• "'::"'""'.!',1"'" . --:- ·: .. , Mgnd Reesai-.-h {Pr!irote) U1 Kathman:iu; Decemoe� l, 1973..

Regm1 RB search Series Yec.1r 5, No. l2, &iiteri By .Nahesh c. Regm1.


Page l. Interviews With Baburam Acha_rya ••• 221

2. Ancient Khas C ulture •• • 229

3. Ni.scellaneous Ooc�nts On -China War •• • 236

4. 0€.population Of Rai kar LD.n1s In Easwrn Tarai ••• 239 Proposal F or Ea st-West 5. Highway, 1949 ••• · 240

Re.gm1. Research (Priv.3te) LM Lazimpat, Kathmc.lndu, N�pal.

Compile� by .Regmi Research (Priv�te) Ltd for privau, study und Nsearch. Not meJnt f or public sal�·or display. 22]..

x Intervtews w1 th Baburam Acharya (Conclu1e·i)

i..tuestion: What. is" your opim:on aoout the:: Tharus ? Answer: l·donot know anyti1ing i:ibout tht. 'l'naru�. '!he Tharus of 1"10.rang· 1 formerly cc::1lJ.ei thtHnselves · 11 i'�uchila&1 • It 'i.s s pt:cu:j.ated tnat t.ney 11-:� to bticause thf;ly were relate-i to tne _Rajvamshis of Coochbehar. I do not knvw more about thi�.

Question: Narahar; Na th states tha� Thar.us ar6 actuaily Jtryans, an i ·tr:at , they we;re ca1w1 Tharu because they live:i 1 .n l ow-lanris.

answer: No, they are not Aryan�, Tn�re ar� Chitauniya and ¥mPhu. Thay��; who livt} in Parsa 1istri.ct. "Questi��: Ar'd tpe Tharus- of tll.cl eastern Tarai, 'Chi'taun ani tht. westen1 region the: same ()dople? inswer: No, they ar ... not. In the wi:'st.ern regi.on itself, tha.Tharus ar� 11 vinei � nto tiiff�rent communities. In Butaul, there ar� two ca_tc:i"gorl �·s of Tharus-DangoUa Thcirus ant Kathoriya Tharus. ° Question: Art= tho Tharus of.. Chi at un too pf&two catE:gori2s.? Answer: No, Oangolios ani Katnoriyas arci the: on.Ly• two communi'' · ' ti;;,� thE,r•,i· · . l)angoHas have thetr o,riginal home i� Dang.,. . �uestion: Are Dongolid 'l'harus&_ so c.:.J.lt;,,j beaause they come ,fro� Dang ? ..

.Answer: Y.;s·, tht. "tt:lrm Dangolia is derivti1 .from D ans. Dangoli� T�r.us flQV<. . spreid thl:lmst::lvt:s up to K�il.ali in tho Wc;stcrn region. All t"h;ts'l'ili:lrt,is .. th

xlnsti tute of NEpal an1 Asi� Studi-� s., Tribhu.wan Uni"vt!rs ity�··aabtiram Achllryo ra Uhanlca Knti (Babu.ram Acharya Anti Hi1;1 Works)& ., Xirtipur: the Institute, _Fal�un 291 ?029 (March 12 ., , .1973). Contd ••• 222.·

�uestion: Ani Tharus li ving:·elsewnere 'L ..� .... . ;. . ., lmswer: In Kanctumpur, 1'harus are c&.Lled Raw;1. Beyoni this, I 1o not Kflvw anything . fulna Tharus follow strange cust.oms anr1 USdgea. For inst..:;nc�, they io not maintain any relations with aey' other 'Ibaru. Nor io uhoy establish matrimonial rolations with other 1'harus. They do not cultiv'.t,1:. lams belonging to any other commu nity; th�y cultlv�ta th�ir own lani� only.·'Ibey also keep aloof from other communities.

One strange· c;laim .Rana Tharus 'm3ke is th at :tht,y ha'i been 11rlr,iV,;:tl: . out fromMahabharat.11 Th""ir wiv�s callf'ri tht>rnselv:.)s GopinL They thrust· the pli!t� towar:-is their husban,is with th....-ir fe;;t while serving rneals; I have witnc�ss,➔'i this custom myself. Moreover, Rana Tharus do not tcik, milk. When askt,'i' the rsas:>n, they say that -thay rio not. �o so b,-caus'.• th ::f have to feeri tha calves. We a sktd wh ether Wl.1 could take mi lk. -:They -�\:'✓l,.l·A that we coul1 do so 1.f we likei, an'i ac tually brought milk for us. 'Ih,:r1 1 toli tham that th-,y too shouli take milk. They obliged us. Actually, ·:..h,.J ly · --to not total abhor milk. Such are these p�oplo • .- ·�· , . � ..

All th,,sa Tharus appe8 r to have SJme. coru11-,otions w1th �Iagars. Tt1• r: g is anotbP-r group of Tbarus in Morang 1istrict. I _ha\\.; for citt;�n the; !WT!)- • Th-:-y wear only' a lo1 ncloth ani sell cinchona. Th,;} dialdct spoken by thi'l' is almost i1entical to .thc1t . spoken by 1imbus. . . ··; ,-, Question:. Wf::re they Dhim1lls ?

.i-.nswt::r:·Y:',s, Dhimals. In physical appearance, they re:s!::mbl� Kirotas. On., important thing ebout Chitauniya Tharus is that their ranch"yr.t u.sui t,o ba a powerful bo�y. Orti1.:;� uo i by yat ooIJIJlanicrt gr�ot.Jr s· iss this Panchcl . . - • . . · : 1 Sanc:tt ty_ than t:1Vt:1n thost;, of th,;:, King.

Q\l.,:;:stion: How was that, · Panchayat. 1116nago-i ·? Was it. an �l.-3ctod bo,iy ?

Answor: The Panchayat used to. bi:: manage� very c:1ffic1tintly ... its fu;·mb,.r.s · ; ware selecthi through mutual. consult.:itio'ns.

,- - Qut'lstioris What was th,:- nature of tht. Panchali, i .t:. the Ponchc.iyat syst,..ir1, that pr�vail':'ri 'iuri ng th.-:: Li.chchhavi· purio1 ?

Answer: Pancha yats were not form-YI then through el1;1ctions org anizei by .. th-3 govr·�l::nt, as is the cas1-; today. Tho PanchaU was set• up by villL i;.,ra : ·. -thcmstlves · through mutual consultation�.•_ In Bhaktapur, tht'ri;: wt.ir1;1 m"'nJ . :·;� · T ols .,eaatl. with a chi�• f (Praihan) who .::1tht:r··stooi • as a ·cawt iqa.;t.;; o n h:'..s ;J own int ti ativ,.; Qr was nom1.nat€,i by thE-; gov�rnm-.•nt. Th� �anchelis ex� stfng '.; ';1u7' ng the 11 chchhavi porio1 w•-·r.• g en-:z:ally 'operating.within th•� Guthi syst,-m. Th1:-y ha ➔ l inks with Gut hi s only; an; ha1 n o.· connf· ctions ·at all with pol1 tics.

Contrt•• • 223.

�uestiona: At that time , Gutr.d s oparateii indepen".i ently. Why shoulrJ hav Fcnchalis bet:n men17i.one i separately ?

�sw r: 1'he term Gast.hi me3Ils a small m0sting or discussion :wi tM.n r. ca tt(t' sh�d. On thb oth•··r nani, a Pc.nchal.1 to lorgc;r:, an;a. is a perrrwn'7nt 0ni authori tatJvE; instttution. It has no conn�cti.on with t.ha vi llage .

�ue s tion : This ➔ oes not ap pear to b& true•. A closti_st \.rly of in�cription� ·. elonging to the Li.ac hchhavi perlod woul-'1 show that at that time an instia­ tutf on cc1lle1 Panc hsU l'{B S crente1 in a village to attend to matters.r< -1la­ ting to.po pv.l.ar we lfare� on1 local a➔mi nistration. Eve.ry Panchali was n�1;;➔ aft�=: r thr local villagP- 1 .e.g. Loprlanggrama Panchal'! , Lopring . .Panchali, ':-. Matinggrama .Pr:inchali , Matlnga Panc hal1. , mii Bhri ngareshwara-Gram.:i Ptm ct.:.:i lia, Bhri ngor Panchali, Nara simhagram.'l Panchali an•t Nara si mtw .Pr.n�tiali. S1 m1. ­ lorly, Panc ha lis ·hav,0 bf'en namati aftf;r Yugwal, Jogwa l, anti sevoral c:,�hf. r. Vill.Dges. The bound ar1.c�; of sBt·:-.le�1;nts Wi:lr� ·r1emarcatr.r:I on he bAsi. of ··· 1 } � P-"trl chalis. Thi s t?Xpl.a1ns why tha inscriptions contain ref2!'f-:nce ,to t_ht.. rts1 tionts of a parti cular Pan chal1a. 'fh,1 inscriptton of Shiva }?t:tya .ri't · · Buti han1.lak�ntha, ania. of 1,ms huvarm;} ,a may b� cite,1 as -examples. Tht.ise 1n­ scr1ptions are ad-ir �ss9i to the inhc:ibitD-n ts of two Panchalie.,S uch exampl,�s · can be multip iifl i; but t,h.j s 1 s sufficiant to prov� the correlation b1:Jtw��t:il'l a Pancha li an-i a vi llage. The origin of t,b0 tarm P.::inchali. alsom� kas th�. D point cl�ar. · · · · ; .'. . - · . i . .;. Woonever nc:w rulers appear�rt 1ur1ng the Uchchhav1 per101•; 'ttwya: · . hun,iei ovt:'r incrua s ei a1ministrc:1tiw powei:·s to th,;; vlllagurs i.n ordur _to ·•a' 8'.ltisfy tht.m. Th,,st:.p ow�i1s w;.;re (;i;xgrcisod byaPanclwlis . In �ci!BO P,.rncntiJ.is ·-· weri; foun1 incapable of tiXc'rcising 5UCh powers, ttw King h,� l.d ..c .�.J.�� 'ttons through -ntc1rasana. The: inscriptions of Narendra Dtivo at Devapat�•lllLy · . ; be ;cit�1 as c;)vi.,1ence in support of this stat.::ment. It m.::ntions · tbat 'sho uld th-- . Pc1nchvli fa•il. to hdnr:lle matters r-,'ntrusw:J to Navagriba., �hs�e would bo rL-ftirred to Anatarasana for consideration. Provisions ·rt.gdrdirlg: F.mcr�""­ li s wEiru inscriberi on coppt.:r-plates. This inscription a�o indicLl"tda·· tni ,c. 1'0-w Dll��rs of & Panchali war.J appaintf.:ti by th,;; K1 ng. Similarly'�a. th�. . ' · , h1scrtption loca ted at Nar.!lyanchaur rc;furs to th1; fact tha t local.: affc.1.!' s· we�ti 'mc:n�geri through Panchal is. Thus there is no doubt that the Pancht:.t.i a of tru• ·Li chchhavi. perio-1 werea· powerf'u_l V-1 1).�ge Panchayata o f the timi:>,

: • ' • • .- ✓ , • ; � .• -� . • ' swer : BO� - Thi s is tru� to CJXtent. But· .Pan ' ch ·a · li··s did n o· t ·h�ve.: · polfo , rs · to-_ col ect taxos .

·Conti,• •. ••·, . 224.

Qu1:1stion: hlthough thdre 1,;JC.i sto-1 a s�parutf_. authorityto �oll-.,ct th1; 11..:.in . gov,:;;rnm;n-t taxe s, Pc1nchal1s werL permii.,"W � to co llect Hnbs ann lr,vi, s&. On,:-sixth of the procoe(is of ju.rlicia l fo,·s Wt,r.;: nppropri!.:too by PanCLl<"li S, uhi li,;; th•2 bc..1lanc�: waspaii to tht' st.:it,. trc '-:a ury. Th1s i s clep_r frcir: tr.-;· �. nscription ii sco vt-rwi at Nar::iyanchuur in Naksal. Th1;; Lichchhavi rub rs foliowei the policy of encouraging loct l gov1;.rnm ...nt . The Panchali syst,,m thus consti tui:.t:'1 an important part of th1; aimi nis tration which hai con­ tacts with thti pooplc. Noturally, thl• Panchal ts of that tiln•: t'.liffere-i ..; . to ·some extent from �ht.' P;mchayats of modum timos.

J.nswer: But the goverrunt. nt d i i:i' not intarfar'e 't'in Panchali electio. ns. Quf'stion: This mig ht .b,� ttUd . But it is obvious thtlt Panchalts form<2 -i lln organ of loca l Sf•lf-gov,:rnm.;.nt at that time . Moreov8 r, the. Ptmchali. . system exist.91 ti ll tht:) Malla .' peri.01&. In r<::,cor'is r.,lating to the �lla_ pt"r'o,i ! we· fi.nri rf..fer;..ricos to th8 construction. of re st-housos&,. · ro,111-s" 1�· shBl��, wat.:�r-taps,.,.,tc, iin-i organi zation of cultura l programs by Pc1 L1- chalis, as ,n ll as to the participation of Pancha s (m.-1mb,::rs o f Pancholi s) in wars. Panchas exjst..., d iuring th'd. Shah rule too. On.:'1 contemporary tiocu-­ ment r<3f,..,rs to th;.-- fact that Panchns had assamb k:d in front of thr3 HanUIT\an Di1olre Palact: to see King Rana Baha&➔ur Shah whJn· thc:y heard ruITOrs that he was ·bcling harasse1 by Baha,ur Shah. .. li.nsw�r: .Pancnay,ats, of courso, existf;td during Chandra Shamsher1 s regim..; ·t.oo . During his rule, vi.Ll.Pgt: h�aillldowc r;3 permit· .. ed to sv tt. lo vil.lc:1g� nffnirs. This arrang.3m..mt was Dbolishui .only l.Jt�r.

Qu,.:s ti on: .Will you ·clnrify your views on Pancha J.i ? MSw� r: .I havo not Y"'- t Stu.ii�d this subj1;1ct pro perly. An appror;Jriut., conclusion· m.:iy _ ventually bt: reachE° i through study a-n'i • discussio� • 9 " .


Qu"1st'! on: Wha t was the statt.1 of lc:1�·, r�ing iuri.ngthe: Li chch}lgvi P':'rlo:i � ·j Has th�re anythi ng in tho fielti of l.:iarn1.ng that on ... coul; •tak1; pri,1;; .; � rJur1ng the 11. chchhavi period, .:inr3 is it available now ? :/ � I �.� •: "'· ' ; ••1 Jmswer: No book wrl tttin during the IAch chhavi pari-oii is· av�i1.� blc�&. �.11 books wri tten 1uring that ptrioi have iisappeart::'i. It is therefort: 1ifflt cult&· to speculatewhethe r such books are av.:iilablG now .. ·. ?.i

Contd••• I s 11 �ue ti.on : Wha t j s your opinion on the claim t hat Chan1ra Vy akaranan grammar) had been written · by Chan1travanna Go pi , a va ssal (Samanta ) of Amshuvanna ? ·. · . .

iulswer : Sylvai n Levi has also. expr�sse1 t.he same vi�w. All ol1er inscrip­ 11 tions ha_ve stressed the consonant following 11r , e.g . V 8rmma . But the- Chandravya karana ioes no t do so • ./!mshuva nna •s inscri ptions too do not follow this practice. This is a .difference· between his inscripticns ancL , olier one s. At le a�t he has been inftluence-:! by the Chandra-Vya ka·rana. · · � There are references that Amshuva nna hai compiled a book on grammar hunse lf• ... ;.· .

Stuestion : Tnerc is � re ference in one inscriptio n to this effe ct. ·ca:1.nase documon ts· too·m eution. th is. .� . . . lmswe:-- : .Amshuv�rma certainly hadt. a. knowledgt3 -�! �h�. ;3cience of gramm�rf. : Hi s style is excellent , Pri thvi Narayan Shah had no education,, but· .hi s - Speach is so good th at no wr)rd is adaquate !or praising it. Amshuvarma ha1 good command ove'r s tyle and grammar. I n !actf be was· a :r..ch ehha:rl and a prince ( Ra jp'\ltra). He was on� of thej desc0nrta.nts of Vrishad�vs; He lived in Pashupati, so tie was kno 'l)lllt. BS a Pa�hupatat. , . ,•� Previously, Kramalef la was Mahasamanta the:re . He was succeed_ed by a ii fferent person, not l;)y Amsthuvarma. �shuva;ma becpmG Mah1sainanta·-'dnlj: <, 1.n succe ssion to that pe rson.

Sue stion : Who was t�is Kramaleela ,? .·t. - -.. '• � Answer : I do not know who he; wast. B u t, anyway, he w a� a Mahasamanta. I-i-� . :tescr i bes h1 mself as Kitng (Maharaja) .•, But wbuvanna:

st ct to B!JY that tba J,.. •. cbcbhavi peri od was s �e ion: How far is 1. t co rre . .•. •-, ' . go lrien age ? lmswer : I c annot: s�y anything abQ.ut this. ,, . . . . ·.· . . Ques.tion : A t that time , exo rbi tant taxes we�� col_l,ected ·from the pe oplt- . 'Thi s i s p ossi btle: �i ther wh�n the peoplt:i are in a posi tion to pay-. any amount as tax, or wtwn ta,xt1ts a;r-e collectsi forcib ly in a ny amount wantedt· by th� ·. '" govcrnmdntt.

Ari.::.wetr : No, taxes wiJre ·not coll�ctad by !orcfl ·at, tha t ti.ml';; .- 0(t.cQurse, a that tiJne I such tBxes ware e.xor-bi.ta nt. There were many taxes . t, . ' . . . as . ·.-::.. Mapchok .

· Conti ••• 226.

�uastt on : T��s might .have baan nwnerous, but 'these Wtir� ;g raaJauy··:abol1.sh�; \-/as this l:>ecauso the pi!ople could not pay ta�s 7 Wa re thosa taxtls 1 mposv1 · on th& peopl� 7 Was -the· �conomic -conii ti on nQt ·g od at that time 'l . ..· . . o . . . . . '. . -- . . . . ·. ' . ' ' . . . An�w�r:' This was not the cas& . There f� an··1nscripti o� at Maligaun, It -is saj_i that_ i_t had been 1. nst�lled bY: Vishnu Gupta , not by Ji sbnu Gupta • . \vho · is the nutaka m1:1ntj one1 in this 1-nscription. 7: ..

0u0sti on: Shri.,1Mra Gupta.-

hnsw\;r: Ye·s, th& name of a Ki�g i,s undoubtedly ni��tiont,d at the t.Q.p -of that inscript1ton. That portion of thi;; 'ston�-;.nscripti on is illeg1b l�t • .But' it is n


�ucstiori: . a Did th1;; Pashupi,i&ti temple exist at the·' tiin.J. � of Manadev r 'l a .Answer: Tha temple of Pashupati had -be,m constructed ·lo�g bai'o. t&. , M �art�va l_� �u� stion: Is there any evi1ence ? · Answer: The ev1&ience is that th.e PashU:pat� area&. hai alrea-iy beeq:&.oreatv:I iuri ng the rule of Mana ieva I. The·&; nscription of Bhasl\'leshwara, 1ns·ta�1,d a short time after Manaiieva I, mi:intions the Pashupati area. What..· more&·· evidence io you ne,:;ri .7 In Indi� too, Shi ya lingas .havt:1 been install�d by that t1 �. .

Qu�st1.on: If the Pashupati tt;;mplld ha,i been bui_lt by the&· time of- Mana➔�va&, �� it shouH have been ment1 onAti in the inscription of Vi jayav�ti •. :.·• .. . . '. · · :,,.,

Answer tThe inscr1 ption. 1s locate1 ab�� · the Pashupati · t.a�plci.� .Ifc i.�&--�­ necessary to ment1 on the Pashupati· templ� in. avory inscription . • • .t .. · . ·• I )- j, a•


Quostion: W,.·ll ·you shed some light on yQur studia;s o_f. Rana rule :1-: ', ' ! inswE:tr: �t _is diffi cult to do so. Th�re is no limit to th� sub ject� ' " • . i ' ..lllestion : Then will you at lt;ast explain onv or two fuots about that regimti ?

Contd.) •.• • . 227.

An swer : Surya Bikram· Gnyawa li wro te a bi.ogr�phy of Prith vi Narayan Shah •. But it was banned. As a result; copi es of thi s book couli not reach Nep.;;l. Only 5 copies were somehow smuggled in. The ruler :;j.of that· time discourc:.6e,j tha writing of 'hi story . T!:ieire i s one book 1.n whi�h a certain person- is sai'i to have been assassinated by another person in the Kot mass acre. But t h1 s was wri tten in an Engl�sh book. Has anybo:iy writtena· this 1n N1;1pali ?_ ; .

Questi on: Have �ou.a�o·t rea�· 1n some books th, t Jung Baha.iur had_.G�gan Si ngh as�ass1 11ated ·by B a�rinar Si ngh ?

Answer : Y . a . es, J: ,have �ead this. That :�s . �a ct •a Questi on: Badrin�r Si ngh had an· affai/ wit,h .the daughter of ·Gagan 'si�gh.· He therefore frequently vtsitad the house f>! Gaga� Singh� One. day, Ba-i ri�ar "' S-1 ngh, brandishing a ' pis tol beforC:1 the bodyguari of Gagc1n Stngh, force-! ·, him to shoot . Gagan Singh. La ter , h a shot the bodyguar-i . La l Jha , a '°', priest of Gagan Singh, was forced to fle;; . Thus Jung Bahadur is sa1.d to have assa ss1 natdd Gagan Sj ngh through hi s y oung.&r· brother. Is· this account true ? ·

Jmswar: Thor� is no truth about th� affair with Gagan Singh 1 s daughtar � il.t thE:1 time of thE:1 assassination of Gagan Singh, Ka ji Mahabir Ga;rta11lb ' was 12 years of age .One dayI hai gonb to·atwnd � wedding ceremony a t un� houst- of Manila Guruji. (Ham Raj Pandu),. There I asked Ka ji Mah�bir 'Gartaulaa· where Gbgan Si ngh had been killed. H� showt-.1d me the hous� and • thjii· sp<>t : .. . i where Gagan Singh had be�n ki lle,i .- _Ha told me that ha �ai h�ax-d tha t Bc1dri .... nar Singh sudienly a ppeareti ·and shot Gag� Singh •. There we:r:e e-ytJ .wit,ls:>�Btt:P: of thi s prernediawd assassination. But I have ot n . contacted. them.::. My gr.Jn.t,;..'. father wa s also age1 12 or 13 years Qt that time. He too said that Ba ➔rinar Singh was th!:3 actua l assassin. Bairi nar Singh was subseqµ1;1ntly banisheti ·. : bec..:use he ha-1 killed Gagan Singh. Kha-iga Shamsher also ha.i been si.llti... i lurly exiled a fter he hai assassina ted Ranoddip Singh,. lest he shoul1 · similarly harass the rulers.

•�uest1 on : Will you s ay something about any Qvent that m ight b.eve 00curre1 in · · · ' · · the course of your research ani studies during the Rana regime_,.. .· · ·

J1nswer : Once we receiaved the seconi eii tion of a map of Nepa l .. It sboweti · 11 Sngarmathaa11 or 11 Chomo longma 11 , whi ch is a Tibetan name., These EngliashmrJn .:. nre so cunni ng that they namad the summit 11Ewrest11 after discoveri ng t,i 1_ There is ano ther book probably c.:lpt-J onei. "'lh� ". It contains maps of 15 or 20 diffarent Him(,\layan peaks, o ne of them being that of 11Evcirest.:'ta· Thu fulg lish authors of thi s book writo that t his S tmllllit had no name prt:e­ viously, and that it is visible only from Nagarkot., Thoy wanted to visit · r!Jgarkot w1 th another motiw- l.Dri Ki tchencr was taken to that araa.� , · . Contn. ,., 228.

Bungalow was bui lt the�e . This place command s a vitew o f the wholti of Ni;.p.:il. Thora 'W'3S a poli tical mo tive behin".i th� p(Jrmissi.o n g1vant · to Kitc hen'3r to,; ha'Vl'l a view of th{:' wholot. of Nepal. It was Lcll T)nwaj. Surniwar wh o he lp�-r n1. .:1 to identify .all mounta in pe aks. These Eng]j shm�n have name1 one Himalaycn pe :.k as Gaur:J. Shankar, whereas it is ac tua lly ca ll�1,·aaura Parbat. On� day, standing at Gaucher, I sai1 to Lal Dhwa j Sunuwar , pointing towards 11Evrirost11 , 11Capta� n, see how ma j.;sti c ,foes tht: 11 Evur�stJ1 look.t11 HoW':i"rer, 1 ha pointed out that it wus no t. 11Eve rf- st 1 but a- di ffer6nt peak. Ha sho WG

·x X ·x

Question :· What, in your opinion; shouU bu done to:p romo.t.J resc;arch on th<.J history of N�pal ? ·

Answ':lr: Historica l mat8rials ar e being lost day by day, In oasE:l �- c ...ru� ot pr �St:,rve av ailable materl �ls , we will b� le ft with nothing after 5 or 7 years. Heno,.3 there should be a co lln ction of hi.storlca l docurn,mts �at th, . Tribhuwan Uni versity. All hi storical ma te riais in th� possession of the ·. Archeology Department, or at le[jst th uir co pi es, may ba kt:ipt · at the ·'l'r:i - bh uwan Uni versity. Many h:Jstor:Jcal le tters are.lying at Jai siko tha in t,ho Fo re1 gn Ministr y, There are many lettt:3rs which have nftver been opened • ._11 �uch letters shouli be · co llecteri an ti bQ kept in the custod y otf the Uni v, :r.- ·'.; -. s1 ty. ·· · Anci&ent Khas Culturex

By -�

·aa la kr1I shna Pq• khrs l

The term Khas 1 s use,; to 1eno.te both tht: Khas community an1 th(: 'h:h�s languag P . As a communi&ty , 1 t co mpri s.�s Brahman, Chhet.ri& Gb rti&, Daw.d · . ' . ' ., a . ,; Kami , · Sarki , . Hu1kc1 ., Tamote, Gaino&., Bar:ii, otc. As a languag,:;1 1 t :, a p-·;I,,u-:- . larly kn o� /J S Kh€J s 1ialoct. t-L war� call thi� language Khay.in Bhaya, or '·<. ., Parbc.1.t.1 ya , .;1nd. th:.&, Khas -comnrunity t.s Khc:iyr1&o➔� 'Ih0y v.:r,' Ary..:ns, bu t of u lc::tc,r per:1,oli/,liku Pulliiv,.1 Gurjarri , Shuk�, l)arariu ani P1 shacha. It is prob:;ib_l'' thu t th�1B·>= post-V1�di c � ryans w,1r. :,kin tt.> th.:i V,>iU c Ary.:ms 1 n spo;Jch c.1ni cul tur�· •.Di.ff �rc.nc..:,s, · if any, nrlght havo b�'Jn ns 1ns1. gn1 f:t. cant r.:s thosP 1�1 thL&. 11. al�icw of&_. ! T:..im,:ings&., Gurungs ..in-f 'lbak.:i l1 s. Although 1 nclu.-i -::ri 1. n the In10;_Irani��& ' fum ly , ; to,) Kh ..is ➔1 J&l•�cts b'JlongA-'i n,�1 th '-1r to tho Irani en fnm:1 ly nor t, .tll�· ln➔i an •. , '1h:-:-y b•: bng•'-i tn ttv, mi"I Inio-I rDn4 im fam1 ly •&. Thi s 1 s th&·· oonclusi on thi:l_t on·.: .rui&ch')S aft- ,r .3 stu,y r; f Kashmiri, Si n.u , Kobari, Kohistani , Kl.lfi ri s� tnni , , , to&., ns th y or,� spok, n to1.::: y. For con"?<.:n1&1;nc,� suk - thi:t&: ;> fami lY, of H1 mal.aya-Aryan languuges.

. xBulakri ahn,J Pokhrel, 11Prach1 n K�usa Sarnskriti& 1 Ek Chhalphal" (A Discu�sion. \ . On _,\ncient. Khas Cultur-.:-),Ruprekh<..1 1 �ear 3, No. 2, Jeathc.1 20l9"(June l9��)/. pp. 38-45.

XXJ,ingu1.st1&c Survay of Ip,11cJ-, Vol. IX:, P.• IV• . . 2J0.

A group of this fami ly (Pallava, Shake and Gurjara ) ., which ha i spc'�ui to the In-'lus Va lley, got itself mixed up w1 th the language of thd V1:;ni.c Arytins, whi le th,-.. soconi group ('Darudu, P1 shachc::i, etc) confi n�i th... :m s�.1.v..:,s to cm� aroun1 . This is why the lc.1nguages of Duradas, Pishclchut: .,ni others wor,· abl,:, to pr�s•3rV·3 th·"1 r noh-Ver1, c chc:.racter. nw dosc1.:n- 1.::nts of th,Js� non-Ve·U � Aryc1ns ar�' no nr· but thos'3 sp�aki ng th• abov ·­ m•1nt1. 0nHri non-Vn'11c langu_dg · s, tho t is, Kashmi r1.,S1. na ., Kobar1 , Koh'is- t.:ini , Kafi r1. stoni, etc. .

Th-' third group (1 .0. th'.' KhaS<:: ) of thi s HiWllaynn Aryun fami&ly m0v8,1. to wuris thd eastclrn hi ll I'f�gion .· .1.� t thµt time, th•: 13ustcrn Himi.ll�y.:.n rLig1.on w.:isco vt:r.:-d by s,•ttl0mcnts of Ki ratis· (i.t1.: Rai, Magur, Gurung,&. Nvwar, Khambu, Limbu, Lupch':: , Dukpa, To to, utc). 0n· th(: other h,.md&, th•.; V'3 i1.c Aryans had by then&. quickly spr9c:d from Ku lu ·vall1,;y to th•. Manu- sarovar. Th',':y spok-J whut is callc:1 Khosa Prc1kri t, which w...is the orig1.&nal form. of tho prl�S·.'nt-

Whi le 0xp.:indi ng t.::i thG cc1st fr,:.im the:1r hom;.} lc:in1 , th� ' Kh..isos woru .com[:>ollod to g1 vc up their origi.ntil lunguug

Th,� hai possi.b lr spr-:i ri.. :to Garhwal, Kum:iun ijn1 wc,stom Ne:-:,� by 800 •.D . Tncir 1omiati n 1.m uf tq.es•) rogions; howL·vor,&. ii''\ no t l..ist l,A�g, as th(•y cam-3 n�'\ confllct w1th th11 rul,. rs 1 0! Garhwc.1l ani KUil'l

CJnt1•• • .. -231.

·We may conclud e that the present foFm of the Khasa d1. a lect 1s not the oI1 ginc.11 ' .one. Nor ·are th e Khasa s defiriitel y the d escendants of the ancient Khasas. There lsa· also no evidence that they di d not a ssimilate · the?n:?elves ·. ir.to the V.?-:fic hryans on reaching Nepa l-from Kashmir.·ni ey must also havea;<, mixed w1 th t he Kira tis of Nepal . '.Ibey 'might h �ve mu ed w1 th -other commu- . ni ties when the inhabi tacts of Gujarat and Rajas than shifter:1 to -the Hima� , �ayc;1n. re gion during the Muslim invasion of . The modern �epali language - has special affi ni ties w1th the Gujarati an1 Ra jasthani lan�a gas •.'.IbeN ·. are St"lveral reasons l' th1. s The Khasas had clo ct r!' ·•·v . fo . � contaa w1 th tbe •Gur." _-, >:: A'.f' ·_. .! '.< �-- jara s, Pallavas an➔ Shak.:is. Hence , even 1.n the absence of the -influx of ... :::•a: . the�e communitiAs into Jth, H1 malayari region, thd'·Khasa dialect could ri0ve� lop specfal a ffin1 ty wi th th� Rajasthani riia lect� In Gujarat., Rajas than, · W.?s t;'rna' Nepal, Kumaun anri Garhwal ., sub-groups of the Sha�scni , an upshoot ·. · of Sanskriat, tJw Vet11 c iU'yan• l.Jnguage 1 are spoken. Hence, lingui sti¢o ffi- n1 y t wa s po ssiblo 1n thos..3 areas even in the absence of tha Khasa , Gu?'jaras , . Pall.avss an 1 Shakaa. Tha affini ty between tho KbijSQ dialect and the Guj�- . rati and R a jas th ani diaa lects has boon enhanced by the influx of refue;t:r:·s · 1 · from In1ia 1nto the Hi malayan region ,

: . We may thus conclu1e that tho ancient Khaaas �nwred into Nepal u3 1 Vi ctors . Having long given up thoir-lc:1nguage, they adopted th1;;::. local v'"'ri1.:t,y· of tho Shuurstni , ( tho original form- of mo d�rn Ni3pali) w1thou t· .. any. hesi w... tion. Thay, ho�ver, _a1ded some Khasa words to this di�lect. 'Ihe.-entire pooplo. c oming unr:ter the dornina ti on of th;;; Kbasas than allowed themst:lv,�s to bo called Khasas in tht:J sdmo way as the non-Gorkhaii corrmuni ties who came under th,:, controlof thi;: Shah rul.t:rs agreed to bl3a' ca ll(;jd Gorkha lt �·. In short, if thu conquere-:1 ga ve the-3 r languago w the cqnquerora; the .: , • latter contnbuter:f their ovm words to •the conquered . · ... , . , ,, ·/ � For thi. s roason, Wt':·ca n use tho torm Kb:3Sll i n two senses:a. (l) pre"'.' .. hi storic Kh.1asa , that. is, tho Khasaa of the ancfent ti111:s when they'. liv�,a- ,· in prox1m1.ty to the non"'.'Vcdic 1)1;1radas an-3 spoke a di�lect of _their own,. ·, <"t n·i (2) historicKhll sa, that is, the Khasas of tha la ter p,ariod when �:::y her! spread towar1s the1 Mansarovar anri W\:- stem Nepa l • .'.Ih!:i d_ial.ect spok,.n . by tht: la tur Kha sas forrntn -a part of tho. Vcriio family, and. hari been a!ioptoo oven by the doscendants of the Vedic J.ryans . 'lher.e waa_s a ga· p of-�·mill1:1nium· bc·t-ween the pre-h1 s toric an➔· hi stori c Khasas. ., , • t �· .; ;<� ·./- __ f";, In th1 s 11rt1 c1.t1, thu term Khasa has b�.en·u�eri in .the seconri se?lse. For th1 s ronson, t ho o n()itmt lQ'l.:isaa m911tion�d 1-n th 1 s arti cle � �oulrf b¢':' �g.'.ll"fio1 ne th� ano�at.ore of tll:J p;resont inhabitants of Bai.ta1i·, Do �i ; '.·/ Juml.a; Hulllla, utc. 'lh\l onci ent·. Khas_as 1.nclu1o both the "wcstem�r.{i 11 ··•r fi (1jotyala ) an-1 th,1 �•oastorn8rs11 (Jwn-l:I s ) � ';I.hough, f �m the histortcbl vio-wpoi nt., Dotyals ·(1�e. thu inha,bitants of Poti) have less ethnic affi..,, t.h1.\ mli s i tantsa· f Jµm a) ·. · ni ti es 'w1 th Knasas :hon _ the Ju ( ,e , th� inhabia o l ,

Con�••• 232 •.

both the 11we sterners11 anii the "easeternars 11 are rega:roed as Kha sas from the lingu1 st� c · v1 ewpoi.nt. In f act,.bf:lf ore the Khasa invasion, Dotye ls an1 Jumlis were not regar,-ieri ·as 11easterne rs 11 an, 11 we sternerse11 • Bo th of them spokee· the same languagt3 an1 observed :the same ·customs . The Jumlis. probably began to be riespise,j by ·-uv, Dotyals whan they deve loped conta cte. wi.th ·the non-Vedic Khc:1sas .eEnn so , we are no t yet in a posi t:1 on to eg r !lr-1 the Do�y,Als :J s non-Khasas, for they t.ob_ camB wder the f am-1, ly of·. the Khasae. or Nepc1iie- 1.:;ngua ge . Gri erson classifies the Aryan di,a lects of Kulu Va l�y as 11wes -wrn.

ij 9lects11 , those of mountainous Garhwa l and Kuma�· as 11 cen"tiral hi ll:,· dialects." J 11 .r:nd the. -Nepalie. language as 11 the eastern ii a_lE-c t.. • � ' . .. . . So fare- a.s·.'the eastern·K.-umaun language i s concerned, �t has _ closar �3ff1 n-J,t1e s wfth the eastern hi ll dialects or Nepali than ·with tht; centrll l h1e1l p�lf the.inwi th Garhwa i1 ·. Th�re is tht1refor� no .doub t that these di alects: are thd local forms of tht: eastern· hi ll .dic.lects , th· at 1 s the Napali langt\age. ·

Pri thvi Malla is tht.:J mo st noted among thu_ Khasa rul;jrs who rul�d 1 1 ..:=f .tF.:r 1300 "'•D• According to G. Tuc�i , hi s dominions cx'ttindt:lri from LJdakh, Lachchh1.n ant 'l'ibt3t to modern Pokhc.1r.il. Howevt:r·, in tht:i absunce of careful stuiiy and satisfactory res,.:drch, wa c.Jnno t accapt thi s view a s corruct. "' £v8n · according to Nepali scholars, hi s Kingriom was 0lmo.st_a s 'bigeas mo-1 1-;Jrll Nepa l. It was di vid�d into thu no rthE:lrn �nd !30uthern.r�gionse . 'lhQ no r th ..... rn ·re gion wa s called Jadyan, m1:1,ming thi;.; Tibetan region (Bhot Prad.:sh):,, whilt.i th.J southern regi on was called Khasas , zooaning the Khasa :rogion. 'Iht.1 pi l.lc;1r installed by Pri.thvi Malla at Durlanghyanagar contai.ns two inscription�, one facing north anrt· tha ·other south. Th� former is in Tibetan sen pt, .. wh.; lv thG latter is in Sanskriet. The T-ibetan 1 nscription wa s zri.iant for Ja�yans, that is, thi:r Ti.tan be sub j,:,c ts of Pr1.th v1. Malla , c1nri thE- �nscrfption for thE!... Khasaa. His well-known gol1-p1ate inscrip.t1 9n o f 1356 A.D. anti some other insm ptions were in the N"'pal1 la guage-. So was the n · · · · · copper, plate ins�t:1ption of his fath�r ,P{inya Mallae. . ., Several 1nscir,pt ions of th'-3 Khasa rulers ,u scovereti s� .far· do no t contain rietai ls regarding -cont\;mporary social, polltic a l anti economi c conii ti ons . Most of those- i nscriptions 'relatc3 to Birt.a gran� made to th� ::.;::j Brahmanse.· Some of _those inscripti ons 1niicate 'that the- custom of confarl1ng • ti tle of }'aiJ,cela was fo llowe� a t tha t time. It may bo note, tha t in th � fo�, ·t s�nga, ot .the KamaU rE>gi on, a 'Jhapa· ies callod a. ThapaU, on1 a Raikn , ,,&J::ti 1 R;a1 kali·. Kaskie., Basnyat, Shrlnet, Thapa; Rajka, Rona,.eBu,ha , Jtaya , Rok:- yo ,e.,.,t! o Boh�ra , otc are also purE1 Khasa ti .tlc s . In the beginninge, tho ho lie rs le :e·�,­ t,h. ese titlE:!se. werl".: all, in1ependent Ki ngs. Howi:ver, .ein th�. cour. s0 of timo,. . _e·11. such ti tles w are granteri to roya l,co-qrt1 ers as 'Wl: li •. ,t·· that t(m;;i,eJ t Wii-S :-:3� natural for th�s� tt tl�s• to bee_ a�t.:.1eched with� th\i priv1 lego o!i . :Lan1.7�0l•11.n,S •I / .. ,-. • . ' : '..,&. ,; • ..... ·, , • ;_ . i ; ''.,. Cont;.i••a • 233 •

.i�rr.ong the Khasa Brahmans were Joi'Bis or Jaisis whose main duties were to foretell the future, atten-i to ·roya&l correspondence ani engage 1,n e1ucD­ tional act1 viti es. (This probably explai&ns why the ..K hari dcrs, (hoL1er .of Khari , maani ng chalk, were generally appoin te-1 fJ;'9m among Ja1. s1 s dur1.ng tha reign o f Pri.thvi Narayan Shah a lso ). Padhya ·an1 Upa ihyay· a B rah· mans functioneri as pri ests of the r oyal family.

. 'Ihe system of. slavery was probably . not prevalent among· the Khasa� b..3fore the a-ivent of MusU.ms to th1. s side of the Hinriuku�h mountains . Th�y did. oot even have a Nau (barber). One can therttfore easi&ly imagin� how the then Kh asas looked7"'With ?.n overgrowth of beards .and mousta ches, they must pave lqo._ked fe&arsome. They must also have hai:I their hai�.: long 3 5 Sikhs or Bhotes ha_va even todc:.1y•& . This �ans that the prac iJ.c� :of·S hciving · (Chhewar}, pr�valent an�ng th � Khasas to1ay, is of a v�r1 ia;tt=i:&origin •

. . N�r: 1o�s thd Khasa co mmuni ty of today have&· wc:.1�nerman (Dh��is), ���bab!y in tno sc;: days Kh asas worti woole:;n&. cloth1;1s which did not. rtiqui re frequent •. we sh.ing., • '.lhtty useid th,, term&· lug<1 to denote· clothes �tie only of cotton {�) . � is & distort£,; form of thia �ncient term Luwa, which c"n be .&•· compared w1 th th a Maithi li term �• Examples .of tnt17:e'ttt3r l '.c�anging ·• into n ara found E:lsuwhtiru too . Serna examp].t;;s are as.follows :·- � Engli sh Sansk:rlt Pali Equiva lent

Balow Muli iMuni __ ; . I.. . . . Fortihead . ..Nidha r ;;, ... ·,•"; Kh.asas p�obably washHri thei r iirty. clothes&· themselves,.&, . . �lthough famlU.ar with pottery,: J<;has�s. rli 1f not �ake it \hem.5elv��.:. 'Ih•Jy ob-Winc

Contdi.&; 234.

The ancient se ttlements of Khasas were called Ganwc:1rio or Ganwa lo . The moriern terms . Gaun,io ani Gaunle are derived from these two · Khcsa terr�1s .

These Khasas were on ba".l terms w1 th the Boksa 'lharus of the sou th , whom they haterl ani feare-i.They were also no t on goorir. terms w\ th the l1a1h1se Lichchhavis, whom th�y callei Bajyasr.

Ag·rt cul.ture was the sole occupa tion o f tha Khasas. Howt3ver, they wer,:1 j scquaintai w1th datry farmi ng ani sports as wall. The term poru meant , �;; C<.1ttle of both sexes. A house wa s caJ..11:d Ku1o , Thi s term hastwo variation�fJ vi z. Kura· (u,:3aning thti hol� of r . .�1 a fi sh) and gunf (thti nest of a bi d) In gove�t offices, c: hous>J is s.ti 11 called Kur or Kuriya . 'Ih1.;1 tarm �'!.2. 'ff owes its origin to tht: Sa!lskrit term .!2.!:!,. 'IbZ'wa lls of e � were m.'.l�•'J f�. o:f stong, whi le thg roof was of strc1w. Timber was also us� to erec t housef, ?aving. mc1tt:;rials llk-=i stona , plank:;; c1n:i clay ware �lso no·t -unla?-o:wn. • • � • • ' • ' I I •· 4 • Social ralati ons wer,.., ·more or li.1SS similar to thosu Wd see now-.:a-si�yrs , F'a:nili�s w�rer. undivi:iedr. Th� olddat memb�r was thti head of u .family. ban ·were called o l gne an1 women Swasni . Sons anti daught�rs w�1': called � clnri Chell raspt:lctive ly. A husband anti· u wift- wt::re calldd -Poi Dnri -Joi r•;;,- spoctively.

'Ihe rulers of Khasan were a:ihoronts of Buddh" sm, but they did no t show lack of faith in Hin�uism.

'Ibey ca lculate1 ti me i n 11 ffert:m t ways . While tho rulers us.. :id ··waterr· ·, clocks, thH common peopl1::: calculatu1 tima on the basis of the lP..n gth of the pine trae shadow or S'Eicessr;:s aftf>r work � For thd purpose of resti ng �ftGr work, fanners ust.!'.i to t.Jk0 the yok(J off tha shoulners of thi=,ir bul- . �ocks threu times a day. 'Ibf1y took rest each timo they took off th,'l yok;.: from the shoulriers of thair bullocks. On,� day was thus calcula te,i . as � •:quiva. lent to 3 yokas. Alternatively, thoy caleulatE:!d . onA riay on th,-" br.si� of' the l.ength of a pin8 troer1 s shadow. OnA day wasthus cnlculat,e.1 as oq�- ··.J 11 val�nt to .four pin8 tret.;lst sha"'low. 'Iha phrases , 11 Tiri·- Juwa Gham , 11 Chur ·r· ,J So1;1 Ghamu ( threEi yok�s or tour pin€ tre-.1s·• · shadow 1n· tbe day)r, �� st� ll." in use. Khasas used tb.(1 tJrm Me lo to 1i.;no ta a flat tract o! land. Wha t w0f4 tilt>Y used to deno t..J a 1'a1r (maii'Y is not cle r, howevor.- .Pro.bDbly th,�y u�� � · ·· t,hf;, te::in � (or ramito). · · · · · ·

'Ih13 custom of offering g1 rls to t..miples wa s prevalent amongr· the Khasas. The girls thus offured wore .ca.l·l�ri dauki or deusi ., 'Iha. modernr· deusi syst�m follow(;d during th•� Tih'1r .fc::stival may b,: trc;Jced .·to•.:ttiest-, , gi rls . Lnt.i.:r, it cam.;, to bt: obs.;.!rv�d by m-.;n ·ulso. Similarly, th1; bhJil;2, :� dance was origi.n.::i l.ly pt.rfo rmui by Bhands durtng thJ Tihar fostiyq l.· I,::tt�f',,� womvn· too swrttld participating in th1.: Ehoilo festival. Bhai lo i s anothjfj

Contd••• 235.

n�me for Bhan� s. The term Bhan1-Bhailo, like Sapo-Napo (which, in the Juml1 1ia&lect, means measur�ment)&, Cheli -Beti (girls),&. etc·, is sti ll jn vogue. The Bha1 los were the father of the m,oriern Bhat lo ·system.

Among th e severa l sub-groups of N epali Kiratj_s toriay, 1. t was the Magars who Dctu ally f� rst came 1 nto contact with the Khasas. 'Ille Khasas · hai, of course, previously corre into contact_ wi th th e Rais. But their mni; � · settlement, ca lled Khasan, was located i nside what i&s now ca lled the Karnali zone a t a consi il:3rable riistance from the Rai region . On _tha other hani, tha Mag ars had their �ense settlements to th e east of Khasan an; continue1 to be th1:;;ir closest,_n eighbo rs for more than 600 years. This may b.- the reason behini the clos& affini ti us existing between ttiu social customs c of Kha sas Dn1 ¥mgars. Though bolongi.ng to thd Kirat family, tha Magar dial�ct hDs. gramma ti cal rulas similar lC> those of th� Nepali lang11c:1g-.i .• 4i.S for thtil const.ruc&tion of sent.:..·nct3S&1 tnere is not tht1 sli ghtest r.liffe;rt:lnc� bc:;1;,wuen tho two lcinguages. It appsars that Nwpali worde denoting COilllluni ­ ·_tbs such as Gurung , '.l'aITldng, Li mbu, awi Lap ch�, Wt::fe dl3rivod fro� thti . · .1:-bgdr riialrlct. Thti Gurungs call tn�mselV:-!S· Tamus, and thu Tamangs an1 ttk .Lapchus lvcs Tamba s an::I Rongs .Jspecti&v:�ly. We mc.1y th call thams� � _ ere­ for� conclud� that these apparently non-jU'yan tenns waru borrowed by the Kh1;.sas from tn0 Magars or Mangras (as th.::y aru also ca ll�d ). This . is true&·· also of such t srms as Janr an-! Ra�s:1. Toriay, the term Chi hnn or Chiyan is used to deno te a burial groun� � Bu t in tho s8 days it might hav1:: -tenoteri a crema tion groun-l (rnosan). This is appar8nt from Hasyakadamb�&, written by Sh£ktiballabh Aryal. Now-a-d&ays, th�' � Md lhom:!. is usoe.1d to d,mote persons carrying a'. dead body to a · riYJr bank, wMle in thos�&_ days 1.tmi ght havi;: meant a boa tman (Majhi). But th.-; term is not of ancient origin, since 1.t bolongs to th,3 Arabi c.··&.- · . f9mlly. In �rabic, the term :Ma llaha or Majhi �pans a boa tman. Tht1 term l·lalhnmi must be a ri va l to Mn jhi , an anci,,nt Mhasa term. An:yway in thP ,:cir. ydnys, thl'\ Majh:1 s had to attenri to th� pc,rformance of fun�ra l ri&t:1 s of Khasas aroong whom both systems of c�ma tion ;:;nti bur1 a 1 of -lea-1 bor!h:s vKr� followe.1 " Th.; term Mlllham ma y a lso iooan � .Malha or ghat (i.e. a pl

• hi scellanaous Do cum1� nts On . _N epal-China Wa r

. F00, Procur�m�nt

From Ki ng R.ana ·Baha,ur Shah,

To thf: Po tariar of Bha-igaun.

Coll�ct one m.ina of ri ce o,i every ropani o_f Birt.a rice lanis bP.long­ ing to th€ peopl� (PNja ), an ➔ supply (the rice thus co l.l""cteri to th!:1 c:1r111y), Grant remi ssi ans on t..h1 s ac count wni le c9lle ct1 ng the Pata tax. Remiss,. ans sh.ill be gra:itai accor-H ng ly when� the: accounts are a�-Iite is. Shrawan Su-ii 7, 1849 ., (July 17 92 )

('i'his orisr was i ssuc:--i on t.ne scm� riate for .flat.an c:ini Katnmanriu al.so).

l. From, Ki.ng Rana isdha for Snc:1n,

T6 people b elonginc:; to the thi rty-six castes i.n Kathmans➔u Va llay who ara� un'ier obli ga t1 on ·to pay the Bi sc.m� l{c'vy. ' ' . . . · Pri ces of fo o1grai ns havt- beF.n f1 �ei as fo llows . Supply fooigraii.s at thtise pri Cf:lS through th" a ppropr1a ta of f1 c1 al ( Taha bi liar) _as soo.n as you -recf:li va thi s o r-1er.

Ri ce ... 4 pa thi s pt:;r rupde .. ·�.�heat ·.• .. •.. • 8 pilthiss per rupde . ' :t-iai ze • • • 12 patoi s per rup�e ·; ·• · .

Hi. lli.it • •• 12 path1 s pt1r rup.a�

Snrawan Su'i1. 7, 1849 (July 1792 ) R.;,;gm1 i1.cst=:arch Collect, ons, Vo l. 5, p. 209

Con t..i ••• 237e.

2. From t:i ng tiana Bahariur Shah, To haskram an� Bhajuram.

R� ce· colLectAi here un�er the Bi samuri ievy has h=en supplied t.o the troops at the rate of J pathis per rupee . Supply the. ri ce co lle c tai there unier your supervis1 on, as wi:> ll as the r1 ce sent from here, un 1,,.er the 81 samun levy, at the rc:;lt� .. of 3 pa th1. s per rupee , Obtatn payirent "n c ash. l"J.a k� · paYJllt:int for BisamU!'i. suppl1 es 1 t,o tha Brahmans, an'! tr an­ smitto s u the fun1s wh"' ch we ha, sent. Ma ke suppli es ava5 lable on cre11 t at thc-> following rcai WS :- . . Wheat flour ••• 5! pat.hi s per rupee · Mai. ze or mi ll�t flour ... 7 pa ti'li s per r�pue/ Crushe� riece )j pattds per rupee

Bha➔ ra Suii 1649 (,\ugust 17924,) �tegmj Rc:st-.;a.ccn Collc:ctionse1 Vo i.. 5, p. 2.t.6.

C . Conscript ion In Hi 11 Reerlons

l. From Ki ng Rana Baha iur Shah,

To th� Ja gi riars, Dhakres �n1 so iii ars be�ween the ages of 12 an1 80 in Lcnnjung, wht ch has 8,000 house.s•.

A war h·a s started w1 th· TJ b�t. As soon a s you sea thi s or1er, co� to us on Jh�r.i bas1 s along i-n. th your. ·weapons . For the t1 me bei ng, we , shell gr.£;int you ·re;nt. a s si g�untnts (Bc1 l1 kharchc:1). Later, Jfl gier -lanr1 . �ss-1 gn�nts w1 ll ,i ef1 n1 toly b" -gr.;ntE:d, In o�;:,e any p.:i rson. 1ioes: not ob.;iy tM s OMdr' h1:1 ShiJl,l bt:: beh�arferi or i:•nslEIVtl'i .a caor,11.ng: to, the s'tc.itus of hi s c,:,st8. Those who comti wl ll b-::� re.warder! in ..tbs manner m2nti onf" i abov�. B1 talab-hol11 ng Brahmans have, be.en .iepute-i ther�. fu r�cru'f.t you on Jhara busi s. Com� here along w1 th th�m ·by all mec1115. , ·

3ha1ra Su-11 L, 1849 (Augus t 17 92 ) H.-tgmi.. iic-_s •:.,a rch Co llt!'ctf ons, Vo l, 5, . PP• 2)'.4�215 � ·

Sdma ('l'h1 s orh1r Ws25. Sent .on t.h� 1at'<:/ � lso t� Kaskie. (.8, 000 _housc1s)-,, .iuw.ikot (6...,00 'J hous�s); · 'l'a.nobu (8,0'J'.) housos) ani Parbc1t (8,o:io hoeus .. s),

Conti, •• 238.

2. From King Rana Banaiur Shan,

'l'o. the Bi talap ani Talap.:.holn1.ng Brahmans_ of Pathartian1 a , Basantapur,t:3tc.&' We nave sent an orier �1rect:l ng the Thakurls, Khasas, ��gars ani Gurungs of Kask1&, w1th 8, 000 houses, to coire here qui ckly on h J ara basts along w1th th�i r weapons, si nce a war has 'startt:3,1 with Tibet . You are hereby or1ere1 to bri ng all. persons who can serve as sol11 &rs among the 8,000 householis befort- us on Jharc:1 bas1 s as qu1 ckly as po�s1.bl�. 0thl=lrw1 st-, you sha ll oe ·puni shed . Bhaira Slllii 4, 1849 (August 1792 ) Regmi Rasearch CollacttoAs, Vol� ·,, pp. 215-21.6 .

D. Faci lities For Conscripts

l. From King Rana Bc1ha-,ur Shah, To th-; huntdrs (Si kan ) of th,; fo llowing vi U.ages,

Luhukot Likhut MachM g aun

Bosan Takar Halta Bu iun�huli • t . As long as you are employei 1n 01:il" (mi litary) campaign, we grcint .. you. exdmpt:I on from iifferent levi es an1 labor obli gati. ons (Ashar-Das"1.n, Saune-Fagu, · Amali ievi�-i s , Bath, Begar, Doko-Boko, etc) . All of • you sha l,i. accompany Bhanu 'Ihapa. l1nyboiy who ,foes not -l o so ani goes . elstwhi;lre shall br iee�,i to h�va comm'\.tter\ an offense. ShrawanSu-i i ? , . 1849 (July 1792 ) ;::egmi R""sAarch Collecti ons , Vol. 5, 'PP• 2(.)9-210.

� . From Ki ng Rana Bnho�ur Shah, To tht1 hunters (Sikari ) accompanying Bhanu- Thap& .

� ·· 'i'o.1ay, wa are engagdi in w'1r. In cast:i you go to the front, r1:1n-ir1r Kipat ialig,mt servtce cini th�reby pl0as� us , wtt ijh. a l.l re :..tore, ..the Cont.i •&J • 239 ..

lan,ts r1e1ucte

Depopulation Of H.aikar L nds I . .1:.astern;"Tar ai , a n • From King CH rban,

To Shakti Ba llabh Pa-:!hya .

Seni a list of thos� parsons who have allured ryots cultivating Mal (Le . revenue-yielrting Raikar) lanr:ts to th•;:,ir Birw , Bandha, Jagir or Kdlcibanjar lan,fs, thereby causing loss of revenue from Mal lan'1 s in Bara , on1 Parsa �iastri cts.

Jestha Su-ii 6, 1862 (May 1805 ) Regm1. Research Collections , Vol •.5, PP• 536-531. , From Ki ng Gi rban,

To Jagi rdars, Bi rta owners ani Amaalidars recalaiming Klllabanjar land· · e in 1 Bara · an1 Parsa ri1st rt ct,s . 1 • · !,· 1 . . . Settle only ryots from Moglan ( i .e. In11a) on yo ur Jagi r, Bi rta ani , Kalabanjar lanris. I n case any person settles ryo ts from Mal ·J.anis on ". ��-! ,_ M s • lanis, ·h� sha ll be helri liable to compensa te the loss of revenue on l'!al lan1s. Noboiy sha ll be allowe1 to recl.a1 m his lan1s by r:tepopul.ating 1'.;a 1. 1an1s. ,In case any ·person contravenues this ol"ier; · he shall. bf) purrl. sho:>i ;)\a:

Jo stha Su�i 6 1862 C·1ay 1805 ) ' 'a-gmj soarRe ch Co llections , Vol. 5, p � 531 • (Simi lar ord ers wEire 1$sued on th;;; sc1me da� for Saptari nni Mahott,.;irt' elso) .

C.Ontd•• • 3� from King U-1 rban,

To the Chau1hari a, Kanugoyes, l'J.an-iers, Mokaii; ams an" Jethara1. ya ts of 1·: or·:ing�

Wa have recei ve,1 reports th at since Oasharath Khatri has 11 verte 1 (ryots) culti vating Mal lcm-is to reclai m hi s Ka la ban jar lanris, you havf · sustaine1 a loss of Rs 6,0CO an1 that thi s h�s put a ll of you to har1 sr� p. We hereby iep ute an Malat to v'.iit s that area anri investi gate irregula - i • r, t es. After the 01tt ha (of the Malat) reaches there , represEint atll . your hardships an1 gri evances th�ugh hi m. We shall th!=fil punt sh any per,9on who 1 s founi to have cause1 loss of revenue on .Ma l land s. Remain on your la nds with assur�nce end continue, to discharge revenue co llec tion functions

· J� s tha Su1i 6, 1662 (nay 18 05 ) Regmi Research Collections , . Vol. 5, p. 538 .

Proposal For East-W,-;1st Highway, 1949

Governm,mt Not1. fi ca ti on

( Conrlensert )

Althou gh it 1.s ossenti Gl to cons tr uct a roa-➔ from th e Me chi river in tn� east to the :Nahaka li river in.tth0 we st, th� gove rnment pannot unier�< h.�t­ th1. s project all at once through '\ ts own resources. 'Accorr!ing ly, 1 t has be,=,n·, -ieeid eri that p.:inm.ssion shoulri b� g1 ven to anybody who off<.'lrs to construct any sect1 on of thi s ro.:ii am opera to motor services thereon. ·· . -. 'Thi s no ti fi catiton is thoroforo pub l1 shed for tho int'onnation otf th.-:: publ1 c�·

(From the Gork hapatr a of Aswin l4, 2006 (app�ox . Sep�mber 30, 1949)t.