Baptism of Rome

Constantine the Great

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Baptism of Rome

Before Constantine, what was nature of at end of 3rd century? Diocletian was emperor at the beginning of the before Constantine became Emperor. Diocletian was a successful ruler bringing peace and stability but became a heartless persecutor. Why? Believed success due to prophecies of Druid priests. Surrounded himself with pagan priests & soothsayers who examined entrails. Saw himself as incarnation of Jupiter.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Diocletian

299 participated in failed sacrifice in Antioch Animal sacrificed - soothsayer took liver - did not find favorable indications. Slaughtered one after another. Created crisis - sacrifice at center of Roman peace. Presiding priest claimed - a “profane person” interrupted the rites. Who was this profane person and what did he do? Christian who made sign of Cross during the rites. Diocletian outraged - proclaimed all Christians be purged from his court.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Diocletian

303 first of four decrees of persecution issued. 1st prohibited Christian assemblies and called for raising of churches, burning of Scriptures, and expelling of Christians from high positions in government and army. 2nd ordered the arrest of clergymen 3rd issued offer of freedom if clergymen offered sacrifice to Roman gods. 4th in 304 demanded all citizens offer sacrifice on pain of imprisonment or death.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Diocletian Persecutions brutal bowels sliced open and “torn to bits from head sexual organs cut off; to foot with potsherds Soldiers killed every like claws”; citizen in Phrygia, “woman hung upside women and children. down naked”; Killed in groups of ten, torn in two - tied to twenty or hundreds. bent trees; Resembled sacrificial gouged out eyes; procedures - sharp reeds pounded remains burned and under fingernails; offered to gods. molten lead poured Culture of sacrifice. down backs;

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Diocletian

Why? Christians, had “abandoned religion of forefathers” and their “willful folly” led them to reject “ancient institutions” to make own laws. Had to be forced to return to right opinions. After death of Diocletian, 8 years later, Galerius rescinded the edict in 311 admitting that it had not worked.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Rise of Constantine

Earlier, Diocletian split Empire into four regions and appointed rulers of each. Constantine’s father was one. Constantine’s father refused to comply in West with persecutions. His father dies and Constantine takes over his title and overturns the persecution edict in 306.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantine

Born in Naissus in 272 Spent early life in Eastern part of Empire Mother Helen was of humble origins - likely a concubine of father - Christian. He accompanied father in successful British conquests Father died in York and Constantine appointed successor in mid 306.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantine

311 Diocletian died and alliances fell apart. Constantine consolidated power to rule entire Empire 324.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantine

Key step was victory over Maxentius who ruled Rome at the Milvian bridge. (Oct 312) Had dream with sign of cross in sky with voice saying “Conquer by this.” He then had the shield with Chi Rho. What was significance of this victory? Thought armies won by guidance of Gods. major shift. Rome had conquered through support of Christian God. Constantine shifted from pagan orientation to a Christian one - now seen as Christian Conqueror.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantine

From 312 on Constantine had both a personal calling and mission and inseparably a political program. Ceased persecutions and actively promoted the Church. Why did he promote the Church? Christian were only 10% - could not be glue to unify Empire. Believed: Called himself “feow servant” of Christian God. Felt personal need to protect and promote the Church. Became serious student of Scriptures and spent long ours studying. ()

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantine

313 met Licinius at Milan Edict issued whereby all Christians “are to be permitted eely and absolutely, to remain in it, and not to be disturbed in any ways, or molested.” Known as Edict of Milan

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantine

Licinius later threatened Christians of death if they failed to offer sacrifices to pagan gods. Constantine then engaged in war with Licinius to liberate Christians. In final battle Licinius prepared with offering of sacrifice to pagan gods Constantine offered prayers in field tabernacle. Before battle his troops kneeled in prayer carrying the Chi-Rho 324 He becomes the sole ruler of the Empire.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantine

His preference for Christians with tolerance for all religions showed up in many ways. Iconography, privileges granted to church and clergy, efforts to suppress aspects of . By 320 all pagan images had disappeared from his coins.

Wednesday, October 19, 11

Inspired by a dream builds a new capital of the Empire Constantinople dedicated in 330 A Christian civic space - no idols Embellished with memorials to martyrs or altars for pagan sacrificial rites. Filled city with Christian symbols. Built many churches including Church of Apostles and first version of Hagia Sophia.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantine

Exempted clergy from taxes, closed notorious temples, removed cult items and removed idolatrous images. Constantine essentially eliminated the practice of blood sacrifices to pagan gods. He prohibited provincial governors from offering sacrifice at official functions, opening up civil offices to Christians. - by 350 practice of sacrifice was rare.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantine Mother Helen makes pilgrimage to Jerusalem and finds site of death and resurrection of Christ encrusted with paganism. Site was ordered cleared of all paganism by Constantine and excavations undertaken. Cave of his tomb discovered and the discovery of the True Cross. Large Church of Holy Sepulcher was constructed.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantine

In principle treated religion as mater of choice and conscience but also saw this freedom as a time of conversion. Made no pretense of being neutral supporting work of religion he regarded as true. Sought unity in the Church - did not come easily Conflict between Alexander of Alexandria and a popular presbyter .

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

Did you ever wonder how Christ could be begotten of the Father and exist for all time? Question goes to heart of nature of Christ as fully God. What is about. Arius (Ἄρειος, AD 250 or 256 – 336) Christian presbyter in Alexandria, Egypt of Libyan origins. Student at exegetical school in Antioch & strict monotheist. Elderly man of personal ascetic achievement, pure morals. Arius ignited controversy when St. Alexander of Alexandria gave a sermon on similarity of Son to Father.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

Condemned his sermon and argued: "if the Father begat the Son, he that was begotten had a beginning of existence: and om this it is evident, that there was a time when the Son was not. It therefore necessarily foows, that he [the Son] had his substance om nothing." What theological implication of this? Before Christ was begotten He did not exist. He was born as an instrument of God, wholly distinct from the Father. Possibility of Man’s salvation at stake.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

Saw both the Logos and the Son to refer to a created being. Arius claimed: “The only caed Logos conceptuay, and is not Son of God by nature and in truth, but is merely caed Son, he too, by adoption, is a creature. Even if he is caed God, He is not God truly, but by participation in grace.... He is god in name only.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

Christ was mutable in nature and remains good only by his free will. He became pioneer of salvation by enduring in his own name and then enabling those who followed him to do likewise. By his care and self-discipline he had triumphed of his mutable nature. Man was left to his own efforts to follow his example.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

Was truly God - Son of God? Did this violate oneness of God? Was He of same essence as the Father? The Trinity was one of earliest teachings of Chruch. In the New Testament Jesus of Nazareth appears as Son of God a name He took to Himself (Matthew 11:27; John 10:36), Fourth declares Him to be Word (Logos), Who in the beginning was with God and was God, by Whom all things were made. Similar doctrine by St. Paul, in Ephesians, Colossians, and Philippians. Reiterated in Letters of Ignatius, & accounts that Christians in their assemblies chanted a hymn to Christ as God.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

Arius was teaching a new interpretation. He approached question as a philosopher using logic. His teaching was a rationalization. Alexander allowed the controversy to continue, fed by intellectual class. Called a local council of 100 . 80 decided against Arius excommunicated him and supporters. Fled to Palestine By time Bishop Alexander finally acted, Arius's doctrine spread far beyond his own see Became topic of discussion—and violence—for entire Church.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

What should Constantine do? Sent 67 yr old Hosius, bishop of Córdoba to investigate & resolve controversy if possible. Debate continued to rage despite Hosius' efforts. Bishops began drafting creed for Bishops. Constantine in AD 325 called a council in Nicaea to be composed of church prelates from all parts of empire to resolve issue, probably at Hosius' recommendation.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 First Council

Holy Fathers present were survivors of the persecutions of Diocletian and Galarius Many had been severely tortured. Some had eyes gouged out by red-hot irons, Some had stumps where limbs had been chopped off. Some came suspecting Constantine was gathering them together for a mass execution. Came bravely facing potential martyrdom for the sake of Christ.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 First Council

How did Council begin? No soldiers or force displayed. Bishops stood as Constantine entered. Low chair offered but he would not sit until after being invited by the bishops. He kissed the empty sockets of aged victims of the Great Persecution. Did he come as a dictator?

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

Constantine was only a convener and participant. “whatever is decided in the holy councils of the bishops must be attributed to the divine wi.” Never had right to vote but only carried out its conclusions for the unity of the Church which he believed in.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

Heated deliberations Both used Scripture to make arguments Arius would always agree with Scripture but give it a new meaning. How was it resolved? Through Tradition + Scripture St. Athanasius argued, in practice they treated Christ as equal with Father - acting differently than they theorized. Said, Arians continued to worship Christ Continued to baptize in Name of Father, Son Holy Spirit. Continued to act as if Jesus was truly God.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

Why was this such such a heated debate? 1. Was deviation from Apostolic teaching - an innovation Christians had always referred to Christ as the “Son of God,” as God Himself. Worshiped Him as God who brought man salvation. Arius was trying to impose new interpretation on the Church inconsistent with Tradition. 2. In denying His divinity he denied His ability to transform and save mankind.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

God saw that all created nature, if left to its own principles was in flux and subject to dissolution. Adam’s disobedience made him subject to death and corruptible, was then victim of his own fallen nature. If Jesus was a creature could he transform to overcome death? Only He who called men out of nothing into being would be able to transform them after they had fallen back into the nothingness that threatened them at death. No Creature could be capable of transforming man to overcome death.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Athanasius Defends

"Jesus that I know as my Redeemer cannot be less than God" ~at the Council of Nicæa (c. 325) "...From the daily witness of His works, it is manifest, then, and let none presume to doubt it, that the Savior raised His own body, and that He is very Son of God, having His being om God as om a Father, Whose Word and Wisdom and Whose Power He is. He it is Who in these latter days assumed a body for the salvation of us a, and taught the world concerning the Father. He it is Who has destroyed death and eely graced us a with incorruption through the promise of the resurrection, having raised His own body as its first-uits, and displayed it by the sign of the cross as the monument to His victory over death and its corruption". - The Incarnation of the Word, Chapter 5, The Resurrection (5:32)

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

If God is eternal in existence then if Christ is God he too is eternal. How could there be a time when Christ was not? Athanasius response: When giving to him [the Son] the inheritance of a things [Heb 1:2], the Father did not deprive Himself of what He has without beginning in Himself; for He is the source of a things... And God being the cause of a that happens, is absolutely alone without beginning; but the Son, begotten apart om time by the Father, and created and founded before the ages, was not in existence before his generation, but was begotten apart om time before a things, and He alone came into existence [hypeste] om the Father.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

Bishops earlier had drafted a Creed to address this conflict which was presented to the council. Son of God, Begotten of the Father, only begotten easily accepted by Arians. But could not accept the phrase that followed: From the substance of the Father.” Also “true God om True God” was added to rebut Arian view that even though He is the Son of God he is not a true God but only in grace. To Strengthen it they added Begotten not made to make sure no Arian interpretation could be made.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

The major difficulty was the phrase of “om the substance of the Father” . To resolve any conflict they came up with the word Homoousios, of one substance (essence) with the Father. We believe in one God, Father almighty, maker of a things visible and invisible; And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten om the Father, God om God, Light om light, true God om true God, begotten not made, homoousios with the Father, through whom [namely the Son] a things came into being...

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Arian Conflict

Competing term was homoiousios meaning "similar essence"; favored by the moderates among the Arians, the Semi-Arians.

Homoiousios Homo ousios Because of how close these two words are in the Greek, it has been said that there was only "one iota" of difference between them.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 First Council - Creed We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of a things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father [the only-begotten; that is, of the essence of the Father, God of God], Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; By whom a things were made [both in heaven and on earth]; Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down and was incarnate and was made man; He suffered, and the third day he rose again, ascended into heaven; From thence he sha come to judge the quick and the dead. And in the Holy Ghost.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 First Council

But those who say: 'There was a time when he was not;' and 'He was not before he was made;' and 'He was made out of nothing,' or 'He is of another substance' or 'essence,' or 'The Son of God is created,' or 'changeable,' or 'alterable'—they are condemned by the holy catholic and apostolic Church.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 First Council

Use of the word Homoousios became controversial as many could not understand the word. Was intended to show the equality of the Father and the Son. Because of this, the controversy lingered for many years.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 First Council

Everybody who refused to endorse the Creed was exiled. Arius, Theonas, and Secundus were exiled to Illyria, in addition to being excommunicated. Works of Arius were confiscated and burned - all persons found possessing them were to be executed. Nevertheless, the controversy continued in various parts of the empire. Most churches continued to use pre-Nicene confessions By the late forth century was it commonly accepted that ecumenical creeds outrank all others.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 First Council

Council set a pattern for dealing with controversies in the Church Constantine did not dominate this council but facilitated it by calling it and offering encouragement to come to clear agreement on doctrinal issues. Was demonstration of risks of innovation and importance of Tradition in addition to Scripture in perpetuating Apostolic Teachings. Nature of Christ as fully God clarified.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantinian Shift?

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Why Many protestants condemn Constantine. Why? Became one way to denounce the pay system (indulgences) that evolved in the Western Church by claiming it was founded by Constantine. Erroneously saw a primitive church that was spiritually alive, simple and nonsacramental. True church they said was preserved by the dissenters - often those labeled as heretics.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantinian Shift?

Did Constantine destroy the Church? Post- theologians thought so. Popularized by Mennonite theologian John H. Yoder. alignment of Church with ruling political regime, a fusion of church and state made church tool of ruler. gave religious justification for exercise of power and tool in expansion and maintenance of empire. Claimed membership in church became associated with citizenship rather than a personal decision. History always has a perspective.

Wednesday, October 19, 11

Constantine ended blood sacrifices - paganism defeated. Church involved a true sacrifice, the liturgy of sacrifice, a new sacrificial order. He welcomed the Church to become the center of Empire. Under Constantine, In a sense the empire was baptized.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Constantine the Great

Church did not fall as some claim in 4th c Church was recognized and honored Constantine acknowledged that Church was model he and all other emperors should strive to imitate. Rome baptized with new example as model. Society began to develop in a way as taught by Christ. Brought society closer to the ideal of a true peace on earth. This is why he carries title of Constantine the Great.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Is Holy Spirit God?

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Is Holy Spirit God?

Still work needed to clarify Creed. Arians said essence of Spirit is unlike either Father or Son. Eusebius of Caesarea taught Holy Spirit is person of third rank. Eunomius said Spirit is noblest of creatures produced by the Son. In Egypt emerged group called Pneumatomachians - fighters against Holy Spirit who believed Spirit neither God or creature and was inferior to Father and Son.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Macedonianism

The heresy denying divinity of Holy Spirit generally attributed to a deposed bishop of Constantinople, Macedonius (†364) . Taught - Son was eternal & of one essence with Father. Holy Spirit was creation of Father and action of Son. Denied Holy Spirit is a hypostasis or person of Holy Trinity. Doctrine of Holy Trinity at stake. Mysterious energy created and sent by the Son. Those who follow this view are called Macedonians. Have you ever thought Spirit some impersonal force?

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Gregory Defends

Much political turmoil over this issue with changes in rulers combined with invasions from northern tribes. Gregory of Nazianzus (Theologin) installed as bishop of Constantinople (379), a defender of 1st E. Council and doctrine of Holy Trinity. Preached Orthodox Doctrine: One God found in unity as three persons. Each of same essence yet each with distinct personality. Father is unbegotten, the Son begotten, and Holy Spirit proceeds from Father.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Gregory Defends

Outlined order of development of view of Holy Spirit 1. Old Testament proclaimed Father clearly but the Son more darkly. 2. New Testament plainly revealed the Son but only indicated the deity of the Spirit 3. Now, Holy Spirit lives among us and makes His manifestation more certain First we had to know the Father and the Son before we would be able to truly know the Spirit. St Gregory clearly identified Holy Spirit as God.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Saint Basil the Great

Also defended earlier by Cappadocian Father, Saint Basil the Great (330-379), who wrote classic, On the Holy Spirit (375) Basil wrote over 350 letters Came from a family who are also recognized as saints. Brother was a leading theologian as well. He along with friend of Basil, Gregory the Theologian, known as the Cappadocian Fathers.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Second

To resolve controversy - second Council called in 381 in Constantinople - 150 attended. Basil’s Brother Gregory of Nyssa brought Basil’s teaching to this council to resolve this conflict. This was used along with teachings of other early following the standard of Tradition.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Defense of Holy Spirit

Basil had shown: Spirit is not subordinate to either Father or Son. HS gives insight into divine mysteries since He reveals the deep things of of God “these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.The Spirit searches a things, even the deep things of God.”(1 Cor 2:10) something only one who is fully divine could do. Enables men and women to confess the true identity of Christ and worship him no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor 12:3)

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Defense of Holy Spirit

HS was God because of what he could do. Athanasius: By the participation of the Spirit we are knit into the Godhead. He who fills all creatures had to be of “a different substance than a creatures.” Possessed the power to make alive.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Defense of Holy Spirit

Basil (330-379): from him “comes foreknowledge of the future, understanding of mysteries, apprehension of what is hidden, distribution of good gis, heavenly citizenship, a place in the chorus of angels, joy without end, abiding in God , the being made like to God–and highest of a, the being made God.” Cyril : If the Spirit did not belong to God, “how can he deify me by baptism.” Baptism formula: in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit itself was proof. Appealing to Tradition, the Dogma of the Trinity was already enshrined in the liturgy and prayers.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Defense of Holy Spirit 2nd Council affirmed of 1st council and added clarification about Holy Spirit. “He is the “Lord, the Giver of life, who proceeds fom the Father, and together with the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.” Completes “Nicaean Creed” confessed in the Liturgy prior to the consecration of the Holy Gifts. Holy Spirit is a Person of God, just like Christ and the Father. Not some impersonal force. View still alive in our day. Who today denies personhood of Holy Spirit? Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe he is impersonal force (like electricity) that Jehovah uses to perform actions.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 After note - 3rd Canon: “Bishop of Constantinople sha have primacy of honor aer the Bishop of Rome because Constantinople is the New Rome.”

Rome, (382) Pope Damasus called own council and declared: The Holy Roman church has been set before the rest by no conciliar decrees, but has obtained the primacy by the voice of our Lord and Savior in the gospel: ‘Thou are Peter and upon this rock I wi build my Church.’ There is also added the society of the most blessed Paul, ‘a chosen vessel,’ who was crowned on one and the same day , suffering a glorious death, with Peter in the city of Rome, under Caesar Nero, and they alike consecrated the above-named Roman church and set it above a others in the whole world... Not until 1274 (2nd Council of Lyons) were canons accepted by Rome.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 Assignment

Review handouts Reflect on Creed. Do have any issues with any of it? Reflect on your view of faith and works and the nature of the Mother of God. Next week: Relationship of God to man, grace and relationship with works.

Wednesday, October 19, 11 5th century Seeds of difference

Wednesday, October 19, 11