« Paris Declaration » We, , Centrists, Democrats and Reformists are meeting in Paris to continue to renew Europe. A Europe that is the solution to many of our challenges. A Europe united around our founding values of freedom and democracy. A Europe that places citizens at the center of everything it does. A Europe that provides equal opportunities for everyone. A Europe that champions new methods and bold ideas. A Europe of solutions. We are individual-centred, pro- European and reform-driven. We call upon those who share our priorities to join forces and to build a coalition in the .

We believe in the European project and in a free, fair, innovative, safe, sovereign and sustainable Union. While the promise of our common project still holds, we believe Europe can do better. The world is changing rapidly and our European way of life is being put to the test. The pandemic showed us the importance of solidarity, responsibility and cooperation. To succeed in the 21st century, the needs to change and adapt, to become more ambitious. This applies to policies and institutions alike. We are resolved to mark a new stage in European integration. We are stronger together.

We preserve fundamental rights. We consider the values enumerated in Article II of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union an absolute priority. As our Union is first and foremost an area of freedom, we want to keep internal borders open, while managing migration flows. Freedoms enable every European to choose their own life. They are the most valuable cement of societies and of European . No European citizen should face any kind of discrimination, regardless of age, gender, disability, race or ethnic origin, religion, belief or sexual orientation. We take action to eradicate discrimination , embrace diversity and ensure gender equality.

We fight for the rule of law. If we want to promote values credibly at European and international level, we need to do the same at national level as well. Yet, while in some Member States, judges are being muzzled, journalists murdered, minorities discriminated against, universities closed, artists silenced, we cannot take them for granted. The very essence and existence of the European Union is at stake. That is why we commit to using all the institutional, legal and financial levers we have fought for, against each and every illiberal force, to safeguard the backbone of our European democracy. The rule of law mechanism we spearheaded must be activated without further delay.

We protect the earth. Each year, our civilization takes much more resources and creates much more pollution than our planet can regenerate. We need to address this climate, environment and public health urgency, for current and future generations. The Green deal is a landmark opportunity to improve well-being, create sustainable jobs and set global standards. Whether we talk about food, mobility, energy, housing, finance, industry, we share the ambition to transform all sectors of the economy without leaving anyone behind. We are convinced by the need to align the Union with the Paris Agreement, to make Europe the first carbon-neutral continent and to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.

We promote sustainable growth. For us, the ecological imperative goes hand in hand with delivering economic prosperity. Such a new growth path requires both reforms and investments, not only in the field of climate, but also in digital, agricultural and social policies, to empower people and SMEs, from the continent and overseas. Resilience is key. We need to drive those transitions, while ensuring inclusiveness, reducing inequalities and creating opportunities for every citizen. We want entrepreneurs to thrive, workers to have quality jobs, vulnerable people a decent living, youth and children a chance to develop their talents, all across Europe. The recovery plan we initiated is based on those principles and is already delivering.

We foster innovation. New discoveries improve our daily lives and create new jobs. We want to put Europe at the forefront of the next generation of breakthrough technologies, as global leader of ecological and digital transitions. We need to make Europe’s economy more competitive by stimulating public,private and social-impact investments, by supporting entrepreneurship and business development, by strengthening education and training systems, by creating a level playing field in social, competition, fiscal and environmental areas with our main competitors and between companies. We all believe in open science, digital innovation, free academic research and technology neutrality . After the success of the EU’s COVID19 vaccination response, the European Health Union we build must strengthen the EU’s anticipation and response capacities and accelerate research and innovations.

We defend European sovereignty and open strategic autonomy. The pandemic has shown that Europe is in some cases too dependent on third countries. It shall become a real power, with the ability to act and decide by and for itself. We promote a Europe that does not shy away from defending our values, interests and standards, within and beyond our borders, while promoting rule-based free trade and fair competition, multilateralism,human rights and sustainable development goals. To this end, we have the courage to adapt our toolbox and change the orientation of industrial, competition, energy, trade, foreign and defence policies. The situation in Afghanistan reminds us of the importance to develop a true European Defence Union. The strategic reforms we put on the agenda must be put into practice coherently.

We revive democracy. Our Union was built from the ashes of the Second World War with the aim of avoiding and standing up to authoritarian and totalitarian drifts. While common institutions have replaced battlefields, the European Parliament is the beating heart of European democracy. We want to make it stronger because it brings better results, more transparency, greater proximity to people. We need more majority decisions driven by collective interests to move Europe forward. At a time when fake news and conspiracy theories destabilise our democratic processes, we will relentlessly fight for truth, facts,scientific rigor, evidence-based policies, free and quality information; against propaganda, disinformation and malign influence. The Conference on the Future of Europe we launched must turn citizen’s words into concrete actions. It should also help enhance our European identity and a transnational political space.

We are Renew Europe. Since the European elections 2 years ago, our newly-created political group has successfully carried out substantial and structural reforms. Over the next 3 years, we will continue to launch new and audacious initiatives, including a gender equality pact, a youth plan, a strategic investments fund and an extraordinary competency in case of urgency.

We call upon other pro-European political groups to come together. At EU level, the real divide is between pro- and anti-Europeans. Nothing happens without compromises across political and national lines. Yet, when majorities become unstable, the stakes grow higher.

We propose to negotiate and sign a coalition agreement, to clarify and strengthen the parliamentary majority. This agreement shall include: clear priorities in line with the above, ambitious objectives such as environmental, technological and social progress, firm commitments to reinforce and enforce the powers of the European Parliament , new methods on strategic reports and key positions.

We, Liberals, Centrists, Democrats and Reformists want to act now to make Europe values-based, climate-neutral, powerful, citizens-oriented, market and innovation-driven, parliamentary- anchored. The multiple challenges posed by the pandemic, climate change and the digital revolution on the one hand and the rise of nationalism, populism and authoritarianism on the other hand force us to dare to reinvent the European project to live up to its promises.

Europe is our future. Its destiny is in our hands. We are ready to renew it. And you?