LAND WEST OF BISS FARM, WEST ASHTON ROAD, TROWBRIDGE, WILTSHIRE LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT On behalf of PERSIMMON HOMES (WESSEX) September 2017 REF: 17.513 WHLandscape Consultancy Ltd. Sandcliffe House Northgate Street Devizes Wilts SN10 1JT t: 01380 727539 e:
[email protected] APPOINTMENT WHLandscape Consultancy Ltd. (WHLandscape) has been appointed by Persimmon Homes (Wessex) to undertake a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) for the proposed mixed-use development of land west of Biss Farm, West Ashton Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire. WHLandscape has an established track record of appraising development proposals. The Practice has considerable experience in the field of landscape and visual assessment and uses tried and tested techniques developed and recognised by the Landscape Institute, Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, and Natural England. This LVIA has been undertaken by: George Harley BA (Hons) MA CMLI Checked by: Will Harley BSc (Hons) CMLI CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. SCOPE AND ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY 3. LANDSCAPE PLANNING CONTEXT 4. BASELINE LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL STUDY 5. LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL ASSESSMENT 6. MITIGATION STRATEGY 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 8. REFERENCES Illustrative Material FIG. 1 LOCATION PLAN FIG. 2 VERTICAL AERIAL FIG. 3 LANDSCAPE CHARACTER FIG. 4 DESIGNATIONS FIG. 5 TOPOGRAPHY FIG. 6 ZONE OF THEORETICAL VISIBILITY AND VIEWPOINT PLAN FIG. 7 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL ANALYSIS FIG. 8 LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN Appendices APPENDIX 1: DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS APPENDIX 2: VIEWPOINT PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX 3: FULL ZONE OF THEORETICAL VISIBILITY PLAN Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Mixed-Use Development of Land West of Biss Farm, September 2017 West Ashton Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire 1.