa de António da Silva mal democratic practice” but agreed to put it before Admission: Free the Legislative Assembly. Enquiries: (853) 2896 8820 SHAZAM Under self-government, the office of Governor will room 1 be abolished and replaced with a Malayan-born re- 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45 pm presentative of the Queen known as the Yang di-Per- Director: David F. Sandberg tuan Negara. Starring: Zachary Levi, Djimon Hounsou, Michelle Borth An internal security council preventing subversion Language: English (Chinese) is to be set up under the chairmanship of the UK Duration: 132min Commissioner charged with safeguarding British af- Offbeat fairs in the territory. P STORM Last April, David Marshall, first Chief Minister of room 2 Singapore, led a delegation to London to ask for in- rince arry prah work on 2:30, 4:30, 9:30pm ternal self-government with the aim of achieving in- P H , O Director: David Lam mental health program for pple dependence or “merdeka” in Malay. A Starring: Chrissie Chau, Louis Koo, Kevin Cheng The talks failed, and as a result Mr Marshall resig- Language: Cantonese (Chinese & English) ned as Chief Minister last June. He was succeeded Duration: 96min by Lim Yew Hock.

US Courtesy BBC News room 2 7:15pm Director: Jordan Peele Starring: Lupita Nyong’o, Winston Duke, Elisabeth Moss Language: English (Chinese) Duration: 116min

Kensington Palace says Britain’s Prince Harry will be partnering with Oprah Winfrey to create a documenta- ry series on mental health for Apple’s new streaming service. DUMBO n context The documentary builds on Harry’s work on mental room 3 I health issues, which included work with brother Prince 2:30, 4:30, 9:30pm A few days later former Chief Minister David Marshall resigned from the William and his wife Kate in their Heads Together cam- Director: Tim Burton governing Labour Front in protest at the agreement which he felt did not paign. Starring: Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito go far enough. He called it “a pock-marked beauty shrouded in chloro- Harry says the series will share “global stories of un- Language: English (Chinese) form”. Duration: 112min The Constitutional Agreement was finally signed in London on 28 May paralleled human spirit fighting back from the darkest 1958 and self-government achieved after Singapore held general elections places” and the “opportunity for us to understand our- MASQUERADE HOTEL in 1959. selves and those around us better.” room 3 The first government of the State of Singapore was sworn in on 5 June Earlier this year, Apple enlisted Winfrey, together with 2:15, 4:45, 9:15pm with Lee Kuan Yew as Prime Minister. Jennifer Aniston and Steven Spielberg, to try to over- Director: Masayuki Suzuki It joined the Federation of Malaysia in 1963 and became totally indepen- come the TV and movie streaming service business Starring: Takuya Kimura, Masami Nagasawa, Nozomi de dent in 1965, nearly 20 years after it was made a British crown colony. dominated by Netflix and Amazon. Lencquesaing The People’s Action Party (PAP) has been the dominant political force The service, dubbed Apple TV Plus, will feature Ap- Language: Japanese (Chinese & English) since independence. ple’s original shows and movies. Duration: 133min thu 11.04.2019 th Anniversary

macau’s leading newspaper 資訊/娛樂 INFOTAINMENT 17

YOUR STARS THE BORN LOSER by Chip Sansom Aries Taurus

Mar. 21-Apr. 19 April 20-May 20 You have the power to succeed today Your earthy nature asserts itself in a — even if it feels like you’re losing big way today, but that may put off ground. Just keep pushing yourself. those with their heads in the clouds. Things may look dark early in the You should just ignore them and let morning, but by tonight you should them enjoy their silly fantasies — see a glimmer of hope. you’ve got work to do!

Gemini Cancer

May 21-Jun. 21 Jun. 22-Jul. 22 You rely on others to help get your You feel a new sense of balance own business done, but today you today — though it might come at a may be on your own. Things aren’t cost. See if you can just enjoy what terrible just yet, but you may want you’ve got and worry about the to take extra time for all your consequences when they actually important tasks. start to affect you. SUDOKU WEATHER Leo Virgo MIN MAX CONDITION Jul. 23-Aug. 22 Aug. 23-Sept. 22 CHINA You’re making great progress toward Your romantic world is spinning a Easy Easy+ some personal goal — but you need little faster — so take a chance or to keep it personal for now. Let snuggle up with your sweetheart! All Beijing 9 28 clear/cloudy others take center stage, and they that great energy needs to be shared Harbin cloudy/sleet will have more time and attention with someone, and you can feel it -2 7 for you later. when it’s right. Tianjin 10 28 clear Urumqi 22 clear Libra Scorpio 9 Xi’an 10 25 cloudy Sep.23-Oct. 22 Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 Lhasa 1 11 overcast/cloudy Be wary of new situations — Your potent energy is the driving Chengdu 12 21 drizzle/cloudy something isn’t quite right, though force behind today’s big mission — that’s not to say you need to avoid so make sure that you’re talking it Chongqing 14 19 drizzle dealing with it entirely! Just make up or inspiring others to the cause. Kunming 9 24 cloudy sure you’re careful to see the bad as Things should start to look really well as the good today. good this evening. Nanjing 10 20 cloudy Shanghai 11 16 cloudy/drizzle Sagittarius Capricorn Wuhan 10 20 cloudy Medium Hard Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Hangzhou 11 17 overcast/drizzle You are firmly committed to doing it You need to deal with all this 18 25 cloudy/drizzle all yourself today, whether it’s making energy in a positive way — which Guangzhou thundershower your own lunch or building your own isn’t such a hard task for you! Just 20 26 shed. Whatever it takes to get it done make sure that you’re actively Hong Kong 21 24 cloudy is readily available in your skill set. engaged with everything that needs to happen by tonight.

Aquarius Pisces WORLD

Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Feb.19-Mar. 20 Moscow -2 7 sleet/drizzle You’re more tired than you feel you Your assistance is needed in a big Frankfurt 6 11 moderate rain/drizzle ought to be, so go easy on yourself way — so ask around or look for and make sure that you’re delegating opportunities to save the day. Things Paris 4 12 drizzle/cloudy responsibilities as much as you can. may move slowly at first, but once London 1 9 drizzle/moderate rain There’s not much point in driving you enter the picture, the pace picks yourself to exhaustion! up considerably. New York 2 14 clear

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FOOTBALL spells to go on South Korea duty at the Asian Games in August and the Asian Cup in January. Son gives Tottenham CL lead “If he is one player who de- serves to score, it’s him,” Pochettino said. “He always smiles.” over Man City after Kane injury City was smiling — initially — early in the first leg when a Rob Harris, London and the striker might not be video review gave the Premier fit to feature again this season League champions a penalty. TOTTENHAM 1, MAN CITY 0 AP PHOTO after he left the stadium on No City players appeared to crutches. be appealing for the penalty ITH Tottenham’s “We need to check tomorrow when the screens signaled the WChampions League but it looks the same, a simi- VAR had intervened to check quarterfinal scoreless and lar issue,” Tottenham mana- whether Tottenham defender oozing intensity, Harry Kane ger Mauricio Pochettino said. Danny Rose blocked Raheem launched into a challenge to “Very sad, very disappointed, Sterling’s shot with his hand. block Fabian Delph’s run, cla- and it’s going to be tough for Pochettino didn’t think it ttering into the the rest of the season. We hope was a clear error that warran- City opponent and twisting an it’s not a big issue but there’s ted a review. ankle. not much time to recover.” “I want to help VAR be a It was the same left ankle Son has already shown he protocol to help the referee,” the Tottenham striker dama- can more than fill in for Kane, Pochettino said. “But today ged just a couple of months who has 24 goals this season. showed there is still a lot of ago, and soon he was hobbling When Kane missed those six work to do with the system.” down the tunnel. weeks with a damaged liga- But goalkeeper Hugo Lloris Son Heung-min once again ment, Son scored four times. saved the third consecutive seized the opportunity to be- “As a team, we never give up penalty he has faced this year, come Tottenham’s savior, just Spurs’ Son Heung-min for 90 minutes — we fight,” diving to block Sergio Ague- as he did when Kane missed Son said. “It was a very dif- ro’s spot-kick in the 13th mi- seven games during January yesterday. challenge before striking a low ficult game and in the end, nute. and February. After receiving a pass on the shot under goalkeeper Eder- we were more clinical than City would struggle to test Son gave the crowd at Totte- right from Christian Eriksen, son in the 78th minute. them.” Lloris for much for the rest nham’s new stadium his own Son’s poor first touch nearly It was enough to secure a 1-0 Son also scored in Totte- of a game when Moussa Sis- injury scare. But moments put the ball over the byline, lead to take to City next We- nham’s first game at its $1.3 soko helped to control the To- after being treated — and 20 but he just kept it in play. The dnesday for the second leg. billion new stadium last week, ttenham midfield and cut out minutes after Kane’s departu- South Korean then cut the ball There is little prospect of Kane and he now has 18 goals in a attacks from Pep Guardiola’s re — Son put the ball in the net back and skipped past Delph’s playing at the Etihad Stadium, season that has seen him miss quadruple-chasing side. AP ad thu 11.04.2019

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FOOTBALL Brazilians score Japan Olympic minister decisive goals in Asian resigns over disaster gaffe

Champions APAN’S Olympic he apologized for the minis- minister resigned yes- ter’s remark to the people League terday after making in the disaster-hit region, AP PHOTO remarks deemed of- reassuring them that his go- trio of Brazilian forwards scored de- Jfensive to the people affec- vernment has an unshakable A cisive goals in the Asian Champions ted by the 2011 earthquake policy to do the utmost for League yesterday. and tsunami, a gaffe that had reconstruction while staying Talisca got the first two for Guangzhou questioned his credentials. close to the feelings of the Evergrande in a 4-0 win over Melbourne Yoshitaka Sakurada said he people affected. Victory in Group F. The former Benfica submitted his resignation to “As prime minister, I offer forward scored both in the opening 10 mi- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. an apology to everyone in the nutes. He said he made comments disaster-hit areas,” Abe said. Yang Liyu added the third and Leigh that hurt the feelings those “I have a responsibility for Broxham made it 4-0 with an own-goal. in the disaster-hit areas, and having appointed him.” In the other group match, there was just retracting them would Former Olympic minister another Brazilian on the scoresheet as not be enough. Shunichi Suzuki is expected Douglas Vieira scored the opener in San- Sakurada, at a party ear- to return to the post to repla- Yoshitaka Sakurada frecce Hiroshima’s 2-0 victory over South lier Wednesday for Hi- ce Sakrada, Japanese media Korean club Daegu FC. Vieira scored from nako Takahashi — a ruling reports said. ful Rikako Ikee’s disclosure Democratic Party of Japan. the penalty spot and Daiki Watari added lawmaker from Iwate, one of Sakurada joined Abe’s Ca- of her leukemia diagnosis. Edano also criticized Abe for the second. the prefectures severely hit by binet as part of its reshuffle Sakurada was also scolded repeatedly defending Sakura- Guangzhou, Sanfrecce and Daegu all the disaster — said Takahashi last year, quickly making a for being late and holding up da despite his repeated pro- have six points in the group, while Mel- is more important than re- reputation as a gaffe-prone a parliamentary session. blems since his appointment. bourne has zero. construction. minister. “Minister Sakurada’s re- Sakurada’s resignation is The third Brazilian scorer was Shanghai Sakurada was in charge of Sakurada, who also doub- signation is only natural. It also an embarrassment for SIPG striker Elkeson, who scored the final the 2020 Games, whose main led as cybersecurity strategy was an unbelievable com- Abe, who saw another Cabi- goal of the match to give his team a 3-3 theme is to promote recons- chief, said in November that ment that hurt the feelings of net member step down over a draw with Sydney FC in Group H. truction of the disaster-stru- he does not use a computer. the people in the region and questionable remark. Deputy Also, South Korean club Ulsan Horangi ck region. In February, he was forced others working hard for the minister of land, infrastruc- beat Kawasaki Frontale 1-0. Kim Su-an Abe was quick in his dama- to apologize after expres- reconstruction,” said Yukio ture, transport and tourism scored late to put Ulsan in first place in ge control. Soon after accep- sing disappointment over Edano, leader of a main minister Ichiro Tsukada quit the group. AP ting Sakurada’s resignation, swimming gold medal hope- opposition Constitutional last week. AP

ad THE Man wins over USD110k, breaks Station Air quality BUZZ single-day record on ‘Jeopardy!’ Roadside 40-60 Good A 34-year-old professional sports gam- This win was the fourth consecutive vic- bler from Las Vegas won more than tory for Holzhauer, whose winnings total High UDD110,000 on “Jeopardy!” yesterday more than $244,000. He will face two new Density 40-60 (Macau time), breaking the record for sin- challengers today. Residental gle-day cash winnings on the trivia televi- “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek revealed in Good sion game show. March that he was diagnosed with advan- Area opinion The show says in a statement that James ced pancreatic cancer but said he intends Holzhauer (pictured) won $110,914 during to fight the disease and keep on working. Ambient 50-70 the episode. The previous episode record The episode that aired yesterday was ta- Good SOURCE: DSMG SOURCE: World Views of $77,000 was set by Roger Craig in 2010. ped Feb. 11. Daniel Moss, Bloomberg ROSE MARIE BENTLEY WORLD BRIEFS We’re not even close to the next great recession Woman lived to 99 with AP PHOTO What’s all the fuss about? Maybe the world economy isn’t in such terrible shape after all. New projections most organs on wrong from the International Monetary Fund, pub- lished this week, show that expansion still VENEZUELA The has some legs. Growth will be a not-too- side of body International Committee shabby 3.3 percent this year. of the Red Cross That’s down from a previous forecast of regained access to 3.5 percent. So, yes, it’s a cut. But not a prisons in Venezuela,

dramatic one. These numbers are a ways AP PHOTO including highly from one IMF definition of recession, 2.5 guarded military percent, and miles from the contraction facilities where dozens recorded in 2009. Superlatives about the of inmates considered lowest growth since the Great Recession political prisoners are are misleading. being held, as President These updates from the IMF also make Nicolas Maduro seeks you wonder where all the drama – so preva- to counter mounting lent in headlines – is coming from. A boun- criticism of his ce in U.S. job growth last month, signs of a government’s human partial recovery in China and a dovish pivot rights record. from big central banks give some comfort. Let’s not get too giddy, though. A reces- sion in, say, the U.S. is inevitable at some point. The current expansion will this year AP PHOTO become the longest ever. Germany is flir- ting with recession and China is on a long- -term trajectory of slower growth. On the surface, the IMF numbers don’t say anything dire. Their direction does make Andrew Selsky, Salem (Ore.) Bentley’s family had not who removed her appendix President an impression – this was the third time the known about the condition, recorded its unusual loca- TRUMP Donald Trump says lender has marked down its numbers in six OSE Marie Bentley was which OHSU says occurs tion. there’s only one months. You have to give them credit for an avid swimmer, raised only once in every 22,000 When Bentley had her gall- R person in charge staying current. Is the IMF’s track record five kids, helped her husband births. Apparently Bentley bladder removed, it was on of his immigration perfect? Far from it. (I’m writing this column run a feed store, and lived to didn’t either. the opposite side of where it policy: Him. Asked by from , scene of one of the IMF’s the ripe age of 99. It was only should have been, Allee said. reporters whether he most contentious programs). after she died that medical “No one said a thing,” Allee considers tapping his Private sector doomsayers deserve students discovered that all The said. “I was surprised. This aide, Stephen Miller, to equal scrutiny. Next time you see a survey her internal organs — except discovery was before they did it with a lead the Department showing recession odds, question why and for her heart — were in the scope, and she had a good- of Homeland Security how far it deviates from consensus. Same wrong place. sized incision. You’d think given Miller’s focus on with the hagiographies accorded some in- of the rare The discovery of the rare they would have said some- the issue, Trump was dividual investors whose prognostications condition, which was presen- condition, thing, but they didn’t.” ready with praise — but just glide by without review. I’m all for put- not a promotion. ting the IMF under the microscope; let’s do ted this week to a conference which was Walker expressed his grati- the same for others. of anatomists, was astoun- tude for Bentley agreeing to The list of risks outlined by the IMF in its ding — especially because presented donate her body to OHSU,

World Economic Outlook could use a litt- Bentley had lived so long. Oregon’s only academic AP PHOTO le refreshing. Trade wars? Check. Brexit? People with the condition this week to health center. Sigh. What else you got? known as situs inversus with “This is an important case IMF chief Christine Lagarde calls this a levocardia often have life- anatomists, that really gave us an oppor- “delicate moment” for the world economy. threatening cardiac ailmen- tunity to talk about the im- Central banks have a role to play as well, ts and other abnormalities, was portance of future clinicians in the U.S., Europe and Asia. according to Oregon Health astounding paying attention to subtle BREXIT Just days As I wrote late last month, the idea of in- & Science University. anatomic variations, not just away from a potentially terest rate cuts from the Federal Reserve Cameron Walker’s class at large anatomic variations, in calamitous no-deal was a fringe theory that’s now come into — especially the university in Portland terms of addressing their fu- Brexit, European Union the mainstream, even if it’s not quite con- leaders meet yesterday sensus. If cuts do come to pass, it won’t be was examining the heart of a because ture patients as individuals,” to discuss granting because the Oval Office wants it. It will be cadaver last year when they Bentley had Walker said. “Don’t jud- the United Kingdom a because of reasoned analysis that inflation noticed the blood vessels ge a book by its cover, and new delay — possibly is too low, or at risk of being so, and that were different. When they lived so long always check and see what of up to a year — to its risk management requires the Fed to take opened the abdominal cavi- you’ve got before you talk departure from the bloc. out some insurance. ty, they saw that all the other Bentley, who lived in Mo- about care.” More on p15 It’s entirely possible the world economy organs were on the wrong lalla, 40 kilometers south He has researched how muddles through this year. It might be mes- side. The unusual blood ves- of Portland, had led a nor- long people with the condi- sy and there will be regional divergences

sels helped the heart com- mal life. Her only recurrent tion have lived, and he fou- AP PHOTO aplenty. pensate. physical complaint was ar- nd no documented cases in The economy may not feel great, parti- In a telephone interview thritis, her daughter Louise which a person lived beyond cularly depending on where you are. That yesterday [Macau time], Allee remembered. age 73. Bentley surpassed doesn’t mean it’s terrible. Walker described his reac- But there were signs. that by 26 years. tion to the find as “definitely When Bentley was in her Allee said her mother wou- SPACE Scientists a mix of curiosity, fascination 50s, she underwent a hys- ld have been delighted that yesterday revealed the and a sense of wanting to ex- terectomy, and the doctor the donation of her body led first image ever made plore a little bit of a medical also wanted to remove the to a learning experience. of a black hole. The mystery — a medical marvel appendix but couldn’t find “She would have been tick- picture, assembled from really — that was in front of it, Allee said in a phone in- led to know she could educa- data gathered by eight us.” terview. She said it was re- te with something unusual,” radio telescopes around the world, shows the “And I would say the stu- moved later. Oregon Health Allee said. “Dad would have hot, shadowy lip of a dents felt something very si- & Science University loved to know about it so he supermassive black hole, milar,” Walker, an assistant noted that Bentley had three could tease her.” one of the light-sucking professor of anatomy, told organs removed during her Her husband, James, died monsters of the universe The Associated Press. life, but only the surgeon about 15 years ago. AP theorized by Einstein.