Title: Evidence of Varroa-mediated Deformed Wing virus spillover in

Authors: Jessika Santamaria Corresponding Author: [email protected]

University of Hawaii at Mānoa, 3050 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822 Ethel M. Villalobos

University of Hawaii at Mānoa, United States

3050 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822 Laura E. Brettell

Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment at the West Sydney University, Science Rd, Richmond, NSW 2753, Australia

ScottUniversity Nikaido of Hawaii at Mānoa, United States

3050 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822 Jason R. Graham

University of Hawaii at Mānoa, United States

3050 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822 Stephen Martin The University of Salford

Manchester, UK M5 4WT

Abstract: Varroa destructor, a parasitic mite of honey bees is also a vector for viral diseases. The mite displays high host specificity and requires access to colonies of Apis spp. to , viruses transmitted by V. destructor completePrevious studiesits lifecycle. have Indetected contrast, DWV the inDeformed a variety Wing of Virus groups (DWV), that one are of not the many , appears to have a much broader ehost discrete range. distribution of the Varroa mite in the Hawaiian archipelago to compare DWV directlyprevalence parasitized on non-Apis by the flo mite. In this study, we take advantageVarroa presenceof th is linked

where V. destructor wer visitors, and test whether absent.to a “viral We spillover”. sampled individualsWe selected of two Apis islands mellifera withCeratina different smaragdula viral landscapes: Oahu, aurifer Polistes hasexclamens been present since 2007, and Maui, where the mite is community of the two isla , , honey bee, and colonies on Oahu have, to assessmuch higher and compare incidence the of DWV DWV prevalence compared in to the Maui. nds. The- Apisresults Hymenoptera indicated that, collected as expected, from The study sites selected Correspondingly, DWV was detected on the Non ence of theOahu, Varroa but was absent in the examined on Maui. inshared the Hymenoptera a similar geography, community climate, on mite and- insectinfected fauna, islands. but differed in the pres mite, suggesting an indirect, but significant, increase on DWV prevalence Keywords: Varroa Apis mellifera mite, deformed wing virus, pollinator health, viral transmission, viral Abbreviations:spillover,

1.Deformed Introduction Wing Virus (DWV)

crops In the last two decades, emerging diseases have caused extensive damage to

and livestock (Morens and Fauci, 2013; Voyles et al., 2014,). Pathogens have

been repeatedly shown to jump between species (Levitt et al., 2013; Li et al., 2011;

affectingMalmstrom honey and Alexander, 2016) and the Deformed Wing Virus (Iflaviridae; DWV)

have shown thatbees the DWVis no exceptionmay have co(Villalobos,-evolved with2016). the Recent European molecular honey studiesbee Apis mellifera the original virus may have been a low prevalence pathogen with( many variants), and and low virulence .

(Martin et al , 2012; Wilfert et al., 2016). Upon contact with the Asian honey Apis cerana Varroa destructor beeA. ( cerana to A.), mellifera a new mite and vector, with this new transmission, jumped route speciesthe prevalence from and virulence of DWV in A. mellifera was

. amplified (Martin et al.,colonies 2012; ofWilfert the Asian et al., honey 2016 ). RecentApis studiescerana byand Yanez A. mellifera et al indicated(2015) on that sympatric there are a large number of sharedbee, strains of DWV ,circulating in the

Asian and the European honey bee populations in the European honey , however the virus is more prevalent via the mite and/or greaterbee colonies,susceptibility suggesting of A. mellifera a more efficient to infection transmission to the virus route or the vector. A similar situation has been reported for the native Japanese honey bee

Apis cerana japonica A. mellifera but at

a much , which shares DWV infections with sympatric

lower prevalence (Kojima et al., 2011). While DWV evolved in close association with Apis

capable of infecting a broad range of non-Apis bees, it also appears

hosts (Genersch et al., 2006; insect Li etgenera al.,

2011; Melathopoulos et al., 2017). So far, DWVGuzman has- been detected in 23

across Europe, North and South America ( Novoa et al., 2015; Levitt- et al.,

2013; Reynaldi et al., 2013; Singh et al., 2010), including social and non socialut the bees, wasps, ants, and a myriad of other insect groups. Not much is known abo impact of the virus in these host species (Tehel et al., 2016). Negative strands of nonDWV,-Apis suggestive of viral replication in the host, have been However found only in 5 generaery of of

DWV amonginsects a wide (Levitt range et ofal., species 2013; Tehel has created et al., 2016 concerns). about ,a the possible discov “viral spillover” from honey specially economically

bee colonies to other insect species, e

important pollinators such as bumble bees (Graystock et al., 2016regionsa, Graystock where V. et al., destructor2016b). Work is present on viral and spillover DWV is has prevalent been conducted, in the honey so far, in Budge et

bee population (V. al.,destructor 2015; Tehel in honey et al., 2016; Traynor et al., 2016). In fact, the presence of and prevalence of DWVbee incolonies honey has been linked to increased viral loads, virulence,

Varroa has also been associated withbee populationsother viral diseases (Martin inet honeybeesal., 2012). Additionally, including

AKI, KBV, BQCV, and SBV (Francis et al., 2013; Martin, 2001; Shen et al., 2005). The fragmented distribution of the Varroa mite on the Hawaiian archipelago

withoutmakes for Varroa ideal studymites sitesin the in ecosystem. which to examine Honey bees pollinator first arrived communities to the Hawaiian with or

archipelago in 1857 and became establishedwe sampled across local the honey eight islandsbees and by non 1909-Apis

(SzalanskiHymenoptera et al., species 2016). on In the this Varro study,a- positive island of Oahu and the Varroa-negative

island of Maui. The selected

study sites shared similar bees havegeography, been in floral contact resources, with V.

destructorand insect communities; however, Oahu’s honey

since 2007, and have high DWV prevalence and increased bee populations viral loads. on that In contrast, Maui remains mite free to this date, and the honey -Apis

Hymenopteraisland have a much species lower selected incidence as representatives of DWV (Martin of tethe al., community 2012). The were: non Ceratina smaragdula, Polistes aurifer Polistes exclamens. C. smaragdula

, and , commonly known as the small carpenter bee, is a mostly solitary bee abundant in garden bees . environments in Hawaii, sharing nectar and pollen resources with honey Polistes spp. are common social wasps that visits flowers

occasionally to feed on nectar. hunt caterpillar prey, and

Re-emerging viral diseases such as DWV represent one of the major threats

to honey ld bees and other

bee health, and the “spillover” of pathogens to wi may also contribute to the current global pollinator decline (Fürst et al., 2014;

Genersch et al., 2006; Graystock et al., 2013a; Graystock et al., 2013b; Manley et al.,

incidence2015; Tehel of etDWV al., 2016).on non -HereApis weinsects carry in out areas a preliminary with and without comparison V. destructor of the .

2. Methods

2.1 Specimen collection

We selected three species within two different Hymenoptera genera as

representatives of the local community of flower visitors: the introduced small

carpenter bee Ceratina smaragdula

(Apidae) which was first recordedPolistes in aurifer Hawaii and in

Polistes1999 (Magnacca exclaman ands King, 2013), and introduced paper wasps th century and in

() first recorded in Hawaii were in collected the 19 from five sites on

1952 respectivelyVarroa-positive (Beggs et al., 2011). All samples Varroa-negative

Oahu ( island), and four sites on Maui, ( island).

Collection sites on both islands consisted onThe a mix selected of agricultural insect species fields, are parks, all gardens, and beach edge vegetation strips. whererelatively they abundant overlap inand resource can be founduse with in urban A. mellifera. and agricultural Our selection environments, of diverse habitats provided us with a preliminary

bird’s eye view of the viral distribution on each island the micro-climate diversity that characterizes the

Hawaiian archipelag, and representso.

Polistes wasps collected on Oahu are P. aurifer and the specimens from Maui are P. exclamans. Consequently the comparisons between the paper wasps were at the genus level.

Samples were collected from August 2014 to November 2015. handInsects-held were net. collected whiles samples they were were foraging also collected in fields fromor flower around patches, their nestsvia a .

Each insect was stored individually and kept on ice in the field until transferred to a

- °C freezer for long term storage.

80 2.2 RNA Extraction & Reverse Transcription PCR

centrifuge which wasEach submerged individual inwas liquid transferred nitrogen to before a nuclease the sample free 1.5ml was crushed usingtube, a

sterile mini pestle. Total RNA was then extracted froms theconditions resulting and powder resuspended using the RNeasy Mini -Kit (Qiagen) following manufacturer’ in 30 µl of RNase free water. RNA concentration was determined using a Nanodrop

Transcription2000c (Thermo- Scientific)- and samples were diluted to 25ng/µl. Reverse carried out to determinPCR (RT ePCR) whether protocols samples adapted contained from DWV.Martin E etndogenous al (2012) control were

-PCR reactions containereactions were also carried out to ensure- RNA was intact. RT

d 50ng RNA, 1x OneStep RT PCR Buffer (QIAGEN), 400 µM each dNTP,

10units RNase Inhibitor (Applied Biosystems) and 0.6µM each primer. DWVQ_F1 and DWVQ_R1 primers (Highfield et al 2009) were used to amplify a conserved region of the RNA dependant RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene. For the endogenousun using a

controls actin primers were- used (Highfield et al 2009). Reactions were r

T100 Thermocycler (Bio Rad) starting with reverse transcriptionC for 30 seconds. at 50°C This for 30 was

minutes, followed by an initial denaturation step at 94°

followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30 seconds, annealing at 54°C for

DWVQ primers (58°C for actin) for 30 seconds, Agarose extension gel el atectrophoresis 72°C for 1 minute, was used and to a determinefinal extension the results. step at 72°CRT- for 10 minutes.

PCR products were ran on a 2% agarose gel stained with visualisedSYBR Safe underDNA gel ultraviolet stain (Invitrogen) light. A with a 100bp TrackIt ladderia (Invitrogen), the detection and of

ll samples were determined, v

confirminga bright band the at absence 120bp onof DWVan agarose in those gel, samples to contain that sufficient failed to intactamplify RNA, a DWV


2.3 Statistical Analysis

To compare the DWV prevalence between species a

cross islands,est data for wassignificance arranged.

across a contingency table and Fisher’s Exact Test was used to t

zerosStatistical in the test data selection counts wasfor Maui based. on the small sample size, and the large number of

3. Results We established via RT-PCR that DWV was present in the honey bee population on

Eboth islands;T however,Apis virus mellifera prevalence was significantly higher (p<0.0001, Fisher’s

xact est) among from- OahuPCR results (83%, forn=58) the comparednon-Apis insects to individuals showed a

from Maui (7%, n=29) (Fig.1). The RT of our non-Apis study

distinct dichotomy based on island; DWV was found on both both of the non-Apis

speciesMaui samples on Oahu, while the virus was completely absent from Ceratina

smaragdula and(Fig. Polistes1). Within aurifer the Oahu samples, the prevalence of DWV in

was 27% (n=61) and 45% (n=20) respectively

(Fig.1). 4. Discussion

Varroa mite on Oahu

greatly Weincreased confirmed, the p asrevalence expected, of that DWV the in presencehoney of the

bees collecte bees (Table 1). In this study, eight

aout DWV of 10 detection forager honey d on in Oahu Maui .were The lowpositive prevalence for DWV, of DWVcompared in to

Maui rate of 0.7previous out 10 bees survey

of 33’s Maui bees colonies concurs tested with a positive for DWV.by The Martin detection et al. of(2012) DWV inon which Varroa four- out

negative islands also agrees with the theory that this virus arrived in Hawaii along

with the European honey bee prior to the global spread of the mite that it

remains present in the Varroa-negative honey bee population as a low, and prevalence pathogen

(Martin et al., 2012; Ryabov et al., 2014; Wilfert et al., 2016). According to the review by one species in the genus Ceratina Tehelbe eten al. described (2016), 17 as species of bees, including

, have positive for DWV. In our C. smaragdula was associated only with Varroa-positive study,areas wheredetection one of out DWV of four in small carpenter bees sampled tested positive for the virus , reported DWV infection in Ceratina dupla where two out of three. individualsSingh et al (2010) sampled were positive. DWV has also been detected, in several wasp species Vespula spp and several

Polistes spp Singh, including et al. yellow jackets ( ) (Levitt et al., 2013)

( e of DWV, 2010). in paper Our waspsstudy showswas limited that, as to withthe sa themples small from carpenter Oahu bees, the presencof the P. aurifer specimens collected were positive for DWV. where 45% Our results suggest a possible DWV spillover from honey bees to flower visitors that is indirectly linked to Varroa presence here are still large gaps of knowledge with regard to cross speciesin the transregion. However, t particular: fer of DWV, in and the potentialthe routes of virus transmission, the range of-Apis species hosts. that Tehel are etsusceptible, al.

impact, simple ifPCR any, detection of the virus of DWV on the at nona single location does not provide enough(2016) argueinformation that to make inferences about viral spillover from honey bees to the rest of the insect community. The confirmation of a higher prevalence of DWV in non-Apis insects from a Varroa-positive island compared to a Varroa-free island suggests the need for more in-depth samples from a wide range of andstudies confirmation that include of viral multiple replication locations, in the hosts. insect species, differentIn addition,DWV genotypes there is an a needd the forsusceptibility comparative of studieshoneybees of the and virulence other potential of the insect hosts to each of these variants McMahon et al.

( , 2016). he absence of the mite on Maui provided us with the

Nevertheless, t Varroa parasitism from whileopportunity comparing to completely the prevalence exclude of the effectsDWV o nof two geographically closeone regions. site,

The information collected in this study can be considered preliminary evidence in support of directionality of transfer of DWV from honey bees to other insect

species as mediated by the presenceOahu’s of Varroa and the associated

higher viralin this titers island, in A. mellifera.

One of the proposed routes of DWV transmission involves ingestion of

contaminated hive products such as pollen and honey and/or consumption of

, , larvae, pupae, or adult bees (Chen et al., 2006; Genersch et al., 2006; Möckel et al., directly2010; Singh on live et al., or 2010dead ). Insects that rob colony resources, orhe those food that they feed ingest.

bees, may take in viral particles with t

This mechanism of infection has been suggestedSébastien for yellow jackets, phisossibly ants, transmissionand for hive parasites route (Evinson et al., 2012; et al., 2015). T carpenter bees feedhowever, solely on isflower not a likely explanation for our studyPolistes species. Small hunt caterpillars to feed their young s,and and, do although not rob honeycarnivorous, bee colonies . Aexclusively more likely transmission route in our study is through the flowers shared by the insects.

Floral resources have been identified as a potential contactMazzei point et al. between species and viable DWV particles Both honeyhave been bees found and C. in smaragdula pollen ( were found, 2014 foraging; McArt on et the al.,

2014; Singh, 2011). – such as Scaevola sericea same common gardenHeliotropium herbs, foertherianumcrops, and ornamentals -

(Naupaka) and on both Oahu and Maui (pers. obs.). and it is possible that either of

thoseBees require resources pollen could and have nectar been to contaminated rear their young, with DWV. Polistes spp. are active

foragers that move quickly among the vegetation looking for caterpillar prey

they occasionally pause to feed on nectar from a variety of flowers during a foraging, but

. Consequen could also be an alternative

routebout (pers. of viral obs.) transmission intly, predatory the shared or parasiticfloral use wasps.

The honey Varroa-negative

bee colonies on Maui, as well as those on other

Hawaiian islands, showed a much lower DWV prevalence (Martin et al., 2012), thus the number of infected individuals, and the viral titer of the infected bees beesforaging on in

Oahuthat community are more likely is expected to be DWV to be positive much lower. and to In carry contrast, an elevated forager viral honey load could translate into a higher rate of floral contamination on this island and a, whichhigher prevalence of DWV in non-Apis

flower visitors (Fig. 1). The pathogenicity of DWV and the and the honey bee continue to be the focusrelationship of much research between in honeythe virus, bee the pathology mite,

(Di Prisco et al., 2016; Möckel et al., 2010; Ryabov et al.,may 2014 be linked). The knownto differences DWV in strainsDWV virulence (Type A, in B, honey and C) , and recombinantsMartin ther et al.eof,

bee colonies ( ere, 2012; is no McMahon evidence et that al., strains 2016;

Ryabov et al., 2014; Zioni et al., 2011), however, th loadsmay be of specifically DWV play a linked significant to wing role deformities in on bees, rather it appearsin that honey viral

the expression of thiswork phenotype on honey our

bees (Brettell et al., 2017). By comparison to the existing bees, understanding about DWV transmissibility and its effect on the fitness of non-Apis

bees and other insects is much more limited. Based on the summary presented by

Tehel, et al , -Apis bee evidence of DW . (2016) 17 species of non s carry DWV, 7 species show been confirmedV replication for (viatwo aspecies negative of bumbleRNA strand), bee Bombus and the terrestris pathogenicity Bombus of DWV has

pascuorum , . DWV, replicationand in non-

(Genersch et al., 2006; Graystock et al., 2016b)

bee species has also been reported;Vespula spp.,Levitt et al. (2012) found evidence of RNA

replication in paper wasps, Aethinaand Eyertumida et .al., Research (2009) onreported alternative negative

commercialRNA strands pollinators in the small hive beetle,

such as, the alkali bee and the alfalfa leafcutter bee; have

sharedshown thatwith food honey stores, eggs, and larvae, may be infected with numerous viruses

bees includingthe impact DWV, IAPV,of DWV and infection BQCV ( McArton non et-Apis al., 2014;insects Singh, can be

difficult2011). However, since for quantifyingmany species we only have access to the non-symptomatic adults.

-Apis bees and to

Insurvey depth wild research hosts thatis needed could tobecome examine reservoirs fitness impacts of DWV to non

infections. leading to a complex web of

5. Conclusion

- a higher rate of DWV detection in non-Apis insects was associated to

1VarroaIn this-positive study, areas. -Across-species transmission of DWV in our study was likely the result of shared

2 nectar between honey bees and non-Apis insects. flower resources (pollen and ) 3-The prevalence of DWV in C. smaragdula and P. aurifer in Hawaii is comparable to that of other species of bees and wasps from the mainland where the mite has been present for about 30 years. US,



This study was- CAREfunded in part- by a -grant from. We Western would like SARE to thank(Project Todd. EW13 E.

010),Shelly and and USDA Amber AFRI Tripodi for(2015 their 67028comments23534) to an earlier version of this

Jonathan Wright for his assistance with the graphics Magnacca for manuscript, tance, Karl with the statisticalhis aid in species procedures. identification, Additionally and Minami Mark Wright Sato and for Melissahis assis Seymour for their lab

lands.work. Lastly, to the various bee keepers and farmers who let us sample on their

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Kauai Oahu


Big Island

n=58 n=20 n=61 n=29 n=18 n=24

–Comparison of DWV prevalence in several species of Hymenoptera on

Oahu Fig 1. bars he Varroa mite is well established

, (lightand blue the DVW) andprevalence Maui (purple and virbar).al load T among honey bees is high comparedon Oahu, to Maui where the mite is absent and the prevalence and load of DWV is very low. Each column includes sample size, for the group. Map shows the current distribution of V. destructor in the Hawaiian archipelago using mite icons and the same color-codes as the histogram bars where the mite is present are light blue and Varroa- ; Oahu and Big Island purple, .

, free Kauai and Maui,