ZILLA PARISHAD, B URD WA,N ENGINEERING WING COURT COMPOUND, P.O. & DIST.- BURDWAN PIN -713101. Phone: 0342-2662405/2662406 Fax: 0342-2663327 e-mail
[email protected] Memo. No:- DE/e-NITI 530 Date:-2710712016 NOTICE INVITING ELECTRONIC TENnER O~' THE DISTRICT ENGINEER, BURDW AN, ZILLA PARISHAn c-NIT No.-03 of2016-17 The District Engineer, Burdwan invites e-Tender on behalf of Zilla Parishad, Burdwan for the works in the table below from reputed & resourceful Contractors working under Zilla Parishad, P.W.D., C.P.W/.D., & similar other Govt. Deptt. having experience and requisite credential in execution of similar type of work. (Submission of Bid through online). 1. List of Work:- .._- --_-- Time of sr--[ Name of works -] Estimated Amount Amount of Earnc'st Cost of Tender completion Zs,) Documents (Rs.) ~~__ _~~ ~_~)ut ~~~'.)nder __ ~~~~_____ (I - RE-TENDER(2nd Cl!!!l _ --~----.- Construction of Smashan Chulli, Rest shed & Tube Well with D.W. arrangement at Aiyapur Rs, 15,07,000/- Rs, 31,000/- Rs,2,000/- Three Months Chawk within Ketugram-I P.S. in the District --_ .. , ~lrdwan for 2015-2016, .----~--- ------------- --- ------------- - 2 Improvement of Road from Uddharanpur (Mansi Sanko) to Mougram via Naliapur & Siluri Within Rs. 24,99,622/- Rs, 50,000/- Rs,2,000/- Three Months Kctugram - 11P,S, in the District Burdwan for 2_()1_~2016(~!!~se-IV), . _ __ __ ~_____________ FRE§!!_I~DER _ 3 11mprovclllcnt of the road from Mirapara to Hat [ J Kanpur Village including repair of exrsung culvert R 2499997/- R 50000/- T- R, 20oO/ __ lllire,Months 1_ _ _l ?~\h~;~~;r~I;!~~~2~nth: ~~~~t~~ctBurd~an~r_ _ ~ __~_.