Page 1 Historical Papers Research Archive, University of The
Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg G U I D E T O T H E A R C H I V E S A N D P A P E R S (Excluding the archives of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa) Copyright: Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand Library PREFACE The University of the Witwatersrand has, as one of its most valuable and prestigious heritage and research assets, the holdings of the priceless Historical Papers collections. Historical Papers is the main humanities archival research resource on campus and is located in the William Cullen Library. It is also the largest non-state archives in Southern Africa and it is uniquely positioned within the South African heritage sector. The archives held in custody for the wider community within Historical Papers are extensive and provide a unique documentary record of South African history and society. The collections housed at Historical Papers include diaries, letters, memoranda, reports, minute-books, press clippings, pamphlets, photographs, drawings, oral interviews, trial transcripts and financial, legal and personal documents. These items are described in the Guide to the Archives and Papers of which this is the twelfth edition. The collections have contributed to many notable publications, television documentaries, school textbooks and academic works. They not only hold value as research tools, teaching aids and as crucial evidence for the intellectual development of theories and models but they contain collective social memory. Consequently, Historical Papers is an accessible hub for human rights research serving civil society as well as scholars. The first three editions of the Guide were arranged alphabetically.
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