Crown Copyright Catalogue Reference:CAB/23/62 Image Reference:0008
(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:CAB/23/62 Image Reference:0008 [^gJ^CUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY1 S GOVERNMENT). jj^R S T. Copy No. CABINET 45 (29) . CONCLUSIONS of a Meeting of the Cabinet held in the Prime Minister's Room, House of Commons, on WEDNESDAY, 30th October, 1929, at 4.15 p.m. PRESENT:- The Right Hon. Philip Snowden, M.P., Chancellor of the Exchequer. (Acting Prime Minister). line Right Hon. The Right Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P., J.H. Thomas, M.P., Secretary of State for Lord Privy Seal. Foreign Affairs. Ilhe Right Hon. The Right Hon. Lord Passfield, Secretary of Lord Parmoor of Frieth, \ State for Dominion Affairs and K.C.V.O.,K.C., Lord President Secretary of State for the of the Council. Colonies. fThe Right Hon. The Right Hon. Lord Sankey, G.B.E., J.R. Olynes, M.P., Secretary Lord Chancellor. of State for Home Affairs. [The Right Hon. The Right Hon. W. Wedgwood Benn, D.S.O., Tom Shaw, C.B.E..M.P., D.F.C.,M.P., Secretary Secretary of State for of State for India. War. [Brig.-Gen. The Right Hon. The Right Hon. Lord Thomson, C.B.E.,D.S.O., Arthur Greenwood, M.P., Secretary of State for Minister of Health. Air, [The Right Hon. The Right Hon. Margaret Bondfield, M.P., Noel Buxton^ M.P., Minister of Labour. Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. The Right Hon. The Right Hon. Sir Charles Trevelyan, Bt., William Graham, M.P., M.P., President of the President of the Board Board of Education.
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