Taste Australia Asia Fruit Logistica


ABOUT 4 Hort Innovation overview 5 Taste Australia overview 6 Hort Innovation R&D projects 8 International trade data 36 Taste Australia event 38 Taste Australia pavilion 39 Taste Australia exhibitor map

EXHIBITORS Made by Nature. 12 Australian Global Exports 13 Australian Mangoes Supported by Science. 14 Australian Table Grape Association 15 AUSVEG 16 Avocados Australia 17 Cutri Fruit 18 Fresh Produce Group 19 Fresh Select 20 Fruit Master 21 GrapeCo 22 Harrowsmiths International 23 Mildura Fruit Company 24 Montague 25 Perfection 26 Seven Fields 27 Summerfruit Australia Limited 28 Australian Almonds 28 Australian Blueberry Growers’ Association 29 Capogreco Farms 29 Cherry Growers Australia 30 Freshcare 30 Fruit Growers Tasmania 31 Fruit West Co-operative Ltd 31 HiveXchange 32 Love Beets 32 Marco 33 Nangiloc Colignan Farms 33 Royal Fresh 34 Sunfresh Marketing Co-Op 34 Thomas Foods International Fresh Produce 35 UVASYS 35 VFS Exports HORT INNOVATION TASTE AUSTRALIA OVERVIEW OVERVIEW

Taste Australia is the whole-of-horticulture brand used by industry and Hort Innovation to help increase the profile, sales and consumption of premium horticulture products in key export markets — in particular Asia and the Middle East. Under Taste Australia, Hort Innovation undertakes export market development activities including trade shows, trade missions and retail marketing activities. Taste Australia aims to build a globally competitive, unified, agile and profitable Australian horticulture industry through sustainable investment in high Hort Innovation is a not-for-profit, grower-owned value and high growth export markets. Research and Development (R&D) and marketing Our vision company for Australia’s $9 billion horticulture industry. Hort Innovation works closely with key industry Growing the future of organisations including State Governments, other Hort Innovation invests more than $100 million in research and development corporations and Austrade R&D and marketing programs annually. Australia’s horticultural to help drive and support these projects. While the investment decisions we make are deliberate, industries. Taste Australia exhibits at a number of international considered and evidence-based, innovation sits trade shows to further develop export opportunities at the heart of what we do to make big gains. Our mission in key Asian and Middle Eastern markets. These events Our goal is to grow the future of Australia’s fruit, enable Taste Australia to put international buyers vegetable, nut, plant and tree industries. Our job Increasing the productivity, in contact with leading Australian growers, industry is to help growers increase their productivity farm gate profitability and bodies and reliable exporters and keep buyers up to and profitability. date with information on what’s in-season, how the global competitiveness season is shaping up and industry news. of Australia’s horticulture industries.


4 Taste Australia Taste Australia 5 HORT INNOVATION Aussie plant World-leading R&D PROJECTS biosecurity gets facility boosts a AUD 21M tech fruit fly defence. injection. A world-leading $3.8 million sterile insect technology facility recently opened in Australia, providing a powerful new line of defence against one of horticulture’s most damaging pests — the fruit fly.

‘HICRIS aims to Australia is on track to adopt some of the most sophisticated plant pest attract Australia’s surveillance technologies in the world after Hort Innovation secured brightest minds a Federal Government grant and in engineering co-investor funding to deliver a The Centre will produce 50 million sterile AUD 21million plant biosecurity push. AUD 16.5M to bolster Australia’s male Queensland Fruit Flies each week. The flies will be released to mate with and science’ The new project will further safeguard export reputation in Asia. females, collapsing wild populations in fruit Australian agriculture from pathogen and The monitoring of conditions from farm fly affected horticulture growing regions. pest incursions. The initiative will utilise next- This national four-year project to import customer is essential to help generation technologies to allow producers to will explore a tightening of export The facility is supported by SITplus, growers better understand the condition of receive timely and accurate information about operations along all stages of a national research and development effort, their products on arrival and their products’ Australia’s first horticultural robotics pests and pathogens in their region, help the supply chain — from the way which now has a combined program budget ability to withstand in-country distribution them with management decisions, reduce produce is packed, to how it is of more than $45 million. learning and development hub. to the retailer and consumer. The aim is to resistance and demonstrate pest-free status stored, to shortening the time ensure the end-buyers are getting the best Research undertaken at the SIT facility is The Horticulture Innovation to harvest and ground penetrating radar to export markets. from picking to arriving on a game-changer for the future management Centre for Robotics and Intelligent sensors to measure factors such as soil supermarket shelves. fruit, vegetables and nut products possible. The five-year project will see the of Queensland fruit fly in Australia. Systems (HICRIS) is Australia’s first water content and root systems. Australian growers have a firm appetite horticultural robotics learning and construction and establishment of eight HICRIS aims to attract Australia’s brightest to increase export trade and a number development hub. It is driven by state-of-the-art mobile pest monitoring minds in engineering and science, and of leading producers are participating in industry’s determination to adopt hubs, including a suite of smart surveillance currently has six research fellows, five PhD this project. on-farm technologies, ramp up traps that capture airborne fungal spores students and six technical staff. It also acts export capacity and develop future and insects and reference them against as a training facility for Australian growers GPS, temperature, humidity, wind speed and leaders in non-traditional areas The Australian vegetable industry aims to and the future generations of students who direction data. of horticulture. Building vegetable increase the value of vegetable exports to are passionate about creating innovative The project is a commitment to unite efforts AUD 315 million, or 40 per cent, by 2020 Located at the University of Sydney, HICRIS solutions to drive the future of farming. industry exports. to strengthen Australian plant biosecurity which was outlined in the Vegetable Industry is initially hosting a $10 million commitment and build on Australia’s reputation for Export Strategy 2020. The strategy outlines to projects in robotics and autonomous offering clean, green plant products. a range of methods to help more growers technology that aim to increase farm and the wider industry export Australian efficiencies. vegetables best serve overseas markets. Work at the centre includes, but is not The strategy will ensure vegetable exports limited to, developing technology that are treated as a long-term channel to can detect foreign matter; robots that can market by delivering export training map tree-crop architecture; and ground- programs for growers, increasing the range breaking autonomous weed identification of opportunities for producers to connect and eradication capabilities. We are also directly with overseas buyers. investigating capabilities such as automated crop forecasting to predict the best time

6 Taste Australia Taste Australia 7 INTERNATIONAL TRADE Exports of fresh INTERNATIONAL TRADE EXPORTS horticultural EXPORTS products by region.

Asia* Tonnes $M North America* Tonnes $M Total Exports** Tonnes $M Grapes 97,094 $328.60 Almonds 5,095 $54.20 Almonds 60,633 $616.20 Almonds 24,334 $201.10 Oranges 10,652 $18.10 Grapes 110,007 $367.30 Oranges 131,515 $165.40 Macadamias 646 $17.80 Macadamias 19,366 $253.20 Europe Macadamias 10,490 $114.60 Mandarins 2,904 $5.50 Oranges 160,580 $202.10 Asia Cherries 4,977 $70.40 Pecans 219 $2.70 Mandarins 48,974 $84.80 16% Mandarins 31,048 $55.30 Pears 998 $1.60 Carrots 100,214 $80.80 $346.20m Summerfruit 9,703 $33.30 Cherries 119 $1.40 Cherries 5,593 $76.10 53,798t Carrots 40,578 $32.90 Mangoes 187 $1.30 Summerfruit 14,366 $48.30 58% Asparagus 4,037 $24.70 Mushrooms 1.2 $1.20 Mangoes 7,006 $30.90 Potatoes 34,704 $23.40 Foliage* $1.00 Onions 43,891 $28.60 $1,230.40m Total 454,113 $1,230.4 Total 22,294 $118.80 Total 689,903 $2,111.80 454,113t New Zealand Europe Tonnes $M & Oceania Tonnes $M North Almonds 24,297 $276.70 Almonds 1,871 $23.10 Macadamias 1,261 $28.20 Grapes 4,053 $12.10 America Walnuts 2,300 $10.20 Mandarins 5,772 $10.80 6% Onions 21,887 $14.20 Oranges 7,188 $7.30 $118.80m 699 $2.50 Pears 4,340 $6.20 22,294t Foliage* $2.40 Beans 1,773 $5.70 Live Plants* $1.90 Muskmelons 3,278 $5.50 Mandarins 1,902 $1.80 Strawberries 506 $3.90 Kiwifruit 523 $1.20 Mangoes 842 $3.40 Middle Pecans 59 $1.10 Macadamias 156 $3.30 East Total 53,798 $346.20 Total 39,468 $111.70

10% Africa Tonnes $M Middle East Tonnes $M $209.70m Almonds 889 $9.70 Almonds 4,148 $51.40 111,578t Carrots 1,270 $1.10 Carrots 57,610 $45.90 NZ & Total 2,565 $13.60 Grapes 8,756 $26.20 Oceania Summerfruit 6,124 $13.90 Africa 5% Mandarins 7,248 $11.20 <1% $111.70m Oranges 10,720 $10.00 $13.60m 39,468t 2,565t Strawberries 1,004 $9.10 Muskmelons 4,176 $8.50 Mangoes 1,647 $5.90 *Flower and nursery exports are recorded by value rather than weight, and so tonnes of these categories Macadamias 189 $4.80 are not included in totals. Total 111,578 $209.70 **Total includes exports with no specified country. Source: 2016/17 Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook, Hort Innovation and Fresh Logic. 8 Taste Australia Taste Australia 9 INTERNATIONAL TRADE Imports of fresh INTERNATIONAL TRADE IMPORTS horticultural IMPORTS products by region.

Central & South Asia* Tonnes $M America* Tonnes $M Total Imports** Tonnes $M Cashews 17,253 $176.50 Brazil Nuts 1,572 $17.60 Cashews 17,441 $178.50 Flowers* $22.30 Flowers* $14.00 Flowers* $67.30 Europe Garlic 8,422 $22.70 Asparagus 1,130 $6.70 Grapes 13,784 $66.10 10% Live Plants* $12.80 Cashews 159 $1.60 Avocados 13,108 $63.60 $96.60m Mushrooms 2,440 $8.90 Garlic 429 $1.40 Walnuts 5,137 $50.90 Asia 13,841t Mangoes 440 $3.90 Total 3,337 $43.40 Kiwifruit 23,254 $50.40 Bulbs* $3.30 Hazelnuts 2,972 $44.90 Pears 1,487 $2.60 New Zealand Garlic 12,521 $36.90 & Oceania Tonnes $M Foliage* $2.40 Blueberries 1,432 $29.80 Avocados 13,108 $63.60 34% Peas 463 $2.10 Oranges 14,587 $25.30 Kiwifruit 16,445 $39.20 North Total 57,263 $344.30 Total 178,551 $978.20 $344.30m Blueberries 1,432 $29.80 57,263t America Capsicums 1,371 $5.40 Europe Tonnes $M Almonds 332 $4.60 25% Hazelnuts 2,913 $44.30 Summerfruit 858 $4.50 Bulbs* $18.60 Persimmons 544 $2.90 $233.70m Kiwifruit 6,785 $11.10 Tomatoes 1,386 $2.90 53,415t Middle Garlic 1,076 $4.40 Bulbs* $1.80 East Nursery* $1.50 Macadamias 932 $1.40 1% $7.30m Total 13,841 $96.60 Total 41,045 $172.60 2,352t

Central North America* Tonnes $M Africa Tonnes $M & South Grapes 13,711 $65.80 Flowers* $25.30 America Africa 4% Oranges 13,116 $23.50 Oranges 988 $1.10 $43.40m Summerfruit 4,451 $19.40 3% 3,337t Total 2,238 $29.90 $29.90m Lemons 5,666 $18.40 2,238t Asparagus 2,475 $14.40 Middle East Tonnes $M Cherries 1,448 $11.90 Mandarins 647 $1.30 Almonds 907 $10.90 Total 2,352 $7.30 Garlic 2,361 $7.70 NZ & Mandarins 2,111 $6.60 Oceania Plums 798 $4.00 17% Total 53,415 $233.70 $172.60m 41,045t

*Flower and nursery imports are recorded by value rather than weight, and so tonnes of these categories are not included in totals. **Total includes imports with no specified country. Source: 2016/17 Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook, Hort Innovation and Fresh Logic. 10 Taste Australia Taste Australia 11 EXHIBITORS David Higham Ground Floor — Suite 14 Robert Gray Unit 2, The Fresh Centre EXHIBITORS Business Development Manager Gallery Suites, 185 High Street Chief Executive Officer Brisbane Market — Fremantle, Western Australia, 6160 — Rocklea, Queensland, 4106 T +61 8 6219 5565 — T +61 7 3278 3755 — M +61 433 337 434 agexports.com.au E [email protected] industry.mangoes.net.au E [email protected] Australian Australian Global Exports Mangoes

Business Overview Seasonality Growing or Sourcing Region MAR MAY NOV AUG OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP JUL For over two decades, Australian Global We understand the importance of Exports has been providing the finest quality, innovation and food safety as in fresh fruits and vegetables to clients integral pillars of our customers’ success. VEGETABLES throughout the world. We are a family With our strong network of growers, Asparagus owned and run business, with a vast processors and in-market distributors 1 Bean — Green network of growers and suppliers in sharing the same commitment to 2 Broccoli Western Australia, and throughout the service excellence, Australian Global 3 rest of the country. Exports is the reliable choice. Brussels Sprouts 4 We supply a vast range of produce Cabbage 5 from carrots, onions and potatoes, through to stone fruit, strawberries Cabbage — Chinese and citrus. We are experts in all facets Carrot 6 of export logistics with the right 7 Cauliflower knowledge to ensure that the best quality possible arrives to our partners. Celery Lettuce 8

Onion Business Overview Products and Varieties

Pea — Snow In Australia mangoes are grown in the Australian mango varieties throughout tropical and sub-tropical regions of the the season are: 1 Darwin Potato Northern Territory, Queensland, New 2 Katherine Pumpkin South Wales and Western Australia. Kensington Pride: a soft medium-sized 3 Kununurra Production starts in the Northern (300g–600g) mango with golden flesh 4 Mareeba/Dimbulah FRUITS Territory and Western Australia in with a sweet, tangy flavour and a rich 5 Burdekin/Bowen 6 Carnarvon September, followed by Queensland’s orange skin tinged with a pink or red blush. The ·most popular variety grown 7 Bundaberg Apricot dry tropical regions (Townsville, 8 Gingin Burdekin/Bowen) in mid-November, in the sub-tropical and tropical regions Avocado Mareeba/Dimbulah in early December, of Australia, making up 70% of all trees planted. Available from late September Blueberry Central Queensland in late December, and South East Queensland and Northern to March. Cherry Seasonality MAR MAY NOV AUG OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP New South Wales in January. Calypso™: has a particularly firm fibreless JUL Grape flesh with a full, sweet flavour and a Grapefruit very small seed. This mango has a Kensington Pride smooth yellow orange skin with beautiful Kiwifruit pink blush. Its firm flesh is particularly R2E2 Lemon well-suited for use in salads and cooking. Keitt Available from October to March. Mandarin Kent R2E2: a large (600g–1kg) round mango Mango Palmer with firm lemon-yellow flesh which has a Melon — Honeydew sweet, mild flavour and deep orange skin Brooks Melon — Rock tinged with an orange-red blush. Due to B74 (Calypso) its long shelf life, the R2E2 is much sought Nectarine after in export markets. Available from Honey Gold Orange — Navel November to February. Pearl Orange — Valencia Honey Gold: has firm, juicy flesh with a In season Peach rich, sweet flavour and a brilliant golden apricot-yellow colour. Widely-spread, Pear grown in all but one mainland state in Nashi Pear Australia. Its firm fibreless flesh makes Persimmon the the perfect choice for salads and smoothies , and to eat on Plum its own, fresh or frozen, as there are no Strawberry mango fibres to get stuck between your teeth. Available from November to March. Watermelon

Heaviest vegetable supplies Available

Heaviest fruit supplies Available

12 Taste Australia Taste Australia 13 EXHIBITORS Jeff Scott 33 Madden Avenue Michael Coote Level 2, 273 Camberwell Road EXHIBITORS Chief Executive Officer Mildura, Victoria, 3500 National Manager – Camberwell, Victoria, 3124 — — Export Development — T +61 3 5021 5718 australiangrapes.com.au — ausveg.com.au E [email protected] T +61 3 9882 0277 F +61 3 9882 6722 E [email protected] Australian Table Grape Association AUSVEG

Growing or Sourcing Region

Business Overview Products and Varieties Seasonality

MAR Business Overview Products and Varieties MAY NOV AUG OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP JUL Warm, dry summers and deep, rich Australia’s geographical spread of AUSVEG is the national industry The Australian Vegetables stand at Asia soils provide an excellent environment production enables fresh sweet table association representing the interests of Fruit Logistica will display a range of BLUE/BLACK GRAPES for Australian growers to produce grapes to be available from November Australian vegetable and potato growers. high quality Australian fresh vegetables 0 high quality, green, red and blue/black through to May. Autumn Royal including: carrots, onions, sweet corn, >1,000 varieties of table grapes. AUSVEG is increasing its focus on potatoes, celery, leeks, lettuces, spinach, Midnight Beauty 1,000–2,000 Positioned in the southern hemisphere, exporting and is undertaking a range of cauliflower and broccoli as well as other Growers or their trained agronomists Australia is well placed to provide export development activities aimed at 2,000–5,000 GREEN GRAPES products for the retail, wholesale and 5,000–10,000 regularly inspect vineyards throughout counter-seasonal table grapes to increasing the export capability of the food service sectors. the entire growing and harvesting period. complement northern hemisphere Seedless Dawn vegetable industry, providing tools and <10,000 They are committed to consistently producers and help keep your customers Seedless Menindee resources that help growers compete producing sweet, plump juicy, berries that supplied with fresh fruit year round. in export markets, and creating market Seedless Thompson are uniform in colour and size especially opportunities for the industry. Table grapes can be picked, packed Seasonality MAR MAY RED GRAPES NOV for export markets. AUG OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP and air freighted to Asian markets Australia is internationally renowned for JUL Australian table grape producers within 48–60 hours of harvest. Seedless Red Globe its clean, fresh and delicious produce, generally live and work on their Alternatively, table grapes sent by Seedless Crimson with a range of rigorous quality assurance Asparagus properties facilitating the integral sea in refrigerated containers can be programs and a first-rate food safety practices of integrated pest management in Asian markets within 12–20 days of Seedless Flame system. Vegetable growing is the fifth Beans and irrigation scheduling, used in harvest. Shipping to the Middle East Seedless Ralli largest agricultural sector in Australia by Broccoli managing quality and quickly controlling takes a little longer at almost 4 weeks. value, after cattle, wheat, milk and fruit Capsicum any pest or disease which may be present In season and nut. Vegetable production accounts in the vineyard. for over 6 per cent of the total value of Carrots Australian agricultural production, worth Cauliflower With modern growing practices, on-site AUD$4 billion per annum. cool room facilities, audited quality Celery assurance programs and experienced In the 2015–16 financial year, Australia in-field quality supervisors, the industry exported 209,871 tonnes of fresh Cucumber has developed a strong reputation as a vegetables valued at AUD$226.5 million. Lettuce high quality counter-seasonal supplier to In January 2017, the industry released the Potatoes the northern hemisphere markets. Vegetable Industry Export Strategy 2020, which targets 40% growth in vegetable Pumpkins exports to AUD$315 million and 310,000 Sweetcorn tonnes by 2020. Turnips The AUSVEG stand at Asia Fruit Logistica 2017 showcases a wide selection of high In season Light to moderate supply quality Australian produce from growing regions across the country. AUSVEG is seeking to establish connections with relevant wholesalers, retailers and importers of fresh horticultural produce.

14 Taste Australia Taste Australia 15 EXHIBITORS John Tyas Level 1 8/63 Annerley Road Nicole Cutri 38 Byrnes Rd EXHIBITORS Chief Executive Officer Woolloongabba, Queensland, 4102 — Woorinen, Victoria, 3588 — — T +61 4 1105 1184 — T +61 7 3846 6566 www.avocado.org.au E [email protected] certifiedfresh.com.au E [email protected] Avocados Australia Cutri Fruit

Growing or Sourcing Region Seasonality MAR MAY NOV AUG OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP JUL

WHITE NECTARINE Polar Light Diamond Pearl Snow Flare 22 Arctic Star Spring Pearl 1 Kay Pearl Arctic Jay Majestic Pearl Fire Pearl Sierra Pearl Giant Pearl 2 August Pearl 3 Regal Pearl 4 Arctic Pride Arctic Snow 5 YELLOW NECTARINE 8 6 Honey May Zee Fire Business Overview 7 Business Overview Products and Varieties Rose Bright Avocados Australia is the industry The benefits of avocados: Cutri Fruit is a best-in-class stone fruit White and yellow flesh nectarines Spring Flare 22 June Sweet representative body in Australia for • exceptional health properties farm operating for over 50 years, with and peaches, plums, pluots. Also Honey Blaze avocados and provides a range of ––rich in healthy monounsaturated fats over 30 years’ experience in exporting exporting grapes. August Red services to their members and the for a healthy heart and also helps around the globe. We are Australia’s September Bright Cutri Fruit specialises in white nectarines broader industry to foster growth and manage weight 1 North Queensland largest family-owned stone fruit farm, WHITE PEACH development. Avocados Australia is ––contains antioxidants, including 2–4 Central and South-East Queensland pack house, marketer and exporter, and and peaches. We also have the best Snow Angel 5–6 Northern and Central New South Wales a not-for-profit, membership-based vitamin C and E and carotenoids can offer full traceability as we deliver our and tastiest varieties of yellow flesh Spring Snow 7 Tristate area Pearl Princess fruits fresh from our farm to you. nectarines and peaches, as well as plums, organisation. Members include avocado ––high in fibre, especially soluble fibre 8 Western Australia Ivory Princess growers, associated businesses and for healthy bowel function pluots, sugar plums, flat peaches and Cutri Fruit’s world-class packing facility plumagranates. Ice Princess industry people. ––contains folate so is beneficial for Sunlit Snow pregnant women and highly-regarded farms are located Snow Princess The Australian avocado industry can • unique texture and flavour Seasonality within the Swan Hill region of North- Galaxy (Donut)

MAR Summer Sweet MAY NOV

AUG West Victoria, Australia. This region is supply avocados year-round. Our peak OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP • versatile — use them in savoury or JUL Growing or Sourcing Snow King production period is from April to sweet dishes well-recognised as being one of the best January. The Australian avocado industry growing regions in the country, with Region Autumn Snow • perfect first food for babies. Snow Fire FRUIT comprises 850 growers across the long daylight hours and cloudless days, We export only our own stone fruit, from Snow Giant country and in 2015/16 produced 66,716 Benefits of Australian avocados: resulting in high penetration rates of Hass our farms at Woorinen and Wood Wood, September Snow tonnes of avocados worth an estimated • use world-leading production systems the sun. This results in higher brix levels within the Swan Hill region. Grapes we YELLOW PEACH gross value of production (GVP) of • long established, experienced industry Shepard (sugar) in the fruit and a sweeter taste. source from nearby farms at Robinvale. May Princess $AUD460 million and $920 million at • highly regulated food safety standards Cutri Fruit’s farms are also located in a Super Rich the retail level. • Australia can deliver the freshest In season pest-free area, meaning there is no need Spring Flame 18 Spring Flame 22 product to Asia within 48 hours. for harsh chemicals to be sprayed onto Spring Flame 24 Australia’s key avocado growing areas our high-quality fresh summerfruits. are North, Central and South East Princess Time Spring Treat Queensland, Northern and Central New Across all farms Cutri Fruit has over August Flame South Wales, the Tristate area (South 655 hectares, with large plantings of Bright Princess Australia, Victoria and South Western avocados and high-sweet plums having Earli Rich New South Wales) and Western Australia. just taken place. Rich Lady The main varieties grown for market are Autumn Smile Hass (80%), and Shepard (15%). Breeding has now become another area APRICOT of focus, with the aim to reduce relying on Earlicot external parties to supply new varieties. Castlebright We have exclusivity to some really Rosada exciting and delicious varieties. Cutri Fruit Helena continues to innovate and grow! PLUM Dapple Dandy By taking full control over all aspects of Flavor Heart the business we are able to accurately Angelino ensure that your customer is being Flavor Fall delivered a fresher, healthier piece of fruit. SUGAR PLUM When buying from Cutri Fruit you will Sierra Sweet D’agen be getting a longer shelf life from your GRAPE product, resulting in a happier customer Menindee Seedless who will return again and again to ask for Crimson Seedless Cutri Fruit. Red Globe Midnight Beauty Ralli Thompson Seedless Autumn Royal

Fruits in season 16 Taste Australia Taste Australia 17 EXHIBITORS T +61 2 9704 8300 Shed X, Sydney Markets T +61 3 9749 9200 610 Duncans Road EXHIBITORS F +61 2 9746 3762 Sydney, New South Wales, 2129 E [email protected] Werribee South, Victoria, 3030 E [email protected] — — freshproducegroup.com freshselect.com.au Fresh Produce Group Fresh Select

Growing or Sourcing Region


2 3 Business Overview Products and Varieties Seasonality Business Overview Products and Varieties MAR MAY NOV AUG OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP JUL Fresh Produce Group is one of Australia’s Grapes, Blueberries, Raspberries, Fresh Select is a vertically integrated We supply the following lines: largest and most innovative family owned company with over 25 years of knowledge Mandarins, Oranges, Apricots, Nectarines, FRUITS Broccoli, Baby Broccoli, 4 produce companies. Established in 1991 and experience, including sales to export Brassica: Peaches, Cherries, Plums, Mangoes, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, by Robert Nugan, the business has gone Mandarin markets. Our value chain includes: Melons, Avocados, Kiwifruits, Brocolli and Kalettes. • Seed Procurement 1 Queensland on to develop a reputation as a leading Pumpkins. Orange produce supplier. • Farm Production Lettuce: Iceberg, Three-Pack Baby Gem, 2 Western Australia 3 South Australia Grapes • Agronomy Twin-Pack Baby Cos, Midi Cos (Romaine) Fresh Produce Group is renowned for 4 Victoria Apricot • Quality Assurance being a leading exporter of produce to Growing or • Sales & Marketing Glasshouse: Symphony Lettuce, Green Asia sourced directly from our farms and Sourcing Region Nectarine • Operations Oak Lettuce, Red Oak Lettuce. partner farms across Australia. Fresh Peach • Logistics Produce Group continues to grow its Fresh Produce Group supplies a vast • Product development. Cherry Seasonality MAR MAY investment in Australian farms. NOV AUG OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP range of fruits and vegetables. Our JUL Vertical integration enables us to develop produce comes from our own farms, Plum Our mission is to understand future innovative solutions, maximise efficiency joint venture farms and trusted supply consumer demands and continually Mango and deliver high quality produce. Brassica challenge ourselves to offer successful partners throughout Australia. Our own Melon solutions. We focus on superior product farms are well equipped with pre and post Fresh Select is a leader in supply chain Lettuce farm-gate infrastructure including cool quality by selecting the best varieties, Blueberry innovation. We are industry leaders in: Glasshouse storage, packing and pre-packing on site. taking all the right steps during growing, Raspberry • Varietal development. We work with harvesting and post-harvest to ensure the the world’s leading seed breeders In season highest quality products that consumers Avocado to develop world class varieties of can trust. Kiwifruit produce. • Food safety and quality assurance. With 25 years of expertise and a highly VEGETABLES Critical to export market success. Our skilled team of produce technologists Broccoli quality assurance team follows world’s Fresh Produce Group provides end-to-end best practice. solutions in getting produce from the field Pumpkin • Cold chain processes. We have the to our customers — consistently investing largest and most advanced vacuum in its worldwide transport and delivery Fruits in season Vegetables in season cooler in the southern hemisphere, matrix and state-of-the-art processing, ensuring longer shelf life. packaging and storage facilities. Fresh Select’s farming operations cover Fresh Produce Group currently employs both open field and protected cropping. over 200 across Australia, the USA and Asia.

18 Taste Australia Taste Australia 19 EXHIBITORS Mark Leng 74–80 Stubbs Street Adrian Caia 1 Pashendale Avenue EXHIBITORS General Manager Kensington, Victoria, 3031 Sales Manager Merbein South, Victoria, 3500 — — — — T +61 409 499 397 fruitmaster.com.au T +61 3 5048 5011 grapecoaustralia.com.au E [email protected] F +61 400 856 475 E [email protected]

Fruit Master GrapeCo

Business Overview Business Overview Products and Varieties Fruitmaster Australia is a vertically Trust and confidence in product safety GrapeCo Australia is a family business Over the last eight years we have been integrated business that grows, farms, is paramount in ensuring a long and owned by Frank and Adrian Caia, having collaborating closely with key USA harvests, markets and ships top quality mutually beneficial business relationship. been wholly owned by the Caia family producers and grape breeding programs, fruit all over the world. for over 40 years. Frank and Adrian are stemming from the partnership GrapeCo Fruitmaster is customer and consumer third generation farmers. Since the very Australia secured all PBR works and trial Fruitmaster Australia continually invests focused. We know that great quality, first property was bought, quality table evaluation for all of the International in state of the art growing and packing delicious grapes brings customers back grape production has been the focus Fruit Genetics cultivars. Under this innovations together with on going time and time again. of the business allowing the business arrangement we have exclusive and commitment to variety development. to develop into the success it is today. semi exclusive rights to grow and market We strive to exceed our customer’s The business has grown to new levels these new varieties. Our exclusive rights expectations and work together as by developing a solid export customer are over two varieties, Candy Snaps partners committed to quality. base as well as supplying domestic and Candy Hearts. We also have a very retailers. GrapeCo Australia now exports quality focused grower base throughout directly to customers across Asia and Sunraysia growing the new varieties the success of the company can be put under licence to our company. GrapeCo down to the quality premium fruit the Australia controls a further 500 acres of business strives to provide. Our supply table grapes through this agreement. All partners in Australia are the two largest fruit is grown for and sold by GrapeCo MAR MAY NOV AUG

Growing or Sourcing Region Seasonality OCT Seasonality APR DEC JUN MAR JAN MAY NOV FEB SEP AUG JUL OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP retailers: Woolworths and Coles, as well Australia under this agreement. This JUL A as key independent markets. Overseas grower base follows strict growing WHITE GRAPES we directly supply customers in Thailand, practices and procedures which are set TRADITIONAL GRAPES Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, forth by GrapeCo Australia’s team. Menindee Seedless Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. Our Menindee Seedless Thompson Seedless willingness to understand our customers’ Through a large range of varieties, we aim to give our customers a very high Ralli Seedless Autumn Crisp needs and our ability to adapt is one of our core strengths. quality product. These varieties consist Sweet Surrender Calmeria of different colours, shapes, sizes and Sweet Nectar As one of the large vertically integrated flavour profiles. Through this variety RED GRAPES companies in the table grape industry, development we have increased shoulder Magenta Flame Seedless the Caia Group have strong capabilities in supply periods with new late season white Crimson Seedless Ralli Seedless growing, packing, marketing and logistics. and black seedless. Having full control over all aspects of Long Crimson Seedless Long Crimson Seedless our supply chain ensures priority on Thompson Seedless Crimson Seedless the quality of the produce can be met, Growing or Sweet Globe working to achieve our vision to be one of Red Globe Australia’s leading table grape producers Sourcing Region Red Globe 1 BLACK GRAPES and marketers of world class traditional Sweet Celebration 2 and unique varieties. We are situated in the well-known table Midnight Beauty 3 grape producing area of Sunraysia which Jack Salute Sable Seedless The GrapeCo Australia name is is located in north western Victoria. synonymous with the supply of high Luisco Seedless Autumn Royal quality produce. We take care with the SPECIALTY GRAPES 1 Paringi Farm Adora Seedless production and delivery of the fruit and Candy Snaps 2 Robinvale Farm have a willingness and ability to try CITRUS 3 Kenley Farm new varieties within the marketplace. Cotton Candy Navel Oranges With the expertise and professionalism Sweet Sapphire Valencia Oranges provided by our team comes loyalty and commitment to our customers. Long White Mandarins GrapeCo Australia not only supplies Candy Hearts Lemons quality produce, we are colleagues working with our customers, helping Sweet Favours STONE FRUIT them to firstly consolidate their position Sugar Crisp White Nectarine as the market leaders and secondly to Yellow Nectarine develop growth through the supply Full month Part month of a diversified quality product. White Peach

Yellow Peach



MANGOES Kennington Pride (KP's)



In season 20 Taste Australia Taste Australia 21 EXHIBITORS Alistair Brown 34 Walker Street Marcus Scott Matthew Bates The Crescent EXHIBITORS Managing Director Tennyson, Queensland, 4105 Sales Manager Development Manager Mildura, Victoria, 3500 — — — — — T +61 7 3892 5703 harrowsmiths.com.au T +61 417 598 692 T +61 417 598 692 www.mfc.com.au F +61 7 3892 4931 E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] F +61 3 5022 1648 Harrowsmiths Mildura Fruit International Company

Business Overview Products and Varieties Growing or Sourcing Business Overview Harrowsmiths International represents Nutrafruit Queen Garnet Plum, strawberries, Region Mildura Fruit Company (MFC) is one Australia; with its rich fertile soils, efficiency, quality and reliability when Nutrafruit is the new home of natural mangoes, grapes, citrus, avocados We source from various strategic of Australia’s largest citrus packing warm days and cold nights, this area servicing the growing demand for health products including antioxidants, and cherries. locations around Australia. and marketing operations, with its is recognised as Australia’s food bowl quality horticultural produce. With an extracts, colourants and flavours. origins dating back over 100 years. and is what gives our citrus its exquisite WAXED established reputation in Australia and Nutrafruit holds a global licence eating characteristics and a deep orange MFC, as well as being a significant supplier worldwide, Harrowsmiths International to commercialise a range of fruit colour. MFC has been instrumental in into the Australian market, has a very continues to deliver. We have long varieties developed by the Queensland Seasonality developing strict pest management MAR MAY NOV AUG OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP JUL strong presence in many export markets standing relationships with quality Department of Agriculture, Forestry and practices and has a dedicated grower serving customers in 40 destinations in growers from Australia’s ‘clean and Fisheries. These varieties include the services team visiting growers to 20 countries. The dedicated team at MFC green’ environment and other strategic Queen Garnet plum which was selected Avocado ensure that the importing country’s pride themselves on being able to deliver locations around the world, like New for its extremely high anthocyanin quarantine requirements are achieved. Cherries a full range of quality Australian citrus. Zealand and America. This has allowed content as well as for its suitability for the MFC packs and markets under its flagship us to establish a worldwide reputation for fresh market — exclusively marketed by Grapes MFC sources its citrus varieties from brands as well as being licensed to pack consistent quality and reliable service. Harrowsmiths International. Queen Garnet over 120 citrus growers along the Murray Honeydew and market the famous Sunkist brand. WAXED has around 3–6 times the antioxidant and Darling rivers in South Eastern Harrowsmiths has been family owned content of blueberries and research has Mangoes and operated since 1989 and is focussed shown that it may have a beneficial effect Queen Garnet Plums on conservative growth with quality in managing various, so-called, lifestyle customers and quality suppliers. Our Rockmelon Seasonality MAR MAY NOV AUG OCT APR DEC JUN diseases such as obesity, high blood JAN FEB SEP team’s extensive product and market JUL pressure and heart disease. Strawberries knowledge partnered with a commitment to our customers allows us to provide Watermelon Grapes the highest level of customer service. Stonefruit Fruit in good supply Fruit in light supply Apples Pears Avocados Citrus — Australia Citrus — Spain Pomegranate — Spain Persimmon — Spain

In season

22 Taste Australia Taste Australia 23 EXHIBITORS Claire Fitchett Building A, Level 1 Malcolm McLean Level 1, 7 Underwood Road EXHIBITORS International Trade 18–24 Ricketts Road General Manager Export Homebush, New South Wales, 2140 Development Manager Mt Waverley, Victoria, 3149 — — — — T +61 2 9763 1877 perfection.com.au T +61 3 9709 8100 montaguefresh.com.au F +61 2 9764 1724 F +61 3 9543 1553 E [email protected] E [email protected] Montague Perfection

Growing or Sourcing Region


Business Overview Products and Varieties 2 Business Overview Products and Varieties Seasonality 3 4 Montague is a family-owned business Montague share a passion for stonefruit 5 We’re what you might call a home-grown We’re behind some of Australia’s favourite, Our Perfection export team ships States, Middle East, Asia and New whose history stretches back three varieties. Over the past 10 years, 6 company — in more ways than one! freshest flavours. From Broccolini® — year–round, to supply our in-season Zealand, and we can supply seasonal generations. Founded by William (Bill) Montague has introduced over 50 new For over 30 years we’ve operated as a one of our greatest and tastiest field produce to global markets. We export produce to the United Kingdom Montague (OAM) in 1948, Montague cultivars of nectarines, peaches, plums 1 Stanhorpe family business. We have a long history discoveries, to our coolest, crunchiest up to 120 produce lines to the United and Europe. is today focused on serving the food and apricots into Australia. Sourced 2 Perth Hills in agriculture and together with the creation yet, Qukes® baby cucumbers. industry. Montague activities include fruit from breeding programs in California 3 Donyy Brook Australian farming community we grow production and packing, food sales and and Spain, Montague have selected each 4 Swanhill the freshest, most flavoursome produce Among our many claims to fame are our 5 Cobram luscious, vine-ripened tomatoes, grown marketing and the provision of storage stonefruit variety for its superior flavour, 6 Shepparton around. It’s a legacy of flavour perfection and logistics services. expressible juice and large size. that’s been handed down through the especially for you in all shapes and sizes, family. From our founder Tony Simonetta and our exclusive lines of blueberries, Montague have established themselves In order to commercialise these varieties, right through to our 500+ staff, who raspberries and mangoes — like a taste as leaders in the fresh fruit industry Montague has developed two stonefruit share our passion for bringing you of tropical paradise. through a history and series of innovative brands, CROC EGGS and the MONTAGUE Seasonality MAR MAY NOV AUG OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP JUL unforgettable, fresh flavours. programs and developments influenced tree. Each of these brands carry a range by international partners and a passion of new varieties selected by Montague So we pursue flavour perfection. Since Growing or Sourcing for high quality fresh fruit production. and are available to Australian and White Nectarine 1978, we’ve been traveling the world overseas consumers from November to searching for produce that’s tastier. Region Yellow Nectarine May each year. Blueberries that burst. Qukes® that sing. From state-of-the-art packing and White Peach Mangoes that melt you, and tomatoes dispatch facilities in five states, Perfection Montague will be exhibiting at Asia that somehow taste almost like . Fruit Logistica, Hall 3 Stand 3 — R01 Yellow Peach exports directly from growing regions via And when we find the absolute best, ports In Brisbane, Queensland; Sydney, September 6th–8th. Claire Fitchett — Plum we bring it home to Australia. To grow, International Business Development New South Wales; Melbourne, Victoria; Apricot perfect, share, and enjoy. Manager, Gavin Wylie — Marketing Adelaide, South Australia and Perth, Manager, Bethany Hughes — The crack of crisp Broccolini®. The Western Australia seven days a week, Full month Part month Promotions Coordinator and family deep red of raspberries. Fresh fruit and 12 months of the year. members Scott and Ray Montague vegetables stimulate every one of our will all be available to talk to visitors senses. But those who are passionate about their stonefruit range. about produce know the truth: their most Business Centres and Farms valuable gift is their taste. Wholesale Market Floor Storage and Value Add Facility We make sustainable practice the basic Calypso Mango Farms standard in everything we do. We aim to be environmentally conscious across all areas of packaging, products and processes. And operate in the safest, most considered way possible, so that our future — and yours — is secured.

24 Taste Australia Taste Australia 25 EXHIBITORS Brett Jackson 126 Walnut Street John Moore 8/452 Swift Street EXHIBITORS — Richmond, Victoria, 3121 Market Development Manager Albury, New South Wales, 2640 T +61 3 9428 1748 — — — M +61 438 089 952 sevenfields.com.au T +61 2 6041 6641 summerfruit.com.au F +61 3 9429 6600 E [email protected] E [email protected] Summerfruit Seven Fields Australia Limited

Growing or Sourcing Region Growing or Sourcing Region


Business Overview Products and Varieties Seasonality 2 Seven Fields is a private family owned Our produce is sold across the globe company that owns and operates citrus including Europe, Japan, China and and mango orchards as well as acting as the USA. manager of extensive wine vineyards. Seven Fields grow, pack and market: Fresh citrus and mangoes are sold under • easy-peel mandarins (including Delite® our brands: seedless mandarins) 1 Central Burnett Region summerfruit production region • Sunwest • Honey Murcott 2 Sunraysia Minor summerfruit production region • Sweet Cheeks • early, mid and late season navel oranges • One • lemons • BillyCart • red and white flesh grapefruit • Delite® seedless • Valencia oranges • Abbotsleigh. • Kensington Pride Seasonality Seasonality MAR MAY NOV AUG OCT MAR MAY NOV APR DEC AUG JUN OCT JAN APR FEB SEP DEC JUL JUN JAN FEB SEP • R2E2 mangoes. JUL We are well recognised in the major supermarkets and leading independent We also export wine from our vineyards, Navel Oranges FRUIT retailers within Australia. throughout Asia. Lemons White Nectarine Seven Fields is also the exclusive agent Seven Fields constantly strives to improve Business Overview Products and Varieties for Abbotsleigh lemons and mandarins the quality of their crops to provide Grapefruit Yellow Nectarine out of Queensland, Australia. their customers with produce that looks Mangoes Summerfruit Australia Limited is Australian summer stonefruits are White Peach appealing and most importantly, has the industry voice on a national and rich in vitamins A, C and E and a great MANDARINS excellent flavour. international level. It is recognised as source of dietary fibre and potassium, Yellow Peach Imperial the industry representative body for Australian peaches, nectarines, plums Plum growers and works closely with other and apricots are some of the world’s Hickson Apricot interested groups, governments and best eating fruit thanks to Australia’s Afourer supply chain partners to maximise leading horticultural practices. profitability for the industry. In season Honey Murcott An accurate estimate of the number Australia’s warm climate and hot, dry of commercially available Australian In season summers produce sweeter, juicier summer summer stonefruit varieties is not stonefruit, and its proximity to Asia available. However, it is believed there enables lower freight costs and better are as many as 500 varieties across access to fresh markets in the region. all four summer stonefruit crops with approximately 150 varieties each for plum, peach and nectarine.

26 Taste Australia Taste Australia 27 EXHIBITORS EXHIBITORS Australian Australian Blueberry Growers’ Capogreco Cherry Growers Almonds Association Farms Australia

Joseph Ebbage Greg McCulloch Dane Capogreco Tom Eastlake Market Development Manager President Sales & Marketing Director Chief Executive Officer T +61 8 8584 7053 T +61409 140 851 T +61 8 9733 2878 T +61 4 19 871 824 E [email protected] E [email protected] M +61 438 910 844 E [email protected] — — F +61 8 9733 2879 — 1801 Bookpurnong Road 466 Austinville Road E [email protected] 262 Argyle Street Loxton, South Australia, 5333 Austinville, Queensland, 4213 — Hobart, Tasmania, 7000 — — 142 McClure Road — australianalmonds.com.au www.abga.com.au Hamel, Western Australia, 6215 cherrygrowers.org.au www.australianblueberries.com.au — capogreco.com

Business Overview Products and Varieties Business Overview Growing or Sourcing Business Overview Products and Varieties Business Overview Growing or The Almond Board of Australia is the There are three main varieties of Australian blueberries are available Region Capogreco Farms is an entirely family • Rockmelon Australian cherries are available from Sourcing Region industry representative body for the Australian almonds: , from mid/late May through to March, Australian blueberries are produced in owned and operated business dating back • Honeydew melon mid to late October to late February, Australian cherries are produced in six Australian almond industry. Our role is to Carmel and Price. depending on the growing region/state all states except the Northern Territory. to 1988. Located only one hour south of • Broccoli depending on the growing region/state states, with New South Wales, Victoria provide a platform for industry members and seasonal variations due to climatic New South Wales is the largest producer, Perth in Western Australia. • Pumpkin and seasonal variations due to climatic and Tasmania being the three largest to collectively respond to industry wide and growing seasons. About 11,000 • Watermelon and growing seasons. Currently about followed by Tasmania, Queensland, Capogreco Farms proudly supplies producers and South Australia, the fourth issues, invest in research and marketing, Growing or tonnes of Australian blueberries were Victoria and Western Australia. • Cauliflower 15,000 tonnes of Australian cherries largest producer. There has been a rapid share knowledge, and interact with produced last year, this figure is expected the freshest quality products to all • Strawberries are produced every year with over 30% Sourcing Region There has been a rapid expansion in their customers direct from harvest. expansion in plantings and an enhanced government and other stakeholders. to increase over the subsequent years. plantings over the last five years and exported to over 30 countries with Asian export focus being driven by demand They specialise in rockmelon and markets being the biggest importers The Australian almond industry has Our key growing regions are Sunraysia with this an enhanced export focus. honeydew melon from January through from Asia. Both Western Australia and in Victoria, the Riverland and Adelaide taking 80% of exports. Exports are Queensland are relatively small producers grown significantly over the past ten Australia is home to some excellent to November and broccoli from April expected to increase to 50% in 2017. years: from a crop just over 10,000 tonnes Plains in South Australia and the Riverina through until October. focusing on their domestic markets. in New South Wales. blueberry varieties, with large in 2013 to more than 80,000 tonnes in size and very good eating quality. 2017. The Australian almond industry is These characteristics, along with now the second largest growing region in our pristine environment and clean Seasonality Seasonality MAR MAR MAY MAY NOV NOV AUG AUG OCT OCT APR APR DEC DEC JUN JUN JAN JAN FEB FEB SEP SEP the world, with export sales to more than Seasonality post harvest methods have led to an JUL JUL 40 countries around the world. Australian almonds are harvested during increase in demand for Australian There are five major Australian almond February — March each year. blueberries across Asian markets. FRUITS NSW exporters: Almondco Australia, Bright Rockmelons SA Light Agribusiness, Nut Producers Honeydew melon TAS Australia, Olam Orchards Australia, Seasonality MAR MAY NOV AUG OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP JUL VIC and Select Harvests. Watermelon VEGETABLES WA NSW Broccoli In season TAS Pumpkin QLD VIC Fruit in season Vegetables in season WA

In season

28 Taste Australia Taste Australia 29 EXHIBITORS EXHIBITORS

Fruit Growers Fruit West Freshcare Tasmania Co-operative Ltd HiveXchange

PO Box 247, Sydney Markets 262 Argyle Street Fruit West Co-operative Ltd WA Farm Direct Pty Ltd Bond Store 3, 30 Windmill Street Sydney, New South Wales, 2129 Hobart, Tasmania, 7000 Nardia Stacy Jenny Mercer Sydney, New South Wales, 2000 — — Executive Officer Licensed Marketer — Clare Hamilton-Bate Phil Pyke — — Antonio Palanca General Manager – Business Development Manager T +618 9368 3869 T +618 9350 4600 CEO Industry Development T +61 3 6231 1944 M +61 411 138 103 M +61 409 880 569 T +61 412 886 652 T +61 407 930 586 E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] — — — — fruitgrowerstas.com.au www.bravoapples.com.au hivexchange.com.au freshcare.com.au

Business Overview Business Overview Business Overview Business Overview Freshcare is the certification program Freshcare is ‘owned’ by twenty-six Fruit Growers Tasmania is the industry The BRAVO™ story started in Western BRAVO™ also travel and store extremely The HiveXchange is enabling Australian Built in the internet cloud, the for the Australian fresh produce and of the peak industry bodies in the association representing Tasmanian Australia, a quarter of a century ago. well, allowing you to enjoy them orchard fresh produce businesses to generate HiveXchange delivers marketplace wine grape industries. Freshcare Australian fresh produce sector. cherry, apple, pear, stonefruit and berry fresh wherever you find them. more commercial trade, both domestically services to producers, agents and provides confidence, through accredited The member organisations providing a growers. In 1992, successful apple breeder John and internationally. After three years of wholesale buyers over any internet certification, for our global customers. vital link and conduit for communication Cripps crossed the popular Cripps Red BRAVO™ skin is packed full of anti-oxidants, focused development, the HiveXchange is connection. It allows buyers to visit between Freshcare and the wider The island state of Tasmania produces and Royal apple varieties. The you can see them infusing through the the recognised leader in facilitating direct produce suppliers virtually, while Freshcare uses practical training and industry. Freshcare members include premium quality fruit during the southern result was several promising apple crispy white flesh when you take a bite. trade of commercial quantities of fresh facilitating real-time trading, automated support mechanisms to ensure growers the representative bodies for key hemisphere summer. Due to area-freedom seedlings. The resulting trees and You’ll love BRAVO™ and BRAVO™ loves produce — online, anytime and at low cost. administration and national market and packers achieve their goal of export industries such as avocados, from pests and diseases, Tasmanian fruit their fruit were cultivated, tested and you back! access. The HiveXchange is neither an Australian fresh produce that is safe to apples and pears, citrus, cherries, growers have access into many global developed over the next 20 years as The HiveXchange has created the world’s agent nor merchant, it is simply a trade eat and sustainably grown. This has seen mangoes, summerfruit, table grapes markets including: part of the Australian National Apple first trust based online marketplace for facilitation platform that helps buyers and thousands of fresh produce businesses Breeding Program in Manjimup, Western fresh produce. This is a revolutionary and vegetables; all represented China: cherries, apples. Growing or Sourcing sellers conduct more trade, more often. adopt the Freshcare program since its here at Asia Fruit Logistica. Australia (hence the varietal name Region new channel to market that has been launch in July 2000. Taiwan and Thailand: cherries, apples, ANABP 01 (PBR)). The aim: to produce purpose built for horticulture using a The marketplace now has over 100 The foundations of the Freshcare an apple with irresistible appeal. new form of e-commerce, called trust registered buyers and suppliers, with Freshcare is Australia’s largest on-farm stonefruit. BRAVO™ Apples are grown in the Program are the user-friendly Codes following regions: based e-commerce or T-ecommerce™. commercial trade increasing quarter on assurance program. Exciting new Japan: cherries, apples. Always beautiful in its natural of Practice, the network of Freshcare • Perth Hills T-ecommerce™ provides a new form of quarter. The trade floor is integrated developments include external trainers and accredited certification state, BRAVO™ is refreshingly juicy trust based, online trading that fosters with the levy system, Freshcare, and the South Korea: cherries. • Donnybrook benchmarking to the Global Food Safety bodies supporting implementation and and sweet. The unique flavours hold secure and private business relationships ACCC’s horticultural code of conduct. It Initiative (GFSI) and to the GLOBALG.A.P. appeal to every food lover. Grown • Manjimup compliance, the excellent resources Hong Kong and Singapore: all fruits. between buyer and seller, across national has also integrated with a logistics firm standard. This will ensure the program and selected to strict quality control • Adelaide Hills and training materials that deliver • Shepparton and international markets. and other service providers. continues to grow and increase in Tasmania has a reliable freight network, standards, BRAVO™ delivers a consistent knowledge, and most importantly • Batlow. relevance for the entire supply chain. the rigorous science based research which allows quick transit times between eating experience. It’s like having a national, central market They have demonstrated the that underpins the program. Tasmania and international markets. where businesses can trade anytime, capability to support international Underpinned by good agricultural BRAVO™ is already gaining the attention anywhere and with full control over commercial buyers through a real time practice (GAP), Freshcare is widely To ensure we can continue to build Fruit Growers Tasmania is pleased to of leading chefs with the use of its Seasonality who you trade with, at what price, T-ecommerce™ connection and have accepted as a practical, HACCP based, that knowledge and facilitate research, be a part of Taste Australia bringing beautiful attributes in first class food and in what volumes. Once you have validated interest in Asia and South food safety program. But Freshcare is not Freshcare is a committed supporter Tasmanian producers to Asia Fruit service inspiring a range of daring and BRAVO™ Apples are available from qualified to enter the marketplace, it America. With local language versions just about food safety and quality. The of the Fresh Produce Safety Centre. Logisitica. unique recipes. The instantly recognisable May to December. costs nothing to achieve a presence, available, it will open international Freshcare Environmental, Environmental dark burgundy skin provides perfect involves no software, and is securely market access in ways that better Viticulture and Environmental Winery The Fresh Produce Safety Centre contrast to its vibrant white flesh, accessible from any internet connected services the largely e-commerce driven Codes are also being widely adopted. Ltd is an industry-led, not-for-profit delivering a bold plate appeal that device, including your phone. supply chains in Asia and elsewhere. These programs provide an independent company established to enhance presents perfectly. assurance of environmental practices and fresh produce food safety across sustainable production. Australia and New Zealand through research, outreach and education. 30 Taste Australia Taste Australia 31 EXHIBITORS EXHIBITORS

Nangiloc Love Beets Marco Colignan Farms Royal Fresh

63 Tile Street Way, Edenbridge 1166 Boonoonar Rd 8/16 Oakwood Ct Wacol, Queensland, 4076 Kent, United Kingdom TN8 6HF Colignan, Victoria, 3494 Templestowe, Victoria, 3106 — — — — Simon Cameron Mandy Hart Bruno Moras Mr. David Yang General Manager — Business Development Managing Director Managing Director General Manager T +61 7 3712 3817 T +44 (0) 1732 782380 T +61 3 5029 1623 T +61 3 9001 7177 M +61 409 638 842 E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] — — — — marco.co.uk ncf.net.au royalfresh.com.au lovebeets.com.au oneharvest.com.au

Business Overview Business Overview Business Overview Business Overview Love Beets are all grown on the rolling hills salads or smoothies or eaten simply as is. Marco UK will be co-exhibiting with NCF Marco offers innovative pack house Nangiloc Colignan Farms (NCF) is a family proven understanding of export market Royal Fresh International Pty Ltd was In addition to fruit exports from Australia, of Australian farms, under bright blue skies at this year’s Asia Fruit Logistica following solutions that provide control from the owned business located in North West demands, and a constant commitment established in 2012 as an importer/ Royal Fresh imports a range of fresh with clean and clear air. They are cooked in Love Beets are picked and packed by a successful installation of a high arrival of raw material to the despatch Victoria’s Sunraysia district. Founded by to providing dependable standards exporter and distributor of fresh produce products, including snow pea, sugar snap, their own juices and sold to you ready to eat. OneHarvest, a third generation fresh technology packing facility at their site in of the packed product. They design Bruno Moras in the late 1960s, NCF has of quality to meet those demands. based in Melbourne. Our main business onion flower and Spanish and Mexican produce company that has been supplying Sunraysia, Victoria. and build the hardware and electronics, grown to be one of the largest privately is the export of Australian fruits year garlic. We also provide consulting Beetroot has a natural sweetness and a consumers with fresh, healthy Australian write the software and fully install and owned horticultural properties producing At NCF, an increasing number of exciting round, which includes cherries, mangoes, services regarding the acquisition and subtle earthy flavour and can be used in grown produce for more than 40 years. Murray Hilborne of Marco comments, commission each and every system. an ever-increasing variety of grapes and new varieties are constantly being explored citrus, table grapes and stonefruit. We also operation of table grape farms. Finally, “We worked closely with NCF to design These systems are based on the Marco citrus for export markets. and developed to ensure that both the export fresh vegetables such as carrots, we export premium cherry liquor. a system that would provide them with Trac-IT suite of products, which is company and their customers are perfectly celery, onions, potatoes and broccoli. In Growing or Sourcing Region a state of the art but versatile packing designed to maximise productivity, Throughout the world, NCF’s many positioned to keep pace with the rapidly the past, our capacity to deliver consistent, Royal Fresh developed strong links with facility. We used experience gained over virtually eradicate over pack, minimise customers have come to value and expanding needs of today’s international premium quality products and professional growers and customers worldwide and we three decades of working with the global waste and deliver consistently packaged respect their distinctive personal consumer tastes and requirements. services has gained us the trust of many sincerely hope to expand this cooperation grape sector to ensure a fit for purpose produce. The data generated from approach, which is combined with a loyal customers, especially in China, with existing and new partners. and highly productive system was Marcos’ systems also provides real time where we have developed market share commissioned on site.” reporting allowing management to make through diverse marketing channels. informed decisions about all aspects Seasonality MAR MAY NOV AUG

Dominic Moras of NCF adds, “The OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP JUL recently installed Marco system has of their packing operations, leading to revolutionised our business. Our sustained and measurable increases in Seasonality MAR MAY NOV AUG OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP customers have always appreciated our profitability. These deliverables provide Menindee Seedless JUL supply of quality fruit, but the new Marco a clear and tangible ROI. Flame Seedless system gives us the flexibility to respond Ralli Seedless Cherry to customer demands in technical Sweet Surrender Mango specification and packaging, whether it be punnets, clamshells, bags or boxes.” Thompson, Timco & Krissy Seedless Orange Crimson Seedless, Red Globe, Autumn Mandarin Royal Nectarine Luisco and Calmeria (seeded) Peach

Full month Part month Grape Current growing regions Apple Expanding Regions Plum New regions/In development Sugar Plum Factories In season 32 Taste Australia Taste Australia 33 EXHIBITORS EXHIBITORS Thomas Foods Sunfresh International Marketing Co-Op Fresh Produce UVASYS VFS Exports

43 Link Crescent 405 Taylor’s Road Gill Ambler Colleen Dangerfield Coolum, Queensland, 4573 Penfield Gardens, South Australia, 5120 General Manager T +61 407 004 495 — — T +61 2 9889 4402 E [email protected] Evan Heidemann Rob Kent M +61 2 417 106 130 — Deputy General Manager T +61 4 0940 5808 F +61 2 9889 4402 vfsicilianoexports.com.au T +61 437 020 140 E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] — FRESH PRODUCE — — thomasfoods.com tessara.co.za/uvasys/ sunfresh.com.au

Business Overview Products and Varieties Business Overview Products and Varieties Business Overview Business Overview Products and Varieties Sunfresh Marketing Co-Operative • Avocado fresh Established in 1988, Thomas Foods Potatoes UVASYS is known worldwide as the Dennis asked himself the question VFS Exports is the export trading division (Sunfresh) is a Sunshine Coast grower • Avocado manufactured pulp frozen International has grown to become one • Nadine pioneer laminated plastic sulphur dioxide “can I create a product that extends of V.F. Siciliano & Sons, a stonefruit All Stonefruits: Nectarines, Peaches, based marketing co-operative that • Lemons of Australia’s largest food processing • Rodeo generating sheet. For over 20 years our the storage life of grapes for the grower/packer based in Woorinen in Plums, Apricots represents growers from the Atherton • Limes companies. With revenue well in excess of • Royal Blue flagship product has been protecting export and local market?”. North West Victoria. Main lines: Grapes, Citrus, Melons, Tableland in Far North Queensland • Custard apples $1.5 billion, Thomas Foods International • Innova grapes from postharvest fungal decay, Mangoes, Cherries, Pears through to the Wide Bay-Burnett • Dragon fruit has a strong Australian domestic presence • Concordia particularly the devastation caused by He created the concept and the The division was established in 2014 to regions of Bundaberg, Childers and • Fingerlimes and now exports to over 80 countries • Cabaret Botrytis cinerea fungus (grey mould) that formulation required for a laminated market premium Australian stonefruit. Full range of fruits and vegetables for plastic sulphur dioxide generating Gympie, the Sunshine Coast and • Mangoes around the world, around the clock. are transported and stored. VFS Exports also works with a select mixed airfreight shipments. right down to the tristate region. • Lychees sheet. Together with a colleague, and Thomas Foods International specialises UVASYS is developed by Tessara, a following years of trials and refinement, number of primary producers around Sunfresh produces not only avocados, in the growing, packing and distribution Growing or Sourcing company that specialises in the design and the reliable Uvasys sheet was born. Australia to supply fresh fruits and but a wide range of subtropical fruit. of potatoes. With operations in South Region production of sulphur dioxide preservative Since then, the international table grape vegetables around the worldwide. Growing or Sourcing Australia, Victoria and New South sheets for various fresh produce industry has depended on Uvasys Region Our strict quality assurance programs Wales, we are well established in the Operations in South Australia, Victoria industries. In addition to grapes, we now which remains the world’s leading ensure that we supply only the domestic market and supply Australia’s and New South Wales cater for lychees, berries and flowers with sulphur dioxide generating sheet. Stonefruit supply is from Woorinen, freshest, highest quality produce leading retailers. new products currently in development. North West Victoria. to the international market. Tessara now extends fresh scientific As the company continues to grow we It all started more than 30 years ago methods into other fresh produce are now exporting to multiple countries with a creative chemical engineer, Dennis industries. MAR MAY NOV AUG OCT APR DEC JUN JAN FEB SEP Seasonality JUL with a vision for further growth. Clemes, who was always on the lookout to innovate and invent new products. We have also developed excellent Nectarines relationships with growers of other produce lines around Australia and Peaches can offer these for export. Apricots Plums Thomas Foods International will always have a deep respect for its Australian Mango roots — and will always maintain its Cherries exacting standards of quality, as it Grapes innovates and expands. Mandarins Oranges Pears Melons

34 Taste Australia In season Taste Australia 35 TASTE AUSTRALIA EVENT


The VIP networking event is a wonderful W E D N E S D AY way to meet Australia’s leading fruit, 6 SEPTEMBER 2017 vegetable and nut exhibitors. 3PM–5PM It also provides an opportunity to learn more — TASTE AUSTRALIA PAVILION about what’s in-season, how the season is HALL 3D, STAND 3–Q17 shaping up and industry news. — ASIAWORLD-EXPO So please come and meet our exhibitors LANTAU, HONG KONG and also join us to help celebrate the launch of Taste Australia — the new identify for the Australian horticulture industry, replacing Australia Fresh. Please register at the Taste Australia pavilion from 2.45pm.

36 Taste Australia 37 TASTE AUSTRALIA PAVILION LOCATION EXHIBITOR MAP @ ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA HALL 3D R S 1 AUSVEG & Almond Board of Australia 2 NCF & Marco Mildura Fruit Company 4 Cutri Fruit / Certified Fresh 5 Sunfresh Marketing 6 Australian Table Grapes

S R 1 Montague & Seven Fields 2 GrapeCo Australia HALL 3D, BOOTHS: 3 VFS Exports 3–Q01 3–R01 3–Q17 3–R17 4 Perfection 5 Fresh Produce Group 6 Harrowsmiths International 7 Thomas Foods International Fresh Produce 8 Capogreco Farms 9 Fresh Select (Aust)

R S all 1 Taste Australia reception Barista station Chef station & cooking demonstrations V I S I T Barista Meeting rooms station U S 2 Australian Mango Industry Association HERE 3 Summerfruit Australia 4 Cherry Growers Australia 5 Royal Fresh International Chef station 6 Freshcare 7 Avocados Australia all S R 1 Fruit Master 2 HiveXchange 3 Fruit West Co-operative 4 Australian Blueberry Growers’ Association Meeting Meeting room 1 room 2 5 Fruit Growers Tasmania 6 Australian Table Grape Association 7 Uvasys 8 Australian Global Exports 9 Love Beets

38 Taste Australia Taste Australia 39 Made by Nature. Supported by Science.