
Centro Journal ISSN: 1538-6279 [email protected] The City University of New York Estados Unidos

Serrano, Basilio Puerto Rican musicians of the Renaissance Centro Journal, vol. XIX, núm. 2, 2007, pp. 94-119 The City University of New York New York, Estados Unidos

Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=37719206

Abstract This article focuses on the contributions of Puerto Rican musicians to the African-American bands and orchestras that were active during the . The essay provides biographical sketches of the musicians who were instrumentalists and composers of the leading orchestras of the period, including those led by Fletcher Henderson, , Noble Sissle, , Leon Abbey, Don Redman, Luckey Roberts, Claude Hopkins, among others. Biographical sketches are provided for the following Puerto Rican musicians: Rafael Escudero, Carmelo Jari, Rafael Hernández, Rafael Duchesne, Ramón Usera, Francisco Tizol, Gregorio Félix, Fernando Arbello, and Ram Ramírez. Brief references are made to a number of additional musicians who were also participants during the important cultural surge that is best known as the Harlem Renaissance. Background information on the early Puerto Rican diaspora is also included with brief references to the migrations to New Orleans, Hawaii, Washington, and New York City. The purpose of the essay is to develop a more complete picture of the Puerto Rican experience in . The essay provides information that helps explain why the contemporary music of Puerto Ricans, in the States and the homeland, was influenced by the music of the African American community

Keywords music, jazz, Harlem Renaissance, Puerto Rican musicians, Puerto Rican migration, New York

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