
.' I -~ ,.• ,.

ner Serving "Th~ State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City • ary ~5S. , DtAbli&hed in lilliS-Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Preas-AP Leased Wire and Wirephoto Service Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, February 25, 1151 :hAr [»r1. l !,' ITimers Check Car In• Boycott-

Calls for Nation's Negroes To Stop Work 90 Leaders

NEW YORK ~A mass work stop~age of every Negro In the Da­ tion March 28 was called for Friday In support of the Montgomery. Arraigned Ala., bus boycott. It would last one hour .• Rep. Adam Clayton Powell ([)'N.Y.) Negro pastor oLa 15,flOO. ' member New York congregation, said an emergency meeting o[ Ne­ , gro church leaders agreed on a day of prayer March 28 eUmllXed b1 For BoycoH the brief work stoppage. A spokesman said prolonged national work stoppages and maSi MONTGOMERY, Ala. "" - Thou· fasting by the nation's Negroes were possibilities if the · Alabama sands of Negroes shunned rides racial crisis is not resolved. Friday and walked U.e meets of Montgomery to continue their pr0- test agalut selfCla(lon on city buscs. They trudged to wotk through a drlZlllng rain iD response to an appeal from their leaders for . a (Dally lo ....n Photo) mass :M·hour PllirimogC on foot, It was called to prove their will· IOWA CITY TIMERS CLUB Vic.·Prnidtnt Bob Drlke (.tAndlng. ingness to walk U necessary to left) mAk.s .n .qulpm.nt ch.ck of Pit Fountain's CAr whll. SecretA,., carryon their lJ·week-old bus boy­ Jim Wick (bock to CAm.rA) looks on. FountAin il treAsurer" the cott. i,..". Timers Clull membt,. tht'nk thlt If auto .qulpment II ch.ck.1I WASHINGTON !~cretary of State JobD Foster Dulles said Friday NInety of them walked to the anatAlttly for foults. few.r accld,nts will occur. the Russians arc junltlng a SO·year pOlicy ' o~ vlofence and Intolerance courthouae 'or arralcnment on an. and "bringing their system and habits closer to ours." tlboycott indictments returned by He took the stand that Moscow. while, still aimlng at "'orld domina· a grand jury Tuesday. They all Elub :for Experts tion, has been forced to make a big . pleaded innocent and their triaLs Auto. change in methods because of ·the g" ,I'A,e4 were scWlttoll cst"artA~alr.c'!..~:.. "unity, firl11ness alld determination C·. aIle' e ~ a. ~ .. _ ~ of the Cree world." _ .: ....' ,_. ~ A court officer said 10 or more Promotes Safe Driving Dulles made the assertions to ad ~';" ' ... ~ warrants are outstanding. brlnllng I I "r By B08 SCOTT ~r;;~~:an:~~~nh:a~~gaOr"~ec~~~ 1~ ;1. O·WQ. ~O~'tY, ~~. total nu~~r oC defendants to RecenUy a woman driver was having trouble getting her automobile ate Foreign Relations CommiUee. . " , ' • The' indlctments charge violation sliltt!ld on a busy Iowa City street. She was aided by a youth who in· D.fen4. TAttle SAl. ROBERT IVES, AJ, AI.do, 1/1. WA. I"jured At 11 p."', FridAY wlMn hi. CAr rAmmed I"" 1M bACk .. A cAttI. of Alablll\a's law against "Illegal" vestigated lind found the carburetor was not operating correctly. H, a-~' n' ~ r,~.· _e,' ,Says' Stoutly defending the recent ship- truck About eight mil •••ut .. I_A City 0" Highwey ,. Iv" ,uHorod cut, An4 IIrul ... lIut we.,....,..,I boycotting. Mallimum penalty Is .1'Iie grateful woman thanked the young mechanic and was given a "'r'. '. I. I" good co"dltion At U"lvenity H•• plta',. The truck, drive" lIy L.wl. M, KouHmAn, '" S. CApitol 5t., hAd six months In jail and a ",000 line. car.cf which read. "You have been ment of 18 light tanks to Saudi . AMES tfl-SUr President Virgil ,tAItH 0" the hlghwoy Aftwr rUllflI ... out .. ,A.. Meanwhile, at the Alabama Cap· H" asiisted by a merpber of the lowa Arabia, Dulles gave a . generally HlIncher Friday Cllght said Iowa "ill ltol, Gov. James E. Folsom woo ro City' Timers." ) The Weather This woman and many others ' ~~;~~~~~v~;whl:fs=r~en~f~~~ r~~~~at~~~ °t~ .t~g~~ri~J~~~~ Can't Ask Eve~¥one Reds Oppose =~e:::,s a.:J~~~:rlne:nd ~ like '; her. might think she was from 1939 'to date in comparison '"~ , • radl~ ani! t,levl'ion broadeaster, ~' . helped by a "Hot Rod" elub memo Snow the Soviet , Unlqn Is developing "at ~Ifh ail slates surrounding Iowa." 'or a proposed bl-raclal commls' ber. Bu~ ''Hot Rod" in (he sense of r'a grout> of youthful speed de· ~~:;t!c:.~~ute jn 1,Ioscow" a ne~ cr~:=e[tsd~~ar~~~~ss:s::; Says' Harried Grace '1 M R I t::n~I~lt~~~!r;:nrC::es~wecn IpqRs. , carelees drivers and ha· & "They have come to the eonclu- cent , to lead the liSt, while Io~a - ani u e C...... Ic. Giv. Wernlrt1 billlal traffic violators, has no re· lias only.increased aid about 100 HOLLYWOOD ~race Kelly admitted Frld"v manv .""""le will be At New Orleans, the ofaclal sion," he said. "that our methocSs . ...., -~ r w -,~ , lation to the Timers Club. These per.. . angry at not being invited to her wedding. But, she sighed, "What can . newspaper of the Roman CaUloUe • AIOIIIllblIr'1I !I~1'88I sa{& cirMDg ao~Ca -Cold... at:.~ betf,cr than theirs and they are With .~a of do?" r . t. , __ ~ _.. MOSCOW ~'rbe 20th Congress archdI~ declJl'ed In a front · bCttef understandfni o( Hot nod I tryin, to ildopt them." , State CoIl e g e For the first· time, tM,fllture wife of Prince Ranier of Monaco gave or t~ ComrnllDi8t lIarty Fr[My pate edIloriat that Roman Catbo- aCtivities: Dulles sald !uch a shIft in Soviet Prealdent . James ·a rundown. on the events ot what unanimously warned a,aiBlL any llc members of the LouIsiana Le,· They 'arc 8n enthl.l!lastic organi· policy stal\da to benefit the free Hilton and Iowa is shaping up as one of the moat attempt tn restore one·man rule In islaturc who prepare bUls to force zaHoh of 16 Itlt!mbers who endorse Iowa City's weather l~ expect· world. Ana he s~id the KremIJn S t a toe Tea~hers notablc weddings of the century. Hl'ts R-I"g"ld Support the Soviet Union. segregation In private sehool. are the policy ol safety while driving. ed to shift from spring to winter may have set in motion "lrreslstl- ColI,ge President One o( hcr principal propJems It publicly nashed a bIg red subject to automatic elleommuni- If today. Light snow and colder 1>1e fCirces" that will foment "the J. W. Maueker on h 'd . Iu I .light agaInst any person In the cation U the laws arc put Into eC· ] a member Is a "road terror," or weather will take over today )yeast oC change" ID Russia's gov- the television pro- ~ e,,sal m a~ exc s vc ·I'n.v ervlew,. 'RI"der on Farm BI"II ' party who mlllbt try to take over feet. ---.. cO/lvlcted ot three moving traffic after Friday's spring.like tem· ernment. gram, "This is IS the guest hst. Stalin's role. The newspaper, Catholic Action Violations he Is automatically sus· - . pended from the club. peratures and drizzle. D.","rAtl CritiCAl Iowa Tal kin g" "I know a lot of people are go· WASHINGTON "" - Opponents Party bois N. S. Khrushchev and of the SclUth, said, "T1'Ie proposed . The . thunderstorms and Several Dt\mocrats. Sen. Hubert station WOI· !ngt!0 she of rigid farm price supports which all other top leaders have told law. In effect would be an enter· Ciub "ormed In '54 frec~· , o~r ~~~~ded,'l~ rema.~k~ the mg dr!zzle moved east later FrI' Humphrey. ' CD.Minn.) among them, TV fn AlJ1Cs. 11\ r . l'e8S ..~ @(ll, an are tacked onto the 'new billion· Congress they aro devoted to the Ing wedle 'or the control of Cath· Since the club was organized in day. With the colder weather Col- voiced pointed skepticism both at Dr. HillDn said 1'111 very sorry. But.. there simply dollar soli b.nk program opene4 a principle of collecU\'e rule. They o!lc education by poli~lcal leaders" 1954; it has becn active In commu· lowmg (rom the west. DillIes' hopeful view of the world ( he does not think isq't room. i drive in the Senate Friday to chop have disavowed any intention to since most of the prIvate schools oily ~rvice. It has cooperated with High temperatures in the Iowa $Ituation and at his defense of the rowa peopt~ want , second rate In· "The cathedral in which the them out. return to the one.man system. in the .tate are parochial. tIIti Highway Patrol in making a City area today $hould range .... ' I. · s,tlfutiorts, blli he dOes not believe prince and I will be married holds Sen. George Aiken (R·VU , sen· "The Congress," said a re80lu. L.... Cemmetlts safety movie. The members have (rom the low 30's to the low 40'S. ....udi Arab n tank deal. t/lt! pOOple ~ bave beeD made aware .only 400. Already we have had reo lor GOP member of the Agrlcul· tlon adopted unanimously, "Chari' The editorial b~ought a com- aided police in a safety chee.k anti Dulles an*were4" I~ eCfect, that .Qf .tbe ,probl,em. quests , from over 500 journalists ture Committee and a supporter of es the Central CommiUee not to ment from Incommg Gov. Earl ~ve assisted many motori ts In Some parts of northern Iowa they were playing politics. He saUl \ "That Is probably our fault," be who would like to attend. Obvious· the admlnlstratlon's nexlble and relax its struggle alainst a revl. ~ng that ArchbIshop Joseph Fran- lIxing flats, ,determining engine were isloated by icy roads. Some he can look at the calendar and Sec 'added. Ily we can't accommodate every- lower price tarm props, led the at· val of the cult of the one m n to CIS Rummel. head of the New Or- trollPlc and conducting themselves schools were closed In the Waver ,; what year it l..-...election ycar-and I Of. 1·Maucker said "we're con- one." tack. a, leans archdiocese, "is undobtedty as reliable drivers. Iy area. By mlda{ternoon the suspects a .loQd many other people , cern~ abOut sli~plng back." He Except Cor a handful oC Intimates "High rial. supports never have remember that the genuine creator right" In declaring segregation The Iowa City club is associated Iowa Highway Patrol reported do the same. nOted an ll·man committee had she wUl invite, the invitation list brought prosperity to the American of a new life are the n;~sses led by morally wrong and sinCuI, "but at with nine other eastern Iowa clubs. most roads were normal. Much of the session was on the been approved by the State Board will be handled by the Monaco au. farmer and never wi!~" Aiken told the Communist party. this Ume it may be wrong to push Members l1ave performed skill tanks for Saudi Arabia. of Regents to study the problems thorilies, she said. ' the Senate, "This Ime of reason· The same resolUtion. drawn up It." runs, tests of smooth starting and 2d Term Might Be Hoov.r Taku R.lpen.llllllty faelng higher education. Grace, who was comtortably ing is compIelllly false." by a committee headed by Khrush· Long, who is a Bapti8t, said, "[ safe ·stoppina. Underseel'et",y Herbert Hoover All three educational leaders dressed in tan slacks and blouse i He was on the losing side when ehev, declared the Central Com· wouldn't attempt to tell them how Plans of tl\o cI\lb are to test driv· Safe r, Dodo r Says Jr., appe.ring with Dulles, ~k 'agreed , the greatest problems are and wore glasses, said her future the Democrltic-controlled Agricw· =t~g we: ".~so:u::,:,y rl1rr in to run the schools." ing ability lin economy runs and personal inc! IOle responsibility for lack of funds, Inadequa~ housing, schedule is pretty well worked out. ture Committee voted 8-7 to replace IlUJI ou aga s cu 0 one Two of the boycott leaders esU- reliability perlormance, In order THOMASVILLE, Ga. 1.4') - Presi· both the decision to hold up the inadequate laboratory IacUlties Sh t f ' h "Hl"h So the present nexJble supports wIth person. mated 1ft Montgomery that "thoII· .. t ' thIs t t It f dent Eisenhower's' White House tank shipl1t4)nl clght days ago and and 1p0ney to support the college , ~,expects 0 tn)S 1.6 • rigid props. The Congress also endorsed, sands" of Negroes walked to work ° cadrr)'i ~ ou 0 s pur~se 0 d M . G H d S d ~or the sub""'uent rull'ng that the staff. clety and leave Hollywood about I Chairman AU~n J. Ellender (0. With unspecified reservations, Pre· Friday morning, refusing even to broa cn ng Its members' ablhty as octor. 8J. en. owar ny er, " ~.. " March 15. S~c ' U spend a couple of La.) and other advocates of the J11lcr N. A. Bullanin's proposals drive their own cars. The Rev. eli ef\ll a\1d $ane drivers, the c,lub said Friday that so Car as the weapons could be sent after all. h I bl weeks shoppmg in New York, but mandatoty supports have been urg. f"r a Inew five.year plan. Ralph D. Abernathy and the Rev. is lrYlng to locate an area 10 build chief executive's health is con· D II jol ed H . rt 0 t I fIt I te "eta'l ,. a 'drag' strip. cerned he "might be safer" serving u es n OlIver m assc . Mer.Ot, Sc a-,. , ." p no on y or as·m nu .. 18. ing their acloption. Meanwhile for mer Premier Martin Luther King Jr., both Bap- \0 • a second term than he was before ing the tank. sent to Saudi Arabia De' adl.one March 1 "I haven't even done the first· An parties to the farm bl11 battle Georgi M. Mll;lenkov's Ministry oC list ~nlster8 un,~er indictment., , i OrAl Strip. his heart attack. were only prllctlee models and, In minute details," she smfled. concede thIs will be the key test Electric Power StatiOlls was sharp- said only. few of their race ",!>rag strips consist of a piece of any ca~e, couldn'~ be used against March 1 is '~ de~dIlne for high She sails with her family aboard when the final vote comes, per· Iy critlciud by the boss of Soviet rode In cars. 0ff·the,road concrete usually about Snyder apparently meant that Israel because· road eon'ditions school senion t to submit appliea. the S.S. Constitution on April 4, ar· hap/! late next week. atate planning fOr delays in putting DeuIItt 1~lv.ne.. ~ miIe long and as wide as the any man who' has suffered a heart wouldn't ,.now tbem to get there. tions for ' Merit Scbolarships (or riving at Monaco April 12. new equipment into operation. But Police CommiSSioner Clyde lQlplar highwlly where drivers can att,ck can be expected to take One no~e of mystery developed: Fre~hmen at SUI. "The Constitution is making a NO WORD ON BALLooNs SeUe.rs, a member of the pro-whlte , I experiment with their cars with· greater care' in the future to saCe· Humphrey asltl/d Dulles if the Unit- ,. Students rallklng In the top 10 special stop there," Grace ex· Central Alabama Cltbe.. COwIeil, ~ut pndallprlng others' lives. guard his health. cd States has an), secret agreement per eent of graduallng classes in plained. "It will remain outside (Pictures on P.g. " Court Takes Action questioned the IIffectiveness of the . .' This .strip would be 'used to find with Egypt. Dulles said no. HlIlI1ph· Iowa high schools, -are eligible to the harbor and the prince will' The SUI Department of Physics pilgrimage. He said he saw .. ~ out, what i& "under the hood." but Infor""ation First rey suggested' that was odd be· apply, with application materials come out to get us in his yacht." had not yet recelved word late Fri· In J t PI t St "k good many cars wIth Negro cIrlv- ipenUally as a place to determine II, cause his information that there being available from blgh school The next few days , she ~aid, day afternoon of the cosmic ray in· e ann e ('rs" and that "there doesD't seem ~ I. by trial and error what young driv· Talk on Tuesday was such I pact came frdm the principals. would be taken up with receptions .struments carried by lbree 8-foot to be many more walkinl thaa era about safe driv· "'I' State I)cpartment less than an hour Winners will receive an award of and finaL arrangements Cor the balloons which were launcbed FARMINGDALE, N. Y. (.ft _ usual." d lag. The InCormation First lecture has previously, $100. wedding. Thursday. . Mass picketing and violence were From the courthouse, the defen- I .One member. Pat Fountain. said, been changed from Thursday to ouUawed Friday In the mlllion-doi. danu wal,ked (our blocks to the "We can·t g~ out on a country road Tuesday this week so that Prof. L ° I M N . Mea lar-a-day Republic Aviation Corp. Rev. KIng. Dexter Avenue Bapt~ to test what we should be doing Roger Shinn of Vanderbilt Unlver· egis ators, ayors, ewsman . t- s~rike _ but not In time to prevent Church for another masa prayer and aren't, because it is not safe." sity, one of tbe 'main speakers in a new mob brawl. meetlng: ~c by one they. lilted . . their VOJC:eS 1n prayer as KlJIg in- HOAr S.ltt)' Ixpt'" Religion Emphasis Week, may I R · . Slate Supreme Court Justice Ed· vited them to ",tand up ad prey These lIafety conscious youths lead the discussion. 0 a e" a p" rt ..... gar J. lliathan Jr., granted the as the spirit moves you .•. pray have had highway patrolmen and Topic to be discussed is "lnte· . W ' P 0 IOHU~en t eompallY a . temporary injunctlOll for God's guidance." city ,policemen speak at their 'gration or Segratlon: A $64,000 • limiting picltets and Corbiddlng KIng uted them allO to meetings 011 techniques of safe Question." . '. " them to Interfere with. nonstrikers. divine blesalng.on "our waltCrs to- drIving. The lecture will be at 4 p.m. In DES MOlNES III-:-A 13-member .' • 1 Nathan's ~nJIIDCt,ion came too day" and to "bless thole wbo arc The members arc recognized by the Senate Ohamber of Old Cepitol steering . com~ttee wa~ named j!t of Ames: State Senators Dewel, (or legislative reapportion'ment. Jed ' eotnmented' that unlelS somethlnJ lite to prevent a battle at the too weak to opeD their molItIIB." their Jllckets with "Iowa City and is sponsored by Associated. a meellng ~ Des fdolnes Friday to Edward J .. MoManus to II • latina their uae; to 814 in reduci~~ la~d8 ' between . B~tlmo", I ,,\I'd ~ mo~e . .• . : ,(-0' "',. nlor Chamber 'of: Comrne~ are thet'!iellllalute ha' \, ~ j· ~red lution ~Rpl4 . ~uire .. appr:,v~ 1 of . 'J?Ii!"' ~ ~art. fu'tid drive. I ~U per baui'..... a jet aIrpIMe to attldenta; alld In general to aid In ~a8. hlni\9~ wbe!, ~he ac~~~t r~. , .. ~.'r " M.r,+trl,., to be added to the .teeriJla com· since"1804:" .. r. .I'lli. !f. 1'1 tw~ : ~ullve lesslonl of ~ , bc!1Ift ~,J0wl pty SuD4~J Jritb • craih, tore .... off ..,. 01 the dc\'el~eht of an educational P1'ned T.hursch!r ~ " ~ln~ ,, cAA'\/wer~ ~ , . ,Mef?1'F' 0' the com~ ate,:., lmi~ la~r. . '.' QRwel read a lettl!r ' ftonl~ lspelli4> Ct~lIrure,~ ,· theii._ ,majoritY. ~ cOIpatp "Mdt is ell- bouIeJ \ ... ~ _ program for the proper use andt d~ralled . . Th~ ... of I. tlleJll.!I I)Ver· . May~r• ., 4. ~reaee l\' 'P.t) . ~~ . 1'bt! . ~JeetJOD of ti. .CCIIJ1InUtee erSansvlt. Ihaid H.bIOa1fWaa 'lliAf voteilf til\! ~ at ~ next rep- ~ at re.cblilg every Iowa CIt1 .,... doe neallld poww "- .... ~tment of motor vehlclei," turned. . ,. . ' . ___ • c~~!. ~ ~il!rl!l! -tJ. 'P. !o&wl~,r (oUo~ed • dlJc:~'" lor lhe start oflhe mOVC!~at, amt' .Jir ·eJet~j,.IIocome' effeCtIve. famlIJ. __,.>-- ~_ . _ •• _ , __ , ~ • ...-' ..-...... -.. ...- . ~ . I

P_,e 2-THE DAilY IOWAN-I __ City, le.~t., FejH-II'~p, 1956 .. ~....,."...... _ ...... -- . ~01t"S . ~.y.:d"r f o . Qenenl Noilce. must b. left at The Da II), Jow .." olllce. Room 20 C.n".tII\l. The Dany IOlVan is an indepenlunt pression of SUI admfnlstr/1t-lOn polley or I'8tlOM Center. by 8 a.m. MondO), tor publlcatlon In The DnHy lowan on >tuesdl,. 0. Notloe. for other week days must be In by 5 p.m. two doy. prlc!t ~ ubllcaUon. neWipOper. wrftten and opinion. , TIley must be typed or lellbly "(tltten and !IIned. They Will not Ite aecep!fd dally ,!dU~{l b¥ by pllone. They will not be published more than one week prior' td ' the event. students. 11 i& ~rned by a board of The Jowon, in the terms of a policy The Dally Iowan reS<'rv~ the rllht to O!dlt noUces. statement tuWpteJ. b!l trustees in 1946, . o fiue !tudent trustee! elf!cled by the ,..,.. .' IRIDGE LESSONS - The Union Hitchcock will speak on "A Visit Pwlll try to aCt as a ,ood c1/izen of the Board will sponsor a series of to Greece and Italy" ond will iI. • dent body pnd fOllr faculty trustees QP­ SUI community and tlJe community of 6 weekly bridge 'lessons starting lustrate llis talks with color slides. ell! fJOlnted by the ·presldent of the uni­ Iowa City . • , . 7'he Daily Iowan con­ o today at 10 a.m . on the sun porch of the Union. LAW WIVES - The Law Wives' :1 ~ lity. ceives its owd'era to be the whole con­ o Association will meet Tuesday, Young The ~oWon edUorlql staff ~t" U, stltllency of the University, past, present GRADUATING SENIORS _ The Feb. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Law M~m~ o The ed/torinls wltl10ut censorship by ad"~~IN$­ and future. It will endellVQr to /laid tlle Sanxay Prize is a cash award of Stud.ent Lounge. Prof. Charles $500 Jno remission Qf fees) to theD~vldson of the College o( Law is "11 tration or faculty. The Iowan" .'e4ltcniGl good ,of the University in trust ·for til eSt! Li~ral Al'ls senior, a natlve or 0/.111 b~ the g~est speaker. Elec~IoD PraY! pOT{cy, therej.ore, is not necessarily an M· OlVners. , .... resIdent of Iowa, who gives the of · offlcers WIll be held. All wIve. iJuri " '. which . highest promise .of a~hievement in' of law students are urged to at· Q O1J1i~ gr~duate work. 'thE:. hof~r of tbis . tend. ed bY o pnze may pursue graduate work pro!. in the Stale University of lowa or SUI DA~ES-Th e SUI Dames lor 01 o any other standard university duro HomemaklOg group will me~t , , ing the coming year 1956-57 and Wednesday. Feb. 29 at 8 p.m .. 1D the sti~nd will 'be paid for that conference room 1 of the Umon. L!~ During January of 1856, the folloWing from every wallo of life. To the~~voll1lior'l ­ 0 o~ Va o year. \. " "J Mr. Schultz .~ ill s~eak on "What advertisement' appeared ill several Iowa ar}' air of the Tenn. M~rseiUaise tile 1{'~publicans 0 Students who are interested in to Look for 10 Buysng or Building ritual newspapers; sapg: ", • entering ' the ' competition should a. Home." Ticket~ fQr the annual nes 0 4 communicate at once wltl) 'the dl~ner dan~e, at $3.75. per c~uple, TO THA, CITIZENS OF IOWA Arise, arise, ye brave, heads of their major 'department WIll be avall!ible at thIS meetmg. qua , at "Believiilg that a m~jority of the people And l!Jt your u,'ar-cry be lind present supporting evidence, ir Free sieech, free press, free. 80q, • including written plans for graduate • are opposed to the political principles of a o 51 ~ fre~ men wo~k. The departments will report official dally in~ the present adminish'ation and to the in­ 0 theIr nomsnees to the Graduate I troduftion of slavery into territory now Fremont and victory OUice by May 1. 0 free, and also that was made free by the The Republlcans lost with Fremont in • () compromise of 1820; and that the party 18.56 to a De~atic coalition stilI strong' 0 lOOK EXCHANGE - Books and BULLETIN enough to win...,four years later they IWITI-. money which have not been picked tyling itself the Democratic Party is striv­ 0 up from the Book Exchange sale in;ltf'd Abraha~ Lincoln, the oft.defeat~d ing to mal

...... t. • • _ ..

'.ge 4-THE DAILV IOWAN-Iowa City, la.-$at., February 25, 195& Meet Gophers at MinneaptJll$~

Hawkey.es,. i~ · (rucial· ContE!" ·t E oral By DAVE STEVENS den Ing Last year about this time low:l Gophers have come back to win tory over ' Minnesota earlier does humiliating 84-62 game was Min. cocl not indicate the true strength o( nesot!l's saa::lOn low in scoring and went up to Minnesota to clinch the two o( their last three gamel!. D A month and a haJJ ago lIUnnes· the two teams. The 22.point vic, it was also one of the most decisive Big Tell title and this Saturday the . setbacks in Cowles' 26 years of and WEST BRANCH-Greater height Hawks will try for a repeat tri· ota was slaughtered by a hot tory margin was accomplished only coaching. flfal advantage and superior rebounding umph even though thl' stakes are Hawkeye team at Iowa City. 84-62. after what O'Connor termed the Cowles Ims moved 6-11 Bill Si. T (jill helped St. Mary's of Iowa City smaller. • If Iowa wins. it will have a 10-1 "best effort an Iowa team has put monovich out in favor of ex·fllr. quintet to slide into the sectional conference mark. second only to rep This year a loss to the Gophers (orth since I've been here." ward Jed Dommeyer at center. tori finals by defeating Cosgrove. 69-50 Illinois' clean record. The Hawk· At Minneapolis, every Iowa· Dave Tucker and George Kline here Friday night. would almost drop towa out oC the eye-llLini game is scheduled M~r. 3 the Gopher game is close. In fact. th~ cur This was the Ramblers toughest race and a victory would keep the at Iowa City. Iowa coach said Thursday. "I'll be IOWA 1'0 S. 1'1I1'I1'IE80TA L contest in the sectional play. At Hawks still in the running. How· Coach Bucky O'Connor still satisfied with a one·point victory.." Cain (6-3) ...... F . .. Tuoker 4(1-4) no tlme during the game could they ever. last year the 72-70 Iowa vic· wants his team to focus its atten· Saturday's game will mark the Sohoo l 411.(1) .... . F.. Kiln. (O·:\) wei LOI." ((i .. 7) , ...... Dommeyer cr.-a) NOI aflord to be confident oe a victory. torY broke the race wide open for tion on the two games before the end of Iowa's road bjips this sea· S.aberr 46-11) • • • 0 ..• . Llndsl.y 46-') Cosgrove never let uP. even though the Hawks. lIIini contest. After flying home Srh'rlnan (II·'!) •. G.. .. lIanson (U·O) hru son. Monday 'he Hawkeyes start ver they were outplayed and outre­ So far t~ Gophers have posted from Minneapolis Saturday night. the first of three consecutive home Time and place: 8 p ,m ., tod&y. Mlnne­ bounded al\ through the game. loLa field house. Mil only a mediocre 9-9 over·aU record the Hawks will rest up for a home games to end the regular season - Broadculo: WSUI. :twa lIy; KCRG, ) err DUring most of the contest St. and a 4-6 mark in the corfference. tussle with lowly Northwestern Northwestern. Tlfinois and lndiana. C.da( Rapid •. Mary's had only a five to ten point Afttlr losing some close ones ear· Monday night. COach Ozzie Cowles has revised F advantage, but they always were lIer this season the seventh·place Iowa's camparatively easy vic· his lineup to get for the will start at forward and Buck I' to ~ able to make a few baskets when Lindsley and George Hanson at the Cosgrove five crept close to guard. Hanson and Kline did not an1 them. start against the Hawkflr I , foq H,edles' Weight of W.llla.... r Scor •• 21 Dommeyer,leads the Gopher qt· lack with an 18.5-point average. Dennis Walljasper was the dif­ May Give Him Tucker. 14.1. and Lindsley. 11.7. ference. He finished with 27 points for the evening, most of U1em on Iowa will counter with center 1 tlp·ins and under-the-basket shots. Noct in Fla-mingo Bill Logan, 16.6-point average. Bill His height could not be equalled Seaberg, 13.9. and CDrl Cain, 13.7. ~IAr,1:I . Fla. IA'l-The five·pound Iowa has been averaging 73.9 I by any o( the Cosgrove players. points to their opponents' 67.4. Don Lumsden was second in the wl!i(ll~ advantage allowed Florida· scoring column. From around the bred Needles ~y be worth $22.520 a pound in the Flamingo Stakes at (rcethrow circle,' and the sides of Hialeah Park today. the court, he was able to collect 20 points with his faU·away jump shot. Needles gets into the mile and 1'75 Enler St. Mary'S other guard. Dave J Mnher who usually scores in dou· b ble columns had a cold night and G was able to account for only six (hic:a90 Meet c points. CHICAGO !A'I - A field of more Exc.llent Shooting (Dally low~n PMlo by J.rry ;Vo •• y) ST, MARY'S DENNIS WALLJASPER and Don Kuebrick ~ COlgrov. than 175. including numerous Mid­ , Excellent shooting from about fight for thll 1005. ball In last night's semi·flna' sectional tournev western stars. will compete in the a twenty feet out kept the Cosgrove g.me at West Branch. Ken Klein (No.5) of St. Marv's and Meade University of Chicago's second an· t team in strong compelition all duro (No. 7) and Pitllck (No.8) of Cosgrove are also shown. NHdl •• Belonlls nual invitational track meet today . . J ing the first quarter. as they were Horsemen agree that Needles be· SANDY HORN WORKS OUT on the rings ex.cuting an Iron·cross and Abe Butler of Baldwin·Wallace, eble to return WallJasper's and longs with this field of swift sopho· "L" position, reparded as one of the most difficult tricks on the still last year's GO·yard dash winner b Lumsden's first quarter bDskets mores but mnny are quick to point rings. H~rn. member of the University of Illinois at Chicago (Navv WiUI an AmericDn indoor record· t to trail only by five points. 21-16 as High Schoo,l Sectional. out that his weight advantage may Pier) team, will be seen todaV as the Hawkeve gymnasts meet Navy matching :06.1 time. is entered the quarter ended. mean the difference at the end. Pier and Michigan State at 1 p.m. in the Iowa Fieldhouse. ' with schoolmate Estus Newberry. In the next quarter, Walljasper This concession comes through a defcnding high hurdle and broad couldn·t miSS. and Ule Ramblers rule adopted years ago by the jump champion. were able to increase their margin Basketball Tournaments Florida State Racing Com~ission A hot mile race is expected by four more points the score to encourage thoroughbred breed· Gy,mnastics Here, among Charles on 117 , Dell. 411 U' , N 'I I . f ... equalled by Hebein of Wisconsin. K!A'I - X Ie Keo u Ker- lost some of their height advan· Gran d Me.d.w Ill, Cherok •• lmman. AA , was turmng In dallv expenses al. ast year's champion ju· In ree exercISe. n Is 1955 h . f th Th Mason Clly ".Iy t'amlly 6.1. IIlason ~ N . h h Id 0 Caesar Sml'th and Tom Ecker e, c amplOns 0 e ree· tage. Clly G~ Coverll me> Iale on e. pIlon "'! ranging from $25 to $38.50 while venilo. is 4-1. with Pete's Folly and avy PIer as.t e M west pen OUumwa lin. EddyvUle iIO Gronl U:l. Dolllv.r 50 • i W C I H N t'II ' I . , S d H are holders of the fastest time reo I Baseball League have launched '':rhe Menace," however. came Sioux Clly ,... Ian 11-1, Slou" Clly C.n· Gr •• n Mountain ~ '!, B•• man ~1 competmg nest oast meets Bit aPPY ew Year at 12-1. Lawless 5 I rmgs c u\mplon In an y orn, Iral $7 ~ Greenvlll. Ronl. III, Everly ~3 spring. it was learned Friday. is 15-1. with all the others 20.1. who a180 will compete on the hori· corded this season in the 440-yard their pre·season ticket sale. Bus· hDck in the fourth quarter and cur· Tlma IK, Tra.r 41 tailed by the four personal penal. Ventura go!, Forts' CltJ' in GUI~an b~~~":~I: I:! :rJ;1 40. l'I.w VieD. "He explainep to us that he had They are Niln' Mink, Toby B.• zontal bar, free exercise and flying dash after they tied last week set· iness Manager Harley West an. ty was sUII able to make nine lIayll.ld ill, Joloe II.; to be a 'good guy' and told us that Espea. Mark'S Rickey. Golf Ace. rings. Still rings ate not a part ling a new Iowa record in :49.7. nounced Friday. The club seeks H • • pe .. ia, Newkirk (~ On l. ) r.G he h ' C II M L f I d Hoffman pf "V ' con ' h I ·t 50 points in this period. The la st Class B Hull r.lI, Larcbwcod .;0 ad to pick up tl.Je lab many , a e ucky. and Skeptical Kid. 0 col egiate ual meet competi- ,IS sm as 11 : • quarter was the closest played in Hum e.lon ~ I , Cambria a7 times." said Carl Hanse~ of Oak. The Flamingo is the first big tion . ·however. flat and teammate Hofer has :50.6 to raise $30.000 to meet inllial ex· GO. 1\0 f Ad.1 32, Earlham 4Q JIowowea llClly I~I, SOI.y. Mor)"loo 19 C• •rrov. Ian, d Na t'lona I AAU presl. en t . s t a ke Ilr 3-year·o Id s. Ca ptalDIlIg.. th e Navy P'l er aggre· recorded as his fastest time. penses through the sale of 1.500 the tilt, the Ramblers outscoring Allon 1\3, Fonlanell. 43 AUon (iii, Alvord 49 Jordan N ..pl er 5~, Alleman H Hansen. who conducted the hear· The forecast is for fair weather gation is Ted Muzyczko, an all· Murray Keatinge of Iowa will get season tickets. Cosgrove only by one point, 15-14. Kell erlo n 117, ·flnrl.y G~ h d f Arryte M, Bonaplrte 32 Lak. Park MI, Webb 3M ings in New York 'f ich led to an a ast track. around competitor with the pareH· r:: challenge from Badger Brennen The tickets will cosL $20 for 63 Alter their slack at the end of Balli. Creek H, Cu.hln, ~ ~ Blake.bur,. ';'!, Cincinnati 0" LILw ler ro t. Ionia 4~ Sant~e's lifetime disbarment. add· I el bars as his s!>eciality. in the 880. Kealinge has 1:57.3. games. Field Manager Merrill the third period. the Cosgrove five Llbertyv ill. (10. Sto ekporl ~ I Blo.klon 4., CI.a.rfleld '!l LIm. ,rln,. iIIl, Ehna. ;.0 Coverllme) ed that the former Unive~sity of Muzyczko. Horn and Art Shur· while Brennen is one second slower (Pinky) May wilL assist in the cam· seemed to find new life towards the Breda St. Bernard ii, Moun" Carmel- end of the ball game. They kept 37 Lln •• IIl, 110. lelr ... 21 Kansas distance star's wIfe had I· lock form the backbone of the at 1:58.3. ' paign. The Kernels start training Br1lhton i'!, Old. t\8 SI. "expenses" which amounted, to $1,- team. which has a 3-2-1 dual meet Ted Wheeler un challenged I March 9 at Indianville near Day ? trying a desperate fast break. and Buffalo ')4, Fairbank 40 t:~I~~m~(~:~tRo~;;I~~r Josephs.~ 'Scooler' seem~ Burt "I, Alrono I. ..111& 7a (over· Losl Nation (, J, Calamus 53 158 last year. record. and won the 1955-56 Cen· in the mile run with his time of tonna Beach, Fla. it started to payoff. PiUick and Luaua l\O, Uarpen Ferry 36 lime) Lu nrn. RO, Wo don 78 The AAU forbids alhletes from tral AAU Midwest Open champion· 4:14 .5, which established a new " ___. -;'-_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Amelon scoring from layups under BUI eO:', Beeth 28- y the. basket. Calumet 7!'i, Linn Gro\'e :;0 ~~~"':.r7~~ W"i~Gr!~d 41 \Joll~~ting expense monie (or th~r A 37 Phol RO ship. . Fieldhouse record last week. Be· I Mornlnr San 8~, Riverside i;~ families and has a $ 5 top daJly t , I IZzUtO Michigan State is the holder of hind Wheeler, who returned from 1as Ch ance. Amelon Hillh Mounl Union :I I, Varmouth ~n expense for competitors ,on Baseball \ a 1-3:1 recorfi. which is not rep· the serv.ice this season, is sopoho· Now Vlr,lnla St. Mary 's 1J7. Weldon 40...... St,OII ",melon was the high point man N.w 'hrllord 1.• , Well. burr 011 We gave Santee every oppor· resentative of its power in gym· more Dick Allen. for the Cosgrove team ·WI·th 19 Orl.nt Zion ~~, Pr ....11 41 ,tunity to clear himself and he NEW YORK !A'I- They're calling nastics. Michigan State and Navy Iowa's one·two punCh in the high Parnell 4r;, l'llIIenburr .!~ '''' u P Special Ends poibts. Closely on his heels was Prai rie 'City IH. l,y"nvIUe 40 ~ouldn t. said Hansen. All o( us Phil Rizzuto the "Little Tycoon" ier battled to a 56-56 tie Jan. 7 and low hurdles is co·captain Les Pitlick. who collected IS. SCO,' ~~~~~:ro~\~~O:II~. ";~ Sacr.d lI.arl ah~e sObrrtY abOt~t what happe nlled to instead of the "Little Scooter" be· this year and are meeting again Stevens and Jack Mathews. Stev· MARCH 3RD es aa 1m. u any Ime anyone te s me cause of his many business enter. today in the 3-way dual meet. ens has the top time in the 70·yard O 1 n y seven personal fouls were Q amyI b (II . ~I or I~ en ,Ii " t hat a 23-year-old man and a col· prises. but the veteran New York Iowa aga In WI'11 be Wit. hout It . s highs with his record·equallin g called on Cosgrove team. tUd reway ~J, )loIIIII,.e 114 • • Rln rsted 111. Whltt.mor. Pr ••onlaUon lege graduate and a Manne at Yankee shortstop's heart still be· captain, Sam Bailie, who is reo time of j08 .5, while Mathews holds Twice as rough were the Ramb· In HOUS t on R.l r~ ' \D., Moln •• Twp .) iI.~, Brad ale ~at . doesn't know wluit he's do- longs , to flis r:naln bread.winning covering from a broken ankle of the f"stest time in tIle 70·yard lows lers who were called for 14 viola· 46' mg. 1 refuse to lI.tea. 0. job _ baseball. two weeks agb. Bailie was reo with his :D8 flat clocking. . - lions. • HOUSTON. Tex. IA'I _ Ted Kroll. ~~~~~~n~7~1;~~:~!~t S;~ I" ~~ Santee •. now on active duty with Tanned and trim.- the 37.year.old leased from th~ Hospital Feb. 15. Iowa also has a one·two punch COME DOWN R.moYIl Retulars Fort Lauderdale, Fla .• knOCked a Sholl,bar, ~ I , Van lIoroe ,16 the Mannes at Quantico. Va .• Scooter came up here from Flor. and resumed !Jght workouts Mon· in the pole vault and broad jump. I and ~Oo :do~·r'74.~·TMlrorlol,rh~:d ~ work.ed out Thursday' at tile Un, i. Ida to take part in a new film tele. day, this week. \ Gardner Van Dyke and Nick Piper With 3:25 left in the ballgame stroke off par on four straight holes 0'..Sem ... 111). 1I",.ourl . 1 verslty 0(I Pennsy van Ia. He sal d vision series Cor tM Junior Sports HI' S .InJury. .I S he Id m' pI ace WI' UI are near equa I vau Iters wh 'lI e Earl Coach Don Green removed tHe Friday to boast a late S·under·par :l:~~:~· r~~·I~:::.t:~~ ~~s he planned to keep' in shape "be- League, then prepared to return a hip.length cllst. but he has free· Smith and Phil Leahy both jump Rambler regulars. and the contest 67 and tie little Jerry BaFber for lorm L.ke I. ~lar y'. 7n. R.mbrandl cause I feel certain the AAU will to Florida for his usual battle with dom of his hands and has been around 22 feet. SWAP eqded in a free·Cor·all scramble on the lead at the halfway mark of M! see the light" eight or nIne other candidates for working on the flying rings. para I· The Hawkeye mile rl'Iay team of Your OLD Ties the floor. the $30 000 Houston Open T.~.jP711.on ,oa red II ..., ij" w.1I I.ake He added 'that he hoped to be the regular shortstop job. leI bars and horlZ' ontal bar. co·cap tam· Ira Dunswort II , Gastonia The victorious Ramblers will ' . Terril .jn, MI,lard 46 able to represent the Unit A ,'! States Filling in for Bailie will be Staf· Finch. Caesar Smith, and Ecker Trac~ 7ft. nartrorlll 3(;. IC}I - ~ "It' th Id"'d f ' - meet Solon at 7:30 p.m. tonight'fOrl Th e 36 . h0 Ie 137 by Kro 11 an d Troy 40, Pulaski 38 In the Olympic Games next CIUI. sesame 0 war, sal en Carlsson, the Swedish ali· will ehallenge Wisconsin's team. for NEW! ' the sectional championship. Barber. the Iirst ronnd .leader, left Urba nd al. ;~, I.ulher 48 The lifetime disbArment from Phil, "but J think I'm going to be arounder in his £iFSt season of \\>hich has a posted time of 3:20.2, ,. Waukon SI. P,lrlok X:I, OS Ian l'ublle the man I'n there when the season , ••• them one stroke in (ront o( home. ..8 amateur athletics automatically competition. Carlsson placed third, slightly less than six seconds fastel' Wellon ~7, Grand ~(ound 48 bans Santee Crom the Olym"lcs o~ns. Casey (Manager Casey best for the V.S., against the trav· than the li sted Iowa tlmc. Solgn led most of the way in town fav,orite Jimmy Demaret and Whal Che.r ((~. Luc.y 01 .. • Ste }.I) h"d G'I M D Id I WhuUand 1., ~10nnl0ul h 60 At a meeting of the Pacific Assn. ng" ~ I ~ ouga .p ay· eling Swiss Olympic team. in free lowa is undefented in 'dual meet ELLEY; sqUeezing by Tiffin in the second Jon Gustin. a 23·year·old newcom· Williams iII!, Pop.Joy 39 of the AAU Thursday night Hansen lng short on that Japanese trip and exercise. two weeks ago. competition with vl~torics over game of the evening 47-43 f . 'Winfield ~8. Wellma.n ria . . \ ' Ria h h' •. er rom Charlottesville. Va. "'Intend 1.(, Redll. ld ;1;; • said President l\very Brundage of _ns to aVIl 1m try qut for the . * * * Missouri and Marquette. Today's KCLEANERS • • • Barher dropped to a 70. Demar. • the, International OlymPic ~mmit- . job. Caser want ~ to add power to The rowa track ~e:tm faces its meet is a triangular meet and the City High will meet Tipton in a et and Gustin joined Kroll at 67 I ~ tee had said last December "San· tire ltneup. toughcst dual meet competition to· first Big Ten competition for the 120 So Gilbert fi~ro~p~~~~~A ~n~ M~W~ru ~~oo~~~~~m~ '~~~~~~a~m~~d:a~y~a~t~M~a~d~~~M~. ~W~iS~.• ~w~~~n~it~H~n~k~th~i~nC~~~d~S·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S ~tional in Iowa City tonight. . Z: ~ , .. ··pu tCastellanIDecl·sl·ons Games.'" get In there and Int. I'll handle . ~ty High took a 67-50 decision a 70 beSIde hIS fIrst round 69 for E I d' S II' He quoted Brundage further ' as my share oC the batting. Last year from Lone Tree Thursdav night for a 139. Trailing him by one stroke ng an s UIvan sa,ing" 'I haVe enouih over· I got In the 'first Seven games and KESSLER'S PRESENTS the right to play in the finals. at 140 ",ere Jimmy Clark. Laguna whelmIng evidence OD him mfself bit about .300. Then Casey took Beach. Calif .• and Deen, Wood. Lib;- NEW YORK !A'I .... Staggered in tight a~w. without ,any further In· me out because he wanted to see • • ST. MAn's vestig'ation.' .. . • what Billy Hunter and the others FG J'T PI' TP erty. Tex. the secODd round. Rocky Castellani At Chlca,o Frida"'. Bnmda,e ad. could do. ~~~.!.: ',. :::: .:: : : ~ J Cary Middlecoff, the strong pre· of Luzerne, Pa .• came from behind mitted"~ told them' ~ they had tv ".UJu,er, • ...... I! • 4 n C • d d th 01 . ruJ "Billy fielded real well but his .lIor, , ...... ,... • 4 • I.ournamelll avorJte. as among F.ti4a;v night to earn a unanimous 0 was rea e, ymplc e Qn mttin, wasn 't up there. I didn't get ':~AM' SESSION Jen •• n. , ...... 2 • I • the . t' th · · I Santee." . . . .. , b ... I r . h I' C • w , Cahill, , ., ...... ! • •• VIC Ims as e orlgma field of 10·round decision over Johnny SuI· ac.. nto t e meup or another • •••.,.1 . , ...... I • • % 160 was cut to 90 pros and 10 ama· livan of England in a nationally month and mr batting eye wasn't . Tel. I. ·C· .~~~~:~. E ' 14 .. teurs for Saturday's third round. televised bout at Madison Square what It should have been, I still Betsy Rawls Leads say you've got to get in there regu· Today (Saturday) 3:30 to 5:30 -'-'~ . 'Fa '-I P~ TP MiddleCQf( soar.ed to an 80 Thurs· Garden. Castellaai weighed 159. larly to hit well." ;::~:~f· ..:::::::: ~ ~ ~ ~ day but matcheQpal' 72 Friday for, Sullivan 161. Jo Canc'er F"dd nie 5-6. 150·pound Rizzuto was A"'el.n, 0 ...... B 9 ~ I. 152 Th II t' C t II . U JIIlllck. , ~...... e : I. a . e usua y cau 10US as e am. 1 " " . In t.bere In the stretch drive when JC ..brl.k, r ...... s t II Tommy Bolt, another favorite. a 12-5 favorite. won by gambling 00' Hunter was sent off to Denver. Riz· Totalo ~ ... , ....u It I, It r.;"lfUU r'nament.. I · Mo~da.y, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Nights r•• , qurlon: barely escaped the cutore with 75- 01) rIght Mnd leads, g()inethlng zuto. "rho has a lifetime batting .. , I ...... ,,' ...... !I I! 21 I~. 73.149. smart C"""t . Id d H average of .274. wound up the year t·' t..,,,n ...... 16 • " 14-31 1611 ers se om o. e. SARSOTA. Fla, (~Betsy Rawls with .257. Hunter's mark was .US. , , . " .1.... 're. lb ••wl: II. Mlry't-f. Seven players were tied at Ifl, nailed the strong. 23-year-old Brit· of Spartanburg, S. Ct. pulled out "I (~I great." said Phil. "l'lIe No • Four of your favorite mUSICians No C.rew-' 'three under par (or' the 7.122-yard. on constantly with rights and that ~f a, putting slump Friday to shoot been playing 36 holes of golf a day Cover Charge will play from 8:30 to' 10:30 In Cove, Chart. ' par 72 Memorial Park couree. They was the big difference between the a 70 and take a.oQaoltrote lead at and the 'eta are strong." the Rathskeller. I ..RST PALL IN NINE VEARS Tod t the, halfway pomt In the 72-hol!! ( were . Mane ce. San ~tonio. two. ' ,Babe 'Zaharlas Canc:er Fund Golf • j t .. ,

EL HlL~. N.C. (II- When Tex .• Jim Turne~. Spring Valley. Referee Barney Felix and judge TOurnament. • " I so bomore GIeDII Daug.htrey pin· KY.; Marty Furgol. Lemont. Ill.; Frank Forbes each voted for Cas. . Her 38-hole t\ltal of '143 put h,­ ATLANTA. Ga. !A'I - ¥ost golt • nFwf Washington and Lee s GJII Hoi· Geo. rrze Bayer. Cincinnati; Jackie I tellant by 6-3-1 while judge Bert a stroke aheat.o~ .Fe,)' Crock~r b'l'($ tal~ (or the rest of their lives K~! ·SS ,~ER~S:· ,RESTAllJ RANlt:~, la.n it marked the firRt time in .f\, ' of Montevideo r"luay w#.o .... ot abollt II hqlr-in-one. but Clyde t. I nle ~ ttI~If~~ BlIrkeJr .• Kiame.sha Lake. ~. Y.·. Gr~nt had Ro~ky~ frons..!~~rl1.. 4. itl • t.hI.!u ,n ~II ~nln~ ••••~rllllld" rlltllllftd"..\,lelfm· 0111 ~ 1 1 .1I"1 ~~3 1 S~ . Q~l'w.q heavyweight " . • ed a Wesley Ellis. R1vervald, N. J.; 1Associa't'Cf'l>ress h":a ' ~:ie~_ b'usinessm~n, sWot 1I1f ele~tftf1'~ . falL and Elroy Marti. Houston, ahead. 6-3-1. I par is 70. .• . . .' day, •• .. I ,

THE CAlL V IOWAM-I_. eity, la.-Sat., Fe~ H. "~.g. S Hearings Monday ! 'Hancher Talk SUI Senior Will Run. On 3 City Proieds Lone Tree _peals (ase • Notice of appeal of Judge James------­ BlaTHS PO LICk COIl.T Public hearings on three city SORENSEN. Mr. and M .... Peie." Ox· COOPER. lefT)'. 1101 Sh~l1d.n Ave .• projects are scheduled for 2 p.m .• P. Gaffney's Feb. 3 ruling in\lalj. equipment. For S15 &peedinll i (ontest Qpen State t:egis/ature ' ford. a boy Friday .t Morey Ho~llAl . fined on a chara: .... By JACK DAVIS WRIGHT, Mr. and ),In Roy E .• no 8. Kl:M.PHJLL. Gerold M.. l\redlapou •. Monday. Bids on the projects _ dating the Sept. 13 Lone Tree He also found valid a charae of Dodle SI .. a £Irl ThursdDY at Mercy fined ,10 on o,n unproper pllU lng construction of the trunk line sewer school di~trict reorganization elec· "gerrymandering" in the redraw· Entries Cor the' annual Hancher Few political sciellce majors have the opportunity to run {or public HosPital. cb ....~ . t John Moin", oratorical contest. open to all un· office immediately upon graduation. but Robert Newton. A4. Musca· DEATHS HmIIRY. Patrkk. 43. DH in southeastern Iowa City, work on tion bas been filed with the Iowa ing of the school district to e\Jroi· ARlI1.STRONG. Harold G •• 87 , Wayland. (ined ~ on • charp of laUlne 10 the Woolf Avenue Bridge over the Supreme Court. nate voters opposed to the reor· L' dergraduate students. are now be· tine. plans to do just that by running for the state le2i.lature as Demo­ Friday tIt Mercy H"",ltal. yield one·halt lbe I",veled rll:ht 01 ing accepted by Prof. Orville Hitch· crafc representative from Muscatine county in the November election. CLARY. Austin. 61 . Knox City. Mo .. WlY. Cedar Rapids and Jowa City Rail· The appeal was med Thursday ganizaUon plaD. Min· Thursd.y at Vete •• ns H"""haL HUNTER, Harold R .. R.R. 8. t!ned $10 ~ cock. Room 10. Schaeffer Hall. Newton feels he has a good chance or winning since the 1954 Demo· COSS. Edwlrd A., 114.. Ceda, Rapid' , Oft a .peedinll eba ...e. way and Highway 6. and sale of by Lhe Lone ...1Tree lndependent Everett Buline. president of the ~ g . ~nd Friday at Veterans Hospit.L nlll the old Alert Hose House on orth School District BOard of Education. Fremont ToWDlldp cernrnunity eClslve Deadlines for entries is March 27 cratic candidate only lost by as.· GROVES, .John W.. 611, 1\1ollne, III., Frl. m ELLIS AYE. - Firemen were Cldled and preliminaries will be held 300 to 4.400 margin. day al V~teran HosplUfI. .t .:11 p.m. Thursd.y to extineulsh Gilbert Street - will be opened at The board voted unanimously Feb. school district. said. "U we're 10- of GROVES, .John W., l1li. Moline. m., Frl­ • bonfire bW'llln, oul of control and 6 Tree rrs March 27. "I am convinced that a Democrat ciay al Veteranl HOSPital. smokinl badly ,I til... Phl Epsilon PI the same. to appeal Judge GaUney's de- ing·to have a Lone Comau· can win in Muscatine county Ilnd LINDGREN, Woal.y, 441 , BurUnaten, (ratamlty ho~ No dama,e ...... re­ The three proposals were ap· cI ion . nily School DistricC, let'a have The winner. to be chosen In the Friday at Velerans HoIpUal. POrted. ~ iJJ Si. proved by the city council in spe' The Sept. 13 election was . the w~t .. the word community im- ex·for. finals. April 5, will receive $25 and that the state government needs WALKER, Thom ... 80. Cedar R.pld" more Democrats." Newton said. Thurada y at Unlverflty HOlPltala. cia! session Feb. 6. fiftb attempt in the past 18 months plies. represent SUI in the Northern Ora· WREN. Edward R .. eo. Cedar Rapids. Return Check Forger torical Contest May 4. Subjects for Elect D.mocr.tlc M.yor Thuradrty at Vel ..... n. Ho pl~l . Results of the bidding will be to reorganize the school district. It He called lor a boundary whtch the speeches may be any important Further support for his convic· Suspect from Illinois announced someti me Monday. City approved reorganization of portio~ would include aU residents in the current issue. Clerk Kenneth F. Millsap said,Fri· of Fremont. Pleasant Valley, and area, and not just those In ravor tion is the fact that Muscatine Iowa City police reported Friday Last year's winner, Paul Richer. elected a Democratic mayor last INN I· I G d day. Lincoln Town hips to form a Lone of the reorgapizatioQ pla. ew a lona uar that J. R. Kurth. wanted here on Tree Community School District. The Lone Tree CommllDity School went on to win first prize in the fall in the city election. a bad clleck charge. is being held IU · A· H ENGINEERS ELECT Judge Gaffney's ruling restored District now serves students within Northern Oratorical Contest. which Newton. who is program chair· nil cllvaled ere by the sheriCf's o£fice in Gales· has representatives from the Uni· man for the SUI Young Democrats. !,mrg. Ill. The Associated Students' of En· the school districts to their status the proposed reorganiution area versity oC Wisconsin, Minnesota. was an Iowa delegate to the Na· A new national guard unit. Iowa Kurth. address unknown. haS gineering have elected William G. previolls to the election. on a tuition basis. Michigan. NorUlwestern and West· tional Convention of Young Demo· City's third. will be activated here waived extradilion and will be reo Maguire, E3, Detroit. Mich .• presi· In his decision, Judge Gaffney \ ern Reserve as well as SUI. crats last December at Oklahoma March 15. , Iowa Adjutant Gen. turned here today to face charges. dent. Other new officers are Da\lid cited " Ioos ness in proc dure" in STILL TURNING First prize in the Northern Ora· 1 • City. Okla. Fred C. Tandy said Thursday. police reported. He is being sought A. Long. E'4. Durant. vice·presi· the election. He referred to errors A merry.go-round made In 1150 torfcal Contest is $100. second. $50. Although Newton, 25, has no pre· Tandy said the new unit will be in connection with checks for $50 dent; Paul E. Kitch. E4. Sioux in description of the area proposed is still in use at Wateh Hill. R.I. It The contest 'is an annual event vious political experience. he has a Company A of the 224th construc· written April 15. 1955. and $180 City. secretary. and James G. Gib· lor reofganization llnd the lack of was originally turned by a draft and has been traditionally named firm platform prepared for the lion engineer battalion. The ad· April 25, 1955. son, Sioux City. treasurer. a survey of xisting buildings and horse but is now mechanized. for the SUI president who is in June primary and the election Nov. jutant was in Iowa City discussing office at the time of the contest. 6. plans for the new unit with local Newton'. PI.Her"'; guard officials. Items included are reapportion· The Iowa Cily armory will be Robert Newto'n ment of the state legislature. reo remodeled somewhat tQ, accommo· 14-Year-Old College to Politics - QUick districting of schools. and certain date tile third unit, although no de. tax adjustments. ' finite arrangements have been ------made. Tandy said. , • His platform reads as follows: The 34th Reconnaissance Com· Case Is Set R.. pportionm.nt-"Presently the pany and IOOth Medical BattaJion Schoql Heads state legislature is not a represen· - total strength 188 men - are the , units now stationed in Iowa City. talive body. Urban centers are Work Wonted Instruction For Hearing grossly unrepresented, and conse· The strength of the new Iowa Classified Anort,."fI"' for 1If1'" The 'bldest civil suit pending in quently urban problems are not City unit would be 157 enlisted men Advertising Rates FOR. RENT: !'lew 3·.00m (u.nbhed WANttD : Tallorln,. dr okl nl .•1· PLAY SCHOOL. DIal ... nu. met and squarely answered as they and about six officers. apartm nt. priva ta balh . Block from terallon.. Phone 7368. 3·3 Johnson County District Court. has To Discuss TV Word Ads but. Dlnl 8-2831. 3·1 should be by the legislature." Home Furnishings been assigned by Judge James P. One Day ..... _...... 8¢ Word Services Al:iout 80 educational leaders Rediltridlng of IChool. - "The a N~~r;It~upLEX . Furnl htd. J'ht~~ Gaffney as one of six non·jury Two Days ...... lOf a Word cases to be heard the second week from 25 states and the District of state of Iowa has the resources to 3.RoolII un(umlahed . PMl'm,;nl. SIOV .... ~~U NORIES 4538. ,.g. G~~;;:' I~a. Eurek. v.cuum C~~i Columbia will take part in the Con­ maintain an excellent elementary Three Days ...... lU a Word in March.' Four Days _...... l4¢ a Word adult.!. DI.I &WI. 2·29 PERSONAL lonn on typewrlle .... phoo- ference on Closed Circuit Televi· and secondaqr sch\lG1 system. At ,raph" lIPOrt equipment. and Jew.l. The suit. filed over 14 years ago. Five Days ...... l5¢ a Word A LARGE th ree· room fU rnished apa.t. ry . HOCK· EYE LOA!'l CO .• 221 S. Cap. lost and Found sion Monday and Tuesday at SUI. this time Iowa as well as the rest me llt. private ~ n tranc. (or Ihre. or Itol. 2-en was brought by Leonard Curtis Ten Days ...... 20¢ a Word lour Ilrl•. $100 per month. phone 3703. Featured spey,er Monday mar ~e country is faced with a grow· LOST: M. n·, Gold EI&In watch. Gold against Harry and Helen Munsell. g need for more facilities. The One Mobth ...... 39¢ a Word 2·23 ex pansion band. HlIlc,..t. Qua4 vi· ing in the Iowa Center for Cantin At 910 Kilocycles cinlty. Lo~ l Tue!!dIQ' . Reward, x3:l71 . the Cedar Rapids Gas Co. and the kids are born. we know they are (Minimum Charge 50¢) House fOf' Sale S..JII lowa·lIIinois Gas and Electric Co. llation Study will be John C. Ad· Rooms for Rent oms. president of Hofstra College. coming. so we've got to be ready TODAY'S SCHEnULE Display Ads HOUSS: to r ""Ie by owner. Very d ... The case concerns alleged failure for them. Iowa's particular prob· B:OO Mornlnll ChD,P~1 One Insertlon ...... I"OR RENT: lI olt room. RUlIOnn bl.. Irab le. l mrned l te poll. ulon. DI I Help Wanted by the defendants to adhere to the Hempstead, N. Y .• and chairman IIf Dial 11-281 5. 2-23. 9881. 3·2 the Committee on Television for lem is to enlarge school districts to B:I ~ News ...... 98; a Column Inch terms of a sales contract. Hear· ize where it is economical to 8:30 Morning Serennde WANttD: s.e.... tary. IYPlnl.nd ort· the American Council on Educa· a S 1It15 The Book.hel! Five Insertkms a Month .. _ ROO llol in alt.actlve qui \ homo on Baby Sitfil'\g hand r qulred . Apply In penon. • ings will begin March 5. maintain a school." 9:45 ObJeetive Nortb Linn overlooklni rralernlty tion. Each Insertion. row . Will ,enl a•• In gl e or double lor LArew Co.. m E. Wu hlnl\on. 3-12 Olher cases scheduled are : TAlC Adiu.tment_"[ see no pos· :g;~ i~~~:~·~onct'rt ... _ 88¢ a Column Inch un lverall y men . C. 1l 77&7. 3·8. BABY .Ittlnll, . nemoons and evenIn,., The conference. roster now in­ 200 2·28 M&rc:n ~ - Jones-Herriott Oil Co . sibility of reducing state expendi· ' 11 :00 Sa[ely Spellks Stadium. Phone 462 1. Ignition cludes five presidents. four vice· Ten Insertions a Month, FOR RENT : Nice dou ble room for stu· vs. Wilbur and Leona Mathes and tures. The state must spend more :: ; ~~ ~:~.~tre:ll Dept. of HeDlth d ent m en , on b us Un~. Re.sonable CARBURETORS presidents and nine deans of col· Each Insettion. 0082. '.:IS Child Care the Hills Bank and !tust Co. than it is now currently spending 12:00 Rhythm Ramblos ... _ 80f a Column Inch GENERATORS STARTERS ' leges and universities. Prof. Sam 2-29 . March 7 - Allied Service Inc. vs. for education, state institutions and g ; ~ ~~:- sMan· . Opinion ROOMS. Men. 11846. 2-U CHILD CA RE. DI. I 57Z1. B,igg. & Stratton Motor. Becker of the SUI Television Cen­ social welfare. 1 do think that the 1:00 Our Unllnl.hed BUllne .. DEADLINE Thomas B. and Rose B. Dawson. .. Deadline for' all classified ad· ------FOR RENT: Two dou ble .Ieeplnll rooms. W[LL CARE lor your children. V... I')' ter said Friday. tax burden should be shifted to ~ ; i: ~~S i~nf~~tl&~~~: Student men. 8· 2832 a (t~r 3:30 p.m. r a5Onn ble. will pick up \I nec .ry . PYRAMID SERVICES M.rch 8' - C. J . and Milldred Others who wiJI take part in the •, verlising is 2 P.M. for insertion 3.' Phon e 1006. 2·28 Posey vs. Glenn R. and Agnes Grif· those who are more able to bear 2:30 Masl",work s from France ill followlng morning's issue. The 621 S. Dubuque . Dial 5723 meeting to discuss the effective· it. The regressive two and one half 3. :. 00 Evolution 01 Jmz CHRISTOPHER ROBIN Pre· School. Tl'haS '·lR fith and Harold L. Hands. 00 Ten Time SpeciAl Daily Iowan ~ ~erves the right Typing Phon .. 8.17&2. 3· 16 ness of closed circuit television as per cent sales tax should either be 6:00 ChJldren'. Hour to reject any vert/sing copy. M.rch , - Two probate claims; a way of solving certain educa· Carrie Burnett in the Chamberlin lowered or entirely repealed and ~;~ ~~::Ir.;~ur TYPING. Dial 5169. 3·22R .. tional problems incl ude directors reV e n u e sought from other 8:5!> News Autos lfor Sale WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU RENT·A-CAR estate; Bessie. Frauenholz ~ in the ---..;..;,;,;,;,;,..;.;;.;....;;,;;;;.;.;;.---, TYPING . Guar.nteed . Speedy .nd Re· of educational TV programs and .. 7'00 Warm Up Tune. CAN OWN YOUR OWN John Frauenholz estate. sources. 7;25 BacketbaU gome Minnesota·Iowa MUST SELL Itft l N!lBh. 1l00d conclltlon. cUl'Ille. Fonner CIlnunerclo l ttacher. OR officials or educational foundations. Born and raised in Muscatine. 9:1S Pops Promenade 23 M.P.Goo $380 . Phone 6010. 2-28. Dial 8· U93t 3·Z3CR MOBILE HOME? Dean Dewey B. Stuit of the SUI Newton attended Muscatine Junior 1~ ; ~ ~':,~js °f~~ ~~~~:,ow 3-21 Group To Attend College of Liberal Arts and Prof. College and enrolled at SUI in 1954 Sl lIn ocr 10 Lines, 50 Models RENT ·A· TRUCK H. Clay Harshbarger of the SUI after serving in the army in Korea M.nday. F.b ... ,y n. I, .. To Choose From. LICENSED Religious Parley Television Center will report Mon· and Germany. Eventually he plans Mornlnll Chopel day on SUI experiments in project· to attend graduate school and then : ; ~ Miscellaneou~s ' for Sale • TYPING. 8·0420. New. . ' WO~lENSEN'S, Jehovah's Witnesses delegates ing discussions simultaneously to teach political science at the col· 8:30 Jowa Government TYPING. &-0130 . INC. HERTZ DrI~~;.I' SYSTEI The Bookahe!! ------FOil SALE : Gndu.ted. leavtna: must Quality Since 1936 from Iowa City are among the 800 several classrooms. lege level. n~ Mom!n. 'eature leU before Sunday - cou.. ... ward · TYPrNG. 8· 3500. 3·3R attending the group's circuit con· Following this report. Prof. Hugh Newton already bas announced 10:00 News ,obe: e!\lllal. cocktail and formal wea •. PhOne 1210 Kitchen Concert. s~es TYPING. --Dl----nl 92CJ2----. ------2·28R MAHER 8ROS. vention which started Friday in Kelso, Prof. Russell Whitesel and his candidacy in Muscatine county. :n: Our MlI lli c6'l World 14·16. O,'er 100 pIeces at dey' Other People's Buslne .. a_taled prices ( '2'1~ fur coat~ 1. Nan Marion Shopping Center Burlington. Prof. James Murray - all of the and has filed with the secretary of II :U American Red Cro... Parke,! 414 Soutll MadlllOn, pho"e 81~ . Marion. Iowa Phone 9696 SUI Political Science Department. 2-~ 3· 21R The meeting is sponsored by the state in Des Moines. g : ~ ~~t!"" Ramble. , TYPEWRITERS S3-IR Watchtower Bible and Tract So· and Prof. Clark Griffith of the 12:30 SOFA BED with sUp cover. Cheap. 12:45 Chalkdust 308 N. Linn, Apt. 4. Ailer 5. 2-25 ciety. Brooklyn. N. Y. English Department will join in City Choral Club Sets 1:00 M1I 81c.1 Chatl • Rentals Purpose of the convention is to a panel discussion of the SUI ex· 1:55 Old T;,los and New FOR CLEAN, """iced. auaranteed used • Repairs LAFF·A·DAY 2:10 Music In Black and White r~rlll~rotors, contact Swails Ref.I,· !\timulate interest in the Bible and periments. Meeting for Monday 2:30 Music Ar, prccl.llon and History e ••tlon . 2tI8 E. Colle,e. Tbere Is a bll • Sales inform delegates in improving their Waltz T me • difference. 3· . The Iowa City Choral club will gil News Authorized • Royal ministry work. COMPLETE RECOVERY Serenade In Blue FOR SALE: Bunk bed.. DltIl 1)846. 3-8 BAMBERG, S.C. l4'I-George B. meet Monday at 8:15 p.m. in room ! \ ~ Tea Time Deale, 5:00 Chlldren·. Hour Portablel Standa,d~ LANGUAGE MASTER RETIRES Kearse. 81 , was asked if he had 11 of the SUI music building at 5:30 News Jelferson and Gilbert Streets. 5:46 Sportstl~ WASHINGTON IA'I - The stale fully recovered from a major op· 6:00 Dinner Hour department is losing the IT}Ost ver­ eration. He answered this way: "I The club plans to present a con· 6 : ~ New. Wanted Wikel , ' satile translator it ever had. John went to a dance Friday night and cert sometime in May. Mrs. Louis 7:00 Ask Ihe Sclenllsts 7:~ Ba'kelball Northwestern·lowa Wesley Perkins. 69. master of 26 danced until after midnight. I got Landweber said. Further informa· 0:30 PoP. Promenade .. Typewriter Co. up at 6 o'clock Saturday morning tion about the club may be ob­ 9 :45 New. and sport! Secretary languages, is retiring after 40 10:00 Wo,d. For Tomorrow Dial 8·1051 23 E. Washington tained from her. phone 8·1729. years in government service. and hunted all day ..." Silln 0(1 . For Permanent Position Now Open at the WANTED : Iowa State Bank Applicants for position of , & Trust Company. of Where Shorthand necessary. The Daily Iowan See Ben E. Summerwill Church notices should be de­ Sermoll: I.tlenl. aD" LI.n 810. FREE METHODIST CHAPEL n ...... t. Rev. C. H. M.labo.,. rut.r 2·29 Circulation Manager posited with the ReHriou! news Srd and Muscatine Bro•••• ' eU ....blp. 5 p ... . S ••••, M.'•••• , •.•., '2:st ....., •••••, Jame&' M • .sey - Paslor V.. lb Ho ....:n , .... IG:I~ a.m., ll:~O . .... editor of The Dally Iowan In the E.. n,.Il.Il. S.... ,..,. 713. , .... This position entails man· newsroom, Room 201. Communl­ Su "day sohool, 10 ".m. • Wo"hIJ, II a.m . H. PATaIOK·. CRU.CJI agement work in office and • f elations Center not later than 2 Fr •• M.lhodbt Youth , 7 p.m. F.EE METHODI!!T CHAPIL EVl.nrelistic urvite. 1:!W p.m. 2%4 E. Ceart ~t.. Fender mailroom, olso supervision of ".m. '1'IIursday for publication 811 TId .. An. T ...... P. J. 0' ••111, ...... • Tbe aeo. J.llle. P. Ill..... ,. •••01 •• TlI.e .ev. H. Y. P.c..... all and 35 carriers. Saturday. The Dally Iowan reo IIIETHODIST CHUIlCR SD.Ia, 8 ...... 1. " •••• Tla. Iln. Willi •• F. Da ...... t..1 Applicants should hove rea· .' :..feuon and Dub.que SlI. 1II •• lln,. 10 • •10 . s •••• , M ...... 8ra a.ra., 1:11 ..... se"ts the rlrM to edit all no· Or. L. L. Dunnlnrton .. MI.lst.r r ... M.lh.dln l'nth, 1 p.m. t:4~ a ..... II •.m . sonably light course load, since Ucta. E~war. Pblllip •. A• ••• lal. MIDI.I., E ..Dta, 8 ...1 .... 1:110 .... W.elr it been worked on in Cyprus for 20 ~crates, the grea~ Athem~n t fJeiI, who is 82 and an attor~ey will mean a chance 10 meet Girl , . philosopher, wrote noUllng. Our m· for guitar. b4,( ptactlced law at Cresco since Scouts and Girl Guides from aU years, one can t establis\h se· [ormation about his personality .*1 , wtth the exception of the over the I"orld who wlll have gath· quence of cultures through tombs," al)d doctrine cO\lles chiefly from tM\ci ',be has spent in public office. ered there to enjoy thc mountain he ~aid . "What we needed was a the works of Plato and thc "Me, (Ie- Is a former county attorney, climbing and other outdoor sports. SUI PHYSICISTS WATCH INSTRUMENTS recording data on the settlement with stratified reo morabilia" of )l:enephon. TICKETS: First 15 rows $2.00; )[aill LOie $1.50; .tile 8enat()r, and district judge, To L.nd in Germ.ny flight of b.lloons relened from lowl CIty Thursday to ch.ck cOlmic mains." ., The girls p1au to land in Ger· ...y .ctivity. Left to right are George Ludwig, Carl Mcllw.ln, Ernest The Missouri expedition founa Balcoll!! $1.00 Ih ( many, where a good friend will be C. Ray lind Frink McDonald. walls of field stone in one area , "(', that were traced by floor levels iW;U enler waiting to show them her country. ,;'! ' rn this way Gudrun Weinacht, 20· to Alaska this summer. They will CI'cr a period of 100 ycars - 2300 MAIL 1 year-old German Girl Scout, will camp out all the time, traveling up B.C, to 2200 B.C. ORDERS ODE BUSINESS OFFIOE be able to ropay the girls of tho the Alcan highway. A Friendship T his preliminary excavation ".' ed M I• Cardinal Council Cor their hospital· 'The Roughe.t' proved the value o( further opera· N • OS • Ity to her on her month·long visIt "It will be Ole roughest trip tions in the Cypru.s area, Weinberg 'runlte: { . 7 . to lheir C41mp near Iowa City last we've taken so (ar," Mrs. tarson concluded. Plan Set Up JACK PAYNE'S Plans are lmderway for in­ Englert. Ends Tonitel 'u;:' 5' II nessma n sUGmmudruern' came to the United said.girls onShe all hastheir accompaniedtrips. the The Iowa Christian Fellowship, 14 AMBASSADORS I creased 'activity in the area be· Joseph Van , , States to obscrve methods of girl But the girls have lots oC ex peri. cause ' Cyprus settlements are dch 8", scouting. She was sponsored by a ence and they won't have to waste an ioterdcnominationa1 group, set COTTEN JOHNSON in lvaried civilizations resulting Lovely PATTI VERNARD * ;::~ b!lildihg with sufficient recrea· world Criendship Cund set up in much time on camping problems. in motion a program for making from migrations, (rom Turkey, Pal· "BOTTOM OF THE BOTTLE" Uilil'I' raeltlties for teenagers is honor of Julliett Low, foutttler of And the same thing will be true foreign students feel welcome on estine and Egypt he. slated. Nest M'ED. -Cl•• m .... p. " Oolor- 11 J the Girl Scouts In America. with the girls who go to Europe. the SUI campus at a mecting Fri· The talk was sponsored by the l'Over "!8-NITE" h.i i~. City necds most, Loren Because oC Gudrun, troop 1 al· Because of the experience they got EDDIE ALLEN Doors Op.n 1:15 p.m. , local businessma1i, told ready knows what kind of camping at Camp Cardinal and on trips like day night. Graduate College and the Iowa So ~ 'j;.ij9usel, & HIS ORCI1ESTRA Jlasonle Luncheon Club Friday. and youth hostci facilities to expect those to Colorado and Canada, they A party for foreign students will ciety of the Archaeological Instl· •• ~ tute of America. :; The only place Io~a City teen. in Germany. During her month will be ready to meet the challenge be given by the Fellowship at 7:30 ," l_, here she told them much about the oC primitive camping in Germany p,m. Friday in thc First Christian ftdf,ldiil \aego;~re to go is to suburban Girl Scout organization In her coun· and of mountain climbing In Switz· Church. "Doors 'IOpen ~1,J\t, 1 cllJbS or to Cedar Rllpids, try and the kind o( camping that erland. In a discussion led by Mrs. 'Ron- Complete New Program I ~ael ' declared. ' was done there. aId Knudtsen, Lloyd Armold and ,1:15" tA81£~4I' NOW ~~~~~r' 5T ARTS TOMORROW • A' new recreation building would No EstlbU.hed Camps Who tl I W k Miss Nada June Fatka, all of Iowa 'JUST TWO "OUTSTANDING HITS!" ~c to Include a ballroom, lIyn:Ulii" -l' For instance, they know that in .5 er 5 or 5 City, it was emphasized that Am· ., mechanical and woodworking Germany there are no established On D.·splay Here erican students should form genu· camps like those they're used. inc friendships with the forcign ~, ping pong, pool and bowling here . . Each night thcy will set up t d t d t t t th SUNDAY!' 1 A print exhibition of thc works oC s u en s an no rea em as a f• cllitlhs, and an auditorium with their camps Crom scratch or will James A. M. Whistlcr and artists separa t e c Iass. a ~atln, capacity of at lcast 1,000 stay in youth hostels. They will _ American and European _ of Miss Fatka said that some Iowa The Eledrifying 5tory And (ierions, he said. probably depend mostly on the lat· the eighteenth and nineteenth cen· City families have been asked to Screenplay By S.U.I.'s Own ter because this will save more , 'Rella,rdlng financing of such a time for sightseemg. turies will be shown until Mareb 23 invite forcign studcnts into their ~ldlng, Housel suggested a com- From Germany, the scouts will in the main gallery of the Art homes. RICHARD MAIBAUM blnatlon of donations and gifts, a go to Switzerland, then on to Building. The group emphasized that stu· (OMPANION fEIlTURE. !l'.uniclpel. bond appropriation and France, the Netherlands, Belgium Whistler, whos \lr,nts are known dents on the campus will have the ..... , insurance money of the recreation and the British Isles. They will for their composition, sensitive val· most direct contact with the for· : 20lIl , ..,,,,,.,., •• " ....., ~uUding destroyed by fire in Jano- probably Oy home. lIes and suggestive lines, was born eign students in the classroom and AfY. 1155. Will these 16 and 17.year-old girls in this country but spent most of in the housing units. t ffA Ma.., C!tled Peter" WHEN _THAT PHONE. The bnlldlng could be construct. be able to stand up under the his ~tistic life in London, where Mrs. Knudtsen emphasized the eel jointly with a city hall, police grueling pace of extended traveling he hyed for nearl): 50 year,s. He ' importance oC keeping onesel! in· ~ CINEMA$cope itation and firehouse, whlch com. in Europe? was mstrumental 10 upholdmg the Cormed about thc countries of his " RINGS - RANSOMI ~hJ.Uon would have about $100,0- PI.t Experience philosophy ~f "art for ar.t's sake." foreign student friends and "show . ,.... , ...... » ...... 000, Hqusel said. Mrs. Hugh Carson, cxecutive dir. "A~ong hiS ~o~,ks on display are ing appreciation (or the culture .,' "'ware of the CI'~' S press1l\' g necd ector DC Cardinal Council, thinks B1UlOg~~~~, The Old ,Y'.?man they represent and a willingness to n th ill bee the ill h in Rags, Adam and Eve, Soup learn Crom them' ~r a,new jUnior gh school, Hou· ey w . ause y wave for Three Sous," and "Rother· =-~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'__ iiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiili ..., said tbat the city could not af. had at lea~t four years of camping hithe, " r SF.;ry t['\A~Z iprtt simultaneous construction of experience and the chance to go on Among other prints shown are: The Doctors Back • , • ~ a,. school and recreation unit. several trips in this country, vary· Johann BartJiold Jongkind's "Ant. Funnier Than Doctor •• 1 ing from three days to three weeks. , h P II' "I{ I In The House •... ~;.l~c Continued that "it is possib e Girl Scouts Crom Cardinal Coun. werp, ' Josep enne . s a ny JENNIFER JONES I , Suspense, .. ter:"t\ie school facilities to pinch ell, which includes Johnson, Wash. Night, Charing CrosS Sllops," and ACADEMY AWARD Excitement. .. 61 for,. few years, but we have ington 'and 10Y411 Counties, can "RaiJway Encroachment" by Sir wHAT A CIl~W. , .' as sensational facilities to pinch spend 10 days at Camp Cardinal, WI/AT A C/lUIgE., NOMINEE FOR J\ofIIj~,recreatlon;more." just of{ U.S. Highway 6 /lhout two fF~ran;:c;is~Se~y;n=,o=u~r:H~a~d=en='=~:l,--- WHAT as "Blackboard · r' ".------miles west of Iowa City, as soon ~ ." I:AU6H. lunale" .•. Qul% 3 Youths as they are 10 years old. "BEST ACTRESS" • Every Ye., as electrlfyln, In Gas Thefts As Car as Mrs. Carson knows, DON'T MISS "MISS DOVE" as Cardinal Council is the only Girl "Trial"! • Johnson coUnty Sheriff Albert J. Scout area whose scouts have a "rho Oay... ' and I jIf." HU.,I... Sh .... s AI 1:30, K,311 , l.pat> Murphy Friday Q&lestioned chance to take . extended trips ~::3 . 7:': •• ,. 9:':0 p.m. 'v c ...e.y .r 'b. 'LA T FEATURE' three youths in connectJon with ever~ year. Most councils plan (or 'hat , •• U:4U \1 , 81, psoline thefts from {arms in the a triP onJy every three or four ~¥Dty. years, il they undertake such a " dENNIFER .. - ~.. f tb ths' project at all. )aentlty 0 C you was not The trips began eight years ago , ! ," ,' .JONES ~. They were not held, with a Sightseeing tour to St. Louis. MurphY, 8ta~. ~d no charges Since then, girls Crom Cardinal ~ Jive been CUed Council have made two trips to Murphy reported the youths are Canada, two to Colorado. two to Preml.r. to A Goa boUeved have taken ,bout 70 MeJC;ico, one to Washington, D.C". Morning. \' .-u~ of gasoline over a period of and one to Minnesota. . \inMl IIId stored it ulider a road About 30 girls are planning to '0 'M~ Miss Dove! 1!fidIe in the county. Murphy I "'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ tIliJIb the las, whlc:h wa, later 1111 ~ ~u:U~e~~' was stolen In r/aila ·10"1 ...... __ Ea •• 111 ••'.,.

,,_ ' MeotIM , rit \1f'/ l',t Y I I ~ t Ill~IC 'ODD • calOL yltlerie D_ DIRK BOGART ,MARCH .,.,,1.1 , POi YOUR ..IICA • •••AM' --.- ~ . -. - .. --- ·Splcy, racy an4 ••IClnE IUDOT PIN ATE PARTIES hilarl.uslw lRENDA DE IANIIE T.... M:.~~:I ~ y, Pall, Mi,'!f iii e JAMES IOIE.ISON JUSTICE GLENN FORO DONNA REED . , .. ,, ~'It'. Defl"lt~ly, ', ' "1'ICIT-I.OR; • "Dr, Jekyll & ,Mr, M.use" - Clrteen • ,L!WIt N.wI J ~*tif,JmI1Yitt ,', "-0. For · NEXT' A,.,..ACTIOW f . W",' ARTMU~ KIINN.Dff. " , , . J"nlot"·' CAPITOL AtADI¥Y AWARD HOMIN •• ':'IST\ SU,PORTING ACTOR" Y.. E·SI ' iXTRA • SPORT REEL .• TECHNICOLOR CARTOON "THE BENNY GOODMAN STORY" II Comh,. Ta !',~ 'nll,rtl , \