Vance: (Over the MTAC feed) You tell Gibbs to call me when he arrives. Macy: You can tell him yourself. (Gibbs enters) Vance: Gibbs. Gibbs: Hello Director Vance. Vance: I know how excited you two are about working together. I told Sec Nav I have my best people on this case. A lot of nervous people at the Pentagon. Don't make me come out there.

Nate: (referring to Gibbs) You should have slept with him way back then. Whenever then was. I was probably in Elementary School, yeah. Macy: How do you know I didn't? Nate: I can tell you right now... Macy: Don't answer that! Nate: Okay. Cool. Macy: You scare me. Nate: Yep. Macy: Leave.

Callen: Is there a reason we're not meeting in a bar right now? Gibbs: Well yeah, it's 10 o'clock in the morning. Callen: I don't know what's worse: getting older or getting wiser.

Macy: Why do you want to know? Callen: Just looking out for my family Macy: G, you don't have any family. Callen: That's cold, Mace. Macy: But true. Callen: Gibbs is family... You too.

Callen: I'll just ask Gibbs about what happened. Macy: Yeah, let me know if you do... I want to be there to see him sit you on your ass.

McGee: (after Sam sends Abby a photo using a giant touch screen) Oh I really gotta get one of these. Sam: You got problems.

Nate: It's called a legend. It's a word coined by the Stasi, the East German Secret Police during the cold war. Now their idea was to create a cover so deep it could stand up to any scrutiny: passports, documents, work papers, even family histories. And none of it true. All a... a legend. Legend: Part 2 [edit] Macy: As I'm sure you're aware foreign intelligence agencies are not authorized to act within US territorial borders. I would *hate* for your actions to cause an incident... by staying here any longer, Rivkin. Rivkin: We each have our job to do. Macy: Yours is done. Go home!

Nate: You worked a case together? Macy: You could say that. It was a JAG-man investigation. A murder. I was the lead investigator. Nate: And Gibbs? Macy: Gibbs was the suspect.

Eric: Every phone call, credit card transaction, internet search, all swallowed up and stored on hard drives so people can troll them for personal information. McGee: You mean like we're doing now? Eric: Yeah, that's okay cause we work for the government. Got a National Security letter to prove it.

Gibbs: Whose boat is this? Renko: I have no idea. Gibbs: Hey! Sand with the grain Renko. Renko: You've done this before? Gibbs: Yeah.

Sam: You think she's involved? Callen: They were sleeping together. She's involved whether she knows it or not. Sam: Yeah. Season 1 [edit] Identity [1.1] [edit] Hetty: Expense accounts; yours are six months behind. I would have thought that seeing you had time off for recuperation, you would have caught up on your paperwork Callen: Please tell me you're kidding me, Hetty. Hetty: Well, I could but it would be a lie. No rush; tomorrow will be fine...

Hetty: Wardrobe for your undercover work. I know you grew up in the well meaning but cold embrace of the welfare state, Mr. Callen, but just because you're an orphan doesn't mean that you have to dress like Oliver Twist. Callen: In the three years we known each other, you've never called me "G". Hetty: It's not a name, it's a letter.

Callen: What are we? If anyone asks. Sam: Uhh, city inspectors Callen: No, no one talks to city inspectors Sam: Okay, you're a realtor and I'm your client; you're showing me an apartment. Callen: Do I look like a realtor? Sam: Okay, I'm a realtor and you're the guy looking for an apartment. Can we go? Callen: Would I live in a place like this? I don't even know if I can afford a place like this. Sam: That's why I'm showing you to see if you'd wanna live in a place like this. Callen: Does it have a Jacuzzi? Sam: If it has, I'm going to drown you in it.

Callen: Where are we with friends or lovers? Sam: There is this one stand out guy. Callen: Friend or lover? Dominic: Not really the question that jumped out at me. Callen: Informed guess? Dominic: He's a six foot three, two hundred pound, Special Forces paratrooper guy. Leaning towards a friend. Sam: Good call, Dom.

Sam: I'm definitely getting you a birthday card this year. Callen: Great. Make sure you put some money in it. Sam: How 'bout I put some personality in it.

The Only Easy Day [1.2] [edit] Hetty: Oh for the love of Gucci!

(Hetty finds Sam punching a bag) Sam: Why does something have to be wrong, can't a guy just get some exercise? Hetty: Pilates is exercise, beating the hell out of something is an aggressive expression of male frustration.

(Hetty finds Dom aggressively punching a bag) Hetty: What is the matter with you men? Dom: Sorry, I was just letting off a little steam. Hetty: Like the little engine that could. I know you lost a target, big deal… it happens… get over it! Dom: So, you heard about that. Hetty: Of course, I heard about it, I know what you ate for breakfast, Sweetie.

(Callen lets Sam go into interrogate Raspen) Nate: This is a bad idea. Callen: Trust me, Doc, sometimes you have to let the big dogs work it out.

Nate: Sam, I know you're angry and you take their action personally, but …… Sam: (Interrupting) Whoaa, Doc, do me a favor and stay out of my head!

Dom: It's hard being the new guy. Kensi: Try being the new girl, they used to make me crawl into air vents, under house just because I was the smallest one, yeah. When was the last time you had to put on a bikini for an assignment, yeah, that's right, try hiding a gun in your thong. Dom: Alright, I'd just never thought of it that way. Kensi: Yeah, well, it's obviously not like that anymore. I mean if you can prove you can protect yourself and protect your team, then they'll let up. If Sam is hard on you in the office it's just because he wants to protect you in the field……… Well of course, either that or he genuinely doesn't like you.

Nate: What is the world coming to when drug dealers aren't even safe in the comfort of their own fortified homes? Hetty: Oh, your professional psychological analysis is an invaluable asset to our team, Nate. Nate: Thanks, Hetty. Hetty: But your stand up needs some work, save it for open mike night.

(Eric whistles and everyone leaves, Dominic--standing with his back turned--doesn't notice) Hetty: Personally, I don't respond to being whistled at like a sheep dog, but Eric seems to have trained the others. So, I suggest you learn the appropriate Pavlovian response. (Dominic has a questioning look on his face) Which is GO!

Sam: SEALs work together as a team. Holgate had the tendency to act like a lone wolf, if you know what I'm talking about. Callen: Actually, half the time I don't know what you're talking about. And the rest of the time, I just disagree.

(Dom stands with his hands raised, unaware that Sam has left.) Hetty: What are you doing? Dom: Training. Hetty: To go undercover as a scarecrow?

Predator [1.3] [edit] Kensi: I'm the best first date girl in town, I mean I bring my A game; funny, flirty, charismatic, tasteful. Sam: Like me. Callen: And the second? Kensi: The second date, antsy, bored, distant, impatient, irritable. Sam: Like G.

Hetty: Few men know how to deal with a smart, strong independent woman. They say they want a soul mate to share their dreams and their hopes with; but all they really want is a substitute mommy. Nate: Okay, as a professional psychologist, I have to completely… Hetty: (interrupting) Nate, sit down! Nate: Cool, I'm going to sit.

Hetty: George Hamilton once told me that what men really love is a woman that plays hard to get… or was it Frank Sinatra? (Eric whistles) Nate: Saved by the whistle.

(Hetty handing out papers) Callen: Mission briefing? Hetty: Sexual harassment guidelines, there's a seminar next week, and it is mandatory even for you, Mr. Callen.

(The team is watching footage of a UAV attack) Sam: How fast can we get that footage off the web? Eric: With or without the cooperation of's legal department? (Sam looks at him) Okay, cutting through the legal tape…. I just crashed their entire server. Hetty: (yelling from her office) Idiot hackers!!! Eric: Uh-oh Callen: Sam, I think we are due in the boathouse. Sam: Walking (Callen and Sam walk away, passing Hetty walking in) Sam: Hi, Hetty Callen: Eric did it. Hetty: I was just watching that viral video with the cats and the trampoline and the site just froze up and crashed on me. Did you have anything to do with that?

Sam: So, what are we this time, a couple of salesmen who got lost, maybe some guys looking for an old college buddy? Callen: How about we're two armed federal agents trying to apprehend a terrorist? Sam: Oh, yeah.

(Hetty walks up behind Callen and Sam) Hetty: Is that blood, Mr. Hanna? Sam: Mostly. Hetty: Yours? Callen: Other guy's. Hetty: Can we bill him? Sam: Not anymore?

Jenson: I don't get close to people on the job. Trust me, you open that door up and you're asking for a needy, whiny slacker of a colleague. Callen: I know exactly what you mean. (After Jenson leaves) Sam: I don't whine, I'm not needy and I don't slack. Callen: Two out of three ain't bad.

Callen: Bad news is our only lead in this case is dead. Good news is you're off the hook for date number two. Kensi: Sure hop on the Kensi abuse train while there's still room.

Callen: (to Sam) You know your ears wiggle when you're trying to avoid a conversation? Its kinda of adorable.

Kensi:(as Razor Mantis) I will consider answering your question once the guy to your left stops IM-ing you about my bra size.

Hetty:(referring to the hackers) These guys have spent more time with their World of Warcraft avatars than real women who aren't called "Mom".

Nate: Whoa, what happened? Callen: Kaleem's dead. Nate: How? Callen: Shot. Sam: Blown up. Dom: You guys are thorough.

Search and Destroy [1.4] [edit] Kensi: So, Caldwell takes Amini out and sets up Flynn to take the fall. Then tortures his foster brother, Chad Ellis, to death. Sam: (to Nate) Shrinks have a term for someone like that, Doc? Nate: Yeah, really screwed up.

Vance: Eric. Eric: Director. Vance: Congratulations on the milestone. Eric: Aw, thank you. (chuckles) (Callen and Sam stare at Eric) Eric: Its Facebook, he's friend number five hundred. He was kinda honored.

Callen: Hey Eric, why don't you make Hetty one of your Facebook friends? Eric: She's friend number 251, she writes me everyday. In Greek.

(Hetty walks up to the group with a shirt.) Hetty: What is this Mr. Callen? Callen: Uh, that is a knit combed cotton. Hetty: With a bloodstain. Callen: I would never bleed on your wardrobe, it had to be a bad guy. Hetty: Good, bad or ugly I don't care. The point is you neglected to tell me about it and now its set long enough so that it might be permanent. Sam: Hetty, it's just a shirt. Hetty: No, no, no, no, this is not just a shirt. This is a Saville Row one hundred percent polished Egyptian cotton hand stitched with pearl buttons. That thing you're wearing is just a shirt. Sam: Yeah, but it's a comfy shirt. Hetty: (to Callen) Your new color scheme is black. Callen: I can live with black.

Eric: A few months ago he friended her. Uh, for you older guys thats the lingo for when someone asks you into their friends list. Sam: Whats the lingo for when someone smacks you with a flip flop?

Callen: (About an origami figure Sam made.) Is that a frog? Sam: Its a swan. Callen: From where, Chernobyl?

(Entering a tattoo parlor) Callen: What was your first like? Sam: Talkin' tats, right? Callen: Yeah, talkin' tats. Sam: San Diego, 16, nervous as hell, didn't really know what to expect. Afterwards I just kinda felt like a man, y'know? I don't know how else to explain it. (Sam licks his lips and smiles) Callen: We're talking tats, right? Sam: Yeah.

Callen: (to Nate) So, you don't have squat. Nate: I'd say it's more of a broad spectrum of possibilities. Sam: Yeah, that's what they call squat. Killshot [1.5] [edit] Sam: I guess they're still working on your office. Nate: Yup. Sam: Know when it's going to be ready? Nate: I don't know. Sam: Who knows? Nate: Hetty. Sam: You wanna ask her? Nate: You're armed, you ask her. Sam: You're the psychologist. Nate: Look, I've been trained to profile suspects and brief you guys on operations. And with three years of college, not to mention two more years to get my masters and doctorate and when it comes to Hetty ..... Clueless.

Callen: He's a bureaucrat, Sam thinks I have a deep-seated suspicion of them. Vance: I'm a bureaucrat, Agent Callen. Callen: I don't have a deep-seated suspicion of you, uh, Director.

(Callen, Sam and Jimmy dive for cover behind a car as an assassin fires at them.) Sam: You want to peak your head over and take a look? Callen: I'm good.

Hetty:And the duress word is...? Dom: Uh, uh. Hetty: He who hesitates... is lost, Dominic. In your line of work... dead. Dom: Uh, "shadows." Hetty:And with the utterance of that single word the cavalry will race to the rescue. Let's hope they don't get caught in traffic.

Dom: Oh sh…. Oh.. Uh, guys, I think I lost a button. Sam: You lost a button? Dom: Camera button. Nate: Whoa, whoa, you lost Hetty's camera button? Sam: (shaking head) Where'd you lose it? Dom: If I knew then it wouldn't be lost. Callen: Well, it's gotta be around here somewhere. Sam: We've got to find that button. Nate: How could you lose Hetty's camera button, I mean… Sam: (pointing) Just look under there (Callen, Sam, Nate and Dom begin looking around the scene.) Dom: Oh, nooo, Hetty's going to kill me. Keepin' It Real [1.6] [edit] (Discussing Agent Giordano) Callen: I don't date law enforcement. Sam: I think you might want to make an exception this time. Callen: Sam, you know the rule, if they've got their own handcuffs, I'm out.

(Dom and Eric looking at busty woman on surveillance video) Dom: Whoa! Eric: Hel-lo! Hetty: If only your vocabularies could be augmented as much. (walks away) Dom: Busted.

Hetty: Take her out to dinner. After the case is over. Callen: Agent Giordano? Hetty: Hmm and take Sam the next night, you know how he gets. Pushback [1.7] [edit] Vance: Somebody's been watching you Agent Callen. I why. Anything you might have forgotten to tell me about? Callen: Not that would explain this.

(Nate and Kensi are whispering in Hetty's office.) Kensi: Where does she get this stuff? Nate: None of it is redacted, not a single word. Kensi: What if she is the redactor? Nate: There is a scary thought. Hetty is the cleaning house for censored government documents cleared to the public.

Sam: You got a plan? Callen: Yeah, How about we kick in his door and ask him why he is the only one of us that didn't get shot? Sam: I've used that one before. It's a very effective plan.

Kensi: So how does a former KGB agent end up so wealthy, so fast? Hetty: Because he knows where the bodies are buried. (pauses) Most likely because he's the one who buried them. Ambush [1.8] [edit] Eric: (calling down to the team) Hetty wants you upstairs. Oh and she said one point for whoever gets up here first. (Sam, Callen and Renko all run up the stairs, once in the operations room Hetty's not there.) Sam: (to Eric) Are you playin' us? Because you'd better not be.

(Hetty's on the speakerphone, briefing the team when Callen puts the phone on mute.) Callen: Am I the only one who thinks this is weird? Eric: Oh, yeah, we all think it's weird Callen: Just checkin'. (un-mutes phone) Hetty: I heard that Mr. Callen.

Vance: (greeting Hetty) Welcome to DC, Henrietta. Hetty: Director Vance, door-to-door service, how out of character. Vance: Well people can change and I owe you one, big time. Hetty: You do, especially for forcing me to leave the children in charge. Vance: How much trouble can they get into in eight hours?

(Phone rings, Eric answers.) Eric: This is Eric. Hetty: It's good to hear you still know who you are. Eric: Ah, Hetty, you having a good time in Washington? Hetty: The last person to have a good time in Washington was General Jubal Early in 1864, he was attacking it at the time.

(Callen's fumbling for something as he is chained to a stove with Sam.) Callen: That bobby pin. I started wearing it in the 90s. I haven't used it since then. Sam: That's the most well trained display of standard operating procedure I've ever seen from you.

(To reach Callen inside the militia camp, Sam lets himself and Callen be captured.) Callen: You wanna explain yourself? Sam: Explain myself? I saved your skinny ass. Callen: Let's see, I had a gun and a hostage before you got here. Now I'm chained to a stove with a concussion, that's a nice save. Sam: Ten more seconds, you'd have a dozen new bullet holes in you. Callen: Now what? Sam: I was hoping you had some ideas. Callen: I'm thinking I want my gun and my hostage back.

Callen: (looking at a teenage militia member) You've got to be kidding me. I'm being shot at by a Jonas Brother... And I think I'm about to meet the rest of the family.

Callen: You know that was really stupid coming in to get me. Sam: You're calling me stupid? You wanted to "Butch Cassidy" me. You wanted to run for it. Callen: Yeah, it wasn't my best idea. Sam: You wanted to "Custer's last stand" me. You want to "Alamo" me. Callen: You going to put that in your little report, with color-coded tabs? Sam: Yeah, tabs marked "Dumb ass idea". Callen: Nice job, Special Agent Hanna. Sam: Aah, you said it. You feel good? Callen: Nah, it cheapens the work. Random on Purpose [1.9] [edit] (Callen walks in, sees the office has been re-organized, stands and stares.) Sam: Morning, G. (Notices the office.) When did that happen? Callen: Don't know. Kensi: Morning, guys. (Notices the office.) Whoa, who did this? Callen: Don't know. Kensi: Where's our stuff? Callen: Don't know. Sam: Think it's safe to go in? Callen: Don't know.

(Discussing the office remodeling.) Kensi: Could be one of Nate's psych experiments. Sam: I'm not one of Nate's lab rats.

(Still discussing the office remodeling.) Nate: Organization and productivity are directly related. Cleanliness is next to…….efficiency. Kensi: So, you moved our stuff? Nate: I tried to stop her. Callen: Hetty. She's the only one... (Callen pauses as Hetty walks up.) Hetty: Continue, Mr. Callen, continue. Callen: ...With the authority. Hetty: Nate, if your comment that "They might be miffed" constitutes trying to stop me, I suggest you learn more forceful techniques of self-assertion. Not that I would have listened.

Vance: I'm sending our top forensics specialist to assist you. Sam: But there are no forensics. Vance: Our forensic expert has a theory about this crime that's, shall we say original. Thinks McEllon is the victim of a serial killer. No other law enforcement agency in this country thinks this killer even exists. Can't say I do either. Callen: And you're sending this person why? Vance: I was ganged up on. (Vance signals for an end to the video conference.) Callen: Who gangs up on the director of a federal agency? Hetty: Oh, you'd be surprised Mr. Callen.

Abby: So, I'm sure Leon has told you I know who killed McEllon. Eric: Wait, you call him Leon? Abby: You don't? Eric: Not successfully. Abby: Give it time.

Callen: (sighing) I'm just curious, why you pressured Vance to send Abby. Hetty: He wasn't buying her "Phantom" theory. He needed goosing. Callen: So, you want us chasing "The Phantom"? Hetty: Mr. Callen is that what you think? Callen: I don't know. There's...There's been some meddling around here. And I'm a little fuzzy on the command chain. Hetty: This case lacks forensics. As your Operations Manager, I procured for you our best scientist to help you. You, as the head agent, are free to pursue whatever theory of crime makes the most sense. There's no fuzziness, Callen. You still shoot the ducks. I just row the boat.

(Callen and Sam are following a suspect.) Callen: Now is that a casual walk away or is that an 'I see two guys who may be law enforcement' walk away?

(Callen and Sam are discussing options of how to get into a building through the sky light.) Callen: Miami? Sam: No, Miami was half the height and we still got all busted up. Callen: One of us may land soft enough and get the shot. Sam: Yeah, if one of us is Peter Pan.

Brimstone [1.10] [edit] (Nate walks in wearing a suit and tie.) Sam: Oh. Mr. GQ, what's up with the big boy clothes? Callen: Huh, what, has somebody got a big date? Nate: No. Sam: Mommy in town for the holidays? Nate: No, thank goodness. Callen: Job interview? Sam: You're leaving us? Kensi: Uh, who, who's leaving us? Callen: Nate's got a job interview. Kensi: Where? Nate: Nowhere, I don't have a job interview. I just thought I would dress up today. Callen: Uh-huh, you backed into Hetty's Jag. Sam: Again. Nate: NO! And don't even kid about that.

Kensi: God, I love men in suits. Sam: And uniforms. Callen: And costumes. Kensi: When did I date anybody who wore a costume? Sam: What about the pirate guy? Callen: Didn't he make you wear a milkmaid outfit? Kensi: That was for a Renaissance fair and I was a wench. Callen: So much better.

(Nate approaches Sam who is working on a bomb at his desk.) Nate: Wow, um... Shouldn't you be working on that somewhere a little more secure? Sam: Like where? Nate: Uh, I don't know a room with armor-plated walls comes to mind. Sam: Lights good in here. Nate: I will buy you a lamp. Sam: King said it was defused. He seemed to know what he was doing. Nate: The million dollar question is do you know what you're doing?

Callen: (About Nate's tie) Full Windsor? Nate: Really? Again with the tie? Callen: I had you pegged more as a half Windsor kinda of guy. Nate: Is that supposed to have some sort of meaning? Callen: You're the Psychologist.

(Hetty gives Nate a new tie after he spilled something on his.) Nate: You think I could pull off a bow tie? Hetty: Not without a red rubber nose and those big floppy shoes.

Hetty: (to Nate) You know in my experience if you're patient, sooner or later, the people who need to talk will you out; often under the guise of some other intention. You just have to listen.

(Callen, Sam and Kensi return after completing their mission.) Kensi: Looks like Hetty is still here. Sam: She worries. Callen: Not like she'd ever let us know. Hetty: I had some paperwork that needed to be completed before tomorrow, Mr. Callen; some of us take our paperwork seriously.

(Hetty is sharing how she came by the bottle of scotch the team is drinking.) Hetty: That's what Oliver Reed thought when he tried to make me his special musketeer one night. But he kept his sword in his scabbard and I kept the scotch. Kensi: (Laughs) Looks like you also started without us Hetty!

Hetty: What did you do to your tie? Nate: Oh, I, uh, spilled something on it. Hetty: Ah. Nate: Yeah. Should I get it dry cleaned? Hetty: Well, that's an option. Nate: Soda water? Hetty: Well, I'd recommend donation or incineration, not in that order. Nate: You don't like this tie, it was a gift. Hetty: Obviously not from a loved one. Breach [1.11] [edit] (Callen walks into Hetty's office.) Hetty: I already sent the others upstairs. Callen: Good morning, Hetty. Hetty: Well that's a matter of perspective, Mr. Callen. Uh, I've been doing some accounting and I came a crossed anomaly in your expenses. This is a fourteen hundred dollar restaurant bill from Matsukisa. Callen: Um-hmm, that's from the Miygomi case. Hetty: You mean it's not a mistake? You actually spent fourteen hundred dollars on raw fish! Callen: Not me, my alias Tony Z did. Hetty: Ah, ah, ah and is Tony Z going to reimburse me? Callen: Well, you'll have to ask him. Hetty: Uh-huh Callen: Hetty, when I go undercover as a beach bum, I eat off the Kogi truck. When I'm going after a high roller, I've got to hit it a little harder. Hetty: Try ordering soup, player.

(The team opens a refrigerator and a body falls out.) Sam: Well, he's clearly past his expiration date.

(Hetty has just told the team that they have to back off the case-immediately.) Callen: We're putting together a good case here, a big one. Sam: Hetty, Zafari's up to something, we can't stop now. Hetty: This is coming from "on high". When I say "on high", I mean those with the political venom to end the careers of each and every one of us, including Director Vance. Kensi: I can't believe this, all we need is a little more time. Hetty: I know, I know. If I may slip into the vernacular, "It Sucks". But when you hear from again in an hour or so, you will shut this down. Past Lives [1.12] [edit] (The team is discussing possible activities for their group outing) Dom: How about Disneyland? Kensi: I hate Disneyland. (Sam walks in.) Callen: Kensi hates Disneyland. Sam: The happiest place on earth. Kensi: I have issues with grown men in furry costumes. (Nate walks in.) Sam: Unless it's Thursday night? Nate: What are we talking about? Dom: Quality time with the team. Callen: Apparently it's been too long since we hung out unless there's a corpse involved.

(The team is discussing possible activities for their group outing.) Kensi: Cowboy bar on Sunset? Callen: With the mechanical bull? Kensi: Yeah! Callen: No! Hetty plus mechanical bull plus tequila shots equals bar fight. Trust me I've been there.

(Discussing possible activities for the team outing) Nate: Bowling, it's great competition, builds camaraderie and you get to wear those funny shoes. Sam & Callen: (Unison) No bowling! Nate: Okay, what about the cowboy bar on Sunset? (Hetty walks in) Hetty: Oh, that sounds like fun. Sam: There's a mechanical bull, Hetty. Hetty: Oh, no, never mind.

Callen: Dom? Is that a doll? Dom: Uh-huh no, it's a one of only five hundred Alpha Centauri Imperial Class Guardians Bobble-heads in the entire world. This is not a doll. Callen: You're playing with an alien doll? At work?

Missing [1.13] [edit] (Kensi hands Ty the camera from Dom's car.) Kensi: Ty, could you look at this? Ty: Aw, poor little fellow. Who'd want to shoot you? Kensi: You talk to your computer parts? Ty: Do you talk to your plants when you water 'em? Kensi: Just my orchids, but they can be tricky.

LD 50 [1.14] [edit] Callen (To Hettie): Sam Sees the glass as half full. I see it as half empty; that's why we make a good team. Kensi on the other hand just drinks right out of the bottle, Nate wonders why it has to be glass, and Eric usually breaks the glass by putting his feet up on the table.

Callen: Sam doesn't play well with others and he doesn't like to share his toys. The Bank Job [1.15] [edit] (Sam and Callen enter the office and see a box with a snake on the desk.) Sam: Whoa, not cool. Callen: Definitely not cool. Sam: You want me to handle this? Callen: Knock yourself out. Sam: (Examines the box)It's stuffed, it's a king cobra, and its venom could kill a grown man inside fifteen minutes. Callen: I thought those things were bigger. Sam: Yeah, not so big until he stretches out and locks on to your butt.

Callen: You really have a GSA class six safe in your den? Sam: Told you, I have to keep my valuables safe. Callen: What valuables? Sam: (laughs) I have a mint condition Patrick Ewing rookie card, a football signed by the 1986 New York Giants and the entire run of the Silver Surfer comic book series. Plus, a couple of tickets for the Lakers-Nicks tomorrow night. And they're both spoken for. Callen: What else? Sam: What do you mean, what else? Why does there have to be a what else? Callen: Because that was way too easy. (Sam laughs) And because that is your 'I'm hiding something' laugh. Sam: There is nothing else. Callen: There is definitely something else. Sam: (pulling up in front of a suspect's house) We're here. Callen: That can't be it. Sam: Conversation's over. Callen: Is this a Navy Seals thing? Sam: I'll show you a Navy Seals thing. (They get out of the car) Callen: I'm waiting. Sam: I have a Michael Jackson glove, from the Bad tour in '87. He threw it out in the front row of the Madison Square Garden show. Callen: One of those white gloves? Sam: He was the King of Pop, G. Callen: Yeah. With the sequins? Sam: The King of Pop. Callen: Why was it just one glove and not two? Sam: If you have to ask, you just don't get it.

(Eric is discussing the planned bank heist) Sam: Then why pay a heist crew? Why not hire a hacker? Eric: Because banks have unique security protocols for funds frozen by the FBI. You have to have physical access to the actual terminal to move the money. Callen: But that's never stopped you before. Eric: Well, most hackers don't have access to the toys that I do. I can make us all very wealthy in about two minutes. (Sam & Callen stare at him) I mean if you wanted me to. (They keep staring) Not that you would want me to, not that I would want to. I'm just know.

(The team discusses using Kensi to flirt with the bank's inside man) Kensi: Am I the only one who wonders why there's a suspect in every case who happens to be a bachelor? Nate: Well, seeing as how criminals tend to be male with anti-social proclivities… Kensi: And also wonders why that always seems to be the vector that we go after first? Hetty: The lowest hanging fruit is the easiest to pick, Agent Blye. Chinatown [1.16] [edit] Sam: You don't have a TV, you don't read the newspaper, you clearly don't spend any time getting ready. Callen: Maybe I was working out. Sam: Huh, you don't work out. Callen: I run. Sam: Yeah, when people are shooting at us! Callen: You know what? I slept in. Sam: With who? You barely sleep. Callen: There's nobody. Sam: Come on, I think it would be great for you to be in a relationship. Callen: Sam, how many times do we have this conversation- you're my partner not my mother. Sam: (makes a womans voice) I just want you to be happy and find a good girl.

Sam: What are the chances this isn't a suicide? Eric: I'd say about zero percent. Callen: What do you know that we don't? Eric: Mmmmm.. The words to every TV theme song? Full Throttle [1.17] [edit] Eric: I'm a firm believer that what you drive reflects who you are. Sam: [chuckles] Exactly. Eric: Whatever. Sam: [looking at Callen] The way you drive.

Nate: What Admin Division is encrypted? Kensi: The ones used to cover something confidential.

Sam: Take Kensi. [Everyone looks at Sam] Sam: Yeah, you heard me. I know you're taking PCH. I'm not sitting in traffic. So, I'll find everything I can about Yeoman Rush. You two suck exhaust for the next two hours. Callen: Suit yourself. Come on Kens. Hey, what do you say we, uh, stop for donuts? Kensi: I love donuts. Sam: You didn't say anything about donuts!

Allison Pritchett: Street racing's a growing problem. These kids spend more than the car's worth making them go fast. And for what? Kensi: [looking at Allison's purse] Same reason some people spend their mortgage payment on their purse, I guess.

Callen: I was chasing a suspect! Hetty: Ah. Sam: [looking at the picture] No. That was - that was our day off. You were late picking me up for a King's game. [to Callen] Sam: No donut, no love.

Mr. Loobertz: We put the "cool" in school. Callen: Wouldn't that be "chool"? Mr. Loobertz: The "h" is silent. Callen: [quietly to himself] I'm in Ell.

Sam: You gotta admire their spirit. One tragedy after another, and they just keep moving on. Kensi: You have to otherwise, it eats you alive.

Kensi: Give me a wrench. [Nate hands her a wrench.] Kensi: Whoa! Easy there, cowboy! This baby's suffered enough. Nate: Sorry, didn't know you cared so much. Kensi: Well, what can I say? Grease is my favorite perfume.

Sam: It's just traffic school, how hard can that be? Callen: Remember those Libyans that took us off their troller? Sam: Really? Callen: The Libyans don't sing. Sam: There's singing? Callen: And puppets.

Allison Pritchett: Tokan was James' idea. None of the guys would race a woman. You know guys and their egos.

Omar Alvarez: Hey, what about me, huh? I-I got radiation poisoning. Come - come on. I-I need medical attention. Sam: Hey, hey, hey. I'm gonna give you two of these, okay? [Drops two pills in Omar's mouth.] Sam: Better? Omar Alvarez: Hey man! Those were breath mints! Sam: Never underestimate the importance of good oral hygiene.

Callen: We're only going to get one chance at this. Hetty: [enters] Then let's not screw it up. Having said that, I've made some adjustments to the Challenger. Sam: "My" Challenger? Hetty: It may be your car, Sam. But Uncle Sam pays the gas.

Callen: [after hearing about modifications made to Sam's car.] My car? Hetty: From what we've seen, Mr. Callen. You don't seem to need any help. Callen: I figured.

Nick Stringer: [referring to Sam's car.] What the hell do you have in that thing, dude? Sam: So high above your pay grade, you wouldn't recognize the view. How was your flight? Turn over. Turn over!

Hetty: I hope you guys are better liars out on the street. Callen: Hetty, I'm offended. Hetty: Tough. I've removed the Supercharger from the Challenger. Sam: Why would you do that? Hetty: Oh geeze, I wonder. Blood Brothers [1.18] [edit] (Sam and Callen enter the office, Sam finds a Chinese spear and begins playing with it.) Callen: Do I have to remind you of the nunchuk incident? You get hurt; you're driving yourself to the ER. That's all I'm saying.

Hetty: Go with God, Mister Callen or whoever it is who watches over you. Callen: I have a guardian angel. She's tiny, but very tough.

Callen: You wanna be briefed on this? Hetty: I don't know. Do I? Callen: I can run it by Director Vance, if you prefer. Hetty: Oh Lord, no. One of the reasons I'm here is to protect him as a designated fall guy. 'I had no previous knowledge of the operation, Mister Secretary. That mad woman went off her rocker and acted autonomously.' Callen: You're the first line of defense? Hetty: Yeah, you gotta get by me first.

(Eric blows a whistle from the balcony to the rest of the team) Eric: All hands on deck Callen: (to Hetty) You gave him a whistle? Hetty: Oh, do I look as if I have daft? I'd sooner give a chain saw to a spider monkey. At least I took his Segway away. I'll speak to Mr. Beale. Sam: Sooner than later, okay. Because the next time he toots that thing, he won't be using his lips. Hand to Hand [1.19] [edit] (Hetty asks Deeks to be the liaison between NCIS and LAPD and hands him a file) Deeks: Hmm...Who are you guys?...I mean…I mean...H-how did you get all this information?..I mean the only thing missing here is….. :(She hands him a pen) Hetty: No need to date it. Fame [1.20] [edit] (Kensi and Deeks talking through their earpieces) Deeks: I'm gonna call you Fern, okay? Kensi: Don't you DARE call me Fern! (Deeks walking toward Kensi) Deeks: Fern! Baby girl! Found [1.21] [edit] (Eric is frustrated trying to get information from a wet computer) Hetty: You know I despise your wardrobe, particularly those flip-flops, not to mention you surfboard leaning preciously close to my car. The sand you track into the OPS center or the millions of dollars of top-secret technology you use to play your frivolous video games. Eric: I only left my surfboard near you car once… twice. I don't do it anymore. Hetty: But I tolerate it all, for the most part. And, do you know why, Mr. Beale? Eric: My playful kitten-like personality? I-I don't know why I just said that. I make jokes when I'm nervous… using humor as a defense mechanism. It's a bad habit. I don't even know why I'm still talking. Hetty: I tolerate it because you are unequalled at what you do. I am the way I am because I demand the best. This is an elite unit whose unparalleled success rests on the superior skills of those who work here. And that's why I know if anyone can fix this, it is you. Hunted [1.22] [edit] Callen: You okay? Eric: I'm not comfortable with authority figures. It's why I do what I do, computers don't talk back. Well, I mean technically they can, but even then I can manipulate the voice to make it soothing, if you want. Sexy, even. Callen: Too much information!

Callen: Agents Callen and Hanna, NCIS. Major Medina: Major Rick Medina, Army CID out of Washington. I just got an earful from my boss, who got an earful from your boss. Meaning I'm already prone not to like you guys. Sam: I'm not feeling a lot of love for you right now either. Burned [1.23] [edit] Nate: What's Callen going to do now? Hetty: What he does best. Become a ghost. Sam: Um, so we can't find him? Hetty: Not until he's ready to be found.

Hetty: Oh, Mr. Callen, is this your third cell phone of the day? Callen: I'm keeping receipts.

Callen: What happened to protocol? Hetty: It went out the proverbial damn window. I've been thinking a great deal about your situation. Nate has misgivings about your state of mind. Callen: Well, he's going to have to get in line. Hetty: During this crisis, he thought he should have a gun. Callen: You didn't? Hetty: Perish the thought.

Callen: Eric, I need you to bring our servers back online. I want you to re-activate the computer virus that Keelson introduced to our system. Eric: Are you serious? Callen: Very. Eric: You're asking me to commit technological malpractice. Callen, G [1.24] [edit] Kort: I'm rather fond of Los Angeles, (Looks at Kensi) Maybe I'll put in for a transfer. Sam: I hope not. Season 2 [edit] Human Traffic [2.1] [edit] Hetty: Second unrelated question, do you have plans for this weekend? Nate: Plans? Hetty: Plans. Nate: Uh, are you asking me out? No, that'd be weird. No, no plans.

Eric: Gotta love that bureaucracy. Nate: The bureaucracy we work for? Eric: Like I said, love that bureaucracy. Black Widow [2.2] [edit] Sam: You were a magician once. Callen: Not magician, illusionist. Sam: You bought a white rabbit, G. Callen: It came with the hat. Borderline [2.3] [edit] Callen: I'm all for going green, reducing our footprints, but if Hetty has her way we're going to be reusing our bullets. Sam: She just wants us to recover our brass, if possible. Callen: Reusable water bottles, no more paper towels, no more paper cups, what's next to go? Sam: Saving the planet, G. Callen: Don't come whining to me when she replaces our toilet paper with used post its.

Deeks: I think theres something wrong with you hot water heater Hetty: The showers are on a timer Mister Deeks you cleary went over the recommended amount of time. Kensi: You might want to make an exception in his case Hetty Deeks: I'll have you know I won the hygiene award in high school Eric: What kind of school awards you for bathing? Deeks: I don't know, a sparkly clean one?

Deeks: How certain are you about your tracks? Kensi: I'd bet your life on it. Deeks: awesome...

Kensi: Ready to go for a little ride? (Deeks smirks) On the bikes, Deeks, on the bikes. Deeks: I didn't say anything.

Callen: We did realize he'd just gotten back from.... Hetty: Oh yes. His mission. Sam: which was were exactly? Hetty: The peoples republic of... none of you damn business. Callen: Is that where he learned to shoot? Hetty: No I gave him a few pointers. Sam: apperently the peoples republic of none of your damn business can be a dangerous place.

Callen: What's the safe word? Sam: Headlock. Callen: Really? Use headlock in a sentence. Sam: I wasn't planning on using it.

Hetty: (To Nate as he leaves) Keep you wits sharp, your heart open and your gun loaded. Special Delivery [2.4] [edit] Kensi: Nell's been here less than a week, and has already taken over whistle duties. Eric is not a happy camper. Sam: Ah, he shouldn't worry. It won't be long before she's folding her tent like all the others. Deeks: Because? Callen: Many mysteries of Hetty. For some reason intelligence analysts just seen to rub her the wrong way. Little Angels [2.5] [edit] Standoff [2.6] [edit] Deeks: Hence the ten-year rule. Kensi: Mhm? Deeks: You should always know your partner at least ten years prior to marrying them. You date me for a decade, you deserve my hand in marriage. Kensi: That sounds so much more like a punishment than a reward.

Kensi: Dead guy Deeks Deeks: Now you see that wasn't funny Kensi: Not you idiot, dead guy Deeks: Oh yeah, dead guy... well dressed dead guy. Anonymous [2.7] [edit] Bounty [2.8] [edit] Hetty Lange: "I sense impending mayhem...and perhaps an outrageous petty cash request." G. Callen: "One question." : "Do you trust us?" Absolution [2.9] [edit] Guns are drawn French Intelligence Operative: Federal agents! Don't move! Deeks: LAPD! French Intelligence Operative: NSA! Kensi: NCIS! Deeks: M O U S E! Everyone flashes badges and then puts their guns away French Intelligence Operative: What are you doing here? Kensi: This is our case. French Intelligence Operative: Sebastian Renner was a foreign national with information considered a threat to the of America. Kensi: Still our case. French Intelligence Operative: We don't have to be adversaries, after all we are on the same side. Perhaps we can work together. Have you found anything that might be....[Gets kicked in the gonads by Kensi] Deeks: WHOA!!!!!! [Kensi then puts her knee into the guys face knocking him unconscious and Deeks fights with the guy's partner and wins by body slaming him into a table leaving the partner unconscious. ] What are you doing? You heard the guy! We're on the same side!! Kensi: I'm pretty sure they're not NSA. Deeks: Pretty sure? Because you teed off on him like you were kicking a field goal! Kensi: Deeks! I've got a hunch they're foreign operatives, ok? Deeks: A hunch! You don't kick a guy in his junk on a hunch. Geez! Sometimes I don't even know you! Who does that?

Later, in the boat shed Sam: Where are they now? Deeks: Had my LAPD buddies lock 'em up downtown for a few hours. You know, give 'em a taste of the real LA that's not in the star tours. Callen: They probably have diplomatic immunity. Deeks: That's exactly why we put them in county. I mean they're going to be lucky if they get to make a phone call by Christmas! Sam: Hm. Deeks: Just uh...don't let Kensi interrogate them. Callen: Why is that? Deeks: Well, cause the guy on the right, she kicked him right in the nom de plumes. Sam: No!!!!! Deeks: Guy didn't even have his weapon out! Callen: Really? Kensi: I... Deeks: Uh huh. right in the cul-de-sac. Kicked him so hard it gave me a stomach ache! Kensi: So what! It would have been better if I had pistol whipped him across the face? Deeks, Callen and Sam : Yes! Deliverance [2.10] [edit] Disorder [2.11] [edit] Callen: Dare I ask what we did to deserve this, Hetty? Hetty: Rest assured, Mr. Callen, I never give gifts unless they perfectly suit the recipients. Callen: And perfection struck four times today? Hetty: ...Happy Holidays everyone!

Kensi: Hetty's never given us anything for Christmas before. Why this year? Callen: Exactly. Deeks: Because she knows I like surprises. Sam: You guys ever feel like we're stuck babysitting some kid whose parents won't come to get him - ever.

Sam: No, no, no, no, that's a nice spice rack. Deeks: I know. Sam: I bought it myself. I bought it for Hetty Christmas 2008! Callen: Scented candle? Smells like sage. Kensi: Jasmine...I gave that to Hetty two years ago. Callen: Same scent? Kensi: Same candle.

Sam: I don't run around... giving gifts to just anyone. Takes a cold woman to do me like that. Callen: And you took a lot of thought into that spice rack, and the sweater. Sam: You still have those steak knives I gave you? Callen: ...Yes. Sam: Okay.

Kensi: What if we take him back to the crime scene to jog his memory? Navy Commander Dr. Stanfill: I wouldn't recommend that. There's a strong chance that if he's re- exposed, it'll trigger a major panic episode. Deeks: So we may *never* know what happened in the house last night? Navy Commander Dr. Stanfill: This man has no family and no friends. The trauma he experienced while deployed has driven him into complete isolation. Frankly, forgetting what happened last night may be the best thing for him.

Kensi: (about her ex-fiance) He said life over there was like falling through the sky. Constant rush of adrenaline. Everything felt vivid and real...And coming home to me - coming home to me felt like hitting the ground. And I did - I did everything I could. (Kensi starts sobbing) Kensi: Oh my...I worked with a psychiatrist. I helped with his meds and I listened. I always listened - *always*. It was Christmas morning, I woke up and he was gone. Former Navy Lieutenant Lance Talbot: Where he go? (Kensi shakes her head) Deeks: (from observation) She's - she's playing him. She's trying to get him to open up, right? (Callen and Sam exchange looks)

Former Navy Lieutenant Lance Talbot: You know your ex was right. It's exactly like falling through the sky. And - and that's why what you're suggesting scares me. I already hit the ground when I came back from Afghanistan. What if it happens again? Kensi: I will be right there to catch you.

Deeks: Were you ever tempted to go looking for him? Kensi: Maybe I was hoping one day, he would come looking for me.

Sam: Kensi, I know what you're going through. I've been there. Kensi: I watched Jack...slip away. Maybe I didn't try hard enough. Sam: I don't believe that for one minute. I know what it's like to have someone I care about come back from deployment a different person. Kensi: After all that Talbot's been through, I'm going to do everything in my power to help him! Sam: Kensi, Talbot's not Jack.

Former Navy Lieutenant Lance Talbot: So what do we do now? Kensi: We'll, uh, we do what most families do on Christmas Eve. Deeks: Watch Uncle Bob get drunk and pee in a toaster?

Deeks: Turkey sandwiches for everyone? 'Kensi: Actually, tradition in my house was ice cream and beer. Deeks: Really? Kensi: Don't knock it til you've tried it. Deeks: Oh, I've tried it. Although it was 7th grade and it didn't end pretty for anyone. Unless of course, you like Jackson Pollock.

Kensi: (Waking up after being knocked out) I had a dream. I was um, being visited by the Three Wise Men, and then I saw Deeks.

Deeks: Kensi. Kensi! Kensi: I'm good to go! Sam: I don't think you are. And it has nothing to do with the head wound. Deeks: I'm driving. Kensi: (tosses him the keys) Fine. Scratch my car, I'll Ben Gay your shorts.

Kensi: When he thought I was getting suspicious, he confessed to killing both of them, thinking his PTSD would cover him. I should have seen through it. Callen: LAPD, the entire US Navy, his own psychologist didn't get it. What makes you so special? Overwatch [2.12] [edit] Deeks: The report says it's a home invasion gone bad. Yousef Afzal was killed by blunt force trauma to the head, he was hit, he fell, and then died. Kensi: And then half autopsied. Sam: And then stolen. Callen: That's a bad day, even for a dead guy.

Callen: So why do you steal a dead body? Kensi: Proof of death. Sam: Satanic ritual. Deeks: Cannibalism. [Kensi, Callen and Sam look at him] Deeks: I was just thinking outside the box. Sam: You need to get back in the box. Archangel [2.13] [edit] Deeks: That had better be a real badge, or my partner will kick you in the FBI balls. Lock Up [2.14] [edit] Hetty: (to Sam) There will be a time and a place for what you want. And I promise you; you'll have it. Tin Soldiers [2.15] [edit] Sam: Besides you don't look like a cop. Deeks: All this *gestures at his face* is so I can go under cover. Sam: As what? Shaggy from Scooby-doo? Kensi: He's right, you do kind of look like Shaggy!

Deeks: Well why don't we act like partners to save our partners so you and i don't have to be partners. Empty Quiver [2.16] [edit] Sam: Need to stop this video Eric! Eric: Video's already in the cloud, the auto run script executable is about to go live, I'm almost there.... Sam: Eric!! Eric: Video's been disabled guys. Hetty: What did you just do? Eric: I used a VNC controller to piggyback the upload with a Trojan and corrupt the streaming data packets by initiating the stack buffer overflow. Hetty: (pause) In English, Mr. Beal? Eric: Oh...I broke the Internet. (Nell punches Eric's shoulder)

Kensi: Oh hey, guys! What did Eric do with the video? Sam: He shut down the Internet. Kensi: (looking astonished) What....the WHOLE Internet? Sam: (matter-of-fact) Yeah. Deeks: Even Twitter? Whoa. Personal [2.17] [edit] Deeks: The hospital asked me for my next of kin. Who should I put? Hetty: Lang. Henrietta Harm's Way [2.18] [edit] Eric: (whistles for the team) You hear the shrill, you know the drill!

Deeks: (walking into a suspect's motel room) Ya know, for a guy who lived here for 18 months, he sure doesn't have much to show for it. He's got no big screen flat plasma TV... Kensi: (clicking on laptop) Computer's configured for . Deeks: (opens fridge) No beer. No funky, week-old cloths in the corner. No pizza boxes. This is very un-American. Kensi: (picks up passport) Felix Attino. Colombian. Deeks: That explains why he's un-American, but not why he speaks Arabic. Kensi: (picks up a second passport) This would. A Yemini passport. Look at the name. (passport reads: Saadat Habaza) Deeks: We just found Abdul's brother.

Sam: This isn't the way home. Callen: Nope. Promised Hetty I'd get her a futah. Bright colors. Sam: Better get her two. Imposters [2.23] [edit] Hetty: Being in charge sucks, Mr. Callen. Everyone looks to you for guidance and answers - even when you have none to give. Callen: Well, I've never known you to ever be at a loss for words. Hetty: The true test of a commander is when he is as frightened and confused as those who look up to him. In that moment, when you can't find it in yourself, you will find it in them. That's leadership.

Kensi Blye: [flashing her badge] NCIS. Monica Davis: Excuse me? : Too many letters? Federal agent. ​Season 4 / Episode 17: - Wanted

Sam Hanna: [sarcastically] Thanks for having my back in there, partner. G. Callen: I will take a bullet for you, but wives are a whole other thing. Sam Hanna: I'll remember that. ​Season 4 / Episode 17: - Wanted

CIA Agent Michael Snyder: He also likes blondes. Kensi Blye: All right, I will wear a wig, but I will not dye my hair for this man. CIA Agent Vokstanik Sabatino: Wouldn't help. You're not his type. Kensi Blye: [Long pause] What's his type? [Snyder and Sabatino smirk and look at Deeks] Marty Deeks: No. Really?... Come on! ​Season 3 / Episode 24: - Payback (II)

G. Callen: [about Assistant Director Granger] Sometimes, I really hate that guy. Sam Hanna: Only sometimes? ​Season 3 / Episode 24: - Payback (II)

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: [to AD Granger, about the Chameleon] There's one thing that he should be, but he's not: dead. ​Season 3 / Episode 21: - Touch of Death

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: [greeting Danny and Chin Ho] You are the first outsiders to ever step foot into this operations center. It shows you the severity of the situation. Danny 'Danno' Williams: Well, I appreciate you not blindfolding us. ​Season 3 / Episode 21: - Touch of Death

G. Callen: You've never jumped out of a plane? Danny 'Danno' Williams: No, I've never jumped out of plane on purpose. Of course, I've never been involved in a blood feud, either. How does that happen, exactly? G. Callen: It's a Romani thing. ​Season 3 / Episode 19: - Vengeance

G. Callen: You're right. SEALs wouldn't kill for jealousy. Sam Hanna: But they would kill a traitor. ​Season 3 / Episode 16: - K. Blye

NCIS Assistant Director Owen Granger: Is that a veiled threat, Agent Hanna? Sam Hanna: I don't do veiled. ​Season 3 / Episode 13: - Exit Strategy

Sam Hanna: Scuttlebutt is Granger's gone. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Oh that. G. Callen: Do we need t check your trunk? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: I wish. No, I think this is a temporary reprieve. I think he's off tormenting some other division. He'll come back when he grows bored making their lives a living Hell. ​Season 3 / Episode 13: - Exit Strategy

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: I wouldn't think any less of you if you decided to sit this one out, Mr. Hanna. Sam Hanna: I don't sit things out. ​Season 3 / Episode 13: - Exit Strategy

Nell Jones: You get a hit on the SUV? Eric Beale: Kaliedescope's got nothing. You'd think that a car with front end damage and bullet holes in the windshield would make this easier. Nell Jones: This is L.A... ​Season 3 / Episode 13: - Exit Strategy

Marty Deeks: The real question is: do you think you were born a tomboy or did you become one because your father really wanted a son? Kensi Blye: You did *not* just say that! ​Season 3 / Episode 13: - Exit Strategy

Sam Hanna: [after Sam waterboards a suspect] What do you think? G. Callen: I think you scared the Hell out him. In fact, you were starting to scare me... Sam Hanna: That was the point. G. Callen: Point taken. ​Season 3 / Episode 13: - Exit Strategy

G. Callen: He's got a grenade! Marty Deeks: Oh come on! Who does that? Alex Elmslie: I appreciate your help, but I can't come in with you. I only have *12 hours* to find my family! Kensi Blye: What if you don't? Marty Deeks: I don't have much of a choice. Sam Hanna: Are you really prepared to kill Jada? Marty Deeks: ...Please don't try to follow me. I'm sorry. [Alex puts down the grenade and runs away] ​Season 3 / Episode 13: - Exit Strategy

Sam Hanna: What are former French Operatives doing in our country, period? Marty Deeks: You'd think they'd have learned their lesson after Kensi kicked one of their ferers in the croissants. Kensi Blye: You know it. ​Season 3 / Episode 13: - Exit Strategy

Sam Hanna: Eric. Eric Beale: I know. I know. We're running out of time. Just cause I make it look easy, doesn't mean it is. G. Callen: Yeah, we know that. Just - relax and take your time, okay? Just - not too much time. ​Season 3 / Episode 13: - Exit Strategy

Eric Beale: Just promise you won't... hurt me if it doesn't work. Sam Hanna: Have I ever hurt you, Eric? Eric Beale: No. Sam Hanna: There could always be a first time. ​Season 3 / Episode 13: - Exit Strategy

Tahir Khaled: [to Sam during a video chat] I would never allow anyone to harm my sister... No, when Jada dies, it will be at my hands - as will you. ​Season 3 / Episode 13: - Exit Strategy

Sam Hanna: Everything that's happened... everything we've been through... I had no choice. Jada Khaled: I am trying to understand. I wish I could. ​Season 3 / Episode 13: - Exit Strategy

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Sooner or later our sins seem to catch up to us. Night Mr. Callen. ​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

Marty Deeks: You uh, you missed a - button. Kensi Blye: Oh. You heard the guy. He was this close to giving up his partner. I had him eating out my hand. Marty Deeks: How's that? Kensi Blye: Just drive. ​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

Assistant Director Owen Granger: Special Agent G. Callen. G. Callen: Who are you? Assistant Director Owen Granger: The direct approach. You know, that's an interesting approach, unless of course, you're walking into a trap. ​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

Assistant Director Owen Granger: That's great. You brought your entire team with you. Unfortunately, it makes it so much easier to blow you all up. [Callen tackles Granger. Sam points his weapon at Granger] Sam Hanna: Twitch - I shoot. Assistant Director Owen Granger: Is that a catchphrase? ​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

Assistant Director Owen Granger: I wanted to see this team in action. Sam Hanna: You almost saw this team kill you. Assistant Director Owen Granger: That would've been awkward. ​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

G. Callen: Nell is an I*ntelligence Analyst - not an agent. If someone's going undercover, it should be one of us. Assistant Director Owen Granger: It's a think tank, Agent Callen, not a cartel. Miss Jones has the training. And besides having an IQ? that's higher than your combined credit scores, Miss Jones was actively recruited by Brendell Research along with other think tanks before winding up here. It's what we call a "no brainer."... Keep me updated. [Granger starts to leave. As he passes Kensi] Agent Blye, I'd like to speak to you about your recent trips to Hawaii when you get the chance. ​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

Eric Beale: So Assistant Director Granger, are you moving to the west coast permanently? Assistant Director Owen Granger: They don't let you out much do they, Beale? Eric Beale: Why do say that? Assistant Director Owen Granger: Lucky guess... That and you kind of remind me of one of those Twlight kids. ​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

Assistant Director Owen Granger: I'm here for a lot of things. Conventional wisdom is great when you're fighting a conventional enemy. But that's not the case anymore. Sam Hanna: Hetty has more skill, wisdom than any of us could hope for. Assistant Director Owen Granger: You know, your loyalty would be admirable if it weren't operationally unsound. If I had been a real enemy, I could have killed the lot of you last night because of that blind loyalty. G. Callen: Had you been an enemy, Hetty would've had your head on a stick before we got here. Assistant Director Owen Granger: Yeah? Well, I'm well aware of the urban legend that is Henrietta Lange. Folklore belongs in the history books. Like it or not, the old guard is changing, gentlemen. Now one of you can rise up and meet the challenge, or I'll find someone who can. ​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

Eric Beale: [after Nell says she'll go to lunch with JT] What? This guy could be a serial killer for all you know. Nell Jones: Hmmm. [Nell rubs her ear/earpiece causing feedback. Eric screams] JT: You okay? Nell Jones: Yeah, I just have this buzzing in my ear. Eric Beale: This is *so* going in my Operations Report. ​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

Assistant Director Owen Granger: I was referring to your ability to mesmerize your staff into believing your the second coming. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: My staff is a complimentary group of independent thinkers. And you would be wise to not let your personal vendetta cloud your judgment of them - or me. Assistant Director Owen Granger: Is this where you quote Sun Tzu in a thinly veiled threat? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: I'll leave the cliches to you, Owen. Assistant Director Owen Granger: Your remaining time would best be spend getting your affairs in order, Henrietta... I'm not afraid of you. [Granger leaves] Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: That was your first mistake.

​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

Marty Deeks: Looks like I'm going inside. If I'm not back in 10 minutes, it's cause I'm in trouble or I'm getting a bikini wax. Kensi Blye: [to Callen and Hanna] Welcome to my world. ​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

Marty Deeks: It's just if - you uh- I don't know, you want to ever talk about it. I know a thing or two about fathers so... Kensi Blye: [pause] You *shot* your father! Marty Deeks: *One* time, all right? It's not like I killed the man. [Kensi scoffs then chuckles] I didn't say I was an expert. I just meant that... ​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

G. Callen: [after Granger leaves with the suspect] This is my fault. Sam Hanna: How do you figure? G. Callen: I should've let you shoot him. Marty Deeks: It's probably not too late if you run out there. ​Season 3 / Episode 12: - The Watchers

G. Callen: [about Granger] He's here to stay ,isn't he? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: He's here definitely. How long he stays remains to be seen. G. Callen: Should I be worried about you? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Not as much as he should be. G. Callen: I don't suppose you want to tell me the story of you two. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: It's still being written. G. Callen: I hope it has a happy ending. [Callen leaves] Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: ...Not bloody likely. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

G. Callen: Never commit a crime in a Gremlin. Sam Hanna: Driving a Gremlin *is* a crime. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

G. Callen: All right. There must be other toy ponies. Sam Hanna: You don't get it. She talks. She flaps her wings. And she responds to 30 commands. Kensi Blye: OH! Five more than Deeks. Marty Deeks: [Deeks enters] How's that? Talking about me? ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

Sam Hanna: Anyone want to hurt you? Professor Gareth Carlyle: Yeah, my wife. But she'd use the car bomb. She's Irish. It's a bad joke. She's a bit of a fiery red head, and we're not together any more. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

G. Callen: If Eric can't find it, no one can. Sam Hanna: He couldn't find my car either. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

Sara Carlyle: Unfortunately, the commission decided that EMP was a remote possibility. Nothing to worry about. Kensi Blye: Our entire country runs on vulnerable electronics. Sara Carlyle: But it would cost billions to protect us. My dad's research is good. It's just being ignored. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

Marty Deeks: Whatever happened to keggers and toga parties. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

Marty Deeks: Something tells me that Chester didn't get enough hugs. Kensi Blye: Yes, that's exactly where I keep my grenades - next to my crackers. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

Kensi Blye: Did you not take High School Physics? Marty Deeks: I was pretty much focused on Marcia de Luka's skirt. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

Marty Deeks: You know what? This isn't going to work. I got shy bladder. Kensi Blye: Deeks! Pee or perish! ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

G. Callen: Never commit a crime in a Gremlin. Sam Hanna: Driving a Gremlin is a crime. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

Nell Jones: Ugh. It's my mom again. She's wondering why everyone's home but me. Eric Beale: What do you tell them? Nell Jones: Working. I'm a TV News Editor. What about you? Eric Beale: Professional Blackjack Player. Nell Jones: Really? Eric Beale: True - until I got banned from Vegas. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

Eric Beale: Did I just meet your parents? Nell Jones: Guess so. Eric Beale: What have they heard about me? Nell Jones: Well, [Eric's station beeps] Ooo, you got a hit. Better call Sam. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

Sam Hanna: Eric, auction's over. Tell me we got it. Eric Beale: Have you ever considered Legos? Sam Hanna: How about I break your legos? ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

Sam Hanna: 25 million people without power. Kensi Blye: For how long? Professor Gareth Carlyle: A month or two. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: If we're lucky. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

G. Callen: Trust me. There is no Parker Pony in this box. And even if there was, you really going to take it from a needy child?... Really? Sam Hanna: I'll leave money in the box, G. I... ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Mr. Callen, Mr. Hanna, should you find yourselves on the roof, there will be no air support. A helicopter would drop like a stone in an EMP. I hope you have a Plan B if you can't stop this thing from firing. G. Callen: Sam's working on Plan B. Sam Hanna: I'm working on Plan A. You're working on Plan B. G. Callen: We're still working on Plan B. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Is that so? Well, I hope it doesn't involve me identifying both of you from your dental records. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

G. Callen: Well, maybe Santa will bring it to her. Sam Hanna: Maybe I'll tell her Uncle Callen said he'd get it for her. "It's okay baby girl, Uncle Callen didn't mean to let you down." Marty Deeks: That's messed up! G. Callen: You wouldn't. Kensi Blye: You shouldn't! Sam Hanna: Ho ho ho. ​Season 3 / Episode 11: - Higher Power

Eric Beale: Guys, you're not going to make it! G. Callen: What are you doing? Sam Hanna: Using the liquid nitrogen. I want to make sure this blows before it can trigger. G. Callen: We're going to have to go to Plan B. Sam Hanna: I hate Plan B! ​Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Sam Hanna: Gotta say. Fisk does have swagger. G. Callen: Swagger? Sam Hanna: Panache. Chutzpah. Flair. That undefinable "it." Float like a butterfly. Sting like a bee. The kind of style that can't be taught, G. Game recognizes game. G. Callen: Float after me, butterfly. Sam Hanna: And haters gonna hate. ​Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Kensi Blye: How you holding up? Marty Deeks: Well, I shot my dad when I was 11. Shot a lot more guys when I was a cop - and all of them deserved it. Life or death situations - until today. Kensi Blye: The guy was a Neo-Nazi murderer wanted by the FBI since '04. Marty Deeks: Yeah, well LAPD gave me a badge because I know when *not* to pull the trigger. And if I've lost that edge - man, I'm just another thug with a gun. ​Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Lt. Roger Bates: My unit's tight knit. Deeks had skills, but he was never one of the guys. I gave it time, but he never fit in. So when you came looking for him, I was naive enough to think that he could find a place to call home. Now he shoots first and asks questions later. What'd you do to him? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: In my opinion, Mr. Deeks saw a threat and acted accordingly. ​Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Detective Deeks. Marty Deeks: Yes? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: The LAPD has cut its ties with NCIS. Liason duties are discontinued effective immediately... I'm sorry. [Hetty leaves] Kensi Blye: Wh-what does that mean? Marty Deeks: Hetty just fired me. ​Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

G. Callen: [Holding up some designer clothes] I have special name for this outfit - "Swagger." Sam Hanna: Game's looking. Game sees nothing. G. Callen: Haters gonna hate. ​Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Lt. Roger Bates: You regret it? Marty Deeks: I thought the lowrider was going to kill the girl then kill me. I made a judgement call. I'll live with it. Lt. Roger Bates: I meant NCIS. I thought they'd fight a lot harder to keep you. Apparently, you don't belong there either. ​Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: [to Kensi] Are you upset because Mr. Deeks is a good partner or... is there something more?... And if it's something more... perhaps it's best that he's gone. ​Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Lt. Roger Bates: Not easy losing partners, is it? Kensi Blye: Partners come and go. Lt. Roger Bates: I wasn't always a cop, you know? Kensi Blye: You served as an intelligence officer for the Army, conduction several interrogations during Desert Storm. Lt. Roger Bates: And you just lied to my face. Partners like Deeks don't just come and go. What's the story with you and him? Kensi Blye: Well, if he ever decides to call me, I'll be sure to ask him.

Lt. Roger Bates: I always wanted to meet the woman that changed Deeks's mind. He swore he'd never work with a female partner again. Kensi Blye: Why? Lt. Roger Bates: If he ever calls you back, ask him that too?

Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Kensi Blye: [Entering Angela Tully's hotel room] Federal Agent. I'm with NCIS. I'm taking you into custody. Angela Tully: Used to be a time when a girl could go off the grid for 24 hours, and get away with it. Of course you were in Kindergarten at the time so you wouldn't remember it.

Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Lt. Roger Bates: You're in trouble. Marty Deeks: I gotta be honest, given the circumstances, you're gonna have to be more specific. Lt. Roger Bates: Your ex-partner from NCIS is gigantically pissed off at you. That's one woman I would not cross.

Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Kensi Blye: Hey, Nell, whatever happened to that file I asked you for? The one on the aryan low rider that deeks shot at the park. Nell Jones: Oh right, um, I'm sorry I guess I forgot. Kensi Blye: You never forget anything, Nell. Nell Jones: Um, yeah. I told them this wouldn't work.

Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Kensi Blye: [Entering Ops] You kept me in the dark! G. Callen: Please tell me you didn't waterboard Nell.

Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Marty Deeks: [Kensi enters the back of Deeks's car] Did anyone tell you how cute you are when you're homicidally angry? Kensi Blye: I'm not angry. In fact, I could slit your jugular vein 11 different ways from where I'm sitting and wouldn't lose my temper.

Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Marty Deeks: Can we not talk about this right now? I just... maybe we can do it over drinks or something? Kensi Blye: No. I have plans! Marty Deeks: Well, then I can... Kensi Blye: *Every* night for the rest of my life!

Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

G. Callen: We don't even know who we can trust in LAPD. We go with Kensi and Deeks, we risk losing the RDX getting away. Sam Hanna: Kensi and Deeks have Bates under control. Handling Fisk and the RDX - comes down to us. G. Callen: You mean us against Fisk, his body guards, a crew of Neo-Nazis and the LAPD SWAT team that may or may not be on our side. Sam Hanna: Gotta love Tuesdays.

Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Lt. Roger Bates: You have a home with NCIS. I see that now. Marty Deeks: I gotta be honest. I think it's where I belong. Lt. Roger Bates: You're still one of mine. Remind that tea sipping svengali of that - just don't let that ninja lady come after me, all right?

Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Kensi Blye: You know the last time I felt so angry and powerless - was when I was 15. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: And the Military Police informed you that they had no answers about your father's death. That's why I knew you were the one to back up Deeks's cover story... I couldn't take any risks... I'm in your debt, Kensi Kensi Blye: Okay, well, I'll be cashing it in one day.

Season 3 / Episode 10: - The Debt

Marty Deeks: [after Kensi leaves] Can you please back me up on this? G. Callen: Game is looking. Sam Hanna: Game recognizes nothing. Marty Deeks: Hetty. Hetty, please tell me you have some advice for this. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Haters gonna hate.

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

G. Callen: And there's a third body. Nell, please read the C.I.A. report - verbatim. Nell Jones: "At approximately 1730 the remains of a black male approximately 40 years of age were found in a field 20 kilometers outside of Khartoum. The body was badly burned preventing immediate identification." Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: The body is a match for Sam - in height and weight.

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Mr. Callen, it appears that Agent Salleh is right. There is a leak in the C.I.A.'s chain of command. G. Callen: I understand. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: [Callen leaves Ops. To Kensi and Deeks] Find that leak.

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: That's Kaled's sister. Her name is Jade. She's been Agent Hanna's primary target to gather information. He has - uh, shall we say, cultivated a great trust with her over the past year.

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

G. Callen: Why were you running? Alex Elmslie: Kaleed's begun hiring American security. I thought that's what you could be. G. Callen: How do you know I'm not? Alex Elmslie: I'm still breathing.

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

Jade: If all we have is just this once to be together - now - here... then let us have it, Sam.

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

Kensi Blye: And if we think it's him, we just let the C.I.A. do its own inquiry? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: We'll make those decisions at the appropriate time... But make no mistake Agent Blye, we'll protect our agents at all costs.

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

G. Callen: There's a leak. Sam Hanna: If Khaleed knew about me, I'd be dead already. G. Callen: Doesn't mean it's not gonna happen. Sam Hanna: I'm staying in, G.

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

Kensi Blye: [to Rand's assistant] Open the door... Open the door [Kensi starts drawing her weapon] before I blow it open! Colin Rand: [On the intercom] It's okay. Let them in.

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

Colin Rand: You have no idea who you're dealing with. Kensi Blye: And neither do you. Agent Hanna's not just a coworker. He's a man who would die for us. And there's nothing we wouldn't do to keep him safe.

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

Colin Rand: You don't get it do you? Vernon is the only agent besides me who had access to the names of the men on my task force. Ever try investigating you boss?

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

Eric Beale: The hill didn't exist two years ago. It was a creek bed. Nell Jones: It's not a hill. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: It's a mass grave.

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

Sam Hanna: It'll take years before another agent's in the position I'm in here. G. Callen: Which makes no difference if you're dead!

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

Marty Deeks: Rand's dead. Gunshot wounds. Eric Beale: Are you sure he's dead? Marty Deeks: Eric, I'm looking right at the body. Eric Beale: Well,that's really weird. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Why? Eric Beale: Because there's another email being composed right this second from Rand to Khaleed's compound.

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Crash that network *now*! Whatever you have to do. Bring it down. Do not let that get email get out! Eric Beale: It's part of the C.I.A.'s network. It's not going to be easy. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Deeks, Kensi, you have to get to Rand's computer *now*!

Season 3 / Episode 9: - Betrayal

Jade: But... you will be there as you promised? Sam Hanna: You'll never see me again.

Season 3 / Episode 8: - Greed

Marty Deeks: [discovering a terrorist plot to detonate a nuclear weapon] It's 9/11 without knocking down buildings.

Season 3 / Episode 8: - Greed

Kensi Blye: [as they're dancing] He's stepping on me. Marty Deeks: That's not true. You're just putting your feet underneath mine when I lift them up.

Season 3 / Episode 8: - Greed

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: I would love to teach the two of you the traditional Viennese Waltz with each other as partners. Sam Hanna: [Sam chuckles] She's kidding. G. Callen: ...No, she's not. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Agent Hanna, take your partner by the waist - back straight. Do I need to repeat myself.

Season 3 / Episode 8: - Greed

Eric Beale: You two owe me big time. Sam Hanna: Anything you need. G. Callen: Anytime you need it.

Karen Davis: Somebody was paying Brandon to take a box from across the ocean into Guatemala, and up here... He said it was like private security work. Sam Hanna: If you're sneaking across the border, it's not security work. ​Season 3 / Episode 8: - Greed

Marty Deeks: [after befriending a wild pig] You see? I know how to let a girl down easy - with respect and honesty. Kensi Blye: Yeah, you change your cell phone number. Marty Deeks: That's why I don't give them my home address. Kensi Blye: Ha. And that's why she like you. Marty Deeks: Why's that? Kensi Blye: Same species. ​Season 3 / Episode 8: - Greed

Marty Deeks: [Kensi's captive. Deeks passes by holding a painting seemingly oblivious] Are you digging the art in this place as much as I am? I mean it's cool. It's bold. Why aren't there more cool, you know? Oh there's another one! I wannna show you this one. This is my favorite. [Deeks goes off screen] It's the perfect combination of girls and guns. [Deeks returns with his weapon drawn] Let me make this perfectly clear. If you harm her, this is gonna be your last day on Earth. Michael Saleh: Who are you? Sam Hanna: [Entering from behind with weapons drawn] Federal Agents! Drop you weapon! Michael Saleh: [In recognition] Agent Sam Hanna. Sam Hanna: Turn around - slowly. ​Season 3 / Episode 8: - Greed

Nell Jones: You took a flower from Hetty's desk? Eric Beale: She cuts them herself. It's a big bunch. She'll never miss it. Nell Jones: Hmmm. Eric Beale: I'm doomed, aren't I? Nell Jones: You sacrificed yourself to compete with me. ​Season 3 / Episode 8: - Greed

Michael Saleh: [after being exposed to uranium] Sam, stay back! Stay back. Sam Hanna: We're gonna get you to a hospital. Eric, I need an ambulance and a radiological team fast! Michael Saleh: Sam, it's in the air. You shouldn't stay here. You should go. ​Season 3 / Episode 8: - Greed

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: [about Saleh] He didn't want his wife and child to watch him die. So he's returned to Sudan to continue his work with the CIA. Sam Hanna: I thought he was compromised. It's not safe for him there. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: It doesn't matter anymore. G. Callen: He's using what little life he has left to defend the United States? Sam Hanna: Then I'm going there too, Hetty. ​Season 3 / Episode 8: - Greed

G. Callen: [after Sam leaves for Sudan] You know, I should be with him. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: For now - it's a CIA Task Force... I don't have to tell you to be ready. G. Callen: No, you don't. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Of course not. ​Season 3 / Episode 8: - Greed

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: [after Eric surreptiously returns a flower to Hetty's desk] Mr. Beale. Eric Beale: Huh? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: I don't like it when you touch my floweres. ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

Marty Deeks: Don't you think it's strange that Callen's a talk radio guy? G. Callen: Why's that? Marty Deeks: I don't know. I've always kind of considered you more of a - you know a - TV static white noise type of guy. G. Callen: I have no idea what you're talking about. Marty Deeks: Well, I am a man of mystery. Kensi Blye: Mystery or misery? ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

Kensi Blye: Speaking of partners, where's Sam? Mr. Always 5 minutes early is late - again. Marty Deeks: And he's taken 3 long weekends this month. Kensi Blye: You know what that means? Marty Deeks: He's in rehearsals for an off Broadway revival of Cats. G. Callen: I'll tell him you said that. ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Well, on with it. G. Callen: On with what? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Your new case, of course. G. Callen: Ah

G. Callen: Save it. Eric Beale: What? Hetty straight up ganked my whistle? ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

Kensi Blye: Don't worry, you're nothing like Dr. Phil. Marty Deeks: Thank you. Kensi Blye: With that speech impedement, you'd never make it on TV. ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

Sam Hanna: Yeah, well Hetty just got me a new coffee maker -except this one takes an extra long time to brew. G. Callen: Waiting can be the hardest part. Takes a lot out of you. Sam Hanna: The waiting I can deal with. This uh, coffee maker came with a special mug - an incredibly stunning mug. G. Callen: That can be tricky, because if you get distracted by the mug... Sam Hanna: I know. G. Callen: Or if you let things heat up. Sam Hanna: I know. G. Callen: That's when you get burned. ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

Kensi Blye: What are the chances of Maeko Tanaka hiding out in Malibu? Sam Hanna: I'd say zero to none. G. Callen: Well, we still have to check it out. Marty Deeks: Road trip to the 'Bu. Sam Hanna: Please don't call it that. It just encourages the people who live there. Marty Deeks: But I really want to be a member of the But-tang clan. Sam Hanna: [to Kensi] Please make him stop. ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

Akio Tanaka: [In Japanese to his cellphone] Maeko. Good morning. There is an American Policeman here who would like to talk with you... No, I don't know why... Humor him. Sam Hanna: [In Japanese] You wish I was just a cop. ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

G. Callen: [Callen and Sam enter. Hetty's on the phone with Deeks and Kensi watching] I don't like the looks of this. Marty Deeks: We'll then you're not going to like the sound of it. Sam Hanna: What's going on? Kensi Blye: The State Department has suddenly gotten involved in our case, and graciously asked that NCIS stand down. G. Callen: Stand down? Kensi Blye: Yeah. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: As in withdraw, acquiesce, retrocede, cease and desist. Marty Deeks: Your thesaurus runth deep, Hetty. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: And your drawl runth over, Mr. Deeks. ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

Kensi Blye: [Watching surveillance video] Wow. Good samaritans do exist in LA, and he's cute too. You think he's a doctor? Eric Beale: Just keep watching. Kensi Blye: [Kensi groans] I'll never meet anyone, will I?... Really? You guys can't muster up a "lots of fish in the sea" speech? No? All right, let's just concentrate on the case. ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

G. Callen: Look who he's up against. Tanaka makes one call and a Federal Investigation is DOA. Sam Hanna: Semper Fi. Tanaka and State Department forced us to choose sides. I'll side with the Marine everytime. ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

G. Callen: There has to be something you can do about this. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Not if we want to keep our jobs. Director VAnce has me on a *very* short leash. He's even threatened to bring in an Assistant Director to oversee West Coast Operations *just* to keep an eye on us. ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: An illegal Japanese immigrant, and the reputation of a former Marine are hardly matters of National Security. Sam Hanna: Is that so? A Fire Team is composed of 3 Marines and their leader. 3 Fire Teams make a squad. 3 Squads make s platoon. 3 platoons, a company. And so on, and so one. All the way up to an entire division. But it all starts with one Marine. A SEAL never leaves a man behind. But that's exactly what we're doing. G. Callen: You know he's right, Hetty. Maeko is the only person who can prove Connor's innocent. If we let Tanaka get away with this, it's like saying that his money is worth more than an innocent life. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Why do I feel as if my short leash is about to strangle me? You can't go at it - guns blazing. Tanaka is a modern-day Samurai. Which means to pull this off, you guys have to be modern-day ninjas. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Ninjas? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: No one can know this was us. G. Callen: Who's more discreet than us? ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

Kensi Blye: [after Callen opens a small panel for Kensi to escap through] What - am I a contortionist? Don't answer that. [to her communicator] Deeks, that goes *especially* for you. ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

Marty Deeks: I just wanna have some beers with my partner. Kensi Blye: I can do that. Marty Deeks: Yeah? Can you? Partners - just have some burgers, watch the game? Kensi Blye: Of course... I'm just one of the guys. Marty Deeks: Well, if that's the case, maybe we should hit up a Strip club. Kensi Blye: Don't be an idiot. Marty Deeks: All right. ​Season 3 / Episode 7: - Honor

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Where's Sam? G. Callen: He went home to spend time with his family. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Ah, that's good. He needs that... especially now. G. Callen: [Long pause] What about you? You ever regrett not settling down - and having a family? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: I think about it sometimes. Maybe when I'm older. [Hetty chuckles] And you? G. Callen: I think I'll keep looking for mine first. Good night, Hetty. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Good night, Mr. Callen... Good night, Walter. ​Season 3 / Episode 6: - Lone Wolf

G. Callen: That's right. How was Hawaii? Kensi Blye: It was fine. Sam Hanna: Meet anyone? Go to any luaus? Solve a crime? Kensi Blye: It was fine. ​Season 3 / Episode 6: - Lone Wolf

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: That um blanket- that you took from my office. Marty Deeks: Uh huh. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Actually, it's a tapestry which once hung in Mozart's home in Salzburg. Marty Deeks: Well, that explains why it smelled so musty. Want me to dry clean it for you? Kensi Blye: Really? Really, Deeks? Marty Deeks: Hand wash it? Cold water? Okay, I need a do-over on today. [Deeks leaves ops] Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: There are no do-overs in life, Mr. Deeks. Marty Deeks: [Outside Ops to himself] This from a woman with a dozen aliases. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: I heard that! ​Season 3 / Episode 6: - Lone Wolf

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Basser and I worked together in the 80's. He was a courageous soldier, and a first class agent. But he considered himself somewhat of a maverick. Which is to say that he ruffled a lot of feathers. G. Callen: I know the type. Sam Hanna: So that's why you wanted us on the case. You knew Basser was involved. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: I didn't know for certain. Sam Hanna: So you used us to do your leg work. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: You have longer legs. ​Season 3 / Episode 6: - Lone Wolf

G. Callen: Let's go pay him a visit. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Not so fast, Mr. Callen. Basser is the ultimate lone wolf. And he's a tricky bastard at that. He is extremely good at what he does. You won't get through the door. I will and I'll remember to leave it unlocked for you. ​Season 3 / Episode 6: - Lone Wolf

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: You knew the danger but you sent Stephanie and Dr. Colby in anyway? Larry Basser: And - and you don't put your agents in the line of fire daily? Stephanie and Calista knew the risks. They believed in what we were doing. Look Hetty, I'm on your side. I'm using all my resources to find out who killed them. My agents are my family. You of all people should know that. ​Season 3 / Episode 6: - Lone Wolf

Nell Jones: Swiped his credit card at the Sunset House. Marty Deeks: That's a private members only club. It's a 5 year wait list just to get on the wait list. Shall we? Kensi Blye: I think we shall. ​Season 3 / Episode 6: - Lone Wolf

Sam Hanna: Why would a decorated soldier and career NSA agent betray his own country? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Larry saw his best friend die in Falluja. The NSA turned its back on him. They made him the scapegoat. He was never the same. He lost his wife, his career, his reputation. After that day, I think a part of him decided he would only be loyal to himself.

​Season 3 / Episode 6: - Lone Wolf

Greg Reyes: Either he doesn't know anything, or he's tougher than he looks. Cliff: Go to Hell! Greg Reyes: Yeah? You first! ​Season 3 / Episode 6: - Lone Wolf

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Thinking of shooting me, Larry? Larry Basser: Yeah, the thought crossed my mind. Why did you come? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: You saved my life once. Loyalty is important to me too. They're going to be here in about 5 minutes, then my hands are tied. Larry Basser: ...5 minutes. Not long in a lifetime. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: No, it's not at all. ​Season 3 / Episode 6: - Lone Wolf

Kensi Blye: Hey, I don't mind a burger and a beer. Marty Deeks: Yeah? Kensi Blye: Yeah, if you pay. Marty Deeks: Done. Kensi Blye: And drive. Marty Deeks: Done. Kensi Blye: And do my laundry for a month. Marty Deeks: Laundry? Kensi Blye: Outer wear only Deeks, okay? Marty Deeks: Uh uh. Hold up. I'm driving, buying, washing your underwear? ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

G. Callen: Charlene is a 1970 Challenger Sam's been restoring for the last 10 years. It was stolen last night. Kensi Blye: Oh that's horrible. G. Callen: Yeah, big guy's heart broken. He was up all night questioning everyone in a 2 mile radius of the storage unit. Working on that car was Sam's theraputic refuge. Honestly, I don't think he ever wanted to finish it. Kensi Blye: Car like that is either in a chop shop, or being driven really hard south of the border. That's not good. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

Kensi Blye: Uh uh. Uh uh. V-8 magnum, 4 barrell carb with duel exhaust is not just a car. Marty Deeks: Takes up hours of your time. You spend more cash than the car's actually worth and for what exactly? Kensi Blye: What kind of man are you? I'm going to see if Sam's okay. [Sam screams in aggrevation in the background] Maybe later. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

LAPD Captain John Duncan: Oh, Agent Hanna. LAPD's doing everything we can to find your car. [Duncan leaves] G. Callen: I'm just trying to ease your grief. Sam Hanna: I'm not grieving. I'm pissed. G. Callen: Denial's the first stage. That's natural. Sam Hanna: ...This is me *naturally* ignoring you. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

Sam Hanna: Whoever stole Charlene better hope LAPD catches them before I do. G. Callen: You don't mean that. Sam Hanna: Yeah, okay. G. Callen: Stage 2. Sam Hanna: What? G. Callen: Anger. It's the second stage of grief. Sam Hanna: I'm not grieving. I just want my car back! ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

Nell Jones: If it's on the road, it'll show up. I mean you can't hide from Kaleidoscope... You have started a Kaleidoscope search. Eric Beale: Not exactly. I plugged into the LAPD database. As soon as the car is found, I will get an alert. Nell Jones: You're right. That's not exactly a Kaleidoscope search. So... what are we waiting for? Eric Beale: We? Nell Jones: You. Eric Beale: Hetty told Sam no use of Federal resources for personal matters. Nell Jones: Is this the same rebel Eric Beale who completed Level 5 of Warrior Quest on the big screen in Ops? The same rebel who dared to eat Oreo cookies in Ops without a napkin. The same rebel who broke the Internet. Eric Beale: But it's Hetty. Nell Jones: But it's Sam. Eric Beale: I feel like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. Nell Jones: Mmm... you are. Eric Beale: While Hetty scare me intellectually. I fear Sam on a more physically visceral level... All right, Beale, let's do this! ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

Eva Espinoza: If you want to detain me, go ahead. But I am in the States legally. Kensi Blye: As a *civilian*. You keep playing cop, we'll deport you faster than you can say Tijuana. Eva Espinoza: What exactly do you mean by that? Marty Deeks: Okay, ladies. Ladies. I think we should draw in the claws. One cat fight a day is probably plenty. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

G. Callen: What was that all about? Marty Deeks: I'd say someone's being a little territorial on account of the connection between Eva and me. Kensi Blye: You're out of your mind. Sam Hanna: I'm with Kensi. Any woman that connects with you is clearly suspect if not certifiable. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

Sam Hanna: I promise if I get her back, I use a bigger lock - no - better security system... Maybe a guard dog. G. Callen: Your bargaining. That's Stage 3. Sam Hanna: Last I checked Nate was out in the field. G. Callen: Just saying, I know how much Charlene meant to you. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

Kensi Blye: Activating GPS tracker. Got her. She's downtown. Tagged her at the boatshed. I know a woman on a missioin when I see one. Marty Deeks: Meow. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

G. Callen: You good? Sam Hanna: Why do you ask? G. Callen: So far, you've done a car, a gun and I believe that's a dead body. Amazing detail. Sam Hanna: I'm good. G. Callen: It's okay to be depressed. Sam Hanna: I'm not depressed. G. Callen: You will be. Stage 4. Sam Hanna: Look, I'm not depressed, bargaining, angry, or in denial. But I *am* getting a little irritated. G. Callen: Are you hungry? Sam Hanna: Hunger's not a stage. G. Callen: It's true. But loss of appetite is a sign of depression. Sam Hanna: Keep it up. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

Kensi Blye: [to a pair who are trying to get surveillance tapes] Federal Agents. Stop! [the pair run encounter Deeks] Marty Deeks: STOP! [the pair turn around encountering Sam] Sam Hanna: Like she said. Federal Agents. Stop! Marty Deeks: Why don't they ever stop? It *amazes* me that they never stop. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

Sam Hanna: You handed a Reaper Drone to Al Qaeda? G. Callen: This is why I left the CIA. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

G. Callen: Eric get a unit down here for Banks and Fig. Marty Deeks: What about Eva? G. Callen: ...She goes lone wolf, it's on you. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

Eva Espinoza: Eva. Eva. Listen if you want to do this, I'm not going to stop you. But I want you to be sure. Marty Deeks: Why shouldn't I? Eva Espinoza: Because we're cops, all right? If the line blurs between us and them, what we do stops making sense. Diego Molina: Do it! You would be doing me a fav... Eva Espinoza: SHUT UP! Eva... he's going to pay for what he's done. Marty Deeks: No. No. No. But for my people, for Luis, for my brother Antonio - they deserved mercy. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

Eric Beale: [Findin Sam's car has been torched] Who's going to tell Sam? Nell Jones: Technically he asked you to find it. Eric Beale: It was your motivational speech that got us out here in the first place. Maybe it's a sign. Nell Jones: What? That we both tell him? Eric Beale: No. that neither of us tell him. Nell Jones: Ooo. Eric Beale: I mean, no good can come from this, Nell. Nell Jones: All right, what he doesn't know can't hurt him. Eric Beale: Agreed... We never saw this. Nell Jones: Saw what? ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

Sam Hanna: It's just a car. It hurts. But it's not the end of the world. G. Callen: Fifth Stage. Acceptance. Sam Hanna: Yeah, right. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Delivery for Mr. Hanna. Outside. ​Season 3 / Episode 5: - Sacrifice

Kensi Blye: So I guess you think I owe you an apology. Marty Deeks: For what? Kensi Blye: For Eva. Marty Deeks: Oh. Kensi Blye: She wasn't entirely that bad. And I suppose there was some modicum of attraction on her part albiet trauma induced with a little... Marty Deeks: Shh. [Deeks sushes Kensi] You had me at hel- [Kensi puts Deeks in an arm bar hold] Okay! Partners. Partners. Partners. Let go. Partners. Partners. You - you can let... Kensi Blye: Walk it off. ​Season 3 / Episode 4: - Deadline

G. Callen: My mother worked for the CIA? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: And her father before her. You see, Mr. Callen, it's in your blood. ​Season 3 / Episode 4: - Deadline

Sam Hanna: He was saving his furry butt, that's what he was doing. That why they retired him? Marty Deeks: Actually the vet that did his psyche eval said he had a nervous condition. It's kind of like canine PTSD. Sam Hanna: Puppy Traumatic Stress Disorder? ​Season 3 / Episode 4: - Deadline

Eric Beale: I'm going to have to you guys the basics of encryption bypass one of these days. Marty Deeks: That's cool. Then I can uh, read Kensi's diary. Eric Beale: Oh, I already did. You do *not* want to go there. ​Season 3 / Episode 4: - Deadline

Sam Hanna: Low maintenance. Don't make any noise. They even poop in their own environment. G. Callen: Yeah, well you can't pet a fish. Sam Hanna: Exactly, and if it doesn't work out... Sam Hanna, G. Callen: Sushi. ​Season 3 / Episode 4: - Deadline

Marty Deeks: Eric, I need you to run a plate for me. 2, S as in Slayer, M as in Metallica, A as in Anthrax, 5-6-4, P as in uh, parsnip. Eric Beale: Parsnip? Your lettering system is Heavy Metal bands, and you're giving me a root vegetable for P? Marty Deeks: I don't know, man. I drew a blank. Eric Beale: Pantera? Hello. Marty Deeks: Oh. Cowboys from Hell. What was I thinking? ​Season 3 / Episode 4: - Deadline

Kensi Blye: Have you ever considered that maybe Monty just likes the sound of voices coming from the radio? That it doesn't really matter what we're listening to? Marty Deeks: Wait for it. [Deeks changes the station. Monty whimpers then barks] Okay. Changing it back, buddy. Changing it back. Therapists explained it to me. Monty's uh archetypal canine subconscious... Kensi Blye: Okay. Stop. Marty Deeks: It's actually Pavlovian. Kensi Blye: No. You have to stop. This is getting far too weird. ​Season 3 / Episode 4: - Deadline

Sam Hanna: Either someone has taken Asad El Libby's place or Farag is lying to us. G. Callen: Maybe her brother told her more than Farag thinks. Kensi. Deeks. Marty Deeks: And... Monty. Come on. Come on. You want to drive? Probably better than Kensi. ​Season 3 / Episode 4: - Deadline

G. Callen: It's not the man. It's what he stands for. Sam Hanna: Which means they'll come after this guy as well - whoever he is. ​Season 3 / Episode 4: - Deadline

Eric Beale: If you start appearing in my dreams, I going to be really freaked out. Nell Jones: Well, you've already appeared in mine. Eric Beale: Really? Nell Jones: Only you were old, and really fat, and wearing my dress. Weird, huh? Eric Beale: Yeah. ​Season 3 / Episode 4: - Deadline

G. Callen: Hetty, I have a question. How did we get from Romania to America? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: No one knows. It was 2 years before I found you were here. Too late again to save your sister, but not you. G. Callen: You got me out of the orphanage? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: And into every foster home. I was *determined* to find you a family. You were a... challenging child, Mr. Callen.

​Season 3 / Episode 4: - Deadline

G. Callen: What about my father? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: We never found out. ​Season 3 / Episode 3: - Backstopped

G. Callen: It's comparing apples and oranges. Sam Hanna: Lethal injection or firing squad. Kensi Blye: Not really fair to either of them. Marty Deeks: I'm just saying comparison begs to be made. G. Callen: Hetty or Hunter? Marty Deeks: Pick your poison. ​Season 3 / Episode 3: - Backstopped

Lauren Hunter: Your hostility towards me is affecting the team. G. Callen: No it's not. The team is doing just fine. Whatever hostility I have is not about them. It's about you. I can't trust anybody who witholds information about my past - my life. Lauren Hunter: And yet you trust Hetty? ​Season 3 / Episode 3: - Backstopped

Marty Deeks: All right you ready for the Marty Deeks crash course? Sam Hanna: Can you teach it from the hospital? Marty Deeks: Okay. ​Season 3 / Episode 3: - Backstopped

G. Callen: Don't be afraid to take the lead. Assert your authority. Let him know you're comfortable being in charge. Marty Deeks: Really? G. Callen: It's really the only way to earn his respect. ​Season 3 / Episode 3: - Backstopped

Marty Deeks: Okay, that's my face you just stepped on. Please do something stupid so my partner can shoot you. Sam Hanna: Why'd you run? Charles Redman: Bomb. [the shack explodes] ​Season 3 / Episode 3: - Backstopped

Marty Deeks: Took you down, didn't I? Charles Redman: Yeah, I was impressed. No one's ever beat up the soles of my shoes with his face like that. ​Season 3 / Episode 3: - Backstopped

Kensi Blye: But how much do we *really* know about each other? We've always had Sam or Deeks act as social buffers. And I know you don't like to open up to anyone, but still... G. Callen: You don't exactly open up to anyone either. Kensi Blye: Yeah, but I'm willing to try for the good of this partnership. G. Callen: Okay. Kensi Blye: Okay. G. Callen: I'm listening. Kensi Blye: Heh. [Long pause] Just stick to the case. ​Season 3 / Episode 3: - Backstopped

Marty Deeks: What's your distress word? Sam Hanna: Deeks. Marty Deeks: Good luck using that in a sentence. ​Season 3 / Episode 3: - Backstopped

Marty Deeks: Backup for the backup. That's fantastic. Do we have a plan here? Lauren Hunter: Hold until Sam has located all four devices, and disabled them. Then move in. Marty Deeks: Simple plan. What could go wrong? Nell Jones: Plenty. ​Season 3 / Episode 3: - Backstopped

Calvin Winslow: When you don't know who to trust... G. Callen: Trust no one. ​Season 3 / Episode 3: - Backstopped

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: You asked me why I went off on my own to face the Comescus. I did it... because of your mother. G. Callen: You knew my mom? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Sit down. I'll tell you everything I know. G. Callen: Why now? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Because you're safe from the Comescus now. And because I can't hold on to these any longer. Please Mr. Callen. [Callen sits down] Where do I begin? G. Callen: What was her name? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Clara... Her name was Clara. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

Sam Hanna: You hear anything? G. Callen: She's recuperating - like she was last month - and the month before that. Sam Hanna: You think something is going on?... Of course. It's Hetty. Something else is going on. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

Kensi Blye: Have we heard any news on Hetty's condition? Sam Hanna: According to Nell, Hetty's still keeping an eye on things. G. Callen: Big Brother is watching. Marty Deeks: Or in Hetty's case - Little Mother. [Everyone stares at Deeks] What? You guys have been doing this too long. You're getting paranoid. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: [From Deeks's computer] A healthy dose of paranoia can keep you alive in this business, detective. G. Callen: [Deeks yells out startled and slams the computer shut] Did you see that? Sam Hanna: I saw you slam Hetty's face shut. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

Eric Beale: Detective and Agents, can I have your attention? Acting Operations Manager Hunter requests your presence in the Operations Center. ASAP. Thank you. [Eric goes back to Ops] G. Callen: What the Hell was that? Kensi Blye: *That* was Hunter - forbidding Eric from whistling. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

G. Callen: It's been three months. Kind of like to know why the Comescu's are trying to kill me. Lauren Hunter: I can't answer that. G. Callen: You can't or won't? Because if there's information on that laptop that pertains to my past, I have a right to know. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

G. Callen: [Eric starts showing some video footage] Can you read what she's saying, Kens? Eric Beale: I ran the footage through a lip reading program. Kensi Blye: [Offended] Excuse me? [Kensi scoffs] A computer program can't duplicate a skilled human lip reader. Eric Beale: Well, the software suggest she's saying something about gambling. Marty Deeks: Gambling? Kensi Blye: [Kensi scoffs and watches the footage]... It's possible. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

Kensi Blye: I'll go in as a tutor. Deeks can go in as a dog walker or something. Marty Deeks: Okay. Why can't I go in as a tutor and you go in as a dog walker? Sam Hanna: It's called a mirror. Marty Deeks: How dare you, sir! Has anyone here gone to Law School? Huh? Anyone passed the Bar Exam in the State of California? Anyone?... Anyone? Kensi Blye: *This* coming from a guy who learned how to tie his shoes at... 12. G. Callen: Really? Marty Deeks: I'm from L.A... I grew up in sandals. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

Sam Hanna: You think may she's grooming Nell for something more? Even her ulterior motives have ulterior motives. G. Callen: Hetty's a riddle wrapped up in a mystery inside an enigma clutching a hand grenade. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

Shawn Calder: You ever shoot anybody? Kensi Blye: I think we have to get back to your homework. Shawn Calder: You got a boyfriend? Kensi Blye: ...Homework. Marty Deeks: [Over his communicator] Ouch! Kid may be flunking school, but I tell you what. He's got his teacher pegged pretty good. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

Marty Deeks: You think this kid could fix my credit score? Sam Hanna: Kid's a computer wiz, not Harry Potter. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

Marty Deeks: If the Chinese do have Calder, what are the chances of us getting him back? Sam Hanna: Depends. Marty Deeks: On if he's still in the country? Sam Hanna: On if he's still alive. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

Lauren Hunter: [During a cyber attack] Status report. Eric Beale: Borderline panic verging on controlled hysteria. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

Nell Jones: You need to take a look at the accident footage. Patricia Michaels: I'm sorry we're a little busy here. We don't allow mailroom employees in our Ops center. Lauren Hunter: Do you have something, Nell? Nell Jones: Yeah. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

Sam Hanna: [to Dennis Calder] You just got a second chance to spend time with your boy. Don't blow it. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

G. Callen: I deserve the truth. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Ah, the truth. It's not always so simple. I don't have all the answers you think I do. The last thing I *ever* wanted was to give you false hope. I know how much it all means to you. ​Season 3 / Episode 2: - Cyber Threat

G. Callen: I will find out who I am and who my family was - with or without anyone's help! [Callen leaves] Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Yes, you will, Mr. Callen. ​Season 3 / Episode 1: - Lange, H.

NCIS Special Agent G. Callen: [after recalling a childhood memory] That's the Black Sea. Sam Hanna: Yes, it is. NCIS Special Agent G. Callen: I always assumed it was the Pacific - California. Sam Hanna: You do know where we are? NCIS Special Agent G. Callen: Romania. ​Season 3 / Episode 1: - Lange, H.

Eric Beale: No food or beverages in Ops. NCIS Analyst Nell Jones: Who says? Eric Beale: Doesn't seem right. NCIS Analyst Nell Jones: She's not here, Eric. Eric Beale: No, she's not. NCIS Analyst Nell Jones: She resigned. Eric Beale: Yes, she did. NCIS Analyst Nell Jones: She's somewhere in Eastern Europe. Eric Beale: Most likely. NCIS Analyst Nell Jones: She has zero control over what you do. What you say or what rules you choose to break. [Nell puts a bag of cookies down] Eric Beale: And yet... [Eric sips his coffee] Did you say "Oreos?" ​Season 3 / Episode 1: - Lange, H.

Alexa Comescu: You tried to save this one [Indicating a picture of Callen] by bringing me evidence he is dead. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Call it a final attempt to end the bloodshed between his family and yours. Alexa Comescu: I'm sure you knew it must fail. Which leaves me to wonder, Henrietta Lange, why exactly did you come?

​Season 3 / Episode 1: - Lange, H.

NCIS Special Agent G. Callen: I remembered... a woman - my mother. They shot her. ​Season 3 / Episode 1: - Lange, H.

Eric Beale: What now? [realizing the file's encrypted] NCIS Analyst Nell Jones: Zulu November Tango 1179. The uh, Director's access code. Eric Beale: We could get fired. NCIS Analyst Nell Jones: Your computer. ​Season 3 / Episode 1: - Lange, H.

NCIS Special Agent Kensi Blye: What do we do? Sam Hanna: [about Hunter] Having her in the house changes the plan. NCIS Special Agent Kensi Blye: [Chuckling] We have a plan? NCIS Special Agent G. Callen: Yeah. Kill them all! ​Season 3 / Episode 1: - Lange, H.

Marty Deeks: [Deeks runs into the shop] I got three prisoners! Sam Hanna: Where? Marty Deeks: Right behind me! ​Season 3 / Episode 1: - Lange, H.

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: He was given his grandfather's name - Callen? Alexa Comescu: Yes. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: What about his first name? You know - what it is? Alexa Comescu: ...What is this thing you did that was so bad that you must come to my house and *die* to make amends? Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: ...It's not what I did... It's what I didn't do. What I couldn't do. Save her. Save his mother. ​Season 3 / Episode 1: - Lange, H.

Leon Vance: Officially, we only have one agent in that part of the world. Nell Jones: Of course, Director. That's obviously what you came to tell us. ​Season 3 / Episode 1: - Lange, H.

Leon Vance: You're a long way from home, Agent Callen. NCIS Special Agent G. Callen: Heh. A couple of days ago, I would've agreed with you. Right now I'm not so sure. Leon Vance: How's your team? NCIS Special Agent G. Callen: Not my team. Leon Vance: Hetty's team then. NCIS Special Agent G. Callen: We're fine. ​Season 3 / Episode 1: - Lange, H.

Leon Vance: Agent Callen do you have a plan? NCIS Special Agent G. Callen: [Callen sighs] I gave up being an agent when I turned in my badge. Leon Vance: You didn't turn in your badge. You mistakenly left it on Hetty's desk. I put it in her desk for safekeeping. Do you have a plan? NCIS Special Agent G. Callen: Yeah. Leon Vance: Enlighten me. NCIS Special Agent G. Callen: Save Hetty. Leon Vance: Carry on, Agent Callen. ​Season 3 / Episode 1: - Lange, H.

Lauren Hunter: When did you trust me? NCIS Special Agent G. Callen: Not until you pulled the trigger. ​Season 2 / Episode 24: - Familia

Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Where can I find the Comescu? Prague Henchman: [as he's dying] Now, we are the message. Henrietta 'Hetty' Lange: Yes, you are. [Henchman dies] Oh bugger. ​Season 2 / Episode 24: - Familia

Eric Beale: Well, you think that I'd seriously misuse the entire resources of the Pentagon, Homeland Security and a half dozen other classified databases just to gather information on Senior Agent Hunter? Marty Deeks: So she is an agent. Eric Beale: I didn't say that... Okay, I did say that but that was a calculated guess. ​Season 2 / Episode 24: - Familia

Lauren Hunter: Hetty's gone Agent Callen. She told me herself - she's not coming back. 'G' Callen: Well, she hasn't told me. Since she's not answering her cell phone. Lauren Hunter: Then she mustn't want to talk with you. ​Season 2 / Episode 24: - Familia

'G' Callen: [as they're driving to Hetty's House] I followed her home a couple times? Sam Hanna: "Couple of times?" 'G' Callen: Closer to a dozen. She keeps moving. She sleeps in a different house every night. Sam Hanna: Oh, that's great. And I get to be there when you tell her you followed her home. She's gonna be so pissed when we knock on her door. 'G' Callen: Not as pissed as me. ​Season 2 / Episode 24: - Familia

Kensi Blye: You took cover behind Hetty's jag? Marty Deeks: What - are you insane? 'G' Callen: Well, they were shooting. It was close. Marty Deeks: And you think Hetty's going to be fine with that? Sam Hanna: What'd you want us to do? Get shot? Kensi Blye: Well, personally, I would've risked it. ​Season 2 / Episode 24: - Familia

Leon Vance: [as he's about to enter his username and password] You don't have keystroke recognition software installed on this computer, do you Miss Jones? Nell Jones: [Nell types on the keyboard] No, sir. Leon Vance: I'm pleased to hear it. [Enters his info] Done. ​Season 2 / Episode 24: - Familia

Bernie Fisher: I'm a pacifist for God's sakes. Sam Hanna: Pacifists don't go down very well in military prisons... actually they do go down. ​Season 2 / Episode 24: - Familia

Nell Jones: She's not bothering to cover her tracks. It's like - she doesn't think it matters anymore. Lauren Hunter: Is it a one-way or round trip ticket? Nell Jones: One way. ​Season 2 / Episode 24: - Familia

Leon Vance: You are no longer on this case, Agent Callen. 'G' Callen: Then give me a reason. Tell me why? What is Operation Comescu about? Leon Vance: It's about you, Agent Callen. Operation Comescu is all about you. ​Season 2 / Episode 24: - Familia

Leon Vance: The Comescu wants you dead, Agent Callen. Sam Hanna: Why? Leon Vance: Some sort of long running family feud as far as we can tell. 'G' Callen: I don't have... any family... They think I do. Leon Vance: They probably mistake you for someone else. 'G' Callen: Probably. ​Season 2 / Episode 24: - Familia

'G' Callen: Hetty was trying to protect me. Leon Vance: And that is why you can't go to Prague. 'G' Callen: That is why... I *have* to go to Prague. Leon Vance: Hetty has resigned her position... She's operating outside the authority of this agency. We will send a team from Paris. We'll find her. We'll try to bring her back. We'll try to get her the Hell out of there. And you will not... you will *not*... be part of that team! Marty Deeks: [Callen turns in his badge and gun, then leaves. Sam turns in his badge and gun, and chases after Callen. Kensi turns in her badge and gun, then leaves] I would if I could. Leon Vance: Yes, you would, Detective. ​Season 2 / Episode 24: - Familia

Nell Jones: I saw this. I um - I know I wasn't supposed to but... it's Hetty's personnel file. Leon Vance: Additional distinguishing features. Nell Jones: I know, it say she has [Vance turns her around moves her closer] Leon Vance: You tell no one! Do you understand, Miss Jones? Nell Jones: Understood. ​Season 2 / Episode 23: - Imposters

G. Callen: Something I can do? Henrietta Lange: No. No. This one's stuck squarely in my lap, I'm afrai. Oh it -it's just all a bunch of bureaucratic nonsense anyway. We must take it all with a grain of salt. G. Callen: I find that it helps if the salt is followed by a shot of tequila and some lime. Henrietta Lange: I like the way you think, Mr. Callen. ​Season 2 / Episode 23: - Imposters

Kensi Blye: Feel free to dazzle me with your detective skills anytime. Marty Deeks: Heh. You couldn't handle my skills. Kensi Blye: Oh? I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Marty Deeks: That's classy. ​Season 2 / Episode 23: - Imposters

Nell Jones: Oh, actually, Detective, Hetty asked if she could speak with you... alone. Kensi Blye: Ooo. Someone's in trouble Marty Deeks: Yeah, right. Sam Hanna: Just remember the distress word. G. Callen: Yeah. If that doesn't work, just feint a seizure. [Callen and Sam leave] Marty Deeks: I'm not in trouble. I'm not in trouble. [Quietly to Kensi] Hey, am I in trouble? ​Season 2 / Episode 23: - Imposters

Marty Deeks: Wow. Heh. I'm uh, I'm flattered - Hetty. Thank you, but I just don't know if this is the right thing for me right now. Well, because I'm a cop. And I think it's more than what I do, it's who I am. Henrietta Lange: I understand. But things do change. And uh, when they do, it pays to be ready. Keep it. In case you ever change your mind. I've signed and dated it, so it's ready when you're ready. [Deeks leaves] What about my segway? ​Season 2 / Episode 23: - Imposters

Sam Hanna: [about a bar] Looks like your kind of place. G. Callen: Looks like a dive. Sam Hanna: Like I said, your kind of place. ​Season 2 / Episode 23: - Imposters

Sam Hanna: [Callen and Sam enter. To Bouncer] Don't get up. Bouncer: [Bouncer stands up and blocks their path] Mr. Fallon's busy and you guys need a warrant. So I suggest you turn around and [Bouncer pokes Sam. Sam gets Bouncer into a arm lock and slams him to the bar. Callen continues on] Sam Hanna: I said "Don't get up." Mr. Fallon: [Callen enters Fallon's room. He's watching videos] Hey! I told you, you need a warrant! G. Callen: We had probable cause, and you need a lawyer. ​Season 2 / Episode 23: - Imposters

Star: A lot of people want a better life for themselves, and dream of being someone they're not. Star sounds a lot better than Sarah Anne Shulman from Tunahannock, Pennsylvania. Marty Deeks: I don't know about that. Sarah Anne sounds pretty to me. Star: Are you two like - together together? Marty Deeks: Is it that obvious? Kensi Blye: No! We're just partners. Marty Deeks: With privilges. Kensi Blye: Oh, *definitely* not! ​Season 2 / Episode 23: - Imposters

Henrietta Lange: You know, it's been a *very* long time since I have heard you laugh, Sam. Hell, life itself can be absurd. But you have to embrace it. If you can't smile now, how can you possibly laugh in the face of death? Sam Hanna: Hetty, why are you telling me this? Henrietta Lange: As a sailor, Sam, you know the importance of a solid anchor. You have your faith, your family, your sense of humor. Mr. Callen doesn't think he needs anyone. He does. He *needs* you. You're his anchor. And I sense there's a storm coming. Sam Hanna: Hetty, you're a lot of things, but psychic is one of them. You want to level with me? Henrietta Lange: I just did. ​Season 2 / Episode 23: - Imposters

Kensi Blye: [Hetty gives Kensi a gift] Oh, that is the coolest thing I've ever seen. Henrietta Lange: I figured you'd like it. Like you it's both feminine and deadly. Therein lies its true value. Kensi Blye: You think I'm feminine and deadly? Henrietta Lange: Among many things. It's what makes you so good at this job. The true challenge is knowing when to stop. Kensi Blye: What do you mean? Henrietta Lange: The job. The importance of what we do, the excitement of doing it. It makes it very difficult to give it up. When the day comes for you to hang up your gun... Kensi Blye: Oh? Henrietta Lange: And it will. You're going to want to come home to something more than a collection of antique weapons. Kensi Blye: Unfortuneately, most of the guys I meet... are trying to shoot me. Henrietta Lange: Not to worry. Sometimes you find them, or sometimes they find you. You just have to keep your eyes open

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