Learning, Teaching and Research Committee MEETING AGENDA
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Learning, Teaching and Research Committee MEETING AGENDA Wednesday 21st March 2018, 16:00, CfEE Conference Room, Thurso Campus ITEM PAPER PRELIMINARIES 1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Minute of the Previous Meeting (06/12/17) LTR318/03 4. Actions / Matters Arising LTR318/04 ITEMS FOR DECISION 5. Director of Learning and Teaching Report LTR318/05 6. Performance Indicator Analysis LTR318/06 ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 7. Risk Register LTR318/07 8. HISA Annual Report LTR318/08 9. HISA Impact Report LTR318/09 10. NHS Meeting update LTR318/10 ITEMS FOR NOTING 11. ERI Spring Newsletter LTR318/11 12. AOCB LTR318/12 Time and Date of Next Meeting: 6th June 2018. LTR318/04 Actions Arising from the Meeting of the Learning, Teaching and Research Committee on Wednesday 6th December 2017 Action Description Responsible Person LTR1217/1 The Principal to contact Pam Garby to set up a meeting with The Principal Ms Mclean to discuss the College working with NHS Highland in the future. 2 LTR0318/5 Board of Management Title: Director of Learning and Teaching Quarterly Report Meeting and date: Learning, Teaching and Research Committee 21st March 2018 Author: Anne Bremner, Director of Learning and Teaching Link to Strategic Plan: Yes Aim 1,2,3,5 &6 Resource implications: Some of the items in this report will involve the use of staffing resources, for example, the work required by college staff to drive forward college enhancement themes (e.g. learner engagement, peer review). Risk assessment: Yes ensure committee are kept informed of key L&T and quality matters. If yes, please specify: Organisational: Governance Equality and Diversity None identified Issues: Status – Confidential / Non Non-confidential Confidential Freedom of Information Yes Can this paper be included in “open” business If a paper should not be included within “open” business, please highlight below the reason. Its disclosure would substantially Its disclosure would substantially prejudice a programme of research ☐ prejudice the effective conduct of public ☐ (S27) affairs (S30) Anne Bremner, Director of Learning & Teaching 19/3/18 LTR0318/5 Its disclosure would substantially Its disclosure would constitute a breach prejudice the commercial interests of ☐ of confidence actionable in court (S36) ☐ any person or organisation (S33) Its disclosure would constitute a breach Other (Please give further details) of the Data Protection Act (S38) ☐ ☐ For how long must the paper be withheld? (Express as either the time which needs to pass or a condition which needs to be met.) Anne Bremner, Director of Learning & Teaching 19/3/18 LTR0318/5 Recommendation(s) There are no proposals contained in this report which is for information and discussion. Purpose of report This report is provided by the Director of Learning & Teaching, as a standing item to LTR committee, to summarise the main L&T and quality matters since the previous LTR meeting, together with any updates on previous items, where relevant. Anne Bremner, Director of Learning & Teaching 19/3/18 LTR0318/5 Report to the Learning, Teaching & Research Committee on 21st March 2018 Director of Learning & Teaching Report 1. Revised SFC College Quality Arrangements and College HMIe An evaluation of the first year of the new arrangements has been carried out and additional guidance for implementation in 2017/18 is awaited from SFC/Education Scotland. Guidance for 2018/19 and beyond will be worked on at a later date by the Quality Steering Group, which has representation from colleges, SFC and Education Scotland. Our college HMIe has changed following a review of responsibilities within Education Scotland. Barbara Nelson, HMIe has taken over from Andrew Brawley HMIe, who will retain a regional perspective as lead HMIE for the UHI region in line with the newly- formed Regional Improvement Collaboratives (RIC), recently set up by the Deputy First Minister and Education Secretary John Swinney. Barbara was previously a depute principal at Angus College, with a specialist interest in pedagogical research, and comes from a background in Business and Administration. She was also an experienced Associate Assessor with Education Scotland prior to taking up her current role as an Inspector of Education. Barbara visited the college on 15th March for the day as part of the handover arrangements. She was keen to find out more about the college and its context and identify how she can support us in the coming year. Provisional dates for visits in May, June, July and September have been set and it is likely that Barbara will wish to attend a Board LTR committee meeting at some point, possibly in June. 2. Student Targets V Actual Update 2017/18 Target Actual (to date) Variance HE UG 401.4 412.5 +11.1 (FTEs) PGT 7.5 18.3 +10.8 PGDE 7 7 0 FE 12555 11523 -1032 (Credits) (12400 core + 155 ESIF) Key:- UG – undergraduate (Scottish and EU) PGT – Post Graduate taught (all categories of student home location) Anne Bremner, Director of Learning & Teaching 19/3/18 LTR0318/5 PGDE - Professional Graduate Diploma in Education The current HE FTEs total is higher than our final outturn in 2016/17 and is now very close to our year end projection of 413 FTEs, which we anticipate that we will exceed. Our target for 2018/19 for UG has been set at 339.8 FTEs. This allows for further growth anticipated in programmes being rolled out in Golf, Film and Creative Writing. For FE, we are still below target, however, a detailed analysis of credits still to materialise for the remainder of the year has been completed. We are hopeful that we will reach target, however a further review will be completed at the end of April once the flexible equine provision has been entered in to the system. At this point it is not anticipated that measures will be required to produce additional activity to meet target. Anne Bremner, Director of Learning & Teaching 19/3/18 LTR0318/5 3. PI Initial Overview The SFC published individual college PIs, regional and sector PIs for 2016/17 at the end of February, much later than originally planned. Our draft 16/17 data was benchmarked in the Education Scotland evaluative report (ER) against the 2015/16 SFC published PI data. Work has begun to benchmark our position against the sector and the UHI region 16/17 published data. 16/17 data in the following categories has been confirmed:- 14/15 15/16 16/17 Varianc e % % % Completed Successful - Full time 73.8 73.1 71.4 -1.7 Completed Successful – Part time 71.9 74.6 68.9 -5.7 Completed Partial Success - Full time 11.2 8.7 7.7 -1.0 Completed Partial Success – Part time 13.8 13.9 13.2 -0.7 Further Withdrawal - Full time 10.2 12.3 15.4 +3.1 Further Withdrawal – Part time 7.1 5.6 9.3 +3.7 Early Withdrawal - Full time 4.8 5.9 5.5 -0.4 Early Withdrawal – Part time 7.2 5.9 8.7 +2.8 A more detailed PI analysis and up to date benchmarking will now be provided to the June LTR meeting. Note for variance column – Green indicates improvement in PI, Red a poorer PI. 4. Regional Curriculum Activity and Strategy Groups A number of NHC staff are currently involved in the development of a Single Policy Environment for FE, led by Diane Rawlinson, Vice Principal FE (UHI). The intention of this project is to reduce duplication of effort, streamline working practice and bring a greater level of consistency to our FE student experience. At present, NHC staff are involved in groups looking at the admissions, student funding, fee waiver, core/essential skills, learner support policies and various work streams looking at harmonising quality assurance and enhancement arrangements. The quality areas being addressed include self-evaluation processes (course and support areas), data Anne Bremner, Director of Learning & Teaching 19/3/18 LTR0318/5 and PI reporting, development of learning and teaching related strategies, evaluation of learning and teaching (peer review), capturing and sharing best practice in L&T and approaches to student engagement, including student surveys. The college and university sector have been set clear expectations to improve their progress in key strategic areas set out by the Scottish Funding Council and Scottish Government. This includes access and inclusion, apprenticeships, employability, Developing the Young Workforce, gender imbalances and improving national attainment. Regional and, where appropriate, college cluster strategy groups, involving NHC staff, have been set up within the UHI partnership to support the achievement of Further Education Regional Outcome Agreement targets in these key areas of ‘intensification’. This includes reducing the disparity in attainment across the UHI colleges and improving the regional performance against national benchmarks, not just in mainstream attainment, but for certain learner groups such as care experienced learners; SIMD 10, increasing the number of students with meaningful and substantial work experience and increasing the number of students with positive destinations. Regional tertiary curriculum working groups are in operation across most subject areas across the UHI partnership, jointly chaired by a UHI Subject Network Leader and member of the FE Senior Curriculum Management Team (SMCT). The groups are charged with ensuring the curriculum remains fit for purpose, identifying gaps/curriculum in need of review. There is also a need to simplify the marketing of tertiary provision across the UHI, particularly at FE level to provide potential students with clear curriculum pathways/progression routes they can follow in pursuit of their chosen careers. 5. Development of New Strategies The college is currently preparing a progress report on the implementation of its Corporate Parenting Plan. An update on progress has also been requested by the Scottish Government Minister for Childcare and Early Years, Maree Todd to enable her to report to the government on national progress in this area.