734' THE'NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE; [No. 26 Luck-at'Last, Main's, Maisey;Makgill's, Maugaiti, Mangawhero Cla8sifieation of Roads in Whangarei County North, Mangawhero South, Maraetai, Matai, Matamata - Gordon, Matli.Diata - Waharoa, Matanuku, Mathieson's, McClintock's (Kinloch), McMillan's, McNahs, Moore's (Rinuera), Moore's (Arapuni), URSUANT'to Regulation 3, (5) of the Heavy Motor-vehicle Morgan's, Mowbray, M'tari, Muirhead's, Murphy's Nathan's, P Regulations 1950, the Minister of Transport doth hereby Ngatira (from Lichfield), Nicholson's, Okania PaA, Okauia South, approve the Whangarei CoUnty Council's proposed classification of Okauis Springs, Okauia Springs (east of river), Okoroire- Te Poi, the roads described in thlf Schedule hereto, and situated in the Old Taupo, Old Te Aroha, OldTe Awamutu (from Huihuitaha and Whangarei County. from Waotu), Oliver, Omahine, Ongaroto, Orepunga, Overdale, Pah (Putaruru), Pah (Maungatautari), Pakaraka, Paparamu (Tirau), Paraonui, Parapara, Peach, Pearson's" Peria Main Road, Peria SCHEDULE Wast, Peterson's"Pinedale Loop, Plantation, Pohlen's, Pokai (Halse WHcANGAREI COUNTY Road), Pond's, Puketurua Streets, Puketutu, Rangitanuku, Roads Classified in Class Thr.. Raparapa, Roberts, Rollett, Salisbury Street, 'Scherer's, Soott's, (Maungatautari), Scott's (Putaruru), Scrivener's, Selwyn - Mamaku, MAIN HIGHWAYS Selwyn - Arahiwi, Selwyn - Bart's Siding, Shine's, Sloss, Smith's Whang~rei-Taumaterau Main Highway No. 301. (Te Poi), Somervilles, Station (Matamata), Stokes, Stopfords (Te Poi), Longs Corner - Tauraroa Main Highway No. 302. Stringer's, Spain's, Sneddon's, Taotaoroa, Tapapa, Tapui, Taumangi, Kamo - Hikurangi Bridge Main Highway No. 303. Te Miro, Te Poi - Matamata, Te Rere, Te Whetu (from Ngatira Whakaparar-Russell Main Highway No.
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