Description of four new species of Monodora and Isolona (Annonaceae) from Tanzania and an overview of Tanzanian Annonaceae diversity Thomas L. P. COUVREUR Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Wageningen University Branch, Biosystematics Group, Wageningen UR, Generaal Foulkesweg 37, NL-6703 BL Wageningen (The Netherlands)
[email protected] Roy E. GEREAU Missouri Botanical Garden, PO Box 299, St. Louis, MO, 63166-0299 (USA)
[email protected] Jan J. WIERINGA Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Wageningen University Branch, Biosystematics Group, Wageningen UR, Generaal Foulkesweg 37, NL-6703 BL Wageningen (The Netherlands)
[email protected] James E. RICHARDSON Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Wageningen University Branch, Biosystematics Group, Wageningen UR, Generaal Foulkesweg 37, NL-6703 BL Wageningen (The Netherlands) Present address: Royal Botanic Garden, 20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR (United Kingdom)
[email protected] Couvreur T. L. P., Gereau R. E., Wieringa J. J. & Richardson J. E. 2006. — Description of four new species of Monodora and Isolona (Annonaceae) from Tanzania and an overview of Tanzanian Annonaceae diversity. Adansonia, sér. 3, 28 (2) : 243-266. ABSTRACT Four new species of Annonaceae from Tanzania are described and illustrated: Monodora carolinae, from coastal Tanzania and northern Mozambique, with refl exed outer petals and inner petals connivent by their tips; M. globifl ora, endemic to the montane forests of the Udzungwa Mountains, with inner pet- als fully connivent as a globe over the receptacle; M. hastipetala, endemic to the Kiwengoma Forest (Matumbi Hills), with hastate inner petals acuminate at apices; and Isolona linearis, endemic to Iringa region, with linear corolla lobes. Keys are provided to all species of both genera for East Africa.