(P07S Kn1 Tcy Office of Education (DTEW), Washington, D.C
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 035 081 EA 002 677 711,77170p Dickinson, William r., Pd. mTTLy New Dimensions in School Poard Leadr-rsIlip, A Seminar Penor+ and. Worvhook (Chicago, Tllinois, July q-12, 1969) . TNSTTTUTT011 National School. Roan's Association, Evanston, T11. (P07S kn1 Tcy Office of Education (DTEW), Washington, D.C. ')ureau of Elemen+ary and Secondary Education, T"TP DA T7 69 rnmP 121p. IYVATT,APL7PPnm National School Poards Association, 1233 Cr,,n+ral Street, Evanston, Iii. 60201(Single copy 1'3.25, quantity discounts) rnr)9 nPTCF PDT'S Price ME-T0.0 T1C-6.25 DPScPTPTOPS Black Power, *Poards of Education, Communication (Thounh+ Transfer) , Community Tnfluence, Community Tnvolvement, *Educational Eauality, Einancial Support, *T,eadership, Minority Groups, Public Education, *Public School Systems, Relevance (Education), School Tntegration, School Policy, Seminars, *Social Change, Urban Schools ARSTP Arm A 4-day seminar, funded by ESEA Title III, studied the appropriate role of the American school hoard in the present climate of change, and the future role of the school board. Educational aut},orities were asked to nreparP position papers for the seminar and persons with experience at the local board level were invited to respond candidly to all seminar presentations. Part T of +11is report contains six papers Prepared for the seminar, covering such topics as problems of decentralization, fiscal policies, urban scl,00ls, and school hoard leadership. Eight broad ideas on new requirements for effective leadership are offered for consideration by the educational leadership community. Part. TT is a workbook that Provides topics and auotations for further discussion. (ME) New Dimensions in School Board Leadership A Seminar Report and Workbook William E.
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