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Let’s be blunt. I’ll never forget the scene with Peter Fonda and Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider as they hunker down around a crackling camp fire and begin to speak of things extraterrestrial. “That was a UFO beamin’ back at ya! Me and Eric Heisman was down in Mexico about two weeks ago and we’d seen 40 of ‘em flying in forma- tion. They… they… they’ve got bases all over The government knows all ing a re- the world now, you know. about ‘em’” searcher in the desert in They’ve been coming On the other hand, I’m search of some of the here ever since 1946 the kind of person who strangest and most pecu- when the scientists first likes to coast into a nice liar sites and experiences started bouncing radar motel or resort and partake you are likely ever to par- beams off of the moon. of the grandeur the way take of. It is awfully tempt- And they have been living God and my American Ex- ing to say the hell with it and working among us in press card intended. It’s and set up base camp in vast quantities ever since. easy to spend a bundle be- Continued on Page 3 >

Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-34071 • PayPal: [email protected] Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-3407 • PayPal: [email protected] Timothy Green Beckley, Publisher - [email protected] Free weekly newsletter only on the web at Mailing Address: Global Communications Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Credit Card Telephone Orders: 732-602-3407 PayPal to: [email protected] Contributors: Commander-X, Tim Swartz, Brad Steiger, Diane Tessman, Sean Casteel Staff Artist and Consultant: Carol Ann Rodriguez Typesetting, Graphics, Logos and Ad Design by Wm Kern Engineering Technical Support: Bleu Ocean Promotion/Publicity - Donn Shy [email protected]

Powered By The Sprits Of Loved Ones? Or Your Super Subconscious? Includes Four Amazing InterchangeableQuartz Gem Stones For Enhanced Ability And as a bonus several unique Answer Boards for “Yes” Or “No” Or More Specific Questions/Answers Pendulums have been used for centuries for divination. Our Gem Stone Pendulum is like no other. Its unique de- sign allows color changes in the quarts crystal according to your own personal needs and in conjunction with the positive changes urged in your life. Expected results should begin to appear the very mo- ment you place the Mystic Pendant around your neck. NOTE: This Graphic Want to know what’s about to happen today? Hold it in is for illustration purposes only. between your fingers and ask a question and concentrate Actual Pendant may while you wait for a response. vary from sample shown. Order your own Mystic Gemstone Pendulum with Answer Boards for just $22.00 + 5.00 S/H Inner Light • Box 753 • New Brunswick, NJ 08903

2 Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-3407 • PayPal: [email protected] < Continued from Page 1 Palm Springs and do day trips from there. But if you’re serious and want to really get down with nature and hobnob with the un- seen it’s possible to be WHEN YOU RUN OUT brave and tempt the ele- OF WATER AND ments. THERE IS NO SHADE The first time I ventured AND THE into the Mojave I was awe- TEMPERATURE IS struck. The stars were like OVER 125 DEGREES, a brilliant prism and ap- YOU CAN BEGIN TO peared so close that they HALLUCINATE! reminded me of dazzling Join the ultimate road strings of golf balls. To my trip and help solve the eyes the universe looked riddles of California’s as if it had just exploded. It Mojave Desert and Death was like someone had Valley! taken body paint and smeared it around and • Journey down Charles Manson’s “Hole” said to lead around over the intense to the Hollow Earth! blackness of space. The • Witness the landing of a UFO at Edwards Air Force result being that when I Base, verified by an American Astronaut! peered heavenward I felt • Be petrified by the 12-foot levitating clown and find like I was surrounded – al- some gold, thanks to the teleporting leprechaun! most smothered – by a mul- • Hunt for ghosts in the Death Valley Opera House! titude of splashing colors • Attend Mae West’s first seance! that were both mesmeriz- • Keep your distance from the Albino Bigfoot running ing and awe-inspiring. loose! As a youngster, I lis- • Unravel the puzzle of the lost Viking ships in the tened to the all night desert! broadcasts of radio talk HERE ARE CHILLING show host Long John Nebel TALES of abandoned as he described the incred- mines, mysterious crea- ible tales of the men and tures, deranged killers, women known as UFO haunting, spook lights, who claimed to space ships from faraway have met beings from outer worlds, phantom stage- space. There was George coaches, and many others Adamski, who had a tele- strange tales and urban pathic conversation with legends that will shiver Orthon, and George Van your bones! Tassel, who was told to Contains the complete text of ’s, build a “time machine” of “I Rode In A !” sorts, as well as Orfeo Angelucci and Truman Order DEATH VALLEY - SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE. $20.00 + $5.00 S/H BONUS DVD included! Bethrum. Global Communications Continued on Page 11 > Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 3 Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-3407 • PayPal: [email protected] NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE ONCE YOU HAVE UNLOCKED THE SECRETS OF HOW LOST INDIAN CAN WORK FOR YOU


FACT: Many Native Americans Claim To Have Emerged From A Secret Underground Paradise And Are Acknowledged Masters Of Ancient Magick With Control Over The Four Elements.

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With BONUS CD- Of AUTHENTIC NATIVE CHANTS FOR. . . Prosperity! Good Luck! To Harmonize With The Spirits!

NATIVE AMERICAN AFFIRMATION Make my hands respect the things you have made, my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise, so that I may know the things you have taught my People, the lesson you have hidden in every leaf and rock.

I seek strength not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest enemy, myself. Make me ever ready to come to you, with clean hands and straight eyes, so when life fades as a fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.

DISCOVER THE SECRETS OF THE MEDICINE WHEEL The mystical Native American tribe utilized in this work who are masters of the Medicine Wheel. The Medi- cine Wheel symbolizes the individual journey we each must take to find our own path. Within the Medicine Wheel are the Four Cardinal Directions and the Four Sacred Colors. The Circle represents the Circle of Life and the Center of the Circle, the Eternal Fire. Here is your opportunity to learn the mysteries of the Sacred Pow Wows.

LEARN TO USE NATIVE AMERICAN MAGICAL HERBS How to use Magickal Herbs such as Bearberry Leaf, which is a spiritual smoke used to enhance ones psychic and spiritual abilities, and Papoose Root, used to protect people and places from evil; used by Native Americans to protect children.

NATIVE AMERICAN BIRTH TOTEM According to Native American tradition, everything in life is a circle. They saw that the Sun moves in a circle, from morning to night and then back again to another morning. They saw that, from the waxing and waning of the Moon from full moon to dark moon and back, the Moon too moves in a circle. And through observing the changing of the seasons, they knew that the Earth moves in a circle as well. Native Americans created the Medicine Wheel as an expression of all of these life circles. In fact, everything they experienced in life, every object, every thought, every aspect of being, had its place on the Medicine Wheel. The Wheel showed that everything in life was interconnected and joined together to form one complete whole. And so, the Medicine Wheel itself represented the whole of Creation.

4 Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-3407 • PayPal: [email protected] THE TWELVE MOONS The Native people saw that it took twelve moons (i.e. moon cycles or months) to go through a complete cycle of the seasons (or a complete turn of the Wheel). And so the twelve moons, along with the four seasons, found their places on the Wheel. They believed that each of these moons had its own set of animal, mineral, and plant totems (as well as others), and that each of these totems possessed certain qualities that could be passed onto people depending upon the moon under which they were born. Additionally, they believed that, not only could one possess the traits and qualities of their own birth totems, but that one could also explore and experience the traits of any and all of the totems at various times in her or his life. As one walked one’s way around the Wheel (i.e. went through life), s/he would experience many les- sons and encounter many challenges, and the totems along the way would be there to guide them and to help them grow during these experiences. It should be noted that the characteristics listed for each birth totem are not necessarily the traits that everyone born under that totem possesses. Every person is unique, and each has her or his own unique personality. Each person moves along the Wheel in their own way and at their own speed. Personalities are fluid, and over time they change and evolve. But those born under the same moon tend to share certain broad characteristics. Therefore, the qualities mentioned here are of a general nature, and describe traits that one may possess for a long or short period in their lives, or traits that one may lack and needs to develop at some point during their lifetime.

LEARN YOUR SPECIAL ANIMAL TOTEM Knowing your animal totem gives you a chance to become complete and happy. Your animal totem can help you in all situations in your life. Your animal totem can help you fulfill your dreams. Having an animal totem by your side means you are never alone. Your totem will teach lessons you need to learn to have the life you want. Each of us possesses a symbolic animal - a friendly guide to lead us into our subconscious and help with our spiritual discovery. These animal spirit guides will teach you the lessons of life.

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Also Own This Beautiful Jewelry Become ONE With The Elements Of Earth, Water, Air And Fire WHEN YOU WEAR THIS BEAUTIFUL INDIAN MEDICINE WHEEL PENDANT AND CHARM (Medicine Wheel shown is for illustration purposes only. Actual pendant may vary).

The Medicine Wheel, which is symbolized by a cross within a circle, is a powerful ceremonial tool . The Power of the Four Direc- tions is implied whenever a wheel or circle is drawn. Since tradi- tional Native American cultures view life as a continuous cycle, life mirrors the cycling of the seasons, the daily rising of the sun, Pendant is approx. 1.5” dia. and the phases of the moon. They also hold the view that all things are interrelated. The Medicine Wheel incorporates the Powers of the Four Directions and the interrelatedness of all things.

Ours is a large native paths pendant set in a sterling silver wheel with 8mm stones. Amber (East) Obsidian (West) Pearl (North) Garnet (South)

Order your Indian Medicine Wheel Pendant And Charm for just $89.95 + $5.00 S/H

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“Reveals the existence of physical evidence of alien presence on Earth in the dis- tant past “Identifies and describes the demigods, such as Gilgamesh, descended from these visitors In whose genetic image were we made? From his first book The 12th Planet on, Zecharia Sitchin has asserted that the Bible’s Elohim who said, “Let us fashion The Adam in our image and after our likeness” were the gods of Sumer and Babylon--the Anunnaki who had come to Earth from their planet Nibiru. The Adam, he wrote, was genetically engineered by adding Anunnaki genes to those of an existing hominid, some 300,000 years ago. Then, according to the Bible, intermarriage took place. There were giants upon the Earth who took Adam’s female offspring as wives, giving birth to heroes of renown. With meticulous detail, Sitchin shows that these were the demigods of Sumerian and Babylonian lore, such as the famed Mesopotamian king Gilgamesh as well as the hero of the Deluge, the Babylonian Utnapishtim Are we then, all of us, descendants of demigods? In this crowning oeuvre, Zecharia Sitchin proceeds step-by-step through a mass of ancient writings and artifacts, lead- ing the reader to the stunning Royal Tombs of Ur. He reveals a DNA source that could prove the biblical and Sumerian tales true, providing conclusive physical evidence for past alien presence on Earth and an unprecedented scientific opportunity to track down the Missing Link in humankind’s evolution, unlocking the secrets of longevity and even the ultimate mystery of life and death. Continued > Table of Contents ORDER • Introduction: And It Came to Pass • Alexander’s Quest for Immortality INFORMATION • In the Days before the Flood • In Search of Noah • Sumer: Where Civilization Began THERE WERE GIANTS • When Kingship Was Brought Down from Heaven UPON THE EARTH is over • A Planet Called Nibiru • Of Anunnaki and Igigi 350 pages and includes • A Serf Made to Order • Gods and Other Ancestors nearly 150 illustrations to • Of Patriarchs and Demigods • There Were Giants Upon the Earth prove his points. Ours is the • Immortality: The Grand Illusion • Dawn of the Goddess only authorized hard cover • Glory of Empire, Winds of Doom • Buried in Grandeur edition. • The Goddess Who Never Left You NEED this book in • Postscript: Mankind’s Alien Origins--The Evidence your library! INNER LIGHT • Box 753 • New Brunswick, NJ 08903 $25.00 + $5.00 S/H 6 Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-3407 • PayPal: [email protected] WANT TO LEARN MORE Are We Alone In The Universe?—DVD Narrated By Zecharia Sitchin In a set of 6000-year-old stone tablets, the Sumerians of Mesopotamia vividly describe cataclysmic planetary events which billions of years ago gave our solar sys- tem its current configuration, fashioning our own planet in the process. Sumerian records also mention advanced human cloning technology and the existence of an ad- ditional planet in our solar system referred to as Nibiru, which is currently unknown to modern science, and is the recorded home of our human ancestors, according to these ancient records. Eminent scientists agree that calculations tend to confirm the accuracy of the an- cient Sumerian creation story. Now unmanned U.S. space probes have photographed pyramids and other strange features on the surface of Mars, suggesting this was once the site of an alien space base. Join Zecharia Sitchin, author of Genesis Revisited and The 12th Planet, as we embark upon an exciting new journey into uncharted terri- tory; a provocative reassessment of who we are and where we stand in the Universe. Includes the facts about these amazing discoveries along with a series of spell- binding interviews with researchers and the best known, most credible scientists in the world today. Packed with expert analyses, in-depth commentary, and unforget- table conclusions about these new and emerging discoveries.—$22.00 + $5.00 S/H

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10 Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-3407 • PayPal: [email protected] < Continued from Page 3 the most terrifying ele- niscences, I decided to put And while their contacts ments of humanity to avoid. together a work that would varied somewhat they all I’ve journeyed to and serve as the ultimate road had one thing in common. spent considerable time in trip across this most myste- They transpired in a very Death Valley and driven rious and haunted part of sacred place – the Califor- across the great Mojave America. nia desert. and have always been In her introduction to But there are more than amazed by the stories I the desert Diane Tessman UFOs and Spacemen that have heard along the way. offers starry visions of uni- we can talk about. After years of gathering dentified starships over- There are many vision- anecdotes and amassing head and alien encounters aries to confront. There are both a library of rare books under the watchful eyes of many mysteries to deal and yellowing newspaper monster rock formations. with. Above all else there clippings and correspond- She reminds us there are is the strange and unknown ing with others who were many stories of Coyote to meet head on and even willing to add to my remi- Continued on Page 12>

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Joshua P. Warren is a no-nonsense investigator of the paranormal. In addition to being a frequent guest on the immensely popular Coast to THE CRYSTAL POWER ROD Coast Am program hosted AS A ”WISH MACHINE” nightly by George Noory (oc- Also Known Widely As The COSMIC GENERA- casionally by ), he has consulted for the Discovery, TOR this device is believed to have originated in National Geographic and His- Atlantis and supposedly operates with energy tory Channels, as well as run- generated by the operator’s mind, amplified by ning his own Speaking Of emotions, feelings, desires. Once amplified, these Strange program every Satur- “wishes” can be projected over vast distances to day at 8 PM ( influence others. One of the things that has long caught Josh’s interest is WISH MACHINES – MIND MACHINES the alleged reality of a so- They come in various forms and are known as called Radionics or “Wishing THIS BOOK $22.00 Radionics, Ociloclasts, or Hieronymous Machines, Machines” that can – it is said Detector Rods, Symbolic Machines or, put most — make your every dream come true. And while we con- simply, Black Boxes regardless of their appear- tinue to promote and sell our own Wishing Machine course, after years of experimentation with thousands of ance. people, Warren says he has finally created what he be- SUPER SECRET DOSSIER INCLUDED lieves to be the ultimate Wishing Machine Workbook. WITH YOUR POWER ROD In this workbook he explains how the virtual Wishing Ma- Patricia Reese and Commander X have put to- chine works, and then you will be able to use the brand gether a powerful study guide containing exclu- new, up-to-date virtual Wishing Machine that is included. This is a perfectly-printed design, upon which you write sive information on the many uses of the various your wish. And you can wish for ANYTHING you need! Wish Machines which use ancient techniques This virtual Wishing Machine is a 100% original cre- wrapped with the trappings of electricity and ma- ation, designed by Warren based on a plethora of data chinery of the modern era. This highly controver- and many years of experience with the science of radi- sial field claims to have detected and modulated onics. After reading the manual, you place your wish in the middle of the design. Don’t believe it can work? War- our virtual life force to grant wishes and to heal ren admits he wouldn’t be selling it if most people did the wounded mind and body. not get positive results! Naturally, they are not sanctioned or endorsed After being on Coast to Coast recently discussing by the FDA, the medical community or scientists this manual, Joshua says he has been swamped with re- at large. quests for the book, but being old friends and research SOME CALL IT MODERN VOODOO TECH- associates, Warren has reserved a limited number of copies for our readers. As of now it is not available from NOLOGY any other “outside” source. Here are descriptions for Energy Wheels, If you want a copy of Joshua Warren’s Wishing Ma- Electronic Mind Control Machines, Crystal Power chine Workbook, you can order one now for $22.00 + Rods, Inter-dimensional Medicine, Time Travel, $5.00 S/H and receive a new pamphlet he has decided Dimensional Technology and MUCH MORE. to include. AND PLEASE NOTE! You will want to read his ref- Although we can make no unsubstantiated erence even if you have previously purchased our Per- claims, we are able for the first time to provide sonal Power Rod and Special Study Guide On How To quality Crystal Power Rod/Cosmic Generators for Use The Modern Day Wish Machine. If you haven’t, independent, experimental purposes. our self Power Rod and Guide is available as a serious HOW TO ORDER: kit for just $66.00 + $5.00 S/H Your Crystal Power Rod and Mind Machine Study Guide is sold as a unit for $65.00 + $5.00 S/H and NOTE: Power Rods are created individually and may differ is obtainable only from: from the sample shown here. Approximately 8” length. INCLUDES A PERSONAL POWER ROD AND A SPECIAL STUDY GUIDE SPECIAL: Global Communications • Box 753 Everything New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 advertised on this page for just *This ad does NOT constitute an endorsement by C2C AM or its employees or any of the affiliate stations over which it broadcasts. $85.00 + $5.00 S/H

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According to the Pro- will in fact, if allowed to in- and battles will follow culmi- phetic News Service and fluence ‘public policy,’ nating with the cataclysmic other major Christian me- bring America to total defeat defeat of Satan. dia, the U.S. Military re- in the world arena.” FULL REPORT cently commissioned a This report, released in AVAILABLE HERE! monograph for the U.S. 2008, was endorsed by sev- PLUS . . . NOW YOU Army School of Advanced eral high ranking officers at CAN READ AND HEAR Military Studies as authored the Army School and distrib- EVIDENCE THAT WE ARE by Major Brian L. Stuckert. uted to top level military IN THE LAST DAYS OF This report – in no uncertain personnel, though they ada- BIBLICAL REVELATIONS terms – declares that “those mantly refuse to provide a For believers and non- who believe in ‘Dispensa- list of those it has been believers alike we have put tional Millennialism,’ the lit- passed around to. An accu- together a special END eral return of Jesus Christ to rate definition of “Dispensa- TIMES PACKAGE which con- this Earth to reign on His tional Millennialism” is pro- sists of a full unedited copy throne for 1,000 years, to be vided which includes: A be- of • STRATEGIC IMPLICA- the enemies of America and lief system that believes that TIONS OF AMERICAN totally unsuitable to serve in the world is going to be pu- MILLENNIALISM by Major a leadership capacity. rified through a dramatic Brian Stuckert; U.S. Army “Major Stuckert actually sweeping change . . . Is Includes such intriguing goes further with his ideas,” based on a battle between chapters as Israel, Nuclear states Prophetic News, good and evil in the Book of War and the Last Days, The “when he clearly says that Revelation . . . And contends Holy Land And Armaged- those with these kinds of re- that in the very near future don: U.S. Policy In The ligious beliefs, spawned by Jesus Christ will ‘rapture’ or Middle East, Anti-Christ, a literal interpretation of the remove His church from the Gog, Magog, and Armies Scriptures, are an actual Earth, and that finally a pe- From The East. danger to world peace, and riod of intense tribulation Continued on next page > 18 Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-3407 • PayPal: [email protected] < Continued from Page 18 The author reveals how All items as described the Second Coming may be just $32.00 + $5.00 S/H. + SIGNS AND much like a true life “Star Order your END TIMES SYMBOLS OF THE Wars” with both angelic and PACKAGE from SECOND COMING demonic forces fighting it Global Communications, A Full Length Book + out in the skies above the Box 753 With Bonus Audio CD By Middle East. New Brunswick, NJ Sean Casteel which pro- 08903 vides evidence the End • And finally, a relevant Time is near at hand and DVD titled THE SECOND Want To Learn More? asks the questions: • Will COMING: WHAT TO LOOK Also Available. . . ❑ Jesus Arrive On A cloud Of FOR. A one hour presenta- UFOS PROPHECY AND Glory? • Will He Land In A tion that explains coming THE END OF TIME, book UFO? • Will the Lord Be Sur- events and how there will be by Sean Casteel - $15.00 ❑ rounded By A Host Of An- a time of great cataclysm for THE TRIBULATION gels, or Will He Appear As the world, followed by a DVD : THE WORLD’S A Hologram Seen World- time of great comfort and FUTURE TIME OF wide? peace. TROUBLE -$15.00


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As 2012 draws near, humanity enters a new era, a departure per- haps as profound as the first kindled fire or the first turns of the first wheel or the first spoken word. Right now, new revelations and developments are modifying all areas and all levels of our $21.95 earthly human existence, bringing changes that are far more pro- Cash or Money Order found and dangerous than anyone can imagine! 325 Pages. William Kern • 6460-65 Convoy Court • San Diego, CA 92117-2312 22 Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-3407 • PayPal: [email protected] Bonus Rare Recording Included Only From Us! FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN UFOS FALL FROM THE SKY



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As an unprecedented wave of sightings and land- ings sweep the globe, will the next several years be the landmark time for interplanetary relations to be established? Will America, Russia, China or some ‘indepen- dent” nation be the first to reveal that we are being visited on a regular basis for off-world beings, or possibly from another dimension in a parallel uni- verse? DISCLOSURE! Is it on the way? Or will the “Truth Embargo” prevail? Researchers Tim Beckley, Sean Casteel and John Weigle pull aside the veil of 50 plus years of UFO censorship to discover what is really known about these mysterious aerial visitors. Here are formerly Top Secret reports released under the Freedom of In- formation Acts of the nine nations that have recently come forward with hundreds of sensational UFO reports by a host of reliable witnesses to a phenomenon that has defied explanation. Learn What Each Of Our Former Presidents Knew! Read The History Of UFO Sightings Around The World!

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Your Money Is NOT Backed By Gold. ❑ THE POWER OF NIGHTMARES—Origins Of Islamic Fundamentalism and Neo Conservatives. ❑ KENT HOVIND—THE AGE OF THE EARTH—Are We Older Or Younger Than We Think? ❑ UNCONSTITUTIONAL—There Are Traitors In Our Midst. ❑ WILLIAM COOPER BEHOLD A PALE HORSE ❑ MONTAUCK, PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT, TIME TRAVEL HOW TO ORDER: Best to copy this ad. Check desired titles or list the titles clearly. Pricing $12.00 each up to 5 items. $10.00 each up to 15 items. $8.00 each for 16 or more items. Add $5.00 S/H for any number of items (pertains to this ad only). Send your order to: Global Communications • Box 753 • New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Credit Cards 732 602-3407 • PayPal [email protected] 2525 Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-3407 • PayPal: [email protected] record keeping. gentina. I believe that, all Several years over the world, there is a ago, John Podesta global feeling that some- stated, while on thing big is about to hap- duty for the pen. It’s very solid in Brazil, Clinton adminis- in Mexico, in Chile, and tration, and now other South American coun- for Obama: tries, perhaps because of “I think it’s time the spirituality of the to open the books people. on questions that “All over the world, ex- have remained in cept for a few places where the dark, on the I have been recently, there question of govern- is an increasing feeling that ment investigations UFOs are very real and will of UFOs. It’s time to bring a change in our way find out what the of life. It’s something that’s truth really is that’s out going to have a great impact THE PEOPLE HAVE there. We ought to do it be- on all of us. Of course, the THE RIGHT TO cause it’s right, we ought to government and the church KNOW! do it because the American are measuring this. The Several Countries people, quite frankly, can military is measuring this. Have Recently Put handle the truth and we It’s common knowledge; it Their Best Foot ought to do it because it’s can be felt. Forward In The Arena the law.” “If you go outside and Of UFO Disclosure. A GROWING WORLD- talk to someone in the place But When Will WIDE CONSCIOUSNESS where I live, compared to Other Countries This support for en- the same people you had 10 Follow Suit? lightened public disclo- or 20 years ago, you defi- Major players that the sure seems not so obvious nitely feel a change in the eyes of the world are fol- in the United States, way people think about the lowing include: Russia, Canada or the UK, but is subject.” China, the UK, Canada, more widespread in the Beginning in 2004, Denmark, New Zealand, Latin American nations. For Gevaerd and his group put Australia, Brazil, France our book DISCLOSURE! pressure on the Brazilian and Chile. But is there a Breaking Through The government and military “smoking gun” among all Barrier Of Global UFO Se- for the release of vital UFO the information that has crecy, researcher Sean data without much luck. now been released to the Casteel had the opportu- Then, all of a sudden, the public? For the most part, nity to speak with A.J. embargo gate was lifted even though we currently Gevaerd, the publisher of and there was a steady flow have reams of case studies Brazil’s prestigious UFO of information. and sightings to ponder, it Magazine. “We got back to our would seem that the best “In most of the world,” campaign,” he said, “and information – except in a Gevaerd told Casteel, we started making a lot of few rare cases – is still be- “there is a growing con- noise. By August 2008, fi- ing tightly held under the sciousness about UFOs. It’s nally the government auspices of the Top Secret going on in Brazil and started releasing material. or Classified system of Mexico and Chile and Ar- We first got a few folders 26 Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-3407 • PayPal: [email protected] with a few hundred pages took place in May of 1986. top Brazilian General in from the 1950s, describing Seven jetfighters were which a lot of previously how the Air Force in Brazil scrambled to pursue 21 un-discussed cases are laid dealt with the subject, with spheres, each of them a out on the table. cases and reports and this whopping hundred meters DISCLOSURE is cer- kind of stuff. A few months in diameter. The enormous tainly the most important later, we have material re- objects appeared over UFO book we have pub- leased from the 1960s. Then most of the inhabited loca- lished in years. Within the we understood that the gov- tions in Brazil, forcing the 300 large format pages its ernment would release their Minister of Defense to go editors reveal many previ- secret documents by de- on national television and ously unpublished eyewit- cade.” admit that something had ness testimonies from as- After receiving docu- indeed happened. tronauts, cosmonauts, pi- ments from the 1970s and The Minister acknowl- lots and political officials 80s, the group has accumu- edged that 21 objects were from all over the world. lated about 5,000 pages of seen in the skies of Brazil There are dozens of incred- UFO documents and a few and that the matter was be- ible photos and documents hundred folders, including ing thoroughly investi- never released to the gen- drawings of UFOs that re- gated and a report would eral public but which can sulted from field investiga- be issued within 30 days. now be viewed by the in- tions made by Brazilian Air The report never saw the terested reader. Force officers. light of day. But Gevaerd The book includes a “These are drawings of was able to ascertain that a dynamic bonus DVD with UFOs that have landed,” he report had indeed been two independent research- said, “in full color, including done that was sent to the ers testifying to the true some with occupants out- highest authorities in the nature of this “forbidden” side the spaceships. This is country because he now topic. very hot stuff. Among the has a copy of it, written at Send $20.00 + $5.00 5,000 pages we got, there the beginning of June that S/H for your copy of are some treasures.” fateful year. DISCLOSURE to A file on what Gevaerd In our book DISCLO- Global Communications calls “The Official UFO SURE there is the full text Box 753 Night” is one of those trea- of a very remarkable inter- New Brunswick, NJ sures. The night in question view Gevaerd did with a 08903

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Just recently I received in the mail copies of three new books pub- lished by what is surely the most industrious Fortean publishing com- pany in the world: Tim Green Beckley’s Global Communications. Indeed, it seems to be the case that barely a week goes by (or maybe, even, an hour!) without some new title hitting the stands courtesy of Tim and GC. And amongst those new titles are those aforementioned three that found their way to my letterbox a few days ago. They are: The American Goliah; The Paranormal World of Sherlock Holmes; and Revealing the Bizarre Powers of Harry Houdini.

I’ll begin with The American Goliah. And, no, that’s not a spelling- error: even though the book is a study of everything giant and man-like, “Goliah” - rather than “Goliath” - is the wording used in the original 1869 edition of The American Goliah. Basically, the book is a detailed and fascinating study of a phenom- enon that captivated whole swathes of the U.S. population in the late-1800s, when a gigantic, petrified man was “found” at a certain site in the United States. I include the word “found’ in brackets, because the subject is one of deep notoriety and chicanery, and is a real roller-coaster-ride-type tale that is filled to the brim with claims, counter-claims, hoaxers, yarns, money-makers, P.T. Barnum (no less!), and tales of giants walking the earth. I submitted my own piece for inclusion in the book, as did Scott Corrales. And Tim has done a fine job of presenting a fascinating, entertaining and wonderful old tale to a whole new audience. The American Goliah does not disappoint! $20.00 + $5.00 S/H

Moving on to The Paranormal World of Sherlock Holmes, this is a superb study of the great man himself - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - and his investigations into the world of mediums, life-after-death (a subject very dear to the heart of Sir Arthur), the notorious affair of the photographs of the Cottingley Fairies, ghosts, , seances and a great deal more, too. Accompanied by a very cool selection of images and photographs, this is a fine study of how and why Conan Doyle became so fascinated by the realms of the paranormal and the . $20.00 + $5.00 S/H

And then we have the Houdini book (which, you will be pleased to know, also contains a bonus-CD of Houdini’s last seance), that delves deep into the world of the master-escape-artist - who was highly skeptical of tales from the “other-side” - his friendship with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Houdini’s exposes of fakers and fantasists, and the nature of belief-sys- tems. $25.00 + $5.00 S/H Tim B is to be congratulated for putting into the public domain some old, very-hard-to-find titles that are backed up with new contributions from some well-known names within the field of the paranormal. If you’re even remotely interested in 19th and early-20th Century Forteana, these are all books you definitely cannot afford to miss!

SPECIAL – ALL THREE TITLES REVIEWED BY NICK REDFERN $59.95 + $8.00 S/H (over $80 on Amazon) Global Communications, Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 * and 29 Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-3407 • PayPal: [email protected] CIA AND NAZI COLLABORATION EXPOSED! GERMAN SCIENTISTS UTILIZE TESLA TECHNOLOGY TO CONSTRUCT FLYING SAUCERS Soon after cessation of hostilities closed World War II, hundreds of former Nazi and SS members were se- cretly smugged into America to work on military and space programs. They were employed by nearly ev- ery one of the military-industrial complex companies, developing bombs, missiles, rockets, aircraft and ad- vanced ground vehicles. Many former Nazis went to work for the CIA, and, indeed, actually formed the founda- tion of that agency because they kept accurate records of their enemies (Russia), and the CIA purchased this knowledge and contact infor- mation from them. Both the U.S. and USSR made adequate use of Tesla technologies to create weapons and communications devices previously un- dreamed of, including — if the records are true — aerial disc platforms, or “Flying Saucers.” Intelligence records show that German scien- tists had built and test-flown several different types of flying discs. The complete plans for one type were captured at the BMW auto fac- tory in Prague at the close of the war. FIRE FROM THE SKY exposes how it all happened and the consequences with which we all must live today. It also explains the circum- stances under which UFO researchers and the public have been manipulated into certain belief patterns, including aspects of the abduction phenomenon which uti- lizes a high degree of mind control. EXCLUSIVE BOOK PARTIAL LIST OF CONTENTS: In The AND AUDIO CD SET Begining; USS Thresher and the U-2; Total Rus- sian Defense; Project Paperclip; Operation Sunrise; Project Overcast; German Scientists and Aliens; NICAP; Then Came 1947; Antarc- tica; Admiral Byrd and Operation Highjump; Hitler Escaped!; Polar Defenses; UFOs: Nazi or Alien?; Russian Space Program; Scalar OUR SPECIAL PRICE: Weapons Activated; Rudolph Hess and Secret $25.00 + $5.00 S/H Space Base; Werner Heisenberg; Who Created The Atomic Bomb?; German Submarines in Global Communications the South Atlantic; German Flying Saucers; Box 753 Falklands Islands War; The Kennedy/Nazi New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Connection; Cover and Concealment; Nikola See inside back cover for Tesla: The Forgotten Genius; Nikola Tesla— information on ordering, shipping The Greatest Hacker Of All Time & MORE! and sales tax. 30 Credit Card Hotline: 732-602-3407 • PayPal: [email protected] GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS and INNER LIGHT SUBSCRIBE to the Quarterly CONSPIRACY JOURNAL Next Four Issues Just $5.00 each. Or sign up five friends for just $20.00. Use the order form below to order any Global Communications or Inner Light items. Include address label from this mailing if possible. Make any necessary changes.

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