Oongressional Record-House. '3561
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1898. OONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. '3561 Mr. GALLINGER. I will say t<> the Senator from Iowa that a of a bridge across the St. Francis River, in Arkansas-a wagon similar bill has passed the Senate four or fi:ve different times, and bridge. It went to the Senat-e and was there amended by chang it has passed the House of Representatives once or twice before, ing the name of the parties incorporating the same. I simply ask but not in the same session that it passed the Senate. The House the House now to concur in the Senate amendment. has passed it at this present session, and I hope the Senator will Mr. McEWAN. On the statement of the gentleman from Ar not object to it. It has been discussed heretofore very fully. kansas I withdraw the objection. Mr. ALLISON. I feel that I must object for the present. The Senate amendment was concurred in. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Being objected to, the bill goes On motion of Mr. .McEWAN, a motion to reconsider the last over. vote was laid on the table. EXECUTIVE SESSION. BRIDGE OVER THE MISSOURI RIVER-cOUNCIL BLUFFS. Mr. GORMAN. I move that the Senate proceed to the oonsid eration of executive business. Mr. BENNETT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for The motion was agreed to; and the Senateproceeded to the c~n the present consideration of the bill (H. R. 7445) to amend "An sideration of executive business. After two hours and five mm act authorizing the construction of a railway, street railway, mo utes spent in executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 6 tor, wagon, and pedestrian bridge over the Missomi River, near o'clock and 10 minutes p.m.) the Senate adjourned until to-mor Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Omaha, Nebr.," and to extend the time row, Wednesday, April6, 1898, at 12 o'clock meridian. for the completion of the bridge therein provided for. The bill was read, as follows: Be i t enacted, etc., That section 8 of the act entitled "An act authorizing the cunstruction of a railway, street-railway, motor, wagon, and pedestrian CONFIRMATIONS. bridge _over the Missouri RiverJ. near Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Omah8., .Nebr.," be amended to read aa follows: Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate .Apr-il5, 1898, " SEc. 8. That this act shall be null and void if construction of said bridge shall not be commenced on or before the 1st day of J a.nuary, 1892, and be com APPOINTMENTS IN THE NAVY, pleted on or before the 1st day of July, 1900: Provided, That the navigation or the Missolll'i River shall not be obstructed by false works during the con· Luther Elwood Gregory, a citizen of New York, to be a civil struction of the bridge." engineer. Edward Vanderpoel Armstrong, a citizen of New York, and The Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce recom· William Henry Bucher, a citizen of Pennsylvania, to be assistant mend the adoption of the following amendments: surgeons. Add in line 6, after the word "Nebraska.," the words "as amended by an act POSTMASTERS. approved January 28, 1893." Insert after the word .. bridge," in line 5, on page 2 the words: S. H. Jumper, to be postmaster at Aberdeen, in the county of ".Andprovidedjurthe'i, That such guide piers or dikes as may be required by the Secretary of War for the maintenance of a safe channel through the Brown and State of South Dakota. draw spaces as they are arranged, pending the construction of the permanent William L. Buford, to be postmaster at Nicholasville, in the bridge, shall be at once built and maintained until they shall be no longer county of Jessamine and State of Kentucky. necessary." ,- George G. Clifford, to be postmaster at San Antonio, in the county of Bexar and State of Texas. Mr. McEWAN. I reserve the right of objection, Mr. Speaker. Probably the gentleman can give an explanation that will satisfy me. I would be very glad to know how long this extension of time is given. There ought to be some limit upon the time when HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. this bridge is to be built. Mr. BENNETT. I will yield to the gentleman from Nebraska TUESDAY, .April 5, 1898. rMr. MERcER], who is able to inform the gentleman as to the £acts. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Mr. MERCER. I desire to say to the gentleman from New HENRY N. COUDEN. Jersey that this bridge has been oonstrncted for some time, but The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap three of the approaches to the bridge are temporary. It has been proved. found impossible to complete the bridge as originally planned be Mr. BRUMM. Mr. Speaker, I demand the regular order. cause of the changes in the channel of the Missouri River. The BRIDGE ACROSS THE ST. FRANCIS RIVER, ARKANSAS. bill now before the House, as amended by the suggestions of the War Department, will give these people an opportunity to con Mr. McCULLOCH. Mr. Speaker, I desire to ask unanimous struct the bridge permanently as originally planned, and this ex:· consent to take up and cbnsider at this time the Senate amend tension of time should be given. , ment to the bill (H. R. 5030) to authorize the construction of a. Mr.-McEWAN. What is the extension of time? bridge across the St. Francis River, in the State of Arkansas. Mr. MERCER. This provides that the bridge shall be com· Mr. BRUMM. Mr. Speaker, I have asked for the regular order. pleted on or before' the 1st day of July, 1903. The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to say to the House that Mr. McEWAN. That is to say, there is an extension of five . there are a number of bills for which unanimous consent is re years given. quested, and to which there is no opposition, like bridge bills, in Mr. MERCER. There are, I will repeat to the gentleman, a certain sense merely formal matters, formal action only being three temporary spans in this bridge, which were constructed to demanded of them, and the Chair would like to have an oppor meet conditions then existing, and to give the company time to tunity to dispose of some of these. Of course this is subject to complete the carrying out of their original plan. The navigation the objection of any member. of the river is, in reality, no more obstructed by these three tem Mr. BRUMM. I shall not object to any bridge bills which may porary spans than it would have been had the whole bridge been be presented for consideration at this time, but will make objec- completed according to the original plans. tion to others. Mr. McEWAN. I do not think the bill provides in effect what Mr. McCULLOCH. I desire to ask unanimous consent to adopt the gentleman suggests. the Senate amendment to the bill to which I have justreferred. Mr. MERCER. Oh, yes; it does. The SPEAKER. The Senate amendment will be read, if there Mr. McEWAN. If so, I will withdraw the objection. be no objection. Mr. MERCER. This bill provides that the company may go on There wa.s no objection. and make the permanent structure as originally intended. The Senate amendment was read at length. :Mr. McEWAN. Then I will withdraw, if there is a time limit. Mr. McEWAN. Does this, Mr. Speaker, cut off the right of Mr. M.ERCER. There is a time limit. objection? The SPEAKER. Objection is withdrawn. Is there further The SPEAKER. The gentleman can not reserve the right of objection to the bill? · objection while the bill is passing. This bill is now on its passage, as there was practically no objection to its oonsideration. Does There was no objection. the gentleman desire an explanation? The amendments recommended by the Committee on Interstate Mr. McEWAN. I do. and Foreign Commerce were agreed f<>. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from New Jersey desires an The bill as amended was ordered to be engrossed and read a third explanation of the bill. time; and it was accordingly read the third time, and passed. Mr. McEW.AN. I reserve all the rights to which I am entitled On motion of Mr. BENNETT, a motion to reconsider the last until I have had an explanation as to the bill. · vote was laid on the table. Mr. McCULLOCH. This bill, I will state to the gentleman, The SPEAKER. The Chair desires that all requests for recog• passed the House some weeks ago and authorized the construction nition at this time be oonfined to bridge bills. 3562 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-HOUSE. APRII.r5, ~ BRIDGE ACROSS THE LOGGY BAYOU, IN LOUISIANA. The joint resolution was read, as follows: Mr. OGDEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he fs present consideration of the bill (S. 3056) authorizing the Shreve hereby, requested to submit detailed estimates from information now on file port and Red River Valley Railway Company to construct and of the costs for the proposed dredging and improvement of Humboldt Har· maintain a bridge across the Loggy Bayou, in Louisiana. bor, California, as contemplated by the river a.nd harbor act of June 3,1896, and by the report of Cassms E. Gillette, captain of engineers, submitted to The bill was read. It provides that the Shreveport and Red Congress in the report of the Chief of Engineers.