The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 30, 2018 The Holy Family with a Palm Tree, 1506 Raphael ST. RAPHAEL the ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISH ADDRESS PARISH STAFF 40000 North U.S. Highway 45, Old Mill Creek, Illinois 60046-7464 Fr. Michael McGovern, Pastor phone 847.395.3474 fax 847.395.3552 Dr. Gregory K. Webster, Deacon email
[email protected] Ms. Annee Wynn, Coordinator of Religious Ed. St. Raphael the Archangel Catholic Church-Old Mill Creek Ms. Marirose Tan, Coordinator of Youth Ministry Mr. Alex Fries, Music Director The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Pastor’s Notes December 30, 2018 MARY, MOTHER OF GOD Tuesday, January 1, the Church honors the Blessed Virgin Mary under her tle: Mary, Mother of God (a holy day of obligaon: Mass on December 31 at 4:00 pm and January 1 at 9:00 am and 11:00 am). Since as early as 230 A.D., Chrisans referred to Mary as theotokos, which means “God- bearer”. By the fih century, there were some people who quesoned this tle, claiming that Mary was only the mother of Jesus’ human nature. The bishops gathered at the Council of Ephesus (431 A.D.) and the Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D.) taught definively that Christ is fully God and human and that these two natures are united in one person, Jesus Christ. Therefore, Mary could be called “Mother of God” because she gave birth to Jesus, who is fully divine as well as human. PRAY FOR OUR BISHOPS Pope Francis has encouraged the Bishops of the United States to make a silent retreat together as part of the spiritual renewal needed in the face of the abuse crisis.