BOREHAM MEAD’ LANDSCAPE and VISUAL ASSESSMENT for HPH Commercial Property Rev D: December 2013
PROPOSED HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AT BOREHAM ROAD, WARMINSTER ‘BOREHAM MEAD’ LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL ASSESSMENT for HPH Commercial Property Rev D: December 2013 © The Landmark Practice 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this document may be produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of The Landmark Practice. Landmark Ref: 2561 Boreham LVIA Client: HPH Commercial Property This document was produced under Landmark contract for HPH Commercial Property WRITTEN CHECKED AUTHORISED INITIALS DATE INITIALS DATE INITIALS DATE MS 24.07.13 DDL 26.07.13 RNR 26.07.13 Rev A 06.08.13 CM Minor text amends Rev B 06.08.13 CM Path added Rev C 03.12.13 CM Changed to relate to Hab scheme Rev D 09.12.13 CM Amendment to figure 10 Tel: 0117 923 0455 Fax: 0117 925 3702 HPH Commercial Property Proposed housing development at Boreham Road, Warminster ‘Boreham Mead’ Landscape and Visual Assessment SUMMARY This landscape and visual assessment has been prepared to inform a planning application for a housing development at Boreham Road, (B3134), on the eastern edge of Warminster. The development site occupies approximately 1.2 hectares. The development comprises 35 houses, mostly 2 storey, with associated hard surfaces and landscaping. The landscaping will comprise native screen planting around the northern and eastern perimeter of the site, and hedge and tree planting within the development to break up the built form. The site is located on the east side of Warminster within an area of estate and village housing with a broad range of properties in terms of age and style.
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