Agreements As of September 30 2019.Xlsx

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Agreements As of September 30 2019.Xlsx Active International Agreements by Signature Date (as of September 30, 2019) No. NASA Installation Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Execution Expiration (Signature) Date Date Kennedy Space Government of Spain Spain (SP) Agreement on Space Cooperation Umbrella/Framework Agreement Authorization for, in case of an emergency, manned space 11-Jul-91 31-Dec-00 Center (KSC) Between the United States of America (UM/FW) vehicles of the United States to overfly, enter, and depart and the Kingdom of Spain Spanish air space and use the runways, taxiways, and other installations at the Moron de la Frontera, Rota, and Zaragoza bases; also, agreement to negotiate agreements in promising areas for joint efforts to strengthen cooperation in space science and technology. Dip notes entering the agreement into force were exchange on Sept 3, 1991, and May 12, 1994. The science and technology portion of this agreement was implemented by agreement SP0027 of 12/02/1991 with INTA and agreement SP0028 of 07/03/1992 with CDTI. 1 All NASA Centers National Institute for Spain (SP) Agreement on Cooperative Activities Umbrella/Framework Agreement Broad agreement between NASA and the National 2-Dec-91 31-Dec-00 Aerospace Technology Between NASA and the National Institute (UM/FW) Institute for Aerospace Technology of Spain (INTA) to (INTA) For Aerospace Technology of Spain consider cooperation in a variety of fields in Space Science, Earth Science, Aeronautics Research, and Exploration Systems. The agreement also establishes a group to discuss potential cooperative projects in the identified areas. The agreement is automatically extended each year. The expiration date of 2100 was picked 2 because it was far in the future. All NASA Centers Center for Technological Spain (SP) Agreement on Cooperative Activities Umbrella/Framework Agreement Umbrella/Framework Agreement (UM/FW): NASA Center: 3-Jul-92 31-Dec-00 Industrial Development Between NASA and the Center for (UM/FW) Mentioned different NASA Installations. Broad agreement (CDTI) Technological Industrial Development of between NASA and the Center for Technological Industrial Spain Development of Spain (CDTI) that anticipates the negotiation of future agreements between NASA and Spanish agencies in a variety of fields in Space Operations, Space Science, Earth Science, Aeronautics Research, and Exploration Systems. The agreement specifically mentions space vehicle landing facilities and science and technology development programs. It also calls to the establishment of a group to discuss potential cooperative projects. The agreement is automatically extended each year. The expiration date of 2100 was picked because it was far in the future. The CDTI is known presently (August 2008) as the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI). 3 Goddard Space United Kingdom Space United Kingdom (UK) Terra/Earth Observing System (EOS AM- Project-Specific Agreement Participation by Dr. Jan-Peter Muller on the Multi-Angle 11-Sep-92 31-Dec-20 Flight Center (GSFC) Agency (UKSA) 1): Multi-Angle Imaging Spectro- (PSA) Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (MISR) Instrument Team, Radiometer (MISR) which is to design, develop, and verify the MISR instrument and MISR data exploitation. Missing UK letter. 4 Goddard Space United Kingdom Space United Kingdom (UK) Aqua/Terra/Earth Observing System Project-Specific Agreement Participation by Dr. Jan-Peter Muller of University College- 11-Sep-92 31-Dec-20 Flight Center (GSFC) Agency (UKSA) (EOS AM-1 and PM-1): Moderate (PSA) London in the Instrument Team for MODIS, a facility Resolution Imaging Spectrometer instrument designed to measure both biological and (MODIS) physical processes on a global basis. Missing the UK 5 letter. Jet Propulsion United Kingdom Space United Kingdom (UK) Aqua/Earth Observing System (EOS PM- Project-Specific Agreement Participation by Dr. Rolando Rizzi of the European Centre 11-Sep-92 31-Dec-20 Laboratory (JPL) Agency (UKSA) 1): AIRS/AMSU/MHS (PSA) for Medium Range Weather Forecasting on the Instrument Team for the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder/Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A/Microwave Humidity Sounder(AIRS/AMSU/MHS), a facility instrument of 6 NASA's EOS. No UK letter. 1 Active International Agreements by Signature Date (as of September 30, 2019) No. NASA Installation Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Execution Expiration (Signature) Date Date Jet Propulsion National Centre for Space France (FR) Instrument Team for Atmospheric Infrared Project-Specific Agreement Service by Dr. Alain Chedin of Ecole Polytechnique on the 16-Feb-93 31-Dec-20 Laboratory (JPL) Studies (CNES) Sounder (AIRS)/Advanced Microwave (PSA) Instrument Team for the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Sounding Unit-A (AMSU)/Microwave (AIRS), Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU), Humidity Sounder (MHS) Instruments of and Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) instruments of Earth Observing System (EOS PM- the EOS. 7 1)/Aqua Goddard Space National Centre for Space France (FR) Instrument Team for CERES Instrument Project-Specific Agreement Service by Dr. Robert S. Kandel of Ecole Polytechnique 16-Feb-93 31-Dec-20 Flight Center (GSFC) Studies (CNES) of Earth Observing System (EOS AM-1 (PSA) on the Instrument Team for the Clouds and Earth's and PM-1)/Aqua/Terra Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument of the EOS. 8 Goddard Space National Centre for Space France (FR) Instrument Team for MODIS Instrument of Project-Specific Agreement Service by Dr. Didier Tanre of the Laboratoire d'Optique 16-Feb-93 31-Dec-20 Flight Center (GSFC) Studies (CNES) Earth Observing System (EOS AM-1 and (PSA) Atmospherique on the Instrument Team for the Moderate- PM-1)/Aqua/Terra Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) instrument of 9 the EOS. Goddard Space Russian Federal Space Russia (UR) WIND Mission/Cooperation in the Konus- Project-Specific Agreement Flight on the U.S. WIND mission of the Russian Konus 28-Oct-94 31-Dec-23 Flight Center (GSFC) Agency (Roskosmos) WIND Experiment (PSA) gamma-ray burst detector to enhance the scientific return to the international science community in the area of 10 gamma-ray astronomy. Goddard Space Canadian Space Agency Canada (CA) Flight of the Measurements of Pollution in Project-Specific Agreement This MOU establishes the scientific and technical 15-Nov-94 31-Dec-25 Flight Center (GSFC) (CSA) the Troposphere (MOPITT) Instrument on (PSA) cooperation for the flight of the MOPITT instrument on the Earth Observing System (EOS AM)/Terra NASA EOS-AM1 polar orbiting platform of MOPITT to further cooperation in global change research by enabling the multidisciplinary study and long-term systematic monitoring of Earth, including research involving data from all Earth observing platforms in the International Earth 11 Observing System. Headquarters (HQ) Russian Federal Space Russia (UR) Global Learning and Observations to Project-Specific Agreement The GLOBE program is an international environmental 16-Dec-94 31-Dec-00 Agency (Roskosmos) Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) (PSA) science and education program that will bring students, teachers, and scientists together to study the global 12 environment. Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education and Moldova (MD) Global Learning and Observations to Project-Specific Agreement The GLOBE program is an international environmental 30-Jan-95 31-Dec-00 the Department of Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) (PSA) science and education program that will bring students, Environmental Protection teachers, and scientists together to study the global 13 environment. Headquarters (HQ) Government of the Kingdom Netherlands, The (NL) Global Learning and Observations to Project-Specific Agreement The GLOBE program is an international environmental 28-Feb-95 31-Dec-00 of the Netherlands Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) (PSA) science and education program that will bring students, teachers, and scientists together to study the global 14 environment. Headquarters (HQ) Government of the Republic Senegal (SG) Global Learning and Observations to Project-Specific Agreement The GLOBE program is an international environmental 17-Mar-95 31-Dec-00 of Senegal Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) (PSA) science and education program that will bring students, teachers, and scientists together to study the global 15 environment. Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Egypt (EG) Global Learning and Observations to Project-Specific Agreement The GLOBE program is an international environmental 20-Mar-95 31-Dec-00 Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) (PSA) science and education program that will bring students, teachers, and scientists together to study the global 16 environment. Headquarters (HQ) National Board of Education Finland (FI) Global Learning and Observations to Project-Specific Agreement The GLOBE program is an international environmental 23-Mar-95 31-Dec-00 Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) (PSA) science and education program that will bring students, teachers, and scientists together to study the global 17 environment. Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Belgium (BE) Global Learning and Observations to Project-Specific Agreement The GLOBE program is an international environmental 24-Mar-95 31-Dec-00 Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) (PSA) science and education program that will bring students, teachers, and scientists together to study the global 18 environment. Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of the Environment Israel (IS) Global Learning and Observations to Project-Specific Agreement The GLOBE program is an
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