

Farm Birthday Part}

7000 of WGY's rural friends attend€d, and enthus~' -':r acclaimed, the WGY Farm Birthday Party on Ho' 'prober 1, 1940. From all sections of the Jreat Northeast came 1h neighbors to Schenectady to pay tribute to 15 years ( uous farm service broadcasting. And as a "birthcla:~ brought five tons of produce for donation to str B C'_ I. This exceptional spirit of friendship is indicated con not only by 1- 1 visits but by thousands of lett, -. '" show- ing a regu. . ••o-day listening habit. It's a habit tnat means complete rural coverage in the Great Northeast-wi:h real friends receiving your message. For complete information on WGY's rural coverage drop us a line. Or just ask at any NBC Spot Sales Office. Make W 3Y's friends your friends.

WGY-41 Study Number Eleven in a Series on WGY Airea Cities

OME, , located Per capita, the retail sales amount R between the to $3 13. and Wood Creek in Oneida Industries such as its locomo­ County, is an historical city which tive works, knitting mills, brick has survived the years to be­ yards, canneries, wire works, come an important manufactur­ creameries, and copper and brass ing center. The city is built on a mills have provided Rome with a plateau about 450 feet above sea progressive industrial growth. The level. It is 110 miles west by production of copper and brass north of Albany and 15 miles articles predominates with about northwest of Utica. one tenth of all the copper prod­ ucts made in the Its history dates back to the coming from Rome. The total days before the American Revo­ value of Rome's manufactured lution, for Rome was settled in products is about $20,000,000 1760 by John Roof. The central per year. This total is produced part of the ci ty is on the si te of by 45 different plants in the city. old . This fort Although its waterway trans­ occupied a POSItIon of great portation facilities have lost some importance in the days of old. of their importance, Rome is It was the defense point in the amply served by the New York , 'carrying place," or portage on Cen tral • and The New Y or k, the route between the Atlantic Onta"rio : and Western Railways. Ocean and the . Surrounded by a rich farm and The township was chartered dairy section, Rome is an urban as a city in 187 °, and today, with center with a large supporting a population of 32,300, it offers rural population. It provides a fertile market for the users of another com'bination urban-rural WGY. Rome has a retail sales market reached and served by volume of $ 10,120,000 per year. WGY. ------~------~------~


The "birthday gift" of farm produce brought for donation to New York State charities-5 tons in all. HUDSON COAL RETURNS TO WGY WGY FARM PARTY IMPRESSES CITY WITH NOVEL PROGRAM DWELLER TO EXTENT OF $S " The Li ttle Red Schoolhouse," a In a letter, sent after he had visited juvenile quiz program with audience the WGY Farm Birthday Party, a participation features, marks the return resident of Albany, N . Y . declared that to WGY of the Hudson Coal Company it had done his heart good to have seen of Scranton, Penna. Written and pro­ such a fine, healthy-looking group of duced by Leighton and Nelson, Sche­ people. He was vastly impressed by the nectady agency, the program is pre­ party and by the friendly spirit of the sented Sunday afternoons from four to rural visitors. four-thirty. He closed his letter by apologizing With Ed Flynn as the Schoolmaster, for the fact that he hadn't been able to two teams, each of three youngsters bring a gift of produce, since he isn't a Canada Dry is using under sixteen, vie in producing correct farmer, but asked Emerson Markham Penick and Ford add­ the WGY Market Basket answers to questions submitted largely to please accept his check for $5.00 ed an extra day per with participations on by the listening audience. Each team lnstead. Emerson did and his check was week and renewed for Monday, Wednesday, represents a different community in the turned o,ver to State charities along Monday through Friday and Friday. WGY airea. The winning team receives wi th the produce. at 9:00 to 9:15 a.m. for $ IO per contestant and returns the "My-T-Fine " desserts. • following week to meet a new team of OTIS AND ELEANOR SIGNED The contract carries to Swift and Company, challengers from another WGY com­ BY P. LORILLARD COMPANY April t5. beginning January t, munity. The losers, on each occasion, is sponsoring 18 par­ receive $5 apiece. The P . Lorillard Tobacco Company • ticipations in the House­ is sponsoring Otis and Eleanor Cle­ Reid Murdoch has re­ hold Chats program for ments, WGY instrumental and singing newed its series of one­ Sunbrite Cleanser. I· NEWS NOTES duo, for thirteen weeks beginning J anu­ minute announcements ary 6. The product being sold is Union for Monarch Canned • Chet Vedder,Dean ofWGY announc­ Leader Tobacco. The Clements' portion Foods for 5t weeks. The The Dairy Associa­ ers, has taken a three months' leave of of the program, broadcast six days a announcements are car­ tion's "Kow-Kare" is absence . .. Martha Brooks, conduc­ week, features both popular and cowboy ried Monday through being sold with one-min­ tress of the WGY Market Basket, songs. Saturday. ute announcements on recently wrote herself out of the last Otis Clements, the featured vocalist Mondays and Thurs­ few minutes of her program in order of the team, was born in Marlin, Texas. • days. to race for a train. She arrived at the He spent his early days on his father's The Knox Gelatine Co., station in time but the train didn't. It ranch but started singing on the radio through Leighton and • finally showed up-an hour and a half at the age of thirteen. Later he met Nelson, has taken over The Breslaw Furniture late .... Bill Meenam, WGY's ace and joined Doc Schneider and his the 6:15 to 6:45 p.m. Company has renewed newsman, received many nice letters original Texas Cowboys and toured period on Satu rdays for its Musical Clock from a bou this day before New Year's many of the states in the Union with 5t weeks, beginning De­ 8:00 to 8:30 a.m. Mon­ "Scissors and Paste" program. For the troupe. In addition to his wide cember t8. day through Saturday "guests" he had the entire General experience on the stage he has appeared for thirteen weeks. Electric broadcasting gang, including before the mike of many of the nation's • Mr. Robert S. Peare, Manager of major radio stations-WGY, WLW, Beginning January • General Electric's broadcasting .... In WTIC, WBZ-WBZA, WSB, KDKA, to, Lever Bros. will p ro­ Household Chats is addi ti on to Vassar College (see cover) and several others. mote the use of "Spry" being used Monday among the colleges co-operating with While working at WGY with Doc with "Aunt Jenny's through Friday by Reid WGY in the Democratic Processes Schneider, Otis met and married Stories" at 1:00 to 1:15 Murdoch, makers of series are Cornell, Williams, St. Law­ Eleanor, who now accompanies him on p.m., Mondays through Monarch Canned Foods. rence, R .P .I., and Skidmore. the accordion. Fridays.