Nava Speaks on Mexico, Opportunity
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·Applications due ' for graduation . If you plan to graduate at the end of this Fall semester, you must file a e "Candidacy for Graduation" form on or before Friday, October 31, in the Records Office, A-9. · Listed below are the general requirements for the A.A. Degree. I. Completion of 60 units with at least a 2.0 grade point aYerage. · 2. TwelYc (12) units m·ust be completed in residence at BC. 3. Eighteen (18) units must be completed in your major. Smaller ~taff, fewer programs, 4. The general education rcqu.iremcnts must be completed as indicated '. r below: a Engl/Speech - 9 units b Social Science - 6 units services· predicted for next year Behavioral Science - 3 units c Natural Science - 3 units By WALTER STORMONT . changes lo the state coostllullon and laws which proYlde less fonds for . d Humanities - 3 units EdJ_tor-ln-chld Junior colleges, bas led lo the problem at hand. Young added that two solo· . At last Tuesday's general start mttdng In the Indoor Thea tu, Chancellor I c Math or Logic - 3 units tlons are to "Inc~ income where appropriate and tta.SOnable," or lo L f Health Ed. - 2 units James Young of the Kem Commaruty College Dbtrlct made It clear that dttrease expenditures. g Physical Ed. - 2 units BC, Portervllle College and Qrro .Coso CommonlJy College will 5tt In answer to a question pertaining to possible legldatlon from Sacramen· (Students who have observed their 21st birthday or who have a changes In the near fulure. Said Yoong. "There "'111 be fewer people, pro· to~ Young said thtre will be several proposals coocemlog community col· medical excuse arc exempt). granu and senlces next yttr In the Kem Community College Dutrlct." He lege funding broughtbefore the. legislature In January. He added that h Counseling emphasized It will not be known ootfl January how great a red~tlon there · KCCD b also hoping for "a little slice of the pie" from state property Cross-Cultural Awareness - Two credits units of work directly wlll be In the staffs of the thru coUqes. assessment renoue. related to the goals of cross-culture awareness. In bis Introductory statement to the staff memben, Dr. John Colllns, An Information packet given to each staff member provided data which • president of BC, reiterated points whkb were brought up at a recent open YOU SHOULD SEE·YOUR COUNSELOR BEFORE FILING TO showed reasons for KCCD's planned cutback lo programs and services. The facully mtttlng. Collln, stated that :tbe college's financial formula bas . MAKE SURE THESE REQUIREMENTS WILL BE COMPLETED BY packef proYlded Information about dbtrid expenditures, budget com THE END OF THIS SEMESTER. changed and that atlendance has dropped con.slderably. "The major conse· parisom, unavallable Income for next year's budget, as well as revenue and qu.ence of tbb," he said, "Is fewtt dollAn fn the budget." The Associate in Science inay be awarded to students who have fulfill expenditure aJtematlves. Also provided were statistics about student and CollJns added the current financial 11tuatJon leaves two options ror the . ~ all of the requirements for the Associate in Arts degree with a major staff attendance since the 1975-1976 school year. According to the Informa of at least 18 units in the fields of Engineering, Physical and Biological college and the dlstrkl: Improvement of the Average Dally Atlendance tion, the district's ADA for 1975-1976 was 12,868 students, with 8,949 at· Sciences or occupational curriculums. (ADA), or reduction of slltff. Collltt! empha.slud the first step of the lmml· tending et. This year, however, the district ADA has shrunk to 10,027 If you have any questions concerning graduation contact Mrs. Budy in nent plans will be to provide all staff membtrs with appropriate Informa students. or those, 6,636 attend BC. tion about all the options. the Records Office. "Between now and mid-year," concluded Young, "we will be analyzing Note: Students who attended prior to the Fall 1979 semester need to Young followed, re~llng that IM entire dhtrict hu bad "quite a decline programs and services." He admitted, "The actJoo that we take Is not cay, complete only 6 units of Engl/Speech if you graduate by June, 1981 · In ADA oYer the last five years." He stated that tbls, along wHh lnnatlon, but It's necessary, Nava speaks on Mexico, opportunity By MARIE VALDEZ troduced by Master of Ceremonies Educational institutions in the "There is, in Metico," Nava said, get· involved. You have Con- are part of the problem and not part Staff Writer Cliff. Garrett, Chairmen of the United States to better meet the "despite its diversities, an ever- gressmen and Senators." He urged··of the answer. So let's work Julian Nava, United States Am- Social Science and International needs of the students. "The better stronger feeling of patrontism and people to write their legislators. "If together to help America grow-up bassador to Mexico, received the Studies Department who said that the students needs are filled, the bet· , of Nationalities,. and of pride in you aren't writing and expressing more• ' key to the city from Bakersfield Nava has been one of the "better ter they will be able to meet the one's country." The pride and the your p,:rt of view," he said, "you Mayor Don Hart at BC's Indoor known names in California for the needs of society, and therefore search for dignity are products of Theater Thursday, when Nava came last two decades for various society can better meet the interests painful histories in Mexico and the to encourage· the p~oplc of · reasons; not .only political involve- of the country," he said. United States and, therefore, Nava .Bakersfield to become involved and r'nenl, but also because of his ex- Nava continued "2000 years ago said, "Mexico is stiU seeking ident- lcarn more about the Histories of cellence as a scholar, and b~use of adults thought that young people ity." our neighbors, Mexico and Canada. his committment in Civic Affairs as were going to the dogs, and today Nava closed his presentation Nava, on behalf of BC, the Social a member of the Los Angeles City they think they're going Jo pot." He before the full auditorium with Science and International Studies School Board." stated however, that young people questions from the audience. the department, Chicano Cultural In Nava's opening statement, he have always blossomed and expand- ,qucs!ion that received the greatest enter anctp~t\,;holats, W:tt in· · · stated· there· is· a· gr~~variety-.of-· ed to· m~t · th!'·ctoo)~ ''ahd · (,' Teactiol'i -was','.- "Why ·is- Ir. rr-you t-----------------------------r changes stressing, "l have no doubt know that refugees from any part of yours will also." . ·-_·_the WQ.~Ld,____ca~1-co111e Jl)_the.J.Jni1~ Nava pointed out Mexico is third States with blessings of the Big -weelcly Clilenaar- to the United States in trading; Wheels at the expense of Millions Canada is second and Japan is first. and Millions of dollars, and they're Moad11, O<lol>ff 6 . Therefore he said we need to look at · welcome? We cuddle them, we do Mexico and realize that it is of great everything, and when you have a 1:00 1.m. Balld/CbutH Wood, Pradk-t flwl importance to the _United States. Mexican-a Mexican national-that 11:30 •••• Acthlclcs Board, EucuUn Board Room Mexico's Government differs from comes to the United States. that ll:30 p.111. Pol1 Scle9tt ••· uttuliTt Botrd Room ours in several ways, Nava ex- p;cnerates one of the most important 1:30 p.m. Sophmort Ous Coaocll, f.x«ulht Botird Room 2:00 p.m. NulrlUon/Nancy O'Ntll, FACE 12 plained. He pointed out there is tactors ·in our economies that is ,.:00 p.m. Han Pal As:sodatlon, F.xrculln Board Room more · federalism in Mexico; the labor, the ,.producers, they arc governors have more authority, and hounded, ex-ploitcd, beaten around Tue!day, Cklo~r 7 "the President of Mexico has far and sometimes, by the police, even more authority than any President brutilized, and nobody raises a word 1:30 •• in. t:OPS, t~tcuUn Bo:anl Room 12:30 p.m. Benni or R,pmnt.11•ts, urculht Board Room in~:~~;~!:: e;e;o~~~nica- , ~~cc~; this is the country of the f~:.:::1: ~lf·.:11.~:si- 11 . c, ._.:. 12:lO p.m. Nn\1111 Sradul Cooklt Sr.~. C.mptt1 ~altt Foyn r.. 1:30 p.m. I.I Ran Unlda f.dudbalil, Flrnlck Room tion problem between Mexico and "That its a product of our AMBASSADOR JULIAN NAVA addressed aa lodoor 'l'heatef aadJtnce 6:00 p.m. Worntsi's \'olkyball u. Loni Bndl, GYM the United States, Nava emphasiz- history," Nava replied. "There are last Thursday on matters ptttairung to relations betwefll tbt United States 6:00 p.m. Auocult \'tltnn SludfflLJ, Flrnl~ R.oom ed. That's why, a"ording to Nava, . still many things in our country that and Mexico. Following his spettb, Balcmnetd Mayor Don Hart-presented Wtdaod11, Oc1obtt I President Carter "decided to send we should not feel proud of yet, still Nua with a key to the city. (Photo: Jim Pbll111>5) so~eon e to M cxico for a change a number or thin gs we sh o uId be "'1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f1 7:30 a.m. Biblt Sla.dy, •1~ Room who knew how to speak Spanish." ashamed of, and this is one of Ii 9-:90 a.m.