CURRICULUM VITAE Name : SHRI. MANE PRAKASH DHONDIRAM Designation : Asstt. Professor of History, Department of History Shripatrao Chougule Arts & Science College, Malwadi-Kotoli, Tal-Panhala, Dist-Kolhapur- 416230 (MS) India Address For Communication Residential Address : 1) A/P:- Tilawani, Tal-Hatkanangale, Dist-Kolhapur-416115 2) Shikhashak Colony, Pachgaon, Tal-Karveer, Dist- Kolhapur. Office : Shripatrao Chougule Arts & Science College, Malwadi-Kotoli, Tal-Panhala, Dist-Kolhapur- 416230 (MS) India Phone No. Office : (02328) 254227 Cell No. : 09763803331 Email ID :
[email protected] Category : SC Nationality : Indian Date of Birth : 15th July 1976 Teaching Experience UG Level : 17 Years PG Level : 1 ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS:– Exam Subjects % Marks Year of Board/ Remark Passing Univ. M.A History 55.00 % May 1999 SUK II nd Class B.A History 58.00 % May 1997 SUK II nd Class H.S.C -- 53.00 % June 1994 Pune II nd Class S.S.C -- 41.57 % June 1992 Pune Pass ATTENDED ORIENTATION/REFRSHER COURSE:- 1. Participated and completed “86th Orientation Program” from 23rd Sept. to 21st Oct. 2013 and obtained ‘A’ Grade at Academic Staff College, Goa University. 2. Participated and completed 5th Orientation Course for Programmer officers of National Service Scheme, held from 22nd to 27th Aug. 2011 at NSS Empanelled Training Institute Ahmednagar, College. ATTENDED SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/WORKSHOPS:- 1. Attended Two-Days National Seminar, held on the subject of 12th History Parishad, organized by Mahavir Mahavidyalaya, Kolhapur. 2. Attended Two days National Seminar on “The Use and Importance of Reservation for Backward class of Communiies,” Organized by Dr.B.R Ambedkar Research Development Centre Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 16th and 17th March 2007.